I’ve been a mechanic for over twenty years, and I use my torque wrench many times a day. If you buy a good one, you won’t ever need to buy another.
A 1/2 inch torque wrench with a working range of 30 to 160 ft. lbs. is the correct size tool for lug nuts and other heavy fasteners.
Torque wrenches are not just for the Pro. The days of tightening a nut or bolt by feel or guessing are over.
The cost of these type specialized tools have come way down, so now it makes sense to own one. Especially as some of you may know, that sickening feeling when you over-tighten a bolt, pull the threads, or break the bolt.
Repairing that kind of damage can be expensive and soul-destroying. I still remember the taste of my medicine. Anyway, here’s a link to my favorite 1/2 inch Teng torque wrench you might find useful. It links to Amazon, and truthfully I was surprised at the price. I paid more than this for mine many years ago.
There are a number of important factors to consider when choosing a torque wrench, but the most important consideration – What range do I need? The torque range of the wrench will dictate the drive size. 1/2 inch is pretty standard for larger fasteners like automotive and truck lug nuts.
A torque wrench won’t be accurate at the very top or bottom of its range, so bear that in mind when choosing your wrench. You’ll need about 10 ft. lbs. to spare. Common torque wrench drive sizes include 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, and 3/4 inches. All have different applications.
The 1/4 and some 3/8 inch drive wrenches will be measured in inch lbs., not ft. lbs… They’re designed for lighter fasteners requiring less torque. (12-inch lbs. is equal to 1-foot lb.) The 1/4 inch drive torque wrench is used for very light fasteners, like interior trim, control module covers, etc.
The 3/8 drive is perfect for engine work like timing belt assembly, front covers, water pumps, cam covers, oil pans, etc. The 1/2 is ideal for heavier type fasteners like lug nuts, suspension, steering, engine mounts, etc.
The 3/4 isn’t used in automotive. It’s reserved for oversized fasteners found on large vehicles like Semi and earth-moving equipment, etc.
Most automotive lug nuts are tightened to 90 – 120 ft. lbs… Trucks will be more, about 120-150 ft. lbs. range.
If you’re running a truck, consider buying the 1/2 inch larger wrench with a greater working range of 30 to 250 ft. lbs., you’ll find plenty of other uses for the greater range.
As a mechanic, I know what I want in a torque wrench. Here’s a bulleted list of what’s important to me.
Understandably, a feature like an angle measuring head may not be important to the occasional user.
It likely won’t be used unless you undertake larger repair jobs like replacing a head gasket.
While you already know the value of using a torque wrench, some people might say it’s not strictly necessary to torque your lug nuts. I don’t agree.
Sure it’s OK in an emergency to tighten your lug nuts using your car’s wheel changing kit, but I advise calling a tire shop and have them back off the wheel lug nuts and torque them to spec.
And here’s why – Most vehicles will use the tension of the wheel rim against the hub to keep the brake rotor aligned. If the wheel lug nuts are torqued out of sequence and to different specs, it’s possible to cause the rotor to have run out (wobble).
This will only be slight but can cause vibration, pulsing in the brakes, road-noise, the brake rotor, and pad damage. When torquing a wheel, Snug all lug nuts down first before using the torque wrench. Then tighten in a star formation. This helps the wheel, Rotor and Hub align squarely.
I’ve had my Teng wrench for a few years now. It gets calibrated every year, and I’ve never had a problem. It’s not an ornament. It’s used heavily but still performs and looks good. I’m happy to recommend it. It’s a good kit.
Here’s why I love it – First off, it’s made of alloy – no plastic bits to break. The measurement scale is in ft. lbs… On the opposite side, it’s measured in Nm. The scale is stamped into the barrel, so it’s not going to wear away, and I can read them clearly.
The ratchet head has a degree measurement tool built in. Traditionally this would be a separate tool altogether. You’ll use this feature when torquing down cylinder head bolts on cars or trucks. The spec sheet might say, torque the head bolts to 100 ft. lbs. and on the 2nd pass, torque to 90°.
Comes with a solid plastic case and a detailed instruction sheet. The Teng torque wrench comes with a lifetime warranty. I like how the Teng 10-150 ft. lbs. feel. It’s a quality tool. You can tell by holding it. You’ll notice how confident and definite the action is. When it reaches the set torque, it clicks clearly.
If you need a greater torque range, this Teng wrench covers 25-250 ft. lbs… It’s the same quality wrench.
Your torque wrench is a precision tool and should be stored in its molded case, it will arrive with full instructions, but it isn’t difficult to master. You can use regular 1/2 sockets; however, you’ll find deep sockets work best on lug nuts.
If you’re very particular about your wheel rims, get a set of ABN non-scratch 1/2 inch impact sockets.
This is a precision bit of kit. Dropping it on the ground like you would a hammer is going to knock it out of calibration. Although the torque wrench is not unlike a ratchet, it’s not a ratchet. I don’t use it to open bolts, only tighten to spec.
I clean mine every use, store it on a shelf where I can grab it real fast. Come winter. I’ll spray it with WD40 and keep it in its hard case to keep moisture off it. You may want to store yours in the trunk. If so, store it securely.
Best to return the Torque wrench to the bottom of the scale range when it’s not in use. This relieves the tension on the components. The tool requires calibration every year when working it professionally, but as an occasional user, you won’t need to.
You can check out all the tools I use, including a torque wrench and workshop manuals, here on the Mechanics tools page, or check out the Amazon link below.
Amazon Mechanics Torque Wrench
How many pounds of torque do I need to remove lug nuts? About 300 ft. lbs. of torque delivered by an impact wrench should be enough. More torque may be needed if the lug nuts are corroded or over-tightened.
Do I need a torque wrench? A torque wrench should always be used to check and adjust the wheels. Tightening by hand is OK, but the wheel should be torqued to specification as soon as it is practical.
If you’ve ever considered becoming a mechanic check out this post – Is it worth being a mechanic. And if you’ve ever wondered about rates of pay you can check out job vacancies and rates of pay here on Jooble.org.
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Last Updated October 21, 2022
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A tire iron is often mistaken as the same thing as lug wrench and vice versa. In this article, we will discuss their different characteristics and purposes that are essential when removing tires and wheels.
Lug wrenches, also known as socket wrenches, are tools that are used to tighten and release the lug nuts on truck and automotive wheels. The sockets on the wrenches have an enclosed head that fits around and securely grips the entire head of the fastener, preventing the socket from slipping off when the lug nuts are rotated.
Tire irons for auto or truck tires are often designed to be used in conjunction with a tire changing machine to ensure proper tire inflation. Once the bead has been opened, these tools are used to pull the tire over the wheel. The length of these tools can normally range from 24 to 40 inches in length, with a thickness of approximately 3/4-inch on average.
Typically, lug wrenches are used to loosen and tighten lug nuts on automotive wheels, and the term refers to a sort of socket wrench. In the United Kingdom and Australia, it is referred to as a wheel brace or wheel support.
On the other hand, a tire iron (also known as tire lever or tire spoon) is an unbreakable short metal with one end flattened to form a blade, which is used to remove tires off of wheel rim. Because of the widespread adoption of tubeless tires in the late 1950s, tire irons have largely fallen out of favor in the automotive industry, replaced with more advanced and efficient tire changing machines.
What's In This Guide?
If you’ve ever had to change a wheel, you’ve probably used a lug wrench. The most typical application for a lug wrench is to assist with the removal and reinstallation of wheels on a vehicle. Purchasing the incorrect lug wrench can cause serious problems, especially when changing a tire in an emergency situation.
Portability is important since many individuals require a lug wrench while they are driving because the item is primarily used to remove and tighten the nuts on the tire when changing a flat tire. Lug wrenches of decent quality should be of the right size so that you may feel comfortable having them in your vehicle.
Length of the Lug Wrench ArmLeverage and portability are two characteristics that are affected by arm length. You can create more torque to loosen and tighten bolts with a longer arm on a lug wrench since it is a lever, and the longer the arm makes it easier to loosen and tighten nuts. However, lengthier lug wrenches are not as portable as their shorter counterparts. If you have ample space to store your wrench, always opt for a lug wrench with longer arms if you have the option.
Socket ends are included with a 4-way cross lug wrench; however, lug wrenches with interchangeable sockets may not include the socket ends. It makes no sense to acquire a lug wrench that does not include sockets, so make sure that while you are shopping that you pick one that has sockets. Also, after you have your sockets, make sure that they are convenient to carry around with you.
Socket DimensionsIf the question “what size of sockets for lug nuts should I use” crosses your mind, make certain that the lug wrench you purchase comes in the following four sizes: 17mm, 19mm, 21mm, and 23mm. In most cases, these four sizes will meet or exceed 95% of your requirements. And, if you have a large number of sockets that require a great deal of organization, make use of these socket organizers.
Lug Wrench DesignIf you want a solid or foldable lug wrench, this is an important element to think about in the design of your tool. As a result of its simpler design and greater durability, a solid wrench is typically less expensive. It is a downside of the solid wrench that it is not always compatible with the amount of storage space available to you. A folding lug wrench is great when it comes to portability and storage, but it is lacking in power and does not provide the same degree of leverage as a solid-bodied lug wrench.
Tire irons or spoons are frequently sold as part of a kit that also includes other accessories. Aside from iron, the items on this list are likely going to be useful in the repair procedure, which you’ll need to do anyhow. You must remember these things when choosing your own Tire Iron.
High-Quality DesignTire spoons are rather basic instruments, but as with any other piece of equipment, quality is the single most critical element to consider. The shape of the tool must be perfect in order for it to be able to move between the wheel and tire and complete the task. Apart from being accurate, it must also be durable and robust enough to handle the amount of pressure applied.
Tire irons are available in a variety of sizes, depending on their intended use. In some cases, it can be difficult to wield a tool that is excessively large. If it’s too little, you won’t be able to exert adequate pressure. Not to mention the possibility of chewing up your wheels while attempting to make the incorrect tool work. You may always look at the description to see what tires iron will work with, but the size is always a good indication of what tire iron will work with.
PortabilityBeing able to fix a tube when on the trail or far away from home can mean the difference between making it back home and not making it back home. As a result, you should assess the total size of the items to ensure that they will fit in your pouch or trunk along with other repair tools.
Three Things to Consider Before Purchasing a Tire Iron or Lug WrenchHaving to use tire irons or lug wrenches while driving your vehicle is the last thing you want to have to deal with. However, when you need them, they must function properly and quickly, and you must be able to locate them. The only thing worse than trying to repair a flat tire while standing in the rain or snow is standing there with a lug wrench that doesn’t fit, doesn’t work, or that you can’t seem to find anywhere. The tools that come with your vehicle aren’t always up to the task. When you eventually figure out where they’re hidden and how to put them together, you’re all too often left feeling woefully underprepared for the job at hand. In order to avoid being that guy, you should examine the following three factors:
It can accommodate up to eight SAE bolts and provides two-handed leverage to remove even the most stubbornly seized nuts.
Your car is equipped with lug nuts of a specific size. It is possible that the nuts on your car will be either standard or metric in size, with the most common sizes being 10-14mm (or 7/16 to 5/8 inches) in diameter. Make certain that your tire iron is compatible with them. The size you require should be specified in your owner’s manual.
The lug wrench should be versatile enough to be utilized with a variety of vehicles, including automobiles, light trucks, SUVs, recreational vehicles, and vans.
It is possible to purchase a tire iron or lug wrench in a variety of styles, ranging from the typical L-shaped or four-way lug wrench to models that telescope or can be disassembled into a compact tube. For example, the cross-shaped universal lug wrench has four different socket sizes, one on each end, and is the most commonly encountered (or sometimes three with a wedge used to pop off wheel covers and hubcaps). They feature a socket on one end and a wedge on the other, but they are not as popular as straight irons due to their lack of adjustability in the styling department.
PortableWhen not in use, it can be compressed down to 14 inches in height for convenient storage.
For example, one issue with typical 4-way lug wrenches is that they are difficult to stow, which might result in them being misplaced. Newer designs have telescoping, folding, or assembling designs, which make them easier to store away than older designs. It’s possible that you have enough room for your four-way and that you enjoy the leverage you get while removing difficult-to-loosen lug nuts, but with smaller vehicles, storing them in the trunk can be a big consideration.
Before making any purchasing selections, examine your requirements, just like you would with any other tool. Most of the time, it is not a good idea to purchase the most costly or least expensive versions that you come across; instead, take into consideration the elements listed above.
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A leather car driver in his practice faced with the problem of changing a wheel, whether it is an emergency change in his mind or a seasonal tire change is planned. The balloon key is the most important part of the process of picking up and installing wheels, in view of its stability, functionality and value, to continue your path along the planned route or change to the nearest tire fitting service.
Balloon wrench attaches a tool for tightening/tightening nuts when removing or installing car wheels. Such keys are equipped with one or the other with hexagonal heads with standard sizes of wheel fastening for passenger cars, or vintage cars. Іsnuє impersonal view of the balloon key, the form and method of operation with which they signify their sturdiness and efficiency in operation.
The most popular types of balloon keys є L-shaped, cross, I-shaped rotary.
L-similar the simplest balloon key, which is found in most new cars and regular ones. Such a key is folded from a curved shear, on one end of which a standard hexagonal head is cut, and on the other end there is a flat spatula for applying zusilla with a foot.
Perevaga the key of this type is considered to be both simple and powerful. Such keys are standing to high vanity, often vikoristovuyutsya with valor and zastosuvannyam percussion vanity.
Nedolіkom L-like key - th form, as it does not allow mounting / dismantling of the threaded thread along the axis, the robot is bound with a deakim misalignment, which leads to the fastening of the edges. In addition, the short handle is not handy and leads to misplaced tension, which in its line can lead to deformation of the narrated fortune or the key.
Another type of L-shaped wrench є telescopic wrench with a big head. The key to this type of equipment is suitable, practically twice the design. The telescopic wrench is folded with a collar with a connecting square and one or two double-sided socket heads with standard dimensions of the wheel nuts of a passenger car, as well as a gummed or plastic handle.
The advantage of the telescopic wrench is a hanging design, which allows you to adjust the amount of force applied. Fuck with a square 1/2 "In the structural key, the vicoristovati ends of the head of the heads, Yakshcho in the Tskori did not know the PIDSHECHO.
Ballon cross wrench din of the most important, handy and requested keys for today. This design is made up of two shears, at the ends of which there are no hexagonal heads with standard sizes (17, 19, 21, 22/23 mm for cars, 24, 27, 32 mm for vintage cars). Some models of cross keys are equipped with a free square with a size of 1/2" (for passenger cars) or 3/4" (for vintage ones). The attached square 1/2" is narrowed most of the time, so that the rozmіr summіsny with a wide range of end heads.0003 Perevaga of this type of keys are used in the same symmetrical design, as a way to secure the work with the best results along the axis, without sound, for the size of which the need is evenly distributed along the surface for the edge without borders. The cross-shaped form is also handy for a koristuvach, so like a zavzhd є two important for yakі you can tread lightly with your hands. The presence in the design of the key of either standard heads or three heads and the square head guarantees the presence of the necessary expansions.
Nedolik at the cross key there is only one single opening, large dimensions can be seen with a rich chest of drawers in the trunk. Ale cei is not enough, but it can be used as a folding cross-key, which is folded from two eight parts, or folded / folded behind an additional button. Regardless of their folding design, such keys do not come standard for the characteristics of the material.
I-similar balloon wrench is used for mounting/dismantling the wheel anchors of vintage cars and buses. The key is a shear with two small hexagonal heads of standard sizes (24-38 mm). Such keys are made using the hot forging method. The skin head can be opened for mounting, as it is victorious for increased strength, and it also ensures the work of fastening along the axis.
The advantage of this type of balloon wrench lies in its simplicity, the design's costliness and the building's occupancy and its importance.
With a small key, you can take into account the fact that for the work with it, you need to install, cut, cut, or, at least, a twist.
Rotary bottle wrench otherwise, as people call it, "meat grinder" is used for mounting/dismantling the wheel nuts of vintage cars. Such a wrench is equipped with a planetary gearbox with the first gear ratio (1:56, 1:60 1:68, 1:78 and in.), which significantly reduces the necessary force for turning the nut. For example, a transmission ratio of 1:60 means that for 60 wraps of the handle, the head, put on the nut, grind 1 turn around its axis. The rotary key is mainly vicorated for the sight of the wheel fasteners.
Some models of rotary keys can have two gears or swidkost. The first, with a high gear ratio, twists for the nut, and the other may have a small gear ratio (1: 3) and zastosovuetsya for the swedish twist of the nut.
Rotary keys can be standard or lower. Extended keys are suitable for dismantling paired wheels of vintage cars with deep rims.
With rotary wrenches, shock end heads with a wide range of diameters from 24 to 80 mm are fixed. Also, futorochnye choti-faced heads can be victorious with them.
Advantages: high strength, dismantling of stuck fastening without overhead dams, high efficiency.
Shortfalls: often missing cracks when tightening the nuts with the help of such a wrench, do not loosen the tightness of the wrench and vibrate the mounting bolt.
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The easiest wheel wrench is a metal rod, at the end of which there is a head for the size of a wheel nut or bolt. There are also varieties of this tool - this is a cross-shaped balloon wrench or with a telescopic handle. Thanks to this design, cross wrenches are equipped with four heads of different sizes and are more suitable for use in tire shops or small car services.
It will be enough for an ordinary car owner to have one non-bulky balonnik in the trunk to fit the size of the wheel fasteners of his car. In our store you can buy various balloon wrenches for cars and trucks, including specialized reinforced and extended versions.
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Code | Name | Article | Price | ||
514495 | L-shaped balloon wrench 17 mm L = 350 mm with EUREKA spatula Manufacturer EUREKA 34017 | ER-34017 | 195 ₽ Availability: 6pcs. | Item in Cart
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445507 | Balloon wrench cross 17x19x21 mm 1/2" reinforced AVTODIDELO Manufacturer AVTODELO 34411 | 34411 | 705 ₽ Availability: 13pcs. | Item in Cart
| |
569306 | Balloon wrench cross 17x19x21 mm 1/2" reinforced TECHNIK Manufacturer TECHNIK 54411 | 54411 | 540 ₽ Availability: 19pcs. | Item in Cart
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246637 | Phillips balloon wrench 17x19x21x23 mm collapsible in GROSS case Manufacturer GROSS 14270 | 14270 | 2 850 ₽ Availability: 6pcs. | Item in Cart
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493694 | Straight balloon wrench 24x27 mm L=400 mm GAZ-3302, KAMAZ ROCKFORCE Manufacturer ROCKFORCE 6772427 | RF-6772427 | 1 100 ₽ Availability: 18pcs. | Item in Cart
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588047 | Balloon wrench straight 30x32 mm L=400 mm ROCKFORCE Manufacturer ROCKFORCE 6773032 | RF-6773032 | 1 100 ₽ Availability: 6pcs. | Item in Cart
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595956 | Balloon wrench straight 30x33 mm L=400 mm reinforced ROCKFORCE Manufacturer ROCKFORCE 6773033 | RF-6773033 | 1 250 ₽ Availability: 4pcs. | Item in Cart
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595959 | Straight balloon wrench 33х36 mm L=400 mm reinforced ROCKFORCE Manufacturer ROCKFORCE 6773336 | RF-6773336 | 1 300 ₽ Availability: 7pcs. | Item in Cart
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10416439 | Balloon wrench 17x19x22mmx 1/2'' RF-681500 cross folding 18" ROCKFORCE /1 Manufacturer ROCKFORCE RF-681500 | RF-681500 | 1 966 ₽ On request: 4 pcs. Delivery: 4 working days | Item in Cart
| |
10386937 | Balloon wrench 17mm ER-34017 L-shaped L= 250mm with spatula EUREKA 1/10/40 Manufacturer EUREKA ER34017 | ER34017 | 161 ₽ On request: 1pc. Delivery: 4 working days | Item in Cart
| |
10416433 | Balloon wrench 17mm RF-681B17: L-shaped ROCKFORCE /1/12 Manufacturer ROCKFORCE RF-681B17 | RF-681B17 | 440 ₽ On order: 126 pcs. Delivery: 4 working days | Item in Cart
| |
10386597 | Balloon wrench 17x19x21mm 1/2" ER-34411 cruciform L= 350mm reinforced EUREKA 1/20 Manufacturer EUREKA ER34411 | ER34411 | 460 ₽ On order: 755 pcs. Delivery: 4 working days | Item in Cart
| |
10416436 | Balloon wrench 17x19x21x22mmx1/2'' RF-681B400: cruciform L= 400mm ROCKFORCE /1/12 Manufacturer ROCKFORCE RF-681B400 | RF-681B400 | 907 ₽ On order: 171 pcs. Supply: 4 working days | Item in Cart
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10386595 | Balloon wrench 19mm ER-34019 L-shaped L= 250mm with spatula EUREKA 1/10/40 Manufacturer EUREKA ER34019 | ER34019 | Learn more