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a game by | Rainbow Studios |
Platforms: | XBox 360, Playstation 3 |
Editor Rating: | 8/10, based on 1 review |
User Rating: | 8.7/10 - 3 votes |
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See also: | Download Bike Games, Motocross Games, MX vs ATV Series |
I am a huge fan of this series and with MX vs. ATV Reflex, they tried something new. I actually give them a ton of credit for being brave here and taking a chance. You see, this is the third game in the series, but they decided to start things from scratch and they created a brand new engine for this game.
One of the things that is very interesting about this game is that while it features motocross and ATVs, s it also has trucks and these buggy things as well. The vehicles can be kept in to themselves, but there is also omnicross which has all of the vehicles competing against each other which is very chaotic!
I want to spend a moment talking about the omnicross aspect of MX vs. ATV Reflex. The idea of having a race where a motocross bike can go against a truck and an ATV sounds awesome and it is. However, the trucks have a real advantage here are they are able to just plow over the bikes! It can be frustrating at first, but I found this to be a lot of fun.
The reflex in the name is actually part of the new game engine that they have created for this game. The idea is that the left stick is what controls the movement of your rider/driver. The right stick then allows you to shift your weight. This control scheme does take a while to get the hang of, but I found that it felt great once I nailed it. The reflex control scheme really makes the motocross bikes feel fantastic, but it works great for the other vehicles too.
Another new gameplay feature is the way that you can tear up the terrain. This not only looks cool, but it can affect the way the players behind you drive and can cause them problems or even make it easier for them to get through bits of the terrain.
Like other games in the series, MX vs. ATV Reflex has a ton of modes for you to have fun with. You have your championship mode where you try to prove that you are the best racer which is very addictive. You also have your free race, time trial, and so on.
There is even an open-world style thing where you tear around an environment and they take part in various challenges.
You have standard races that can take place on a track in a stadium which feel epic. You can also do races that are more of a get from point a to point b kind of thing. You also have stunt tracks and hill climbing. I think there is a great variety to the kind of racing that you can do.
The presentation of the game is a little on the mixed side. On one hand, I love how cool the stadiums look and the races that take place in more exotic locations are really cool too. However, this game (the PlayStation 3 version I can say for sure!) does suffer from pop-in and an erratic frame rate from time to time.
I think that they really were on the right track with MX vs. ATV Reflex. They had some great ideas here and while the game is a tad harder to get into than the earlier games in the series. I do feel that the new reflex control scheme makes this a much more interesting racing game.
I can see why some people would find this frustrating at first, but if you stick with it, I am sure you will find this a fun and addictive kind of game.
Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
Rider Reflex
BECOME THE RIDER. Dual controls separatesman from machine to give unparalleled precision andability to perform death-defying stunts. Grip tight andhang on, racing has been redefined.LEAVE YOUR MARK. Battle for position andavoid catastrophic disaster as you blitz throughmotocross mayhem. Fight for traction and dig up thetrack to force the competition to carve new race lines.
Product ID | 952552 |
Brand Name | THQ Nordic |
GameStop Exclusive | No |
Genre | Racing |
Publisher Name | THQ Nordic |
Developer Name | Rainbow Studios |
Franchise | MX vs.![]() |
Product Height | 0.4 |
Product Weight | 0.2 |
Product Length | 5 |
Product Width | 3.6 |
Brand Name | THQ Nordic |
GameStop Exclusive | No |
Genre | Racing |
Publisher Name | THQ Nordic |
Developer Name | Rainbow Studios |
Franchise | MX vs. ATV |
Product Height | 0.4 |
Product Weight | 0.2 |
Product Length | 5 |
Product Width | 3.![]() |
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Motocross games
Star FilledStar FilledStar FilledStar FilledStar Outlinedrated 4. 0 out of 5
Verified Purchaser
3 years ago
This game is very fun and has the physics all new motocross games try to copy.
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Fun dirt bike gameplay
Star FilledStar FilledStar FilledStar FilledStar Outlinedrated 4.0 out of 5
Verified Purchaser
4 years ago
Dirt bike races are so much fun, but anything with a sport truck is way to easy to coast through, even on the hardest difficulty.
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Star FilledStar FilledStar FilledStar FilledStar Filledrated 5.0 out of 5
Verified Purchaser
5 years ago
my children love your shop.great games and serve.they love the older games to be so young.
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Best game ever
Star FilledStar FilledStar FilledStar FilledStar Filledrated 5. 0 out of 5
10 years ago
BEST GAME EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The racing is fun and the gear is awesome. It has alot of pros on it!!!!
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excellent game
Star FilledStar FilledStar FilledStar FilledStar Outlinedrated 4.0 out of 5
10 years ago
this game was one of the best ATV VS MX games i have ever played. if you do notgot this game get it.
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Will this play on Xbox one
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It sure is!
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Few of us follow what's going on in the world of motocross, or even know the names of key racing stars. However the sight of motorcycles wallowing in the mud invariably produces on men aged from 12 to 32 years old hypnotic impression - there is something in this sport something that distinguishes it from civilized and skimmed asphalt races. Not high speeds - they just don't exist here. And not even the number of broken bones riders, which is much higher than in other disciplines. A business, most likely in a different way: to be a motocross star, you need to do more than just ride faster than anyone - you need to do it spectacularly, to be a real actor in the saddle. nine0009
Perhaps this is why motocross (compared to other types of racing competitions) has so many girls. Prancing on a two-wheeled horse is not for you to sit inside a cramped car where no one can see you anyway. The main thing here is the show. When riders in bright overalls overcome a climb so steep that the stairs in your entrance, in comparison with it, it will seem like a smooth avenue, to them involuntarily get respect. Therefore, the demand (albeit very limited) for simulators motocross always exists, and sometimes among them there are really good games. Now, with the advent of MX vs ATV Reflex , there was one more.
The start of motocross is a special ritual that is reminiscent of racetrack racing. Until the iron barrier comes down, everyone gets nervous and keeps their hand on the clutch lever. |
Despite the fact that Rainbow Studios was a bit whether not single-handedly brought to the people three-dimensional motorcycle racing (ancient Motocross Madness - just their work), the first game to notice the show appeal of this discipline was last year's Pure . Aerial acrobatics at a height of 50 meters above the ground had little to do with real motorcycle racing, but it was largely thanks to her that the Black Rock Studio broke the bank. MX vs ATV Reflex, which still adheres to the laws of the real world (included licensed racers and championships), against this background it looks real anachronism. Motorcycles (as well as quads, buggies and pickup trucks) go around and bounce around on artificial springboards - well, where have we not seen anything like this? nine0009
Meanwhile, right now the series is experiencing the second revolution in its long history (the first happened with the advent of quads and the abbreviation ATV in the name), only this time - technological. physically correct the dirt that is now in every first off-road race is now available and real motocross riders. Another thing is that in some Colin McRae DiRT 2 this very dirt is first of all decor element. Rally cars pulled out clods of earth with their wheels and left behind a barely visible track, but this had practically no effect on the behavior of cars. Motocross is another matter. While racing down the compact and bulldozed track, two-wheeled motorcycles manage to gouge a real gutter in the mud meter depth, which is especially difficult to ignore when cornering (steering pulls out of the hands with terrible force). And if the race takes place on wet ground (track they are specially poured with water before the start so that spectators and riders do not suffocate in clouds of dust), then the track also manages to fill with water - also physically correct. H 2 O ripples, dislodges sunken wheels from the bottom and severely disappoints everyone who likes to overcome the fords without slowing down the gas.
All eyes on the ruts: a couple of laps ago they were not here, but now you can get stuck. | The quads aren't as fast and bouncy as the Pure, but that just makes riding harder. |
The model of vehicle behavior has also become more reliable - now, when you see a fallen tree on the road, the trunk of which is thicker than the wheel of your ATV, you involuntarily retract your neck and brake almost to zero, because if this is not done, the rider will have to dampen the speed with his own body. On in a heavy pickup truck, the same obstacle is perceived much more calmly, but on motorcycle ... In general, if you have ever tried to overcome on a bicycle wet tram tracks or curbs, then there is nothing to explain, and if not - just never try to do it at a sharp angle. nine0009
Racing pickups from Colin McRae DiRT 2 as guest stars. |
In general, you have to fall all the time in the game. First of all, because of the aggressive but stupid opponents who often go "on contact". And in the second - when trying to perform some famously twisted trick. The tricks themselves are an integral part of motocross, and in the past parts series for their performance awarded separate points. But since Pure closed this topic for good, the developers of MX vs ATV Reflex seem to have quieted down and pushed the tricks into the background. Now, during a regular race, no one makes us look for the jump button - just sit firmly in the saddle and slightly tilt the body when cornering. nine0009
Here, too, one small innovation is hidden - if you landed badly or somehow lost control, the game always gives a couple of seconds to correct the situation. You just need pull the right stick in the indicated direction, and the rider who previously held the steering wheel with one hand, will return to the saddle again. Not the worst way to use quick-time events in racing - anyway much more honest than the ubiquitous time rewind.
When it comes to content and variety, Rainbow Studio has reached some cosmic heights over the years of working with the genre. We have already said that in addition to motorcycles, there are quads and other four-wheeled units in the game, that you need to discover in the course of a career. And which (most chic!) can also race against each other. It turns out almost MotorStorm in miniature - light motorcycles at a glance rush forward, but on the first straight they are caught up and rolled into the mud heavy pickups. And the main guarantee of survival in such races is usually the ability do not climb on the rampage and stay away from local battles.
Other than regular circuit racing, checkpoint orienteering, freestyle, supercross (where it takes place in a closed stadium and tracks are especially slow and insidious), the developers for some reason added to the game freeplay. In this mode, we simply explore a deserted piece of territory in search of new flags and tasks, while trying to understand if we have already passed by this pine or not. Fortunately, unlike the boring Fuel is not the main mode here, but just a way to unwind.
Tracks are a real gem of the game. There are a lot of them, and they are all dirty. | But why a thoroughly dirty motorcycle has a perfectly clean tread (at least in the Xbox 360 version) is a separate question for the developers. |
Despite the best dirt in video games, which finally not only loads the processor, but also has reliable physical properties, MX vs ATV Reflex is quite highly specialized race. Fans of bright graphics and high speeds choose MotorSorm: Pacific Rift , and for those who don't have a PS3, there's still a multi-platform Pure. The most important condition when buying Reflex is to love motorcycles and motocross, and the game will take care of everything else.
Formula of the game: 50% MX VS ATV: Untamed + 40% of this mud + 10% improved graphics
gameplay: 8
Graphics: 7
Sound and music: 8
Management: 8
Story: -
Stability: 9
Originality: 7
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