Feeling lazy after lunchtime? Follow these tips for beating the afternoon energy slump.
Written by Gina Shaw
Medically Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD on December 20, 2007
Does this sound familiar? You're going full steam ahead in the morning, plowing through work assignments or household tasks. You take a quick break for lunch -- or maybe just grab something at your desk -- and plan on getting right back to your routine. Instead, at about 2 p.m. you find your attention wandering and your focus flagging, and all you really want to do is take a nap. How can you get a quick energy boost to keep you going?
First, you should understand where that sudden crash probably came from. "There seems to be a natural rhythm or set clock in our bodies, so many people tend to feel a little sleepy around 2 or 3 in the afternoon," says Lona Sandon, RD, MEd, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association and an assistant professor of nutrition at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.
"There seems to be something natural about this lull. Some cultures have the siesta, and people find that they're more productive and better able to concentrate if they take time off after lunch and come back later."
WebMD's sleep expert, Michael J. Breus, PhD, author of Beauty Sleep, explains that midday sleepiness is like a miniature version of the drowsiness you feel just before bedtime. "It has to do with a dip in your core body temperature," Breus says. "Right before you go to sleep at night, your core temperature begins to drop, which is a signal to the brain to release melatonin. The exact same thing happens on a smaller scale between 2 and 4 in the afternoon. It's a mini-signal to your brain to get sleepy."
But don't blame it all on your body's internal clock -- your body makes you sleepy, but your own eating habits may make you fatigued -- for a double whammy leading to a massive energy crash. "Often, people don't fuel their bodies well enough when they start the day," Sandon tells WebMD.
If you're feeling sluggish in the early afternoon, ask yourself these questions:
Your answers may point to the problem. A cup of coffee on the run for breakfast and a candy bar from the vending machine for lunch may give you the quick jolt of sugar and caffeine you need to get started, but not the long-term fuel you need to keep going, Sandon says. "They will only help for a very short time, and it's not enough to keep the body and brain functioning at their peak."
If you want to beat the midafternoon slump, start first thing in the morning with a good-quality breakfast. (We lecture our kids about it, but how often do we take our own advice?) Most women should be eating about 300 to 400 calories for breakfast, and most men, about 500, says Sandon.
Instead of coffee and half a Danish, try these options:
"You need carbs to get your day going," says Sandon. "The brain and muscles function best with carbohydrates to fuel them. And we know from other research that adding some protein to the carbs seems to boost concentration levels as well. You feel better, mentally and physically, when you've had a meal that combines carbs and protein."
Sufficiently fueled by breakfast, you might feel like it's OK to skip lunch or "just grab a salad" because you don't have time or are trying to lose weight. "That's a huge mistake people make at lunch -- just having a salad with lettuce and a few vegetables," says Sandon. "They don't have protein with the salad, and then again they find themselves crashing in the midafternoon.
So if you're cruising through the salad bar at lunchtime, top the greens with some diced egg, beans or chickpeas, turkey breast, or cubed chicken to give yourself that protein fix. Or smear some peanut butter on your celery sticks.
And avoid lunches that are heavy in fat; they take longer to digest and sit in your stomach, feeling heavy longer. "That gives you a sense of low energy," Sandon says. "The calories may be there to provide fuel, but the feeling of fullness leads you to feel sluggish."
But what if it's too late to prevent the energy slump? You chugged down a latte for breakfast, ate a skimpy salad for lunch, and now you're drooping over your afternoon reports. What can you do for a quick energy boost? Resist the temptation to hit the vending machines for a Diet Coke and a Snickers. Instead, try Sandon's three-part solution:
Another option: shed some light on the subject. A study published in 2006 found that brief (about 20 minutes) exposure to a bright white light increased alertness and boosted the brain's responses." Melatonin can't be produced in the presence of bright light," Breus tells WebMD. "If you know you usually feel sleepy around 2:30 or 3 p.m., go out for a walk around 2:15."
What about closing your door and taking a nap? It's tempting. "Catnaps are great -- unless you have insomnia. There's evidence now showing that the last time you were asleep affects how long it takes you to fall asleep at night," says Breus. But if you aren't struggling to sleep at night, a quick catnap can help with that energy crash midafternoon. Just don't sleep too long! The length of the nap will determine how good you feel. About 20 minutes works quite well, but much longer than that and you will wake up feeling terrible."
Most of us have been there: a super productive morning finishing projects, working toward inbox zero, and fighting the urge to tweet at co-workers. (Just us?) Then the clock strikes 2:00 and you might as well pull down the shades, throw on pajamas, and hop into bed.
It’s completely normal to feel super tired once the afternoon rolls around. Circadian rhythms, which affect your sleep patterns, may be to blame for the midday slump.
In fact, your “sleep signals” peak at night and during the afternoon (right around 2 p.m.), which may explain why you want to grab an afternoon catnap.
Other factors, like what you eat, your hydration level, and how much time you spend staring at a screen, can also affect your energy level.
Think it’s time to curl up in your cubicle? Here are some ways to fight that fatigue as soon as it strikes.
A midday trip to the gym may not only wake you up but also boost productivity. According to a 2011 study, getting in a workout during the workday could improve your productivity once you’re back at your desk.von Thiele Schwarz U, et al. (2011). Employee self-rated productivity and objective organizational production levels: Effects of worksite health interventions involving reduced work hours and physical exercise. DOI: 10.1097/JOM.0b013e31822589c2
Do some light aerobic exercise or strength training before getting back to your work pile. Don’t have time to hit the gym? Try these deskercises to work out at work.
Feelin’ stiff? Stretching sends a surge of blood and nutrients through your body, providing a quick energy boost. If there’s no stretching station in sight, try these desk stretches to keep your muscles loose.
Changing your environment can help boost your energy. Try to sit near a window or under a bright white light, which will alert your brain that it’s time to wake up.Lok R, et al. (2018). Light, alertness, and alerting effects of white light: A literature overview. DOI: 10.1177/0748730418796443
Or take a break and get outside — a 2010 study found that spending just 20 minutes in nature could boost people’s feelings of vitality.Ryan RM, et al. (2010). Vitalizing effects of being outdoors and in nature. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2009.10.009
Take that meeting to the streets and discuss what you would in the office outdoors. Here at Greatist, we love doing laps around the neighborhood for some fresh air!
If you spend most of the workday on your rear, please stand up. Staying on your feet helps you focus, and it might even prolong your life. Get a standing desk and work away!Vallance JK, et al. (2018). Evaluating the evidence on sitting, smoking, and health: Is sitting really the new smoking? DOI: 10.2105/AJPH.2018.304649
Whether breakfast is the most important meal of the day is debatable, but skipping it or making the wrong food choices in the a.m. could leave you fuzzy.Spence C. (2017). Breakfast: The most important meal of the day? DOI: 10.1016/j.ijgfs.2017.01.003
Energy-boosting breakfasts include healthy protein sources like eggs and Greek yogurt, plus slow-burning carbs from whole grain cereals and breads.
Tight on time? Try these on-the-go breakfast ideas.
Supersizing that sandwich may be the reason for your midday fatigue. Try switching to a smaller (but still satisfying) lunch and include some of these energy-boosting foods.
A little sugar may go a long way — but in the wrong direction. Consuming sweets can provide a quick boost, but it only leads to a sugar crash that leaves you even less alert.Mantantzis K, et al. (2019). Sugar rush or sugar crash? A meta-analysis of carbohydrate effects on mood. DOI: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2019.03.016
Not mealtime yet? Have a snack to help boost your energy. Try an ounce of cheese, a handful of nuts, or another high-protein snack to stay alert.
To avoid dehydration and its sleepy side effects, just keep sipping. The Institute of Medicine recommends that women drink about 9 cups and men drink about 13 cups of water per day.
Packed with active compounds called phytochemicals, a mug of green tea can perk you up in the afternoon without making it tough to fall asleep that night. Plus, its nutritional benefits are enough to make anyone wide-eyed.Dietz C, et al. (2017). Effect of green tea phytochemicals on mood and cognition. DOI: 10.2174/1381612823666170105151800
Upping your afternoon power stores may be as simple as chewing gum (seriously). According to a 2015 study, gum chewing boosts energy and enhances work performance.Allen AP, et al. (2015). Chewing gum: Cognitive performance, mood, well-being, and associated physiology. DOI: 10.1155/2015/654806 Stick to the sugar-free kind to avoid tooth decay.
Fatigue could be the result of a big ol’ hangover. Avoid drinking alcohol during the workweek or keep consumption to a moderate level — that’s one (for women) or two drinks (for men) per day, according to the CDC.
This may be a no-brainer, but getting enough sleep is vital to staying energized throughout the day. Can’t sleep? Here are some solutions to help you drift into dreamland.
Sometimes the best remedy for fatigue is simply to shut your eyes. Learn how to power nap (20 to 30 minutes of snooze time) to get that midday boost you really need.
Tired? Give your body and mind a break by taking five to do something besides work! Use these tips to relax in 5 quick minutes before getting back to the grind.
To avoid eyestrain (which can make your eyes feel tired), keep a safe distance from your computer screen — about an arm’s length. Follow the American Optometric Association’s 20/20/20 rule: Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and shift your eyes to something at least 20 feet away.
Need a quick burst of energy? Splash some cold water on your face or stick your head in the freezer for a few seconds. The chill will wake you up for sure.
Instead of emailing a co-worker down the hall, take a trip to their cubicle and talk in person. Make it a brisk walk to get exercise, stretch your legs, and give your eyes a break from staring at the screen.
Working on the same project for 5 hours? Switch gears to stay stimulated and keep things fresh. Just don’t try to do more than one thing at a time — multitasking may make you about 40 percent less productive.Powell SK. (2016). Mindfulness, multitasking, and you. DOI: 10.1097/NCM.0000000000000141
Feeling like you’re about to doze off? Listening to uplifting music can boost alertness, attention, and memory.Riby LM. (2013). The joys of spring: Changes in mental alertness and brain function. DOI: 10.1027/1618-3169/a000166 Pro tip: Music without lyrics is best for focusing.Shih YN, et al. (2016). Elucidating the relationship between work attention performance and emotions arising from listening to music. DOI: 10.3233/WOR-162408
It seems like somewhere between 1 and 3 p.m. our brains go on vacation, leaving the rest of our bodies exhausted and rereading sentences five times without making any progress. If this sounds like you, it’s time to mix it up at work.
Eat high-protein foods and small meals without added sugar. Drink green tea to keep the energy flowing and avoid those pesky coffee jitters. Get outside to stretch your legs, and follow the 20-20-20 rule to give your eyes a break. Don’t forget to turn on some music without lyrics and chew some gum. You should feel perked up in no time.
Finally, maintain solid habits during the workweek to stay on your game, like getting enough sleep at night and easing up on booze during happy hour. A few simple adjustments could help you prevent the midday slump.
Overwork is the result of an improper lifestyle and diet. “I am deeply convinced that the problem of fatigue and human capabilities is primarily a psychological problem,” says Vladimir Didenko, medical director of the Medaboutme project. - There are many cases when, at the limit of their strength, people did the impossible, the same athletes. This is due to the activation of the sympathoadrenal system of the body: it converts nerve impulses into biologically active substances that provide a rapid change in metabolism.” So the main task in the prevention of fatigue is the regulation of brain activity. What is its essence?
Our diet largely determines how effectively we cope with daily tasks.
– Don't forget breakfast! It significantly reduces the level of the stress hormone (cortisol), the increased level of which is bad for working capacity.
– Watch your drinking regimen. On average, you need to drink 2-3 liters of fluid per day, depending on the air temperature and physical activity. “Even mild dehydration can lead to fatigue and headaches,” says Natalia Nefedova, dietitian of the BODYCAMP nutrition and healthy lifestyle project. And don't ignore the amount of caffeine you're taking. 1-2 cups of coffee a day increase metabolism and stimulate mental activity, more - deplete the energy supply.
– Mind the spices. “The taste of spices, especially hot ones, stimulates the brain to release endorphins, chemicals that increase energy production and elevate mood,” says Marina Patskikh, dietitian, endocrinologist.
– Include low glycemic index (GI) foods in your diet. To overcome fatigue will help a constant level of sugar in the blood. Provide it with low GI foods - whole grains, berries, fruits and vegetables. “Pay attention to green foods: parsley, dill, dark green cabbage, lettuce, green leafy salads,” advises Marina Patskikh. “They are rich in chlorophyll, which increases the level of oxygen in the body, which also gives a huge burst of energy.” And don't forget about asparagus and green peas - they neutralize the natural toxin ammonia, which causes drowsiness and fatigue.
Working capacity directly depends on the general activity of the brain, which changes during the day. The correct daily regimen, the intake of supportive drugs and reasonable physical activity will help to spend your energy resources more economically.
- Strengthen the nervous system with vitamins. For example, complexes with B vitamins. “In case of chronic fatigue, taking nootropics is appropriate,” says Arusyak Tashchyan, doctor-expert of the Directorate of Voluntary Medical Insurance IC “MAKS”. - They have a positive effect on the state of neural connections between brain cells, improve memory and intelligence. Preparations based on Ginkgo Biloba leaf extract are especially popular now. It is a biological nootropic that strengthens the brain vessels, calms the nerves and improves sleep.”
– Look out for herbal stimulants. Common ginseng, Chinese magnolia vine, Manchurian aralia have proven themselves well. They should be taken in the morning.
– Get enough sleep . Not only the number of hours is important, but also the quality of sleep. In order for the nervous system to rest, refuse to contemplate any monitors before going to bed. The light emitted by gadgets affects the pineal gland, stopping the production of melatonin, and, as a result, disrupts sleep. “Give yourself a cool temperature in the bedroom,” says Natalya Nefedova. “During the night’s rest, body temperature drops, and too warm air in the room can interrupt sleep.”
– Observe biorhythms (owls and larks) . If you engage in the most difficult tasks at your peak of energy, you will get more done and less tired.
– Move whenever possible. Change your posture, walk up the stairs, exercise your eyes and head, wave your arms. “The body spends much more energy on maintaining monotonous postures (for example, sitting at a computer) than on movement,” explains Natalya Kiselnikova (Volkova), , Associate Professor of the Department of Psychological Sciences, co-founder of the Reforma project. - Plus, physical activity allows you to throw out the accumulated stress and stimulate the production of endorphins. By the way, if you feel sleepy, and there are still several hours of hard work ahead, take a walk down the street. Sunlight is the enemy of melatonin and sleepiness.”
– Breathe in essential oils. The best energy stimulants are oils of grapefruit, lemon, rosemary. To quickly relieve fatigue, put 2-3 drops on a cloth and inhale deeply. Another option is an aroma pendant that you can carry with you.
Will breathing and psychological practices help keep you awake? The opinions of experts differ, but nothing prevents you from testing these methods for yourself.
– Practice relaxation exercises. “When you have to work 12-14 hours a day, advice about “go to the pool or yoga” sounds like a mockery,” shares her experience Svetlana Leonova, specialist in interpersonal relations, doctor of the highest category, owner of an optician network. “I was saved in such a situation by a relaxation exercise that I did every day immediately after getting up and before going to bed.” Sit with your back straight, relax and imagine a white screen. Drive away all annoying thoughts and images. Watch your breathing - it should be calm and even, try to feel your "I" - the core of your forces, the creator of your own world. Stay in this state for at least 20 minutes.
– Watch your breath . If you feel that you are tense, tired, take a few deep breaths, if you want to cheer up, breathe intensely and often.
– Do interesting things, communicate with nice people . A person draws energy not only from physical sources, but also psychological ones. “Have you noticed how we are charged by our favorite work, reading a fascinating book, communicating with an interesting and attentive interlocutor? - says Natalya Kiselnikova (Volkova) . - It seems that we could do this forever and not get tired. Alternate work “by obligation” with activities “to your liking”, and then routine things will not be so exhausting. ”
- Prioritize. “Imagine that your attempts to increase efficiency with the help of various techniques were crowned with success,” suggests Yuri Sysoev, head of the Hierarchy.Ru psychological project. - The number of cases you have significantly increased, but it cannot increase indefinitely. By doing more things, you can prove that you are aimed at success, but you will not be able to avoid overwork. Soon you will return to where you started: you need to have time to do even more, but where do you get the energy and strength for this? The real advice in this situation is only one - you need to start doing fewer things, but they should be important and useful for the company or for you personally. This approach contains reasonable risk, but it is far more realistic and feasible than many of the "positive" options.
An active or relaxed rest is essential to recuperate. And to find time for it, pay attention to your work schedule. Tips Leonid Bugaev , business coach, author of the course "MaxEffect: maximum efficiency" will help you make it right.
– Focus on the time you spend making any decision. Every day you spend time thinking and searching for information that either confirms or changes your decisions. Once you've made your choice, don't change it! Having drawn the line “decision made”, set the task to answer the question “what needs to be done to implement it”.
– Don't get distracted by trifles . “A big jump in productivity took place in my career when I stopped being a “maniac of mail and telephone,” says Leonid Bugaev. “I stopped checking mail and messages and put clear time blocks in my calendar for when I should. All the free time (and there was a lot of it!) I devote to actions that at the end of the day can be characterized as a completed decision.
– Keep your calendar in mind . Remember this point every time someone tries to claim your time: “My calendar is really mine, not the calendar of my clients or colleagues. And my daily plan of action on this calendar is strictly carried out.
- Delegate to others. Do not take on all the cases and projects yourself, especially if they are not part of your immediate functionality. Take a look around: there are probably people nearby who can do something much better and more efficiently than you. “Find a person who can not only perform administrative tasks, but also solve problems, and will make it his goal to help you as much as possible,” writes Laura VanderKam , bestselling author of The Book of Lost Time. - For rational delegation, you need to remember: "If I can do something, it's not a fact that I should do it." You have to understand that you will not be able to spend enough time on the most important professional activity if you are busy with other things.
– Mark on your calendar where you want to be . Check your plan daily: Is that day getting closer as a result of my daily actions? What did I do today to make this event happen? “Energy appears after the realization “I did it!”, And this is a victory over oneself,” sums up Leonid Bugaev.
Ekaterina Bespyatykh international time management expert, founder of the Woman Time Academy for Women's Development, speaker at Skolkovo, Crocus City Hall, and a mother of many children friends) it is important to be able to focus on the current task, mobilize your own strength and attention, maintain yourself in a resource state for the time that is needed to solve the task.
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Get up (6:00-8:00)
Get up early for a successful day. Mornings are ideal for light physical activity. While everyone in the house is still asleep, do some yoga or do a brisk exercise on the balcony with wide open windows to fill your body with oxygen and tone your body after a night. Choose the type of load that suits you. Someone likes aerobics, jogging or exercise bike, fitball exercises. And someone feels more comfortable practicing Pilates, callanetics or stretching. The main thing is to do exercises with pleasure, then they will bring double benefits: physically they will strengthen muscles and ligaments, and psychologically they will fill you with energy and cheer you up.
Take a contrast shower, and then actively rub yourself with a towel - this will help you cheer up and finally wake up.
Write down the plan for the day. Be sure to include rest and activities that will help you recharge, such as hobbies, hanging out with family and friends, reading or watching a movie.
Breakfast (9:00)
At this time, the metabolism is activated. In order to be alert and efficient during the day, it is important to saturate your brain with energy. And for this - a hearty breakfast.
It is best to prepare fresh meals rather than reheat yesterday's food from the refrigerator. A good option would be an omelette or scrambled eggs, Greek yogurt with fruits and berries, a handful of nuts, dried apricots and prunes. You can drink a cup of coffee or green tea.
What about those who cannot eat “this early”? Start thinking about the upcoming awakening from dinner - it should take place three to four hours before bedtime. And yet be easy. This will allow you to wake up with a healthy feeling of hunger. Before breakfast, it is important to start the digestive tract, prepare for eating. Drink one or two glasses of warm water, and when it comes time to sit down at the table, you will realize that you are looking at food with pleasure.
First half of the day (until 12:00)
Before noon is the most productive time: during this period the brain works most actively. Focus on the most important things. These can be complex or time-consuming work tasks that require full concentration and dedication, or things that you don’t want to do frankly. They, too, should not be shelved: in the first half of the day there is every chance to cope with them as quickly as possible, because you are not tired yet.
In a home office setting, it is important to organize a separate workspace for yourself and warn the rest of the family that you are busy and should not be disturbed. This approach will increase productivity. After completing the next task, be sure to check the to-do list for the day or cross out the corresponding item from it.
Lunch (13:00-13:30)
The best time to eat, because during this period the digestive system works in full force. If you want to chat with your family, set the table and sit down to dine together. But if you understand that the best thing for you at the moment is to be alone, pick up a tray and boldly go to your room or balcony - to the place where you will get the desired privacy.
It is very important to explain to relatives that this desire is quite natural and must be respected. After all, under quarantine conditions, you already contact very closely and you need to be able to take a break from each other. This will relieve nervous tension and maintain a friendly atmosphere in the family.
© Daria Shevtsova/Pexels
Ideal for relaxing and relaxing. Do not overload your brain during this time. Set aside 40-60 minutes for yourself to do something that calms you. For example, reading a book, watching a series, some kind of hobby. You can water or plant flowers, listen to meditative music, jazz or classical music - it is important that the activity is distracting and relaxing.
If you feel very tired, then allow yourself to take a nap - this will allow the body to restore the resource.
Afternoon (after 2:00 pm)
So, you have about four more hours to work: the brain is still active, so don't miss this time.
Now it is best to focus on measured matters or on those aspects of work that are related to communication: phone calls, correspondence in instant messengers or social networks, consultations, coordination and distribution of various assignments, control of tasks performed by employees.
Summarize the working day, check whether everything was done from what you planned. Praise yourself for your efforts and successful achievement of your goals.
Dinner (18:00–19:00)
From now on, it is important to stop doing office work. Working from home gives many people the illusion that a specialist or manager is available to solve work issues 24/7. It is not right. Decide ahead of time when you will answer business calls and emails. The rest of the time, abstract from work.
The best time for an evening meal is from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm, when the liver produces maximum enzymes. The right dinner will help strengthen the immune system. Useful will be dishes from seafood, white meat (turkey, chicken breast), lean fish, fresh or cooked vegetables with greens, cottage cheese.
Evening time
After dinner, you should definitely not return to work or serious issues: the brain is no longer capable of analytical activity, it goes into rest mode.
Take this time to your loved ones: play with the children, check the lessons, watch a movie or cartoons together. You can also visit an online tour or a concert, listen to a lecture or take part in a master class - now many cultural and educational projects have opened free access to broadcasts and classes.
An hour before bedtime (21:00)
Give up gadgets, create a calm relaxed atmosphere in the house. You can light candles and incense, take a bath, turn on soft, pleasant music.
Treat yourself - cleanse the skin, apply your favorite cream or lotion, do a light self-massage. Comb your hair with a soft brush from roots to ends in at least 100 strokes - this is very soothing.
It's very good if you take 15 minutes to meditate. It will allow you to clear your mind, get rid of anxiety and anxiety, and remove internal clamps.
Try not to pick up your phone or open your laptop, because the bright light from the screen reduces the production of melatonin. And this affects the quality of sleep and, as a result, the state of health and mood the next day. Be sure to ventilate the room before going to bed.