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When waking up is hard to do, consider the following strategies.
We’ve all had those mornings when we just can’t shake a feeling of sluggishness, even when we’ve technically gotten enough sleep. In an effort to perk up on tired days, many of us load up on cup after cup of coffee.
But over-caffeinating can leave us jittery and anxious (not to mention perpetually running to the bathroom).
Perhaps there’s a better way to banish morning fatigue and get on with your day with the energy you need.
That beloved button on top of your alarm clock may not be so helpful after all.
Spending the last half hour or so of nighttime rest in what researchers call “fragmented sleep” has consequences for your ability to function throughout the day.
Pro-tip: Try the 90-minute sleep cycle hack by setting two alarms — one for 90 minutes before you want to wake up and one for when you actually want to wake up.
The theory is that the 90 minutes of sleep you get between snoozes will be a full sleep cycle, allowing you to wake up after your REM state, instead of during.
Fatigue is a classic symptom of dehydration, and even a mild case can trigger feelings of sleepiness, changes in cognitive ability, and mood disruptions. Let a glass of water freshen up your entire body before you get moving.
Pro-tip: If you find you still can’t shake morning lethargy, try upping your intake of water and other noncaffeinated beverages throughout the day.
There’s a reason it feels so good to stretch when you wake up. Overnight, during REM sleep, your muscles are literally paralyzed (atonia), and reactivating them releases energy-stimulating endorphins.
Pro-tip: If you have a bit of time for morning yoga, take it; just 25 minutes has been shown to boost energy levels and brain function.
Cold showers are reported to reduce sick-day absences from work.
If you don’t want to take a full shower, a splash of cold water to the face, to signal a temperature change to your body, may also do the trick.
Is getting out of bed the main problem? Keep a spray bottle or water mist by your bedside table so you can lean over and mist yourself without even opening your eyes!
Pro-tip: One cult-favorite product is Saborino’s Morning Face Mask from Japan, which has essential oils to activate your senses. In one minute, this sheet mask cleanses, invigorates, and moisturizes your skin.
Note: People with sensitive skin may want to avoid this product.
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The jury is still out on whether breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But research does say that skipping this first meal can negatively affect your energy and ability to pay attention throughout the day.
Food is fuel. Give your body some calories to put it into action at the start of the day.
But if you’re working out in the morning, remember to eat after, not before.
This will (a) burn more calories, (b) boost your metabolism, and (c) help you avoid an unsettled stomach.
Pro tip: Build a fatigue-fighting breakfast instead.Since what you eat at breakfast can affect how you feel for hours, making the right choice is critical for your morning.
Reach for a combination of fatigue-fighting foods like lean proteins, whole grains, nuts, and lower-sugar fruits.
All breakfasts are not created equal, so take stock of your morning food choices. Sugary items like sweetened coffee drinks, pastries, and breakfast cereals can lead to the classic blood sugar spike-and-drop that leaves you feeling drained.
Pro-tip: Pay attention to nutrition labels to see how much sugar you’re getting at breakfast — and cut back wherever possible. Keep whole foods like apples, carrots, and oranges on hand for easy access.
That’s right, we said less coffee — but not none! Though coffee has plenty of health benefits, chugging a lot in the morning may indirectly contribute to increased fatigue later in the day.
Participants in one study reported feeling more tired the day after they had consumed caffeinated drinks. Experimenting with a reduced amount of caffeine in the morning actually may make you less tired.
Pro-tip: Avoid the big mugs. Purchase a smaller cup, if you have to, to help reduce the amount you drink.
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Sunlight bumps up your body’s serotonin levels, leading to improved sleep — and, therefore, increased daytime energy. And, according to a series of studies at the University of Rochester, spending time in nature “makes people feel more alive.”
Sounds like a very good reason to carve out a portion of your morning in the great outdoors.
Pro-tip: If going outside is a chore in the early morning, adjust your curtain so that the sunlight seeps in when you’re getting ready to wake up.
Sure, when you want to crawl back into bed, exercise may sound pretty unappealing — but it may be exactly what your body needs to get help booting up. Research consistently correlates aerobic exercise with reduced fatigue.
See if you can squeeze in a quick walk or bike ride, or try a longer workout for even more benefit.
Pro-tip: When pressed for time, get your body up with a few rounds of high-knees and jumping jacks. Even 30 seconds of torso twists could do the trick, or plan a short cardio commute on your way to work.
Is it possible that negative feelings about your job or stressors at home are draining you of morning oomph?
You may not be able to fix certain situations overnight, but once you’ve identified them as a source of mental and physical exhaustion, you can often take some action to alleviate them.
Pro-tip: Streamline harried mornings at home by making school lunches the night before, or make time for morning meditations and create calm before your day begins.
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Sometimes all we need for an energy boost is a little excitement on the horizon.
To beat morning fatigue, consider scheduling a phone call with a friend during your commute, penciling in an outdoor walk on your midmorning break, or pre-making an appealing breakfast that calls you out of bed.
Pro-tip: Let another schedule determine yours. Make an earlier morning podcast or radio show part of your wake-up routine.
If morning fatigue becomes a chronic problem, it could be caused by depression or anxiety. People with depression can feel worse in the morning or only feel depressed in the morning.
The only way to know, however, is to track your mood or see a professional.
Pro-tip: Dig a little deeper. Asking some key questions about your mental health state may reveal an underlying condition that needs professional attention.
If your bedtime habits can have so profound an effect on your rest, so too could your waking routine. You’ve probably heard of sleep hygiene — the handful of best practices that help you fall asleep at night. These include:
Getting up at the same time each morning helps maintain circadian rhythm, the internal biological clock that’s responsible for feelings of sleepiness.
Make an effort to rise at the same time every day — even on weekends — to see if you can banish the midmorning slump.
Sarah Garone, NDTR, is a nutritionist, freelance health writer, and food blogger. She lives with her husband and three children in Mesa, Arizona. Find her sharing down-to-earth health and nutrition info and (mostly) healthy recipes at A Love Letter to Food.
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Do you constantly press the snooze button in the morning? Sleeping for an extra five to ten minutes may seem divine. However, they can often cause morning fatigue and grogginess! Certain morning habits can help you re-energize, eliminate stress, and build focus that is commonly caused by the chaotic morning rush.
According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, morning habits help to create a happier life, complete with fulfillment and maximum productivity.
Health Shots spoke to Dr Aniket Mule, consultant internal medicine, Wockhardt Hospitals Mira Road, Mumbai, in order to find some great tips which can help make the morning energetic and refreshed.
Say no to snoozing, ladies! You must avoid falling asleep again. If you do so, you will end up feeling fatigued and inactive. Try to get up and start the day immediately after the alarm rings. Also, keep your alarm away from your bed instead of keeping it next to you so that you’ll be forced to get up and move your body to turn it off.
In any case, it is a good idea to be well-hydrated. Starting your day by drinking a glass of water can help to keep your morning laziness at bay. Water will flush out the toxins from the body, which means a healthy gut and a glowing you. Dr Mule says, “If you feel fatigued in the morning, it is probably due to dehydration. Having a glass of water will freshen you up before starting the day.”
Sunlight, especially the one soaked in the morning, helps boost serotonin in your brain, which can give you more energy and keep you calm, positive, and focused. Avoid being in the sun at noon, when it is at its highest point and emits the most UVB rays. It’s a tried-and-true method for getting your lazy ass out of bed.
Getting some physical activity in the morning is the best thing you can do for your health. Exercising or practicing yoga can be the body’s natural way of waking itself up after being immobile for long hours during the night. Dr Mule says, “Stretch, do yoga, or even other exercises like walking after waking up to avoid being groggy. Doing so can help you stay energized.” Try to do some form of exercise in the morning without fail.
A study published in the journal BJPsych International states that music stimulates our brain circuits and boosts both creativity and productivity. So if you really want to say bye bye to morning tiredness and laziness, listen to music, and lift your mood.
Yes, music can calm you down! Image courtesy: ShutterstockBreakfast is the most important meal of the day, and you cannot afford to skip it. According to Dr Mule, “Skipping breakfast will leave you more tired. So, eat oats, fruits, or eggs. But, avoid high carbohydrate intake and fatigue. A low-carb breakfast would improve cognition and mood.”
Along with your healthy breakfast, make sure you add some energy-boosting foods to your morning meal. Foods such as pumpkin seeds, walnuts, dates and almonds are the best sources to get the instant energy boost. They can be your pre workout or evening snack as well.
The only thing that never worries you about waking up refreshed is your bedtime routine. A bedtime routine, on the other hand, is essential. So, sleep on time, turn off your phone an hour before bedtime, and avoid drinking coffee at night.
Get regular and ample sleep! Image courtesy: Shutterstock“Some people have a habit of smoking after waking up. Well, this can land you in trouble. It is a well-known fact that smoking is injurious to health. It is best to avoid it and start your day with meditation instead,” says Dr Mule.
Morning is considered the most productive time of the day, but there are few lucky ones who manage to wake up cheerful and start the day actively. Igor Evgenievich Cheremukhin, a somnologist at one of the CJSC clinics, told how to improve sleep and make the morning really good.
Getting ready for sleep
- The pledge of a cheerful morning in quality sleep. But to get it, you need to prepare in advance, that is, in the evening. To do this, after 18:00 we exclude caffeinated drinks, alcohol and heavy food from the diet, advises the somnologist Cheremukhin. - At the same time, going to bed hungry is bad. This is what I'm talking about now about the popular phrase "Don't eat after six." After 18:00 you can and even need to eat. The only question is what to eat. Ideal - a dinner rich in protein, and an hour before bedtime - nuts, or a glass of milk.
We make plans for the next day from the evening
- In order to get rid of unnecessary routine in the morning, we plan and do some things in advance. We decide what to wear, what to have breakfast and the main activities for the day in the evening. Believe me, by solving these issues before going to bed, you will experience more pleasant emotions in the morning, and in general the day will be more organized and therefore more productive, - said Igor Evgenievich.
How to go to bed correctly?
- 15-20 minutes before bedtime, we put away phones, laptops and other gadgets, and also turn off the TV, - we recommend a doctor. - The fact is that the blue light of the displays is similar in its spectrum to daytime sunlight, because of which the production of melatonin is inhibited in the body.
This hormone is responsible for our sleep. By the way, so that melatonin continues to enter the bloodstream at dawn, in spring and summer, it is better to draw the curtains for the night, and after the alarm rings, open them. This will help you wake up faster. Appeared 10-15 minutes before bedtime can be devoted to reading.
About the pillow and mattress
The shape of the pillow we sleep on is very important - if you sleep on your stomach, the pillow should be very thin. If you sleep on your side, the pillow should be so thick that your head is at the level of the spine - then the cervical vertebrae will not move and pinch the vessels of the brain. For sleeping on your side, a pillow is easy to pick up while lying in front of a mirror.
If you sleep on your back, the pillow should be of medium thickness so that your head does not tip back or forward. If you sleep in different positions, choose a pillow for the position in which you spend most of your time. After all, a pillow should just be comfortable.
This also applies to the mattress. Make sure that it does not bend much, and if after sleep you experience discomfort in the body, then the martas need to be replaced.
About alarm clocks
- The most comfortable alarm clocks are light alarm clocks and wrist trackers, - said the somnologist. - On the alarm clock, half an hour before waking up, the lamp lights up and gradually increases the intensity of the glow. Because of this, melatonin in the body is suppressed and a person wakes up more easily. Such alarm clocks will be especially useful in autumn and winter, when you have to wake up in complete darkness, - said Igor Evgenievich.
- Wrist trackers track sleep cycles and wake you up at just the right time. The fact is that sleep consists of several cycles, and each cycle consists of several stages. The first is slumber, the most superficial stage; the second - basic, then the deep third and fourth - REM sleep - with rapid movements of the eyeballs, during which we see dreams. After it, the brain wakes up, and the whole cycle repeats again. The trackers wake a person up immediately after REM sleep or during wake up, the most comfortable phases for getting up.
If you use an alarm clock on your smartphone, it is advisable to turn on the gradual increase in volume function. Then the awakening will be soft and gradual. The ringtone should be pleasant and not annoying. Honestly, choosing one call for life is unlikely to succeed. Over time, almost any alarm melody will annoy and thereby spoil the mood of the morning itself. Therefore, I advise you to change the sound as needed.
How to wake up?
- Setting 3-4 alarms every 10 minutes means stressing the body 3-4 times in the morning, so you need to wake up the first time. The alarm rang. Stretch. Do some stretching in bed. Then get up, open the window, let fresh air into the room. Oxygen will help you wake up. You can immediately do a little warm-up, but it's better to jump. 5-minute jumps will benefit the lymphatic system and help disperse toxins that have accumulated overnight faster. Go to the kitchen and drink a glass of water with lemon or honey. And then proceed to the morning chores: washing, dressing and more.
About breakfast
- Breakfast should be full, tasty and healthy, so less fat and too sweet.
How much sleep do you need?
- On average, a normal adult sleep should last between 7 and 9 hours. However, this norm is purely individual, - said Cheremukhin. - There are short-sleepers who sleep for four hours all their lives, for example, they were Napoleon and Margaret Thatcher.
Important advice: try to go to bed and get up at the same time. Firstly, in this way you accustom the body to a certain schedule, and secondly, you will start to get enough sleep, which means that you will get up with ease in your body and in a great mood.
Having rolled over, do you still feel tired? For rich people, this is a great sight. And all the same, it’s not normal, we’ll get tired in the same way before going to bed. Time for diy! Find a reason for yourself, marvel at the constructive solution and find out how much you can walk around. Tsya statya become the first cut on the way to a healthy sleep.
That lie is not an innate quality. Often, tse manifestation may have one or more obvious reason. To help you find out about these reasons, we will describe them in parts. How can I describe the symptoms in more detail, for which you can identify the problem. Come on, let's get started.
The most obvious reason is the most obvious reason for sleep deprivation. How many years of sleep you need to lie down, depending on how many times you fall asleep and how many years you feel the decision of the day. After a short night's sleep, a fresh morning is logically impossible.
Zavdannya polagaє in that, schob z'yasuvati kіlkіst tsikіl slumber, poslya yakіh vіdchuvaєte vіdpochiv i badorim. Chotiri sleep cycle (6 years sleep) is an absolute minimum for most people. Five cycles of sleep (7.5 years of sleep) is the most widened. At 6 cycles (9 years of sleep) it is important that you sleep too much. Prote, it is possible for the same number of cycles, as you need, to wander around. It is possible to have a good sleep, to give you the opportunity to see yourself in shape. Ale, how can I get around at the right time?
In order to better understand the reason for this mistake, it is important to better understand the process of sleep cycles. When you wake up in the middle of the sleep cycle (the hour of deep sleep and the phase of light sleep), you are protected from this and disorientated by the camp. Try to guess what to do in the middle of sleep. Often you do not have the desired manifestation, de vie know. Waking up at the most unfavorable hour (the phase of sleep is incorrect) is also the main reason for this lie.
The solution is obvious. Change your mind, as you prokidaetsya stretching more light phases of sleep. Ale yak tse zrobiti? I’ll lay out the arrangement, for example, to roll over exactly at 6, 7.30, otherwise the 9th anniversary of the wound does not make sense.
Sleep is impossible to plan. One night you get drunk, the other you lie awake for the rest of the year, and you get up to go to the toilet for the rest of the night. Shorter decisions - the choice of digital assistants. Do not boast, you do not need to cover yourself with medical possessions, or stained glass on the capital.
Use a series of "smart alarm clocks" that can wake you up when you need to sleep. With the help of a contactless sensor, stench can mean if you are in the phase of light sleep for the best awakening. Obviously, you can also specify the hour of the alarm clock, so that you don’t miss school or work.
A good example of such an alarm clock is the "Renew Sleep Clock", a beautifully designed sleep and wake monitor with an add-on for ipod Touch, iPhone and iPad.
A smart alarm clock to wake you up at the right moment
Cheaper alternative: Smartphone software "Sleep Cycles" More cheap alternative and supplement for iPhone "Sleep Cycles". This program analyzes your sleep and wakes you up at the lightest hour of sleep. As a result, you start a new day of greater resurrection. The addendum can be millions of shanuvalnikov, it is the largest selling addendum (0.79 euros) and is published in ZMI, such as CNN, BBC and the New York Times. Unfortunately, the supplement is not yet available for Android phones.
The "Sleep Cycles" add-on gives you a sleep alert and wakes you up at the right time
think about lighting up the big problem There is nothing wonderful: get up early on the ring of an alarm clock.
Open the curtains or turn on the light (it's still dark on the street), and you can see that your body is better adapted to wake up.
It appears that the basis of people of the ranking type ("larks") and the evening type ("owls") has long been scientifically brought to light. Tsey becomes a biological year-old, like in his own room, to lie like genes. Let's not go into the details, it's obvious that the people of the "owl" are often left in an invisible camp early in the morning and (mayzhe) always fall into the dark. An early pidyom for rich people "owls" is foldable.
Waking up early is not such a big problem for people "owls" as they go to bed earlier. Unfortunately, this method often does not work. If a person of the evening type goes to bed at 22:00, there is a great chance for a night marathon "look into the bed." To that, it’s really more important that you fall asleep in a dream at once.
For people of the evening type it is also important not to sleep too long. Sleeping until 12 noon on the weekend is not a good idea. Better for everything, in the week in the evening you will still be full of strength, you will not be able to fall asleep at once, and on Monday you will wake up again. Obviously, you have the right to sleep a couple of good days on a weekend, but don't overdo it.
Even if you sleep enough and still feel like a lie, there is a chance that you suffer from sleep disorder. A lot of ailments can seriously enhance the quality of your sleep. Common sleep disorders include chronic sleep apnea, sleep apnea syndrome, bruxism and restless legs syndrome. The onset of symptoms may indicate that you are having trouble sleeping:
For no apparent reason, sleep badly for a long time and you know one or more of the described symptoms, then a visit to the doctor will not be necessary.