Off-roading and camping out in the wilderness can be lots of fun. However, you need to always keep your eyes open for any emergency situations. Now, this might come as a surprise, but the biggest headache for four-wheeler owners isn’t the mud or the expensive fuel. Most drivers complain about losing their keys. And, since they rarely (if ever) carry any spares, all that’s left to do is call for transportation.
But that usually costs a lot. The good news is – there’s more than one way to get around this. Normally, the ignition switch doesn’t send the engine a signal to run without a key. But, as you’ll learn today, it is very well possible to “trick” the system and start the vehicle with no keys. So, join me, and let’s talk about this in more detail!
Alright, we begin our “How to start an ATV without a key” guide with the old but reliable technique of bypassing the ignition switch. Most ATV ignition switches are pretty easy to make sense of. They are usually connected to the engine with two wires. One of the wires is responsible for the ignition. But, that only happens when there’s a key inserted. Now, what you should do is outmaneuver the vehicle by cutting the wires.
Some experts recommend physically removing the ignition switch, but it’s not actually necessary. What’s more important, when cutting each wire, you need to be very careful not to overdo this and leave enough of it to bring the switch back to life and reconnect it. With the wires cut, connect them to each other. And please remember to disconnect them once you’ve arrived at your destination. Otherwise, you’ll end up with a drained and (potentially) dead battery.
A quick note: if you own a brand-new four-wheeler, it probably has more than a pair of wires. In that case, remember to only cut the red and the black wires and leave the rest be – that’s pretty much it. So, if you were wondering how to bypass ignition switch on Honda ATV (the latest editions), this is how you do it.
The next method may seem a bit violent, but it’s pretty effective. As you’ve probably already guessed, the screwdriver needs to go directly into the ignition switch. Yes, it will serve as a key – don’t forget to turn it! This technique is largely used by thieves and teenagers that try to take their dads’ cars for a spin. There’s a catch, though: unless you’re super careful, chances are, the screwdriver will damage the ignition switch.
A new one doesn’t cost much, but still – this can cause some inconvenience. If there isn’t a screwdriver lying around, scissors can do the trick. Use one of its blades, insert it, turn it, and the ATV will start. The best thing about this approach is functionality. What I mean by that is you’ll probably have something to stick into the ignition in your backpack when stuck with no keys.
Disclaimer: this only works on all-terrain vehicles with an electric start. If your ATV doesn’t have that, just skip to the next part. And if it does, find the solenoid. It should be hidden somewhere between the wiring harness and the battery unit. Can’t seem to locate it? I bet there’s a panel in your way – remove it gently. There should be a bunch of wires staring at you now. Don’t mind the tiny ones, only focus on the big wires.
The main wires come in a pair, and the idea here is to connect them using something metallic. A wrench or a screwdriver will do. As you know, metal is a very good conductor, and, once the two wires are connected, it shouldn’t be hard to start the four-wheeler. Remember: the wrench should ONLY be touching the wires, nothing else. If it gets in contact with the frame or some other metallic tools, the ATV’s engine will get damaged.
Only the electric parts will be affected, but that can be enough to ruin the motor.
Does your vehicle have a built-in alternative start method? If the answer is yes, you’re in luck, because this is one of the easiest and most effective ways to get the ATV going.
I would strongly recommend using a dedicated user manual as your guide for this because different quad vehicles follow a slightly different routine. The basics are the same, though, and won’t take long to complete.
First of all, pop the hood that’s protecting all the electrical components of the ATV. Can you see the wire that’s running from the engine to the ignition switch? Take out the plug that’s leading the wire into the ignition switch. Put the hood back on and engage the pull or kick start, depending on your quad’s model.
Last, but not least, consider making a spare key. Obviously, if you need a right here and right now decision, this one won’t help. Therefore, remember to make a replacement key before your next trip into the wilderness. To answer a potential question, no, these keys can’t just be bought from a local store. You’ll have to go to the nearest ATV dealer and ask them for a spare key.
They’ll require a unique code (usually stamped on the master key). In some cases, the staff will also request a VIN (vehicle identification number) to make sure they get all the tiny details right. And if for some reason, the code isn’t anywhere to be found, a locksmith might be able to help with this.
If all your attempts at making a new key fail, it might be a good idea to buy a new ignition switch. As I already mentioned, these are available at a very reasonable price. The installation process is pretty straightforward as well and shouldn’t cause you any inconveniences. Or, just ask the dealer to handle the installation. Again, they won’t charge a lot for this.
Bypassing the ignition switch to start your ATV without a key is a pretty cool trick. If there are no fellow riders nearby, and you’ve lost your one and only key, a fun trip can quickly turn into a nightmare. I’m confident that my guide will be of great help and allow you to start the engine swiftly on your own. Thanks to the universal design of all-terrain vehicles, most of these techniques can be used on any ATV.
The make, model, and year don’t matter that much. So, if you were looking for instructions on how to bypass ignition switch on Chinese ATV or European ATV, use everything that we learned today to get yourself out of a dire situation. There aren’t any significant differences between quads developed in different countries.
Table of Contents
Buy a new ignition switch If you aren’t in the situation where you are camping and need immediate access to the ATV, getting a new ignition switch is a good alternative, especially if you can’t get a new key made. A new ignition switch is surprisingly inexpensive and should be easy to install.
To bypass, remove the ignition switch from the equation by disassembling the switch or cutting the two wires leading to it. However, be sure to leave enough slack on the wire for future use if you wish to replace the ignition switch later. After disassembling the switch, connect the two wires, and the electric start should work like always.
How does an ATV ignition switch work? Replace the ignition switch. Your ATV key is not some magic trigger that makes everything in the engine work. Turning the key in the ignition opens and closes a circuit that allows a spark to ignite the engine. Once that spark ignites the engine, assuming your engine is good, then you are good to go, with or without a key.
How do you change the ignition switch? Here are 7 ways you can try. Replace the ignition switch. Your ATV key is not some magic trigger that makes everything in the engine work. Turning the key in the ignition opens and closes a circuit that allows a spark to ignite the engine.
How do you replace an ATV solenoid? Cut the wire that connects the solenoid to the battery. Locate the red wire coming out of the battery. Connect the red wire from the battery to the the wires you just cut. Start the ATV. Locate and remove the lamp/instrument cluster housing top part. It typically is connected via 3 Philips screws. Locate and remove the key switch assembly.
How do you remove ignition from an ATV? First, you need to get the ignition loose from your ATV. From there you should see that your ignition is basically a cylinder that separates into two pieces. Second, you should be able to remove the bottom half of the cylinder that is connected to the cord leading to your ATV engine.
Then locate the starter solenoid and connect the solenoid to the positive battery terminal. Then unplug the ignition switch wiring from the solenoid. Using a screwdriver, short the solenoid’s positive terminal to the post where the ignition switch connects. This will activate the solenoid and the car should startup.
You can always jump start your car even if you have a faulty starter. However, jumpstarting it is not a permanent solution to the problem. The moment the car begins to function, the starter will receive enough amps to power it to start.
On some models you can bridge the battery side lug and the starter side lug CAREFULLY with an INSULATED screwdriver with the key on. This effectively bypasses the relay and starter switch.
Generally, only ATV’s with certain types of automatic transmissions can be push-started safely. If you try to push-start an automatic ATV with the incorrect transmission type, it will at best not start and, at worst, cause damage to the transmission.
Turn on the first ATV, or the one with the full battery, and let it run for a little while, approximately 3-5 minutes. After that, try and turn on the dead ATV with the cables still connected. Typically, this will do the trick and your ATV will immediately start.
Use A Screwdriver Basically you just hammer a screwdriver into the ignition and turn it on as if it were the key. The screwdriver will brake the pins in the lock allowing you to turn the ignition on. I don’t recommend this method because you could damage the ignition and not get the quad to start anyway.
When the starter drive gear is worn out or not engaging properly, it will often produce a grinding noise. This is similar to the one that is heard if you start your engine and then accidentally action the ignition switch again. If the grinding symptom is ignored, it may also result in damage to the engine flywheel.
– Replace The Ignition Switch. We’ll start off with the simplest option in case you’ve lost your keys before leaving the house. …
– Make A New Key. …
– Dissemble The Ignition. …
– Bypass The Ignition. …
– Use Scissors Or A Screwdriver. …
– Jump The Solenoid. …
– Hot Wiring.
– Replace The Ignition Switch. We’ll start off with the simplest option in case you’ve lost your keys before leaving the house. …
– Make A New Key. …
– Dissemble The Ignition. …
– Bypass The Ignition. …
– Use Scissors Or A Screwdriver. …
– Jump The Solenoid. …
– Hot Wiring.
– Locate the starter motor under the vehicle. …
– Locate the two metal contacts on the back of the starter solenoid. …
– Place the metal blade of an insulated screwdriver across both metal contacts. …
– Get a friend to help you by turning on the ignition with the key. …
– Listen to the starter motor.
The most common way to push start a vehicle is to put the manual transmission in second gear, switching the ignition to on/run, depressing the clutch, and pushing the vehicle until it is at a speed of 5 to 10 mph (8 to 16 km/h) or more, then quickly engaging the clutch to make the engine rotate and start while keeping …
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A person who just bought a moped does not know how to start this technique in other ways than using the ignition keys. But sometimes there are situations when you have lost the keys to it, and at the same time you urgently need to go somewhere. In the article, we will tell you in detail about the known ways to start the engine without a key.
First you need to make sure that there is gasoline in the gas tank. Now you need to put the moped on the footboard and turn the ignition key to the “on” position (sometimes marked with English letters “on”). If everything is done correctly, then the panel should light up, and the arrow on the speedometer will rise and fall. Then tilt the kickstarter leg and press it sharply with your foot, you should continue until the engine starts. This method of starting a moped always works, for the most part it is used with a heavily discharged battery. Also, after the winter, the moped should only be started from the kickstarter, since the battery could lose its charge a lot.
The standard way to start a moped
If there is gas in the tank and the battery is good, starting is usually done with an electric kick starter. Be sure to turn the ignition key to the “ON” position, then you need to hold down the brake handle, and only after that you can press the start button. Do not release the brake until the engine starts.
Driving a moped is not that difficult, anyone can handle it. On the right side there is a lever for controlling the front brake, and on the left side the rear. On the instrument panel there are auxiliary controls for the moped.
There is a handle on the right side, with which you can add gas. This is done by rotating the handle, turning the gas towards you is added. There are also additional switches, for example, to turn on the lights and turn signals. There are also buttons for horn and starter.
We strongly recommend that you always have a spare key just in case. If you purchased a moped from your hands, then immediately make a couple of duplicates.
If you have such a situation, but there are no keys, then you will have to get out of it like this. It is best to call a specialist - he will be able to competently replace the ignition switch, while it will take him a little time to do such work. If you are sure that you can handle it without specialists, then below we will share with you information on how to start a moped without a key.
To get to the ignition switch, first remove the shield protecting it. There you will see 2 bolts that secure the contactor. Unscrew them carefully. Insert a flat and strong screwdriver into the contactor, and then slowly but firmly turn the core. This position is also called "safe start", the fact is that in this mode the moped will not take off quickly from a place.
If you are unable to disassemble the ignition lock, carefully remove the chip from it. Under it should be a contact pair. By closing the contacts with a piece of wire, you can start the moped. Remember, all recommendations do not guarantee 100% success, you perform all actions at your own peril and risk, because with such manipulations you can completely break the ignition switch.
There is another way, but it is more dangerous, as it turns off all the electrics of the moped. To do this, you need to remove the headlight, and find under it a bunch of wires coming from the ignition. Among them, usually, there is black and white (or completely green). He is what we need. We just pull it out and try to start the moped from the kickstarter.
Although there are two main ways to start an engine, there are many other options as well.
The first step is to get to the generator, which is located on the back side, in any way that is harmless to the equipment. We find an impeller there - you need to wrap a rope around it 5 times clockwise, for this you can tie a knot at the end of the rope and insert it from the very beginning between a pair of blades. And then you will need to pull it hard, you may not succeed the first time, so you will most likely have to make several attempts.
You can learn more about this method from the video:
People have an opinion that if a moped with a variator, then it is impossible to start the engine in this way. In fact, this is just a myth, experts have repeatedly carried out test tests - nothing bad will happen.
For this method to work, you need to get to the clutch bell, to do this, carefully remove the protective cover of the variator. Next, we will need to lock the bell and clutch together. This is done as follows: take the nut from the protective cover of the variator, and then insert it with force so that it locks there. To implement this method, you will definitely need an assistant. He will push the moped, and at the right time during acceleration you must press on the variator strap, so you can turn the wheel. When the engine starts, the nut will fall to the ground on its own, so you won't lose it - you don't have to worry about that.
This method should be used in the most urgent case, when you really need to go somewhere. The fact is that you will be able to start a moped, but only in the future you will have to replace the ignition switch.
The crudest way to start a moped without an ignition key
For this starting technique, we only need a screwdriver. It should be pushed into the well with force, and then turned. You can not remove the screwdriver, in which case the engine will definitely start and not stall. This option is also used by some motorists when there are no other solutions.
The method is to turn off the switch, but it only works on scooters and mopeds of Japanese and sometimes Chinese manufacturers.
To disable it, you will need to remove the protective cover of the ignition switch. Under it there are 4 wires according to the standard, white, black, red and green - these wires supply power. The remaining wiring is the switch, after turning it off, the moped can be started using a kickstarter.
Be careful, as removing this wiring can turn off all other wiring of the moped (turn signals, headlights, etc. )
You can see more about this method in the video: There is no snow at all on motorways in the winter season, so you can drive along them without any problems. But not always the "iron horse" is ready to start up easily at low temperatures. Now we will tell you how to properly operate a moped in winter.
The first thing to do in winter is to refuel with fresh gasoline, and be sure to change the mineral oil to synthetic. If left, the mineral oil will constantly be thick in the engine, and this will adversely affect its operation. To start, it is better to use a kickstarter, and not an electric starter, since the battery voltage sags heavily under the influence of cold. When starting, add a little more gas than usual, so the engine does not stall. Sometimes, when the oil thickens, some smart people heat it up with a gas burner. In modern vehicles, this usually does not happen if the oil is synthetic.
If you follow all the recommendations for starting, the moped will start at a temperature not lower than -20 degrees Celsius. When you could already start it, we advise you to let the engine warm up for at least 5-10 minutes.
Wires may vary in color, so you perform all actions at your own peril and risk. Remember, in case of incorrect actions, all electronics may fail.
This problem is very common among motorcycle, moped and scooter owners. If it is not possible to start the engine from the button, then the problem lies in the fuse. It is located in the battery compartment, to check its performance we need a multimeter.
The multimeter knob must be turned to measure DC current. Measure the voltage at the ignition key with and without fuse. The instrument readings should be the same in both cases. If you find a voltage deviation of 2 or more volts, then the fuse must be replaced immediately. A malfunction can also be hidden in the engine start circuit, for this you need to determine the integrity of the wires going to it. The multimeter has such a function, so it is possible to check it yourself. To know which wires to check, you can find the moped wiring diagram on the manufacturer's website. But such schemes must be able to read correctly, if you do not have this knowledge, then it is better to seek help from professionals.
Now you know the different ways to start your moped if you have lost the key. All options can only be used for your own benefit, we do not recommend using them for fraudulent purposes, as this is punishable by law. Make duplicate keys for yourself, and then you will not have problems losing them, we wish you success!
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