This ATV price guide outlines the steps you can take to determine ATV values for trade-in or private sale. ATV Values fluctuate, knowing what an ATV is worth before you buy or sell it will save you money. Avoid overpaying before buying an ATV and don’t lose money by offering an ATV for sale too cheaply.
You have several pricing tools available at your disposal, some services cost money while other sources are completely free to use if you know where to look. I’ve taken the time to list some of the more valuable sources of ATV price information available online and explained how to use them below.
Compare, compare, compare: A good first step in getting an ATV book value is to compare the current average price of other sales of the same make and model you are interested in. To do that you can visit websites that specialize in local ATV sales, including auction, classified and dealer websites, and take note of the current asking prices.
Compare similar ATV brands of the same age and condition to come up with an accurate valuation.
Consider modifications and upgrades: The ATV you are pricing may have aftermarket components that are considered performance parts which, by virtue of being more desirable, might raise the value of an ATV. It’s important to know that the value of an ATV will not increase by the full retail value of any performance upgrade, in fact it might only increase by 50% of the price of the parts, if that.
Performance parts installed more than a year prior to sale may have lost as much as 90% of their added value and this is especially true for parts subject to normal wear and tear like tires and exhaust parts. Upgrades add to ATV value but not by the full cost of the upgrades themselves.
Kelly Blue Book is a vehicle pricing service with decades of pricing experience that also covers ATVs and motorcycles. I’ve taken the time to guide you through the process of getting an ATV blue book value via their website, here is what you do…
Nada, like KBB, is a trusted service that offers “blue book” pricing information. They also valuate ATVs and, like KBB, ATV prices are located in the motorcycle section. Here are instructions on how to use NADA
ATV trade in value vs private sale values: The true value of an ATV depends on whom you are buying it from or selling it to. The amount offered for an ATV as a trade in value will be lower than you could have obtained in a private sale but you are spared the time, energy and cost involved with finding a buyer. The retail value is the price associated with buying an ATV from a licensed business and, though slightly more expensive, you may have recourse if something is wrong with the vehicle.
Private sales should be considered at your own risk in terms of safety but can also be how you find the best bargain or receive a higher price than you would from a registered dealer. Decide which source is best for you based on your tolerance for risk vs obtaining a better deal.
According to research of 2019 prices online the average cost of a new ATV is just over $11,000. That is the average price for a base model from popular brands. Prices for a brand new ATV range from $4500 for a Chinese import ATV up to $23,999+ for a side by side UTV.
See also
Make sure it’s not stolen!: A final step in determining the value of your quad is to perform a stolen ATV check because those are worth nothing to anyone but the rightful owner. If you suspect something is wrong or a deal is too good to be true trust your instincts and get more information or walk away. There are stiff penalties to having stolen property in your possession and, at the least, you can expect to lose any money you paid. Be safe!
Trade-in value is the amount of money a dealer is willing to pay for your old ATV when you buy a new one. It’s like receiving a discount on your new ATV price for trading-in the old one. Although most ATV dealers will offer a fair price it’s generally accepted that the offer for your trade-in will be on the low side. You can typically get more for your old ATV if you take the time to prepare it, list it in classifieds yourself, and patiently wait to find a buyer willing to pay your price. By trading-in the old ATV you can skip all of that work, the dealer will do it for you. Trade-in value is typically lower than actual value, they are different values.
Tip: Another way to learn what your quad is worth is to look up your specific make and model in your local classifieds and on popular online marketplaces. Find a quad in similar condition and see how much they actually sell for.
Average Transaction Value (ATV), aka Average Order Value (AOV) in ecommerce, is a sales KPI used to measure the effectiveness of the sales process and the sales team in the store. The more skilled the sales team on the floor, the higher ATV they can deliver for the business.
It is usually combined with other retail KPIs, such as UPT (units per transaction) & conversion as part of the daily generated sales reports monitored by the retail or ecommerce manager.
Join Our ChannelTo calculate Average Transaction Value (ATV), you divide the total sales by the number of transaction in the period your are measuring for (day, month, year,. .etc).
ATV = Sales ÷ No. of Transactions
For example, a store generated sales of 225,000$ during the month of January and the total transactions that took place during the same month were 945 transactions.
ATV = 225,000$ ÷ 945 = 238$
So the ATV for the month of January was 238$.
You can also calculate Average Transaction Value in excel by generating your sales data and entering them in an excel sheet and then using a simple divide function that divides the sales value by the number of transactions as shown here.
Average Order Value (AOV) is the same KPI as Average Transaction Value (ATV), but the term is more widely used in ecommerce.
It follows the same formula and calculation method
AOV = Sales ÷ No. of Orders
Calculating Average Transaction Value and Average Oder Value is important because it allows us to evaluate the efficiency of the sales process and the sales team. It is used as a KPI with a specific target to be tracked and given to the respective people responsible for this function in the business.
Tracking this KPI then allows us to apply tweaks & best practices to the process and then measure how this has affected ATV and translated into higher sales.
For example, a retail business might invest in a sales training program for its team.
One of the ways to evaluate the outcome of such program is to see how ATV has changed after applying the new sales tactics.
With the majority of the costs associated with a retail business being fixed, improving ATV, and subsequently sales, would mean most of the increase will translate into profits
In fact, this is a very simple and easy way to increase profits. Customers are already coming into your store, and you have probably spent on marketing to get that traffic. So increasing ATV would mean getting more out of each customer that you have already acquired.
This is especially important for ecommerce businesses, since driving traffic to an ecommerce store requires a lot of marketing spend.
In order to calculate the feasibility of your marketing campaigns, you need to be able to predict how much you can make out of the traffic that will be generated from those campaigns.
To calculate the return you will need to know what your average conversion rate is and how much each customer is expected to spend.
Read also our article on Customer Lifetime Value
We cannot expect to have a common benchmark for Average Transaction Value or Average Order Value, because there are many factors affecting those KPIs and they differ from business to business.
Businesses sell different types of products at different price levels. There are high ticket items, such as electronics or furniture and there are low price items, such as grocery items.
The average selling price for a store will hence affect the ATV/AOV and should be taken into consideration.
Since Average Transaction Value is a function of Average Selling Price and the number of units each customer would buy on average, the Units per Transaction (UPT) would be a factor here.
Improving the IPC or UPT by adding more products to the transactions through cross selling would directly affect the Average Transaction Value.
This takes us to the next point…
Some businesses have a very narrow product assortment, and so they don’t have the ability to sell more items to each customer. This will of course reduce their ATV.
We have seen this in many Shopify stores, which are focused only on one product to sell. This limits the amount a customer can spend at your store in one visit.
Read our detailed analysis for different Shopify stores
On the other hand, businesses that master the retail buying process and know how to add relevant products to their portfolio would have a better chance to up sell & cross sell customers, and so can deliver a higher ATV/AOV.
Average Transaction Value and Average Order Value are retail & ecommerce KPIs used to track sales performance. Improving ATV/AOV would translate into higher sales and potentially also higher profits.
Read more articles on Sales Management and learn Retail Management
Rasha Mahmoud
Retailer & Founder of Retail Dogma, Inc.
Rasha has 14 years of retail & ecommerce experience. She has started an ecommerce business in 2008, and later worked at H&M, Bath & Body Works, Victoria’s Secret and Landmark Group. She’s lived in 4 different countries, speaks 3 different languages and holds a BSc in Pharmaceutical Sciences and an MBA in Strategic Management & Marketing.
Sort: DefaultName (A - Z)Name (Z - A)Price (low > high)Price (high > low)Model (A - Z)Model (Z - A)
On the page: 25285075100
Engine type: 4 stroke
Displacement: 150 cc see
Model C PSM
229900 r.
Engine type: 4-stroke
Volume: 250 cu. see
Model C PSM
249900 r.
In stock
Engine type: 4 stroke
Displacement: 125 cc see
Max. speed 60 km/h
94900 rub.
ATV Stalker-110
Engine type: 4-stroke
Volume: 110 cub. see
Max. speed 45 km/h
59900 rub.
ATV Stalker-250
Engine type: 4-stroke
Volume: 250 cub. see
Max. speed 80 km/h
175000 rub.
Engine type: 4-stroke
Volume: 200 cub. see
Max. speed 70 km/h
210800 r.
Out of stock
In stock
In stock
ATV Stalker-150
Engine type: 4-stroke
Volume: 150 cub. see
Max. speed 50 km/h
175000 rub.
Out of stock
Out of stock
Out of stock
Out of stock
Out of stock
Showing 1 to 28 of 97 (total 4 pages)
Vehicles with four wheels are different. In Russia many people understand ATVs as four-wheeled all-terrain vehicles, in the USA - like four wheelers. They can also differ a lot. from each other. We will tell you about small copies of large units. Baby copies of Japanese, German and Chinese manufacturers are designed for young drivers. Our online store offers high quality vehicles for young motorists.
To every parent who carefully monitors development your child, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with our range. A compact all-terrain vehicle is considered not only a toy, but also a useful solution in acquiring driving skills at a young age. You can buy a petrol ATV, and your child will learn the basics of driving on their own vehicles. ATV for children, which is the prototype of an adult model, guarantees the young driver is completely safe. Don't forget to order special equipment – colorful helmets and protective suits that will inspire the young driver to travel in your own vehicle. ATVs for children with protection attributes will turn your pastime into children in an interesting game on wheels. You will be convinced that received in childhood driving skills will be useful for the child in the future.
After choosing the children's transport you like in the catalog, call or make order on the store's website. Our managers will provide the necessary assistance, give a clear answer to your questions. The order will not have to wait long, as we We work with all regions of Russia, and your order will be delivered right on time. Only with us the buyer will find a wide range of vehicles of the world manufacturers at affordable prices. Your child will remember this gift forever. life is like a miracle, and will be very grateful for his first vehicle.
We present to your attention a wide range of popular all-terrain vehicles filled with gasoline from the world's best manufacturers. In our store There is a wide range of ATVs available, from simple to more powerful, fuel-powered or on batteries. Managers will be happy to help you choose exactly what you need. need.
Petrol ATVs have some differences, which are not similar to electric models:
ATVs differing from each other in some parameters:
All these differences affect the cost, the more additional options and equipment, the higher the price. Which transport is better to order remains decide for the client. You can choose the unit that suits you best. ride for you and your child, as many ATVs are rated by weight up to a hundred kilograms, which means they can withstand an adult.
When buying a gasoline ATV, you need to pay attention to its dimensions, because the model should be comfortable for the child to sit in it. Also, the child must it is easy to get to the control devices and immediately you need to decide what should be power of the unit and its engine. For a small child, the best option there will be a quad bike with a two-stroke engine. Manufacturers make such children's vehicles of small size and weight. Their engine has much less power. They have the function speed limits if the child is already striving for a fast ride. If parents do not mind riding an ATV yourself, then in this case you need to pay attention to the model with a four-stroke gasoline engine with a volume of up to 150 cubic centimeters, a speed of up to 50 kilometers and a fuel reserve of up to 5 liters.
Such models are suitable for movement and an adult, and you You can share the joy with your child from a walk in the bosom of nature. Decide also with a body. The ATV body model is most commonly found on ATVs, it looks like a motorcycle.
UTV models resemble the design of a car. He is a vehicle with seats that are located across the body. Which choice you make depends on the intended operating conditions and decisions assigned by the owner of the all-terrain vehicle to the vehicle. Manufacturers made them from environmentally friendly materials, so when driving a child nothing threatens. Also, the ATV is stable, when moving on it it is impossible to roll over. Manufacturers guarantee complete safety when child's movement.
Buy transport for your children on our website! Here you can find on sale popular electric cars, pit bikes, scooters, motorcycles, mini cross, buggies and jeeps, all-terrain vehicles, such as Atv classic mini, Atv h5 mini, Motax Gekkon, X 16 Big Wheel, Yacota.
Cost - from 1 300
Necessary documents
Deadline - 45 minutes
STS (small pink plastic) or PTS (blue, A4 format)
ATV appraisal consultation - free of charge! + 7-499-502-50-52!
This cost calculation is for informational purposes and is not a public offer (Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)
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Purpose of appraisal
Pledge Sum insured Property division Rent registration Damage in an accident and not only Incorrect entry
Vehicle type
Passenger carTruck carSpecial equipmentMotorcycleSnowmobileTrailerQuad bikeRailway transportAir transportWater transportIncorrect input
The method of determining the market value by which the valuation of an ATV is calculated for any official purpose is fundamentally the same as that used for a motorcycle, moped, snowmobile or car.
Expert appraisal work is carried out by the company in full compliance with the requirements of federal legislation and guarantees customers of the service the accuracy of information on the market value of the vehicle as of the date of receipt of the final report.
ATV appraisal
The qualifications of the company's employees allow us to objectively evaluate the real value of ATVs of all makes, models and varieties, including:
We can quickly and inexpensively find out whether the sale price of the vehicle with the mileage corresponds to its actual technical condition, and if it is required to officially confirm the market price, the customer is provided with an appraiser's report, which substantiates in detail the independent assessment of the ATV: