How do i put snow chains on tires

How to: Put on Snow Chains and Drive Safely

If you travel to the mountains or snowy areas regularly, sooner or later you’re going to have to use tire chains. Start by getting the right set for your vehicle at your local Les Schwab.

Quick-fit chains are not your grandpa’s tire chains. They are MUCH simpler to put on and take off. Here are a video, step-by-step instructions, and driving safety tips for installing quick-fit tire chains on your vehicle.

Do These Two Things Before You Leave

When you need chains, driving conditions are nasty. Snow is coming down, passing traffic is spraying slush, dirty water is dripping off your wheel wells, the road is slick, and it may be dark. Don’t make this the first time you put on your chains.

  1. Practice installing your new chains once BEFORE you travel. Take advantage of a dry garage or driveway to make sure your winter tire chains are the right size and you’re comfortable putting them on. If needed, the professionals at Les Schwab Tire Centers can help.

  2. Put together a simple winter road trip safety kit with warm gloves, waterproof layers, and other items to make your winter driving more safe and comfortable. In the winter, always carry this emergency kit and tire chains in your vehicle.

When and How to Install Your Tire Chains

Once you’re comfortable installing your chains, you’re ready to hit the snow.

  1. Be Safe. If you’re on the road, pull off as far as possible onto a safe shoulder. Flip on your hazard lights. Put on your waterproof layers, hat, headlamp, and gloves from your winter road trip kit.

  2. Identify the Correct Tires. If your vehicle is front-wheel drive, the chains go on the front. If it’s rear-wheel drive, chains go on the back. If it’s all-wheel drive, please check your owner’s manual. If you’re not sure, you can ask the experts at Les Schwab for help.

  3. Pull Out Chains & Instructions. With your vehicle parked, open the bag and pull out your instructions and your first chain. Each bag comes with two chains. The plastic instruction mat that comes with your chains can be used as a barrier between you and the snow to keep you dry.

  4. Untangle Your Chains. Holding them from the plastic-covered cable, make sure everything is straight and the chains are not looped over one another. Hold up your chains so the yellow end is in your left hand and the blue end is in your right.

    The chains should hang loosely and the metal hooks seen along the yellow and blue sections should be facing away from you so they don’t damage your tires.

  5. Place Chains onto Your Tire and Connect the Cable. Lay your chains on the ground and push them behind the tire, yellow cable end first, from the right side to the left.

    Once the chains are centered behind the wheel, grab both ends and pull them up over the top of the tire. You should feel the chains against your axle.

    This will allow you to easily connect the yellow and blue ends of the cable by slipping one end into the other and pulling them into place.

  6. Connect the Red Hook. Now that the cable is connected on top, look for the red hook directly opposite the cable connection. Connect the red hook on the right to the first available gold link on the left.

  7. Check the Diamond Shape. Push the connected chain over the top of the tire. You should see the diamond shape in the chains against your tire. Between each of those diamonds is the center rail, which should be placed down the middle of the tire tread.

  8. Connect the Red Chain Along the Bottom. Now that the cable is connected on top, look for the red hook directly opposite the cable connection. Connect the red hook on the right to the first available gold link on the left. Push the connected chain over the top of the tire.

    The bottom of the chains includes a red draw chain with bungee on your right, and a chain guide on the left. Pull these out towards yourself.

    Take the long red chain and run it through the chain guide and pull as tight as you can with both hands. Don’t pull using the bungee. As you pull, one of the chain links will find its way into the notch on the red chain guide, locking it into place.

    Using the bungee end of the red chain, pull it through one or both of the red loops and secure it to a gold-side chain opposite the red loops. If you can’t get it through both loops, that’s ok, pull tight through one and attach it to a side chain to the left of the loop.

  9. Repeat on Second Tire. Repeat these steps to install chains on the other side of your vehicle.

  10. Drive Forward Slightly. The next step is to drive forward about 15 feet, or a full car length. This gives the chains a chance to relax and settle on your tires.

  11. Re-tighten Chains. To take up any slack, unhook the rubber end of the red draw chain and pull it tight again. Once it’s tight, guide the red chain through the loops and, again, securely latch the bungee end to the gold-side chain.

  12. The chains should be tight on the tire. And, be sure to stop if you hear them making any contact with your vehicle. If your chains are still loose, unhook the bungee and adjust the red hook straight across from the chain guide. Unhook and reattach to the tightest position on one of the three gold chain links. It’s okay if the extra links are hanging loosely. Now, you’re ready to reattach your bungee.

How to Drive with Snow Chains on Your Tires

While driving with tire chains, listen for a loud sound of slapping, or metal on metal. If you hear any indication that a chain may be broken or hitting your car, STOP as soon as safely possible. Loose or broken chains that flap can wrap around a strut or shock component, causing big damage to your vehicle. To help prevent damage, here are a few tips for driving when you have winter chains installed on your vehicle.

  • Don’t go over 25 miles per hour, or else you can damage the chains or your vehicle
  • Never drive on bare pavement
  • Avoid locking or spinning your wheels by starting or braking suddenly
Removing Snow Chains from Your Tires

Pull over in a safe location and remove the chains. Start by unhooking the bungee and chain from the guide, removing them from the tensioner. Unlatch the red hook, and then undo the blue and yellow cable connection. Once all of your chains are off and lying flat on the ground, pull backward or forward slowly a few feet so you can safely pick them up.

How to Pack and Store Snow Chains

At the end of your trip, lay your chains out in the garage and let them dry. If you pack them wet, they can rust.

Also check them for wear, especially if you’ve driven them on asphalt for any distance. Look for flat spots, and replace the chains if you find some.

Link at left shows flattening from wear. Link in center shows sharp edge from wear that can damage a tire.

We’re Here to Help

Remember, if you don’t use your chains all winter long, you can return them with proof of purchase to any Les Schwab for a full refund in the spring.

Get your next set of Quick-Fit chains, along with a few tips on how to install them, at your local Les Schwab, where doing the right thing matters.

Want more tips on winter road safety? See 19 Winter Driving Resources You Can’t Do Without.

Get More Winter Tips

How to fit Snow Chains on Car Tyres

Are you struggling to put snow chains on your tires? Let us show you how!

Some motorists may not be familiar with them, but tire chains for snowy, icy, or steep roads are common in many mountainous areas, and sometimes obligatory.

Even drivers familiar with snowy or icy conditions sometimes use chains to maintain safe control on mountain roads: it may be the only way to keep yourself moving.

Putting snow chains on your vehicle is not the easiest thing to do, but once you've done it for the first time, the mystery will be gone & you'll be able to bore everybody down the pub with your new-found skill.

  • Buy chains that fit your tires

The chain packaging will state which tires it fits, and don't be afraid to ask for advice in the shop. Never attempt to use chains that are too large or too small, as this could result in dangerous driving and damage to your car.

  • Install your chains & test them on a snowy or slippery road before you really need them.

Pick an open stretch of road, or an empty car park. Take the chains out, and untangle them so that they are hanging free, in a "web" shape.

Place the separated chains by the tires: for a front-wheel-drive vehicle, the chains should go on the front two tires, and for rear-wheel-drive vehicles, on the rear two wheels.

If you don't know if your car is front or rear-wheel drive, look & see which wheels are spinning when your vehicle is stuck in the mud or snow (although it may already be too late for your new chains!).

With the car's parking brake on and the car in gear, simply place the chain over the tire, holding it at the top and letting it fall down evenly over the front of the tire & wheel. Obviously, the bottom of the chain can't cover the part of the tire that's touching the road: just do what you can.

Some chains have rings that go on the inside of the wheel, to help guide the chains into place. For these ring-type chains, be sure the open connection is at the bottom of the wheel.

Once you put these chains on with the ring around the inside of the wheel, you can connect the bottom of the ring. Usually you'll need to grope around under the car by the tire.

Once the first chain is evenly and securely on the three-quarters of the wheel not touching the road, put the other chain on the other tire.

When both chains are on, drive forward less than a meter to expose the part of the tire previously touching the ground. Put the brake on again, and finish securing both chains. Tighten the chains, by using a closer link where they close.

Drive 20-30 meters, then get out and re-tighten the chains, which will have slackened off as they find their place on the tires. Don't be alarmed by the bumpy ride, this is normal. If this is a practice run on a dry road, don't drive too far or fast.

Taking chains off is much easier. Disconnect the inside, but note that you can't then simply pull them off: the tire will still be sitting on them.

Just lay the chains down on the road as flat as possible then drive forward a meter until the tires are off the chains. Put the chains back in a bag, making sure they are not tangled together and that they are as dry as possible.

One reason it's good to practice putting on chains is that no doubt when you need them, the conditions outside will be terrible, snowing hard & blowing a gale.

Don’t wear your expensive ski-gear when putting on chains, unless you want to go up the hill covered in oil. Have some heavy waterproofs in the car, remember you'll be kneeling down in the slush. Try to have a pair of gloves handy, waterproof garden gloves are a good choice.

If none of this appeals to you, take some local advice about the best type of car for the mountains, and buy some good snow tires!

Installing snow chains on loader tires. Ladder type and Honeycomb type

Snow chains are a valuable addition to your forklift. Snow chains are a device to be used in an emergency situation and, therefore, when using them, it is necessary to observe the precautions and the attached rules of use in order to obtain the expected results, as well as to avoid possible problems arising from incorrect use of the chains. nine0003

Anti-skid chains are designed to prevent wheel slippage and increase the passability of the loader when driving on difficult road sections - ice, rolled snow, virgin snow.

Before using snow chains, it is necessary to determine the possibility of their installation on the vehicle. Recommended minimum clearances between the wheel and various parts of the loader required for installation:

Precautions and instruction manual. nine0009

  1. Snow chains are fitted to all tire sizes indicated on the packaging label. Be sure to read the brochure of the operation and maintenance manual of the car, observing all possible restrictions on use.
  2. After purchasing the snow chain, it is recommended to carry out a trial installation in order to check the correctness and feasibility of installation, as well as to obtain the necessary skills when using the device. nine0012
  3. The snow chains must be inspected before each assembly. If the snow chain is damaged or broken, it is strictly forbidden to use the snow chain.
  4. Snow chains should not be used if the wear on the running surface of the chains is more than 1/3 of the original thickness when purchased.
  5. The snow chain must be fitted to the drive wheels and the tires on each axle must be of the same model.
  6. nine0011 After installation, check that no part of the snow chain will be in contact with parts of the truck.
  7. Before driving the front loader, check that the snow chain is fitted correctly.
  8. After driving a short distance (at least 30m), stop and check that the snow chains are well centered and tight. If this is not the case, then they must be tightened again.
  9. The speed of the truck must be suitable for road conditions and not exceed 20 km/h. nine0012
  10. After a long drive, as well as after emergency braking, chain contact with asphalt, concrete (or other similar surfaces), check the installation condition and wear of the device.
  11. Driving in chains on hard surfaces (asphalt, concrete and other similar surfaces) causes rapid wear of the chains and the undercarriage of the loader.
  12. When using snow chains, abrupt start of movement and sudden braking are strictly prohibited. this leads to rapid wear of the chains. nine0012
  13. After use, the snow chains should preferably be washed and dried.
  14. Warranty covers manufacturing defects. The warranty covers only the replacement of the defective kit. The warranty does not cover cases of improper use and abrasion of the links. The manufacturer within 6 months from the date of sale guarantees trouble-free operation under conditions of proper operation.

Installation of snow chains type "Ladder"

Anti-skid chains are mounted on the drive wheels of the loader. Installation of anti-skid chains must be carried out before entering a difficult road section.

For different manufacturers of wheels for loaders with the same wheel marking, the actual dimensions can vary significantly.

To take into account the difference in wheel sizes, an additional jumper (pos. 7) is provided in the anti-skid chains. It is attached with staples to the end links of the tail chain (pos.6). nine0045

The need for an additional jumper is determined during the first installation. If the anti-skid chain hangs freely on the wheel during tension, warps on its side and further tension does not give the chain a snug fit to the wheel, then the additional jumper should be disconnected.

Mounting order:

1st method - without jacking up the loader

1. Carefully straighten the snow chain (chain links must not be twisted). Lay snow chains on the road surface and run the drive wheels over them. The locking hook (pos.2) with the locking ring (pos.3) must be located on the outside of the loader. Secure the loader in a position that prevents spontaneous movement on the road. nine0003

2. Throw the free part of the chain on the wheel. Spread the transverse branches of the chain (pos.4) evenly around the circumference of the wheel.

3. On the inner side of the wheel, hook the locking hook (pos.1) to one of the links of the tail branch (pos.6). Hook hook only on odd tail chain links 1, 3, 5, etc. (for loaders with a small distance between the wheel and other parts).

4. From the outer side of the wheel, thread the locking hook (pos.2) into one of the end links of the tail branch (pos.6) and turn the locking hook towards the locking ring (pos.3). nine0003

5. Insert the locking ring into the groove of the locking hook. If necessary, make an additional tension of the chain (reattach the locking hook and the hook for the following tail links). Longitudinal and transverse branches should grip the tire tightly.

6. After passing a small area, make an additional tension of the chain by hooking the hook (pos.2) on one of the following links of the tail chain.

After the first installation, the extra tail links (not used) must be cut off or tied so that they do not touch the body or other parts of the loader during movement. nine0003

2nd method - with jacking up the loader:
  1. Apply the handbrake to the loader.
  2. Place chocks under the rear wheels.
  3. Jack up the loader with the wheel 25-40 mm above the road.
  4. Put on the device in the same way as the 1st method (starting from point 2).

Removing the tool from the wheel is carried out in the reverse order.

Installation of snow chains type "honeycomb"

Anti-skid chains are mounted on the drive wheels of the loader. It is advisable to install snow chains before entering a difficult road section.

For different manufacturers of wheels for loaders with the same wheel marking, the actual dimensions can vary significantly.

To take into account the difference in wheel sizes, an additional jumper (pos. 5) is provided in the anti-skid chains. nine0003

It is attached with staples to the end links of the tail chain (pos. 4). The need for an additional jumper is determined during the first installation. If the anti-skid chain hangs freely on the wheel during tension, warps on its side and further tension does not give the chain a snug fit to the wheel, then the additional jumper should be disconnected.

Mounting order:

1. Secure the vehicle in a position that prevents spontaneous movement on the road. Put the snow chain on the wheel in such a way that the tensioning rings (pos.6) are on the outer side of the wheel, and the locking hooks (pos.1) and tail links (pos.4) are in the lower part of the wheel. Spread the transverse branches (pos.2) evenly around the circumference of the wheel. nine0003

2. Hook the locking hook (pos.1) on the inner side of the wheel for one of the links of the tail branch (pos.4), or for the ring, i.e. as close as possible to the other half of the snow chain.

3. Hook the locking hook (pos.1) on the outer part of the side of the wheel for one of the links of the tail branch (pos. 4), or for the ring, i.e. as close as possible to the other half of the snow chain.

4. Pass the tensioning chain (pos.7) through all the rings (pos.6), including the ring to which the tensioning chain is attached. nine0003

5. Attach the lanyard (pos. 8) to one of the tension chain links (pos. 7). Hook the lanyard hook (pos.8) to the tension ring (pos.6) from the opposite side. Make a stretch. The tension should be carried out until the snow chains fit snugly against the wheel. If necessary (with a weak chain tension), hook the lanyard over the next link of the chain for tension and re-tension. It is also possible to fasten the lanyard to the side ring for tensioning, and with the hook of the lanyard, alternately hook it to the chain links for tensioning. nine0003

6. After passing a small area, make an additional tension on the chain.

Removing the tool from the wheel is carried out in the reverse order.

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How to install chains on truck wheels (manual)

Category: Interesting news.

The truck tire industry is developing rapidly. Designers improve the rubber compound, improve the tread pattern - and still, in winter it is impossible to do without such an old-fashioned accessory as snow chains . Consider why the driver needs chains and how to install them correctly.

Snow chains are used by on off-road, in ice conditions and to improve the grip of wheels with the road.

Due to the fact that the pattern of the chain protrudes outwards and the contact area of ​​the chains with the road is smaller than that of the wheel, gaps remain between the chain and the tire, the vehicle's flotation is improved, and wheel slip is prevented.

The main purpose for which truck drivers put chains on their wheels is to provide a confident ride on slippery roads and in snowdrifts, increase the stability and controllability of the machine due to better grip.

  • In the mountainous regions of Austria, Italy, Switzerland, Spain and France, as well as in the Scandinavian countries, drivers are required to wear snow chains on their wheels to reduce the risk of an accident.
  • From November 11, 2018, similar restrictions apply in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union: in winter, cars and light commercial vehicles must be equipped with winter tires, and trucks and buses put into circulation on the territory of the EAEU must be equipped with snow chains. nine0012

Experienced drivers always carry chains on their wheels. They rescue not only on the ice, but also help out at the cargo terminal if the snow is falling faster than it is removed by public utilities.

The variety of types allows you to find an option for any task - for certain types of trucks, for example, MAN and Scania, chains can be of different “caliber”, and their pattern is made in the form of “honeycombs”, “ladders”, etc. - depending on the type of road surface.

For heavy trucks and trucks, studded chains are mainly used to ensure tire grip in the most difficult areas. nine0003

How to use chains correctly

In Europe and Scandinavia, road sections where chains must be used are marked with special signs. Not far from dangerous areas - sites for installing chains.

The requirements for installing chains in different countries are different: somewhere it is enough to “arm” only the drive axle, somewhere you need to put chains on all the wheels of the tractor and even on the wheels of the semi-trailer. Before you travel in winter, check the chain requirements for your itinerary. nine0003

Before leaving for flight , it is important to check the condition of chains and store them in special covers or strong plastic bags. Worn out chains break in transit and can shatter headlights and fender liner, damage the fuel tank and cargo, get stuck between the wheels and cause an accident.

The chains must fit the wheel size of your truck. The specifics of its installation, the type of fastening and the degree of tension depend on the type of chain.

Do not accelerate and brake sharply when driving with chains on wheels, exceed the recommended speed: 50 km/h for metal chains and 80 km/h for soft chains (rubber, plastic). As the speed increases, centrifugal force can cause the chains to loosen, causing the chain to vibrate and contact the fender liner.

Immediately after the pavement has been replaced with clean asphalt, the chains must be removed - otherwise they will wear out quickly. After removal, the chain must be cleaned and dried.

How to install chains on wheels: instructions

  • Stop in a free area, where there will be a margin of a couple of meters for the truck to drive back and forth.
  • Check that the chains are in good condition, without damage. Spread them out and place them next to the wheels so that the tie down chain is on the outside of the tire.
  • Prepare easy access to the wheels: raise them with air suspension, remove wheel arch liners if possible
  • Distribute the chain on the wheel, drive slowly back or forth until the chain is three-quarters of its length on the wheel