How much snow can an atv go through

How Much Snow Can an ATV Handle? – ATV MAN

All-terrain vehicles (ATV’s) are specifically designed for all types of terrain from mud, to rocks, the plains, and even snow. Snow is by far the most difficult for all vehicles because of the freezing temperatures that coincide with the white stuff. Not only do you have to worry about the sheer amount of snow, which you can get stuck in, but you also have to take into account the freezing temperature that can affect both you and your machine, and make slipping a big issue.

How much snow can an ATV handle? How much snow an ATV can handle depends on the traction you can get.  With the right modifications, your ATV should be able to easily tackle upwards of 2 feet of snow in your ATV with the right modifications.

The modifications you will want if you are riding in a lot of snow aim to improve:

  • Traction
  • Power
  • Plowing

The more traction you have, the greater the amount of snow you can traverse in your ATV. The same can be said for power and plowing ability. If you are able to push more snow out of your way, it will make it easier for you to traverse the terrain. 

This article will explore what modifications can be made to your ATV that will coincide with the aspects of your ATV as mentioned above. Even if you do not plan to use your ATV for heavy snow terrain, this article will give helpful advice on items or things you should think about when riding your ATV in all types of conditions. 

All-terrain vehicles are extremely customizable. You can make your ATV perfectly suited for the type of terrain you will be experiencing when you ride by simply changing out a few parts. 

You should always refer back to your owner’s manual to see the lowest temperature at which your ATV can operate. Most owner’s manuals will have outlined ways you can reduce the temperature that your ATV can operate in. Some small, easy steps or additions you can add to your ATV that can help it run at lower temperatures include:

  • An engine block heater (Here is a link to the one we like, but there are many options if you look around).
  • Freeze resistant fluid (We like Engine Ice, but there are lots of options).
  • Battery Charger (Once again, there are many options, but this is the one we like if you want a safe option).
  • An Electronic Fuel Injector (EFI) 

These parts and accessories ensure that your ATV can start in freezing temperatures. The hardest part about cold weather, as any vehicle owner can surely attest to, is getting your vehicle to start up in the below freezing temperatures. Once you get your ATV started, the heat from the engine keeps everything warm and powered so you can go on your adventure.


By far the most important part of your ATV to consider when determining what terrain you will be facing, ATV tires directly relate to how much traction you will be getting from your ATV. Tires are the part of your ATV that will be in constant contact with the ground and determine whether your ATV will make it in the snow.

Special ATV tires are made for all kinds of terrains. Most tire manufacturers make cheap tires that can be used for “all terrain,” which is a shaky statement at best. In order to get the best performance from your ATV on the type of terrain you will be facing, it is vital that you get the tires made specifically for that terrain. 

For snow terrain, you want tires that meet the following categories:

  • Rigid tires
  • Large radial paddle
  • Raised ribs
  • Wide 

The ridges on the tires are known as tread blocks. They are the raised pattern that fully encompass your tire. The more these ridges protrude outwards from your tire base, the deeper  snow your ATV can travel through. The rigid tires dig into the snow and allow you to gain more traction than if you had smooth tires. 

Radial paddles are exactly what they sound like. Radial paddles are raised sections on the tire that can span the entire width of the tire. They give the tire the look as if it is the paddle of a paddle boat and function in much the same way as large ridges. Radial paddles are more important than ridges when you are traveling through deep snow as they are able to push you through soft terrain. 

The raised ribs on snow tires are a combination of both the rigid tread blocks and radial paddles. Raised ribs will be located on tread blocks and look much like the radial paddles. Raised ribs are specially made for moderately deep snow to little amounts of snow so that you can maintain great traction while still having the smoothest ride as possible. 

The next aspect of the tire you have to take into account when determining how much snow your ATV will be able to traverse is the width of your tire. You want a wider tire when dealing with deeper snow to spread out the weight of your ATV over a larger area. The more spread out the weight is, the less likely your ATV will sink in the snow and get stuck. The wider the tires means a greater distribution of the weight of your ATV over a larger area.  

If you want our recommendation on an excellent snow tire, check out the Maxxis Snow Tires.

Are there Adjustments to Help in Deeper Snow?

Yes! There are many adjustments you can make to customize your ATV to make it be able to function and excel in all types of terrain, especially snow. These adjustments can be made to different places of the ATV. You can add accessories to your ATV or add additions to already modified parts on your ATV. 

ATV Tracks

ATV Tracks are the most obvious choice, but they are expensive and limit your riding to only snow.  However, if you are riding in deep snow and not on roads or dirt or anything else, replacing your wheels with tracks are your best option to avoid getting stuck.

Tire Accessories

With tires being the most important part of your ATV when it comes to traversing over snow, you can further customize them to ensure that you have the best traction possible.  

There are two ways you can add traction to your tires through the addition of accessories: chains and ice spikes. Tires chains are the most common way to add traction to your tires in snowy or icy conditions. The downside of having tire chains on your ATV is that you cannot go full speed since the chains could break sending metal chunks flying in all directions. 

–These chains are our favorite, but they do come with a hefty price tag-

Ice spikes or studs are rubber spikes on the tire that are cone shaped. The shape allows the tire to be able to grip icy surfaces by poking holes in the ice and gaining traction through that method. These studs are tailored towards travel across ice instead of snow. 

-You can find a lot of different options here on Amazon-


Even if you customize your ATV with everything to make it a beast when it comes to traveling through snowy terrain, there is always a possibility that you will get stuck along your journey. When you do get stuck, it could take hours for you to dig your heavy ATV out of the snow. You have to work it back and forth till you get the ATV free which requires a ton of effort. 

You can save a lot of time and energy by installing a winch on your ATV. The winch allows you to be able to pull your ATV out of snow drift very easily. All you have to do is find a sturdy tree or rock to tie the winch around and turn it on. The winch will do all the hard work of dragging your ATV out of the deep snow. 

Check out our Recommended Gear for our Winch recommendations.


If all else fails and you find yourself completely stuck and unable to get out while on a trail or you are riding your ATV in weather conditions that limit sight range, you need to have plenty of lights on your ATV in order to be seen. The ability to be seen by others is vital for your safety when driving any ATV. 

We use the sweet lights from Gorilla Whips, which we reviewed not long ago.


ATV riding in the snow is a ton of fun! If you haven’t done it yet, you need to give it a try. There are some things you can do to make your ride more fun and hit the deeper snow. Just make sure to be careful!

One safety tool I like to have on me when riding in snow or other places I may get stuck is some recovery boards. They are a life saver at getting traction when you need it.

How to Run an ATV in Deep Snow

Just because it snows doesn’t mean you have to retire your quad. Here’s how to run an ATV through deep...

By Peter B. Mathiesen | Published Dec 22, 2011 11:39 PM

  • Gear
Sometime soon most deep woods ATV riders in the north country will surrender to plowing or riding packed trails. However, there is a short period when the ice is frozen, and the trails are passable. It may only last two to four weeks, but the marshes become highways, and you can ride to places where days ago you couldn’t have reached without a boat. Just above the 62nd parallel in Talkeetna, Alaska, the first heavy snow of 2011 fell on November 5th. Here’s how we kept riding through the snow. Pictured: A stout, Yamaha Grizzly 550 EFI with power steering waiting to get dusted off for an Alaskan winter trek. The temp is 7 degrees, and you can bet there’s fuel conditioner in the tank.In deep snow, dropping your key can mean doom. One wrong boot step is all it would have taken to drive this key deep into the snow. I have since tied a piece of pink trail marker tape to the key.Once you’re dragging the frame on snow, it’s time to be concerned. If your bike sinks much below the frame, head to the trailer.Another sign you may be asking too much from your snow-bound ride is if you feel frequent belt slip or smell rubber.You may think that it’s easy to stay dry below freezing, but as the moisture on this seat shows, your choice of pants at 7 degrees may be more important than you think. Once you’re in below-freezing conditions, if there was any water in your winch from a previous ride, it will probably freeze solid. Before you leave, check to make sure the winch is operational.Besides a sleeping bag, space blanket, trash bags, a fire starter kit, and some energy bars, make sure you add at the very least a shovel. A small mechanical come-along is also a good choice. Neither requires a battery, and each will work even if caked in ice.Once it drops down to single digits, your feet need highly-insulated boots that are still flexible enough to feel the brake pedal. These Arctic Pro’s by Muck are a great choice.This photo was taken in late October on a snow machine trail off the Parks Highway in Trapper Creek, Alaska. Check out the red snow depth markers on the poles, they go up to 12 feet!Even though this Honda had aggressive tires, they still weren’t enough to climb out without assistance.This guy had to dig his bike free, and then use cut limbs from cedar trees to get traction. It took him several hours. His shovel and limb saw saved his bacon.Where I live in Alaska, locals need about 12 inches of ice before they’ll roll a quad or snow machine across a lake. Remember, crossing a four-foot wide creek or ditch with ice is one thing; sinking into a 20-foot lake is entirely more dangerous. Be cautious; think carefully before you cross, and never do it alone.

Just because it snows doesn’t mean you have to retire your quad. Here’s how to run an ATV through deep snow.

Vehicles designed to conquer the cold and snowy expanses - snowmobile quad bike

The intensive development of motor vehicles has led to a very rapid development of areas related to off-road driving. In this regard, wheel-type ATVs and snowmobile ATVs were created. One and the second have rather high characteristics in terms of cross-country ability in hard-to-reach places for conventional transport. When buying a vehicle for work and pleasure in conditions very different from the civilized road, the question arises, what to buy, a snowmobile ATV or a traditional ATV?

What to choose?

For people living in northern latitudes, this issue is resolved very quickly and, of course, in favor of the snowmobile ATV. But what about the rest of the population? The duration of the time of the year, which winter is present in our open spaces, turns out to be quite significant. The warm period (freedom for the ATV) reigns about the same as the cold season. A snowmobile ATV has an indisputable advantage on snowy tracks or just fields or forests in winter. No wonder ATVs and snowmobiles are so intensively used by special services and the military. These bikes are very fast, agile and powerful, almost nothing can match them when riding in the snow. In terms of power, when calculating it to the mass of transport, they are approximately the same as four-wheel ATVs, however, sliding for transport is easier than rolling.

What are the costs for a snowmobile ATV and a regular ATV?

The maintenance of one and the other vehicle is about the same, however, you have to take care of completely different parts. What can be said in terms of fuel consumption is that the snowmobile ATV consumes significantly less than its summer opponent.

Which is easier to manage?

Many owners of two off-road vehicles note how easy the snowmobile is to drive. Even some people advise that the first purchase is to make a snowmobile ATV. After riding it, it will not be difficult for you to master a wheel-type ATV. Thinking logically, it is understandable that the endless expanses of fields and forests, as well as lakes, will simply give you a feeling of freedom when driving. You just won't be limited in space. Hence such a great love for this motor device, travelers, hunters, fishermen.

Which is more practical? A snowmobile or an all-terrain vehicle?

According to the capacity of people, they are completely the same. So, those and others are single and double. However, when it comes to the luggage compartment, there is a clear advantage in favor of the snowmobile. It initially has a large space for luggage, and is also adapted for a sled that it pulls through the snow, and a large amount of luggage can be loaded into it. After that, you might think that an ATV on wheels is not able to carry a lot of cargo. No, of course, in this regard, it also pulls large weights, but in terms of practicality it is inferior to a snowmobile ATV.

Do I need a driver's license to drive an ATV snowmobile?

This may disappoint some, but you will have to have a license to drive both a traditional ATV and a snowmobile. Your vehicle must be subject to state registration and number assignment. You will also have to undergo training and pass on the rights. The rights of a special category, providing for driving a vehicle designed for off-road driving. You also need to pass an inspection.

Video of ATV with snowplow, see below!

Quad biking in the snow



A small selection of what we will have in store for you.

You can see the latest photos and videos in our instagram


ATV rental is located in Domodedovo, where you can rent an ATV and enjoy overcoming off-road.
It's simple - choose the duration of the tour, and the difficulty level can be adjusted both before and during the trip.


The price of the service includes: Helmet, disposable waterproof overalls, boots.
The price is for one double ATV, the maximum load of the driver and passenger is 170 kg.

Group riding


4000 R



7000 r


3 hours of rent


5 hours of rent

13500 R

Individual skating

1 Hour of rent
9000 5000 5000 °


8500 Р



11500 Р


5 HOUR RENTAL 9 9 000280002 order

Crossing rivers will be waiting for you even on the one-hour route!
Look how it looks.


Call +7 (968) 797 34 64 or ask a question in the feedback form.

Do you want romance?

If you want to surprise, then this offer is for you! An interesting forest route that will end with an unforgettable dinner in puffs of smoke, splashes of champagne and surrounded by hundreds of lights!

What is included in the price:
    • Rent 2 ATVs for two
    • A fascinating forest route accompanied by instructor
    • Romantic dinner in nature for two (conducted at any time of the year)
    • Special effects
    Duration 3 hours
    Duration 3 hours
    Prepayment required for booking: 3000 Р


    What awaits you after skiing


    Gift certificate - ATV rental in the Moscow region - an excellent solution.
    You can purchase a Gift Certificate for any of our services.
    The certificate is valid for 6 months.



    Here you can fully plunge into the world of extreme sports and adventure. Depending on your preparation, you will be able to: storm ravines, overcome steep ascents and descents, areas where it is necessary to cross forest rivers and swampy areas that lead to an incredibly beautiful forest lake. As well as mud routes, with a stop in the old quarries of the XV century!


    These tours are for 10 hours, with breaks for a picnic by the fire and further excursion.

    We guarantee that you will remember this trip for a long time! Participation of children under 16 is considered separately.

    Quarry system

    This is a small part of what will open to your eyes.

    What to bring?
    • Comfortable shoes
    • Hat
    • A change of clothes that you don't mind getting dirty

    Quarry system

    This is an incredibly beautiful underground world with its own rules and laws. A world where darkness reigns and there is no counting time. Making your way under multi-ton boulders, you are completely immersed in yourself and feel the full power of this place.

    In silence, turning off all the lighting devices, you feel how the darkness and centuries-old peace of these walls envelop you, primal fear makes you feel alive, right here and now, feel that you are alive and there are no problems in this underground world, all of them stayed up there..

    Here, there is only serene peace and balance, nothing can disturb him…

    It's worth getting together and spending one day on this exciting journey.

    We assure you that you will not forget such a TOUR and all doubts will be dispelled with the first roar of the engine, which will mark the beginning of the journey!

    You can also purchase a Gift Certificate for our tour.

    What is included in the price?
    • ATV rental 3-4 hours
    • picnic with a barbecue for a choice of three types of meat 1-2 hours
    • Two sets of equipment
    • A tour of the camelomena system 4-6 hours
    • Work 2000Р



      Call +7 (968) 797 34 64 or ask a question in the feedback form.

      Phosphate mine

      Phosphate mine

      Having made your way through the dense forest and swamps that surround this place, your gaze appears to be a sandy desert stretching to the horizon, with hundreds of craters filled with colorful water.

      Driving through the sand dunes, sliding down steep hills, storming another water obstacle into the ford, monsters appear in front of you ... monsters clad in iron.

      They froze in their grandeur, gloomily looking at their labors. Although the huge buckets have already rusted, but when the mechanical giant comes to life, they are ready to grab their teeth into the flesh of the earth and begin their work with fury and gnashing, grinding everything that gets in their way ...

      Being next to hundred-meter monsters, you feel like a tiny grain of sand in this world of giants.

      You can also purchase a Gift Certificate for our tour.

      What is included in the price?
      • ATV rental 5-7 hours
      • Barbecue picnic with a choice of three types of meat 1-2 hours
      • Two sets of equipment
      • Tour of Russia's largest Absetzer excavator and phosphorite lakes
      • Instructor's work
      • 0138
      • Work guide

      Look all this is located in the nearest suburbs.

      What to bring?
      • Comfortable shoes
      • Drinking water

      Cost: 25 000 rub for the second passenger 2 000 rub


      Our ATVs

      Rent is possible only after undergoing safety instruction. Pre-registration is required. To draw up a rental agreement, you must take your passport or VU with you. The rental price includes: gasoline, motorcycle helmet, boots, protective clothing.

      Quad bike CFMOTO X5 Basic

      • Number of seats - 2, no surcharges per passenger!
      • The maximum design speed of is 90 km/h.
      • Fuel tank capacity - 19 l.
      • Turning radius - 4750mm
      • Engine - 500 cm3
      • Power - 32 HP

      Attention! Persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs are not allowed to operate the equipment. intoxication, the instructor has the right to refuse rental without explanation.

      Learn more