Typical monster truck tires
One of the most recognizable features of a monster truck are its large tires. Monster trucks use tires originally created for agricultural equipment, modified for use on monster trucks, with some tires being specifically made for monster trucks. Standard modern monster truck tires are 66 inches tall and 43 inches wide.
With the growing popularity of mud bogging in the 1970's, there began a quest to find larger, more suitable tires for increasing a 4-wheel drive pickup truck's capabilities in the mud. Early on, 48 inch agricultural tires were the standard for the few monster trucks that did exist, such as Bigfoot and King Kong, specifically the iconic design of the Goodyear Super Terra Grip tires.
These tires are also known as flotation tires, as they were originally designed so that their volume of air means the farming equipment that uses them can float slightly on wet, muddy fields instead of sinking into the mud and getting stuck.
In 1979, a vehicle known as "Mud Rat" was seen at a mud bogging event sporting a set of 66x43-25 inch Super Terra Grip tires, which caught the attention of various monster truck owners, giving them the inspiration to put them on their trucks as well. On September 1st, 1982, Bigfoot 2 would make its first public appearance with a set of 66 inch Terra tires, leading others to follow suit.
An example of just how far the tires flex for just a split second
One tire alone, without the rim, can weigh anywhere from 800-900lbs; when multiplied by four, tires take up about a third of the truck's average 10,000lb weight. A team can go through as many as eight tires in a single year. Tires can cost $2500-$7500 each. Despite their size and rigidity, due to the weight of the trucks the tires tend to flex a considerable amount. This generally occurs only for a split second, but sometimes the tires flex so much that the rims of the wheels make contact with the ground. To combat this, some drivers over-inflate the tires. This, however, raises the risk of tire blowouts.
A finely cut tire
One of the most distinct elements of a monster truck tire is the tread pattern of the tire. The agricultural tires that are the basis of monster truck tires usually have a simple tread of deep, sharp V-shaped or alternating stripes (depending on manufacturer) intended to provide grip in mud or loose soil without getting clogged with earth. For monster truck use, this tread is modified by the team, usually by removal of some rubber through "cutting". Tire cutting is done though for more than just stylistic reasons, though, as different tire treads result in different performance. Tire cutting is also done to accommodate the driver's driving skills and the conditions in which the truck will be driven. The most common modification made is to reduce the overall tread depth, which reduces weight and increases flexibility, and to round the edge of the tread near the sidewall, which makes it easier for drivers to upright the truck if they land on the edge of the tire after a jump. Cutting each individual tire takes approximately 50 consecutive hours.
Obsessed runs its tires backwards.
A majority of trucks have their tires mounted with the tire stripes pointing downwards. On occasion, trucks may run some, or all tires facing the opposite direction. This may be for stylistic reasons, or because the backwards facing tire is an opposite side replacement for a flat.
Tire types
There are plenty of tire designs and almost all trucks used a familiar ‘V’ tread pattern. It helps the truck maintain grip on dirt surfaces and even in mud races.
There are some unique tread patterns that some trucks use for style.
• Common ‘V’ Tread: a tire that has a slanted ‘V’ tread that overlaps one another slightly. MOST trucks in shows, particularly Monster Jam would use these tires made by BKT.
• Hybrid Tread: this tire has a unique light V Tread that trucks would use for racing. These tires were seen and used on many trucks such as Bounty Hunter. These types are lesser known and are still used to this day.
• Half Striped: these tires as lesser known and were used on the monster trucks Predator, Prowler, and Pouncer. The treads are unique and they have more of spiked style edges to the tire to help the truck gain grip while turning tightly. These tires were originally made by Goodyear before they were discontinued.
• Plain: tires that have NO tread, or have little grooves within. These tires are used on concrete surfaces or used on ride trucks. These tires are RARELY used on any competition trucks, but these tires HAVE been used before in trucks such as Prowler, Pouncer, Predator, and Avenger.
Bigfoot having been unloaded from its trailer.
Monster truck tires are so large with their regular tires that they cannot fit into their transportation trailers. Because of this, the tires have to be mounted on and unmounted back off after every show weekend. Much smaller tires, taken from the ones used for irrigation equipment, are put onto the truck so it can be driven back into its trailer. These are used as they can match the hubs on the large tires. Trailers have doors on the side that allow for the tires to go in and out easily when loading and unloading the truck.
The most notable non-standard tire used are ten-foot tires: First used for monster trucks on Bigfoot 5, these were originally created for use on a US Army "land train" in Alaska. "Plain" tires are used mostly on ride trucks, and rarely on race trucks. The most notable exception was when Predator trucks exclusively used these tires in the early 2000's.
Raging Bull loses a tire in 2015 that hit 9 people. Thankfully, nobody was killed.
Trucks can often times lose tires from hard hits, causing them to roll away over great distances. The large weight of the tire can pose a safety risk when this happens. In 2012, when Marc McDonald, driving El Toro Loco in Arlington Texas, lost a tire during freestyle, it bounced several times, initially in excess of 20+ feet high. It collided with the Fiesta truck and landed wedged between the truck and the wall; thankfully, nobody was hit by the tire. That was the second time that night a truck had lost a tire, a nearly similar incident happened with Bounty Hunter during that same show.
In 2015, Raging Bull lost a tire at a monster truck show and caused it to roll into a fence next to a section of spectators. The tire crashed into the fence and injured nine spectators on the other side; thankfully, nobody was killed.
In 1998, a fire burned down a garage resulting in Demon, Kimosabe, Showtime, and the Weapon 1 Ride Trucks all being destroyed. The fire was caused by tires that caught fire due to a faulty battery on a "power wheels" vehicle. The tires expanded from the heat until they violently burst, resulting in further explosions and causing the destruction of the garage.
Gas Monkey Monster Truck Tire Installation - Monster Jam
Video of tires being mounted on Gas Monkey Garage
Regular tires.
A chunkier, more rigid tire cut.
Tires with slanted lugs.
Firestone tire.
El Toro Loco's "Hybrid" tires.
Brute Force with "fine cut" tires.
Predator's "Half striped" tires.
Grave Digger 11 running "plain" tires.
Pouncer with two front "plain" tires, one of the very few times they have ever been used on a racing truck. Also, the back tires are backwards.
Dale Earnhardt, Jr. with "checkered" tires.
Two variants of the Scaly tire on Storm Damage.
Gangsta, with 'overlapping" tires.
The Red Ford Grave Digger with tractor tires.
5 Ton Turd with smaller, mud bogging tires.
Bigfoot 5 with its notable 10 foot-tall tires.
Superfoot with a different variation of the 10-foot tires.
Grave Digger's brand new BKT tires with purple beadlocks.
A tire shop full of monster truck tires.
Sudden Impact is famous for its blue tires, made with a blue coloring instead of the regular black.
Brand new tires delivered to Sudden Impact Racing.
Bigfoot gets a flat tire.
El Toro Loco loses a tire in Arlington 2012. The lost tire in this photo bounced once and flew up over 20ft.
The same tire as in the previous picture bounces right over Fiesta.
Grave Digger loses a right-back tire, leaving only the rim.
Ragin Steel, crushing a parked Sting with a very damaged flat tire.
Basketball-styled BKT tires.
Max-D with BKT tires.
An Escalade's spinning rims (right).
Firestone Turf Tires
Advert for the Marcher W-10A tire featuring Rammunition
Advert for the Marcher QZ-702C tire featuring El Toro Loco
Typical monster truck tires
One of the most recognizable features of a monster truck are its large tires. Monster trucks use tires originally created for agricultural equipment, modified for use on monster trucks, with some tires being specifically made for monster trucks. Standard modern monster truck tires are 66 inches tall and 43 inches wide.
With the growing popularity of mud bogging in the 1970's, there began a quest to find larger, more suitable tires for increasing a 4-wheel drive pickup truck's capabilities in the mud. Early on, 48 inch agricultural tires were the standard for the few monster trucks that did exist, such as Bigfoot and King Kong, specifically the iconic design of the Goodyear Super Terra Grip tires. These tires are also known as flotation tires, as they were originally designed so that their volume of air means the farming equipment that uses them can float slightly on wet, muddy fields instead of sinking into the mud and getting stuck.
In 1979, a vehicle known as "Mud Rat" was seen at a mud bogging event sporting a set of 66x43-25 inch Super Terra Grip tires, which caught the attention of various monster truck owners, giving them the inspiration to put them on their trucks as well. On September 1st, 1982, Bigfoot 2 would make its first public appearance with a set of 66 inch Terra tires, leading others to follow suit.
An example of just how far the tires flex for just a split second
One tire alone, without the rim, can weigh anywhere from 800-900lbs; when multiplied by four, tires take up about a third of the truck's average 10,000lb weight. A team can go through as many as eight tires in a single year. Tires can cost $2500-$7500 each. Despite their size and rigidity, due to the weight of the trucks the tires tend to flex a considerable amount. This generally occurs only for a split second, but sometimes the tires flex so much that the rims of the wheels make contact with the ground. To combat this, some drivers over-inflate the tires. This, however, raises the risk of tire blowouts.
A finely cut tire
One of the most distinct elements of a monster truck tire is the tread pattern of the tire. The agricultural tires that are the basis of monster truck tires usually have a simple tread of deep, sharp V-shaped or alternating stripes (depending on manufacturer) intended to provide grip in mud or loose soil without getting clogged with earth. For monster truck use, this tread is modified by the team, usually by removal of some rubber through "cutting". Tire cutting is done though for more than just stylistic reasons, though, as different tire treads result in different performance. Tire cutting is also done to accommodate the driver's driving skills and the conditions in which the truck will be driven. The most common modification made is to reduce the overall tread depth, which reduces weight and increases flexibility, and to round the edge of the tread near the sidewall, which makes it easier for drivers to upright the truck if they land on the edge of the tire after a jump. Cutting each individual tire takes approximately 50 consecutive hours.
Obsessed runs its tires backwards.
A majority of trucks have their tires mounted with the tire stripes pointing downwards. On occasion, trucks may run some, or all tires facing the opposite direction. This may be for stylistic reasons, or because the backwards facing tire is an opposite side replacement for a flat.
Tire types
There are plenty of tire designs and almost all trucks used a familiar ‘V’ tread pattern. It helps the truck maintain grip on dirt surfaces and even in mud races. There are some unique tread patterns that some trucks use for style.
• Common ‘V’ Tread: a tire that has a slanted ‘V’ tread that overlaps one another slightly. MOST trucks in shows, particularly Monster Jam would use these tires made by BKT.
• Hybrid Tread: this tire has a unique light V Tread that trucks would use for racing. These tires were seen and used on many trucks such as Bounty Hunter. These types are lesser known and are still used to this day.
• Half Striped: these tires as lesser known and were used on the monster trucks Predator, Prowler, and Pouncer. The treads are unique and they have more of spiked style edges to the tire to help the truck gain grip while turning tightly. These tires were originally made by Goodyear before they were discontinued.
• Plain: tires that have NO tread, or have little grooves within. These tires are used on concrete surfaces or used on ride trucks. These tires are RARELY used on any competition trucks, but these tires HAVE been used before in trucks such as Prowler, Pouncer, Predator, and Avenger.
Bigfoot having been unloaded from its trailer.
Monster truck tires are so large with their regular tires that they cannot fit into their transportation trailers. Because of this, the tires have to be mounted on and unmounted back off after every show weekend. Much smaller tires, taken from the ones used for irrigation equipment, are put onto the truck so it can be driven back into its trailer. These are used as they can match the hubs on the large tires. Trailers have doors on the side that allow for the tires to go in and out easily when loading and unloading the truck.
The most notable non-standard tire used are ten-foot tires: First used for monster trucks on Bigfoot 5, these were originally created for use on a US Army "land train" in Alaska. "Plain" tires are used mostly on ride trucks, and rarely on race trucks. The most notable exception was when Predator trucks exclusively used these tires in the early 2000's.
Raging Bull loses a tire in 2015 that hit 9 people. Thankfully, nobody was killed.
Trucks can often times lose tires from hard hits, causing them to roll away over great distances. The large weight of the tire can pose a safety risk when this happens. In 2012, when Marc McDonald, driving El Toro Loco in Arlington Texas, lost a tire during freestyle, it bounced several times, initially in excess of 20+ feet high. It collided with the Fiesta truck and landed wedged between the truck and the wall; thankfully, nobody was hit by the tire. That was the second time that night a truck had lost a tire, a nearly similar incident happened with Bounty Hunter during that same show.
In 2015, Raging Bull lost a tire at a monster truck show and caused it to roll into a fence next to a section of spectators. The tire crashed into the fence and injured nine spectators on the other side; thankfully, nobody was killed.
In 1998, a fire burned down a garage resulting in Demon, Kimosabe, Showtime, and the Weapon 1 Ride Trucks all being destroyed. The fire was caused by tires that caught fire due to a faulty battery on a "power wheels" vehicle. The tires expanded from the heat until they violently burst, resulting in further explosions and causing the destruction of the garage.
Gas Monkey Monster Truck Tire Installation - Monster Jam
Video of tires being mounted on Gas Monkey Garage
Regular tires.
A chunkier, more rigid tire cut.
Tires with slanted lugs.
Firestone tire.
El Toro Loco's "Hybrid" tires.
Brute Force with "fine cut" tires.
Predator's "Half striped" tires.
Grave Digger 11 running "plain" tires.
Pouncer with two front "plain" tires, one of the very few times they have ever been used on a racing truck. Also, the back tires are backwards.
Dale Earnhardt, Jr. with "checkered" tires.
Two variants of the Scaly tire on Storm Damage.
Gangsta, with 'overlapping" tires.
The Red Ford Grave Digger with tractor tires.
5 Ton Turd with smaller, mud bogging tires.
Bigfoot 5 with its notable 10 foot-tall tires.
Superfoot with a different variation of the 10-foot tires.
Grave Digger's brand new BKT tires with purple beadlocks.
A tire shop full of monster truck tires.
Sudden Impact is famous for its blue tires, made with a blue coloring instead of the regular black.
Brand new tires delivered to Sudden Impact Racing.
Bigfoot gets a flat tire.
El Toro Loco loses a tire in Arlington 2012. The lost tire in this photo bounced once and flew up over 20ft.
The same tire as in the previous picture bounces right over Fiesta.
Grave Digger loses a right-back tire, leaving only the rim.
Ragin Steel, crushing a parked Sting with a very damaged flat tire.
Basketball-styled BKT tires.
Max-D with BKT tires.
An Escalade's spinning rims (right).
Firestone Turf Tires
Advert for the Marcher W-10A tire featuring Rammunition
Advert for the Marcher QZ-702C tire featuring El Toro Loco
Load index (it is also the index of carrying capacity or bearing capacity) - this is the name of the maximum allowable weight, under the pressure of which the tire is able to function normally. This indicator is especially important for owners of trucks, since the weight of their cars is constantly changing and can reach huge values.
To increase the load index, tire manufacturers are using stronger materials and reinforcing the roll. Rubber becomes more stable, but its rigidity inevitably increases. This means that the higher the load index, the less comfortable the ride will be. Hard rubber not only absorbs worse, but also creates a rumble while driving. The only way to make driving a car more comfortable is to take tires with a lower load index. In this case, the owner will no longer be able to transport the previous amount of cargo, but the car will move more smoothly, and the pressure on the suspension will decrease.
In order to avoid confusion, global tire manufacturers use a single index table in the manufacture of tires. The smallest load index among the existing ones is 0. It corresponds to an indicator of 45 kilograms. This means that a tire with this index is able to withstand loads up to 45 kilograms. The maximum index is 230 with a corresponding figure of 33,500 kilograms.
These figures represent optimal values, not limit values. For example, if the load index of a tire corresponds to five hundred kilograms, then this does not mean that with a load of 600 kg the tire will be torn apart. From time to time it is permissible to exceed the recommended load by twenty to thirty percent. But when buying tires, you should focus on the recommended value, which, along with the speed index, is indicated in the technical documents of any car.
The load index is not the only indicator by which one can judge the bearing capacity of a tire. There is also the concept of ply rating or PR (from the English “ply rating”). The higher this figure, the greater the load the tire can withstand. For example, for passenger cars, the ply rate is in the range from 4 to 6 PR, and tires with a PR value of 6-8 are usually installed on minibuses or small trucks. For large-sized vehicles, like agricultural machinery, tires marked "Reinforced" (literally - "reinforced") or XL are used. This tire has the maximum ply and is able to withstand the heaviest loads. An alternative option is the sign "C", that is, "commercial". It is put on tires for vehicles with a large load capacity.
And yet, the ply rate, as an indicator of the optimal load, is imperfect. Tires of different sizes with the same ply rating are able to withstand completely different loads, so ply rating is not an independent indicator. Today, tire manufacturers use it less and less and indicate the load-bearing capacity on the sidewall.
Sometimes, in addition to the load index, the manufacturer indicates the maximum permissible load in kilograms. To recognize it, you need to find the inscription “max. load" followed by a number.
It is important to note that the limit load rating is always per tire. To calculate the coefficient for a car, you need to multiply the value by four.
The bearing capacity coefficient is related to the speed index discussed at the beginning. For example, the 80R marking means that the recommended speed for the tire is 170 km / h, and the maximum load is 450 kilograms. But after all, the load on the tire is directly proportional to the speed: the faster the car moves, the higher the load on the tire. To avoid confusion, on each tire, manufacturers indicate the load factor for the maximum allowable speed. In the example above, a load of up to 450 kilograms would be allowed at a speed of 170 km/h. If you go slower, then you can take more cargo. The reverse is also true: if the pressure on the wheels is reduced, the recommended speed limit can be exceeded. There is a formula: five percent weight reduction allows you to increase the maximum speed by 10 kilometers per hour.
All technical information about the tire is printed on its sidewalls. The name of the manufacturer, model, type of cord, country of manufacture and other data are noted there. Among other information, there is always a block of information on the sidewall, which is called the standard size. Let's take size 185/75R14 82S as an example. Here 185 is the width of the tire in millimeters, 75 is the height in millimeters, R is the type of tire (in this case, radial, but can also be diagonal and denoted by the letter D or diagonally belted and denoted by the letter B), 14 is the rim diameter in inches, 82 - load index (475 kilograms), S - speed index (180 km / h).
Twin tires are sometimes used for large trucks. The limit load coefficient for each tire in a pair may vary, and in this case, the load index is indicated for each tire separately, through a fraction.
(in - load index, kg - weight in kilograms)
Modern vehicle developers from year to year try to reduce the size of their products. These changes are due to modern trends, and the high occupancy of cities. In large cities, there are a huge number of cars, and sometimes there is simply nowhere to park, so cars are trying to be as compact as possible.
However, this does not mean that there are no large machines. Consider the largest cars and trucks, the dimensions of which are hard to imagine.
The "Titan" three-axle mining truck from the mid-1970s to the early 1990s faithfully served man in quarrying.
Now this giant with a total weight of 235 tons and a carrying capacity of 350 tons is well-deservedly retired, and at one time it was the largest car of its class on our planet.
A Terex 33-19 "Titan" dump truck was fitted with a hybrid powertrain. The diesel engine drove the transmission, and 4 electric motors on wheels added power to the career giant.
In 1992, the Canadian manufacturer, which had long since retired the Terex 33-19 "Titan", exhibited one of the most amazing machines in automotive history at the Sparwood Museum.
The Canadian company has continued to work in the creation of large special equipment. The Terex MT 6300AC model with a load capacity of 363 tons was put into production in 2008.
Actively collaborating with the world's leading manufacturers of mining equipment, in 2010 the big car was renamed Bucyrus MT6300AC, as the company became part of the Canadian concern.
Caterpillar now holds part of the production rights for this model of large dump trucks.
This machine, unique in its parameters and characteristics, was designed and put into operation in 1978 at the German Krupp plant, is the largest self-propelled unit in the world. The weight of this multifunctional giant is 13,500 tons.
The harvester receives energy for its units from external sources, and is used by a person to perform various work: from laying pipelines to quarrying.
The mining machine has 16 engines that consume energy like a small town. Such a huge colossus is controlled by a crew of 4 people.
For mining excavators that excavate large volumes of soil, appropriate dump trucks are also needed.
A similar vehicle was put into series production in 2004 by Liebherr. The mining dump truck with an operating weight of 600 tons and a load capacity of 363 tons is currently the largest truck in the world.
The latest technology has made it possible to create a unique machine. Instead of the instrument panel, the car has a display. The transmission on the Liebherr T282B is electric, and for different types of machines, depending on the nature of the work, the company offers engines of different power.
By the way, there is a fascinating article about the largest man-made engines on our website.
Until 2013, the Liebherr T282B with a carrying capacity of 363 tons was considered the largest wheeled vehicle. It was produced by the German engineering company Liebherr-International AG. However, the championship had to be ceded to the giant from Belarus - BelAZ-75710. The gigantic dump truck is an order of magnitude superior to the competitor in terms of the main parameters. BelAZ is capable of taking on board 450 tons of rock, and this is far from the limit. In tests conducted in 2014, this figure was 503.5 tons.
The overall dimensions of the giant are also impressive:
Imagine that you are driving in a three-story house 20 m long.
The mining dump truck of the American company Caterpillar is produced with a mechanical transmission, and among this class of vehicles it is the most load-bearing.
Caterpillar 797B transports 345 tons of cargo at one time. In this regard, a more powerful engine was installed on the 797B model compared to its predecessors.
In December 2009, a new modification of the dump truck under the 797F series was launched into production, which has a large payload. Career giants are widely used in the US and Europe.
So, what is the biggest machine? And what, in fact, is this unit with such a strange name? Galileo would have said, "But it still moves." And if so, then it fits the description of the car. The self-propelled structure is designed to remove and transport the rock formation.
If we compare, again, with the Eiffel Tower, it turns out that the leader is almost twice as long - its length is 502 m, and its height is 74. The comparison with the French symbol is not accidental - that is exactly what the original car was called.
Probably, in a few years this list will have to be revised - giantomaniacs will build new leaders. But the presented wonders of engineering are impressive and amazing.
The BelAZ75600, a giant Belarusian-made machine, can work both in quarries and in coal mines.
The dump truck was successfully tested in 2005, and the next year the truck started working at the Bachatsky coal mine in the Kemerovo region.
The 75600 featured the first AC electromechanical transmission. Thanks to a powerful diesel engine, the car has high traction and dynamic qualities. With a carrying capacity of 320 tons, the machine can reach speeds of up to 64 km per hour.
The largest representative of the glorious BelAZ 75710 family has a carrying capacity of 450 tons. This giant is the largest dump truck in the world.
BelAZ75710 began working in open pit mines in 2013, and in January 2014 it was listed in the Guinness Book of Records, transporting cargo with a total weight of 503.5 tons.
Compared to its predecessors, the audibility of noise in the cab has been significantly reduced, a split system has been installed, monitoring of the so-called "dead zones".
The brainchild of Belarusian automakers can work in difficult conditions at maximum temperatures, from -50 to +50 degrees Celsius.
On our site thebiggest.ru you can see the ranking of the largest mining trucks in the world.
The powerful Belarusian mining dump truck is the largest among its competitors. So far, 2 such giants have been assembled, and both are working on the territory of the Russian Federation.
The maximum carrying capacity of mining special equipment is 450 tons. In one trip, the giant transports a huge amount of ore. At the same time, the Belarusian machine with a total weight of about 800 tons is suitable for operation in difficult operating conditions at air temperatures from -50 to +50 degrees.
The dump truck has 8 wheels with tires, each of which has a large margin of safety.
BelAZ-75710 is driven by a diesel-electric unit. The main engine in this tandem is a 2330-horsepower unit manufactured by Detroit Diesel. The engine works with 2 electric generators and 4 wheel motors with a capacity of 1200 kW.
At the beginning of 2014, a dump truck transported a load weighing 503.5 tons through the test site. The result was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records, and on that day BelAZ-75710 became the largest truck in the world.
Fun Fact: This work machine is impressive in size. The length of the BelAZ-75710 dump truck exceeds 20 meters.
This road monster entered the Guinness Book of Records as the largest ballast tractor. The curb weight of the car is 40 tons. The French tractor is capable of pulling a road train with a total weight of approximately 600 tons.
Ballast tractor with a total length of 12.6 m is equipped with a 27-liter turbocharged diesel engine. The power of the power unit is 912 hp, and the maximum torque is 3460 Nm. The gearbox is an 8-speed automatic.
Interesting fact: Nicolas Tractomas is specially loaded with crushed stone ballast to increase the grip weight (mass that can be moved).
This is another giant car that is in the TOP 10 largest trucks used in mining. It has a high-strength metal body with a volume of 213 m3. The total length of the machine is 15.1 m, and the maximum load capacity is 363 tons.
The work machine is equipped with a 2983 kW gross power unit and a reliable 7-speed transmission with automatic power shifting.
A feature of this special equipment is the possibility of ordering various options for additional driver comfort during work, including heated and ventilated seats, power windows, heated rear-view mirrors, etc.
Fun Fact: The 797F has a fuel tank capacity of 3785 liters.
This is a powerful Japanese dump truck with a rated gross weight of 626 tons. It has a high-performance diesel engine with 3549 hp. own production. A unique technical solution in this engine is the use of a 2-stage turbocharger for optimized air handling.
The Komatsu mining dump truck is equipped with an all-welded steel body reinforced with stiffeners for transporting cargo. As standard, it has a visor on the driver's side, rubber vibration mounts on the frame. The total body capacity is 250 m3.
Like the Caterpillar 797F, the Japanese manufacturer pays special attention to driver comfort. Already in the basic configuration, a comfortable seat is offered, adjustable in 5 different directions and having an air suspension to absorb vibrations.
Interesting fact : The dump truck has a hydropneumatic suspension with 4 separate cylinders, which runs on nitrogen.
This is a unique Chinese technique used in the installation of very heavy structures. Record holder for lifting capacity among truck cranes with an indicator of 2000 tons.
The ZACB01 hoist is mounted on a 12-axle all-wheel drive chassis, providing stability during work and a high maximum speed (75 km/h). The length of the telescopic boom in the unfolded state is 106 m. This mechanism consists of 8 separate sections.
Chinese truck crane driven by 4 diesel engines. The most powerful of them develops 650 horsepower.
Interesting fact: To simplify the operation of a truck crane with a total weight of 96 t provides a highly intelligent control system based on multiple sensors.
This TOP contains cars and trucks from manufacturers from different countries. Many of them were designed with an eye on the world record for maximum length, maximum load capacity, etc. However, some were built to meet the needs of various customers, especially giant mining trucks.
It's time to consider the major representatives of the passenger car industry.
One of the largest, and more precisely, the longest passenger car is the Bugatti Type 41 "La Royale". A chic car was produced in the 20-30s of the twentieth century and was 6.2 meters long.
Only very rich people could afford to buy an expensive car, which is why it was produced exclusively on order. For 7 years, only 6 cars were produced.
For its outstanding and amazing properties, the Bugatti car was nicknamed "Royal". But the most interesting thing is that all six copies of the luxury car Bugatti Type 41 "La Royale" have survived to this day and are in excellent technical condition.
The largest passenger car model in the history of mankind has been unchanged for almost a century. This is a fifteen times enlarged replica of a 1938 Studebaker President Eight roadster. The car was never functional, but it has always amazed and continues to amaze with its size. This record holder was made in the open air by sixty people for three months. However, the car has a rather sad fate. It was made of tin and plywood and burned overnight from a direct lightning strike.
The Maybach Exelero supercar is one of the largest passenger cars on the planet today. The length of the car is 6.2 meters, with a height of 1.3 meters and a width of 2.21 meters.
The car, which entered production in 2005, reaches speeds of 351 km/h and 100 km/h in a record 4.4 seconds.
High technical performance and luxurious interior made it popular among world politicians and the first heads of state. On request, the Maybach concern produces models with an armored hull.
In addition to trucks, cars can boast of their size. They are designed for those who prefer space inside the cabin. Such representatives are sold in limited quantities, they are not light, it is difficult for them to maneuver on city roads.
The luxury limousine was discontinued because the manufacturer was unhappy with sales. Assembly was carried out in Stuttgart, Germany until 2012. Platform - Mercedes Benz. Case length - 6.165, width - 1.981, height - 1.575 meters.
Executive car Maybach 62
The car reaches a speed of 250 kilometers per hour despite the fact that the concern has updated the engine for it. The concern paid special attention to internal details. On the basis of the model for individual orders, the Maybach Landaulet was produced with a granite interior.
Rolls-Royce Ghost is a direct competitor to Maybach limousines. It embodies sophistication and comfort, is considered one of the best luxury cars in the world. The design is a classic, all elements of the body and interior are thought out to the smallest detail.
Rolls-Royce of this series is very popular in Russia
Case dimensions - 5.569*1.948*1.55 meters. Each of the machines produced is considered a work of art, descended from the picture: lambswool floor mats, champagne glass holder, soundproofing system. The 6.6 liter engine provides fast acceleration.
Recognized in every part of the world, the Ford F650 is by far the largest passenger car in the world put into serial production.
The dimensions of the machine, which was created for use in various conditions, will be envied by trucks. The length of the F650 is 7.6 meters, the height is about 2.2 meters. Recently, a car with a brutal appearance has become very popular among Americans, but in Russia this giant of roads and off-roads can only be purchased on order.
Under the hood, the Ford F650 has a 350 horsepower engine that accelerates the car to 115 km/h. The technical filling is usually made to order.
Today, the Extreme Truck is officially recognized as the world's largest pickup truck. It was designed by the American automaker International. The length of this giant is 6.70 meters, and the height is 2.75 meters. Engineers completed its snowplow chassis. This made it possible to turn the Commercial Extreme Truck into a real all-terrain vehicle.
The cabin of this car is designed for five passengers. The maximum output of the power unit is only 220 horsepower. However, do not forget about the impressive dimensions of this giant, and that it weighs more than 6.5 tons. And if you take into account the weight of passengers, luggage and a host of other innovative lotions that the owner of the Commercial Extreme Truck will probably want to equip his “swallow”, then it will turn out many times more.
With such powerful performance, this big man shows a decent fuel consumption of three liters for every ten kilometers. Obviously, not everyone can afford such gluttony. The estimated cost of a pickup truck varies within 95 thousand dollars. As a rule, Commercial Extreme Trucks are purchased by various enterprises to solve their production problems. This pickup truck is used in those areas where there is a need for large-sized transport.
Let's complete the range of the largest passenger cars with a unique and inimitable example of a limousine called the "American Dream".
Crazy car with 26 wheels has a swimming pool, a bed, a jacuzzi and even a helipad.
The production car of the 1970s Cadillac Eldorado became the basis for creating an unusual car with a length of 30.48 meters.
Designed for the needs of the film industry at 1982 year car, by 2012 came into complete disrepair.
In 2014, a luxury car was bought by one of the companies and now it is under restoration work. The American Dream was not certified for road use, but continues to lead the way as the world's longest limousine.
While you're getting over the shock of seeing the 336m excavator, let's move on to the biggest exotic cars, which are not only impressive in size, but also quite ostentatious in design.
The American Dream is a 30 meter long limousine from enthusiastic designer, Hollywood car king, Jay Orberg. Capacity - up to 75 people. The board is equipped with a working helipad and a swimming pool. Designed on the basis of Cadillac Eldorado.
Quoter is the tallest limousine in the world, moreover, a small car can pass under it. Manufacturer: SDM Industries.
Superbus is presented as a bus for 23 passengers, but it looks more like a trendy limousine. Each passenger has a personal Internet, TV and climate control system. With dimensions of 15 meters in length, acceleration is possible up to 250 km / h.
Greg Dunham is a giant motorcycle named after its own author. Length - 7.5 m and height 4.5 m. In fact, you are driving a two-story house. The design began with a classic friendly dispute, after which Dunham spent three years creating a two-wheeled iron monster weighing 3 tons. Of course, the motorcycle got into the Guinness Book of Records. Surprisingly, no one has yet bought it, although this work of the auto industry is being sold for 300 thousand dollars.
In the world of big machines, you can't ignore the biggest tractors that roam the endless roads of the world.
This tractor with a wide aerodynamic cab was launched in 2011. The high large cabin has an aggressive design, but with soft, streamlined shapes.
The mobile home has a spacious cabin with beds, built-in refrigerator, microwave and monitor.
Note that this is the most favorite car of Hollywood filmmakers. The big car has already starred in a dozen world blockbusters.
The stylish W900, despite its low aerodynamic properties, is very popular among drivers.
The design of the big car retains, to this day, the fashionable features of cars from the 60s. The first machine was produced in 1961 and has been in production for more than 50 years. As recognized all over the world, time is the best indicator of quality.
This model, coded W900, was developed in 1989 and has already featured in the cult film about American superspy James Bond, License to Kill.
Luxurious and impressive heavyweight in the 4900 EX truck tractor range, Western Star is today's flagship.
Available with two diesel engine options. Paying tribute to tradition, the car is made to order with a manual glider gearbox.
Large, spacious cab with chrome-plated parts located on a wide wheeled platform.
Design and technical equipment Western Star 4900 EX make the driver's work safe and comfortable. In the US, this model is recognized as the pinnacle of automotive style.
Let's move on to flying machines. This position is the largest bomber developed by the Americans. The futuristic-designed aircraft is also the most expensive, with the latest models costing more than $2 billion each to produce.
Dimensions are as follows:
In one approach, the aircraft is able to fly almost 14,000 km. Well, the maximum combat weight is more than 18 tons.
More than one aircraft is waiting for you.
Under the hood of this large and powerful American truck fit 600 horsepower. With a large mass and a monumental appearance, the car feels easy and free on highways.
One of the largest truck tractors on the road, has a load capacity of over 54 tons, and when coupled with a road train up to 200 tons of total weight. A luxurious cabin made of steel and chrome, modern technical stuffing and high cross-country ability make the truck popular and unique.
The Mack Titan truck is a solid sales leader in the United States.
Kodiak is based on a mid-size truck. It is available in rear and all-wheel drive versions. It is curious that in the USA you can’t just take and buy a car. You will have to go through all the circles of hell, choosing different types of frames, powertrains, transmissions, axles, etc. The same goes for trim features. As a result, almost every car at the output is unique. It will only warm the heart of their owners.
In the standard configuration, Kodiak engineers equip the Kodiak with a diesel eight-cylinder power unit with a maximum output of 300 horsepower. As an alternative to cargo springs, they used air suspension. The cabin is stuffed with an expensive multimedia system with navigation, multiple touch screens and subwoofers. Interior trim is made "under the carbon". It will seem strange to some, but the cost of a car of 70 thousand dollars will drive away such thoughts. The dimensions of this luxury car are impressive - 2.8 meters in height and 6. 65 in length. The car includes a driver's cab with two seats and a passenger compartment designed to comfortably accommodate six people. "Stuffing" for Kodiak in each case is selected individually.
What do you think of these luxury large cars? Write comments and follow our news.
The name, more than ever, exactly corresponds to the functionality and dimensions of the truck crane.
Connecting a crane to a vehicle was an ingenious and innovative idea at the time, allowing a powerful hoist to be transported mobile to its destination.
The Mammoth LTM truck crane can lift a load of 1200 tons to a height of 180 meters. The stability of the truck crane is provided by hydraulic supports.
It takes 8 hours to unfold, secure the supports and get this giant of the world of lifting mechanisms ready for operation. On thebiggest.ru you can get acquainted with all the largest truck cranes in the world.
Of the bulldozers in operation today, the Komatsu D575A-3 sd is the largest in the world. Japanese manufacturers have modified and improved previous models to create this huge masterpiece of special equipment.
This heavyweight has a 12-cylinder turbocharged engine in a family of similar construction vehicles. The weight of the machine is 153 tons, and the length is 11.72 meters.
The reliability of the caterpillar tractor, as well as its versatility, have made it one of the most popular tractors in the world. The bulldozer is available with a replaceable grader, and a rear ripper can be attached to it.
Either a boat or an airplane is famous for many features. The vehicle with the funny nickname "Spruce Goose" is made of wood - almost entirely of birch. The record holder was made by the company of the famous Howard Hughes.
If not for the desire to cover both the sky and the sea, the car would definitely be the largest aircraft. How big are the sizes?