How to store winter tires without rims

How to correctly store tires?

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How to correctly store tires

As the seasons change, you may need to think about changing your seasonal tires.  Whether you're switching to winter tires or to summer tires, it's important to think about how you store your off-season set.

You may have them changed by a professional or do it in your garage at home. But what do you do after they have been taken off? Knowing how to store tires after removing them from your vehicle is essential. In fact, it’s more important than most people realize.

If you don’t handle and store your tires properly, their characteristics can change. This can shorten their life. They can even deteriorate so badly in storage that they need to be replaced. But if you handle and store them correctly, they will deliver years of service – and you’ll save money.

Follow our easy storage guide and get the most out of your tires:

1. Clean them

Using some detergent, water and a tire brush, clean tires before storing them. This will help remove a season’s worth of road grime and brake. Clean your wheels, too, if you store your tires on them. Make sure they’re completely dry before the next step.

2. No dressing required

This next step requires inaction, rather than action. Tires don’t need any kind of dressing or gloss product applied prior to storage. Tire compounds are formulated to resist ozone cracking and other environmental stressors. Such products can hinder rather than help extend the longevity of your tires.

3. Bag them up

Find a large, airtight plastic bag to fit each tire. Try yard bags or leaf bags. Ensure the bag (and tire) is free of moisture, then remove as much air as possible from the bag (use your vacuum cleaner!) and tape it shut. This airtight environment will reduce evaporation of oils from the rubber compounds. Specific tire storage caddies or tire totes are also available. These make transporting and storing tires easier and help keep them grime and dust free. However, they aren’t air tight. If you want to use them, bag tires as above first, then place them in your tire tote.

4. Avoid the sun

UV rays and the sun’s heat can wreak havoc on rubber. Your tire storage location should keep them out of direct sunlight.

5. Choose your location

In cold weather or in warm, tires should never be stored in the open air, even under a protective covering. Think cool, dry, moderately ventilated – and of course out of the sun. Your basement or another climate-controlled space is ideal. If there is a heat source in the room, the tires must be shielded from it. Most garages, sheds and attics undergo a range of temperatures, precipitation and humidity. You want to avoid these fluctuations.


Avoid chemical exposure

Your number one chemical to avoid: Ozone. It’s particularly damaging to tires. Electric motors that use contact brushes generate ozone. These can include:

  • Generators
  • Compressors
  • Furnaces
  • Switches
  • Sump pumps
  • Central vacuum cleaners

Ensure your storage area contains none of these items. The following should also be avoided:

  • Solvents
  • Fuels
  • Lubricants

7. Protect white rubber

Got whitewalls – or other white parts (like lettering) on your tires? In case you’ve decided not to bag your tires, store them with white areas touching other white areas, and black touching black. Here’s why: The black rubber on the white side is compounded differently than the black rubber on the other side. A layer of non-staining black rubber is used on the tire's white side to prevent oils migrating from the black to the white areas and causing discoloration. The black sidewall uses standard rubber. Therefore, store black-to-black and white-to-white to help keep white rubber bright and avoid marks.

8. Stand, stack, hang?

You have three options for how to store your tires:

  • Stand them upright.
  • Stack them on their sides.
  • Hang them up on hooks or racks.

The best option is standing, as it puts less stress on the tires. If you must stack, try not to stack too high. You want to avoid it tipping and damaging the tires. Tires mounted on rims? Stacking is actually preferable in this case. Another great option for tires on rims is hanging them from tire racks or hooks. Never hang unmounted tires as this can distort and damage them.

Tires will age. But these tips will help extend their life. If you want to make sure that the storing of your tires is in professional hands we would recommend to let them be stored at your tire dealer. And remember: It’s a great idea to get your tires checked by a tire professional before they are mounted onto your vehicle again for another good season of driving.

Product highlights summer tires

Storing Winter Tires - Tips

Having a set of winter tires is one of the smartest decisions any vehicle owner can make, especially if you’re living in Canada during the cold weather months. As a matter of fact, at TIRECRAFT we recommend that once the temperature starts to consistently dip below 7°C you install your winter tires so you are better prepared to deal with less than ideal snowy, icy, and cold conditions. Usually this ends up being from November to March, which begs the question where should your winter tires be stored the rest of the year? We’re here to answer that for you.

Storage Tips

It’s important that your tires be properly stored when they’re not in use in order to make sure they’re ready to go when the temperature drops. Improper storage can result in reduced life for your tires, or end up making them unusable. Here are a few tips for storing your winter tires during the rest of the year:

  • First and foremost, clean your tires before storing them. Letting gunk and grime sit on your tires while they are in storage can cause easily prevented damage.
  • You should store your winter tires in a room that is cool, dry, and dark. Under no circumstances should you store your winter tires outside, even if they are underneath a protective covering.
  • Ensure your storage room does not exceed a normal room temperature. If the storage room has a heat source you should shield your tires from exposure.
  • Make certain that your tires are not in contact with any direct sunlight. This helps to protect the physical properties of the tires.
  • Make certain your tires do not come into contact with solvents, fuels, lubricants chemicals or similar liquids. Your best bet would be to ensure items such as these are not in the storage room.
  • Do not store your tires under external pressure or tension in order to prevent them from cracking.
  • If you can, pick up a set of storage bags for your tires. This will protect them from naturally occurring ozone in the air that can cause your tire rubber to dry out and even crack.
  • Since motors can produce ozone, you should keep your tires away from any motorized devices while they’re stored.

Storing Tires With Rims

If your tires are on rims, your best option may be to hang them from hooks. Conversely, you can pile your tires, but please keep in mind that you should reconfigure the pile approximately every four weeks.

What Not to Do

If your tires are not on rims you should not hang them under any circumstances, nor should you pile them. Tires without rims should be stored on racks off the floor. Much like tires on rims, to keep them in optimal condition your tires should be rotated approximately every four weeks.   

Winter tires are an investment, so it’s important that you take good care of them. That way you will be ready to take on those harsh Canadian winters with the utmost confidence. Stop into your local TIRECRAFT today and we can help you choose the right winter tires for you and your vehicle.



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How to properly store wheels in the garage, with and without rims, rules

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Most motorists have two sets of tires - winter and summer. When using one set, you must store another set of tires somewhere.

Ignoring simple rules, many wonder why the second set becomes unusable. Often this is due to improper storage of tires for the car.

So where and how best to store the wheels? Let's analyze the main points of rubber storage during the waiting season.

Proper storage of tires without rims

Photo: version for wheels without rims in a vertical position from the GarageTech team.

Car tire storage will be fundamentally different depending on the presence or absence of rims on the wheels. Of course, it is better to pack wheels both with and without rims in special covers for tires. In such covers, the tires do not come into contact with any foreign objects, which can preserve the quality of the tires.

It is important to remember that when storing wheels in tire bags, it is worth monitoring the humidity in the room. If the humidity is high, condensation may form in the wheels, causing tire failure.

Tires without discs should only be stored in an upright, standing position. It is absolutely impossible to hang such tires and put them horizontally on top of each other. In such cases, deformation of the tire will occur.

Wheels without rims can be placed in a row on the floor. It is worth noting that with this option, you will have to rotate the tires at least once a month so that they do not deform.

It is more convenient to place the rubber on a special shelf that you can build yourself or entrust to the GarageTech team. Such shelves are fixed at any convenient level. The wheels will always be in the same position and the question of finding additional space will automatically disappear.

How to store wheels on rims

In the photo: fixing wheels on specially equipped hooks from GarazhTek

horizontally on top of each other.

The method of hanging tires is convenient in that you free up the lower tiers of the room and get rid of clutter. But there is a risk of hitting the wheels if they are not fixed against the wall or at a sufficiently high level. It is more convenient to fix the tires on the rims on special hooks that do not allow the tire to sway. Such hooks for tires will be helped by the GarazhTek company.

The horizontal method is convenient in that it allows you to save space on the upper tiers and prevents damage to the wheels from contact with other objects. This method is suitable for rooms with low ceilings, in which it is difficult to install a structure with hooks.

How to treat tires before storage

In the photo: the prepared rubber is sent to storage

Before sending the wheels to storage, it is necessary to prepare them. At the initial stage, you should wash and dry the tires well. Further, if desired, you can mark the wheels so that in the future it will be easier to navigate which wheel is rear, which is right or left.

To keep the rubber in good condition, it is treated with a special spray. They contain oxidation inhibitors that prevent cracking and deformation of the wheels. Aerosol is recommended to cover the surface of tires in 2-3 layers.

At the final stage of rubber preparation, each wheel is placed in a special bag that prevents condensation. Ordinary plastic bags will not fit wheels with rims. In this case, the appearance of condensate and, consequently, rust on the discs is inevitable.

Proper storage of tires in winter

In the photo: tire storage system from GarazhTek

As a rule, in winter it becomes necessary to temporarily get rid of summer tires. The procedure for storing summer tires in winter has its own characteristics. Summer tires have certain properties that help them withstand hot weather. Therefore, it is better to store such wheels in a warm room, where the temperature will not exceed +25 degrees, but will not fall below 0 degrees.

It is unacceptable for rubber to get any substances, chemicals. Summer tires can damage chemical fumes from loosely closed containers. The use of special bags and aerosol treatment of tires will have a positive effect on the quality of the wheels. These simple rules will help extend the life of the wheels.

The wheel storage rule also applies to winter tires.

Where to store the wheels

In the photo: the finished version of the garage equipped with a storage system from GarazhTek

Having answered the question of how to store tires, it is important to decide where the wheels will be placed. The storage room for tires should help extend the life of the rubber.

In such a room, the temperature must be maintained between 0 degrees and +25 degrees. Also, the room must protect the tires from direct sunlight and must be closed, protecting from the weather.

It is important to ensure that the humidity in the room is maintained at an optimal level and that there is enough free space for storage. The room should provide a specially allocated place for storing wheels, which will protect against mechanical damage to rubber.

Garages, sheds or detached buildings are suitable for wheels. Storing the wheels at home, for example, on the balcony is not entirely suitable, because the sun's rays may hit the tires. It is also difficult to find the right free space to place the wheels.

Do not place tires during storage:

  1. Place them in a narrow space, squeeze them.
  2. Push against sharp objects.
  3. Top load.
  4. Keep near heating.

GarazhTek will help you decide on the choice of a room for placing wheels and create all the necessary conditions for storing car tires by equipping a room with a suitable system.

  • How to equip a garage with shelves and racks with your own hands, photos, ideas
  • Typical errors of garage rooms
  • Do-it-yourself garage arrangement inside: expert advice, photos, videos, options

How to properly store tires without rims and on rims, expert opinion and GOST

When switching to summer or winter tires, the same question arises: how to store tires correctly so that you do not have to buy new tires next season? Find out how best to store tires: the rules and the most common mistakes that motorists make.

How to properly store tires without rims and with rims so that they last more than one season?

General rules for storage of tires

Here motorists come to the aid of official regulatory documents of the Russian Federation, namely, GOST R 54266-2010 “Pneumatic tires. Packing, transportation and storage. It provides comprehensive information on how and under what conditions tires should be stored.

Despite the fact that Russian standards are presented in GOST, they practically do not differ from European ones, so owners of tires from well-known European manufacturers can safely be guided by its instructions when deciding on tire storage.

Some excerpts from GOST with comments

Tire storage temperature

p. 6.2. It is possible to store tires with and without rims at any temperatures that are characteristic of central Russia, from - 30 ° С to + 35 ° С. Before starting operation, they must be kept at a positive temperature.

Can rubber be stored outdoors?

It is supplemented by item 6.10. which says that you can store tires in the open air for no more than a month. The information will be very useful for those who decide to store tires, for example, on an open balcony.
And as a continuation of paragraph 6.10. GOST, you should know that ultraviolet rays are the main enemy of rubber. Under their influence, it changes its structure, elasticity decreases, and this can lead to cracking. Therefore, if you plan to store tires on the balcony, then it is better not to leave them in the open sun, but to cover them with some kind of material, preferably waterproof, so you will additionally protect them from snow and rain.

General recommendations for tire storage

See section 6.9. a general recommendation is given for tires of all sizes, which should be taken into account, namely: before leaving the tires to be stored on the balcony or in the garage, they must be washed. And here we are not talking about the aesthetic side of storage! The remaining dirt will accelerate the aging of the rubber. An additional plus - during washing, you will remove small stones stuck between the tread, inspect the tire for deep cuts, hernias and other damage.

What to avoid when storing tires

For those who plan to store their tires in a garage, section 6.1. GOST warns that rubber should be kept away from various chemicals: paints, solvents, etc. All these chemicals, if they get on the tire, can significantly spoil its properties.
Continuing the speech about storage in the premises of clause 6.3. GOST warns that tires should be stored at a distance of at least one meter from heating appliances. Rubber can simply dry out and crack locally prematurely.

Let's take a closer look at how to store tires with and without rims

How to properly store tires without rims?

If you plan to store tires without rims in a garage or on a balcony, then in addition to the general rules, this method has its own nuances, namely: problems may arise during installation, and as a maximum, it will be unusable;

  • is strictly forbidden to hang. If the tire hangs for a long time, then under its own weight it can stretch a little and acquire an elliptical shape. Such deformation will cause poor sealing, rubber may begin to etch air;
  • The best storage position for tires without rims is vertical. Some experts advise turning them from time to time, but there is a lot of controversy on this subject.
  • How to properly store tires on rims?

    Most experts agree that the most reliable and profitable option is to store tires on rims. In this case, the rubber is less susceptible to deformation, the disks will not get scratches from the machines during the annual disassembly / beading procedure, but there are some nuances that should be taken into account: pressure will be created, and it can be deformed from this;

  • hang tires on rims - one of the best storage options, in this case, the entire load will be on the rim;
  • We put
  • in piles: in this case, they are not in danger of deformation, like tires without disks, since they have pressure (preferably no more than 1.5 atm.). Experts recommend stacking 2-4 wheels in piles, but this is not important.
  • Summary: how to physically store tires with and without rims

    Tires can be stored in different ways: without rims or on rims. In the first case, it is better to put them vertically.

    Learn more