How to study when you are tired

How To Focus When Studying, Even When You're Tired

Feeling tired, hard to concentrate, or just simply sleepy when it comes to studying? You’re definitely not alone.

​We all have had those days where our brains feels numb and drained, only to remember that we still have more studying to do. Joy.

So here are 14 tried-and-tested, practical yet sustainable ways on how to focus when studying, no matter how tired you feel.


  1. #1. Study In A Brightly Lit Room
  2. #2. Don’t Get Too Comfortable
  3. #3. Remove All Distractions Before Studying
  4. #4. Study With Other Like-Minded People
  5. #5. Drink Enough Water
  6. #6. Have A Balanced Diet And Avoid Heavy Meals
  7. #7. Study Consistently And Keep Optimizing Your Routine
  8. #8. Go For A Walk (Or Just Get Up And Move)
  9. #9. Chew Some Gum
  10. #10. Limit Caffeine Beverages.  Avoid Energy Drinks And Alcohol
  11. #11. Still Tired? Try Switching Topics Or Tasks (Temporarily)
  12. #12. Take A 20-30 Minute Power Nap
  13. #13. Don’t Ever Do An All Nighter
  14. #14. Finally, Do You Have Enough Sleep?

#1. Study In A Brightly Lit Room

Setting up the right environment is your first step to effective study sessions.

The type of light matters. Studying in a room with natural light sources (e.g. near a window) does wonders on keeping you focused and alert, even in the afternoon. Studies have shown that people that had exposure to day light (vs. artificial light) in the day tend to stay alert for longer in the evening. 

For night time studying, make sure your environment is sufficiently bright, and don’t just rely on one lone light source, if possible.   

#2. Don’t Get Too Comfortable

Getting too comfortable is a recipe for drowsiness, not something you want when learning new concepts!

Here are a couple of easy ways to minimize that:

  • Wear “work clothes”, not pajamas for studying: Dressing for success matters. While it isn’t necessary to wear suits or office clothing, it is harder to fall asleep in them vs. your comfy sleeping attires. 
  • Try standing occasionally while studying: In a 2011 study