Every vehicle produced since 1981 has a unique vehicle identification number, or VIN for short. A VIN contains data specific to the vehicle it is attached to including the year the vehicle was manufactured. The 10th digit of every VIN represents the year the vehicle was made. Here is a simple VIN year chart to help you decode the year your vehicle was manufactured in.
The letters I (i), O (o), Q (q), U (u) and Z (z), as well as the number zero, are never used on a VIN because they can be confused with other digits. You may have noticed that some digits repeat, this is because the 10th digit of the VIN is re-used every 30 years.
Match the 10th digit of your vehicle’s VIN to the VIN year table below to find out what year it was made. I hope you find this 10th digit VIN decoder chart useful. Learn more about your ATV VIN number.
Code | Year | Code | Year | Code | Year | Code | Year | Code | Year | ||||
A = | 1980 | L = | 1990 | Y = | 2000 | A = | 2010 | L = | 2020 | ||||
B = | 1981 | M = | 1991 | 1 = | 2001 | B = | 2011 | M = | 2021 | ||||
C = | 1982 | N = | 1992 | 2 = | 2002 | C = | 2012 | N = | 2022 | ||||
D = | 1983 | P = | 1993 | 3 = | 2003 | D = | 2013 | P = | 2023 | ||||
E = | 1984 | R = | 1994 | 4 = | 2004 | E = | 2014 | R = | 2024 | ||||
F = | 1985 | S = | 1995 | 5 = | 2005 | F = | 2015 | S = | 2025 | ||||
G = | 1986 | T = | 1996 | 6 = | 2006 | G = | 2016 | T = | 2026 | ||||
H = | 1987 | V = | 1997 | 7 = | 2007 | H = | 2017 | V = | 2027 | ||||
J = | 1988 | W = | 1998 | 8 = | 2008 | J = | 2018 | W = | 2028 | ||||
K = | 1989 | X = | 1999 | 9 = | 2009 | K = | 2019 | X = | 2029 |
The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) of your Polaris ATV is a unique number used to identify your vehicle. It is stamped on the frame of your ATV. On vehicles from 1997 and newer, the VIN is 17 digits. Prior to that, a VIN was only seven digits.
What year is y in polaris? That tells you what year it is. “Y” is 2000, “1” is a 2001 and so on. Just as important to you when buying parts and accessories for any Polaris is the model number.
What year did polaris magnum start? Starting in 1995 with the Polaris Magnum 425 4-stroke ATV and in 1997, with the introduction of the “twin 700” snowmobile engine Polaris started the development and production of in-house produced power plants, known as the “Liberty” line of engines, now found in many models across their current production lines.
When did the first Polaris ATVs start showing up? After 30 years of building snowmobiles, the first Polaris ATVs began showing up on dealer floors in 1985, throwing a wrench in an industry that up to that point was completely dominated by Japanese brands. Not only were these 1985 models the first Polaris ATVs…they were the first American-made ATVs.
What is a Polaris ATV? Polaris ATVs have pushed the boundaries ever since and the brand saw huge success with the venerable Sportsman 500 and its innovative front storage system. But when most people think of Polaris, the first thing that comes to mind is the RZR.
Table of Contents
It is stamped on the frame of your ATV.
– Find the 17-character vehicle identification number on the frame of your four wheeler.
– Look at the 10th character of the vehicle identification number.
– Use the 10th character to determine the year model of the four wheeler.
Read the tenth digit. This digit represents the year that the ATV was made. For example, A=1980, B=1981, Y=2000, 1=2001, 9=2009 and A=2010. This letter or number can repeat (the “A,” for example), but the codes of the other digits in the VIN allow you to know in which year the ATV was made.
– On vehicles from 1997 and newer, the VIN is 17 digits.
– For Sportsman 400, 450, 500, 570, 800 and ETX models; 2013 Hawkeye models and Sportsman 6×6 models from 2011-14, the VIN can be found on the left rear frame (1).
So why is the light still on? Here’s something you probably don’t know: after clearing the car’s computer you will need to drive for about 50 to 100 miles. As you drive your car the computer will monitor all the sensors and register the results.
Check that the 10th digit matches the year of manufacture. From 2000 onward, it is a number, and before 2000, it is a letter. For example, a 1998 model will have the letter W in the 10th position. Determine the plant where the ATV was made with the 11th digit.
Interpret the 10th character to find the year the vehicle was manufactured. The letter S is used for 1995, T for 1996, V for 1997, W for 1998, X for 1999, Y for 2000. The number 1 is used for 2001, 2 for 2002, 3 for 2003, 4 for 2004, 5 for 2005, 6 for 2006, 7 for 2007, 8 for 2008 and 9 for 2009.
Turn the ignition on and wait for the “service engine soon” light to blink and shut off. This will reset the light on your dash.
The flashing service wrench icon on a Polaris Sportsman’s speedometer can lead many riders to panic. In most cases, this icon is triggered by the engine’s hours of operation reaching a programmed interval, and it acts as a friendly reminder that your ATV is ready for a routine servicing.
Can you reset check engine light without disconnecting battery? You can reset the check engine light without disconnecting the battery by using an OBD2 scanner. If you drive long enough after fixing the problem, the check engine light will on most car models go away by itself.
A Polaris ATV vehicle identification number, which contains the serial number, is typically on the left frame rail inside the left-front wheel well next to the fender on the right hand side. The last six characters of the VIN are the vehicle’s serial number.
The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is a unique 17-digit number used to identify your Polaris RANGER. Your RANGER’s VIN can be found stamped on the frame. Its exact location varies based on model. Most RANGER vehicles from model year 2015 until present feature a VIN stamp in the left rear wheel well.
– Find the 17-character vehicle identification number on the frame of your four wheeler.
– Look at the 10th character of the vehicle identification number.
– Use the 10th character to determine the year model of the four wheeler.
Interpret the 10th character to find the year the vehicle was manufactured. The letter S is used for 1995, T for 1996, V for 1997, W for 1998, X for 1999, Y for 2000. The number 1 is used for 2001, 2 for 2002, 3 for 2003, 4 for 2004, 5 for 2005, 6 for 2006, 7 for 2007, 8 for 2008 and 9 for 2009.
Turn the ignition on and wait for the “service engine soon” light to blink and shut off. This will reset the light on your dash.
Insert the key in the ignition, turn the car on for a second, and turn it off for another second. Repeat this process three times. Once you turned your car on/off three times, the check engine light should go away by itself.
Suspension. Shock absorbers must be free of oil, and CV boots must be free of holes through which moisture can enter. To check the condition of the wheel bearings and hub bushings, you need to raise the ATV with a jack and shake the wheels vertically and horizontally - if there is play, one of these parts is worn out. Most often these are bearings. You also need to check all the suspension arms for play - perhaps ball bearings or silent blocks need to be replaced.
ATV with working shock absorbers lowers and rises evenly - when pressing on the rear or front, one of the sides should not sag.
Transmission. Gearboxes must be free of oil leaks and cracks. The oil in them can be checked by lowering a plastic clamp into the filler neck or unscrewing the drain bolts: it’s bad if the liquid is opaque, it contains chips or other foreign particles. To check the modes of operation of the transmission, you need to jack up the front of the ATV. When all-wheel drive is on, when turning the left wheel, the right wheel should rotate in the opposite direction, and vice versa. When the differential lock is engaged, both wheels rotate in the same direction. Transfers should be included without effort and crunch.
Engine. It must be free of oil. A serviceable motor starts in 2-3 seconds and works without a metallic rattle, an arbitrary increase and decrease in idle speed.
Bad sign - black oil or with foreign particles. Normally it is transparent.
A malfunction is also indicated by black, white or blue smoke from the exhaust pipe, as well as a burning smell. At idle, the exhaust gases of a serviceable ATV are almost transparent.
It is advisable to measure the compression in the cylinders - this will require a compression meter with adapters for different threads of the candles and knowledge of the normal compression value in the cylinders of a particular ATV model, taking into account the decompression meter.
Coolant . You need to check with a cold engine. The antifreeze level must be between the minimum mark "LOW" and the maximum "FULL". The liquid should not be cloudy. If there is sediment or dirty “flakes” under the radiator cap, the motor was poorly maintained and may have overheated.
Air filter . If there are oil stains on it, most likely the ATV turned over.
Electrical . It is necessary to check the operation of the parking lights, high and low beams, turn signals, alarms, horns, heating, winches. Error indicators - for example, an electric booster - should go out when the engine is started.
Electric power steering . With the ATV running and jacked up, turn the steering wheel left, right, then center. With a working electric power steering, the steering wheel does not turn on its own.
Frame. Cracks, extensive corrosion, welding spots, stripped or fresh paint in the places where the suspension arms are attached, on the arms themselves and on the bottom of the frame - a reason to refuse to buy. Cracks or welding in the cargo platform area are not critical.
The difference in one or more bolts of the engine, variator or bridge, as well as traces of sealant on the crankcase connectors, indicates that the assembly was disassembled to fix the breakdown.
ATV in good working order does not pull to one side. When moving back and forth with the wheels fully inverted, there is no cod. The start of movement and acceleration without jerks and bumps. When you turn on the four-wheel drive and differential lock, it becomes more difficult to turn the steering wheel.
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