Natural Rubber-based Cushion Gum Compound Formulation at Various Type and Dosage of Rubber Processing Oil and Tackifier Resin
2021 // DOI: 10.20543/mkkp.v37i2.6531
DOI: 10.20543/mkkp.v37i2.6531
Santi Puspitasari, Norma Arisanti Kinasih, Arief Ramadhan, Adi Cifriadi, Mochammad Chalid
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Puspitasari, Santi, et al. "Natural Rubber-based Cushion Gum Compound Formulation at Various Type and Dosage of Rubber Processing Oil and Tackifier Resin."
Journal of Leather, Rubber, and Plastics, vol. 37, no. 2, 2021, pp. 59-68, doi:10.20543/mkkp.v37i2.6531.
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Cold retreading technique dominates retreaded tire manufacturing process. The technique applies rubber cushion gum compound as adhesion medium to bond new tread with a worn old tire. High-quality cushion gum compound mainly requires good adhesive strength. Tackiness of the rubber compound can be improved by addition of tackifier resin and rubber processing oil (RPO). The research was aimed to evaluate the performance of various types and dosages of tackifier resin and bio-based RPO to physic-mechanical properties of cushion gum. A method in the manufacture of natural rubber-based cushion gum compound was in accordance with ASTM D 3182. Cushion gum rubber compound formula was designed by using bio-based RPO such as pine tar oil at 5 and 12 phr and three types of tackifier resin such as rosin resin, phenolic resin, and hydrocarbon resin at 3 and 7 phr. Petroleum-based RPO and commercial cushion gum were selected as reference material. Curing characteristic and physic-mechanical properties test results were used as a reference to determine cushion gum quality. The observation during experiment indicated that natural rubber-based cushion gum compound formulated with addition of 5 phr rosin resin and 5 phr pine tar oil (code Zh5) has the closest curing characteristic and physic-mechanical properties to commercial cushion gum.
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In recent years, chewing gum has been very popular among the general population. This is facilitated by its diversity, a huge amount produced by the food industry, and wide advertising. People chew everywhere - in transport, at school, at work, at home. Children and teenagers are especially susceptible to this.
Chewing gum is currently produced by the food industry and is a means of cleaning and refreshing the oral cavity, as well as stimulating salivation. Chewing gum contains:
In the oral cavity, chewing gum softens under the influence of teeth, saliva and temperature, releasing aromatic and flavoring substances. nine0003
Chewing gum has both positive and negative properties.
Positive properties:
Negative properties:
To neutralize the negative effects of chewing gums:
It must always be remembered that the benefits of chewing gum when used correctly are obvious, but even the best chewing gum cannot replace toothpaste and brush !
ME "25th city children's polyclinic"
Chewing gum has gained its popularity quite a long time ago. She is loved by both adults and the younger generation. Chewing gum is a culinary product that consists of an inedible elastic base and various aromatic and flavoring additives. In the process of use, the fillers gradually dissolve and because of this, the chewing gum will slightly decrease in volume, after which it loses its taste and becomes tasteless. The history of chewing gum dates back to Ancient Greece, when the Greeks loved to chew the resin of the Mastic tree, which grows in Greece and Turkey. Mastic for them was chewing gum, even then they realized that resin freshens breath and cleans teeth. The Mayan Indians used the sap of the Sapodilla tree thousands of years ago, and the Indians of Latin America chewed the congealed sap of coniferous trees. Chewing gum has been improved by mixing beeswax and resin of coniferous trees. To date, the gum industry is one of the most profitable, thanks to advertising, people subconsciously absorb that chewing gum is a delicious product. For many, the use of chewing gum is a habit and few people think about its effect on the human body. Manufacturers offer many varieties of chewing gum for different tastes and brightly colored packages. In our time, they began to talk a lot about the harm to the human body that chewing gum causes. In some countries, the craze of the population for chewing gum is considered a social problem, because people chew it during a conversation, at school and lectures, they do not take into account time and place.
The harmfulness of chewing gum is due to the fact that it contains chemicals that most people do not know about. Advertisers assure you that chewing gum restores the acid-base balance, improves tooth enamel, removes tartar and more. But not a single advertisement will tell you that people who often use chewing gum experience mechanical damage to tooth enamel, develop diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, or have fillings fall out. nine0003
The chemical composition of chewing gum has changed many times since the beginning of its history. Chewing gum is a type of candy, which includes an inedible elastic base and various aromatic and flavoring additives. The main components of modern chewing gum are: stabilizers, antioxidants, colorants, chewing base, the content of which ranges from 20 to 30%, flavors, fragrances or flavorings (about 10%), a small amount of liquid, forming components, sweeteners make up to 60% of chewing gum, glazing agents. nine0003
Influence of chewing gum components on human health.