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Our Western M Steak Branding Iron will put a western twist on your backyard BBQ or event. The western font leaves a distinct western mark on whatever you intend on branding with it whether it be steaks, buns, burgers, wood or leather.
Not only will your grillmaster enjoy branding their steak, burgers or buns, this branding iron works great on wood and leather as well. If you're looking for something a bit more personalized, you may want to view our Custom Branding Iron options.
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..Branding Iron OnlyBranding Iron w/ Pine Gift BoxBranding Iron w/ Cedar Plank (Only Fits 2 Letters)Branding Iron w/ Wood Steak PlateBranding Iron w/ Gift Box & Steak PlateBranding Iron w/ Plank & Steak Plate (Only Fits 2 Letters)
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Our Letter M Steak Branding Iron is a fun twist on old west brands. A distinct script and rustic black powder coated finish gives this style a true authentic western branding iron look.
Not only will your grillmaster enjoy branding their steak, burgers or buns, this branding iron works great on wood and leather as well.
If you're looking for something a bit more personalized, you may want to view our Custom Branding Iron options.
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The US, which accounted for 9% of Russian ferrous metals, almost completely stopped their imports in July after the introduction of protective duties. Metallurgists are forced to redirect supplies from the US and EU to Asia and give discounts
Photo: Dmitry Feoktistov / TASS
According to the US Census Bureau, imports of ferrous metals from Russia to the US in July 2022 almost zeroed (decreased to $0.6 million) after $201 million in June and more than $1 billion for the first half of 2022.
In June, the main deliveries within this group were ferroalloys ($112.5 million) and semi-finished products from iron and steel ($88 million), in July their deliveries fell to $0.4 million and zero, respectively.
In 2021, the United States imported Russian ferrous metals (cast iron, iron, steel, rolled products) worth $2.77 billion, an average of $230 million per month. Last year, this country accounted for about 9% of all deliveries of ferrous metals from Russia. The Russian authorities stopped disclosing foreign trade statistics amid the imposition of Western sanctions after the start of a military special operation in Ukraine.
The G7 countries (USA, Canada, Japan, Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy) announced in March that they planned to deprive Russia of the most favored nation status in trade with them in response to the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine. This status, which Russia received in 2012, means that all countries should enjoy the same benefits and privileges in trade with a particular state. The loss of this status means that the US and other G7 countries could impose any tariffs on the import of Russian products.
On April 7, the US Congress approved a ban on the export of Russian energy resources and deprived it of the most favored nation status in trade. And on June 30, the US authorities published the final list of goods from Russia, on which they increased the import tariff to a barrage level - 35% of the customs value. This list includes steel and several types of steel products.
But, according to the Census Bureau, supplies of metals that were not formally subject to tariffs and sanctions also decreased. Thus, imports of Russian platinum group metals (palladium, platinum, rhodium) to the US amounted to only $34 million in July against $76 million in June and $258.5 million in May.
Russia's largest iron and steel companies confirm that their shipments to the US have been minimal lately. “At the beginning of 2022, the supply of semi-finished products to the United States was carried out in insignificant volumes and was completely stopped in June,” said an NLMK representative. At the same time, until recently, 10% of exports of rolled steel and about 46% of NLMK's semi-finished products went to North America, says Akhmed Aliyev, an analyst for metallurgy at BCS. The press service of Severstal stated that they had not supplied steel there at all for several years.
The press service of Evraz did not respond to a request. But, according to the company's reports, in 2019 the supply of slabs (semi-finished steel) from Russia to its American plant Evraz Portland amounted to $154 million, in 2020 they decreased to $26 million, and in 2021 to $8 million. RBC sent a request to the Russian Steel Association, which unites Russian ferrous metallurgy enterprises.
In addition to the United States, purchases of Russian iron and steel have also been reduced by another major consumer, the European Union. In March-May 2022, they were stable at $770-790 million per month, and in June dropped to $521.7 million. In the spring, the EU banned the import of a number of ferrous metal products from Russia, such as flat products, estimating the lost export earnings of Russian companies from this decision at €3.3 billion. Europeans imposed sanctions against the main co-owner of Severstal (the largest supplier of flat products to the European Union) Alexei Mordashov, as a result, the company was forced to stop deliveries to the European Union.
Demand also declined on the domestic market, and companies warned that their production would be reduced if the authorities did not reduce the tax burden and weaken the ruble. As a result, according to Word Steel, in January-July 2022, steel production in Russia fell by almost 7%, to 41. 4 million tons.
Mordashov said at the end of March that Russian iron and steel companies would have to redirect about 4 million tons of steel products per year from the EU to the east due to sanctions and other restrictions imposed by Western countries.
In June, the largest importer of Russian ferrous metals was Turkey ($546 million), followed by the European Union ($522 million) and the USA ($201 million). Now China has significantly increased its purchases of Russian iron and steel - from $163.5 million in June to $337.4 million in July, follows from the UN foreign trade base and the General Administration of Customs of China. In July last year, Beijing imported only $84.5 million worth of Russian ferrous metals.
According to the Fastmarkets pricing agency, Mexico and Taiwan are also becoming the main sales markets for Russian steel. Russian semi-finished products from iron and steel and rolled steel also go to the markets of the Middle East and even India, which itself is one of the largest steel producers, adds Sergey Grishunin, managing director of the NRA rating service.