If you are a new or returning player, the process of unlocking allied races may feel daunting. Since the allied races were introduced in past expansions, the unlock process expects you to travel to zones and areas that you aren’t familiar with. To make matters worse, many guides assume you already know how to get to these zones or what quests you need to do to earn a specific achievement. In this guide, I will walk through each step, including how to get to the zones so that you can unlock the Kul Tiran allied race!
As an overview, here are the steps I want to cover in this guide:
There are several requirements to unlock Kul Tiran Humans in Dragonflight:
After finishing the recruitment quests, you can play as a Kul Tiran Human. Okay, so that gives you a quick overview of what is required. In the rest of the article, we will dive into the details of each requirement.
1) Complete each Kul Tiras zone storylineKul Tiras is the Alliance continent added in the Battle for Azeroth expansions. Before you can complete the storyline in each zone on the Kul Tiras, you need to know how to get there.
If you have been to Kul Tiras (Boralus Harbor) before, you can get back by taking the portal to Boralus from the Mage Quarter tower in Stormwind. To unlock the portal, you can pick up a quest called The Tides of War in Stormwind’s Trade District (from the NPC next to the hero’s call board). You can also get to Boralus Harbor by taking the southernmost ship from Stormwind harbor docks.
However, if you take the ship without first doing The Tides of War, there won’t be any quests for you when you arrive.
Horde players can get to Kul Tiras in Dragonflight by doing the Horde war campaign that starts at level 35. This will allow you to set up footholds on Kul Tiras that you can reach by taking the ship from the docks in Dazar’alor. If you don’t have the portal to Dazar’alor (from Orgrimmar), you will need to complete the Mission Statement quest first.
There are three major zones on the continent of Kul Tiras — Drustvar, Stormsong Valley, and Tiragarde Sound. You can begin questing in Tiragarde Sound at level 10 by selecting the Boralus Harbormaster’s Office map. Drustvar quests start at level 25 from the same spot. To begin questing in Stormsong Valley, you must be level 35.
Each of these zone storylines will take a considerable amount of time to finish. If you have flying unlocked, it may take you 2 – 4 hours for each zone, depending on your class and comfort with your character. If you don’t have flying, it could take you twice as long. You will know you have satisfied the requirements for the zone when you earn the following achievements:
As another important note, completing the Loremaster of Zandalar achievement on a Horde character will give you the alliance equivalent!
2) Part 1 of the Alliance War CampaignAt level 35+, you become eligible to begin the Alliance War Campaign. However, you will only be able to complete a few steps because some of the portions of the story are gated behind higher-level requirements and other questlines. You can choose to start working on it while finishing zone storylines or wait until you are done.
Once you reach level 50, you’ll want to complete the short side quest to unlock your legendary necklace called the Heart of Azeroth. To begin the process, you can pick up a quest called A Dying World from the Earthen Guardian found outside the Snug Harbor Inn in Boralus.
In total, there are eight storylines as part of the first chapter of the War Campaign. Here is a list of each quest chain and the level required to begin it.
You can begin the first step in each storyline from the ship (Wind’s Redemption) in Boralus Harbor. The quest giver is an NPC named Halford Wyrmbane, and he can be found at coordinates (69.6 27.0). Finishing each of these objectives will reward Ready for War.
This one is pretty straightforward. You need to reach level 50 to complete the first part of the War Campaign and all other steps listed from here on out. If you are starting a character from scratch, you should hit level 50 with quests in the three zones alone.
4) Pride of Kul Tiras StorylineAfter earning the Loremaster of Kul Tiras achievement and reaching level 50, you can begin working on The Pride of Kul Tiras.
This quest series begins with What You May Regret, which you can pick up from Cyrus Crestfall in the Boralus Harbormaster’s Office.
In total, there are 25 quests you will need to complete to earn The Pride of Kul Tiras achievement. Some players have had difficulty with this step because there are four dungeon quests included in the chain. Luckily, as of patch 9.1.5, you can skip each dungeon quest by speaking to the quest giver again and selecting “I entrust you to handle this mission!”
Here are the 25 quests that you will need to complete:
1. What You May Regret
2. Lost Shipment
3. A Local Guide
4. An Explosive Entrance
5. The Keys to Success in Freehold
6. Sweete’s Strongbox
7. Tol Dagor: The Fourth Key (Dungeon)
8. The Mysterious Island
9. A Forlorn Hope
10. The Strength of the Storm
11. Ritual Effects
12. Shrine of the Storm: The Missing Ritual (Dungeon)
13. Opening the Way
14. Fate’s End
15. Lost in Darkness
16. Of Myth and Fable
17. The Old Bear
18. Nightmare Catcher
19. Buried Power
20. Hatred’s Focus
21. Waycrest Manor: Draining the Heartsbane (Dungeon)
22. Into Darkness
23. Runic Resistance
24. Thros, the Blighted Lands
25. Siege of Boralus: Lady Ashvane’s Return. (Dungeon)
After finishing the quest for Siege of Boralus and earning The Pride of Kul Tiras, you will be able to start a quest called A Nation United. This is a single quest that can be picked up from Genn Greymane in the Harbormaster’s Office (Boralus). Completing it should be straightforward so let’s jump to the next step!
I have listed this as the 6th step in the process of unlocking Kul Tirans, but you can technically do it once you are level 50+ and have earned Ready for War.
To begin the 2nd part of the War Campaign to earn Tides of Vengeance, look for the orange exclamation point on your map for the quest named The Calm Before. It will be offered by Mathias Shaw on the same boat that all other War Campaign quests have started from.
If you are having trouble finding it, you might want to turn “trivial quests” on your map by clicking on the magnifying glass near your minimap.
7) Do the 20 quest recruitment storylineIf you haven’t had your fill of questing yet, it is time to do some more! Fortunately, you are almost there!
You can begin the recruitment quests by talking to Aysa Cloudsinger at the Stormwind Embassy. The quest you are looking for is called Made in Kul Tiras.
While 20 quests sound like quite a lot, you will be able to bang through it pretty quick because many of them are “go talk to that guy” types of quests.
Once you finish that quest chain, you will (finally) unlock the Kul Tiran Human allied race and a shiny new Kul Tiran Charger mount!
I have included a few frequently asked questions below. If you are working on unlocking other allied races, here is my quick allied race unlock overview and links to detailed guides for every race.
Frequently Asked QuestionsQ. How long does it take to unlock Kul Tiran Humans?
This depends on where you are in the process and whether you have BFA flying unlocked. At the fastest, you might be able to unlock Kul Tirans in 8-10 hours. For a new character with no flying or BFA playtime, it may very well take you upwards of 20-30 hours instead.
If you want to invest time into BFA flying, please check my guide on earning BFA pathfinder.
Q. What classes can Kul Tirans be?
Kul Tirans can play as 9 of the 12 classes in World of Warcraft. They cannot play as demon hunters, paladins, or warlocks. Every other class is fair game, including:
Death Knight
Q. What racial traits do Kul Tirans have?
Kul Tiran Humans have 1 active racial ability and 4 passive ones. Their active ability, Haymaker, can be used to knock enemies back and stun them for 3 seconds.
Their passive racial skills include:
Brush It Off: Heal for 2% of damage taken over 4 seconds and 1% increase to versatility.
Child of the Sea: 10% faster swim speed and 50% more breath capacity.
Jack of All Trades: Plus 5 to all tradeskills.
Rime of the Ancient Mariner: Take 1% less Frost and Nature damage
Unlocking the Kul Tiran allied race is an involved process. In addition to completing the major Kul Tiras zone storylines, you need to complete the first two parts of the Alliance War Campaign and a recruitment quest chain.
Hopefully, this guide helped to clarify exactly what is required and answered some questions you had.
Thanks for reading!
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Kul Tiran Human boost provides the completion of Ready for War and Tides of Vengeance campaigns, as well as getting reputation with Proudmoore Admiralty. Completing all of this unlocks an allied race - Kul Tiran Humans.
Kul Tiran Humans are only available for the Alliance players. Much like other allied races, they have their own unique abilities and advantages. Buy Kul Tiran Human boosting services and forget the need to waste time on monotone questing.
WoW Kul Tiran Human unlocking services include:
Boost takes: ~2 days.
Kul Tiran Human allied race is available for sale for every player. However, there are some basic requirements that have to be met before making a purchase. Please take a quick look at them before proceeding further.
Ready for War achievement is also required for unlocking other allied races such as Dark Iron Dwarves. If you’ve already got the achievement, or partially completed some other requirements, just let us know and we will make sure to provide you with a juicy discount.
Starting from level 35, players are able to start the Alliance war campaign, which will span through much of their leveling process. After it is complete, the next step is the completion of all major questlines in Kul Tiras. This is a long and, for many people, a rather tedious process. Doing this unlocks a special questline in the Stormwind Embassy, completion of which awards players with the ability to play as Kul Tiran human race.
The whole process might take upwards of 20 hours, depending on players’ pace and familiarity with the game. Our Kul Tiran boost will speed up the process, and relieve players of boring questing. Before buying Kul Tiran boosting services, you might be wondering what classes they can be, as well as what unique abilities they possess. We’ve compiled a full list with this information for your convenience.
Kul Tiran available classes:
As you can see there is a lot to choose from. Next up are their racial abilities. After all, one of the big appeals for using Kul Tiran unlocking services is the fact that the Kul Tiran gameplay differs from playing as a normal human.
If you have any questions regarding Kul Tiran boosting services, or want to add something extra to your order, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our customer support is available 24/7 and is always ready to assist. We can be found via live chat, Discord, or Skype.
Hello guys. With the release of Update 8.1.5, the Kul Tiran Humans and Zandalari Trolls Allied Races will become available. I leave you all the information and requirements for unlocking so you can create it.
With the release of Update 8.1.5 on March 13 (Europe), new Allied Races will be available to us. Kul Tiran Humans for the Alliance and Zandalari Trolls for the Horde. Below we leave you all the information you need so you can unlock them and create one or both of them.
Kul-Tiras was founded by fearless researchers who were sent to unexplored lands in search . As a key member of the Alliance of Lordaeron, Kul Tiras ruled the seas of Azeroth with its legendary fleet. After years of turmoil and hardship, the kingdom has become isolated and vulnerable to dark influences.
With the help of brave heroes, the House of Valor has been reborn, and Kul Tiras is once again ready to fight alongside the valiant Alliance.
This Allied Race belongs to the Alliance and its starting point is Tiragarde Reach .
Available classes for this breed:
These will be the racial traits we will have when we create the Kul Tiran Man.
When we do all of the above, a chain of missions will open, the completion of which will give us an achievement. Allied Races: Kul Tiras and we can create a new man from Kul Tiras.
Although the campaign continues in the Battle of Dazar'alor raid, it is not necessary to complete it to gain access to the new race.
Leveling up from level 20 to level 110 with a new Kul Tiras Human will grant you a unique Dynastic Armor Set for that Allied Race, as well as unlocking a new mount, the Kul Tiras Charger (Kul Tiras Charge), which will be added to our collection upon character creation and can be used by all Alliance characters.
The Zandalari are a proud people whose origins date back to the earliest days of Azeroth's history. Their ferocious warriors ride dinosaurs into battle and wield one of the most formidable fleets in the known world, but a series of enemy attacks on their borders and divisions within the royal council have shaken the foundations of the kingdom. If they can restore stability, the heroes of the Horde may find a powerful new ally.
This Allied Race belongs to the Horde and is based in Zuldazar.
Available classes for this breed:
These will be the racial traits we will have when creating the Zandalari Troll.
When we do all of the above, a chain of missions will open, the completion of which will give us an achievement. Allied Races: Zandalari Trolls and now we can create a new Zandalari troll.
Although the campaign continues in the Battle of Dazar'alor raid, it is not necessary to complete it to gain access to the new race.
Leveling up from level 20 to level 110 with the new Zandalari Troll will grant you a unique dynastic armor set for this allied race, as well as unlocking a new mount, the Zandalari Direhorn (Zandalari Wildhorn), which will be added to our collection during character creation and can be used all Horde characters.
At level 110 and after completing the initial Battle for Azeroth quest chains, a new war campaign will be introduced to you and you will be on your way to opening up new positions in enemy faction territories.
Your first mission will be a military campaign that will introduce you to the resources of war. After the "Royal Mission", you will see a mission table, which will allow you to start sending followers to complete missions.
Access to locations opens as you progress through the level through Tiragarde Sound, Drustvar and Stormsong Valley. At each key point in your journey (levels 110, 114 and 118) you will have the opportunity to take a new position in Nazmir, Zuldazar and Vol'dun.
War in the Veins (achievement)
Complete the military campaign in Kul Tiras and Zandalar.
Chapter 1: Blood in the Sand - Requires level 120 and friendly reputation with the Seventh Legion.
Chapter 2: Beyond the Darkness - Must have at least 4500 friendly reputation with the Seventh Legion.
Chapter 3: Golden Opportunity - Must have at least 3000 Honorable reputation with the Seventh Legion.
Chapter 4: Blood in the Water - Must have at least 7500 Honorable reputation with the Seventh Legion.
Chapter 5: Attack on Zuldazar - Must have a respected reputation in the Seventh Legion.
Tides of Vengeance
Complete the Tides of Vengeance military campaign with the Alliance.
Chapter 6: The War Continues - To start this quest chain, you need to complete the "War in Veins" achievement.
Chapter 7: Sleeper Agent - Must have completed the War Campaign chapter and have at least 7000 reputation with the Seventh Legion.
Chapter 8: Crime Solved - You must complete the Sleeper Agent chapter of the War Campaign and have at least 14,000 reputation with the Seventh Legion.
Chapter 9: He Who Follows the Path of Light - It is necessary to complete the "Resolved Misdemeanor" chapter of the military campaign.
At level 110 and after completing the initial Battle for Azeroth quest chains, a new military campaign will be introduced to you and you will be on your way to opening up new positions in the territories of the enemy faction.
Your first mission will be a military campaign that will introduce you to military resources. After the mission "Chieftain's Mission" you will see a mission table that will allow you to start sending followers to complete missions.
Access to positions opens as you progress through the level through Zuldazar, Nazmir and Vol'dun. At each key point in your journey (levels 110, 114 and 118) you will have the opportunity to take a new position in Drustvar, Stormsong Valley and Tiragarde Sound.
War in the Veins (achievement)
Complete the military campaign in Zandalar and Kul Tiras.
Chapter 1: The First Assault - Requires level 120 and a friendly reputation with the honor guards.
Chapter 2: Marshal's Grave - Must have at least 4500 Friendly Reputation with Champions of Honor.
Chapter 3: The Death of Sabiomar - Must have at least 3000 Honorable Reputation with the Champions of Honor.
Chapter 4: At the Bottom of the Sea - Must have a minimum of 7500 Honorable reputation with the Champions of Honor.
Chapter 5: Attack on Boralus - Must have a respected reputation with the Champions of Honor.
Tides of Vengeance
Complete the Tides of Vengeance War Campaign as the Horde.
Chapter 6: Victory is ours - To start this quest chain, you need to complete the "War in Veins" achievement.
Chapter 7: Mekkatorque Battle Plans - You must complete the "Victory Is Ours" chapter in the War Campaign and have at least 7000 Revered reputation with the Champions of Honor.
Chapter 8: Through the Main Entrance - Must have completed the Mekkator Battle Plans chapter of the war campaign and have at least 14,000 Revered reputation with the Honor Guards.
Chapter 9: Come out to confront them - It is necessary to complete the chapter "Through the front door" of the military campaign.
Hello again guys. We're bringing you the Battle for Azeroth: Part 1 flight unlock guide that you're gearing up for if you haven't already, waiting for you to be able to complete the Battle for Azeroth Road Opener, Part 2 and finally be able to fly through Kul- Tiras and Zandalar.
If you want to soar through the sky dominated by pterrordaxes, you need to complete five achievements to get Opening the Road for Battle for Azeroth, Part 1. Once completed, this achievement will be tied to your account.
Don't worry. You have time to reach the maximum level. Complete missions, go through dungeons or level up your profession. Eventually, you will reach this magic number. You can always consult some of the many level up guides that are found on various pages, such as this one.
Don't worry if you haven't completed the Horde and Alliance war campaigns yet. We have developed the quick start guide below compiled everything you need to do to complete them.
Battle for Azeroth Explorer | Azerothian Diplomacy |
A whole world of missions | Plots: Cultural Master of Kul Tiras (Alliance) and the Zandalari Eternal! (Horde) |
War in the veins |
Battle for Azeroth Explorer: Explore Kul Tiras and Zandalar.
You will need to complete the Battle for Azeroth Explorer achievement by visiting various locations in Kul Tiras and Zandalar.
Advice: If you are in war mode, you must be very careful when walking through enemy territory. Opening outposts in these areas can help you move more safely. You can also go with a couple of friends and play PvP while you're there.
Pierre Puntamuel (41.14; 26.80) | Boralus (67.15; 30.1) | Fern trunk cliff (71.90; 17.51) |
Free Fort (76.97; 82.44) | Norvington Estate (52.59; 28.67) | Dragonslayer Bay (35.50; 28.98) |
Scrap metal (63.96; 62.15) | Kennings Residence (76.40; 63.49) | Weeping Channel (87.12; 76.77) |
Alto del Vigia (56.01; 60.46) | Receding Glacier (42.![]() |
Post Aroma (36.76; 48.89) | Lomatumulus Cemetery (61.19,44.73) | Carver Port (64.94; 31.58) |
Corlain (28.48; 27.42) | Crimson Forest (25.51; 54.10) | Sunset Lodge (56.97; 33.90) |
Flechero Basin (67.46; 67.31) | Goal Koval (58.99; 66.66) | Paso Alto Road (44.76; 37.44) |
Western Guard (19.36; 8.83) | Glacial Velo Terido (50.41; 73.13) | Waycrest Mansion (33.78; 13.26) |
Brennadam (56.79; 69.34) | Orado Lomozarsa (47.46; 72.46) | Ribera del Marinero (63.70; 64.27) |
Fort Warriorfang (49.53; 35.10) | Ribera Inerte (44.39; 52.36) | Fort Daeling (36.29; 50.52) |
Strong sage 963.76; 40.96) | Stormshrine (78.![]() | Rock Mill Village (29.74; 64.23) |
Atal'Dazar (43.69; 39.10) | Atal'Gral (78.70; 38.72) | Blood Gate (59.25; 18.77) |
Dazar'alor (59.21; 41.63) | Pearlist Shoals (72.35; 66.27) | Loa garden (49.72; 26.55) |
Wildlands (69.30; 31.63) | Leaf gap (61.11; 26.88) | Fang Island (59.38; 77.95) |
Talanji's reproach (77.62; 49.91) | Xibala (45.26; 7065) | Zeb'ahari (74.07; 20.68) |
Primitive wetlands (37.00; 73.39) | Heart of Darkness (51.61; 59.68) | River swamp (42.82; 83.27) |
Necropolis (39.53; 33.52) | Zalamar (30.92; 46.30) | Peace of Torga (61.66; 29.99) |
Nazwatha (64.14; 40.21) | Zalamak (63.![]() | Fangorrana (71.92; 49.90) |
Atul'Aman (44.92; 58.99) | Marisma Selva Umbria (62.84; 26.79) | Zemlanskaya harbor (33.03; 76.82) |
Puerto Peñarroja (43.57; 87.94) | Stone Ruins Harbor (39.15; 34.28) | Winding ravine (51.94: 33.05) |
Temple of Akunda (53.19: 89.49) | Terrace of the Devotees (29.20; 51.24) | Bone Pit (43.44; 49.80) |
Brackish riverbed (57.13; 41.45) | Steep Coast (24.04; 66.45) | Tortuk Refuge (61.63; 21.33) |
Whistling oasis (42.88; 61.42) |
If you need more information, visit the Varenna Helpful Guide on Wowhead, where you will find links to helpful videos for each location.
Azerothian Diplomacy: Earn respected reputation with all of the following factions.
Whether you're Horde or Alliance, you need to be Revered by certain factions to get this achievement.
Tip: There are many ways to improve your reputation. Be sure to update your world quests and complete the envoys. (You can see the active ones in the WoW Companion App). You may also be interested in visiting the Darkmoon Faire, if available, you can purchase a Darkmoon Top Hat (or two). In addition, you can ride the Darkmoon Carousel or the new Darkmoon Rollercoaster to increase your reputation. For more information, take a look at the wowhead guide.
Worldwide Missions: Complete 100 different world missions in Kul Tiras and Zandalar.
There are many things to do in Kul Tiras and Zandalar, from defeating bosses to completing career quests. World Quests unlock at level 120, and you can earn new gear, extra Pocket Gold, War Resources, or Azerite to upgrade the Heart of Azeroth.
If you left click on the emissary icons on the map (M key), areas that have missions available for that particular emissary will appear directly. You can also hover over missions on the map to see which faction they correspond to, the objective they ask you to complete, and the rewards you will receive for completing them.
Eternal Zandalar! (Horde) and Kul Tiras cultural master (Alliance)
You can immerse yourself in the history of the Horde and the Alliance, following the stories of Kul Tiras and Zandalar.
Throne of Zuldazar: Complete the following Zuldazar storylines.
Omens and Prophecies, Zandalari Harbor, Rastari War Harbor, Web of Lies, Among Men, March of the Loa, Zanchuli Council: Pa'ku, Windmistress, Gonk, Lord of the Pack
Dark Heart of Nazmir: Complete the following Nazmir storylines.
Deep in the Swamp, Pact with Death, Hidden Sister, Power of the Turtle, Friendship with the Frogs, Unleash the Boom, All Alone, Blood Trolls
Secrets in the Sand: Complete the following Vol'dun storylines.
Unusual Allies, Peril in the Desert, Fate of the War Guard, City of Secrets, Three Guardians, Break to the Spire, Atul'Aman
Blood Pact: Complete the Blood Gate questline in Zuldazar.
Torcali Bastion
Last Seal: Complete the Zandalar the Eternal quest in Zuldazar.
Kul Tiras Cultural Master
Close the Circle: Complete the following storylines in Tiragarde Reach.
Governor's Trading Company, Free Fort, Daelin's Gate Defenders, Enemies Within, Shadow over the Pier, Norwington Manor, Shipwreck and Messengers
No Drust Without Three: Complete the following Drustvar storylines.
The Last Effigy, The Truth Hurts, The Perfect Alibi, The Order of Embers, The New Order, The Breakthrough, Storming the Mansion, Nightfall Drust, Fight With Fire, Hit 'Em Hard!
Dancing and Storm Song: Complete the following storylines in Stormsong Valley.
Stormsong Sabiomar, House in Peril, Rising Storm, On the Verge of Madness, Cycle of Hate, From the Deep, Horado Lomozars, Treasure on the Inert Shore
Don't worry if you haven't started your faction's military campaign yet. We've put together a quick guide on what you need to do to get the War In Your Veins achievement. Upon completion, your mount speed will also increase in Kul Tiras and Zandalar.
Once you reach level 110 and complete the initial Battle for Azeroth quest chain, you will unlock a new military campaign and begin to gradually fortify your position in the territory of the enemy faction.
Your first mission will be the Military Campaign, which features military resources. When you finish the chieftain mission, you will be explained how to use the mission table, with which you can send the followers you get during your adventures on missions.
You will open positions as you level up in Zuldazar, Nazmir and Vol'dun. At each key point in your journey (at levels 110, 114 and 118) you will be able to take a new position in Drustvar, Stormsong Valley and Tiragarde Sound. Once you reach level 120, you will start focusing on increasing your reputation with the Champions of Honor.
Complete the War Campaigns in Zandalar and Kul Tiras.
Complete the Horde War Campaign "Tides of Vengeance".
Once you reach level 110 and complete the initial Battle for Azeroth quest chain, you will unlock a new military campaign and begin to gradually fortify your position in the territory of the enemy faction.
Your first mission will be the Military Campaign, which features military resources. When you finish the real mission, you will be explained the use of the mission table, with which you can send the followers you get during your adventures on missions.
You will open positions as you level up in Tiragarde Sound, Drustvar, and Stormsong Valley. At each key point in your journey (at levels 110, 114 and 118) you will be able to take a new position in Nazmir, Zuldazar and Vol'dun. When you reach level 120, you will begin to focus on increasing your reputation with the Seventh Legion.
Complete the Kul Tiras and Zandalar War Campaigns.
Complete the Tides of Vengeance Alliance War Campaign.