How to repair weather cracked tires

How to Fix Cracked Tires: Step by Step Guide

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The tires are the most important parts of the car. If the tire is cracked, the movement will also be affected. Below we will tell you how to fix cracked tires – step by step guide.

If one of the other parts of the car is damaged, we can still move, but if it is a tire, it is certainly not possible. So the tire plays a very important role and you have to pay attention to it, check it often. They are easy to damage and wear and not exist forever.

The most common problem you have with tires is cracks. Many mechanics and car repair centers will recommend replacing new tires, but that is very expensive. We will give you the main causes of the problems and how to fix them.


  • The cause of the cracked tire
    • 1. Time to use tires too long:
    • 2. High humidity and high temperature: 
    • 3. Low-quality materials:
    • 4. Improper maintenance:
  • How to fix cracked tires
    • Method 1: Internal cracks will be sealed with sealant
    • Method 2: Fix cracks externally using a protectant agent
  • Some ways to prevent tire cracking
  • Conclusion

The cause of the cracked tire

Before you try to fix a cracked tire, you should learn the common causes to prevent this in the first place.

1. Time to use tires too long:

Your tires contain various compounds such as oils that keep in good condition, antioxidants. But when you use the car for a long time or keep the car in one place, these compounds will evaporate or seep into the ground on the road you move, there will be nothing to protect your tires. Moreover, the motors were also damaged.

2. High humidity and high temperature: 

High temperature is not good for rubber, it will be dry and cracked. Ultraviolet light will make the tires drier


Low-quality materials:

Your money is not enough to buy high-quality tires so you choose to buy a less expensive model. In this case, it will have a perfect exterior shape but the interior is quite poorly built. That makes your tires more quickly damaged.

4. Improper maintenance:

When the mechanic insists that you should maintain it, you should follow. The service will make your tires more smooth and safer.

How to fix cracked tires

Before changing tires you can try the methods below, it will save you money. But few places can guarantee the safety of repairs, so please be aware, this repair is only temporary.

Method 1: Internal cracks will be sealed with sealant

This method is like sealing a puncture, it will be effective for small cracks. The most important is that the sealant used is suitable for the type of tire you have.

You need to have:

  • Tire pressure gauge
  • Filling cracks
  • Tire pump


Step 1: Check cracks and let the tires cool down 

It is important to carefully examine the cracks on the tires, to determine which cracks you will repair. Then let the tire cool down after friction on the road.

Step 2: Remove the tire

Remove the tires once they have cooled. You cannot do the job if the tire is still sealed. You can only see the tire cracking both inside and outside when removing the tire. You will determine one more time before you start fixing the tire.

Step 3: Clean the position of the tire that needs repair

You can use carburetor cleaners, which are available at car repair shops. Use it to spray the locations of tires that need to be repaired and allow them to dry.

Step 4: Use sealant

After checking your tires. You will prepare a sealant suitable for the type of tire you are using, it needs to be mixed up.

Once the sealant is in place, apply it to the tires as instructed. Be careful as this may seal the injector or nozzle into the valve body. Completely eliminate any excess on the tire surface.

Step 5: Reinflate and reset tires

Use a pressure gauge to ensure an appropriate pressure level. This is important because working on tires can cause air loss.

Finally, reset your tire, check it again to see if it is sealed and you can drive around.

Method 2: Fix cracks externally using a protectant agent

A protective agent will be a coating to shield against external harmful agents and rejuvenate rubber. 

You need to have:

  • Large sponges
  • Safe degreasing
  • Tire protection
  • Water pipe


Step 1: Check cracks and let the tires cool down 

Before working with tires, you need to let the tires cool down to ensure safety. Check outside for damaged tire locations.

Step 2: Remove to tire

Next to should remove the cracked tire. Like the above method, you cannot work when the tire is still on the vehicle. When the tire is removed, you need to clearly identify the areas that need to be repaired and their size to make sure that you don’t miss a part.

Step 3: Coat the degreaser

Apply degreaser to the tires after identifying cracks. And in every degreaser, there is a user manual included. You can use a sponge, apply some degreaser on it, and spread it evenly over the tires, covering the entire surface. 

Step 4: Scrub and wash tires

Leave the degreaser on the tires for a few minutes. Then rub the surface of the tire with a sponge. Be more careful with cracks. Take a clean cloth and wipe thoroughly. After cleaning, place your faucet to gently wash the entire surface of the tire. Wash continuously until you are sure the tires are clean. Then let them dry for a while.

Step 5: Apply protective agent and reset tire

This is the most important step in the process. After the tire has dried, you need to apply protectants to the entire surface, not just the cracked area, there is no guarantee that the other situation will not occur. Most tire protectants take several hours to cure, you need to leave them alone. After performing all the above steps. You need to review the tire, if not satisfied, you can repeat the above process. If you feel it is okay, reinstall the tire. So you’ve completed this method.

Some ways to prevent tire cracking

Although when the tires are cracked you can repair them, it is better if you store the tires well in the first place. Here are some helpful tips for you:

  • Maintaining tires regularly and clean them
  • Do not park a car for a long time
  • Keep the car in a covered area
  • Use tire protectants once a month


Above we have shown you how to fix cracked tires: step by step guide. Hope you find useful information from our article. Wish you are successful! 

How to Fix Cracked Tires (Step-By-Step Guide) – Auto Trends Magazine

The sight of cracked tires can ruin your day.

It’s a condition that affects your car’s movement and general safety if left unfixed. Unfortunately, cracked tires are inevitable. As your car begins to age and the tires are exposed to extreme temperatures, they start to show cracks.

To avoid putting your safety in jeopardy, it’s imperative to learn how to fix cracked tires. In this article, you’ll learn to identify cracks, their causes, how they are fixed, and how you can prevent them.

Table of Contents

What Are the Signs of Cracked Tires?

It’s fairly easy to notice cracked tires. The following are signs that appear when there are cracks on your vehicle’s tires:

1. Dry And Brittle Rubber

The rubber parts of tires are protected by oils and antioxidants. Frequent usage can make these protective compounds wear away. This makes your tires appear dry and brittle when felt.

2. Cracks On The Sidewall

Ever noticed splits and cracks on the sidewalls of your tires? They can appear on both sides and are the clearest sign that you have cracked tires.

3. Tread Cracks

Cracks can also appear on your tire tread’s outer edges. This is usually caused by dry rot at an advanced stage. The cracks might look small, but they can compromise your car’s handling even when the tread still has enough depth.

4. Faded Color

When your car tire’s black color begins to turn grey, there’s a chance it’s due to dry rot. Sometimes, the color starts fading before cracking happens. However, they can both happen at the same time as well.

What Causes Cracked Tires?

Dry rot doesn’t happen overnight. It’s caused by several reasons including:

1. When Your Car Is Unused For A Long Time

Storing your car in a garage and leaving it unused for a long period can leave the engine in a bad condition. But it can also suffer further damage due to dry rot. As earlier mentioned, tires are protected by oils and antioxidants.

When left unused, these protective compounds can evaporate or leach into the ground. This effectively removes your car’s protective layer, making it vulnerable to cracking



Like humans, cars age with time. The older they get, the less efficient their parts become. This is also true for car tires. After a while, the rubber begins to age, and dry rot sets in. The aging process can also be accelerated by heavy use.

With your tires running for many miles every day and being exposed to various elements, it will start to crack.

3. Extreme Temperature And Humidity

Extreme temperature and humidity are some of the elements that can cause your tires to deteriorate. While this process is gradual under normal conditions, it accelerates when the temperature is particularly high.

When the temperature is low, the rubber becomes rigid as it dries out. This allows dry rot to set in faster. Similarly, when the temperature is high, sunlight breaks down the rubber’s protective compounds causing tires to crack rapidly.

4. Low-Quality Tires

If your tires are made with low-quality materials, you can bet on dry rot to set in easily. Tires face different elements as well as static friction between them and the road. If the rubber and other components are substandard, the cracking process will happen much faster causing your tires to deteriorate at an alarming speed.

5. Over and Under Pressurized Tires

It’s crucial to get your car’s pressure right to avoid the effects of under or over-pressurized tires. One such effect is dry rot. When the tires are over-pressurized, there’s additional stress on the walls which may lead to bulging and eventually cause cracks. On the other hand, under-pressurized tires experience more friction with the road. This causes dry rot.

See Also – Tire Pressure Sensor Fault (Causes and How to Fix)

How To Fix Cracked Tires: A Step-By-Step Guide

When dry rot sets in, you have the option to change your tires. But If you’re not too thrilled with the idea of replacing your tires every year, it’s best to learn how to fix them. Below are steps to fix your cracked tires.

Method No. 1: Fix Internal Cracks With Sealant

You can fix your cracked tires with sealants when the cracks are small and not obvious. To ensure this method is done right, you need to buy a sealant that’s suitable for your tires.

Here are the tools you need:

● Dry rot sealant that suits your tires
● Tire inflator
● Tire pressure gauge
● 1/2” Socket wrench or Lug wrench

Step-by-Step Guide

Follow the steps below to fix your tires with a sealant:

Step No. 1: Allow Your Tires To Cool Down

As you may have noticed, your vehicle naturally heats up when driven. For tires, the heating up is a result of the friction between them and the ground. If you’ve recently driven your car, allow it to cool down before you fix the cracks with a sealant.

Step No. 2: Remove Your Tires

The next step is to jack up your vehicle and remove the affected tires. You can’t fix tires properly if they are not attached to your car. Therefore, you’ll need the lug wrench or the 1/2” socket wrench to take off your tires to allow you to fix them properly.

Step No. 3: Examine The Level of Damage

The level of damage will confirm if your tires are fixable or they need to be replaced. This inspection also allows you to see the area that’s damaged. With a clear idea of the situation, you can come up with a good plan to fix the tires.

Step No. 4: Apply The Sealant

Depending on the kind of sealant, you might need to prepare it according to the instructions. However, some sealants don’t need any special preparation. You can apply them right away. To apply the sealant on the insides of your tires, insert the injector into the valve stem.

Step No. 5: Re-inflate Your Tires

With the sealant applied, your tires may have lost some air. Therefore, you need to re-inflate them. Use the pressure gauge to ensure you get the pressure right.

Step No. 6: Re-install Your Tires

With your tires fixed, re-install them on your car. Some sealants require you to drive your car around immediately after installing. This helps the sealant to circulate and seal the cracks adequately.

Method 2: Fix External Cracks With Protectant

For visible cracks, this method is ideal. A protectant can fix cracks and help protect the rubber from UV rays.

You’ll need the following tools:

● Water hose
● Large sponge
● Water-based tire degreaser
● Tire protectant

Step-By-Step Guide

Step No. 1: Allow to Cool, Remove, and Inspect Your Tires

Like the first method, you need to wait till your tires are cool before taking them out to examine. The inspection will show where the major problem is and if it’s fixable.

Step No. 2: Apply Degreaser

With the large sponge, apply the degreaser to your tires. Be sure to apply it to every area of the tires while focusing on the cracked areas. Scrub thoroughly to get the degreaser on the tire’s entire surface.

Step No. 3: Wipe and Rinse the Tires

After applying the degreaser, allow your tires to dry. When dry, wipe down with a clean cloth and rinse with the water hose.

Step 4: Apply Tire Protectant

When the tires are dry from rinsing, apply the tire protectant. Following the instructions on the protectant, spray it across the tires’ entire surface.

Step 5: Re-install And Check Your Tires Again

When you’ve sprayed your tires, the cracks should be fixed. You can re-install your tires on your car. If you still see signs of dry rot, repeat the process for better results.

How To Prevent Tires from Cracking

Your tires can’t stay new forever, but with the following measures, you can keep extending their lifespan and keep them from cracking too soon:

● Don’t buy low-quality tires
● Clean regularly
● Cover your car when parked outside
● Maintain ideal tire pressure
● Examine your tires regularly
● Apply protectants frequently

Final Thoughts

The average life of car tires is six years. After a few years, dry rot is bound to set in. But if you’re quick to fix them, you can easily extend your tire’s lifespan.

See Also – What Are Radial Tires?

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Tim Miller

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Tim is a mechanic and car blogger from Denver, Colorado. He has over 10 years experience in car repair.

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Tires with cracks: is it dangerous to drive and how to repair?


Author: Sergey Akhmetov

Views: 2962

Changing tires according to the season is an important stage of car maintenance, the timeliness and correctness of which determine the safety of not only the owner of the vehicle, but also others. With this procedure, special attention should be paid to the condition of the tires, since in addition to natural wear, cracks may be present on them. Why they appear, is it possible to drive with such a defect and what to do if it is found - you will find the answers to these questions in this article.

Why do tires have cracks?

There are 5 main reasons that lead to these defects on tires:

  • Violation of storage rules. Automotive tires are sensitive to temperature changes, ultraviolet radiation and excessive humidity. Therefore, it is not recommended to store the wheels on the ground or concrete floor in an unheated room, in close proximity to heating equipment, in direct sunlight. For these purposes, use special covers and racks that will avoid the effects of the listed factors on the tires and significantly extend the service life of the products.
  • Use of off-season tires. When you ride tires that are not designed for use at any given time of the year, you put extra stress on them, which leads to cracking and other unpleasant consequences of misuse.
  • Aggressive driving. Slippage and sudden braking is one of the main causes of premature wear of rubber and the appearance of various defects on it, including cracks. Avoid such situations and take care of tires from overloads, otherwise they may crack.
  • Incorrect mounting. Tires can be damaged directly during installation. To avoid cracks in tires due to improper installation on the wheel rim, trust the installation procedure exclusively to professionals.
  • Factory defect. This reason is not common, but it still should not be ruled out. Violation of tire manufacturing technology by the manufacturer can lead to the appearance of various defects on them.

Now that you know the causes of such damage, let's look at their main types.

Types of cracks in tires

There are two types of such damage:

  1. A small crack, a “spider web”. Depth varies within 1-2 mm, can be coherent (such form a "web") and single. These defects are quite difficult to detect, which is their main danger. Despite the shallow depth, they can significantly reduce the performance of the wheel.
  2. Deep cracks. These can be seen even with normal visual inspection. This defect can lead to tire rupture, such tires should not be used.

Important! Inspect wheels regularly to detect surface damage early. This will allow timely replacement of defective products and improve the overall safety of the car.

Is it dangerous to drive with cracked tires?

Answer: Cracked tires are dangerous! If they are found, a qualified service technician should be consulted. After diagnosing the condition of the tire, the specialist will give a recommendation for replacement or advise what restrictions must be observed during its further operation.

It should be remembered that any, even minor, tire damage can lead to catastrophic consequences. Using cracked tires, you endanger not only your life, but also the lives of other road users.

As mentioned above, small cracks lead to a decrease in the service life, and a deep defect can even cause the wheel to break while driving. Therefore, regularly inspect tires and replace them in a timely manner in case of damage.

Can cracked tires be used?

The use of cracked tires depends on the extent of damage to them.

⚠️ If there are small single cracks (1-2mm) or “webs”, the following restrictions should be observed:

  • do not exceed the speed of 60 km/h and move only within the city;
  • exclude abrupt starts and braking;
  • eliminate aggressive driving and tire overheating.

(Otherwise, the destruction of the tire will occur quickly, and the probability of rupture is high)

⛔ If the rubber has deep large cracks, it is extremely dangerous, it is strictly forbidden to drive on such tires!

(This type of damage may cause tire failure while driving even at low speed)

How to prevent tire cracks?

To prevent these defects, follow these guidelines:

  • Follow the rubber manufacturer's storage conditions. Use special covers and racks, do not expose tires to prolonged exposure to direct sunlight;
  • Use only seasonal tires in accordance with the season, because the operation is out of season - it negatively affects mileage and can lead to accidents;
  • Avoid aggressive driving and respect the speed limit. A sharp start with slippage and regular emergency braking leads to a violation of the integrity, the tire is subject to premature destruction with such use;
  • Have your wheels changed at specialized workshops whose masters have the appropriate equipment and the necessary experience.

By following these simple guidelines, you will avoid premature tire wear or failure and ensure the safety of your vehicle.

Can cracked tires be repaired?

It is impossible to carry out a complete repair if the tire has deep cracks.

Repair of a slope with small cracks is allowed. You can contact the service station, where with special equipment, by melting rubber, or with the help of a patch, the defect will be eliminated. But such a repair is not a panacea, specialists will not give guarantees for long-term mileage after such a “restoration”. This type of repair is carried out under the responsibility of the client and at his discretion. No one will guarantee that after a while you will not find another “web” on your wheel.

Lessons learned

Don't waste your time and money on temporary repairs and don't risk driving with damaged wheels. It is safer and more reliable to buy a new set of rubber, the integrity and safety of which will not be in doubt.

Timely prevention is also the right decision. There are special silicone-based liquids and sprays that are positioned as a means to slow down aging. With them, tires should last longer.

(When a web appears that has not yet managed to break the rubber structure, it is advisable to use this tool)

To order the tires you need or get additional information, contact our manager in any way convenient for you. Our specialist will answer all your questions and help you choose a set of tires depending on the make and model of your car, season and vehicle operating conditions.


    Tire cracks - is it possible to drive with cracks

    Quite often, during the operation of cars, cracks appear on the tire tread. In such situations, car owners usually have reasonable questions: “Is it possible to drive with cracked tires? What is the risk of this? To give a detailed answer, you need to fully understand the topic.

    What causes cracks?

    There are various causes that contribute to the appearance of small or deep cracks. So, microcracks 1-2 mm deep, resembling a cobweb on tires, indicate improper storage of rubber. Probably the tires were exposed to direct sunlight for a long time or lay in a room where there were sharp temperature changes.

    Quite often, minor defects in the grooves of tires appear due to the negative impact of chemicals that are added during the production of asphalt mixtures, or sand-salt solution, which is sprinkled on roads during ice. If the cracks on the tires are more than 3 mm deep, this is a sure sign of rubber wear due to prolonged use. The reason for this is the loss of elasticity due to the gradual evaporation of the resins and oils used in the manufacture of tires.

    Another common cause of cracked rubber is carelessness when beading the wheel. Insufficient experience of the master or the use of low-quality equipment can lead to damage to the cord.

    Types of cracks and consequences

    There are different types of cracks on car tires, which differ in depth and location.

    When deep longitudinal or transverse cracks appear, there is a threat to the safety of drivers, passengers and other road users, and all because of the ingress of dirt, moisture, chemicals. This can cause a sharp burst of rubber and a serious accident. Therefore, if you notice lateral or longitudinal cracks on tires, it is recommended to replace worn tires as soon as possible.

    Is it possible to drive on cracked tires? Only by examining the tire, the specialist will tell you whether it is possible to operate the tire after repair or whether it is worth replacing it.

    Learn more