I think many of us would agree that it is a ton of fun to drive through slush and puddles in winter. Some people just hate driving in winter and find no joy in splashing with their car. Either way, if you drive your car in the winter, you will get a snow-pack in your vehicle wheel well, and this is why you need to get rid of it asap.
My wife was driving around Twin and was hearing weird sounds and the van was acting funny. When I got home I went out to look at it and there was no snow or ice on the wheels of the driver's side, but the passenger side was completely packed with ice and that was causing all her problems. And it could have been much worse.
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The snow-pack starts off pretty innocently on your car. You may even think it looks cool sometimes. My kids think it is fun to walk around the car and kick the slush that has accumulated off the tire. Really - kicking that slush off is the best thing you can and should do after driving (finally the kids are earning their keep). If you leave that slush in between your tire and the wheel well of your car it will turn to ice and that ice will continue to grow.
This will cause a few problems for you and your vehicle.
Keep it safe and when you get out of your car, do a walk around it and kick off any slush if you can. If it is already hardened you can use your ice scraper or even a shovel to chip it away until your wheels are clear and safe to drive on.
Stacker consulted 2021 data from the NOAA's State Climate Extremes Committee (SCEC) to illustrate the hottest and coldest temperatures ever recorded in each state. Each slide also reveals the all-time highest 24-hour precipitation record and all-time highest 24-hour snowfall.
Keep reading to find out individual state records in alphabetical order.
To help get everyone in the mood for the upcoming holiday season, Stacker compiled a list of some of the most over-the-top Christmas displays across America.
A blizzard is on the way. You’ve stocked up on candles, hot cocoa and batteries. But what if you have to leave the house? Do you know how to get your car out of the snow if you get stuck?
From driving techniques to using props, here are seven ways to get your car moving again, plus some advice about how to prepare for a snowstorm.
There are two key things to do BEFORE the storm arrives to be sure you can get your vehicle back on the road after a big snow. They can make the difference between looking like a genius and having huge hassles.
If you live somewhere where storms can bring a foot or two of snow at once, you should definitely be running snow tires, not all-season tires. (Find out how to choose snow tires.) Before the snow starts falling, get your air pressure checked and make sure your tire tread’s in the proper condition.
Not only will this come in handy for you, but you may also be a hero to those who are caught unprepared. (Speaking of preparedness, here’s a winter safety kit checklist of other items to keep in your car so you’re ready for pretty much any winter road condition.)
Both drive wheels will need to have traction for you to get unstuck. These are the front tires on a front-wheel-drive and the rear tires on rear-wheel drive, AWD and 4WD vehicles. Turn off the car’s traction control system (usually with a button somewhere on the dashboard or console).
Start your vehicle, roll down your window and take off your hat or earmuffs so you can hear clearly. Even better, stick your head out the window to watch your front tire. You’ll get the best traction by straightening the wheel, so do this as much as your parking situation allows.
Put your vehicle in the lowest gear. If you’ve got a four-wheel drive SUV or pickup, engage the low-range gearing. Move forward just a bit.
Now slowly back up. Don’t rev the engine. Stop, then put it in forward and apply a little gas. This can tamp down loose snow and maybe give you enough traction to get out.
Listen carefully. If you hear any tire spinning, take your foot off the gas immediately.
If your vehicle didn’t move at all or a tire is spinning, try braking while at the same time that you’re giving a little gas. This should decrease the spinning and transfer some power to that wheel.
If you have a front-wheel-drive and there aren’t curbs or other cars blocking your way, try turning the wheels slightly the other way and see if that gives you more traction.
Don’t try this braking method for more than a few seconds. It can overheat your brakes which can compromise braking until they’ve cooled down.
Sometimes a push from a few Good Samaritans will do the trick. Be 100 percent sure you use only the gear that keeps pushers out of harm’s way (Forward gear only if they're pushing your vehicle from behind.). Ask your helpers to push on the count of three as you gently apply the gas.
If you’re still stuck and you have snow chains, it’s time to chain up. That almost always does the trick.
If you don’t have chains, and your vehicle is moving forward some but then stopping, try “rocking” back and forth between forward and reverse gears. Give it a little gas just as the vehicle starts to swing forward out of reverse. This may give you enough momentum to drive out. But be aware that this kind of rapid shifting can overload your transmission. Only try it a few times or you could end up with expensive damage. It will be much cheaper to just call a tow truck.
If you’re still spinning, you can put something on the ground to add traction that won’t damage your tires. Try sprinkling sand or kitty litter in front of the drive tires (and behind them if you’re planning on backing out).
DON’T EVER USE ANTIFREEZE TO TRY TO MELT SNOW AND ICE. Antifreeze is toxic to children, pets, and wild animals, and it can find its way through storm drains to waterways where it can poison marine animals. Plus, in some states, it’s illegal to pour antifreeze on the ground. Using salt as a deicer is also a bad idea for the environment — and your vehicle. It’s corrosive to metal (like the undercarriage of your car) and becomes less effective below 25 degrees Fahrenheit anyway.
Another way to get traction is to lay cardboard, plywood, two-by-fours or even your vehicle’s floor mats down in front of the drive tires (or behind them if you’re starting in reverse). If you’re in the middle of nowhere, you can use weeds or branches from the side of the road. But caution: Clear the area and go very easy when accelerating. Sometimes the wheels can make whatever you put down for traction shoot out. And be aware your mats could get ruined. Again, it’s probably less out of your pocketbook to get a tow truck.
The last resort is to let a little air out of your tires, just enough so they look visibly lower. Only do this if you have a way to get them quickly refilled someplace close by. Driving on underinflated tires puts more rubber in contact with the ground and will give you better traction for a short distance. But driving this way isn’t safe and it could damage your tires if it’s a long way to the filling station.
If you’re in forward gear, don’t stop right away but drive somewhere you can see there’s less snow and you can safely stop. If you’re in reverse, keep backing up for a few yards, then take your foot off the gas. The snow will stop you. Next, put it in low gear and gently accelerate forward in the tracks you’ve made, just fast enough to break through where you were stuck.
Re-engage your traction control system, if you turned it off. If you engaged your low-range 4WD, disengage. Make sure your radiator has air flow. Snow packed into the front of the grille can cause engine overheating.
Go immediately to the closest service station and refill your tires if you let any air out.
If you notice a vibration in your steering wheel, check for snow packed into your wheels. Pull over someplace safe and knock the snow or ice out with an ice scraper or shovel.
Want a complete list of resources for winter driving safety? Here’s our guide for safe driving in winter, from prepping your vehicle to driving in bad conditions.
Important Notice: The information provided above is from a variety of resources deemed reasonably reliable. The operation of your vehicle, or the repair or replacement of your vehicle’s equipment, may be different than for a typical vehicle. Please consult your owner’s manual for specific warnings, notices, and other advice relative to the above.
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In our country, winter, as you know, always comes unexpectedly. One fine day, the sky is covered with dense clouds, snow begins to fall, which very quickly fills up the roads, causing consequences close to catastrophic. The trouble is that snowfalls are repeated again and again, and if you do not remove the snowdrifts immediately, then after a few days it will be much more difficult to deal with them. We advise you to check before it's too late if you have stocked up with snow clearing tools. If not, then we will talk about all the devices that exist today, with which you can get rid of the cold fluffy cover of the path and driveways in your yard. nine0003
If you have never had a chance to remove the snow by hand, then the first collision with reality may not be very pleasant. From the outside, snow removal looks easy and fun, but after 15-20 minutes of work with a shovel, the back begins to ache noticeably, and tired hands can no longer discard the white mass with the same ease. In addition, this work, oddly enough, is very unsafe. In the United States, for example, about 26,000 people go to the doctor every year because of injuries and illnesses received while shoveling snow and breaking ice from paths. nine0003
In the risk group, the elderly and those who suffer from cardiac diseases are in the first place. The fact is that cold air leads to vasoconstriction, and physical activity makes the heart beat noticeably faster than usual. As a result, blood pressure rises abruptly, leading to heart attacks. Statistics show that people over 55 are four times more likely to experience heart pain while shoveling snow than when they are just sitting at home watching TV. nine0003
Therefore, even such a simple matter is important to approach correctly, taking into account the state of one's own health. Today, there are many tools and devices to facilitate and simplify hard physical work. You just have to choose the most suitable one and actively use it during the long, cold and snowy winter.
So, let's look at what they use today when cleaning snow.
An ordinary shovel, due to its simplicity and cheapness, does not go out of circulation. True, a modern tool wins significantly in comparison with the grandfather's steel ladle with a wooden handle. Today, the bucket is made of lightweight but durable plastic, and the handle is made of no less lightweight aluminum. The weight of such a model does not exceed a kilogram, which means that it is much easier to work with it than a conventional one. Despite these improvements, the cost of snow shovels is usually low and accessible to literally everyone. nine0003
Snow shovel Penguin 50x138cm steel bar and aluminum handle
If you do not use a shovel when clearing paths, in winter this tool must be present in the trunk of your car. When a snowstorm catches you on the road, you will inevitably have to use it to rescue your war horse from snow captivity. Well, so that the shovel does not take up much space, choose a model with a telescopic handle.
An improved version of a shovel, which is called a scraper or engine, allows you to remove snow faster and at the same time spend less effort. The simplest option is a large bucket or box with a handle that you need to push in front of you along the path. The bottom edge slides over a solid base, cutting off a layer of snow and directing it into a bucket. After the container overflows, you just need to drag it to the edge of the track and turn it over, helping yourself with your foot. nine0003
Some models are equipped with wheels, which makes it much easier to move the scraper filled with snow. The thin sharp edge picks up even sticky heavy snow well. Without spending a lot of effort, with its help you will clear a fairly large area. Choose a model with a metal bucket that can not only shovel soft fresh snow, but also break ice or cut a caked, hardened layer.
However, the scraper is not without its drawbacks, the main of which is low maneuverability. If you need to clear a narrow winding path and at the same time not damage the shrubs or decor located along the roadsides, then you still have to pick up a shovel. nine0003
If snow falls frequently in your area, consider buying an electric or gasoline powered snow thrower. You do not have to waste your energy, because everything will be done by the mechanism designed for this. It scoops up the snow with augers located at the front and feeds it to the ejector, which throws a stream of snow over a distance of several meters. The direction of ejection can be adjusted, so during cleaning, the snow is either evenly distributed over the area of the site that you are not going to clear (along the lawn or flower beds), or accumulates in the form of a huge snowdrift. Subsequently, you can order a car that will take him out of the site. nine0003
The cost of budget models of snow blowers, of course, is not particularly high, but not everyone decides on such expenses. On the other hand, working with a snow thrower is more like a walk in the fresh air than hard physical labor. So this option should not be discounted, because, whatever one may say, health is more expensive than money.
Electric snow blower DAEWOO DAST 3000E
If you have a walk-behind tractor on your farm, be sure to purchase a blade and a snow brush for it. A useful device allows you to rake snow using not your own muscle power, but the horsepower of the engine. To get the most out of your technique, use the following tips: nine0003
remove a thin layer not exceeding 3-5 cm with a rotating brush;
snow cover of medium thickness is most conveniently raked with a blade;
with a cover thickness of more than 15 cm, it is advisable to use a rotary snow blower;
do not forget to put chains on the wheels that prevent slipping. nine0003
With the help of a walk-behind tractor, the work will be done very quickly and will not require excessive physical effort from you.
If a fresh layer, even if wet and heavy, is relatively easy to remove, then an icy or compacted layer becomes a real test of endurance. The ice has to be broken little by little with a special tool, and only after that it is possible to shovel the debris from the track. The work is extremely hard physically, and besides, it requires patience and caution. If you act too carelessly, you can damage the surface of the track or, worse, injure your own leg. nine0003
But leaving an ice crust on the paths is also unsafe, especially if elderly people live in the house. It is very easy to slip on the ice, and the result can be a severe fracture and many months of hospitalization. To facilitate the clearing process, we recommend using a special reagent that quickly melts the ice, turning it into a loose porridge that is easy to collect and take out of the site.
Modern reagents, unlike conventional salt, contain anti-corrosion additives, so they do not corrode the soles of shoes and car tires. Among their benefits: nine0003
prolonged action - you can sprinkle the track once, and frost will not form on it for several days;
fast action - ice melts several times faster than when it comes into contact with table salt;
frost resistance - can work at temperatures up to -20 ° C;
safety - do not pollute the environment.
Although the concentration of the reagent in the melted snow porridge is much lower than when using salt, it is still not worth throwing the treated snow into the soil on the site. It is advisable to take it outside the yard or store it in a limited area that you do not plan to use as a garden or flower bed. nine0003
Anti-icing agent Fertika IceCare Green 20kg
Currently, there is a much more effective way than all of the above, to get rid of garden paths and driveways from snow and ice cover. This is heated tracks with a special heating cable. Of course, in the middle of winter, it is impossible to start this method - you will have to wait for warm days to lay the heat cable under the tile. But on the other hand, as a result, you will forever get rid of the hassle associated with clearing the paths from snow, and no snowstorms will be terrible for you. It is enough to turn on the heating, and after a few hours, without the slightest effort on your part, the tracks will be clean and dry. nine0003
Among the advantages of cable heating tracks:
efficiency - no matter how thick the layer of snow is, it will not be difficult to remove it with the help of cable heating;
lightness - the only thing you need to do to remove snow is to switch the knife switch, heating will do the rest;
safety - reliable insulation and fuses exclude the slightest possibility of electric shock; nine0003
environmental friendliness - melting water remains clean and is absorbed into the soil without causing the slightest damage to the environment;
durability - the cable laid under the tracks will serve you for many years without requiring repair or replacement.
Today, heating garden paths with an electric cable is the most effective, easy and safe way to get rid of snow and ice cover. Having completed the installation once, with the advent of winter, you will no longer remember the need to clear the area from snow, despite the most severe snowstorms and snowfalls. nine0003
Whatever method of getting rid of snow you choose, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the recommendations that may make your task easier.
Remove snow immediately. Fresh snow cover is much easier to rake and discard than dense, packed, and even more so trampled down by feet or wheels. Yes, often we don’t want to leave a warm house at all, but a few days after a snowfall, we still have to do this, and the work will be much harder. We'll have to scrape and chip off frozen and icy layers from the track. nine0003
The tool must be comfortable. There are no trifles here: the scraper should effectively cut the layer of snow and remove it from the surface of the coating, and the handle should lie comfortably in your hands. In addition, the handle of the shovel should be long enough so that you do not have to work in a half-bent state, overstraining the muscles of the back. The posture while shoveling snow should be free, natural and not uncomfortable.
Don't forget about ergonomics. Hold the shovel by the middle part of the handle. This is the most comfortable position, which provides the necessary support for the layer of snow.
Use your legs, not your back. Do not overload your spine by lifting and throwing heavy snowballs. It is much easier to move it, leaning on the shovel with your weight, like a scraper. Immediately after the snowfall, you need to clear the paths, and with the snowdrifts formed on the sides, you can gradually get rid of it later, in your free time. nine0003
Do not hurry. If you have to remove heavy wet snow, immerse the shovel no more than half the bayonet. Carefully divide the crust of infusion formed on top into squares and then pick it up with a shovel.
Choose an instrument according to your abilities. If you're working with a shovel or scraper, don't go for the biggest model that gets the job done in a jiffy. Too much snow will make your work literally overwhelming, which can lead to negative consequences. nine0003
Get more rest. If the scope of work is large enough, do not rush to do everything from a raid. Stop every quarter of an hour to take a breath and restore the calm rhythm of the heartbeat.
Drink water. By actively working physically, you evaporate a lot of water through the skin. Replenish fluid loss to avoid thickening of the blood, which increases the risk of vascular thrombosis. nine0003
And the most important advice: if your age already makes you think about your health, if possible, shift hard physical work to younger family members or take care of the maximum mechanization and automation of the snow removal process.
January 13 Likbez Do it yourself
Follow these tips and you will get out of the snow captivity without much effort. nine0003
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Lifehacker arranged tips from simple to complex. But they can be used in any order and combined with each other, depending on the situation and the equipment at hand.
As soon as you feel the car start to get stuck, stop pressing the gas to the floor and calm down. If you can't go forward, try to move back to get out on your own track. nine0003
Drive away smoothly, without sudden accelerations. Do not gas hard and for a long time. Otherwise, the wheels will quickly dig in and the car will sit on its belly.
Ask passengers or bystanders for help. For starters, let them just press on the hood or trunk when you try to drive out. This will additionally load the drive axle and improve wheel traction. If it does not work, let them push in the direction of travel, helping the car to get out.
With a manual transmission, the surest way to get off is to roll to take advantage of the moment of inertia and pack the snow into the rut. To do this, align the wheels, engage reverse gear and move off, carefully working the gas pedal.
When the car moves, stop accelerating and let it roll back. Move gently again. Ride until the wheels start to spin, but don't let it happen.
The main thing is to feel impulses while moving and work like a pendulum. By repeating this simple maneuver, you will gradually compact the snow and, having broken a rut, you will be able to get out.
If there is not enough acceleration to overcome the snow slide, then, having driven back, turn on the first gear and move forward. So you increase the amplitude and roll out the platform on which you can accelerate and gain the necessary momentum.
On an automatic transmission, it will not work to the full extent: fast and frequent switching of modes R - N - D can lead to transmission failure. nine0003
Therefore, turn on the drive or reverse mode (depending on the direction of travel) and try to start off smoothly. As soon as you move away, release the gas pedal and wait for the car to roll back.
Then start again and roll away until you get out.
When there is a lot of snow and it is wet, rocking doesn't always help. In this case, it is necessary to free the wheels and the space around them. For this, a shovel is useful, which in winter it is advisable to carry in the trunk. nine0003
If you don't have a shovel, use your feet, a stick, a piece of cardboard, and other handy tools. Your goal is to remove snow from under the wheels and clear a track for them.
Be sure to check that the exhaust pipe is not clogged with snow. At best, the engine will stall, at worst, gases can enter the passenger compartment.
Sometimes in deep snow the car gets stuck due to the fact that it sits on its belly, and the wheels, having lost traction, literally rotate in the air. The problem is solved by clearing the snow under the bottom. nine0003
If there is nothing to clean, you can jump on the door sills to pack the snow and lower the car. Another option is to raise the car on a jack and lower it sharply.
If you can't get off after clearing the snow, it means that the wheels do not have enough grip on the ground. To ensure it, it is better to use special anti-slip tapes. But if they are not, any means at hand will do. Place a jacket, branches, rubble - whatever you find in the trunk or around the car under the drive wheels. nine0003
It is worth laying mats, as some recommend, only if they are textile. Rubber will fly out from under the wheels as soon as you press the gas.
By the way, be careful. Anything under the wheels can fly out from under them when the car starts moving.
This will help increase the contact patch with the surface and, as a result, the grip of the wheels. Unscrew the spool cap and press the valve stem with keys or other thin object. nine0003
Flat tires reduce ground clearance. If there is a lot of snow, it will only hurt: the car will sit on its belly.
Pressurize to approx. 1 bar. Without a pressure gauge, you can visually determine a flat tire by a slight flattening.
Do not overdo it, otherwise, under the weight of the car, empty tires can inadvertently be disassembled from the rims. Also, do not get carried away too much if you don’t have a compressor or booster pump at hand.
Another effective way to increase grip. If there were no real chains in the trunk, try making homemade ones from improvised materials. Take a rope or tow rope and wind it around the drive wheels in the manner of chains. The main thing is to secure them well so that they do not unwind and damage the brakes and suspension parts.
Even on summer tires with such improvised chains, it is almost guaranteed that you can drive out of any snow. Due to the increase in adhesion to the surface, patency will be significantly improved. But you should be careful with the gas pedal, because with such wheels the risk of digging deeper also increases. nine0003
If you can't get out because the car is too deep, you can try jacking it up. To do this, clear a place for the jack and find some kind of plank, stone or other lining made of hard material so that the tool does not go into the snow or ground.
Next, alternately raise the car on each side and fill with something the holes formed under the wheels of the drive axle. Gravel, sticks, branches and any hard objects will do. After that, the stuck wheels will be on the surface and the chances of getting out of the snow captivity will increase significantly. nine0003
Feel free to ask for help when you can't get out on your own. If the place is not deserted, and there is a cable at hand, there will certainly be those who want to help.
Not all ropes are suitable for pulling out of snowdrifts. Ordinary tape slings often do not withstand the load and break. Steel cables, on the contrary, are too strong and can easily tear out the towing eyes or deform the body.
Even for small cars, it is better to use special dynamic or, as they are also called, jerk lines, which elongate when stretched and compensate for sharp shocks. nine0003
Check that the cable is securely fastened to the towing eyelets and be sure to throw a jacket, some kind of bag or bag on it so that in case of a break the cable does not fall into one of the cars.
With the machine stuck, turn the wheels straight out to reduce drag. Later, when you get moving, the steering wheel can be turned in the right direction. When pulling out, help with your engine, but do not throttle hard so as not to dig in. It's better to act like you're starting off. nine0003
On the towing car, it is worth turning on a lower gear and all available locks, first trying to move into tightness.
If the snow is deep and the machine is firmly planted, jerks are inevitable. Then the puller should accelerate a little and stop, acting as an anchor. The dynamic cable will stretch and move the stuck car off the dead center. Maybe not on the first try, but in the end it should work.
To prevent damage to the machine by a nearby tree or fence, form a compacted track with the snow to prevent it from turning and slipping. nine0003
If all else fails, call for help. Call your friends, write a post on social networks or leave a mark on the map. Get back on the road and ask the truck drivers for help. If there is a settlement nearby, go there.
In really difficult situations, when you find yourself in the middle of nowhere and there is no one to wait for help, contact the emergency services and call rescuers at the single number 112.
Do not overestimate your capabilities: frivolity can cost your life. nine0003