It is to be hoped [...] that we will not have too long to wait for the fallen absolute ruler of Mesopotamia and his two sons to be arrested, if they are [...] still alive. |
Esperemos que el arresto en Mesopotamia del dictador cado y sus dos hijos, si an estn en vida, no se haga esperar demasiado. |
Many of the countries in the region are actually only [...] geographical phenomena with ruler-drawn borders and therefore [...] not nation-States. daccess-ods.un. |
De hecho, muchos de los pases de la regin son slo fenmenos geogrficos con [...] fronteras trazadas con regla y, por lo tanto, no [...] son Estados-nacin. |
Also, we should not think that power has to be exercised and that [...] the population will think exactly [...] like we do or that the ruler should do what we think [...] should be done; that is a true fact of life. |
Tampoco podemos pensar que se debe de gobernar [...] y que la poblacin debe pensar
[. pensamos, eso es una realidad. |
Use the ruler to check the layout [...] and placement of text in your document. |
Utilice la regla para comprobar el [...] diseo y la colocacin del texto en el documento. |
Since the accession
to power of the current ruler, Sheikh Hamad al-Thani, [. who deposed his father in a bloodless coup in [...] 1995, the country has indeed seen significant political liberalization. |
Desde la [...] llegada al poder del gobernante actual, el jeque Hamad [...] al-Thani, que derroc a su padre en un golpe de Estado incruento [...] en 1995, el pas ha experimentado de hecho una liberalizacin poltica significativa. |
He had been an unjust and unscrupulous ruler of the Jews. |
Haba sido un
[. |
The ruler around the edges of [...] the image help you precisely position a custom sized image. |
La regla alrededor de los bordes [...] de la imagen ayudan a colocar con precisin una imagen con tamao personalizado. |
This, Mr. Bush, is one of the few countries in this hemisphere where not once in 45 years has there been a single case of torture, a single [...] death squad, a single
[. through having held power. |
Este es, seor Bush, uno de los pocos pases de este hemisferio donde jams en 45 aos hubo una sola tortura, un solo escuadrn de [...] la muerte, una sola ejecucin [...] extrajudicial, ni un solo gobernante que se haya hecho millonario [...] en el ejercicio del poder. |
Not only did he want to make a name for himself, but he
wanted to become the ruler or monarch of a [. world empire. |
No slo quera un nombre propio, sino [...] que quera ser el monarca de un imperio mundial. |
The love [...] songs of the Cool Ruler will be heard [...] throughout November on Groovalizacion Radio. |
Las canciones de amor [...] del "Cool Ruler" nos acompaarn este [...] mes de noviembre en la sintonia de Groovalizacion. |
Maximus replied, "I have come to know the iniquitous edicts which
[. of them publicly declare myself a Christian. |
Repuso Mximo: 'He llegado a conocer el inicuo [...] decreto emanado por el soberano de este mundo y justamente [...] por esto me he declarado pblicamente cristiano'. |
You can change the ruler units to suit the [...] type of measurements you want. |
Puede cambiar las
unidades de la regla conforme al tipo [. de unidades de medida que desea. |
Whoever would be the next ruler of my people must [...] fit into my slipper. |
Quien sea que [...] ser el prximo lder de mi pueblo, tiene [...] que poderse poner mi zapatilla. |
Since becoming ruler in 1999 on the [...] death of his father, he had introduced some reforms that were hardly path breaking. |
Tras acceder al trono en 1999, a la [. muerte de su padre, haba introducido algunas reformas que difcilmente cabra considerar innovadoras. |
Jesus gave [...] the rich young ruler the key to eternal life. |
Jess le [...] mostr al joven rico la clave para [...] entrar al reino eterno. |
Note that a burnt debater never [...] affects the status of the Protestant ruler. |
Nota que la quema de un telogo quemado nunca
afecta el estatus del gobernante Protestante. |
Jesus told the rich young ruler to sell all he had and give to the poor and come follow Him. |
Jess le dijo al joven rico que vendiera todo lo que tena y se lo diese a los pobres y que despus lo siguiese. |
In fact, authoritarian regimes and dictatorships, which are no more than a monopoly on [...] the exercise of power, typically [...] concentrate power around the ruler, his or her circle of insiders, [...] or the official party. ichrp. |
En efecto, los regmenes autoritarios y las dictaduras, que no son otra cosa que un monopolio en [...] ejercicio del poder, se caracterizan por la concentracin [...] de ste alrededor del gobernante, sus allegados o el [...] partido oficial. |
There will [...] be no other King, no other ruler but God. |
No habr ningn [...] otro Rey, ningn otro gobernante sino Dios. |
The re-launching of the Chechen war, after a series of
[. mysterious bombing in populated urban areas in Moscow and other cities, [...] consolidated the power of the new ruler of Kremlin. |
El relanzamiento de la guerra de Chechenia, despus de una serie de [...] misteriosos atentados en reas populosas de Mosc y otras ciudades, [...] consolid el poder del nuevo gobernante en el Kremlin. |
The current ruler is concentrating all power in his own hands. |
El Rey actual est concentrando todo el poder en sus propias manos. |
We describe [...] Him as the Creator and Ruler of the universe and think [...] of His sovereignty over everything. |
Lo describimos como el Creador y Gobernante del mundo y pensamos [...] en Su soberana sobre todo. |
The handling of KKN in Indonesia is up to now seemingly conducted on the basis of [...] closeness and distance to the ruler. |
El tratamiento de KKN en Indonesia parece que hasta ahora se condujo sobre la base de
[. |
Use the Rulers to [...] view a horizontal ruler at the top of the drawing area and a vertical ruler on the left side [...] of the drawing area. |
Use las Reglas para [...] mostrar una regla horizontal en la parte superior del rea de dibujo y una regla vertical en su [...] lado izquierdo. |
Technically speaking, this ruler is elected by an electoral [. college composed of delegates chosen by popular vote in each [...] state, which votes as a whole at the electoral college level. |
Tcnicamente, el gobernante es electo por un colegio [...] electoral, compuesto por delegados seleccionados a travs del voto [...] popular en cada estado, y este ltimo vota en bloque en el colegio electoral. |
One should be very sceptical of rulers who claim that public [...] participation is not consistent with their traditions. |
Hay que ser [...] muy escptico con los gobernantes que afirman que la [...] participacin pblica no es congruente con sus tradiciones. |
Sudan, where the southern population has been on the run from [...] the northern rulers for years and [...] where martial law is ignored. |
Sudn, donde la poblacin del sur lleva ya aos huyendo de los [...] dirigentes del norte y donde no se respeta [...] el derecho de la guerra. |
And both nations have not the slightest
[. |
Y ninguno de los dos pueblos tiene el ms mnimo [...] aprecio por sus dirigentes. |
There were innumerable attacks on cities within the Empire and in many barbarian countries, earthquakes [...] and pestilence, rulers and usurpers. |
Hubo una cantidad incalculable de asaltos [...] a ciudades en el interior del imperio y en muchos pases brbaros, de terremotos y [...] pestilencias, de reyes y usurpadores. catacombe. |
The rulers, obligated to defend the poor, [...] should never make laws to enrich huge corporations which force small businesses to go out of business. |
Los gobernantes, obligados a defender [...] a los ms pobres, no se deben hacer leyes que enriquezcan a las superempresas que [...] obligan a negocios pequeos a salir del mercado. |
Later, rulers set aside woods and heathlands [...] in which only they could hunt. |
Ms tarde, los soberanos reservaron bosques [. y brezales en los cuales slo ellos podan cazar. |
As a result of the power struggle in the [...] ruling party, the rulers gave greater powers [...] to Ethiopia's second chamber, the House of the Federation. |
Como resultado de la lucha de poder [...] en el partido gobernante, los dirigentes [...] dieron mayores poderes a la Cmara Alta de [...] Etiopa, la Casa de la Federacin. |
Then our children become the rulers of the house and presume [. to be qualified to point out the direction that we are to take. |
Entonces [...] nuestros hijos se hacen gobernantes de la casa y presumen [...] de estar calificados para sealar la direccin que debemos tomar. |
We are privileged to have with us today [...] the traditional rulers of the three [...] most important kingdoms in the country. |
Hoy tenemos el privilegio de que nos [...] acompaen los monarcas tradicionales [...] de los tres reinos ms importantes de ese pas. |
In accordance with this article and in the light of the circumstances in which power changed hands in Fiji, [...] the Commission considers that dialogue [...] with the country's new rulers is necessary in order to [...] clarify the following points |
De conformidad con ese artculo y habida cuenta de las circunstancias en que el poder ha cambiado en [...] Fiyi, la Comisin considera que el [...] dilogo con los nuevos gobernantes del pas es necesario [...] a fin de aclarar los puntos siguientes eur-lex. |
I realize there have been many wicked dictators, and [...] that many evil and corrupt rulers have had dominion over [...] the children of men. |
Yo comprendo que han habido muchos [...] dspotas y que muchos gobernantes malos y corruptos han [...] tenido dominio sobre los hijos de los hombres. |
Our traditional system of rulers, leaders, or chieftaincy [...] encouraged or for that matter survived on the bestowing of gifts, patronage and favors. |
Nuestro sistema tradicional de gobernantes, lderes y caciques [...] alent o de alguna manera sobrevivi debido a los obsequios, el favoritismo o los favores. |
For the sake of economic or [...] political gain, desperate rulers exercise despotic power [...] over their citizens, whose lives become expendable. |
Por causa del lucro [...] econmico o poltico, gobernantes desesperados ejercen [...] un poder desptico sobre sus ciudadanos, cuyas vidas se vuelven desechables. |
Use the Rulers to view a horizontal ruler at the [...] top of the drawing area and a vertical ruler on the left side of the drawing area. |
Use las Reglas para mostrar una regla horizontal [...] en la parte superior del rea de dibujo y una regla vertical en su lado izquierdo. |
According to some observers, marketing and seeking public acceptance for [...] the political rulers is a phenomenon [...] of contemporary democracy that has quickly
[. become part of the Mexican political dynamic. |
De acuerdo con algunos especialistas, uno de los fenmenos que afrenta la democracia contempornea [...] -y que rpidamente se incorpor a la [...] dinmica poltica de Mxico-, es el marketing [...] y la bsqueda de la aceptacin ciudadana hacia quienes gobiernan. |
Will and energy are rulers of karma. |
La voluntad y la [...] energa son los soberanos del Karma. agniyoga. |
We also call on the country's rulers to work with the opposition to foster dialogue and reconciliation, and offer our support to the international community in contributing to such a process. |
Igualmente, solicitamos al gobierno del pas que trabaje con la oposicin para fomentar el dilogo y la reconciliacin, y ofrecemos nuestro apoyo a la comunidad internacional para contribuir a ese proceso. |
Do you think that this time our voice [...] will reach the ears of its rulers? |
Cree usted realmente que esta vez nuestra voz
[. |
Its members are neither creators nor [...] retrievers, neither judges nor rulers. |
Sus miembros no son ni creadores ni rescatadores, [...] tampoco son jueces ni gobernantes. |
The rulers let you view the [...] dimensions of your picture, which can be helpful when resizing pictures. |
Las reglas le permiten ver [. las dimensiones de la imagen, lo que puede resultarle de utilidad al cambiar el tamao de las imgenes. |
The octogenarian Mugabe, one of world's oldest rulers, was hailed when he came to power as a "liberator" comparable with Nelson Mandela but these days he tolerates [...] no criticism. |
Uno de los jefes de Estado ms ancianos del mundo, aplaudido cuando se hizo con el poder como "libertador" en la lnea de Nelson Mandela, se burla de las crticas. |
With that, African rulers secured themselves [. internationally and could even afford to wage wars on their own citizens without [...] fear of an external aggressor exploiting the situation to attack them. |
Con eso, los [...] lderes africanos se aseguraron internacionalmente [...] y hasta pudieron librar guerras con sus propios ciudadanos [...] sin temor de que un agresor externo utilizara la situacin para atacarlos. |
That is why, Brasov had very good trade relations with [...] both Moldavia and Wallachia, the rulers of those principalities buying [...] many products from the craftsmen in Brasov. |
Por lo dems, Brasov tuvo relaciones [...] comerciales tanto con Moldavia, como con [...] Valaquia, y los prncipes de estas provincias compraban de los artesanos de Brasov. |
As never before, millions of people have today a direct or indirect say in electing their [...] government or selecting their rulers. |
Nunca antes haba ocurrido que millones de personas tuvieran una influencia directa o indirecta en la eleccin [...] de su gobierno o sus gobernantes. |
Yet, history has shown, and eternity will prove that in almost every case, God
[. |
An as, la historia lo ha mostrado, y la eternidad demostrar que en casi cada caso, Dios le [...] d a una nacin los gobernantes que merece. |
The people, and not their rulers, should decide the major [...] issues of the day through free discussion followed by free elections. |
El pueblo, y no los gobernantes, debe decidir las cuestiones [...] ms importantes de cada da mediante una discusin libre seguida de elecciones libres. |
The rulers of this world seek Rome's [...] counsel. |
Los gobernantes de este mundo buscan [...] su consejo. |
But we will never feel like rulers in our own country if we continue to view those who rule it as occupiers. |
Sin embargo, no nos sentiremos dueos de nuestro pas si consideramos a nuestros jefes una y otra vez como invasores. |
Rid of these greedy rulers who attended the Copenhagen summit and who advocate a world where the rich can [. protect their right to pollute. |
Sin codiciosas cumbres de Copenhague donde la gente ms rica del mundo garantiza su derecho a contaminar. |
New facts can now be read on Telegram, Instagram and Twitter.
Why was the purge of Haitians in the Dominican Republic called the "parsley massacre"?
In 1937, Trujillo, the dictator of the Dominican Republic, ordered a purge of the Haitian population that lived in the border area between the two states, which went down in history as the "parsley massacre." The total number of victims was, according to various estimates, from 17 to 37 thousand people. The action owes its name to one of the ways in which the Dominican soldiers separated the Haitians from their compatriots. They would show the person a sprig of parsley (perejil in Spanish) and ask what it was. The Dominicans, who have spoken Spanish since childhood, pronounced the second consonant as “r”, but the French and Creole-speaking Haitians pronounced the same sound as “l”, which immediately gave themselves away.
Source: Wikipedia / Ethnic cleansing in the Dominican Republic (1937)
Haiti genocide dictators Dominican Republic Spanish parsley Trujillo murders
Which European city has a rebus motto?
On the coat of arms, flag and other symbols of the Spanish Seville, you can see her motto-rebus - NO8DO. In fact, in the middle of the motto is not an eight, but a skein of wool, which in Spanish is called "madeja". The resulting phrase "No madeja do" sounds the same as "No me ha dejado", which means "She did not leave me". According to legend, these words were given to the city in the 13th century by King Alfonso X the Wise after his son tried to revolt and take power into his own hands, but the Sevilles remained loyal to the ruler.
Source: Wikipedia / Seville
heraldry of the city mottos Spain Spanish monarchs rulers Seville
Why was the Mitsubishi Pajero in Spain sold under the Montero brand?
The Mitsubishi Pajero was sold in Spain and Latin America under the name Mitsubishi Montero. The fact is that one of the slang meanings of the Spanish word “pajero” is “masturbator”.
Source: Wikipedia / Mitsubishi Pajero
Mitsubishi cars Spain Spanish Latin America masturbation sex words languages
Which language has two question marks around an interrogative sentence?
In Spanish, an interrogative sentence is accompanied by two question marks: one is, as usual, at the end of the sentence, and the other is at the beginning, and inverted. For example, the phrase "How are you?" in Spanish it would be "¿Cómo estás?". In Arabic and Persian, one question mark is used, but mirrored - ؟. In Greek, the semicolon plays the role of a question mark.
Source: Wikipedia / Question mark
Arabic Greek Spanish punctuation typography languages
What languages are used in idioms similar to our "Chinese literacy"?
The expression "Chinese letter" corresponds to the English idiom "it is Greek to me". There are similar expressions in other languages, often with different standards of difficulty. For example, a German expression refers to Spanish, Romanian to Turkish, Turkish to French, and Chinese to bird language.
Source: Wikipedia / Greek to me
English expressions Greek Spanish China Chinese bird translations Turkish French languages
Why do Mexicans call Americans "gringos"?
One of the nicknames for Americans is gringo, especially in Mexico and other countries of Latin America. The term originated in Spain, where it was used for any foreigner who did not speak Spanish well. In all likelihood, the word "gringo" comes from "griego", that is, "Greek", which brings it closer to the English idiom regarding the incomprehensible speech "Greek to me".
Source: Wikipedia / Gringo
English Greece Spain Spanish Latin America Mexico Nicknames USA
How was a French novel translated into Russian, in which there is not a single letter "e"?
In 1969, French writer Georges Perec's novel La disparition was published. One of the key features of the novel is that it does not contain a single letter "e" - the most common letter in French. By the same principle - without the letter "e" - the book was translated into English, German and Italian. In the Spanish translation, the letter “a” was abandoned, and in the Russian translation by Valery Kislov called “Disappearance”, the letter “o” was abandoned, because it is the most frequent in the Russian language.
Source: Wikipedia / Disappearance
letters Spanish literature translations Perec Russian France French
What fruit did the Aztecs call male testicles?
The name of the fruit avocado comes from the Aztec language. The same word "Ahuacatl" they called the male testicles because of the similarity in shape. The fruit has no common roots with the “lawyer” originating from the Spanish language, but in some European languages these words have become homonyms - for example, in French, both will be “avocat”.
Source: Wikipedia / Avocado
avocado lawyers Aztecs Spanish words French fruits testicles
What language does French have lexical similarities with above the dialect threshold?
Ethnologue, the world's largest directory of languages, among other data, publishes information about the lexical similarity of different languages, calculating it as a percentage based on a comparison of a standardized list of words. Among the globally spoken languages of the Indo-European group, the highest similarity is in 89% speak Spanish with Portuguese and, more surprisingly, French with Italian. For comparison, according to this method, Russian and English languages have a similarity of 24%. At the same time, the indicator of 85% serves as an indicator that two languages can be considered as dialects of one.
Source: Wikipedia / Lexical similarity
English Spanish Italian Portuguese Russian French languages
What is the correct name of the Argentinean province of Jujuy?
In Argentina there is a province called Jujuy, which according to the rules of the Spanish language is read as "Juhuy". However, in all Russian atlases and encyclopedias, this name is written as "Zhuzhui" due to the dissonance of the correct version.
Source: Wikipedia / Jujuy
Argentina geography Spanish titles translations Russia censorship
In what language is the concept of the time axis the opposite of our usual "future in front, past behind"?
In the language of the Aymara - the people of the same name living in the Andes - the concept of the time axis is fundamentally different from that observed in all other languages of the planet. The projection of time on space that we are accustomed to assumes that the future is in front and the past is behind, but in the Aymara language, the opposite is true. The word for the past in it has a different meaning of "in front", and even the gestures of Aymara speakers, especially the elderly and unfamiliar with the grammar of the Spanish language, emphasize this. Although many young Aymara who speak Spanish fluently use traditional signs for us, which indicates a reorientation of their way of thinking about time.
Source: ScienceDaily / Backs To The Future: Aymara Language And Gesture Point To Mirror-Image View Of Time
Aymara Andes Time Indians Spanish Languages
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January 30 King Philip VI of Spain turns 54 years old. During his reign, he managed to create the image of an ideal family man, a loving husband and father. We talk about the head of the solar kingdom and his closest relatives.
King Felipe VI
Felipe Juan Pablo Alfonso de Todos los Santos de Borbón i Grecia is the third child in his family after the coronation of his father, but the only son, therefore, Juan Carlos, it was he who became the heir to the throne. As befits such a situation, the prince received an excellent education - he studied in Canada for a year, then returned to his homeland to serve in the Military Academy, the Navy School and the Air Force Academy, then studied law and economics, and finally became a master of international relations from Georgetown University in USA. In a busy study schedule, Philip found time for serious sports. So serious that at 19In 92, he entered the Olympic sailing team and even became the standard bearer of the Spanish team. Another hobby of Philip is directing. In 1996, he directed three of the ten episodes of the documentary series Wild Spain.
November 1, 2003, Philippe, who had previously carefully concealed his personal life, announced his engagement to journalist Letizia Ortiz. Later it turned out that they had met the year before, and Letizia refused four times to go on a date with the heir to the throne. But then she could not stand his persistence. The family did not approve of Philip's choice too much - a journalist, also divorced. However, history has shown that he does not change his decisions.
At the beginning of the summer of 2014, 76-year-old Juan Carlos I abdicated the throne, all the formal issues were settled in a couple of weeks, and on June 19, Philip VI officially ascended the throne, becoming the youngest reigning monarch in Europe (he still retains this title). Having taken the throne in the midst of the economic crisis in the country, the young and progressive ruler first cut his own salary by 20% - to about 230 thousand euros. Moreover, he decided to publish all the income and expenses of the royal family on the Internet and forbade his immediate family from working for private companies and accepting expensive gifts. It turned out that the maintenance of the royal family costs Spanish taxpayers $ 9million a year. For comparison, a British family spends $58 million according to official figures, but many believe that this figure is greatly underestimated.
Among Philip's other initiatives, he became the first Spanish king to officially invite representatives of the LGBT community to the palace. The Spanish king has repeatedly been included in the ratings of the most beautiful men on the planet, and he also appears in the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest prince in the world - his height is 1.97 m.0144
Letizia is the first Spanish queen born in Spain and also the first divorced Spanish queen. But before she acquired all these titles, she was a very successful and sought-after journalist. She chose her profession following the example of her father, moreover, quite early - from the age of 10 she already worked on the radio. Then Letitia switched to television, and in 2000 she even received the prestigious Larra Award. In her personal life, too, everything was stable - in 1998, after ten years of romance, she married a school teacher. True, the official marriage lasted less than a year.
The second marriage turned out to be more successful - at one of the receptions for journalists at the end of 2002, Letizia met Prince Philip of Asturias. Nothing is known about how their relationship developed over the next year - the couple's romance was kept in strict confidence, and it became known only after the announcement of the engagement. At the time of the meeting with Letizia, Philip, according to his parents, had already sat up in bachelors - they even tried to bring him together with the Swedish Crown Princess Victoria.
May 22, 2004 in the Madrid Cathedral of Santa Maria la Real de la Almudena, the wedding of Letizia and Philip took place. The bride walked down the aisle in a custom-made Manuel Pertegaz dress and a platinum tiara with diamonds, presented to her by her mother-in-law Queen Sofia.
In October 2005, the couple had a daughter, Leonor, and in April 2007, Sofia.
As Queen, Letizia does a lot of charity work and social activities, but this is not what she became famous for - she deserved the title of one of the most stylish representatives of the world's monarchies. During public events, King Philip's wife actively supports Spanish brands, including very democratic ones, such as Zara and Mango.
Who is someone in the Royal Family of Spain
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of the year.
Infande Leonor and Infand Sofia
Named after her paternal grandmother, Sofia was born on April 29, 2007. She goes to the same school as her older sister. Both girls are learning English. Moreover, at home with his daughters, King Philip speaks exclusively in English. Leonor also teaches French, Arabic and Mandarin.
Princesses are not spoiled - they live in the same room, do not use mobile phones and hardly watch TV. But Leonor, for example, is fond of photography and, they say, is making progress in this field.
Who is someone in the Royal Family of Spain
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9000 Juan Carlos I received a Spanish crown not from his father - he was not transported by the rule by the will of the dictator Francisco Franco, who ruled the country from 1936 to 1975. Juan Carlos was born in Italy, where his family was forced to flee from the Franco regime, and returned to his homeland only in his teens, having received permission from the caudillo. Arriving in Spain, Juan Carlos began to study military affairs, jurisprudence and economics.
Juan Carlos I
When the future king was 18, he and his 14-year-old brother Alfonso spent the Easter holidays in Portugal. While playing with a loaded revolver, Alfonso died. The circumstances of his death are still unknown, it is only clear that the gun was in the hands of Juan Carlos at the time of the shot.
At first, the Spaniards believed that the reign of Franco's henchman would not last long, but the king proved himself to be a strong leader, carrying out a series of reforms and suppressing more than one coup attempt. It was he who in 2005 legalized same-sex marriage in the country.
Even more than reforms, during his reign there were scandals. In 2012, 74-year-old Juan Carlos I traveled secretly to Botswana to hunt elephants. And he was accompanied by his longtime mistress, 48-year-old German aristocrat Corinna Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn. And no one would have known about this rendezvous if the Spanish king had not broken his hip, and he had not been sent to Madrid on a special flight. Most of all, the subjects were outraged not by the fact that the king cheated on his wife or killed animals, but by the fact that this trip cost about 40 thousand euros. And this is during a serious economic crisis. The king had to apologize to the people.
2012 was full of scandals for Juan Carlos. In addition to the story of the elephants and the mistress, the then 42-year-old resident of Belgium went to court, wanting to prove that the king of Spain is her father. Taking advantage of his judicial immunity, Juan Carlos hushed up the case.
June 2, 2014, Juan Carlos I announced that he intends to abdicate, transferring power to his son Philip. “I have decided to end my reign and abdicate the Spanish crown. This is necessary to overcome and correct the mistakes of the past, this is dictated by the will to upgrade and the desire for a better future.” According to the king, the decision was dictated by the state of his health and age. However, it can be assumed that another scandal also affected him - the daughter of Juan Carlos Cristina and her husband at that moment were accused of major fraud.
For the next five years after his abdication, Juan Carlos continued to perform some public duties. At the end of May 2019, he announced that he was ending his public activities on behalf of the crown.
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Why the former king of Spain Juan Carlos I fled from the country
Queen Sofia
Wife Huan Carlos Sofia was born in the family of the King of Greece Pavl I. her future husband, she spent her childhood in exile - during the Second World War, Sofia lived in Egypt and South Africa. She graduated from high school in Germany and continued her studies at Cambridge.
The future Queen of Spain met Juan Carlos in 1954 on board a luxury cruise ship owned by her father. After that, they did not see each other for six years, and in 1960 at the Olympic Games in Rome they met again, again on board the ship, where a gala reception organized by the Greek royal family was held. It is said that Sofia, seeing Juan Carlos with a mustache that he did not have during their first meeting, took his hand, took him to the bathroom and shaved it off. Two years later they got married in Athens. And after another 13 years, Juan Carlos became the king, and she, respectively, the queen of Spain.
In marriage, they had three children: two daughters - Elena and Christina, and son Philip, who inherited the throne.
In major scandals, like her husband, Sophia was not noticed, but she also periodically got into the front pages of the press for very dubious reasons - either she would publicly quarrel with her daughter-in-law, or she would speak out in favor of a ban on abortion or against same-sex marriages officially allowed by Juan Carlos.