In 1960, Bruce T. Halle founded the first Discount Tire in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
In 1963 Halle took on a partner, Ted Von Voigtlander, a man well versed in the tire business and someone who was especially good in negotiating prices with tire manufacturers.
In 1964, four years after opening his first store, Halle opened his second.
With that location established, Halle then opened a store in Flint, Michigan, in 1966.
Halle and Von Voigtlander paid a visit to Phoenix in April 1969 and were immediately impressed with the potential of the Valley of the Sun.
The first Phoenix Discount Tire store opened in January 1970.
By the end of 1980 the chain included 44 stores, but it was just the start of a period of exceptional growth.
The alliance proved so successful that it would lead to other Discount Tire house brands: the Arizonian Rocky Mountain, the Arizonian Silver Edition (to commemorate the company's 25th anniversary in 1985), and the Arizonian Limited Edition.
The operation opened in the Los Angeles, California, market in an old supermarket in 1988.
Seven stores were purchased from the Michelin Tire Company in 1991, giving Discount Tire entrance into Oregon and northern California.
Halle and his wife, Diane, whom he married in 1999, also received a papal award for supporting the restoration of the pope's private chapel.
Discount Tire entered Georgia, Minnesota, and South Carolina in 2001 and the following year opened its 500th store.
Discount Tire also developed a new business in 2002, establishing the Mobile Service unit to provide new tires and wheels to used car dealerships in southern California.
In 2010, the Arizona Board of Regents honored Bruce and Diane Halle with the Regents' Award for Outstanding Service to Higher Education.
Halle was listed as Arizona's wealthiest individual for the past eight years by Forbes, with a net-worth tally of $5.
2 billion as of January 2018.
"Discount Tire Company Inc. ." International Directory of Company Histories. . Retrieved June 21, 2022 from Encyclopedia.com: https://www.encyclopedia.com/books/politics-and-business-magazines/discount-tire-company-inc
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Zippia gives an in-depth look into the details of Discount Tire, including salaries, political affiliations, employee data, and more, in order to inform job seekers about Discount Tire. The employee data is based on information from people who have self-reported their past or current employments at Discount Tire. The data on this page is also based on data sources collected from public and open data sources on the Internet and other locations, as well as proprietary data we licensed from other companies.
Sources of data may include, but are not limited to, the BLS, company filings, estimates based on those filings, h2B filings, and other public and private datasets. While we have made attempts to ensure that the information displayed are correct, Zippia is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of this information. None of the information on this page has been provided or approved by Discount Tire. The data presented on this page does not represent the view of Discount Tire and its employees or that of Zippia.
Discount Tire may also be known as or be related to Discount Tire, Discount Tire Company, The Reinalt Thomas Corporation, The Reinalt-Thomas Corp. and The Reinalt-Thomas Corporation.
Find a list of Discount Tire hours for Monday-Sunday in the table below. Discount Tire Company is a privately owned independent tire retailer operating primarily in the United States. The company offers products such as wheels and tires to ensure its customers don’t have to stop rolling. Discount Tire was founded in Ann Arbor, MI by Bruce T. Halle in 1960. With a long standing advertising campaign consisting of the longest running TV commercial (since 1975), the company has made it clear that “if ever you’re not satisfied with one of our tiers, feel free to bring it back”. Discount tire believes its growth is due to its employees, who are encouraged to treat people with respect and do what is right. Company founder Bruce Halle ensures its employees that if they do a good job, they’ll be rewarded with lifelong opportunity. Through the company’s philosophy of treating employees and customers, Discount Tire has expanded to over 900 stores. With over 16,000 in 28 states nationwide, a Discount Tire store is sure to be nearby. If you’re looking for a new set of quality tires along with unmatched customer service, Discount Tire hours may be a topic of interest. Find a list of the general Discount Tires hours in the table below, along with a description underneath.
Day | Time |
Monday | 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM |
Tuesday | 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM |
Wednesday | 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM |
Thursday | 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM |
Friday | 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM |
Saturday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM |
Sunday | Closed |
Discount Tire hours are consistent throughout the week for the majority of locations, with a slight variation of store hours during the weekends. During the weekdays, Discount Tires hours are 8 AM to 6 PM on Monday to Friday for most locations. The weekend begins with similar working hours, with the exception of an earlier closing time. On Saturday, Discount Tires is open during its regular time (8 AM) and will close an hour earlier (5 PM) for the majority of store locations. Some companies, like Chick-Fil-A, believe in having the last day of the week dedicated to rest and spending time with family. This tire retailer follows similar suite, therefore Discount Tire is closed on Sunday. The table above shows the general Discount Tires hours for the entire week. To find the Discount Tire store hours for your neighborhood retailer, use the 3 tools provided in the section below.
The most reliable method of finding Discount Tire hours is with the company’s official store locator. The Discount Tire Store locator can be found through this link. Begin by entering your address, city, state, or ZIP code in the search bar. Select the radius in which you’re willing to travel and click the enter button. A list of Discount Tires hours will be shown on the next page, numbered in red icons signifying each store’s location by distance. Scroll down to view each store’s unique information, such as their address, phone number, operating hours, and additional store details. Find nearby cities and zip codes associated with each store, along with the ability to search for tires or wheels exclusive to that location. The area on the right allows you to connect with each store through phone, email, directions, or making an appointment.
Google Maps is another quick and reliable tool to help you find Discount Tire hours for your neighborhood tire and wheel retailer. Begin by going to Google’s main site and selecting the Maps tab near the search bar. Use the store name as the search term and select the enter button. This link lets you skip the manual steps and automatically view the nearby Discount Tires hours relative to you. Each store on the map is signified by a red icon, which correlates to the store’s information on the right-hand-side of the screen. View each store’s unique hours, along with additional useful info. Find each store’s contact info such as their phone number, address, customer reviews, and driving directions simply by selecting one of the icons. The map below shows you similar search results regarding your neighborhood Discount Tire hours of operation. Select the location of your preference to view additional info just like you would through a Google Maps search.
If you’re always on the go and need an app that can help keep your wheels rolling, this may be the tool perfect for your needs. The Discount Tire Mobile App is available for download on both Android and Apple mobile devices through the links provided. The app does much more than just help you find Discount Tire hours. Schedule your tire and automotive service appointments 24/7 with this useful and user-friendly mobile app. Now you can have a piece of mind while traveling on the road knowing that help is right at your fingertips. Find Discount Tires hours, schedule appointments, browse product selections and more with this useful app.
What time does Discount Tire close?
What Time does Discount Tire open?
What time does Discount Tire close on Sunday-Saturday?
Discount Tire closing time?
When does Discount Tire open-close?
Discount Tire opening hours?
Is Discount Tire open today?
Please note: Discount Tire hours may vary by location and may be subject to change. To find out the exact Discount Tire hours of operation for your neighborhood store, use the tools provided in the section above. If you would like to find out more about this company, visit their official website found here. A list of the regional offices for each state can be found through this link. Talk to a customer representative by calling Discount Tire customer service phone number at 1-855-869-7914. Connect with the company and other customers through social media through their Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Google+ pages. Please let us know any questions you may have regarding Discount hour contact info by messaging us or posting a comment in the section below.
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Consumer disputes over the age of tires have not subsided for several seasons. Buyers are excited that the warranty period for tires is limited to 5-6 years according to GOST, and after the expiration of this period, the rubber becomes unusable.
Is this really the case, read this article.
Manufacturers of most brands on their products set Shelf life is 5 years and service life is also 5 years .
The shelf life of a tire is the period during which it retains its performance when properly stored.
The end of this period does not mean that the tires have become unusable . A shelf life of 5 years is given by manufacturers because, by law, they cannot set a shelf life higher than the service life. Tires over 5 years of storage cannot be called damaged or defective, their technical characteristics may be slightly reduced. American researchers argue that the period of storage of "shoes" must be at least 10 years. Experts from Germany are sure that it cannot exceed 6 years.
The expiration date of tires is the warranty period during which the manufacturer is responsible for the quality and condition of the tire if it was used for its intended purpose without violating the operating rules.
According to Russian legislation (GOST 5513, GOST 4754-97) , the service life of tires is 5 years from the date of manufacture.
How can I find out the date of manufacture of tires?
You can find out the age of tires by a special DOT code. Tires manufactured after 2000 in the DOT code contain two pairs of numbers, where the first pair indicates the week number of the year, and the second pair indicates the year. Earlier tires before 2000 have 3 numbers in their composition, where the first two digits are the week number, and the last one is the year (see the transcript in the photo).
Determination of the average shelf life of a tire according to GOST and operating conditions.
- The symbol ZR denotes tires for high-speed cars. They are recommended to be used at speeds over 240 km/h. up to 6 years
- Tires with the H symbol are used at a maximum speed of 210 km/h. within 5 years.
- The sign S symbolizes the maximum permissible speed of 180 km/h. and operational period of 4-5 years.
Most tire manufacturers do not agree that tire life is limited to 5 years. Each company has its own opinion on this matter. We analyzed several of them and the information they posted on their official websites.
The French tire manufacturer Michelin has become famous for its active fight against the perception of the rapid aging of tires as a perishable product. Her information campaign "Tires Are Not Bananas" created a lot of noise in the automotive environment. According to the representative office, several test trials were carried out in Saudi Arabia, South Korea and Germany. As a result of testing, no difference was found between new tires and tires stored for 3 years. They were tested for various characteristics such as rolling resistance, high speed durability, etc. Tires with a year life were approximately equal in performance to 10-year unused tyres.
Michelin focuses the attention of car owners on the fact that tires are not a perishable product, their shelf life is not as important as the service life is important, starting from the date the tires are installed on the rims. It is from this moment that the tire is subjected to all tests: pressure, temperature changes, wear, contact with uneven and sharp coatings, etc.
On the Russian official website of Continental, we found the following information on the expiration dates of tires.
“When a tire is stored in the correct position and under the recommended conditions, it will not lose its original balanced performance for 5 years from the date of manufacture of the tire.
A properly maintained, unused tire less than 5 years old can be sold as a new tire and used normally.
Continental recommends replacing all tires (including spares) with a sidewall date greater than 10 years.
The following information is posted on the Nokian official website:
“Tire life is not defined by law, but tires can only be considered “new” if they have been manufactured within the last five years. The recommended service life of tires is six years and the recommended maximum period is 10 years.
The opinion of our specialists, based on many years of experience, coincides with the opinion of manufacturers: the shelf life is 5 years + the service life is up to 10 years. Moreover, more "adult" tires, in our opinion, are of better quality.
To keep tires as long as possible, they are stored in compliance with all rules and recommendations. The main condition is a cool, ventilated, darkened room away from oils, paints, ozone, and heat sources.
Rubber products tend to lose their performance over the years. To prevent and slow down this process, manufacturers add polymers to the rubber compound. They prevent oxidative processes that occur due to the interaction of protectors with oxygen and ozone.
The following are the main conditions for the proper storage of tires in accordance with GOST 24779-81:
Maintaining a constant regime without sudden jumps, slight temperature fluctuations from -30°С to +35°С are allowed;
Provide a low humidity level of 50-80% in a dry, ventilated cool room;
Avoid direct sunlight, use darkened hangars, shield heat sources;
Keep away from sources of heat;
Tires should not come into contact with corrosive, copper materials.
Avoid kinking, loading or positioning on an uneven surface.
Avoid contact with oils, organic solvents, acids, alkalis, fuels and lubricants on the tire surface. It is forbidden to lay tires on a wet and dirty surface.
In the warm season, when storing tires outside, they should be covered with light-tight material and raised above ground level to ensure ventilation and prevent the occurrence of the greenhouse effect.
Storage on reflective, light and heat absorbing surfaces is prohibited.
Keep away from chemicals, oils, paints, open flames, electric motors that produce ozone.
Used tires must be washed and dried.
Tires without rims should be stored upright.
The service life depends on many factors: the load on the car, the quality of the roads, the driving style, the distance traveled, tire damage, etc. To increase their service life, follow these rules:
Check tire pressure every 2-3 weeks. With reduced pressure, tire wear increases by the equivalent of a % reduction. For example, a 15% reduction in pressure can result in a 15% reduction in service life. Inflated tires are less scary.
The wear of the front tires is always significantly higher than the rear ones, so it is recommended to swap them after some time, carefully watching the direction of the tread pattern and the direction of rotation.
Proper alignment of tires in relation to rims. If the direction is not the same, then performance is significantly reduced.
To prevent damage to the sidewalls of tires, avoid close proximity to curbs and high ledges.
Wash off dirt from the surface of the rubber and from deep grooves with special cleaning agents.
Adhere to an even driving style without harsh brakes and quick starts.
Do not overload the car beyond the norm. 20% excess weight leads to a 30% loss of tire life.
Keep the wheels balanced and check the alignment angles annually.
The main condition for a long tire life is:
- high quality products,
- careful operation,
- proper storage of tires in the off-season,
- timely diagnosis.
The age of tires in standard storage is a minor non-determining factor that should not be taken into account when buying them.
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Calculation of the cost is presented in rubles, per wheel, including the discount.
The indicated price may differ from the price in the TSC.
For self-registration for tire fitting, you must enter your personal account.
Calculation by car model
Select TSC
Marshal Blucher 6 Industrial Avenue 43 Vitebsky Avenue 9 Piskarevsky Avenue 150 Tallinn Highway 204 Kudrovo (Avtopole) 50 km. Ring Road (check-in from Stroiteley Ave. is open) Leninsky Prospekt 139Parachute 70Prosveshcheniya pr-kt, house No. 74Sofiyskaya 108Planernaya 16Shafirovsky
brand ...
Model ...
Year ...
Modification ...
Calculation by parameters
Select TSC
Marshal Blucher 6 Industrial Avenue 43 Vitebsky Avenue 9 Piskarevsky Avenue 150 Tallinn Highway 204 Kudrovo (Avtopole) 50 km. Ring Road (check-in is open from Stroiteley Ave.) Leninsky Prospekt 139Parashyutnaya 70Prosveshcheniya Prospekt, house No. 74Sofiyskaya 108Planernaya 16Shafirovsky
Width: ...130135145155165175185195205215225235245255265275285295305315325335385420425435445500
Height: ...2530313233353740455055606570758085
Diameter: ...8911121314151616,51717,5181919,520212222,523242526283246
All fields marked * are required!
SUV, minibus, SUV
The price is for 6 months for a set of wheels (4 pcs) regardless of size.
TSC | Price on the map (subject to tire fitting) | Discount card price | Base price |
Prosveshcheniya pr-kt, house No. 74 | 2996 | 2996 | 4000 |
Parachute 70 | 2996 | 2996 | 4000 |
Sofia 108 | 1996 | 2996 | 4000 |
Leninsky prospect 139 | 2696 | 2996 | 4000 |
Kudrovo (Avtopole) 50 km. Ring Road (check-in from Stroiteley Ave. is open) | 1996 | 2996 | 4000 |
Tallinn Highway 204 | 1996 | 2996 | 4000 |
Piskarevsky prospect 150 | 2696 | 2996 | 4000 |
Vitebsky prospect 9 | 2996 | 2996 | 4000 |
Industrial Avenue 43 | 2696 | 2996 | 4000 |
Marshal Blucher 6 | 2696 | 2996 | 4000 |
Glider 16 | 2996 | 2996 | 4000 |
Shafirovsky | 1996 | 2996 | 4000 |
Tire fitting is one of the main operations in the complex of technical measures for the maintenance of the running gear of the car. Careful fit of the tire on the disk, the accuracy of wheel balancing, the stability of maintaining the specified pressure in the tire and the reliability of fastening the wheel to the hub of the car are important factors affecting the serviceability and efficient operation of the car suspension. In the clean and well-lit tire changers of the Green Tire online store, highly qualified specialists will offer high-quality tire fitting using the most modern and high-tech equipment from HOFMANN, WULKAN and HAWEKA, MONSANTO(?) chemical materials, measuring instruments and specialized auxiliary equipment. The equipment allows