How to sign a letter of recommendation when retired

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  • Brag Sheet Deadlines 

    The following deadlines are for Counselor Letters, but you should give teachers this much lead time as well. 

    • App Deadline November 1? Brag sheet to counselor by October 7.
    • App Deadline November 15? Brag sheet to counselor by October 21.
    • App Deadline December 1? Brag sheet to counselor by November 10.
    • App Deadline January 1 - 9? Brag sheet to counselor by December 2.

    It is NOT your recommender's job to track you down! It is up to you to submit brag sheets and to do all Naviance steps properly.  


    Expand each step below for detailed instructions. See also:

    • Letters of Recommendation screencast for a walk-through of the process 
    • the Naviance how-to video at the bottom of this page for the Naviance portion of the request

    Rising Seniors:  You can do up to Step 3 in the spring/ summer. Please wait until fall to complete Steps 4-8. 

  • Many schools do not require and / or do not want letters. UW Seattle, UW Bothell, WSU, Central, Eastern, and all community colleges do NOT want letters and will not read them if they are submitted.

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  • Most Common App schools require a counselor letter in addition to any teacher letters.

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  • Check your college's requirements.

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  • This step waives your right to see the letters (colleges want it that way).

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  • This step creates the portal for the teacher to upload your letter.

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  • Since there isn't a Counselor request in Naviance, you must communicate directly.

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  • You are in charge of the process.

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  • Writing letters is an extra task on top of regular duties. Be sure you thank your recommenders!

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  • Comments (-1)

  • Even though you will not be able to screen your letters, there is a lot you can do to guide the process.

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  • View the above image about who to ask to write letters for you:  LOR Preference

  • Posted by:

    Ask teachers who know you well. You do not have to be getting an A in the class. 

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  • Posted by:

    Colleges generally want letters from teachers of core subjects (English, Math, Science, Social Studies) for the required number of letters. If a college requires two letters, then ask core teachers for those two. If a college requires one letter but will take two, you could ask a core teacher for the one letter and use a non core teacher (language, music, art, elective) for the other letter. 

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  • Posted by:

    That is relevant. If you are applying as a direct admit to an engineering program, you should include at least one STEM teacher. If you are applying to a music conservatory, you should include at least one music teacher. Feel free to ask college representatives for the colleges' preferences for questions at this level, because the answers may vary from school to school.

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  • Posted by:

    No. If a college requires two letters but will take up to four, they will not devalue your application if you provide two. 

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  • Posted by:

    Yes, if you are willing to do a bit of extra work. 

    See Letter Writer Isn't a Shorewood Teacher above. 

    If the recommender is a Shorecrest teacher, we can do the same procedure in general, but if the teacher works at a middle or elementary school, you will have to go through the process outlined in the headline above. 

    If your teacher is retired, teaches out of district, or is one of your professors for a Running Start class, you will have to do some legwork. See the options in the headline above. 

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  • Posted by:

    There are two common problems in the letter procedure:  

    1. Teachers may have uploaded but not sent the letters. Teachers are asked to not only upload, but also electronically send the letters so that the letters are an arrangement between the student, the teacher, and the college (not with the rest of the Shorewood staff). If there is a glitch, sometimes the teacher cannot send. If the teacher asks  Mrs. Stephens or Ms. Hurley directly to send a particular letter, we will do so. 

    2) Letters cannot be sent to Common App schools until the teacher also completes a short evaluation. If your teacher does not know how to complete the evaluation, Mrs. Stephens or Ms. Hurley will help. Mrs. Stephens can re-send instructions to any teachers who need them. 

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  • Posted by:

    You cannot, unless the teacher chooses to provide you with a copy. (Do not ask the teacher for it!)

    The FERPA waiver that you sign when you set up the application systems in Naviance and the Common App says that you waive your right to see the letters. This step is regarded as the standard, since it shows integrity on your part. Colleges will not trust letters that they know have been screened by the student. 


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  • Posted by:

    Scholarships often ask for letters of recommendation. 

    If you already asked teachers for letters for college applications, ask the teacher(s) if they would be willing to repurpose their letters for your scholarship application. Please give them plenty of notice since they will have to adjust how the letter is written. 

    Scholarships vary in how they wish the letters to be submitted. There may be an online portal, they may wish the recommenders send letters directly to a particular email address, or they may wish for a hard copy (in a sealed envelope) to be submitted with your paper application. In any of the above cases, it is best if you handle the letters as little as possible so that they are confidential.  

    If you do not already have letters for college applications, then ask for a letter several weeks in advance and ask if they would like you to fill out a brag sheet. If they would, type the answers and email them to the teacher. Also be sure they know the scholarship deadline. 

    Thank your teacher for the letters! 

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Need Letter From Guidance Counselor But They Retired - College Admissions



As you all know most college applications ask for recommendation letters, one including your guidance counselor. Problem is mine retired and I cannot contact her. What should one do in this situation? I’m honestly completely stumped.



Someone in the department likely has their contact information–retirement doesn’t mean dropped off the face of the earth. Try emailing the department head or new GC and explaining the situation.



Do you not have a new one? In my very limited experience, our HS counselors take input from current and previous year teachers and compile it into a summary, sending it along with the school profile. Iirc, I think there’s a standard form for it on the Common App.

My D22 has a new GC and I’m not concerned. Her new one almost certainly knows as little about her as the previous one.

Perhaps ask your new counselor how the counselor recommendation will be handled. A retiring counselor probably had hundreds of students now in the same situation.

1 Like



I should’ve mentioned that I’m a gap year student so I don’t have a new guidance counselor since I graduated.



Ah. Yes, that’s a problem. Other than continue to hunt her down, there don’t seem to be many options.

Though I would still ask your former school what they can do. At a minimum, maybe they can just send the same document as last year, unless you completely skipped the application cycle.



I never did applications at all so I don’t have an old letter I can use, unfortunately.



Just contact your school. I’m sure they have all your records. In really big high schools it’s not like you have an up close and personal relationship with the guidance counselor. I’m sure your old school, no matter the size, can write a letter for you based on your records.



Contact the head of guidance in your old HS and decide how to proceed. Seems to me the choices are to 1) have your retired GC write the LOR if he/she can be found and is willing to do so OR 2) have a current GC write a letter even if just to explain the situation.

purpose, basic drafting rules, structure and sample, and who can certify the document?

The practice of writing letters of recommendation has been around for a very long time. Back in the 19th century, when applying for a job, both governesses and office workers provided a written review from a previous employer.

What is it?

In fact, this is a characteristic of a person's professional qualities: what success he was able to achieve, what additional knowledge and skills he received, and how this affected the performance of his duties.

Legally references from a previous job are not a mandatory document (what documents must be issued upon dismissal?). However, in practice, their presence significantly increases the candidate's chances for employment.

The mere presence of a letter may indicate that a person is prudent and prepared for a conversation with an employer. Also, a candidate for a vacant position with recommendations demonstrates the conflict-free termination of the previous employment relationship, which generally characterizes him positively.

However, a poorly written recommendation letter can create problems for the candidate.

Often, managers refuse to write letters of recommendation, referring to employment , and offer the employee to write a letter on their own and then bring it for signature. If an employee evaluates his abilities too highly, the objectivity of the stated assessments and characteristics will be in doubt.

After the interview, the recruiting manager can call the author listed in the letter of recommendation. An awkward situation may arise - a person who did not write a recommendation himself will not be able to tell anything about its content. Therefore, before signing a letter of recommendation for yourself from the manager, make sure that he has read the content and made adjustments if necessary.


The main purpose of letters of recommendation is, in addition to the resume, but in a more free manner, to tell about the competencies of the employee. It reveals:

  • character of the employee;
  • his experience;
  • strengths and weaknesses;
  • the main thing is the further potential.

Recommendations should not be confused with the cover letter that is sent along with the job application. You should indicate the presence of references in your resume and bring them with you to the interview, if one takes place.

Sending references along with resume is redundant. A letter of recommendation will make a good impression if you show it directly during a conversation with a representative of the employer and at his request.

Who is authorized to certify?

References must be made by someone who has had long-term professional contact with the employee. This may be the immediate supervisor or the head of an adjacent, but connected by working interactions, department.

It is not uncommon for letters to be written by personnel department employees:

  • On the one hand, this is due to the expansion of the functionality of HR managers.
  • On the other hand, with the absence of a direct supervisor from an employee who needs a characteristic.

Positive feedback is needed not only for "white-collar" and highly qualified specialists, but also for service personnel. They can describe the experience in a resume, and the personnel service in the recommendations will confirm the absence of attachment to alcohol or systematic absenteeism. Those who work under civil law contracts can ask for references from their clients.

Basic drafting rules

  1. When writing, remember that this is a business document. The manner of presentation and vocabulary should be appropriate. Do not use vivid comparisons and artistic exaggerations.
  2. When listing the characteristics of an employee, it is better to avoid generalized phrases, it is advisable to name specific skills, successes and achievements. If possible, give specific figures that demonstrate the performance of the employee and his experience.
  3. The text of the letter should be discreet. If the letter contains a lot of pronounced praise for the employee, the potential employer may suspect that the recommendations are biased.
  4. The originator of the letter must be indicated, his contacts must be given, the letter must be signed by him.
  5. No need to write all the text by hand. It is advisable to print several copies on company letterhead.
  6. For ease of reading and perception of information, it is desirable to place the entire text on one printed sheet. Do not use too small font, the text should be easy to read.


There is no single unified sample or form for letters of recommendation. In general terms it is customary to adhere to the following structure:

  1. The upper right corner is reserved for indicating the recipient of the letter, to whom it is addressed. If the employee is in the process of looking for a new position, then the wording “For presentation at the place of demand” is appropriate.
  2. Further in the center directly the name of the document.
  3. The main text of the letter: data of the employee, his position, term of work, job responsibilities, professional achievements and personal characteristics.
  4. Reasons for dismissal.
  5. Summary, wishes of success.
  6. Date, full name of the compiler, his position, contacts and signature.


The letter should contain answers to the following questions about the employee:

  1. How long and what position did you hold?
  2. Does he have the necessary competencies to do the job?
  3. What additional skills and knowledge did you acquire and how did you put it into practice?
  4. How well do you know the intricacies of the professional field?
  5. What achievements did you achieve during your work?
  6. Does he have additional features that help him in his work? For example, efficiency, strict adherence to deadlines, the ability to quickly make constructive decisions, etc.
  7. What personal qualities did you show in the team? For example, non-conflict, stress resistance, formal and informal leadership, etc.


Download a sample letter of recommendation to an employee upon dismissal

The letter should only indicate what is directly related to professional activities.

Finding a new job is stressful for many people. The presence of additional documents confirming the qualifications and suitability of the position is an indisputable advantage in employment. When dismissing, do not be embarrassed and afraid to ask the manager to write a letter of recommendation. This will help you find a good job in the future and strengthen business ties.

Subject to a written request, the employer must issue signed documents and certificates regarding the former employee. How to apply for the issuance of the necessary papers, the settlement and bypass sheet, what papers the employee signs, what is a copy of the work book and when it is needed - read on our Internet portal.

Useful video

We recommend watching a video about why you need a letter of recommendation and how to write it:

Letter of recommendation when an employee is dismissed

Author Mark Kleiner Reading 9 min. Published

Contents of the article

  1. What is the recommendation for
  2. Who gives the recommendation
  3. What needs to be done to get the document
  4. Is an employer obliged to give a recommendation to an employee?
  5. What does the recommendation give to the dismissed employee?
  6. Document writing errors
  7. Advantages and disadvantages


Letter of recommendation from the employer - a document that is usually formed before the employee leaves the organization or after - if requested.

Why do we need a recommendation

A recommendation or, as it is also called a letter of recommendation, is a type of document that describes the professional qualities of a person.

  • information about his skills, ability to cope with assigned tasks;
  • communicate with work colleagues, customers, partners;
  • learning ability;
  • achievements, successes and similar information.

Sometimes the personal qualities of a former employee are included, but only those that are directly related to the work functions performed.

The recommendation often allows people to find a good, well-paid job in a relatively short period of time, of course, provided that it is positive.

Who makes the recommendation

A letter of recommendation is always written on behalf of the previous employer.

Moreover, the former immediate supervisor, for example, the head of a structural subdivision, department, workshop, section, is usually directly involved in compiling the document.

Sometimes the formation of recommendations falls on the shoulders of a human resources specialist, the secretary of the organization or the director himself (in small firms). In any case, this should be someone who is well acquainted with the person in need of a recommendation, or at least enough to give the most objective, adequate and fair characterization.

If the recommendation is written by an ordinary employee of the enterprise, it must be signed by an employee in a higher position - only if this condition is met, the recommendation will have sufficient weight and solidity in the eyes of the person for whom it is intended.

What you need to do to get a document

In order to get a recommendation from the employer, you need to write to the director of the enterprise or one of his representatives a corresponding application, in which you should briefly, in the correct form, express your request.

It usually takes no more than three days for these applications to be reviewed and a recommendation made.

Is an employer obliged to give a recommendation to an employee

Russian labor legislation does not say anywhere that an employer must provide his former employee with any recommendation.

This means that to give or not to give a letter of recommendation to an employee is the exclusive right of the employer, and not his obligation.

Thus, in order not to lose the opportunity to get a recommendation, you should maintain good relations with the employer and colleagues - this will not only allow you to receive the necessary document in a timely manner, but also to some extent guarantees the presence of positive feedback in it.

Does the company have the right to demand a recommendation when applying for a job

As well as the provision of a letter of recommendation, its requirement is the will of the employer. If a representative of an organization, when hiring, insists on providing this document, there is no point in arguing with him, it is better to spend your energy on stocking up on the necessary paper.

Providing a positive reference from a previous job (or even several) will significantly increase the chances that the desired job will be obtained.

How to write a letter of recommendation

Since the law does not require an employer to write letters of recommendation to their employees, it means that there is no unified model for them. That is, representatives of enterprises and organizations can draw up a document in any form.

It is important to comply with just a few conditions, in particular, that the form and structure of the recommendation comply with the rules of office work, and in content and text - the rules of the Russian language. The document should be sufficiently capacious and concise, strictly to the point of the issue, without vague wording, special terms and rude expressions.

The recommendation must contain:

  • the name of the employing organization on behalf of which the document is drawn up;
  • position and full name of the person who directly makes the recommendation;
  • the characteristic itself - here you need to indicate only the business and professional qualities of the employee, his success in the workplace, etc.
  • information about the reasons why a person was fired from this job.

In the recommendation, it is permissible to give wishes to the future employer about the conditions under which and in what jobs it is best to use the work of this applicant.

If desired, any additional documents can be attached to the recommendation: copies of certificates of achievements, victories, etc.

What not to write in a recommendation

Although the drafting of a recommendation is completely at the mercy of the employer, certain rules should be followed when writing it and certain things should be avoided.

In particular, one should try not to give negative, unsubstantiated reviews (i.e., of course, it is not forbidden to write such reviews, but only if there is evidence and confirmation of this, for example, written certificates of disciplinary sanctions, etc. ), but it should immediately be borne in mind that such a document is unlikely to ever be used for its intended purpose.

The recommendation should not include unreliable, unverified or deliberately false information - when such facts are revealed, the reputation of not only the person to whom the document was issued, but also the one who issued it, will suffer.

What do you need to know about the rules for compiling a document?

  1. The key purpose of the letter is to “advertise” the applicant. Therefore, in addition to the main advantages, it is important to mention professional qualities. That is, about successful work experience, that the applicant is a creative, creative, extraordinary, responsible person, etc.
  2. The length of the letter should not exceed 1 page. All the advantages are described clearly and multiple times, and at the end there must be a phrase that a person is recommended for a certain position or for a certain job.
  3. As such, there are no sample letters, and the paper itself is only informative, but there are certain rules for formatting such business letters.
  4. The style of speech in the letter is allowed exclusively business. Artistic phrases or phrases that do not particularly carry a semantic load (“water”) are not used. Also, excessive pathos or primitive vague characteristics of an employee like “bad / good” will be superfluous.
  5. Be sure to indicate in the letter its originator, and the document itself must be certified by an “autograph” and a seal by its contributor.
  6. Write the document exclusively on company letterhead.
  7. One recommendation is good, but 3 is better! They are written by those who can really vouch for you.
  8. The date the document was written also matters. It is desirable that the age of the letter at the time of the job search is no more than 1 year. As for the letters from 10 years ago, they no longer have power (the employee develops, gains new experience and skills). If there is only one (and then very old) recommendation, it is better not to demonstrate it at all or ask the drafter of the document to update it. Note: never throw away the originals of such documents and be sure to make copies of them.
  9. In order to "hook" the interest and trust of the employer, it is necessary to indicate in the letter not only the strengths, but also (oddly enough) the weaknesses of the applicant. A "pomaded" ideal characteristic will only scare away the employer. Of course, you shouldn't get carried away, but it should be noted.
  10. When specifying the personality traits of an employee, it does not hurt to bring facts that would prove the described merits.
  11. Letters of recommendation received from tiny companies, alas, usually do not inspire much confidence. The reason is simple - there is a possibility that the letter was composed and written "out of great friendship." Therefore, if you come from just such a small company, make sure that your letter of recommendation is perfect - without vulgar pathos, exclusively in a business vein, indicating weaknesses, etc.
  12. Oral recommendations are no less important today. Moreover, employers sometimes trust them more: personal direct communication with the former management and colleagues of the applicant turns out to be more valuable than the letter itself - there is an opportunity to ask additional questions. Therefore, many applicants indicate phone numbers for receiving such recommendations directly in the resume.
  13. It is important to remember that the new management that hires you may call the numbers listed in the recommendations. Therefore, you should not write "fake" fictitious papers, so that later you do not end up with a broken trough and without a prestigious job because of such a small lie. And even if the letter is written directly by the head, who lets you go free with a friendly handshake, you should definitely get his consent to confirm the authenticity of the document (if necessary) and to a possible conversation with the new leadership, which may have additional questions.
  14. Letters of recommendation should not be sent at the same time as a resume. Leave letters for later. Otherwise, it seems that the applicant is so unsure of his abilities that he immediately uses all his "trump cards" of external support. It is recommended to provide these papers either on demand or at the next stage of negotiations. By sending a resume, you can simply gently and unobtrusively emphasize your readiness - if necessary, provide such recommendations.

What does the recommendation give to the dismissed employee?

This is an informal document that describes in a free form certain qualities of a person in order to reflect his positive or negative sides. In this case, a letter of recommendation to an employee upon dismissal is issued to simplify his employment at the next job.

Good to know: The employee can ask the employer to pay for his training within the profession. For this, a separate agreement is drawn up.

Mistakes in drafting a document

Quite often mistakes are made when drafting a letter of recommendation. Therefore, it is important to know the points that are not desirable to be indicated in this document. For example, you should refrain from negative reviews, especially if they are not supported by specific facts.

The letter must not contain deliberately false information, even if it will describe the merits of the employee. Subsequently, incorrect data may be revealed and the reputation of not only the hired employee, but also the person who made the recommendation, will suffer from this.

It is not advisable to use criticism in a letter, but one should not exaggerate the dignity of the employee. Such a document is unlikely to inspire confidence on the part of the employer . You do not need to insert charts, graphs, diagrams or tables in the text of the recommendation. It is advisable to refrain from underlining words and highlighting them in bold.

Making a correct and competent recommendation is not difficult at all. The main thing is to approach its writing with responsibility and comply with the basic requirements, since this document can play a significant role for an employee when looking for a new job.

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