Patching inner tubes

Bike Maintenance 101: How to Patch an Inner Tube

in: How To, Skills

Brett & Kate McKay • May 26, 2022

The bicycle is one of the greatest tools of self-reliance. 

Without any need for electricity or gas, it can carry you far distances. 

But bikes only work towards your self-sufficiency if you know how to maintain them. They may have fewer complications than an automobile, but they’re still machines that can break down and need to be repaired.  

Several years ago Kate and I bought some bikes for ourselves (our kids already had them) so we could take family rides on Tulsa’s many pleasant bike paths. But I realized that I didn’t know beans about how to maintain our new purchases. If one of us got a flat tire, I wouldn’t know how to patch it. If my brakes were acting wonky, I’d be hosed. 

So I set out to learn some basic bike maintenance and repair. It’s been fun. I thought I’d share what I’ve learned with you all in a new series: Bike Maintenance 101.  

In today’s inaugural class, we’re kicking things off with how to patch a hole in your inner tube. I remember watching my dad patch a hole on one of my bike tires as a kid. It looked like a huge pain in the butt. But I learned that it’s surprisingly easy. Here’s how to do it.

Step 1: Remove Wheel

Let’s get that wheel off so we can get to our flat inner tube.

I like to flip my bike upside down. It makes it easier to work with your wheel. I don’t have one of those fancy bike holders you use to work on your bike.

Getting wheels off a bike is a breeze with today’s quick-release systems. It’s pretty much the same for all bikes. The only difference you’ll encounter is how you’ll disconnect your brakes. That will depend on what type of brakes you have on your bike. Here’s how I removed the wheel on my bike with v-brakes. 

It’s really easy to disconnect a v-brake. You squeeze the two brake arms together and unlatch the cradle from the noodle (that’s the thing with the rubber tip on it).

Flip the quick-release lever open and unscrew it until you have enough space to remove the wheel. 

You don’t have to take the quick-release rod out of the hub, but if you want to, that’s fine. I think it’s easier to work with the tire without the quick-release rod still in the hub, so I take it out.

Wheel removed!

Step 2: Remove Tire From Wheel With Tire Levers

Time to get the tire off the wheel so we can get to the inner tube. Tire levers will make this job much easier. You can buy them on Amazon. They’re cheap.

Place your first tire lever between the wheel and the tire. You want to get the lever underneath the lip of the tire so you can pry it away from the wheel.

To keep the lip of the tire from going back into the wheel, hook the tire lever into one of the spokes. This will keep your tire and wheel separated, making it much easier to get the rest of the tire off of your wheel.

Place the second tire lever next to your first tire lever. Get it under the lip of the tire. You’ll slide this lever around your wheel to separate the rest of the tire from the wheel.

Here’s what your tire will start looking like as you slide that second tire lever around your wheel. It’s hard at first, but gets easier as you progress. As you can see, more and more of the tire lip is over the rim of the wheel.

Tire successfully removed from wheel. Now it’s time to remove the inner tube from the tire.

Step 3: Remove Inner Tube From Tire

Inner tube will be tucked inside your tire. Just pull it out.

Step 4: Find Hole

There’s the hole.

Step 5: Prepare Hole for Patching

Get your patch kit.

Inside my patch kit is a metal square that has a bunch of little bumps on it. It’s almost like a cheese grater. Use it to lightly scuff up the area on and around the hole. If you don’t have a little metal cheese grater in your patch kit, you can use sandpaper to prep your patch area. The scuffing will give greater adhesion to the patch.

Step 6: Apply Rubber Cement

Use a moderate amount of rubber cement. Spread it evenly around an area 1/2″ around your hole.

Step 7: Apply Patch

Pick an appropriate sized patch for your hole. Since mine is so small, I used the smallest patch. Remove the foil backing and stick patch onto the hole.

Peel away the plastic film on top of the patch. Press edges down firmly. Bam! Hole is patched.

Step 8: Put Inner Tube Back in Tire and Tire Back on Wheel

Inner tube back in tire.

Tire back on wheel. Getting the tire back on the wheel can be a bit tricky. You may need to use your tire levers to help you get the lip of the tire inside the wheel’s rim. Just make sure you don’t pinch your inner tube between the tire and the wheel. You’ll risk creating a puncture in your inner tube. Once you get your tire back on the wheel, inflate your inner tube and then put your wheel back on your bike.

You can patch your inner tube a few times and not have a problem. If you have more than three patches, you might start noticing that your tire goes flat overnight and you have to pump it up if you want to use it. After your third patch, chuck your old inner tube and replace it with a new one.


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How to Patch A Bicycle Tube in 4 Easy Steps – Slime Products

Anyone who has been riding bikes for a while can tell you that sooner or later, you’re going to get a flat. Even with tube sealant that prevents flat tires for up to two years, it’s just an unavoidable occurrence. When flats occur, the best thing you can do is be educated and prepared to patch the tube so that you can quickly get back on the road. Let's get started:

Materials Needed

Consider these different flat tire scenarios: The at-home repair scenario where you're walking your bike into the garage and notice that the back wheel is sagging a little bit—you have a flat. Or, the on-the-trail repair scenario where 20 miles into a 50 mile ride, you go down hard on a rock and get a nasty pinch flat.

We’re going to walk you through some of the materials you’ll need for either situation, and then how to use them for both. Here’s a list of some things you will need to repair your tube.

  1. Bike Pump (or CO2 inflator head and cartridge): Whether it’s a handheld bike pump or a standing pump, you’re going to need to re-inflate the new tire or your patched tire.
  2. Spare Tube or Patch Kit: Having a spare tube on hand is a smart move, and we’ll discuss how to install that in another blog. In this case, a patch kit is going to be an essential tool to have whether you’re at home or on the road.
  3. Tire Levers: A tire lever is going to be a critical tool to help you get your tire off the rim.
  4. Chalk (optional): Chalk can help when you have a small puncture and just need to mark your tire to remember where the hole is.
  5. Talcum Powder (at home): Talcum powder would be more of an at home method, and is usually powdered over the tube so that the adhesive patch doesn’t stick to the tire once you put your wheel back together.
  6. Bucket of Water (at home): The bucket is another at home remedy that we’ll discuss the applications of later.


Follow these 4 easy steps to patch your bicycle tube and repair your flat.

Step 1. Remove Your Tire

Take your tire lever and hook it around the outer edge of the tire (the bead) to get it off of the rim. Once you have the tire lever under the tire rubber, hook the other end of your tire lever around one of your spokes to keep the tire elevated. With a second tire lever, work your way around the rim, taking the tire out of the bead until one side has been completely removed from the rim.

Step 2. Find the Leak

If the puncture or gash in your tube is not easily apparent, you’re going to need to fill the tube back up to locate where the air is escaping from. There are a couple of different ways to find the leak. The layman’s way would just be to run your hand along the tube and try to feel it out.

The bucket of water method that we mentioned earlier, however, is a more accurate way. If you’re at home, fill your sink or a large bucket full of water and submerge each end of the tube. Watch for air bubbles escaping from your tire to locate your problem area.

Make sure you submerge each side, as there may be more than one puncture. Be sure to check the inside of the tire to make sure that the puncture-causing object has been removed. Once located, mark that spot with your tire marking chalk.

Step 3. Patch the Hole

When patching the hole in your bicycle tube, make sure that the area around the puncture is clean so that the patch will stick. Using the scuffer from your patch kit (sand paper or emery paper will also do the trick), rough up the area around the puncture so that your adhesives have something to grip.

If your patches don’t require glue, simply press them firmly over the hole. For patches that do need glue, add a layer of glue and spread it evenly around the area. Wait for the glue to get a little tacky, and then press on your patch. If you have the materials available to you at home, some cyclists will sprinkle talcum powder on top of the patch so that that patch/adhesive doesn’t stick to the inside of the tire.

Step 4. Put It All Back Together

Put a little air into your tube and then put it back in the tire, making sure, again, that there are no foreign objects remaining in the tire. Be sure to insert the tube and tire back into the rim using only your hands, as the tire levers may pinch the tube and cause another flat (we certainly don’t want that after all your hard work).

Once you’ve pushed the tire back in and the valve stem is securely inside the tire, inflate your tube back to maximum pressure, being sure to check the tire one more time to make sure that the bead is installed snugly. Ready to ride!

Repair of pipes "from the inside" | Heating water supply

Repair of pipes from the inside, this is our CHIP . Our company LLC DESIGN PRESTIGE, exists since 1999. The main direction is the installation, repair and maintenance of engineering communications, both for private houses and for enterprises.

Many customers are faced with the problem of leakage of heating, water supply or sewerage pipes in exposed places, when repairs are practically impossible, or for repairs it is required to open the walls and floors of a finished refurbishment of the home.

repair of pipes “from the inside”


Repair of water heating floors from the inside without opening

without opening walls and floors.

Pipe repair "from the inside"

Pipe repair technology without opening

Stage to 7 days
6 Engineer Control to 7 days
Dismantling of repair equipment

0 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000

Approximate cost of repairing the heating system for a house 300 - 350 m2

Engineer visit

Each engineering system is individual. It has different volumes, pipelines, the number of heating boilers and circuits. To connect repair equipment, a preliminary inspection is needed in order to correctly and clearly draw up an estimate for the work.

Departure of an engineer
Preparation of estimates

For the performance of work, specialized equipment and materials will be required, so a clear calculation of materials and consumables, as well as the amount of work is carried out.

Estimate preparation
Equipment connection

For the execution of works, heat exchangers (minimum 1, maximum up to 8) will be used so that the repair solution circulates only in the circuit being repaired. Accordingly, , there will be redevelopment of pipes, connection of heat exchangers, use of consumables in the form of: pipes, valves, circulation pumps, fittings, measuring valves, etc.

Equipment connection
Filling the system with repair solution

We use a specialized repair agent tested by our craftsmen, it does not cause any harm to the pipeline and engineering equipment. The principle of operation of this reagent : the liquid has a closed circuit in which circulation occurs: the leak points are in contact with air, this is exactly what the reagent needs, when it enters the places of depressurization and interaction with air, cures reagent and bricking breakthrough. As a result, the flow stops and the breakthrough is sealed.

Filling the system with repair mortar
Solution heating and circulation in the system

For the reagent to work, a positive temperature is required, at which the systems can operate at maximum loads, namely +65/+85. We can create this temperature artificially by using an additional boiler for this circuit.

Solution heating and circulation in the system
Engineer's control

Work period up to 07 calendar days, this period depends on the experience of the engineering team. Every day, an engineer comes to control the pressure in the circuit being repaired, and if necessary, adds a reagent. But as a rule, the system is sealed on the first working day, the remaining days are needed to control the leakage.

Engineer's control
Dismantling of repair equipment

After the work is completed, the repaired circuit is pressure tested in the presence of the Customer. Further, our equipment that was used in the production of works is dismantled, and the pipeline that was subjected to redevelopment is returned to its regular places.

Dismantling of repair equipment

Repair completion dates

The period is from 3 to 10 days from the date of the engineer’s departure

The timing of the work

The cost of this type of repair


The cost of labor and consumables is not cheap, so expect to spend well. But the result is worth it.

Material (reagent) for the work of

The composition of the reagent was developed by the laboratory of our holding and is intellectual property of

Pipe Repair Pipe Repair “From the inside” 9000 in water-type heating system, gas boilers

Before starting to use the reagent for heating systems (pipes, boilers), in order to eliminate the leak, it is necessary to remove cleaning and other filters. Ensure that the heating system is filled with coolant. To effectively eliminate the leak, you need to maintain the same safe temperature and pressure in the system - 1 bar (in pipes and boilers). Remove air from the circulation pumps of the heating system, check their performance. To eliminate the leak, before using the reagent, it is necessary to shake in the canister until the sediment is completely mixed. The water drained from the heating system must not exceed the volume of the reagent added by the pump in order to eliminate the leak. The mixing of the reagent in the pipes must continue for at least 7 hours. The total duration of the repair is 1-7 days (depending on the condition of the pipes or the boiler).

Safety measures

When working with a reagent to eliminate leaks in the heating system, pipes, boilers, we observe safety precautions, using face and eye protection when eliminating leaks. This tool, designed to eliminate leaks in heating pipes and boilers of systems, upon contact with mucous membranes, skin, can cause an allergic reaction.


0010 not is dumped down the drain. Composition of the substance for repairing the heating system (pipes, boilers): alkaline silicates, preservatives, cellulose fibers, additional substances.

  • Common options for home heating
  • How to top up the heating system before starting operation
  • The heating pump does not start
  • Why heating malfunctions, causes of breakdowns
  • Pressure in the heating system, its normalization, reasons for change
  • How to set up, adjust, balance the heating system
  • No circulation, heating failure - why
  • Along the way - radiators do not heat, how to fix
  • Heating does not work. Examples of improper installation
  • How to fill the heating system, what to use
  • What water to fill the heating system
  • What pressure should be in the system
  • Common options for heating a house

    For comfortable living in a private house or in the country, it is advisable to think over and install a system heating. They are different, but they are all similar in structure. There is certainly a boiler and a set of pipes with heating devices.

    Common home heating options

    Types of heating

    The following home heating options are common:

    • Water heating is a particularly commonly used variety. The liquid heats up and circulates around the entire perimeter of the house in a closed circuit. An expansion tank is used to equalize the pressure in a closed system. The excess, increased in volume liquid, formed during heating, enters there. This is a simple and reliable type of heating with a long service life. The disadvantage of the system is the possibility of freezing of the liquid in cold weather if the heating does not function. The pipeline may fail.
    • Steam. The principle of operation is similar to water heating. Here, steam moves in the pipes. The advantage is the rapid heating of the air in the room. But this system is more difficult to mount, when filling the circuit with steam, a lot of noise is emitted. It is also impossible to smoothly set the desired temperature, there is a risk of getting burned.
    • Air - the most modern type of heating. The heated air moves through the ducts, warming the room. The temperature level is maintained by a thermostat. Significant advantages are fast heating, safety. The disadvantage is the high cost and complexity of the installation of air ducts. Dry air can create noise.
    • Stove. This type is more suitable for heating cottages. In cottages, it is used mainly as additional heating. Such stoves and fireplaces are fired with wood or coal. You can cook food on the stove. It is supposed to clean from combustion products and clean the pipe from soot.

    Type of fuel

    Energy carriers for heating systems are:

    • Solid fuel. These are coal, briquettes, firewood. Their cost is low, but they require proper storage. Firewood needs to be chopped, coal needs to be crushed, they cannot stand moisture. Firebox - steel or cast iron boilers, reminiscent of furnaces.
    • Diesel. Heating of the house is carried out with the help of diesel fuel. The heat dissipation of a diesel engine is greater than that of firewood. It costs more. Diesel boilers are commercially available, and fuel can be bought at any gas station. When burned, diesel fuel emits an unpleasant odor.
    • The simplest solution is heating with electricity. Electric fireplaces, boilers are convenient, produce fast heating and are inexpensive. But electricity itself is an expensive form of fuel.
    • Gas heating in private houses is the most popular. It is cheaper than diesel and electricity. Installation is costly. Must be serviced by a specialist. The pressure in the system must be constantly checked.
    • Solar and wind energy. Such systems should be combined with others, because they are unstable. Solar panels are expensive. In winter, they should be cleaned from snow and ice. Wind generators in Russia also do little to justify themselves.

    Heating installation

    Optimum heating installation is not only a comfortable stay for residents, but also a safe one. There are norms of sanitary, fire, environmental safety when using heating systems. Therefore, it is better to trust all installation work to specialists. Our professionals can help you install your heating system correctly. A few basic installation requirements:

    • During construction, the heating of the house and the heating of the dacha should be considered when designing the building. This will allow you to hide pipes, make special places for wiring individual elements of the system.
    • The heating equipment must be in a free access area. It is necessary for regular cleaning, technical inspection and repair.
    • Assembly work must be carried out after the windows and roof have been installed. It is better to do this in the warm season.

    Repair of heating systems

    In order for the heating in the house to be good and serve for a long time, it is necessary to constantly take care of it and timely change the components and parts that have expired. Before the start of each heating season, an inspection of the entire system is required. If necessary, make repairs to the heating. Minor problems can be fixed by hand. But such problems as the repair of a boiler, a pump must be entrusted to experienced, knowledgeable people. Our specialists are always ready to help and make high-quality heating repairs.

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  • For this method, we take a strip of dense fabric, soak it with epoxy glue. After that, we tightly wrap the fabric on the problem area, as soon as the glue hardens, the leak will be eliminated. Another good way is cold welding. This is a special composition that we knead in our hands and seal the leak. The sealant hardens and crystallizes, tightly clogging even a strong leak. Boiler installation required […]

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    Reading 7 min


    1. Types of sewer pipes
    2. Causes of emergencies in the sewage disposal system
    3. How to repair pipe damage?
    4. Clogged sewer pipe
    5. Sealing a fistula
    6. Sealing cracks
    7. Mistakes in the repair of the sewer system

    Repair of sewer pipes is not the most pleasant, but a necessary event that almost all residents of comfortable buildings and structures have to face. The wastewater system is constantly subjected to tension, compression, temperature changes and toxic liquids. Sooner or later, even the highest quality wiring, assembled in accordance with all the rules, will become unusable. Consider the prerequisites for the occurrence of emergencies in sewer systems and ways to eliminate them.

    Sewer pipe in need of repair

    Types of sewer pipes

    As the technology of manufacturing sanitary ware has developed, various materials have been used. In one waste system, pipes of different composition, technical and operational characteristics can be used.

    Consider their features:

    1. Cast iron sections. Differ in massiveness, big weight and fragility. The inner walls are rough. Used for the manufacture of risers and siphons.
    2. Asbestos-cement pipes. They have a smooth surface. They are rarely used, as they crack under vertical and horizontal loads.
    3. Plastic pipes. Available in a wide range, lightweight, durable, flexible, resistant to aggressive environments.

    Causes of emergencies in the sewage disposal system

    Sewer malfunctions occur under the influence of internal and external factors.

    Causes of emergencies can be as follows:

    1. Blockage. It is a dense accumulation of foreign matter. It is formed due to a violation of the system assembly technology or the rules for its operation. Hair and wool, animal fats, limescale and mortars clog pipes.
    2. Crack. Occurs at critical pressure on the channel. This happens during seasonal heaving of the soil, settlement of the building and impact with a solid object.
    3. Depressurization of joints. It is a consequence of the drying of rubber gaskets, violation of the integrity of insulating materials.
    4. Fistula. Manifested due to corrosion or manufacturing defects. It is a small through hole in the pipe wall.

    Depending on the nature of the damage, a decision is made on the method of repair. It can be carried out directly on the wiring, with partial or complete disassembly.

    How to repair pipe damage?

    1. Pulling a soft polyethylene hose through the damaged area. One of its edges is fixed on the branch pipe of the whole product, and the second is led into a common riser. Such structures have a service life of up to 10 years. As the hose wears out, it can be repaired like a sewer pipe or replaced with a new one.
    2. Laying a new pipe of smaller diameter inside the emergency section. Flexible polypropylene products with standard sockets at the ends are used. It is necessary to use such a drain carefully, regularly carrying out its planned preventive cleaning.
    3. Repairing damage with a remote-controlled manipulator with video surveillance. Defects are eliminated by adding materials to the holes to ensure complete tightness of the system.
    4. Replacement of cuffs and gaskets at the junction of pipes, drain hoses and fittings with sewer pipes. In some cases, leaks occur due to misalignment of parts during assembly or loose connections.

    When drains begin to come out of the drain hole, it is most likely that a plug has formed in the line.

    Clogged sewer pipe

    If the leak is caused by overflowing water from the sink or toilet bowl, then the sewage system is clogged. When such a problem is found, it is not necessary to immediately contact specialists. There are many simple and affordable ways to get rid of blockages.

    Cleaning of sewer pipes can be carried out by the following means:

    1. Plunger. Simple, inexpensive, but effective device. The technology of its use consists in exposing the blockage to vacuum and high pressure. Cleaning is carried out with a blocked emergency hole and a small amount of water in the tank. Perform sharp pressure on the handle of the plunger and lift it up. This method allows you to remove hair and food debris from the pipes.
    2. Sewer cable. To eliminate traffic jams of various types, tips in the form of a spade, gaff and ruff are used. The tip is immersed in the drain and pushed into the pipe. After that, the cable is rotated while moving it forward. The captured garbage is removed outside, and its remains are washed off with a strong pressure of water.
    3. Household chemicals. In hardware stores there are a large number of effective preparations based on acid and alkali. Depending on the location and nature of the blockage, reagents are used in the form of granules, powder, gel and solution.
    4. Boiling water. Hot water is poured into the drained pipeline, the procedure helps to dissolve fatty deposits and exfoliate limescale.

    You can get rid of the blockage with the help of improvised means. The problem is solved with the help of vinegar, salt, soda and Coca-Cola.

    Pit plug

    Through holes occur in old cast iron pipes due to electrolytic corrosion. If the fistula is small, then its elimination is not particularly difficult.

    To repair old sewer pipes with your own hands, you need the following tools and materials:

    • electric drill;
    • Bulgarian;
    • screwdriver;
    • wrench;
    • sheet rubber;
    • clamps;
    • tin;
    • steel butterfly bolt.

    Cast iron leaks can be eliminated in the following ways:

    1. Applying a patch to the hole. The metal around the hole is pre-cleaned and leveled. A piece of rubber is superimposed on the fistula, a strip of tin is placed on top of it. All this is pulled together by one or more steel clamps. If necessary, all parts are covered with acrylic paint.
    2. By tightening the hole with a threaded connection. To do this, take a bolt with a nut that expands when tightened. 2 rubber gaskets are mounted on the bolt. One is pushed along with the nut into the hole, and the second remains on the cap. After that, twisting and pulling together all the parts is carried out.

    The fistula can be repaired with plastic materials. Plasticine, mastic and polyurethane foam are suitable for this purpose. Such a decision is taken as a temporary measure to eliminate leakage.

    Repair of cracks

    Elimination of such a defect is carried out in the following ways:

    1. Using cement and bandage. In order for it to harden faster and not crack, liquid glass should be added to the mixture. After the consistency of the composition becomes such as porridge, you can get to work. After the bandage is immersed in the solution, it is wrapped around the pipe. It is necessary to capture 25-30 cm from each edge of the crack.
    2. Lead. For work, you will need sinkers for fishing, a hammer and a chisel. Preliminarily, the walls of the hole are cleaned of debris and corrosion. After that, the lead is shaped into a cone. The metal is driven into the gap with gentle blows, filling it throughout the volume.

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