How many republican house members are retiring

Casualty List | House Press Gallery


118th Congress

(As of 2/3/2023)


Retiring or seeking other office




Garcia (D), IL (Mayor)


Mooney (R), WV (Senate)



Porter (D), CA (Senate)


Banks, (R), IN (Senate)



Lee (D), CA (Senate)


Spartz (R), IN



Gallego (D), AZ (Senate)





Schiff (D), CA (Senate)







Departed Member

Special Election


McEachin (D), VA

February 21, 2023









Senate Retirees/Resignations/Death




Stabenow (D), MI


Braun (R), IN




Sasse (R), NE*






*Sasse (R), NE resigned effective 1/8/23

Departures Resulting in Open Seat Races by Cycle • OpenSecrets

A large number of House departures in the 2018 cycle helped the Democrats take control of the House. 2022 departures, so far: House: 17 Republicans, 29 Democrats; Senate: 5 Republicans, 1 Democrat.

Totals below show members who retired or ran for other offices at the end of each cycle. It does not include members who left office before the end of their terms (listed here for the current Congress) as these members are usually replaced before the general election.

The 1994, 2006 and 2010 elections were particularly noteworthy as those elections saw a change in which party controlled the House. 2018 will see a historically high number of retirements and the highest number of Republican retirements from the House in at least 30 years.

2022 Election

Chamber Description Democrats Republicans
House Retiring 22 11
House Running for other office 7 6
Senate Retiring 1 5

2020 Election

Chamber Description Democrats Republicans
House Ran for other office 3 4
House Retired 6 22
Senate Retired 1 3

2018 Election

Chamber Description Democrats Republicans
House Ran for other office 8 10
House Retired 10 23
Senate Retired 0 4

2016 Election

Chamber Description Democrats Republicans
House Ran for other office 8 5
House Retired 7 18
Senate Retired 3 2

2014 Election

Chamber Description Democrats Republicans
House Ran for other office 3 10
House Retired 11 15
Senate Retired 5 3

2012 Election

Chamber Description Democrats Republicans
House Ran for other office 5 6
House Retired 14 10
Senate Retired 6 3

2010 Election

Chamber Description Democrats Republicans
House Ran for other office 5 6
House Retired 11 8
Senate Retired 5 6

2008 Election

Chamber Description Democrats Republicans
House Ran for other office 3 2
House Retired 3 21
Senate Retired 0 5

2006 Election

Chamber Description Democrats Republicans
House Ran for other office 4 3
House Retired 3 8
Senate Retired 2 1

2004 Election

Chamber Description Democrats Republicans
House Ran for other office 5 7
House Retired 6 12
Senate Retired 5 3

2002 Election

Chamber Description Democrats Republicans
House Ran for other office 6 9
House Retired 7 12
Senate Retired 1 5

2000 Election

Chamber Description Democrats Republicans
House Ran for other office 4 5
House Retired 3 16
Senate Retired 4 1

1998 Election

Chamber Description Democrats Republicans
House Ran for other office 4 6
House Retired 12 9
Senate Ran for other office 0 1
Senate Retired 3 1

1996 Election

Chamber Description Democrats Republicans
House Ran for other office 7 8
House Retired 22 13
Senate Retired 8 5

1994 Election

Chamber Description Democrats Republicans
House Ran for other office 9 13
House Retired 20 6
Senate Retired 5 3

1992 Election

Chamber Description Democrats Republicans
House Ran for other office 9 3
House Retired 31 20
Senate Ran for other office 1 1
Senate Retired 3 3

1990 Election

Chamber Description Democrats Republicans
House Ran for other office 2 8
House Retired 5 6
Senate Retired 0 2

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Medical pensions - National Center of Medicine of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Republican Hospital No. 1

In medical law, in addition to regulating the relationship between doctors and patients, there are subsections that provide a medical worker with appropriate working conditions and social guarantees. These include the calculation of pensions for medical workers. To date, there are questions about the rules for calculating pensions, in connection with which we turned to the territorial pension fund. Our questions were answered by Lena Alexandrovna Nogovitsyna, Deputy Head of the Department for Establishing Pensions of the PFR Branch for the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Pension is a monthly cash payment in order to compensate persons for wages and other payments and remunerations lost by them in connection with the onset of incapacity for work due to old age or disability, and for disabled family members of wages and other payments and remunerations of the breadwinner lost due to with his death.

What is a preferential pension for medical workers?

For medical workers, a preferential retirement procedure is provided - early retirement and a preferential procedure for calculating the length of service. The right to early registration of a pension for health workers does not directly depend on the age and number of years of the total insurance experience, because. the right is determined only by the date of development of the length of service provided for by law. For medical workers in certain positions who have worked out a special work experience in harmful or difficult working conditions, as well as insurance experience, a pension can be assigned to them upon reaching a certain age, previously generally established.

How are pension payments determined?

The main factors affecting the amount of the pension are: salary, length of insurance period, age of applying for a pension, insurance premiums that the employer charges for each of his employees, as well as work or residence in the Far North or in areas equated to the Far North (the fixed payment, which is paid to pensions, is higher in these areas).

What is the actual work experience of a health worker?

The length of medical work in accordance with paragraph 20, part 1 of article 30 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ "On Insurance Pensions" is: 25 years - in rural areas or urban-type settlements; 30 years - mixed experience (in cities, rural areas and urban settlements) or only in cities.

Has the retirement age changed for medical workers?

The medical worker does not have a pensionable age. At the same time, the minimum required medical experience for granting a pension does not increase and, depending on the specific profession, as before, ranges from 25 to 30 years.

At the same time, starting from 2019, the retirement of medical workers is determined taking into account the transition period for raising the retirement age. In accordance with it, the appointment of a pension for medical workers is gradually postponed from the moment the special experience is developed. At the same time, they can continue their labor activity after acquiring the required length of service or stop working. For example: if a rural doctor completed the required length of service in September 2021, then a pension will be assigned to him in accordance with the generally established transitional period for raising the retirement age - after 3 years, that is, in September 2024.

Conditions for early retirement of a healthcare worker?

A prerequisite is the acquisition of special experience of the required duration.

Is it better to retire based on seniority or age? Give, please, an example in which cases it is better and worse.

Since 01/01/2002 the concept of pensions "for years of service" has disappeared, these pensions are considered as early old-age pensions. Accordingly, the amount of a pension for citizens who have a long medical record of work in a certain position (length of service) is determined according to the general norms for calculating the amount of an old-age pension in accordance with Federal Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 “On Insurance Pensions”.

Do maternity and parental leave count as work experience?

Maternity leave is included both in the insurance period of a medical worker and in the special medical period, regardless of the period of granting the specified leave.

As regards parental leave periods up to 1.5 (3 years), these leaves are included in the medical experience if they were granted to the employee before 10/06/1992.

What changes have occurred in the calculation of pensions and in what direction?

There have been no changes in the procedure for determining the amount of old-age pensions in the last 6 years.

What mistakes are made when calculating pensions?

The decision to assign a pension is made in strict accordance with the current pension legislation (Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ "On Insurance Pensions"), errors are unacceptable.

How are conflicts resolved in case of disagreements with pension experience? Give a specific example.

If the applicant disagrees with the established amount of the pension, or with a refusal to assign an early old-age insurance pension to a medical worker, a citizen has the right to appeal the decision to a higher pension authority, or in court.

What is the procedure for a healthcare worker to do upon retirement?

It is recommended 1-2 years before the expected retirement to sign up for the advance preparation of a package of documents in the territorial office of the PFR at the place of residence or through the website of the State Services or the personal account of the PFR. At the stage of advance preparation, the citizen will be given all the necessary explanations about the procedure for exercising his rights to an old-age pension.

Interviewed by: Natalya Ivanova, member of the Public Chamber of Yakutsk, anesthesiologist-resuscitator RB No.

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