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Dudko Maria. Keys
So... Tick... So...
The voice of the old grandfather clock from the hallway already met me, but I could not open the door. Well, where are these keys?... Really lost? Only this was not enough, and so the day didn't work out!.. Ah, no, here it is...
The clock struck eight when I stepped on the creaky parquet of the hallway. How I missed the quietness of my apartment! I just wanted to fall apart on a shabby sofa, and lie there until the morning ... But instead, I trudged to the computer. While the old unit, inherited from the dinosaurs, turned on, I made myself coffee. Today you will need more than one mug. Article for the night, and inspiration from gulkin's nose. They also threaten to make layoffs at work. You can not delay, otherwise the dismissal cannot be avoided. And it would not be bad to update the blog, otherwise the last subscribers will soon scatter. Eh…
I worked in the editorial office of a magazine that was in demand in our district, and in the city in general. The editor - Fedot Stepanovich - always put only the best into print.
The best. Yes. It means not me. For some reason, lately my writing has not been impressive at all. Even myself. Honestly, not surprised. It looks like I've lost the spark, like there was nothing to write about. It's funny somehow: I live in a metropolis, where something happens every day, but I look as if into a void. Other people's problems ceased to excite, everyone here is a drop in the ocean. So my news is gray, alien, distant and unnecessary, in general, to no one.
What did I write about? As I then still thought, about the important. About eternal, to some extent. I noticed that the people around were so closed that they seemed to stop seeing each other, let alone feel and understand. Everyone at some point withdraws into himself and loses the key to the door he entered. Locks up the heart. Puts on a mask. Indifferent. And silently walks along the gray stones of the pavement...
I just wanted to be heard. .. I thought I would become the key to the world on this side of the mask. I will help those in need with my word, I will teach people to listen and hear, I will save the world... But it seems that something went wrong. And now... Now I don't even know how to save myself. So in response I get the cry of tearing paper and the famous last warning from the lips of Fedot Stepanych. Last chance. Tomorrow I will not come with a sensation - that's it. Well... It looks like it's time to forget about your reasoning for a while and plunge into the world of human intrigues. Write what will be read. What is expected of me. No not like this. What do you expect from an article in our magazine.
What are the stone jungles talking about these days? What is the wind of change carrying along their paved paths? The most discussed topic was a series of strange deaths, however, as is usually the case. For a long time now, criminals taken into custody have been dying one after another. The most different: from simple pickpockets to almost murderers, adults and still teenagers of fourteen years. Most of them haven't even been sentenced yet. And they all have the same diagnosis - poisoning. What is still a mystery. This happened with some frequency in different parts of the city, but most often in our police department. And, by pure chance, none other than my older brother, officer Yuri Diskarin, worked there.
How I could use his help now... But no. My brother and I don't get along. And they never got along. It just so happened ... Probably, we are just too different. Yurik is secretive, distrustful. He never told me anything, he preferred to do everything himself, and I felt that he did not need me at all. I must have been a little jealous of my brother. He is successful, just the pride of the family, and I grab the last chance to stay at work.
...Grabbing for one last chance to stay at work. Although ... You can try to find out about the high-profile case first hand, so to speak. This, for sure, would interest Fedot Stepanych, but he would have to turn to his brother for help. Yeah ... And once again become a loser in the eyes of a whole family. Hell no! Even for the sake of work, I will not ask for the help of this person!
Well, nothing. I prepared, collected materials, now I will write and saved! I manage myself. If only I could make it in the morning…
The sound took me by surprise. It was a signal that the factory was over, from the old watch in the corridor. The matter is fixable. I got up, went to the clock, opened the lid and reached for the key with a familiar gesture. Only the key was missing. What's the strange thing? In my house, I valued order, but such incidents simply unsettled ... What should I do now, look for this lost key? Looks like I'll have to...
Casting a sad glance at the computer, I began to remember where I could put this old piece of iron. So I have already climbed several shelves, looked into the boxes and ...
What is this? There was an envelope in the dresser. And, if I was ready to see the key to the winding mechanism among the socks, with my absent-mindedness, then there’s no strange message at all. Although, maybe I'm too naive? Oh, I don't like it all...
Naturally, I opened the envelope and immediately recognized Yurik's handwriting.
"I'm not sure I wasn't followed. Check your mail. I never forgot your birthday!
What jokes? I knew that it was necessary to take away the keys from him when he moved in! Wait, there's something on the back...
I scanned the hastily written lines again. The text seemed devoid of meaning and meant nothing to me.
What is he? For henbane, it seems, it’s not the season ... Just in case, I checked the calendar and made sure that my birthday is not today and not even in the coming days. The only thing that made sense was to check your email.
What am I doing with my time? Before my hand could close the text editor, a window popped up asking if I really wanted to do it. Here, even it is mocking...
I actually received one letter in the mail. So, why is Yurik doing this: invading my house with a strange note and tweeting on the Internet at the same time? After all, isn't it easier to call? Of course, I would not jump with delight when something would make our little star descend to mere mortals, but why reinvent the wheel?
So I thought as I sipped my cold coffee while waiting for the text to load. Finally, the following lines loomed before my eyes:
“Hello, Egor.
I know you will be surprised by my letter, but I wouldn't bother you if it wasn't really serious. I wanted to call, but my new phone didn't have your number. My number hasn't changed, if you're interested...
Let's get down to business. We need to talk. But the conversation must be face to face. Come today at nine at the intersection of Pskovskaya and Myasnaya, there, in the courtyard of house 26, I will be waiting for you.
It's about a series of prisoner deaths. Correction, about a series of murders. .. I thought it might interest you, I'll explain everything at the meeting, if, of course, you show up... your guilt. But I ask you to believe me one single time. You are my last key to hope. I expect you to read this letter and come.
Your brother Yuri Diskarin
Everything is more and more wonderful, as the heroine of a famous fairy tale used to say…
I re-read the message several times to make sure that I had really ceased to understand anything. Except, perhaps, for the fact that some kind of mystery lies in this whole affair, and Yurka for me now is the key to all answers. Besides, since he himself calls me to talk, I will not fail to interview the lead investigator ... Unless, of course, this is a stupid attempt at a joke ... But it is unlikely that he would write to me for fun.
And what, now it's raining again, right?.. But he came home! Okay, I’ll figure it out quickly, and I’ll have another six hours for the article . .. I glanced at the clock, belatedly remembering that this was pointless. Another advertising message comes to the phone, helpfully suggesting that I need to go out if I want to be in time for a meeting. Having extinguished the monitor that had just woken up and abruptly grabbed my raincoat, which had not yet dried out after a day's walk, I jumped out into the entrance.
Only at the car I hesitated a little. Isn't it too easy for me to fit in? Just a couple of minutes ago, I was sure that for the sake of my brother I would not lift an eyebrow, and for my own sake I would not mess with him. What did this message do to me?
It filled me with a sense of self-importance. Finally, something depended on me, on me alone! Probably, I was driven by the desire to prove that I was worth something ... But I didn’t want to admit such motives. From this, an incomprehensible annoyance settled in my head, but I stubbornly explained it only by the spent time taken away from writing the article.
Stopping at the appointed place, I looked at my watch. Another full five minutes ... It was possible to leave later, although ... as if it would give me something. Around no one like Yuri.
An unpleasant, vile fog reigned in the street. I hid from him in the car.
The sun has long since set behind the clouds, and the city has lit its fires. Lanterns, not stars. I sometimes thought about how this noisy world lacked stars. Each of them is unique, even though there are billions of them in the darkness of the sky. It's the same with people, isn't it? But we almost purposely forget about that, therefore we hide from condemning burning looks from the depths of the immense.
And just now the thought flashed through my head: how often do I myself think about others? It would seem that constantly ...
I digressed from philosophical reflections to look at the time. Five minutes. There was no one even humanoid in sight, the yard was empty.
Ten... I'm checking my phone, mail. Not a line about being late.
Twenty! No, it's not serious anymore! I shouldn't have come... Nervously dialing a number, preparing a scathing speech. In response, only long beeps are heard. Okay... Let's wait... You never know. He's got a job too... Trying to calm down seems to be working until I remember that damned article never started! Where the hell are these fools?!
"I'm waiting another fifteen minutes and I'm leaving" - I angrily type a message and press "Send" furiously.
Time is running out and the message hasn't even been read! Twenty-five minutes... thirty... Still silence. There is no point in waiting any longer.
To clear my conscience, I call again. A melodious female voice is heard from the handset:
- The device of the called subscriber is turned off or is out of network coverage ... - the lady says, slowly repeating the phrase in English.
- Damn you! .. - hissing irritably, I throw the phone on the next seat. - So... Okay. .. I warned you, I waited... waited longer than promised. Now you can go home with a clear conscience.
As I looked down the road, I was surprised to find myself not so much angry as nervous. It pissed me off even more…
There was less and less time left for work, and I continued to pace the apartment. Usually such a calm creak of the floorboards now mocked my poor hearing with all its might. It was by no means the article that occupied my thoughts, despite the fact that they would not forgive me if I screwed up such material...
Minutes passed slowly. I felt them even without the usual ticking of the clock. OK. I will be frank with myself, because my strength is no more, and then to work! All this is strange! What exactly? That I couldn't get through. Yura does not turn off the phone and diligently monitors its charge, he should always be in touch, should I, as a brother, know about this. Also this line from that note, it is no coincidence that it is the very first . ..
So... don't panic. What the hell is this blockhead in general so businesslike settled in my head?! Anything happens. Everything! Article. Only an article.
By an effort of will, I managed to sit down in front of the monitor and even write a couple of lines before I again plunged into thought. And yet... what could have happened?..
The days raced by like clockwork, but not mine. I never found the key, and I haven’t tried, to be honest, since that evening. They froze, showing half past nine, as if that day had not yet passed. I didn't show up for work the next morning. I don’t believe it myself... how could I put everything on the altar for the sake of a person whom I was mortally envious of, whose disappearance I dreamed of... the one whom I had known all my life and with whom I was still connected invisibly?!..
And the apartment! Oh... if the old me had seen what my temple of comfort had turned into... however, he would have shot himself right away, leaving behind only the gloomy aesthetics of a broken creator. .. All the tables were cluttered with dirty mugs and fast food packages. The entire floor is full of shoe marks. Here and there were meticulously compiled lists of those with whom my brother could communicate, where he could go, who could wish him harm...
But none of that mattered anymore...
“- Yegor Diskarin? - I heard a calm male voice from my phone this morning.
- Yes. I answered nervously.
- The police are bothering you - my heart threatened to break my chest. It must be from stress and lack of sleep ... And in the meantime, in my head: "If only they could find ...".
- Your brother was found today at noon, - a slight pause, as if to realize what was said, - He is dead. The circumstances of death are being investigated. - just as calmly, as if nothing had happened, the man on the other end of the wire continues. - We offer our condolences. Today you should come to the department ... "
Followed by instructions and occasional questions to which I answered things like “yes”, “no” and “understood”. Be afraid of your desires. Found...
I spent the next half day in the same department. Some papers, some formalities, a funeral... And a conversation.
From that conversation I learned something that struck me. Yura was suspect. They said that he killed the prisoners by slipping poison into their food or something like that. There was not much evidence, so they only planned to arrest him, but now the main version of my brother's death is suicide during an attempt to escape from justice. What heresy… But at that moment I could not object anything. Exactly like believing even a single word.
And now I'm back in my home again. Devastated, with only one thought in his head: “he is no more”…
What are words? A set of letters, a set of sounds, nothing more... But some become keys. This key with three heavy teeth will open one of the most terrible doors: the door of despair and pain. Maybe I should have phrased it a little more bluntly? But as? What would it change? There is only one key, no matter how you decorate it, and there is only one door, and you are standing on the threshold. You can't go back. And the castle succumbed. Started...
I look around the apartment with a detached look, slowly falling into a rage.
- Damn! - comes out of the chest. How long have I not uttered this word, - Damn! - I repeat louder, clasping my hands sharply. My whole army of mugs is flying down to the sound of glass. A blanket of scribbled sheets covers them from above.
- Dunce! Brat! Freak! I scream, not remembering myself.
- Look... Look what you've done, you bastard! I lost everything because of you! Inspiration! Work! Dreams! How can I pay my bills now? I've wasted so much time on you, damn it, even the key to the clock... - the silence hurt my ears, so I continued to throw empty phrases, trying to throw out everything that had accumulated inside me. My voice broke, growled and wheezed, turned into hysterical laughter, and I didn’t even understand why I was so angry ... At myself?
Yes… I was jealous of my brother in black! The pride of the family, a great future, office authority, lofty goals, a dream job - everything I wanted to hear about myself, I heard about Yurashi! I remained his little brother, always second, always underestimated. It was an axiom that everything was easy for him. But for some reason it did not occur to me that we were actually brothers. Our conditions were the same. And I seemed to be blind, I did not see what he had to go through. And what did I do when I got tired of being a shadow? Exactly. He erected that very wall, the wall of indifference. I didn't care. And there is one more drop in the ocean. It was not Yura who closed himself off from me, but I from him. And what did it lead to? “He is no more,” and I can’t even say with certainty that I’m not the brother of the killer! And all because I don't know! I don’t know how he lived all these years, I don’t know what was going on in his soul, I don’t know if he called me to stop the rumors in the bud, or to repent of what he had done even a little to his own creature, albeit such a vile one, how I ... And I will probably never know, my key to this secret is forever lost ... What a blockhead I am ... What are all my arguments about feelings, words, stars, but all about the same keys worth now! How could I have changed the world when I myself could not find those vices for which I reproached mankind?! That's why my articles weren't being read.
When changing the world, start with yourself, otherwise everything is empty words. Gray, alien, distant and unnecessary, in general, no one ... Such words will not become keys ... Keys ... I return to them over and over again. Oh, this world is really crazy about them! We have the keys to everything, they are even where we don’t think to find them, because they have entered our lives so deeply that everything now rests on them alone, and we don’t even notice. Yes, and life itself is like a constant picking of locks! But even that is not important. The important thing is that there is no key leading from There. This is what gives meaning to all other keys. No matter how hard I try, I won't start Yurik's time again like the old clock. But who knows from what doors, I would have taken him away, if only I was there ... It's a pity, I realized it too late ...
- I'll never sit down to write again... - I said to myself, almost delirious, barely recognizing my own hoarse voice. After that, I fell asleep and didn’t think about anything anymore.
I spent the next day almost without getting up. Only in the evening I somehow tried to eliminate the consequences of my yesterday's insanity ... But the attempt was nipped in the bud, as soon as the very note that I found among the socks caught my eye ... Surprisingly, all the time while I was busy looking for my brother, I almost did not remember her, as a thing that does not carry any meaning in itself. But there were so many questions connected with it! I re-read it. As expected, nothing new appeared ... And yet ... Why was she needed?
I immersed myself in memories of the day when I lost the key to the clock, which was so silent for the last week… It seems that since that time I have not turned on the computer… How is it, my old man?
The legacy of the ancestors, as expected, grumbled and buzzed at my long absence, but in the end it had mercy and opened my e-mail page for me. Yurik's letter has not disappeared anywhere. I didn't reread it. One thing is a note with unclear text, and another is an invitation to a meeting that was not destined to take place . ..
"Check your mail..." echoed in my ears. The sudden realization made me jump. What if... This strange text on the back is nothing but a username?..
What nonsense... I'm chasing again, I don't know what... Stupid assumption! But my hands are unstoppable...
Hurrying out of my account, I entered the characters into the appropriate box. But you need a password... Password... Another stupid thought... "I never forgot your birthday!" I enter.
Only one digit changed on the monitor, but I didn't believe it. This eternity could not last for one miserable minute.
- It worked… - I said, looking into this luminous box in a frenzy. Another account. And only one letter.
The entire apartment fell into absolute silence as I read what was written here.
“Egor, I knew that you would solve my message! Help out, brother! I need you, we all need you!
For several months now I have been busy with the death of several criminals in custody. These are not just deaths, Yegor, these are murders. I'm sure I got very close to the solution. I have two prime suspects. But there's a problem. Both of them are my work colleagues. And I don't know if any of them acted alone or in concert. In other words, I don't know who in the police force I can trust with regards to this case.
Also, I notice that I am being watched. Apparently, the attacker feels that I got too close, and will soon try to eliminate me. Well, that's what I use to pinpoint the culprit. How? I told one of us about our upcoming meeting. If I guessed right, and he's not a criminal, then you don't have to read this, I'll tell you everything myself. But, if I made a mistake, and you are still reading this, then most likely I am already dead ...
Brother, now only you can solve this case. And only you can I trust him. To this letter I will attach documents in which my evidence is collected, there you will find the details of the plan, all the names, all the evidence. Publish them in your journal, let everyone know, and then the villains will have nowhere to go! I hope for you. I know you won't let me down..."0041
For some reason, my heart skipped a beat. Brother... I won't let you down!
Never say never. For the next few days, I did not let go of the keyboard. I know, I promised myself, for writing, no, no, but the last, last time! For Yurik! This will be my best article...
And it really became the best. Where did I get it from? Just my blog would not be enough for such an important mission. So I had to visit Fedot Stepanovich. I almost begged him on my knees to read my work. But he still read it. Read it and put it on the first page!
A few days later I had to go to our police station again. There, of course, there are again formalities, thanks, apologies ... But they did not interest me. He was arrested. I wanted to talk to him. With a killer. I wanted to look into his eyes. For help in solving the case, I was even allowed to do so.
I was taken to a special room. He sat opposite me and froze with his cold gaze. But there was nothing in the eyes... He was... Empty. However, the first one spoke.
- Because I saw how souls died, - he answered my question before I could ask him, - Every criminal who was brought here did not set foot on this path from a good life. The world has treated them cruelly. It's wild, but for some, crime is still a way to survive. Not for everyone... But I didn't talk to everyone. Do you know why? Because they don't listen, you know? And when I talked to them in this very room, they just wanted to be heard ... And I listened to them, watching how the eyes on the contrary go out, and how hopelessness penetrates into the very heart. They had not yet been sentenced, but they no longer believed that something could be changed. Outcasts of humanity. They could only hide in themselves and wait for the end. Then I gave them the key to freedom. An ampoule with poison, as the end of all torment. You won't understand, must be...
- And now, being in their place, would you like the same? I asked quietly. My interlocutor was silent. And I continued, - Do you know why? Because there is no key from there. As long as you're alive, you can still fix it...
We talked with him for a while, and then I went out into the street. It was already getting dark and the lights were on. The downpour threw fragments of stars right under my feet, and they flared for a moment with earthly human light, breaking on the wet asphalt. I silently walked along the gray stones of the pavement, finally throwing off my indifferent mask. Raindrops on my cheeks from something became salty. His image stood before my eyes. Indifference. The way I saw him once on Bolotnaya Square - not seeing, not hearing, impregnable. The source of human vices. I wanted to run away from him, and I even ran, as if it could help. God! Who would have known that it hurts so much to open your heart to the world! The dialogue with the murderer still sounded in his thoughts, and his brother's voice echoed in his soul. But, if you were already hiding from all this behind a wall of indifference, then only after going through this pain you can go back, again know the truth. Insults, murders, wars... How many more lives will be shed before each of us conquers this evil in ourselves? The hearts of the people are closed and the key is lost. But what can I do?..
I thought about it already at the entrance, slowly going up the stairs. Perhaps... No, but I promised myself... And yet...
Keys. I could turn words into keys. I could write again. Opening people's hearts and helping to cope with pain. No, I'm not going back to the editorial office. No articles. I will write a book. I can't shut up now. "It's decided!" I thought as I opened the door. But first…
Slowly, slowly, I picked up the key from the floor. He opened the glass door. Inserted into the well. And turned. The voice of the old grandfather clock in the hallway greeted me again. He said, fix it ...
Tick... Tick... Tick. ..
Sheen's ex-wife, Hollywood star Denise Richards, sued her ex-wife.
Hollywood "bad boy" Charlie Sheen these days is again on the front pages of American tabloids. And again on a scandalous occasion. Before the artist's fans had time to digest the news that he had HIV, Charlie again threw the topic for high-profile headlines. Sheen's ex-wife, Hollywood star Denise Richards, filed a lawsuit against her ex-husband. The actress claims that Charlie threw them and their daughters out of the house he bought for them. And he demands that the abandoned husband put $ 7 million into the trust account of their daughters, 11-year-old Sam and 10-year-old Lola, or buy them a house for this amount. Now Denise and her daughters huddle in a rented mansion. However, these are far from the only accusations Richards has made against her ex-husband. At the disposal of the American portal Radaronline. com were court documents that shed light on the difficult relationship of the former spouses. The first hearing in the case is scheduled for February 22.
Denise Richards gave birth to Sheen's two daughters, 11-year-old Sam and 10-year-old Lola Roiz.
On January 12, Richards' attorneys submitted 161 pages of the actress' revelations about her ex-husband's indecency to a Los Angeles court. In 2011, Shin bought a luxurious mansion for his ex-wife and daughters next door to his own house in the commune of Mulholland Estates and persistently persuaded Denise to move into it in order to be closer to the children. The actor also promised to give 55 thousand dollars a month for alimony. Richards was adamant, because lately Charlie's life consisted of three things: promiscuous sex with prostitutes and porn actresses, drugs and horse doses of alcohol. Denise did not want her daughters to see all this, and refused to move. The actress was not even attracted by the six bedrooms, nine bathrooms, a swimming pool and a wood-burning pizza oven, which were available in a mansion worth 6. 9million dollars.
Around the same time, Shin was diagnosed with HIV and, oddly enough, this proved to be the clincher for the move. Charlie told his ex-wife that he must have only a few years left to live, and he would like to improve relations with his daughters during this time. He promised to reform and lead a decent life. He also promised that the house he bought would forever remain the property of Richards and his daughters.
Charlie Sheen is the star of the films Hot Shots, The Three Musketeers, Platoon, Scary Movie, Wall Street and the series Two and a Half Men.
However, after Richards and the girls moved into the house, Charlie went crazy. Stormy parties, incessant sex orgies, cocaine and alcohol without restrictions did their job: Shin began to show aggression not only towards his ex-wife, but also towards his daughters. Since 2013, Shin has repeatedly threatened the family with violence, according to court documents. As Charlie became more and more out of control, Denise saw that communication with her father upset her daughters. The former spouses began to quarrel, and one day Richards received a text message: "I'll get to you, live in fear, you piece of shit."
Then Denise suggested that Sam and Lola write letters to dad explaining why they are upset by dad's behavior. When Shin read the letters from his daughters, his rage knew no bounds.
- When I went into Lola's room during her telephone conversation with her father, I heard Charlie shouting to her daughter on the phone: "Damn prostitute, I will come and kill you and your mother." Lola was nine years old at the time,” Deniz says in court papers. I told Lola to hang up the phone, she was visibly shocked and upset. Then Shin called back again and threatened to kill us all. He shouted, "How dare you let them write those letters!" Then he promised that he would come to our house with a baseball bat. I called his security guards and said that if they let him get close to our house, I would call the police. After this incident, I hired bodyguards for myself and my daughters.
Picture taken in March 2015, Sam's last birthday. In a few months, Denise and her daughters will move into a rented house. Photo: Instagram.
Charlie sent terrible messages to the girls, such as "Have a good Christmas with your loser mother... Your father is a brilliant rock star... And your mother is a pain in the ass..."
Denise limited her daughters' contact with Sheen. At the same time, he changed one porn star girlfriend for another, and each of them also tried to sort things out with Richards. Charlie has been bombarding Denise with social media posts claiming she is "the worst mom ever". By the way, when in 2012 another ex-wife of Sheen, model Brooke Muller, once again thundered into a rehabilitation center due to a drug overdose, it was Richards who took charge of Charlie's younger children - the twins that Brooke gave birth to him. In total, Mueller went to the drug clinic 19once, and just the other day I got into a rehabilitation center for the 20th time.
In June 2015, Denise decided to move away from Charlie, but faced an unexpected problem: her daughters were not wanted to go to school.
“I've sent inquiries to ten private schools, but I've gotten a response from everywhere that they can't take responsibility for Lola and Sam because of Charlie Sheen's behavior,” says Richards. – In September 2015, I signed a six-month lease and moved into a hastily furnished house next to the school, which did not refuse us. Since then, we have been extending the lease month after month. Before I liberated Shin's house, his men broke in and changed the locks, and took away my jewelry and some of my children's clothes.
Read also: If a husband is pestered by an ex-wife
Despite the partying, Charlie was interested in the affairs of girls - for example, he came to school sports matches. Photo: EAST NEWS.
In 2013, Richards' income was $500,000, while Charlie was making $16 million a year. In 2014, Denise demanded that Sheen increase the content of her daughters and pay 90 thousand dollars a month. Before filing a lawsuit in January of this year, the actress's lawyers tried to negotiate amicably with Charlie, but he dismissed all the claims of the ex-wife.
In press comments, Sheen's lawyers called 44-year-old Denise's lawsuit a "pathetic attempt to squeeze more money." Representatives of the actor claim that Charlie always fulfilled his financial obligations and gave enough money to his daughters, paid for their expenses and education.
Denise is 44 years old, she still acts in serials and films. Photo: EAST NEWS.
Recall that on November 18 last year, 50-year-old Charlie Sheen made a shocking confession live on the Today NBC program: the artist announced that he was HIV-positive. The star of the films “Hot Shots”, “The Three Musketeers”, “Platoon”, “Scary Movie”, “Wall Street” and the series “Two and a Half Men” found out about his illness four years ago.
Charlie Sheen was married three times: to actresses Donna Peel, Denise Richards and Brooke Muller. He is the father of five children. The beautiful Denise Richards (the star of the films "Wildness", "Valentine's Day" and the girl of James Bond in the film "The World Is Not Enough") gave birth to two daughters - 11-year-old Sam and 10-year-old Lola Roiz. The artist's third wife, Brooke Muller, gave birth to twins, 6-year-old Bob and Max. Since March 2011, he has been living with pornographic actress Bree Olson and model-graphic designer Natalie Kenley. Olson left Sheen in April 2011 and Kenley left in June of that year.
Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards were a beautiful couple.
In December 2012, twins Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller were taken into custody by the actor's ex-wife Denise Richards. The reason was that after another drug overdose, Brooke was sent to a rehabilitation center for an indefinite period. The famous reveler himself was not ready to take responsibility for raising offspring - at that time he drank heavily and hung out with porn actresses. Brooke Mueller has also been arrested multiple times for drug possession.
The actor's two wives - Denise Richards and Brooke Muller with his children.
Despite his wild lifestyle, in 2011 Charlie Sheen entered the Guinness Book of World Records with the record for "highest income per episode for a television actor" of $1.25 million for each episode of the sitcom Two and a Half person." True, later Warner Brothers suspended actor Charlie Sheen from filming the series due to drug abuse and illegal drugs. Ashton Kutcher replaced him on the sitcom. The health of the actor has long been of concern to his loved ones and especially his famous father, actor Martin Sheen.
- Charlie coughs a lot and doesn't seem to care about his condition. He thinks that he is invulnerable, that he will take drugs, and she will not harm him, - the actor's friends say.
In 2011, Sheen was hospitalized with stomach pains after a party at his home in Los Angeles. According to the version voiced then by the actor's press agent, an old hernia was laid on Charlie's hospital bed. However, it was suspected that the actor was "knocked down" by a horse dose of drugs: before he was taken away by ambulance, Charlie spent two nights in a row with five porn stars.
The artist, of course, did not warn his partners about his diagnosis. Photo: social networks.
The Radaronline.com portal reported that in just six months the actor spent half a million dollars on girls and drugs. He sniffs coke, eats ecstasy, which he also mixes with methamphetamines. Parties at the actor's house are often attended by porn stars, one of whom Charlie even asked to sit with his children.
“He said he needed a babysitter and asked if I could be one,” adult film actress Casey Jordan said.
Upon learning of this, an angry Denise Richards tweeted that she would not allow "any pornstars to babysit her kids."
“I think over the past few years he has slept with 50 girls who act in porn,” one of Sheen's partners, a porn actress, opened up to the press. - I'm worried about them.
According to the girl, the infected actor was also fond of men and had relationships with transsexuals.
In 2011, Denise Richards adopted a newborn girl, whom she named Eloise Joni Richards. Denise brings up three daughters alone: the actress never got married again. Photo: EAST NEWS.
Charlie Sheen's personal life is full of ups and downs, the latter, unfortunately, for the Hollywood actor was still more. In one of the interviews, Charlie talks about the fact that he had about 700 partners, later he announced about five thousand! To believe it or not is the tenth thing, because he won the glory of the inveterate womanizer of Hollywood for a long time and for a long time..
I never counted how many women I had. But if you want me to give at least an approximate figure, then I slept somewhere with five thousand.
It is this quote that best characterizes the love affairs of a famous actor. Charlie is one of the most scandalous Hollywood stars - in his life he managed to try, probably, all the vices of humanity: alcohol, drugs, prostitutes, porn stars and even same-sex relationships. Shin, of course, did not expand on all the connections, but the details of many of them surfaced in the press and the network.
In 1995, actress Donna Peel and Charlie tied the knot, but less than a year and a half later, the couple filed for divorce with a scandal. The first wife was unable to endure the loving nature of her husband. Shin himself admitted that he lacked freedom, he was suffocating in marriage and did not understand at all why he got married. As a result, the actors divorced, and the Hollywood heartthrob, with a clear conscience, embarked on an adventure again.
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Six years of sexual freedom and emancipation have passed since the divorce from his ex-wife, and Shin again attempts to test himself as an exemplary family man. This time, his choice falls on actress Denise Richards, who gives birth to Charlie's two daughters - Lola and Sammy. Throughout the marriage, the actor continues his obscene antics and love affairs, his name often appears in the press, and scandals around him flare up one by one.
Deniz can't stand this life and in 2006 files for divorce. The actress accuses her husband of being addicted to drugs, prostitutes and child pornography, to which the womanizer responds with multiple insults and slinging mud, which instantly gets into the media. Despite the terrible breakup, Richards will keep a secret about her ex-husband's HIV status for many years to come. Charlie Sheen contracted it some time after the end of their divorce proceedings.
Actress Brooke Mueller fell into the marriage network of a Hollywood womanizer in 2008. Probably, the reason for this was joint hobbies - Brooke, like the scandalous actor, led a wild life, loved to drink and dabbled in drugs. Almost every week, the couple gave rise to the yellow press for new scandals, flaunting on the covers of magazines in alcohol and drug intoxication. It is not surprising that the newlyweds soon become clients of a drug treatment clinic.
Six months after going through rehabilitation, a married couple was detained at a ski resort in Aspen - Charlie threatened his wife with a knife and stated that he would stab her if she continued to complain about his unbearable character and talk about a divorce. A similar trick of the actor returns him to a rehabilitation center, after visiting which the couple gets divorced. After Brooke Muller learns about the actor's illness and also discovers that he has HIV.
After breaking up with his third wife, the star reveler finds his next partner - pornographic actress Capri Anderson. The fleeting romance of this couple ends with a scandalous incident in one of the hotels in New York - they are found completely naked in their room in a state of extreme drug and alcohol intoxication. The apartments were completely destroyed, and Capri was hiding in the toilet, escaping from the distraught actor, who was once again taken to the hospital.
Bree Olsen is another pornstar who made it onto Charlie Sheen's love list. The actress turned out to be twice as young as her chosen one, which, in principle, no longer surprised anyone. The Hollywood womanizer spent several weeks in Olsen's company, having fun in Las Vegas, and also accompanied her to the awards ceremony for the best porn actress in the world in 2011. It was noteworthy that at that time Charlie was already living with his common-law wife, model Natalie Kenley, who was not shocked by the appearance of an adult film star in their house. As a result, the trinity began to live together, and the loving Shin doted on two, as he called them, "goddesses" and showered them with generous gifts. The Swedish family existed for three months, after which the girls found out about the actor's illness and went to court, accusing him of deliberately concealing his HIV status. Fortunately for the girls, a terrible disease bypassed them.
The third porn actress who became Sheen's girlfriend was Casey Jordan. The adult movie star became a member of Charlie Sheen's famous 36-hour orgy - the Hollywood actor threw a sex party worth tens of thousands of dollars with an abundance of drugs, alcohol and guests who did not adhere to high moral values. Such a "holiday" ended for the actor with an overdose and a trip to the hospital, where the doctors managed to save Charlie's life with great difficulty. After this incident, the girl hastened to break off all relations with Shin, saying that she did not want to end up in a hospital bed sooner or later.
The status of the fourth wife of an insatiable womanizer was given to another porn actress - Brett Rossi. The girl turned out to be exactly two times younger than Charlie himself, but this did not stop the actor from making her an offer, which she gladly accepted. The wedding took place in Iceland. Like his other lovers, Sheen did not tell Rossi about his illness, and the actress put herself at risk of contracting HIV for a year and a half. After the breakup, she decided to sue the actor for hiding her illness.
Throughout his life, Charlie Sheen skillfully maintained a reputation as one of the most controversial actors in Hollywood and, thanks to this, earned a lot of problems that always go hand in hand with a wild lifestyle. Whether it was worth it, the actor cannot say for sure, but, according to him, he has nothing to regret.
EG.RU remembers all the famous mistresses... and one lover of the actor, who turned 53 on September 3 achieved by his 53 years a popular actor Charlie Sheen , you can list for a long time.
However, the list of his achievements is not only positive: Charlie drank, used drugs, and the number of women he "married and abandoned" goes into the hundreds. Even after the actor found out about his HIV-positive status in 2011, he did not leave his favorite pastime.
On the birthday of the star of the series "Two and a Half Men" we decided to recall the most famous partners of Charlie Sheen, some of which just flashed in his life, and some left a bright mark there. And by the way, it's not just about women.
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Paula Spirit was Charlie's girlfriend in high school. She gave birth to a girl from the actor, who was named Cassandra . Now the eldest daughter of the actor is 34 years old, she is married and has already given Shin a granddaughter - a small Moon .
By the way, many will think that at that time he was too young and irresponsible and probably forgot about his daughter, but this is not at all the case. The actor often visited the baby. In school and student years, she played in performances, and Charlie came to see her. Moreover, it was the proud father who led Cassandra to the altar when she married her former classmate Casey Huffman .
In 1990, Charlie Sheen was engaged to actress and former model Kelly Preston , but accidentally shot her in the arm, soon after which the bride broke off the engagement. A year later, Kelly married John Travolta , bore him two children and lives happily with him to this day.
Do you remember the old joke about the grandmother who said that every woman should have only one love in her life? Then, when the old woman was asked who was her only love, she replied: "Sailors!" Charlie Sheen obviously boasts the same ideology, only porn actresses were his main love.
The actor began to meet with the heroines of films of an interesting genre in the early 1990s. The full list of his favorites of that period is unknown, but among the girls there were definitely Ginger Lynn and Heather Hunter .
On September 3, 1995, the actor finally got married. His colleague in the acting workshop Donna Peel became his wife. You might think that he decided to settle down, but no. In the same year, Shin's name showed up on the client list of escort agency Heidi Fleiss , also known as "Hollywood Madame". Obviously, this news did not please Donna too much, and in February 1996 the marriage was annulled.
In 2000, at the casting of the film "Ask Cindy", our hero met the beauty Denise Richards . But they started dating only at the end of next year, and on June 15, 2002, they got married. The wedding sang and danced at the estate of Spin City creator Gary David Goldberg . In 2004 and 2005, the couple had two daughters: Sam and Lola Rose . Shortly after the birth of her youngest daughter, Denise filed for divorce, citing as the reason that her husband was on drugs, abusing alcohol and threatening to beat her. In November 2006, the couple finally divorced.
The next "lucky" was the actress Brooke Muller . She married Shin on May 30, 2008, and in March 2009 gave birth to twin sons, who were named Bob and Max . This time, Charlie filed for divorce himself, and during the time that it lasted, the police even had to forcefully take two-year-old boys from their father's house. By court order, of course. The divorce from Brooke was finalized on May 2, 2011.
Since March 2011, Charlie has lived in a happy Swedish family with porn actress Bree Olson and graphic designer Natalie Kenley . The actor, apparently, did not want to remember their names, and therefore he simply called them “goddesses”. Olson could not bear such a life and fled in April 2011, and Kenley in June.
Upon learning that Charlie was HIV positive, Natalie said she believed he was healthy at the time of their relationship. Bree Olson, unlike her, did not make such optimistic statements.
In early 2013, in an interview with Piers Morgan Tonight, Sheen admitted to being in a relationship with young adult film star and Penthouse magazine model Georgia Jones .
In February 2014, Shin announced his engagement to another actress indecent movies - Brett Rossi , whose real name is Scottin . Their wedding was planned for November of the same year, but it did not take place. Charlie stated that he loves his Scotty and wants the best for her, however, in the current circumstances, he wants to pay more attention to his children. A month later, the girl ended up in the hospital with an overdose.
This story, if it is really true, happened back in 1985, when Charlie was 19 years old and starring in the movie "Lucas" - about a boy trying to achieve success in sports for the love of a school beauty. After starring in this film, actor Corey Haim , died in 2010 from a drug overdose, two of his friends immediately stated that he told them about his connection with Charlie Sheen on the set of the aforementioned film. Corey was only 13 years old in 1985…
See also: Charlie Sheen was accused of raping a teenager
“Heim told me that he had sex with Sheen when he played Lucas. Said they smoked and had sex. He said they had anal sex. After that, Shin became very cold and rejected him. When Corey wanted to have fun again, Charlie was not interested, ”the former actor told one of the American publications.0003 Dominic Brascia .
Charlie Sheen and Corey Haim (boy with glasses in the foreground). Still from the film "Lucas"
Actor Corey Feldman , Heim's best friend, also mentioned this story in his memoirs.
"At some point during filming, Sheen convinced Haim that in show business, sexual relationships between men and younger boys are natural, that's what all guys do," Feldman writes.
Shin categorically denies rumors of his relationship with the young actor.
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