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A tire pressure monitoring system
(TPMS) is an electronic system designed to monitor the air pressure inside the pneumatic tires on various types of vehicles. TPMS monitors the actual air pressure inside each tire via a sensor mounted within the tire behind the air valve. TPMS report real-time tire-pressure information to the driver of the vehicle, either via a gauge, a pictogram display, or a simple low-pressure warning light (which is to represent a flattened tire with exclamation point).
These systems were created for the luxury lines, with the first passenger vehicle to adopt it was the Porsche 959 in 1986. Since then, the system has proven that it can help you avoid traffic accidents due to under-inflated tires by early recognition of the malfunction of tires. It also increases overall fuel efficiency.
Do you remember the Firestone recall from the late 1990s? More than 100 automotive fatalities were attributed to Firestone tires that lost their tread when they were run underinflated, and friction heated them beyond their capability to handle. The tires blew out or delaminated, and this led to the rollover of the vehicles they were on.
This pushed the Clinton administration to legislate the TREAD Act. The Act mandated the use of a suitable TPMS technology in all light motor vehicles (under 10,000 pounds), to help alert drivers of severe under-inflation events. In 2012, the National Highway Safety Administration (NHTSA) through the Motor Vehicle Safety Act has made it illegal for an automobile repair facility to knowingly not re-install a functioning TPMS system if vehicle arrived at facility with functioning TPMS system. Basically, if a vehicle came into your shop with working a TPMS, it must leave the show with a working TPMS.
There are special considerations to be made when changing tires equipped with a TPMS sensor. If done incorrectly, a sensor can be broken and that will only add to your customer’s frustration and your shop’s cost. Only trained tire maintenance professionals should handle tires with this system.
Posted on Author eagleequipCategories Tire ChangersTags Eagle Equipment, etc-550, firestone recall, low-pressure warning, Motor Vehicle Safety Act, National Highway Safety Administration, NHTSA, Tire Changer, tire maintenance professionals, tire pressure, tire pressure monitoring system, tpms, TPMS Sensor, TPMS technology, tread act, youtube, zach hubbardWatch Eagle Equipment’s short video on how-to remove and install tires from the rim without damaging the TPMS sensor.
1. What happens if I remove the sensors from the wheels?
A warning will appear on the screen. There is no way to get rid of this warning other than removing the sensor code from the driver display.
2. If one sensor in the system stops working, can I replace it?
Yes, each sensor has a unique identification code, just program a new sensor on the display, it will automatically replace the old one. But first, try replacing the battery. nine0005
3. Do I need to reprogram the sensors after a tire rotation?
No. The vehicle owner must rotate the tires after a certain mileage, but if the rims are used in the same places as before rotation, the display will not need to be reprogrammed.
4. Can the sensors interfere with each other?
Each INCAR TPMS sensor has its own unique code, just like each car has its own VIN number. The sensors send signals independently of each other, and it takes very little time to transmit the signal, so the chance of mutual interference is extremely low. nine0005
5. I am having trouble recognizing the sensor, what could be causing it?
This problem can occur when using an extension on the valve stem. First, remove the extension and install the sensor directly on the stem, this usually solves the problem.
6. Why is there no pressure or temperature reading on the LCD, only the tire icon is flashing?
Sensors transmit pressure and temperature every 5 minutes. The display will stop showing pressure and temperature if it does not receive a signal from the sensor for more than an hour. It's probably time to replace the battery. nine0005
7. How can I turn off the low pressure warning on the screen?
Inflate the tire marked on the display to the correct pressure.
8. The TPMS display gives a low pressure warning when I start the car, but after a few minutes of driving the alarm goes off.
In cold weather, the sensor receives a pressure value that is lower than the specified one. As you ride, the air inside the tires heats up and the pressure increases proportionally. Try expanding the tire pressure range from the lower limit. nine0005
9. Will the sensor cause tire wear?
There are no problems with wheel balancing. On the contrary, due to the constancy of the nominal pressure in the tire, its wear will be minimal.
10. A few weeks ago I filled up the tires and everything was fine, but now the display shows me that the tires are low pressure.
Trust the INCAR TPMS sensors. Either the average daily temperature in your area has dropped due to the change of season, or there has been a natural air leak. First you need to pump up the tires. nine0005
11. Can the display be reset to factory settings?
Yes, to restore factory default settings, turn off the display, press the Set button and turn on the display. The red indicator will turn off and the factory settings will be restored.
12. I have an alarm on the display, what should I do?
First, park in a safe place on the side of the road. Find out which wheel is causing the alarm by checking the icons on the display as well as the type of alarm. For example, it could be overpressure in a tire, which is related to base pressure settings - overheating can occur after a long break from driving on a hot day. Referring to the instructions, you will accurately determine the source of the problem and its exact location. Do not continue driving until the display returns to normal. nine0005
13. I received a low battery alarm, what should I do?
Eventually, all batteries run out. Three sensors from the INCAR TPMS range have replaceable batteries that can be easily replaced if needed. The CR1632 type battery is available from electronics stores or online. Two more sensor models do not allow you to change batteries - you will have to buy new sensors.
14. What is the display sleep mode?
If the display is left idle for more than 15 minutes, it turns off to conserve battery power. When it detects movement again, it will beep and the screen will come to life, indicating the exit from sleep mode. If the display was turned off overnight (which is optional), simply turn it on before leaving the parking lot and the tire pressure and temperature will be updated every 5 minutes again. Even if your display is in sleep mode, the INCAR TPMS system will always monitor the tires and will give an alarm if the pressure or temperature is no longer within the set parameters. nine0005
15. I get a hard braking alarm, what should I do?
When the tire is under extreme load, a slow leak signal can be obtained. The fact is that at first the pressure in the tire jumps up, and then decreases over a short period of time. This situation is similar to a slow loss of air, and it often occurs when there is water inside the tire.
16. Everything works too well, how can I test the INCAR TPMS system?
The switched on display should be left in the driver's cab, and the sensors should be unscrewed one by one and re-tightened on the valve stem. The fast leak alarm should activate and then stop when the sensor is returned to the wheel. The beep is loud enough that you can hear it.
17. Are there any special recommendations for winter storage of INCAR TPMS equipment?
It's a good idea to remove the sensors and display from your car if it's parked for a long time, especially in cold weather. Keep the system in a warm place, as you will significantly extend the life of the batteries. Number the sensors or put them in an egg carton so they can be put back on the same wheels. This way you avoid having to do a new setup. The sensors do not use power unless they are mounted on the wheel. nine0005
18. How will the driver's display behave if the sensors are installed on only part of the vehicle's wheels?
The INCAR TPMS cycles through the tires. As the cycle progresses, the tire symbol flashes on the display to indicate that that particular tire is being tested. You will see the exact pressure and temperature for that tire. The display will then automatically move to the next wheel on which the sensor is installed. You will only get readings for tires equipped with sensors, the rest will be skipped and will not take time. nine0005
19. If you shake the driver display, you can hear something small rattling inside.
This is not a standard situation. If you feel that there is something wrong with the display, or if this sound annoys you while driving, you should have the equipment examined by our experts. But first, check the charging port on the left side to make sure it's safe.
20. How can I turn off the backlight of the display?
The backlight cannot be turned off manually as it is controlled by the ambient light sensor, but you can unplug the power cord and the display backlight will turn off automatically to conserve battery. nine0005
21. My display says that the tire pressure is 5 atm, and the pressure gauge shows 5.5 atm. What does this mean?
INCAR TPMS has been tested and certified by an external laboratory with a pressure measurement accuracy of 0. 1 atm. Perhaps the sensor does not receive full contact and, accordingly, full pressure, in contrast to the pressure gauge. If the other pressure gauge also shows a discrepancy, and the measurements are taken in the morning before the trip, you need the help of a specialist. nine0005
22. After one year of operation, the two rear tires on the trailer are no longer permanently available to the display and the display shows less information about them. Why is this happening?
Please write to us at the contact address or call us, we will help you solve your specific problem. Perhaps your trailer began to interfere with the reliable passage of the signal from the sensors, or the batteries simply ran out of them, which significantly weakened the signals from the sensors. Try replacing the batteries first and check if the system works. nine0005
In America and Europe, a tire pressure monitoring system is an indispensable element of a car. Most likely, in the near future the same rules will be adopted in Russia.
But even if this system does not become mandatory, nothing prevents it from being installed in a car if the standard TPMS is not provided by the manufacturer: it is much better to find out in time that the wheel is flat than to wait for sad consequences. nine0005
TPMS (tire pressure monitoring system) monitors changes in tire pressure: even a small decrease in pressure in one wheel increases fuel consumption, worsens car handling and increases tread wear.
Now the pressure control system is divided into systems of direct (direct) and indirect (indirect) directions - we will tell you in more detail what it is.
In direct measurement systems, sensors are placed on the valves of all wheels. They can be installed inside or outside. The sensor detects the level of pressure in the wheel and transmits information via radio to the control unit. Here, the accuracy of the readings plays a big role - you can even track a decrease in pressure by only 0.1 bar.
The "direct" system is more expensive than the "indirect" one, but it transmits information more accurately and faster. She, of course, has her own nuances: if you have to swap tires for even wear, then information about this will need to be entered into the control unit. nine0005
The so-called "indirect" TPMS is essentially a software extension for ABS: in its work it uses standard wheel rotation sensors. The system monitors changes in wheel speed and can diagnose tire pressure loss based on this information.
In this case, we are not talking about exact values, but only signals a significant deviation from the usual pressure - a significant deviation in this case is 0.3 bar, and a dangerous one is 0.5 bar. nine0005
"Indirect" systems may erroneously transmit a signal for a decrease in tire pressure also when:
Uneven load distribution
Frequent change from lane to lane
Sharp descents and ascents
But this can be adjusted, for example, by setting an alert delay. You can also reboot the system so that it adjusts to different tire pressures at startup.
The AIRLINE range includes 2 models of the "direct" system.
Tire pressure monitoring system TPMS BLACK ATP-MS-01 includes 4 sensors and a receiving module with a color LCD display. The sensors are mounted on the nipple of the car wheel, measure the pressure and air temperature in the tire and transmit information about the pressure value via radio to the display. When the tire pressure changes, the system transmits information with sound signals and displays it on the display. The pressure and temperature thresholds are set in the display menu. The system can be installed independently - it does not require special skills. nine0005
The receiving module is powered by the car's cigarette lighter socket, there is also a USB output for convenient parallel charging of the smartphone. The kit includes a receiver with a display, 4 external pressure sensors, 4 locknuts, a kit for mounting sensors, a warranty card and instructions. The operating temperature of the sensors is from -40°С to +125°С.
Tire pressure monitoring system TPMS wireless INSIDER SOLYAR ATP-MS-02 includes 4 sensors and a receiving module with a color LCD display. When the tire pressure changes, the system transmits information with sound signals and displays it on the display. The sensors are marked position, but the wheels can be swapped, everything is reconfigured. The operating temperature of the sensors is from -40°С to +125°С. nine0005
The kit includes a double-sided adhesive tape for fixing the receiving module on the dashboard of the car, it can also be mounted on a Velcro mat.
The receiver module is powered by a built-in lithium-polymer battery, which is charged by a built-in solar panel or a microUSB socket. The kit includes a receiver with a display, internal sensors, a USB-microUSB cable, double-sided tape, a warranty card and instructions. Tire fitting is required for installation, so we recommend contacting a service center for proper installation.