Don’t let losing or forgetting your ATV key stop you from enjoying your quad. In this article, I’ll show you a few ways to start your ATV or UTV without the key. You can do any of these methods with basic hand tools found in most garages.
Your ignition switch is simply a break in a circuit telling your electrical box when it’s ok to start or not. When there’s no key in the ignition, no power can be sent to the rest of the needed components to start the engine. There are some pretty simple ways to get around this though.
Of course the easiest way is if your machine has a pull start or kick starter on it. A lot of the newer quads being made don’t have this functionality anymore unfortunately. If you do have this option, simply unhook the ignition switch from the cdi or electrical box. That way the engine will start without needing a key inserted, then start the engine.
This method may work without a pull start or kick start if you can push your machine to a good pace and pop it into gear. Your other options are:
This is my preferred method to starting an ATV without the key. Most ignition switches will only have two wires going into it. On wire is sending power in, and the other wire sends power to the electrical box if the key is inserted. Telling the machine that it’s ok to start.
Simply remove the ignition switch from the equation. You can disassemble the switch or just cut the two wires leading to it. Be sure to leave enough slack in the wire just in case you want replace the ignition switch later on.
Now connect the two wires and your electric start should work like always. Remember to connect the wires on the side leading to the engine not the side leading to the ignition.
You have to remember to disconnect the two wires when you’re done riding or you’ll drain the battery dead.
I would recommend you put a simple switch here in place of the ignition, a simple on/off switch will work perfect.
Some of the newer quads have more than two wires coming out of the ignition switch, not to worry. A lot of times there will also be a ground wire or something like that. The two wires you should focus on are red and black. Cut those two wires and tape them together. Make sure you tape together the ends of the wire leading to the engine not to the ignition.
You may also see a black with white stripe and green wire. These two wires are shorted together when the key is in the off position. You will need to open that short by cutting the black with white stripe wire and tapping off the end.
Once the black with white stripe is cut and taped, and the red and black wires and spliced together and taped. You should have power to your quad as if the key was turned on. You can use your normal electric start and everything the way it is.
Remember to disconnect the black and red wires when you’re done to avoid killing the battery.
You could also tape the black with white stripe wire back together to prevent anyone from easily starting the quad.
This doesn’t work on all ATVs, only machines with an electric start option only. Your solenoid should be near your battery and wiring harness. On some quads you have to remove a side panel to access it.
Your solenoid will have two main wires coming out of it and possibly some other smaller ones, we only care about the two big wires. You need to lay a wrench or something metal across the two connectors of the main wires. Then, you should be able to start the quad.
I don’t use this method myself because you have to be real careful the wrench or piece of metal is not touching anything else that could short it out. If you accidentally touch the frame or something when doing this, you could cause damage to your electrical parts of the engine.
Desperate times call for desperate measures, and that’s what this method is. This trick is mostly used by thieves, so if you’re driving around the trails with a screw driver sticking out of the ignition and get stopped by trail enforcement, be ready to get asked some questions.
Basically you just hammer a screwdriver into the ignition and turn it on as if it were the key. The screwdriver will brake the pins in the lock allowing you to turn the ignition on.
I don’t recommend this method because you could damage the ignition and not get the quad to start anyway. And even if you are successful, you’re now riding around with a screwdriver sticking out.
This is obviously the best method in the list. Of course if you forgot your key and you’re already way out on the trail, then there’s no way you can order a part and do the replacement. This is more for someone who lost their key, or broke their ignition trying the screwdriver method.
Here’s a decent Replacement Ignition Switch found on Amazon to help get your search started. If you can find a replacement from the manufacturer for your specific machine, that would be the best route, but probably a lot more expensive.
One thing I want to mention is that it’s always best practice to tape up any wires you cut and exposed. You may have gotten the hotwire job done correctly, but if any of those wires hit the frame and short out you could have bigger problems.
Leave enough slack in the wires to work on them again later on. Try to avoid cutting the wires to the ignition real close to the ignition itself, or somewhere that makes it hard to get to the wires. You may want to work on it later on, like putting in a new ignition switch or on/off switch.
Don’t tell everyone how easy you hot wired your quad and how you did it. Maybe you’ll be safe to do this, but I lean a little more to the cautious side when it comes to my machines.
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James Milford answered
If you have lost the keys to your 4-wheeler and need to start it, there is a method you can use to get it started quickly. Just make sure that the 4-wheeler belongs to you as hot-wiring a vehicle that does not belong to you could result in a long stint in the local jail. There are also other alternatives to getting your 4-wheeler going again if you're not comfortable fooling with electrical wiring.
Simply cut the wires that are attached to the ignition switch first. Then you'll need to find the key hot wire, that wire is most often colored red, and the wire that connects to the coil. Place a three-way pull-apart butt connector on the wire ends and then touch the ignition wire to the three way connection. After you have started the bike make sure to tape up the ignition wire so it does not touch anything else and short out.
To get your 4-wheeler started in a less dramatic way, call your local locksmith. The fees will vary but expect to pay at least $25 for a locksmith to come out to your location and craft a new key for you. It will only take about thirty minutes or so, and as soon as you get your new key immediately go and make a copy of it so you won't be stuck in this situation again.
Another thing you can do to get your 4-wheeler rolling again is to go back to the dealer where you brought the vehicle. Many dealers will be able to get a new key for you for a small fee, and once again, the first thing you should do as soon as you get a new key is to make a copy or two of it so you don't find yourself in this situation again down the road.
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Anonymous answered
There are usually 4 wires to the ignition switch. 2 of them(usually red) start it, and the other 2(usually black or brown) will kill it. Touch two wires together till the neutral light comes on(make sure it is in neutral first). When you see the light come on twist those together and start it. If you hear or see a spark and smoke, those aren't the right wires. Probably the 2 red ones will work depending on what kind of 4wheeler you have
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Anonymous answered
I do not now how to Hotwire a 4 wheeler
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Taani Joest answered
How to hot wire a predator 50 with a picture?
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Anonymous answered
Yeah its easy you need to do is cut the wires on th bottom of the switch find the key hot wire and the wire that energizes the coil place a three way pull apart butt connector on the wire ends then find the ignition wire when you want to start the bike touch it to the three way connection. Make sure you can put the ignition wire up so it wont touch anything
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Anonymous answered
There's nothing hard about it. I hot-wired my friend's banshee today because I wanted to ride and he lost the key. We simply cut all 4 wires to the ignition and wired them all together. The fourwheeler didn't want to start at first because it has been sitting for about 2 years but after a lot of kicks, it started up.
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Anonymous answered
It is to hard a car is a lot easier
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What do they say about POLARIS? Pretty affordable and easy. To what extent is this so? What is the significant difference between these brands, with an insignificant difference in price? Let's try to figure it out together using the example of the top representatives of ATVs for assaulting serious mud areas - BRP CAN-AM OUTLANDER 1000 X-MR and POLARIS 1000 XP Sportsman High Lifter Edition.
Let's look at the price tag, because this is the first thing that attracts the attention of a potential buyer. nine0007
So, Polaris Sportsman XP 1000 High Lifter Edition = 1.405.000 rubles.
Double Can-Am OUTLANDER X MR 1000 = 1.609.000 r.
10% difference in price. And what can you get for this or that amount?
Let's start with the most noticeable elements - appearance.
They meet, as you know, by clothes and first impressions.
Pay attention to how the steering column is made and its plastic design.
If the “Canadian” has a steering wheel with hand protection, smoothly flowing into the elements of the body, then the representative of POLARIS has a bare metal steering shaft with a plastic visor. nine0007
ATVs were also painted with different results. Outlander's body panels are painted in bright glossy colors with a thick layer of varnish.
The POLARIS painting is done in a variant of “minimalism” and simplicity.
The wheelbase of the Polaris High Lifter 1000 is 134 cm and has a single-seat layout. The frame is spatial tubular.
The wheelbase of the Outlander 1000X-MR is an impressive 150cm. After all, this ATV, despite the configuration with one seat, is built on a two-seat elongated frame of the MAX series, which gives it undeniable advantages in terms of cross-country ability and comfort. Due to the small overall dimensions, double ATVs do not have such a disadvantage as a deterioration in geometric cross-country ability. Even vice versa.
Unlike single-seat "short" counterparts, long-wheelbase ATVs allow you to overcome a steeper slope, and in deep puddles they have a higher chance to get out of the mud captivity precisely due to the elongated base. Therefore, a few years ago, almost all athletes participating in trophy raids finally switched to ATVs with an extended base. And in terms of comfort on rough terrain, where a single ATV will mercilessly toss and roll over bumps, a two-seater model will go through the same section much more confidently and with less roll. nine0007
Stability on the trajectory, less tendency to roll over on a slope and in a turn - all these are the advantages of an extended two-seater base, not to mention the main possibility - to put a passenger in the back.
The BRP CAN-AM ATV frame is of SST design, a proprietary development of Canadian engineers. The smooth frame “rail” goes around all the important nodes of the ATV in a ring. It is lighter and more rigid than traditional tubular frames. In addition, it is smooth in the lower part, which does not allow the ATV to “hang” on an obstacle and increases its cross-country ability. nine0007
That is, in this case, we boldly say that in the case of POLARIS 1000 XP Sportsman High Lifter Edition - we get a single short-wheelbase ATV. And the driver, this is noticeable from the side, actually crawls onto the rear axle, since the seat ends right above the rear axle.
Can-Am OUTLANDER X-MR 1000 is a representative of a two-seat family with a full long wheelbase and the ability to replace a quick-release luggage bag with a passenger seat in a few seconds. At the same time, both the driver and the passenger are between the axles and this adds comfort, since depreciation is much better. nine0007
The POLARIS single base “gifts” the driver with plastic footpegs, which are the connecting part between the front and rear wheel arches.
The “Canadian” has powerful aluminum running boards for both driver and passenger. And the passenger aluminum foot pads OUTLANDER X-MR will provide undeniable assistance to the owner in overcoming water and mud barriers - he will be able to rise, resting on them.
In addition, on the OUTLANDER we see installed wheel arch extensions and plastic protective pads on the suspension arms, which cut off dirt from anthers on the front and rear wheel drives. At POLARIS SPORTSMAN, we see only bare levers. nine0007
Let's take a deeper look at the motors of these wild monsters.
American POLARIS offers us an 85 hp 1000cc inline engine.
The motor is located in the frame Sportsman XP 1000 High Lifter Edition longitudinally under the seat.
Its body is clearly visible at the level of the footpegs.
On the Canadian Can-Am Outlander , we see the updated V-twin 89 hp ROTAX -1000R , which is assembled at the Austrian BRP plant. The sides of the motor are covered with plastic casings. An overview of this motor can be read here. nine0007
First of all, it is worth explaining the advantage of the V-configuration as an increase in torque. The fact is that, unlike an in-line motor, a model such as a V-engine has a design in which forces act on the shaft tangentially from both sides. This makes it possible to achieve maximum shaft acceleration, i.e. more acceleration and better dynamics. The second notable advantage is the lower center of gravity. In addition to increasing torque, one can note the compactness of V-type motors and note the greater rigidity of the crankshaft. This allows the engine not only to gain momentum faster, but also to work dynamically even at the limit of its capabilities. nine0007
The V-motor has a number of the listed advantages, but it is also more difficult and expensive to manufacture. Therefore, its price cannot be similar to the price of an in-line motor.
The POLARIS and BRP CAN-AM front suspensions have a similar A-arm design. But the rear suspension they are radically different.
If "American" POLARIS 1000 XP Sportsman High Lifter Edition we see the classic double wishbone independent suspension from behind, then the “Canadian” shows us the legendary development of the BRP engineers, the TTI independent suspension with a minimum number of parts. This suspension maintains perfect directional stability at any speed, regardless of the condition of the track, since its design does not allow the rear wheels to “swing to the sides” and divert the rear from a given trajectory during the movement of the rear wheels.
At video , the work of the TTI rear suspension is clearly visible.
The brakes on the POLARIS 1000 XP Sportsman High Lifter Edition are equipped with a hydraulic disc system on each wheel.
On the Canadian Can-Am OUTLANDER , BRP engineers “unloaded” the rear wheels and reduced unsprung masses - the only common rear axle brake disc is located on the rear drive cardan, which allows absolutely even deceleration of both wheels.
Front wheel drive is wired differently on these ATVs. nine0007
POLARIS XP 1000 in the 4WD mode connects a transfer case on the front axle, distributing equally the torque to both front wheels. Unfortunately, this scheme of operation has a minus - both wheels always rotate at the same angular speed and this leads to poor controllability when maneuvering and a tendency to roll over outward in a turn. Indeed, in such a drive scheme, the wheels always try to go straight!
OUTLANDER X-MR 1000 offers limited slip differential Visco Lok QE . It allows you to transfer the necessary torque to each front wheel, which in no way impairs handling in corners.
Button 4WD can connect the front axle, but the extent to which the front wheels OUTLANDER will take torque through the differential will depend on the needs of each wheel and its grip on the surface.
The power steering system is also implemented differently for both representatives: POLARIS has a built-in permanent power steering, while OUTLANDER has a three-mode dynamic DPS power steering. It has three MIN/ MED/ MAX modes that fully meet all the needs in various conditions: driving on a dirt road in a sporty style, off-road, mud and stones, or driving on tracks. Switching the amplifier modes is carried out at any speed with a button on the steering wheel. nine0007
The classic POLARIS ignition key is nothing like the modern OUTLANDER security pin. Check D.E.S.S. BRP is both an emergency engine shutdown in case of a fall and an anti-theft immobilizer. The second green check included in the kit has a quad speed limit of up to 70 km/h and is designed for beginners and work tasks.
On the dashboard of the POLARIS XP 1000 we see a speedometer with a small LCD window. nine0007
No hand protection.
The Canadian CAN-AM OUTLANDER has a large analog speedometer and tachometer and a large easy-to-read multifunction center LCD in the center.
Strong sporty hand guard with aluminum fittings protects the hands from wind and damage.
The gear lever protrudes neatly like a car under the right hand and moves along the slot.
OUTLANDER heavy duty gas shocks with remote reservoir 9The 0003 FOX† Performance Series 1.5 PODIUM† QS3 is FOX's premium-adjustable and clearly not like conventional POLARIS oil dampers.
FOX shock absorbers not only provide comfort and driving pleasure, perfectly working out all the bumps and maintaining contact with the surface, but also not afraid of jumps and breakdowns.
POLARIS shock absorbers work out their “price”, but nothing more. The simplest thin-tube dampers with oil, without adjustments, they are clearly not ready for aggressive driving and will not be able to perfectly work out the bumps in the track. nine0007
Pay attention to the design of the shift lever on POLARIS - a long “tractor” lever that goes to the steering wheel along the knee.
The WARN 3000 ProVANTAGE 1361 kg front winch on the OUTLANDER BRP CAN-AM also demonstrates the passion of Canadian engineers for equipping their equipment with “premium segment” components from the world's best brands. None of the ATV manufacturers equips their ATVs with winches of this level. nine0007
The manufacturer of the winch mounted on the front of the POLARIS ATV is unknown.
POLARIS fitted with regular black painted 14″ wheels and High Lifter Outlaw II 29.5″ tires.
The OUTLANDER 1000X-MR has curly 14″ milled alloy wheels paired with powerful 30x9x14″ ITP tires.
ITP CRYPTED 30″ The is an excellent mud tire featuring an aggressive tread pattern with large lugs and a durable construction. They are named after the mythical swamp monster Cryptid and designed with every possible innovation to help mud lovers conquer the deepest and most inaccessible places.
Grouser height 1.5" at center increases to 2" at tire edges. Also, the central part of the tread is designed for comfortable movement on hard surfaces. ITP engineers took years of experience and equipped the Cryptid tread with grooves in the center and sides to keep the tire free from mud clogging. The durable rubber compound makes the tire resistant to punctures, cuts and other damage. Made in USA. nine0161
The POLARIS front bumper is made in the form of a steel platform with a transverse pipe and covers only the central part of the ATV from damage.
OUTLANDER has two full-fledged powerful bumpers front and rear, completely protecting both plastic and optics. At the same time, the removal of the radiator on the OUTLANDER hood does not interfere with the installation of additional headlights.
Two POLARIS headlights produce a total of 120 watts of light.
Four OUTLANDER headlights almost double those figures - 230 watts! nine0007
POLARIS is ready to take up to 34 kg of luggage on the rear cargo area. This is due to the simplest shock absorbers and the fact that the rear axle bears part of the rider's weight, since the seat actually rests on the luggage area.
The CAN-AM OUTLANDER rear platform is equipped with LINQ connectors for mounting accessories and saddlebags and supports 90 kg.
When it comes to accessories and equipment, BRP has no equal. An impressive range of original CAN-AM accessories that perfectly complement the look of the ATV is available only from the Canadian manufacturer. nine0007
The same with the equipment – technological and modern equipment and helmets, made in colors in accordance with the proposed ATV models.
What is the result? You are ready to admit with a difference of 10% of the price that buying an ATV with the most primitive shock absorbers, a weaker in-line motor, the absence of an anti-theft immobilizer and safety checks, the absence of a limited-slip differential and switchable power steering, a neatly and ergonomically executed dashboard and gearshift switch, on a single-seat base instead of a two-seater, with a classic tubular frame design and a rear suspension of a morally obsolete design, with headlight power and platform load capacity half that of a competitor, defective bumpers and a winch without marking . .. will it really be the right step? nine0007
Author Stepanov Artyom August 03, 2017
ATV Club
August 25, 2010
Guess, for which the fifth amortizer is? We give a hint: this part works in the suspension ... of the passenger seat ... Yes, ATVs have not yet had a seat with its own suspension. None other than one of the Polaris engineers took a ride on the main truck.
Polaris Sportsman 850 Touring is a continuation of the single-seat model that debuted last year with the same engine. Fundamentally, the “850s” differ from their predecessors in a new frame with an unconventional layout of units, the rejection of the McPherson front suspension in favor of a two-lever scheme, electric power steering and other, no longer so noticeable solutions.
The Touring has been slightly longer to increase stability when riding in two. The passenger seat is not just comfortable, it is like a home sofa. And the reason for this is the suspension strut under it. The words of our photographer, who is by no means a fan of ATVs, are indicative: “I am ready to go far on such an ottoman, and not just not to walk during the filming.” However, when the speed increased and the pits became larger, the passenger first complained that he was swayed like on a ship during a six-point storm, and then began to shout something about catapults. Here's one for you. But after studying the design, it turned out that the suspension strut is equipped with a spring adjustment. We twisted the nut, clamped the spring - and again Polaris carefully and gently drove the “second number”. nine0007
There is a dirt-proof compartment under the front trunk lid
The plastic fuel tank is located at the bottom, towards the front of the ATV. The engine is in the middle, and the variator is generally shifted back. All this is done to lower the center of gravity and excellent weight distribution along the axes. The skepticism expressed by the conservatives during the debut of the model about the location of the gas tank did not materialize. The single-seat version has been on sale for over a year, and no one has yet contacted the service about a leaking fuel tank. Although ... everything can be pierced with reinforcement, and not only durable plastic. nine0007
- Instead of the rear seat, you can install an accessory - a cargo box
- The drain plug located at the bottom of the CVT housing can be unscrewed with a coin
values. It does not respond to a sharp pressure of the gas with a separation of the front wheels, but at the same time it is powerful, like a heroic horse. Safety systems are connected to the engine - EBS engine braking and ADC descent assistance. Air filter is dressed in a standard stocking that protects against dust The standard bottom protection looks very impressive Wheel base for this model, more than a single Brake control is extremely simple. Radiator stands high and protected from branches by front grille mesh Well, the most remarkable device here is the electric power steering with variable characteristics. It not only reduces the force on the steering wheel, it also protects the hands from impacts transmitted from the wheels, working as a damper. So, the new Sportsman 850 Touring is a very comfortable touring ATV. He's like a limousine made on the basis of an SUV, and it's just a pity to see him covered in mud up to the steering wheel. These are not marketing gadgets, but useful and necessary things. Even for experienced pilots on steep descents, a small mistake when using the brakes easily leads to somersaults. It is checked up, and not only on personal experience. nine0007
Under the left hand is the lever of the combined brake, and under the right foot is the foot, which is responsible only for the rear axle brake. The mechanisms themselves are disk. In front they are installed in both hubs, and behind there is only one disk of impressive size on the right axle shaft. Why not two? Yes, because almost all utilitarians have a simple gearbox without a differential in the rear axle, so if one wheel slows down, the second one also slows down.