Every rider needs good protection for their feet when riding an ATV. You want to stay protected but you don’t want to brake the bank either. At the same time, if you get a pair that’s too cheap, you’ll be spending more money in the long run buying new quad riding boots all the time.
I go over a lot of information in this post about riding boots. A quick answer for you is that riding boots are worth spending a little money on. There’s no need to get the high end $500 boots unless you ride all the time and your hard on the trails. I wouldn’t cheap out either though, you will end up spending more money buying new boots every year. You can usually find a good pair for around $160. I recommend the Fox Comp 5 Riding Boots found here on Amazon. I love these boots, and I will buy them again when I need a new pair.
Let me go into more detail about why I ended up with these boots. When I first started riding, I wore regular sneakers. Until a rock flew up and hit my shin, I was in pain for a few days and decided it was time I got a pair of boots to protect my shins and feet.
My first pair of boots were cheap, I paid around 40 bucks for them and I thought that’s all I needed. Well, those boots broke after owning them for only a couple months. What a waste, I wasn’t happy. After trying a few different pairs I ended up with the Fox Comp 5 Riding Boots, and I love them. I’m sticking with these because I know I won’t be wasting money on riding boots anymore.
After going through a few pairs of cheap boots, the Fox Comp 5 Boots were amazing. They cost more than the cheaper ones, but it’s well worth it. And, I didn’t have to spend 400 plus dollars to get a pair of nice boots. They don’t have all the features of the expensive boots, but most riders don’t need that anyway, I didn’t. The protection on these boots is really good too. My ankle’s are fully protected but I can still walk around normally, that’s a huge plus for me. I don’t like boots to be uncomfortable to move around in.
These boots feel sturdier than the cheapo boots, and they look much better too, they look like a high end boot. The toe box on these is rigid, which helps protect you, but they can feel a bit tight at times. It’s good for them to be made this way though, it keeps your foot from hitting the ground or getting snagged on something.
The inside panel of the boots is made of suede material which helps you grip onto the quad and protects from heat coming off the engine.
This makes for a cool look and feel of the boot. Some of the more expensive boots will have a rubber material which will grip better, but the suede works better than just slick plastic like some of the cheap boots have.
The buckles are made of aluminum instead of plastic. Even though most boots with plastic buckles are made of hard plastic, they still brake sometimes. I like the aluminum and they snap in place nicely. I have had problems with the buckle coming undone sometimes if they get snagged on something, but I have had that problem with every riding boot I’ve owned.
These boots fit great too. I normally wear a size 10, and so I got them in a size 10 from Amazon and they fit perfectly. They range from size 8 to size 15. If you are a 1/2 size I recommend getting the next size up, for example if you are 10.5, then get size 11. They will still fit you perfectly. Out of all the ATV riding boots I’ve tried, these Fox Comp 5 Riding Boots are the best riding boots for the money.
There are some features you should look for when buying ATV riding boots. You want to make sure you get something that will last, and you will be comfortable wearing for long periods of time. If you get the wrong boots you could end up with blisters or something cutting into your feet, and you will hate them. After all, what’s the point of getting riding boots for you quad if you never wear them?
Here are a few things to look out for:
If you get a pair of boots that fill most of these requirements, then you will be well protected on the trail.
If you have a hard time finding boots that fit because you have wide feet, check out this article about ATV Boots For Wide Feet.
If you maintain your boots properly they will last you a long time. If you’re going to spend the money, why not make it worth it.
Here are a few things you can do to properly maintain your riding boots:
Keep your boots in clean working order and they will last you years to come.
I’ll admit, some of these high end boots are nice. One of the boots that I’ve gotten to try on was the Alpinestars Tech 10 Boots found here on Amazon. They are comfortable and come with a removable insert. It makes it nice and easy to clean the inside of the boot, but I didn’t find any added value to the riding experience. These boots are well made though, and get great reviews wherever I find them being sold.
Since I liked the Fox Comp 5 Boots, I searched for a better higher end boot made by Fox. And what I found was this, the Fox Racing Instinct Offroad Boots found here on Amazon. These boots are probably the most comfortable quad riding boots I’ve tried on.
These next boots cost a little less than the Fox Instinct, but not by much. They come in all different colors and sizes, so you can customize your look. The Gaerne SG12 Offroad Boots found here on Amazon aren’t only for looks though.
They deliver on multiple levels. There is this memory foam support for your ankles inside the boots that make them really comfortable. The reviews on these boots speak for themselves. I have noticed complaints about the boots being more rigid than other brands. But, that is expected because these boots offer some of the best protection you will find in a riding boot.
Sure, a nice set of riding boots looks cool, but the reason we wear them is for safety. Besides wearing a helmet and goggles, I think the next most important piece of safety gear is a good pair of quad riding boots.
They will protect your shins from impact, in case of a crash or falling off the machine. They will protect your ankle if your foot gets caught on the ground while riding. And they protect your calf from burns and heat from the engine.
ATV are really safe to ride when you’re on flat straight trails. But once you start trying to climb hills or take corners quickly, there is greater chance your ATV could tip. Most people’s natural reaction to a tipping quad is to put their foot down, trying to stop it.
In most cases, the rider doesn’t have the strength to keep the quad from tipping, leading to foot, leg, and ankle injuries. This is just one example of when wearing boots can greatly reduce the risk of getting an injury.
If the ATV does tip, it could topple on to you. Wearing riding boots will help prevent injuries in the case of the machine rolling onto your foot and ankle. One of the worst case scenarios is getting your foot caught in the moving rear wheels, which could pull you off the quad and cause serious damage to your leg and foot.
Roll overs do happen, and they cause many injuries to ATV riders. Even slow moving roll overs can cause injuries that end your day early. Wearing a good riding boot will keep you protected and keep you on the trails.
Another thing to look for in a good protective riding boot, is shin protection. The less expensive boots will just have some leather flaps to protect your shins.
If a roll over occurs, your leg could be crushed. Try to find a boot that has a hardened plastic or thermoplastic material covering your shin bone. Make sure the plastic extends all the way to the top of the boot. Shin bone breaks are one of the most common bone breaks in off road riding.
Having good riding gear doesn’t mean you are protected 100%, but it will increase your chances dramatically of walking away uninjured. Getting an injury while riding can still happen, but without boots, it can happen easier and from even the smallest mishap. If you going to be trying any kind of tricks like jumping on an ATV or pulling a wheelie on a quad, I highly suggest wearing protective riding gear. And having a good pair of quad riding boots makes the short list.
Let me start by saying, it is entirely worth it to get a boot that is comfortable on you. You could pick out the most expensive ATV riding boots they make, but if they’re uncomfortable, you’ll regret buying them. The first step is to make sure you get the right size.
If I wear the wrong size boot, I end up calling it quits early, which kinda ruins the day for riding. If you try on a riding boot and don’t feel like you could stand to wear them for a few hours, or all day, keep looking. It will be worth the extra time spent finding a comfortable boot to wear.
Wearing uncomfortable riding gear can end up being a safety issue, not to mention a waste of money. If the gear doesn’t feel comfortable you’re more likely to go without wearing some of it, putting yourself at risk. It gets harder to wear it all in the summer months when it’s hot out. So do yourself a favor and make sure you’re comfortable wearing your boots for extended periods of time.
Try getting a pair of boots that will keep water from getting inside them. Having wet feet is uncomfortable and will probably lead to you ending the ride early. I wouldn’t worry too much about how well the boots breathe and let air flow through them. In fact, I think every boot I have tried says something about good air flow but all of them are hot, and have very little air flow. If they didn’t, they would allow water to get into the boot, getting your feet soaking wet.
Make sure you have good flexibility in your ankle. This is important because you need to be able to feel the shifter and your rear brake easily. This is a comfort issue but also a riding issue. If you don’t have good flex in the ankle, you won’t be able to tell when you shift gears, the boot will be too rigid. And knowing how hard you are pressing on the brake is important too.
If you need wide boots to fit your feet, that’s fine, get wide boots. But if you don’t need them, keep in mind that wider boots tend to get caught on the machine when trying to shift or use the rear brake. Follow these tips and get something you’re comfortable in that you like the looks of, and you should be fine.
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After a helmet, it’s important to wear good, protective footwear when you’re off-roading. You want something that fits good, and provides good ankle support. Sorry, those high-top sneakers won’t cut it. If you look at what motocross racers wear, those boots have tons of ankle support, and protect the foot, ankle and shins from impacts. There are some great boots available for off-road use and below you’ll find our top picks for the best ATV boots.
What is it about Italian craftsmanship that makes their products so good? Forma boots are no exception, with classic styling and a perfect blend of protection, light weight and comfort. These boots have an aggressive sole for time spent away from the ride. They are comfortable enough to wear hiking, so you won’t feel like you’re wearing a heavy MX-style boot at all. Water and mud isn’t an issue with the waterproof outer shell. Forma does say that if you have a kick starter on your machine, these boots are not the ones for you, as the sole is not designed for that.
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These are the boots I reach for most often when I’m heading out in the UTV or a Utility ATV. They also happen to be my go-to hunting boots when it’s not too cold. They are extremely comfortable for all-day wearing (and long hikes, when the mood strikes) and they are waterproof. I’ve been using my pair for coming on four years now and have no intentions of getting rid of them any time soon. In my mind, these are the best UTV boots going.
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A set of full-size MX boots isn’t our favorite choice for riding Utility ATVs or UTVs, but if you like to whip around on a Sport ATV, it’s exactly what we want. I don’t use them much any more, but the pair of ATV boots I’ve owned the longest are my Alpinestars Tech 10s. Yes, they are expensive. Yes, they are heavy. But I’m not sure you can find any ATV boots that will give you more protection than these. My pair is over 10 years old now and still fully operational, though the buckles are starting to get a little suspect.
It is worth pointing out that Alpinestars has updated the Tech 10 since I got my pair. The new Tech 10 has a greater range of movement and is more flexible. I also hope you will walk less like a robot than I do when I’m wearing my OG models.
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A discussion about boots really must talk about Alpinestars, right? The Drystar boots have optimal protection built in with panels constructed to allow for freedom of movement. A two-buckle closure system and a wide opening make getting in and out of these boots easy. With a name like Drystar, you’d expect them to be waterproof, and you wouldn’t be disappointed. In fact, you wouldn’t be disappointed with any part of these boots.
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If you want full-size MX-style boots, but don’t want to pay for the Tech 10s above, the Fly Racing FR5 may be just what the doctor ordered. Despite a much lower price, these boots are loaded with the safety features you want in an MX-style boot, including a one-piece plastic injected midsole, pivots on the inside and outside of the ankle, rubber heat shield, and aluminum quick-lock buckles. Other features include pre-shaped 3D shin pads and soft interior foam around the ankle and collar.
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April 26, 2021: Added the Wolverine and Alpinestars Tech 10 boots to our list, along with some FAQs.
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Realistically, you can get away with a quality pair of hiking boots for casual ATV riding (or UTV driving). We'd suggest you avoid simple rain boots and get a pair you can lace up to give you some support. We'd also lean towards waterproof boots, as ATVs tend to find puddles and mud holes on the regular.
Proper ATV-specific boots are not always necessary. If you ride Sport ATVs, a pair of MX-style boots will add some significant protection. While we don't normally wear those big, bulky boots for Utility ATV riding, they can come in handy as they do a great job of protecting your feet and ankles if you ever leave your ATV against your will. At a minimum, getting a pair of boots that goes over the ankles to give you a layer of protection from a stray rock or branch is highly recommended.
This works largely the same way as any other footwear. Start slowly. Maybe wear them around the house or back yard for an hour or so. Then a couple days later go for a ride with them. You'll slowly break in in the boots and get your feet used to them at the same time.
Extreme extreme, but you need to follow safety precautions.
First of all, it is worth accepting that the ATV is a machine, moreover, a racing type machine. As a means of transportation, ATVs are used infrequently, only in exceptional cases, but mainly for the pleasure of fast driving. Sometimes for trips to fishing, hunting or even to the forest for mushrooms.
In Russia, such equipment as an ATV appeared relatively recently, but immediately attracted attention. This vehicle is great for fast rides, you can make sharp turns, drive off-road, and also do extreme stunts. Driving a quad bike is easy and learning won't take long. By the way, now it is fashionable to arrange corporate ATV racing : the team of the whole office, of any gender and age, arrange real competitions in the swampy areas. Also, such activities as safaris, trophy raids and cross-country skiing are gaining popularity.
One way or another, whether you are a beginner driver or already a professional - safety should come first for you.
The first thing you need to check is the size of the equipment. If you ride with an instructor, he will personally select the right kit for you. But still, make sure that everything sits tight, but does not compress the body. If it’s too loose, it won’t work either - the equipment will simply fly off during the trip, and this can lead to injuries and falling off the ATV. Yes, and there will be few good emotions from driving in uncomfortable things.
A helmet is an essential safety item when riding an ATV. Two types of helmets are often used: modular and integral.
Integral is just right for risky people who like to arrange races, participate in rallies. It is the most durable, designed specifically for extreme driving. You need to try on the helmet, check whether it fits the shape of the head, whether it is too tight. After staying in the helmet for 7-10 minutes, you can say for sure whether it suits you or not. If you can't choose between several options, choose the one that weighs less and has a more streamlined shape.
You will also need glasses to drive an ATV. Not ordinary solar, but special sports with monoglass. Glasses will protect against insects and sand, branches, stones, etc. getting into the eyes. At the same time, such glasses do not limit the driver's viewing angle.
Gloves can be taken for motocross, they are also suitable for quad riding. It is desirable that the insulating bottom layer be as thin as possible in order to fully feel the steering wheel of the ATV.
For the chest and back, there is a protection called "turtle" or motocross shell. The shell is hard and hinders movement, but in the event of a fall or impact, it will perfectly protect the collarbones, ribs and spine, so you should also pay attention to such equipment.
Knee and elbow pads are a must. They are used even when moving on roller skates, which means that they are also needed for skating on quads. When choosing knee and elbow pads, you need to know the engine size of the ATV you will be riding. If the volume exceeds 500 cc, then it is better to take motocross equipment.
Soft shoes not suitable for quad biking. The best option is berets, tourist boots and motorcycle shoes. The main factor when choosing shoes is the rigidity of the platform, as well as enough height to protect the foot from all sides.
Do not neglect all the above tips and you will get only the most positive emotions from the trip!
When ordering a trip to QUADR24, the cost already includes equipment rental. Our instructor will select the necessary things for you, tell you about the main points of safety precautions, and also teach you the basics of driving an ATV.
Come to ride ATVs in the suburbs together with KVADR24!
KVADR24 - rental and rental of ATVs in Moscow and Moscow region!
Call us:
+7 495 364-23-32
+7 916 302-57-57
A small selection of what will be waiting for you with us. You can see the latest photos and videos on our Instagram.
It's simple - choose the duration of the tour, and the difficulty level can be adjusted both before and during the trip.
The price of the service includes: Helmet, disposable waterproof overalls, boots.
The price is for one double ATV, the maximum load of the driver and passenger is 170 kg.
4000 R
7000 7000 r
9500 r
13500 R
8500 R
11500 R
Call +7 (968) 797 34 64 or ask a question in the feedback form.
If you want to surprise, then this offer is for you! An interesting forest route that will end with an unforgettable dinner in puffs of smoke, splashes of champagne and surrounded by hundreds of lights!
What awaits you after skiing
Gift certificate - ATV rental in the Moscow region - an excellent solution.
You can purchase a Gift Certificate for any of our services.
The certificate is valid for 6 months.
With us you can fully plunge into the world of extreme and adventure. Depending on your preparation, you will find: storming ravines, overcoming steep ascents and descents, areas where it is necessary to cross forest rivers and swampy areas that lead to an incredibly beautiful forest lake. As well as mud routes, with a stop in the old quarries of the XV century!
These tours are for 10 hours, with breaks for a picnic by the fire and further excursion.
We guarantee that you will remember this trip for a long time! Participation of children under 16 is considered separately.
This is a small part of what will open to your eyes.
This is an incredibly beautiful underground world with its own rules and laws. A world where darkness reigns and there is no counting time. Making your way under multi-ton boulders, you are completely immersed in yourself and feel the full power of this place.
In silence, turning off all the lighting devices, you feel how the darkness and centuries-old peace of these walls envelop you, primal fear makes you feel alive, right here and now, feel that you are alive and there are no problems in this underground world, all of them stayed up there..
Here, there is only serene peace and balance, nothing can disturb him…
It's worth getting together and spending one day on this fascinating journey.
We assure you that you will not forget such a TOUR and all doubts will be dispelled with the first roar of the engine, which will mark the beginning of the journey!
You can also purchase a Gift Certificate for our tour.
Cost: 25 000 rub for the second passenger 2000Р
Call +7 (968) 797 34 64 or ask a question in the feedback form.
Having made your way through the dense forest and swamps surrounding this place, your gaze appears to be a sandy desert stretching to the horizon, with hundreds of craters filled with colorful water.
Driving through sand dunes, sliding down steep hills, storming another water obstacle into a ford, monsters appear in front of you ... monsters clad in iron.
They froze in their grandeur, gloomily looking at their labors. Although the huge buckets have already rusted, but when the mechanical giant comes to life, they are ready to grab their teeth into the flesh of the earth and begin their work with fury and gnashing, grinding everything that gets in their way ...
Being next to hundred-meter monsters, you feel like a tiny grain of sand in this world of giants.
You can also purchase a Gift Certificate for our tour.
See all this is located in the nearest suburbs.
Cost: 25 000 rub for the second passenger 2 000 rub
Rent is possible only after undergoing safety instruction. Pre-registration is required. To draw up a rental agreement, you must take your passport or VU with you. The rental price includes: gasoline, motorcycle helmet, boots, protective clothing.
Quad bike CFMOTO X5 Basic
Attention! Persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs are not allowed to operate the equipment. intoxication, the instructor has the right to refuse rental without explanation.