How to foam fill skid steer tires

How To Foam Fill Tires on a Skid Steer (2022 Guide)

Foam-filling skid steer tires is considered a safe option as doing so gives more durability, traction, and strength to the tires.  To fill foam in the tires, you can either take the DIY approach or get a mechanic to do it for you. 

The better option is to go to a mechanic. But if you want to do it yourself, pay attention to the tire and closely observe till the point foam starts to leak out from the valve stem portion.

How to Foam Fill Tires on a Skid Steer

  • Step 1: Remove the tires from the skid steer and set them aside. You can take out two times at a time or if you have the appropriate support system, take out all four tires at once. It will only allow us to get things done faster. 
  • Step 2: Place the tire on the floor; make sure there is a large piece of wood or cloth underneath the tire. The wood or cloth is for the mess created with the foam filling.  
  • Step 3: Drill three holes in the tire sidewall and remote the stem valve. The holes need to be of the same diameter as the foam filling straw. 
  • Step 4: Inject the foam inside the tire from one of the holes in the sidewall. Remember that you need at least 520 lbs of foam. 
  • Step 5: Keep on filling until the foam starts to come out of the other two holes and the valve stem. Once done, set the tire aside for 24 hours. 
  • Step 6: Come back the next day, clean the mess around the tires and the floor. Fit the tire back onto the skid steer, and you are good to go. 

What Are Foam Filled Skid-steer Tires?

Foam-filled tires are a type of pneumatic tires that were introduced to replace air-filled tires. Because the air-filled tires run the risk of going flat due to a wide gamut of reasons, the foam-filled tires do not go flat. They also provide the same benefits as air tires in terms of traction, performance, and mileage without the part where the tires can get punctured. 

Plus, the foam fill tires will also not lose air pressure. We use foam filled tires on skid steers due to their ability to perform well even in harsh conditions. Skid steers will majorly run on rough roads filled with pebbles, rocks, dirt, etc. 

So, we prevent changing and repairing any damage caused to the tires due to such terrains using foam fill tires. In addition to these benefits, the foam-filled tires are better at maneuvering, and they bring efficiency into the operations, especially in the kind of work done by the skid steers. 

Foam-filled tires give more stability to the skid steer, which is good. But some might argue that they also provide the extra weight, which can lead to mileage issues. Additional vehicle stability offers better control in rough terrains, which is difficult to obtain with air-filled tires. Hence foam-filled tires provide better footing to the vehicle.  

However, the same extra weight on the tires reduces their lifespan relative to the air-filled skid steer tires. Added to this, if the vehicle is working in rough terrains continuously for a longer period with foam fill tires, the speed of tires losing their grooves and tread increases. 

To sum it up, foam fill tires bring extra stability that contributes to the driver’s safety, reducing the tire’s lifespan. 

What Kind Of Foam Do You Use To Fill Tires?

Polyurethane is used to create the foam that takes up space inside the tires. Thus, giving the tire puncture resistance plus more stability along with the weight. Due to the usage of polyurethane, foam fill is also called polyfill. 

How Much Do Foam Filled Tires Weigh?

The weight of foam-filled tires depends on the volume of foam added to the tire, which further depends on the size of the skid steer tire. Two of the most common skid steer tires have the following dimensions;

  • 10×16. 5
  • 12×16.5

Based on these dimensions, the weight of one foam-filled 10×16.5 tire will be 130 pounds. So for four tires, the total weight added to the skid steer is 520 pounds, just for the tires. The same for a 12×16.5 tire will be 205 lbs, and for four tires, the total volume of foam required will be 820 lbs. This is what gives extra stability to the vehicle and makes it a better choice for rough terrains. 

Should I Foam Fill Tires Myself?

The short answer would be no. For one, the skid steer tires are nothing like car tires. These are the big boys we are talking about, and handling them is easier said than. We understand that taking the skid steer to the mechanic is also a task, but going to the mechanic is the safer route. 

Is Foam Bad For Tires?

Foam is not bad for tires per se. Yes, it makes the tires heavier, and it won’t bulge or bend under pressure. In some situations, this can cause some trouble with driving due to gripping issues.  

The only downside to filling foam in the tires is that they are practically junk after they wear out. You cannot use them in other places, at least not easily. Plus, the tires will be heavier than other bald tires, which may be used in other places. 

But performance-wise, foam is not bad for tires. If anything, it improves the tire’s life span as there won’t be any puncture issues. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to fill foam in the tires myself?

Yes, the process is safe. As long as you are following the proper process, things will go smoothly. However, the problem may arise after replacing the tire on the vehicle because we have heard cases when tires went flat right after bringing the vehicle down. 

How much does foam fill costs?

It depends on the tire and the cost of the container, and its capacity. As discussed above, one 10×16.5 tire requires 130 lbs, and one 12×16.5 tire requires 205 lbs of foam. Depending on the volume required (approximately 24. 5 gallons for one 12×16.5 tire), you can calculate the cost. 

Is it legal to fill foam in tires?

Yes, the US FMCSA regulations Section 393.75 mandates that the tire can be filled with materials other than air including silicone and polyurethane. 

How To Foam Fill Skid Steer Tires?

Do you have a skid steer but don’t know how to foam fill the tires? This informational guide is for you!

In this post, we will walk you through the process of how to foam fill skid steer tires. It is a very easy process, and it can help improve the performance of your vehicle. So, let’s get started!

What are skid steer tires?

Skid steer tires are specially designed tires that are used on skid steer loaders. They are usually made from a special type of rubber compound that is designed to resist tearing and wear. Skid steer tires typically have a tread pattern that helps to provide good traction on both soft and hard surfaces.

Why foam fill skid steer?

Adding foam to a skid steer tire can provide a number of benefits. Foam-filled tires are significantly lighter than traditional solid tires, which helps to reduce wear and tear on the skid steer’s components. In addition, foam-filled tires provide better cushioning, making them ideal for use on rough terrain.

They also resist punctures and leaks better than solid tires, reducing downtime and improving productivity. As a result, foam-filled skid steer tires are an excellent choice for those who need a tire that can withstand tough conditions.

How to foam fill skid steer tires?

Here are the steps to take to foam fill skid steer tires.

  • Firstly, you need to remove the skid steer’s existing tires. This can be done by unbolting the wheel from the skid steer. Once the wheel is removed, you will need to deflate the tire completely.
  • Next, you need to place the tire on the floor. This needs to be placed on a material like cloth to catch all the excess foam.
  • The third step is to remove the tire from the wheel. Unmounting a tire can be difficult to do but can be done at home with the proper tools.
  • Now, it’s time to start filling the tire with foam. Pour the foam into the tire slowly and evenly until it reaches the brim. Once the tire is full, you can remount the tire and replace the wheel and bolt it back into place.
  • This process can get pretty messy with all the foam so next you need to clean up any overflow.
  • Finally, you need to inflate the tire to the correct pressure. Once the tire is inflated, you’re all done!

What Are Foam Filled Skid-steer Tires?

Skid-steer loaders are one of the most versatile machines on a job site. They can be used for everything from excavating to lifting and loading. Skid-steer loaders are also known for their compact size, making them ideal for working in tight spaces.

While skid-steer loaders are extremely versatile, their tires are not. Skid-steer tires are designed for a specific purpose: to provide traction and stability on soft or uneven surfaces.

Foam-filled skid-steer tires are a type of tire that is filled with foam instead of air. This makes them much lighter than traditional skid-steer tires, which helps to reduce wear and tear on the machine. In addition, foam-filled skid-steer tires provide better cushioning, making them ideal for use on rough terrain.

Benefits of foam filled skid steer tires

While foam-filled skid-steer tires are not as common as traditional skid-steer tires, they offer a number of advantages.

For example, foam-filled skid-steer tires are significantly lighter than traditional skid-steer tires. This helps to reduce wear and tear on the machine’s components. In addition, foam-filled skid-steer tires provide better cushioning, making them ideal for use on rough terrain.

Another advantage of foam-filled skid-steer tires is that they resist punctures and leaks better than traditional skid-steer tires. This can help to reduce downtime and improve productivity on the job site.

As a result, foam-filled skid-steer tires are an excellent choice for those who need a tire that can withstand tough conditions.

What Kind Of Foam Do You Use To Fill Tires?

There are two main types of foam that can be used to fill tires: polyurethane and polyethylene. Polyurethane foam is the most common type of foam used to fill tires. It is available in a variety of densities, which can be matched to the specific application.

Polyethylene foam is another option for filling tires. It is less common than polyurethane foam, but it has a number of advantages. For example, polyethylene foam is more resistant to punctures and leaks. In addition, it is more resistant to temperature changes.

As a result, polyethylene foam is often used in applications where the tire will be exposed to extreme temperatures.

How Much Does It Cost To Fill A Tire With Foam?

The cost of filling a tire with foam will vary depending on the type and size of the tire. In general, the cost of filling a tire with foam ranges from $20 to $60. The exact cost will depend on the type of foam used, the size of the tire, and the number of tires that need to be filled.

Should I foam fill skid steer tires myself?

No, we don’t recommend doing it yourself. The process can be messy and it’s important to get the tire filled evenly. In addition, you need to make sure the foam is the correct density for the application. For these reasons, we recommend having a professional fill your skid-steer tires with foam.

How Much Do Foam Filled Tires Weigh?

Of course, this question really depends on how large your tires are. For a typical 10×16.5 skid steer tire, you can expect it to weigh about 130 pounds. So, for a full set you can expect them to weigh 520 pounds total.

How Long Do Foam Filled Tires Last?

Foam-filled tires typically last between 500 and 1000 hours. This is significantly longer than traditional skid steer tires, which typically last between 100 and 200 hours. The increased lifespan helps to reduce downtime and improve productivity on the job site.

Is it legal to foam fill skid steer tires?

Yes, it absolutely is. This is in accordance with US FMCSA regulations Section 393.75.


Hopefully now you now know everything there is to know about foam filling skid steer tires. For more tire based learning, check out some of our other guides.

We hope you enjoyed this article and found it informative. If you have any questions then please leave a comment below or get in touch via email or through social media and we will read and respond to every comment, email or question. Thanks for reading!

Inflating the wheels with foam |

Over time, any villager and summer resident gets a lot of various wheeled vehicles that require constant attention and care, including the repair of pneumatic tires and their regular inflation. And it often happens that at the most necessary moment the wheels of turn out to be flat. And as technology ages, this happens more and more often. For example, these troubles began to haunt me constantly, and especially often in winter, in the most severe frost. And that's even worse.

To fill the wheel tire with foam, you first need to drill several holes in the rim with a diameter of 10 mm . ..

Finally, I got tired of it, and I solved the problem radically - I “pumped up” the tire not with air, but with polyurethane foam. I first tried filling the tire with foam through the nipple hole. It turned out, but not entirely successful - in some places, due to traffic jams, air sacs remained unfilled with foam. In addition, a significant part of the foam from the hole of the nipple squeezed back.

But the trouble is the beginning! After trying several different options, I eventually found a way to fill the tire with foam without plugs or air pockets. To do this, I drilled several holes 010 mm around the circumference of the wheel disk in such a way that the tube from the foam can freely enter into them. Before starting to fill the tire with foam, it is necessary to prepare several wooden plugs-pegs (according to the number of drilled holes in the disk), which should fit tightly into these holes and prevent the foam from breaking free.

Insert the canister tube into any of the holes drilled in the disk and start the foam supply.

As soon as the first traces of foam that have reached it appear in the adjacent hole, we stop the supply from the can and immediately plug the first hole of the plugs tightly with a peg. After that, you can start feeding foam into the next hole. Then to the next...

In the same way, you can fill the tires of any other wheeled equipment, such as a garden cart, with foam.

Fill the tire with foam as follows. We insert the tube of the can into any of the holes drilled in the disk and start the flow of foam. As soon as the first traces of the foam that has reached it appear in the adjacent hole, we stop the supply from the can and immediately plug the first hole tightly with a peg. After that, you can start feeding foam into the next hole. Then to the next. The last hole, as a rule, no longer needs to be foamed, and as soon as foam appears from it, you just need to plug it with a peg plug. With this sequence of filling, air sacs usually do not remain.

The process of self-vulcanization of the foam inside the tire - in a closed volume without air access - takes a little longer than under normal conditions. The operation of foam-filled wheels can be started no earlier than in a day. And with a large volume of tires, it is better to wait at least two days.

I have been using this technology for filling tires with foam for more than 10 years, and the first foamed tire is still working properly today, although I use it without any discounts both in winter and in summer. For several years, one of the wheels of my old truck was filled with foam. It no longer made sense to repair this wheel in the traditional way, and after filling it with foam, I drove it for quite some time, however, at low speed and for short distances, mainly in the village. The motorcycle that I use for trips to the forest for mushrooms has been running on foam tires for many years.

Initially, I had doubts about the durability of tires filled with foam, but over the years I have become convinced that without air access, the foam does not break down at all and serves reliably, especially where high speeds are not needed. It is also noteworthy that lugs can be easily fixed on foamed wheels, and using the most common screws with nuts or screws for this. This is especially true when operating equipment in winter for driving on snow-covered roads or off-road.

Author; Vladimir Mikhailovich Legostaev0009

  • Author: Pavel