How to inflate a tire with wd 40

How To Pump Up A Bike Tyre | Inflate Bike Tyre

Kal Kozomos

5 October 2020

Have you ever had that feeling when riding your bike where you’re frantically trying to push the pedals, but it feels as though it’s stuck in mud? You look down and see your tyre flattened against the concrete. Disaster! You have a flat tyre. So, do you know how to pump up your tyres to get going again? Over time, tyres can lose air due to wear and tear so it’s  important that you know how to pump up your bike tyres so you can enjoy your bicycle rides just like you used to, without any complications.

First, you will need to make sure you don’t need to change the tyre due to a puncture or any other damage to your bicycle. If you are sure that it is just a case of needing to re-inflate the tyre, then you can follow our process below.  

What You will need:

  • Bicycle pump
  • Bike
  • Bike stand

Step 1: Locate the valve

Bike tyres will have a valve, open it by unscrewing the rubber cap at the top. Put the top somewhere safe like your pocket so you don’t lose it as you will need it later!

Step 2: Find your ideal PSI (pounds per square inch)

One of the most important factors for your comfort, enjoyment and performance on a bicycle is your tyre pressure. If you look on the raised print of your bike tyres you should be able to find the recommended PSI for your bicycle. Road tyres typically require 80 to 130 psi, mountain tyres require 25 to 35 psi; and hybrid tyres require 40 to 70 psi. Don’t let your PSI go any lower than the lowest number in the range; the highest number is the recommended maximum PSI.

Step 3: Put the pump on the tyre

Place the pump onto the valve. If there is a lever to secure the pump head onto the valve, ensure it is in the open position when placing it onto the valve and then snap it down once on the valve to secure it.

Step 4: Inflate the tyre

Press the pump head down several times to push air into the tyres. Keep an eye on the PSI so you don’t under or over inflate the tyres.

Step 5: Remove the pump

Once the tyre is filled with air within your ideal PSI range, simply pull the lever back up to remove the pump and quickly replace the rubber cap onto the valve before the air escapes.

So, there you have it – a quick and easy way to inflate your bike tyres. Want more tips and tricks on how to look after your bicycle? Why not read our guides on How To Lubricate A Bike Chain, How To Protect Your Bicycle From Rust or How To Remove Rust From A Bike Chain.

The uses shown and described for WD-40 Multi-Use Product were provided to WD-40 Company by the users themselves. These uses haven’t been tested by WD-40 Company and do not constitute a recommendation of suggestion for use by WD-40 Company. Common sense should be exercised whenever using WD-40 Company products. Always follow the instructions and take heed of any warnings printed on the packaging.

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How to Take Care of Your Bike ?

Who doesn’t love the thrill of riding a bike? However, when it comes to your bike, the fact of the matter is that regular maintenance is vital for it to keep on giving you the thrills for a long, long time. Here are some of the aspects for you to consider, when it comes to the maintenance of your bike:

By Le Do –

One of the most important things for the maintenance of your bike is to ensure that you clean it regularly. It might sound tedious, but it’s true: regular maintenance will go a long way towards ensuring that your bike is in tip-top shape…always. Why? It is because if you don’t clean your bike regularly, dirt and gunk will find permanent places on its surface. Not only will this tarnish the appearance of your bike but, over the course of time, have a significant impact on its performance as well. On top of that, buildups of dirt and gunk also make your bike prone to the scourge of corrosion.

If you think that you need a fancy cleaning kit for your bike, then you’re mistaken. All you need is a sponge and a bucket of soapy water. Although, if you want to invest more in your bike…try the WD-40 Bike Cleaner. Once you have removed the mud etc from your bike. Spray it with WD-40 Bike cleaner and then rinse with water. You may need to repeat on stubborn dirt.

To protect the metal parts of your bike from rusting, spray them with WD-40. A coating of WD-40 will help keep rust away!

It is important for you to ensure, also, that your bike’s tires are inflated like they should be. Why is this important? It is because poorly inflated increase the risk of punctures manifold, and you wouldn’t want that to happen, right? There are a number of options that you can utilize for the purpose of inflating your tires—including the use of hand pumps—but the fact of the matter is that nothing does the job quite like a standing track pump with a pressure gauge. One of the biggest advantages of using a standing track pump for inflating your tires lies in how you’re able to put in the exact amount of air that is recommended for your tire—nothing more and nothing less. You can easily borrow a standing track pump for a bike shop for use. Ensuring that your bike’s tires are always sufficiently inflated will go a long way towards ensuring that your tires remain in a usable condition for an extended period of time.

Some people think that speed is all that matters when it comes to their bikes. Well, that’s not the case, as with great speed comes greater responsibility: ensuring that you’re able to control it. And what does it mean to control your speed? It means that you need to ensure that you are able to stop whenever you need to, regardless of the speed which you might be going at. This is the reason why it’s so important for you to ensure that your brakes are in tip-top condition. The first thing that you need to ensure is that your bike doesn’t have worn out brake pads. Why? Well, it’s because there’s little to no difference between worn out brake pads and useless brake pads. If your brake pads are worn out, therefore, ensure that you replace them immediately.

Another thing that you need to ensure is for your brakes to be tight. What does that mean? Well, it means that if your brakes have become sluggish, then you need to tighten them up. There are a number of ways for you to go about doing it. The easiest procedure, however, is for you to twiddle the barrel adjuster by the brake lever. Remember, your brakes need to be in the perfect condition. Your life depends upon it!

The bike chain is, perhaps, the most important part of your bike, owing to how the performance of your bike depends upon it directly. If your bike chain is dirty and all greased up then it is of utmost importance for you to get it degreased. And when it comes to degreasing your bike chain, you can try WD-40 Bike Degreaser. All you need to do is soak the bike chain in WD-40 Bike Degreaser. After some time, pick up a toothbrush and clean the bike chain with it thoroughly. This will ensure that all of the dirt and grit stuck between the teeth of the bike chain is taken care of. And…that’s it! Degreasing bike chains was never as easy, right?

Once you’re done with the degreasing of bike chain, it’s recommended for you to give the bike chain a coating of lubricant. Why? Well, it’s because the final coating of lubricant will ensure that your bike chain runs smoothly whilst you are cycling. WD-40 has a range of bike lubricants (wet lube, dry lube and all conditions lube) to suit your needs. You can also use the original WD-40 on your bike chain as a lubricant!


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How to inflate a tire without pump

A long road can throw a lot of unpleasant surprises, one of which is a tire puncture. A motorist finds himself in a particularly difficult situation when he does not have a spare wheel and a car compressor. Theoretically, there are many ways to pump up a wheel without a pump, but not all of them are effective and can really help in a difficult situation.

It should be noted right away that without exception, all folk methods of pumping a wheel without a pump are inferior to a conventional car compressor, even of the lowest performance. Therefore, they should be used only as a last resort, when there is no other way out. Some of them do not give the desired result, others are quite risky or require the manufacture of additional devices.

Exhaust inflation

One effective inflation method is to use the vehicle's exhaust gases. The exhaust system can provide pressure in the wheel up to 2 or more atmospheres - quite enough to get to the service station or gas station, where you can already fix the wheel and pump it with ordinary air. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is necessary to have a hose and adapters with you, which will be needed to transfer exhaust gases into the interior of the tire and ensure the tightness of the system.

To inflate a tire, connect a hose to the vehicle's exhaust pipe and apply gas. The main difficulty lies in ensuring sufficient tightness of the connection between the hose and the exhaust pipe. Electrical tape, washers, bottle caps can help - everything that can be at hand in such a situation.

Another disadvantage of this method is the possibility of damage to the catalytic converter or exhaust system corrugations. Therefore, it should be used as a last resort.

Transferring air from other wheels

Another effective, but difficult to organize method is pumping air from other wheels. The nipple mechanism prevents air from escaping from the tire. If you unscrew the spool of an inflated tire, then there is a risk of being left with several flat tires.

Therefore, when using this method, it is necessary to attach ferrules to the hose, similar to those used on a standard car compressor. You can also use an adapter, which you have to stock up in advance. After the hose is connected to the wheel valves, the air from the inflated tire will flow into the flat tire due to the difference in pressure.

For pumping, it is better to use several inflated wheels - this way you can ensure that the pressure in the tires is approximately equivalent and will be about 75% of the required value (from 1.5 to 1.8 bar each).

Using a fire extinguisher

Inflating a tire with a fire extinguisher is another common way to get out of a difficult situation. Naturally, only carbon dioxide (OC) is suitable, and not powder. Since the average car owner usually drives with powder, this method is of little use.

If you have the right type of fire extinguisher on hand, inflating the wheel is easy enough. It is necessary to connect the fitting of the device to the nipple using a hose. When you press the trigger guard of a fire extinguisher, liquid carbon dioxide rushes out. Upon contact with air, it is converted into a gaseous state and fills the interior of the tire in a short time.

This method has a couple of disadvantages. The first of these is the strong cooling of the hose and the fire extinguisher during the transition of carbon dioxide from a liquid to a gaseous state. The second is the need to build a hose with an adapter for connecting to a fire extinguisher.

Unreliable methods

There are also rumors among motorists about other pumping methods. But in practice, all of them have critical drawbacks that do not allow them to be used in the current situation.

  1. Pumping with aerosol cans. The pressure in such cartridges reaches 2–2.5 atmospheres, which is quite enough for an automobile wheel. Another plus lies in the fact that they are easy to connect to the nipple. The main problem lies in the internal volume of air in the wheel, which is up to 25 liters. To pump up the tire at least to the minimum possible values, it will take several dozen cartridges.
  2. Explosive pumping is a technique that uses the energy of an explosion to vaporize a flammable liquid, usually gasoline, WD-40, or carburetor cleaner. In addition to the fact that this method is flammable, it does not give the desired results - the pressure in the wheel does not increase by more than 0.1-0.3 atmospheres.
  3. Pumping with the help of the brake system of the car. To do this, it is necessary to drain the reservoir of the main brake cylinder, and then connect the tire valve to its fitting. Then you need to press the brake pedal, driving air. To raise the pressure in the tire at least to the minimum values, you need to make a huge number of clicks, so this method is also not suitable.
  4. Air injection with turbocharging. Due to the fact that the boost pressure of conventional engines is insufficient, this method is also unacceptable.

Folk methods of pumping a flat tire can help out in an emergency situation that has developed on a country road. However, all of them either do not give enough pressure, or are dangerous, or difficult to perform. Therefore, it is important to always carry a car pump with you - even the most low-performance one is more reliable than any of the alternative methods.

  • Author: Exudha