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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
i'm tired and my eyes are weary...
ich bin müde und meine Augen sind es auch...
I'm tired of being alone.
Ich bin müde, allein zu sein.
Dear authors, i'm tired of losing favourite fictional characters.
Liebe Autoren, ich bin es leid, Lieblingsfiguren zu verlieren.
I'm tired of being closely watched.
Ich bin es leid beobachtet zu werden.
That is relaxation, sometimes when I'm tired.
Ich entspanne mich manchmal, wenn ich müde bin.
I sleep when I'm tired.
Ich gehe schlafen, wenn ich müde bin.
I'm tired, I feel exhausted.
Ich bin müde, fühle mich erschöpft.
I'm tired now and I want to go to sleep.
Ich bin müde und würde jetzt gerne schlafen gehen .
I'm tired of copying these lyrics.
Ich bin es leid, diese Texte zu kopieren.
I'm tired of all these jewels and diamonds.
Ich bin müde von all diesen Juwelen und Diamanten.
Brain to Salivary gland: I'm tired.
Hirn an Speicheldrüse: Ich bin müde.
I'm tired of hiding my pain.
Ich bin es leid meinen Schmerz zu verbergen.
I'm tired of listening to women comparing themselves to men.
Ich bin es leid zu hören, Frauen vergleichen sich um Männer.
I'm tired... Carry me.
Ich bin müde... trage mich.
I'm tired, that's all.
Ich bin müde , weiter nichts.
The truth is. .. I'm tired of chasing you.
Die Wahrheit ist, ich bin es leid, dich zu verfolgen.
I'm tired of all the time playing white folks' song.
Ich bin es Leid, immer nur die Lieder von den Weißen zu spielen.
I'm tired, quitting the Planet, leaving Metropolis.
Ich bin müde, werde beim Planet kündigen und Metropolis verlassen.
That's enough for today. I'm tired.
Das ist genug für heute, ich bin müde.
That's enough for today. I'm tired.
Es reicht für heute, ich bin müde.
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I am tired of listening to [...] this convoy of 300 wagons taking away the wealth of our land and leaving behind a trace of death
[. and deadly accidents: one person dies every month on the train tracks! vivatinternational.org vivatinternational.org |
Ich kann das Gerusch der [...] 300 Waggons nicht mehr hren, in denen der Reichtum unseres Landes weggebracht wird und nur Spuren [...] des Todes und tdlicher Unflle zurcklsst: Jeden Monat stirbt ein Mensch auf den Zuggleisen! vivatinternational.org vivatinternational.org |
Next to St. Cyr sur Mer, I like the name, but campsites are too expensive or too remote, I want to reach Cos. of St. Therese, but this is a [...] 5-6km direction Bandol, which consumes
on my substance, I am tired, hungry, thirsty, [. and get head and neck pain, covered too [...] much, too little eaten and drunk, still - I don't have it under control, I am finally at the campsite (11.40 euros), a shower immediately, what a pleasure for more than a week, and wash clothes, and immediately hang up my stuff, already 17:30, no longer strong enough to the sun to dry everything. renekmueller.com renekmueller.com |
Weiter nach St. Cyr sur Mer, mir gefllt der Name, doch Campingpltze sind zu teuer oder zuweit ausserhalb, einen mchte ich erreichen, Cos St. Therese, doch dieser liegt 5-6km [...] Richtung Bandol, die Stecke zehrt an [...] meiner Substanz, ich bin mde, hungrig, durstig, [...] und bekomme Kopf- und Nackenschmerzen,
[. zuviel gefahren, zu wenig gegessen und getrunken, immer noch - ich habs noch nicht im Griff, schliesslich bin ich beim Campingplatz (11.40 Euro), sofort duschen, welch ein Genuss nach mehr als einer Woche, und Kleider waschen, und sofort aufhngen, schon 17:30, nicht mehr soviel starke Sonne um alles zu trocknen. renekmueller.com renekmueller.com |
I am tired of hearing political [...] leaders say that Europe wants to combat international organized crime and then refuses Europe [...] the instruments to do so, which is what has happened! europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu |
Ich bin es leid, Staatsmnner [...] sagen zu hren, da Europa gegen die internationale Kriminalitt kmpfen will, wenn sie dann
[. Europa die Instrumente verweigern, wie es geschehen ist! europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu |
I am tired of people typically [...] proceeding on the basis of populism and of unreliable figures and information about the way things really are. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu |
Und ich bin es leid, dass [...] solche Manahmen ergriffen werden, die auf reinem Populismus, falschen Zahlenangaben und unrichtigen [...] Informationen ber die Wirklichkeit beruhen. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu |
I have expressed my opinion regarding the [...] resolution of the conflict many times in
[. same things over and over again; moreover, [...] I agree with much of what has been said here. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu |
Ich habe schon mehrfach meine Meinung zur Lsung des [...] Konflikts geuert und bin es leid, immer dasselbe [...] zu wiederholen; im brigen stimme [...] ich dem hier Gesagten in vielen Punkten zu. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu |
Furthermore, I have [...] to say that I am tired of hearing people [...] say that there is not enough money for pensions because pensioners are living too long. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu |
Auerdem muss ich [...] sagen, dass ich es leid bin zu hren, das [...] Geld fr die Renten reiche nicht aus, weil die Rentner zu lange leben. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu |
it was a choice at that time to do things different after 7,5 years of doing a weekly thing. but since a few months i do miss a regular residency. what i do know is play certain clubs twice a year; 4 times i play in my hometown and 4 times in amsterdam so in that [...] way i am creating a more [...] residency feel to it. whenever i am tired of travelling i will start a [...] weekly thing again, but at
[. the moment i still love to go to different places so the residency has to wait. housefloor.de housefloor.de |
es war damals die entscheidung, die dinge mal anders zu machen nach sieben einhalb jahren mit dieser wchentlichen sache. aber seit einigen monate vermisse ich wirklich eine regelmige residency. zur zeit spiele ich in bestimmten clubs zweimal im jahr, vier mal spiele ich in meiner heimatstadt und vier [...] mal in amsterdam. was das [...] betrifft bekomme ich dabei ein residency-gefhl. wenn ich das reisen [...] irgendwann satt habe, werde [...] ich wieder eine wchentliche party machen, aber im moment liebe ich es einfach, an verschiedene orte zu kommen. also muss die residency eben warten. housefloor. housefloor.de |
I am tired after this weekend, but proud that once [...] again we were able to help quickly and unbureaucratically. help-ev.de help-ev.de |
Nach diesem [...] Wochenende bin ich zwar mde - aber stolz, dass [...] wir wieder einmal schnell und unbrokratisch helfen konnten. help-ev.de help-ev.de |
I will make the story short: After 4 hours the damaged tire has [...] been demounted, the spare tire is mounted,
all tools etc. are stored back again and I am tired, hungry, stressed, dirty and feel a little [. bit helpless. gertenbachkh.de gertenbachkh.de |
Ich mache die Sache kurz: Nach fast 4 Stunden ist [...] der defekte Reifen [...] runter, der Ersatzreifen drauf, das defekte Teil sicher verstaut und ich hundemde, hungrig, genervt, [...] dreckig und etwas hilflos. gertenbachkh.de gertenbachkh.de |
I want to stay after all, because I [...] enjoy this place, I am tired and it is already [...] late; the wind blows dark heavy clouds over from the north west. radreisen1.at radreisen1.at |
Zum zweiten: bin ich mde und die Uhr hat sich [. zu schnell gedreht und von Nordwesten treibt der Wind schon wieder dunkle dicke Wolken herber. radreisen1.at radreisen1.at |
I buy at Lidl something for dinner and go back to the [...] ship, because now I am tired. lenel.ch lenel.ch |
Ich kaufe beim Lidl etwas zum Abendessen und gehe zurck aufs [...] Schiff, denn jetzt bin ich mde. lenel.ch lenel.ch |
The reason for this decision [...] isn't because I am tired of skiing but [...] a happy news: I am pregnant and will become a baby in [...] the springtime. goetschl.at goetschl.at |
Grund fr diese Entscheidung ist aber [...] keine Skimdigkeit" sondern ein sehr [...] freudiges Ereignis: Ich bin schwanger, bekomme [...] im Frhjahr ein Baby und werde mich [...] in Zukunft daher meinem Privatleben widmen. goetschl.at goetschl.at |
I am hot.03 I am tired. rosettastone.co.jp rosettastone.co.jp |
Mir ist hei. 03 Ich bin mde. rosettastone.co.jp rosettastone.co.jp |
First I planned to start cape Aguelhas, the
[. particularly as I [...] still drive back 1,500 kilometres to Windhoek to ship the Quad there. quadridesafrica.com quadridesafrica.com |
Zuerst hatte ich vor, Kap Aguelhas anzufahren, der [...] sdlichste Punkt [...] Afrikas, aber ich bin nach den 13 Wochen einfach des Fahrens mde, zumal ich auch [...] noch die 1.500 Kilometer [...] nach Windhoek zurckfahre, um das Quad dort zu verschiffen. quadridesafrica.com quadridesafrica.com |
After only a four hour's sleep we got back
[. we prepared our stand - [...] for the first visitors would be arriving at 9.30 AM and every saber should be in its right place. saberproject.eu saberproject.eu |
Nachdem wir nach nur vier Stunden Schlaf um 8.30 Uhr [...] wieder im Maritim Hotel eintrafen, bereiteten wir mde, aber voller Tatendrang, [...] den Stand vor - schlielich [...] sollte jedes Lichtschwert an seinem Platz stehen, wenn sich um 9.30 Uhr die Tren fr die Besucher ffneten und viele interessierte Star Wars Fans sich ber diese elegante Waffe informieren wollten. saberproject.eu saberproject. |
To be frank, I am tired of having to listen to this remark without being able in all honesty to contradict it. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu |
Ich kann das, ehrlich gesagt, nicht mehr hren, ohne ihnen mit reinem Gewissen das Gegenteil beweisen zu knnen. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu |
Although bread is not the best [...] thing to eat when I am tired, so I often give [...] that a miss. isaac-online.org isaac-online.org |
Aber Brot ist fr mich nicht
optimal, wenn ich mde bin, darum lasse [. ich das oft. isaac-online.org isaac-online.org |
I have a [...] guest and I do not know what to prepare, I am tired of the ordinary kitchen, I do not have time [...] to cook, here is [...] the perfect solution: a stock of goods from the guest-house and... agroalimenta.com agroalimenta.com |
Ich habe Gste und wei nicht, was ich kochen soll, die blichen Gerichte habe ich satt, ich [...] habe keine Zeit zum Kochen - [...]hier ist die ideale Lsung: ein Vorrat an Produkten der Locanda. agroalimenta.com agroalimenta.com |
I am tired of reading treaties [. - I have done so long enough as a lawyer - and I also know what they can amount to. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu |
Ich bin mde, Vertrge zu lesen [...] - als Juristin habe ich das lange genug getan -, ich wei auch, was sie aussagen knnen. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu |
If I am tired, then I put into [...] the bed and dream myself from the passed day. bettstett.ch bettstett.ch |
Wenn ich mde bin, so lege ich [...] mich in das Bett und trume vom vergangenen Tag. bettstett.ch bettstett.ch |
But under them it entered a creature that one
[. franksgedanken.de franksgedanken.de |
Aber unter ihnen gab es ein Geschpf, das [...] eines Tages sagte: "Ich habe es satt, mich [...] immer festzuhalten! franksgedanken.de franksgedanken.de |
Tiredness o I am (not) tired when I go home. o The day passes very quickly. o I start getting tired in the afternoon. [...] o Some activities are pretty hard for me. integrationsfachdienste.de integrationsfachdienste.de |
Mdigkeit o Ich bin (nicht) mde, wenn ich nach Hause gehe. ich mde zu werden. [...] o Manche Aktivitten sind ziemlich schwer fr mich. integrationsfachdienste.de integrationsfachdienste.de |
Mr. Etzkorn, Germany: Despite my 83 years I am still [...] active in the service of evangelization, and I when I am feeling tired I am happy to read and be enriched by Echo. ecodimaria.net ecodimaria.net |
Herr Etzkorn aus Deutschland: Trotz
meiner 83 Jahre bin ich noch aktiv im Dienst der Evangelisation und freue mich, in Stunden der Mdigkeit das ECHO zu [. lesen und dadurch bereichert zu werden. ecodimaria.net ecodimaria.net |
Her last words [...] were always: "I am so tired, I am so tired. osb-tutzing.it osb-tutzing.it |
Ihre letzten Worte waren [...] seit diesem Tag immer "Ich bin so mde". osb-tutzing.it osb-tutzing.it |
Next very hilly, approximately 50-150 m each after Moulins, old city, rough street, eat bread, drink [...] water, in the afternoon
after Souvigny I had cold, strange feeling, I am very tired, the last night hardly 2-3 hours sleep, I eat [. the remains extensively [...] from yesterday, pasta, onions, garlic and 3 carrots, more salt, it is better, I choose to head for the next camping-site, want to sleep earlier and longer, not big sleeping space search and wait until it gets dark. renekmueller.com renekmueller.com |
Weiter sehr hgelig, ca. 50-150 Hhenmeter (Hm) jeweils nach Moulins, alte Stadt, [...] Kopfsteinplaster, esse Brot, [...] trinke Wasser, am Nachmittag nach Souvigny krieg ich kalt, komisches Gefhl, bin sehr mde, die letzte Nacht [...] kaum 2-3 Stunden geschlafen, [...] ich esse ausgiebig den Resten von gestern; Teigwaren, Zwiebeln, Knoblauch und 3 Rebli, noch mehr nachsalzen, es geht besser, ich entschliesse mich auf den nchsten Camping, mchte frher schlafen, nicht gross Schlafplatz suchen und warten bis es dunkel wird. renekmueller.com renekmueller.com |
I am a little tired of the fact that people have [...] not been willing to look more closely at the problem which arises, for [...] example, from the fact that the company concerned is dependent on Danish Crown. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu |
Ich halte ihn fr vernnftig. Ich bedaure nur, da [...] man sich nicht nher mit dem Problem befassen will, das z. B. dann entsteht, [...] wenn in dem betreffenden Unternehmen eine Abhngigkeit von der Danish Crown vorliegt. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu |
Wolfgang Pichler has a few months left in biathlon: at the end of the season, the German will end his coaching career. In an interview with TASS, one of the most discussed coaches in Russia told how long it took to get Swedish biathlon off its knees, called Grigory Rodchenkov a liar, spoke about disagreements with Sebastian Samuelsson on the topic of doping in Russian sports and answered the question whether he considers Mikhail Prokhorov his friend .
- Even before the relay races, were you satisfied with the results of your team at this World Championship? Hanna Oeberg's gold in the individual race and the bronze she won in pair with Sebastian Samuelsson in the single-mix is a success?
- This is a great success! Moreover, here we have not only gold and bronze medals, but also many fourth, fifth, sixth places. Such a result cannot but cause satisfaction.
- Initially, what did you expect?
- For one medal of any value.
- Amazing. You said before the Games in Pyeongchang that winning one Olympic medal would be a huge achievement. As a result, the Swedish team took two gold and two silver. Why such modesty?
— You have to be realistic in biathlon, it is very difficult to win a medal in this sport. In one of the races, you can become both the first and the tenth, and it is impossible to predict in advance how everything will turn out.
See also
Renewed hopes. Russian biathletes won three World Championship medals for the first time in eight years
— But the result is obtained. Do you feel like the king of biathlon?
— No, I don't consider myself the king of biathlon. But I am proud that the athletes I have coached have won so many medals in their lives. I have always been able to bring them to the main starts of the season in great shape. Although when I worked in Russia, I heard a lot of lies addressed to me, for example, from Dmitry Guberniev.
So four years ago I took over a new team that was 13th in the Women's Nations Cup and 14th in the Men's. Compared to Russia, we had much less money, much less. But we began to work methodically, which brought us four medals at the Olympics. And this allows us to consider ourselves one of the strongest teams. This, in particular, was proved by the recent European Championship, where we won six medals, three of which were of the highest value. And after that they successfully performed at the home world championship. I am satisfied.
— Is there any satisfaction in shaming critics in Russia?
— I won’t talk about Guberniev personally, I’ll just note that there is one peculiarity in Russian biathlon: everyone is constantly at war with each other. But on the other hand, there were those in Russia who always supported me. For example, ask the opinion of Pavel Rostovtsev or Olga Zaitseva, they have always been on my side.
— Share the secrets of your success, what allows the Swedes to perform so successfully now?
— We do not have 100 talented athletes from which we could choose the strongest, so we rely on specific athletes, we try to bring them to the main start in the best shape. If you look at my entire career, you will notice that I was able to do this - at the main competitions, my athletes were always in order. Of course, sometimes it all comes down to luck. Like at the 2013 World Championships in the Czech Republic, in Nove Mesto. Then the Russian team was in super shape, but we were chased by fourth or fifth places.
— What do you think about Oeberg's decision not to use his phone while playing at the World Championships? Do these methods really help athletes perform better?
- Yes, she did the right thing. This helped her avoid additional pressure. It is very important for athletes to focus on the competition. If you are constantly on social media, it can drive you crazy.
See also
Medal without Garanichev. Russian biathletes became third at the World Cup
— By the way, there was a lot of talk about your salary in the Russian team. Can you tell me the size now?
— I won't name a number, but the salary was very good.
- Do you get more or less in the Swedish national team?
- Much less. It’s even difficult to compare, in Russia I had just a super salary. But it's not even about her. I spent a good time in Russia. And remembering that period, I can say that it really upset me when I saw how stupid those who opposed Sergey Kushchenko and Mikhail Prokhorov behaved. These people organized the work in Russian biathlon very professionally.
Look at the result of the Sochi Olympics, where four medals were won. What now? Medals, I repeat, in biathlon are not given just like that. So their work was really professional.
Therefore, now as head of the Russian Biathlon Union, I would like to see Viktor Maigurov, who could count on Prokhorov's support. If Rostovtsev had also joined them, a very good team could have turned out in Russia.
— What can you say about the new President of the Russian Biathlon Union Vladimir Drachev?
— Of course, I know him, but I personally don't know him that well. It's just that Maygurov is well known in the world biathlon, he is a solid player on the international arena, he has a lot of experience.
— Have you noticed new names in the Russian team?
— There are many talented athletes in the Russian team, and I think the coaches are doing a good job. But it's not easy to win. And it was impossible to count on Anton Shipulin alone all the time. Now Alexander Loginov shows that he is also able to fight for high places.
So there are no problems with the coaches in the Russian national team now. Although I judge solely on the basis of what I can see from the outside, I do not know all the nuances. But I consider Khovantsev a good coach, he has a lot of experience.
Read also
Pichler gave IBU information about Rodchenkov's false testimonies
— What about you? Are you definitely ending your coaching career after the season?
— I am definitely leaving the post of head coach. I won't change my mind.
— Why?
- I'm tired. I can't work like this anymore.
- Perhaps you will train someone individually?
- No, I also exclude this option. I will end my career, start receiving a pension. Yes, I will continue to work in the Swedish biathlon in some capacity, but I will not disclose the details for now.
- Any news from the independent commission of the International Biathlon Union, which received evidence from you, testifying to the false statements of Grigory Rodchenkov?
— No, no news yet, but things are moving in the right direction.
— By the way, are you satisfied with the composition of this commission? As far as I know, it was important for you that there were no US or Canadian representatives there.
— Yes, everything is true, it is important for me. I believe that this will allow her to remain neutral.
— Do you know the dates when the results of this trial can be summed up?
- No, but I'm sure that my athletes (Olga Zaitseva and Yana Romanova - TASS note) did nothing wrong. Rodchenkov, who initiated all this, is simply lying, stating that Zaitseva was doping.
Did you discuss this with Samuelsson? He's sure it's all true.
— Yes, we discussed it, but we live in a democratic society and everyone has the right to express their opinion. If he thinks so, then he has every right to say so. But I have my own truth.
Read also
Biathlete Samuelsson said that he was fighting not against Russian sports, but against doping
— Does this interfere with your work?
— We don't discuss this all the time, the Russian question is not so important for us. My work is the most important for me.
I just hope things are getting better now.
- Do you also share his position on Loginov? As you know, he believes that the Russian biathlete should not compete.
- I have a different position on this issue. It's like a prison: he served his sentence and now has every right to speak. But I agree that erythropoietin use should be punished with a life ban. But there is no such thing in the rules, so he served his sentence and now competes. Everything is fine. In general, I think that this topic should not be so actively discussed.
— How do you generally feel about the fact that Samuelsson is a kind of ambassador for the World Anti-Doping Agency, constantly speaking on his behalf? Doesn't that distract him from the sport?
- Hard to say. But we need such people, of this I am sure. If people are silent, then the world does not move forward. So it's important, but it's hard at the same time.
— And at the same time he is very young, he is only 21. Do you see him as a sports official in the future?
- I don't even know, I didn't think about it. But he is a leader, he has this human quality.
— You said that, despite everything, you have many friends in Russia. Will you visit our country in the future?
- I really hope so. When I finish my career, I will definitely visit Russia. I plan to give several lectures for large companies as part of the Follow Your Dreams project.
I really have many good friends in Russia. As you know, friends are divided into two categories, and so my friends are real.
Read also
Drachev: Russian biathlon is slowly coming to life, it is no longer hopelessly ill
— Is Mikhail Prokhorov one of them?
- I can't say that he is my friend, but I can trust him. I think we treat each other with respect.
I generally like him. After all, there is a lot of talk about Russian oligarchs around. I know only one - Mikhail, and I can say that he is an absolutely normal guy. I love that he is so friendly. It's unbelievable that with so much money he's still a normal person.
It's a pity that he is no longer involved in political life in Russia, he could become a very good politician: he knows perfectly well the processes that are taking place in the world, he has good ideas.
- You will not succumb to politics? Will you help your brother, who is the mayor of Ruhpolding?
— No, I will have my own project — I will help all people. It's about charity. I want to help people deal with problems.
— You will be welcome in Russia.
— Russia is a special country. I always tell people that they have to go there to understand this country. It is completely different, which is why we cannot impose our policy on it. Therefore, the problems are different.
— The World Cup gave many people the opportunity to get to know Russia. Didn't you come yourself?
- No, but of course I watched the championship - in Germany everyone watches football. Before the tournament, there was a lot of criticism towards him, but after the championship I talked to journalists, and they were pleasantly surprised.
The same thing happened with the Sochi Olympics. I strongly disagree with those publications that opposed the Games. Russia had the right to host this Olympics.
So it's all a matter of perception, which differs in our countries due to differences in culture. But for me, the time in Russia was good. Therefore, when they ask me if I would agree to this experience again, I answer: "Yes."
Interviewed Artem Kuznetsov
February 9Life
The main problem with quotes from the Internet is that people immediately believe in their authenticity.
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This is what Boris Yeltsin allegedly said in his address to the Russians when he was leaving the presidency. The phrase was even changed to “I'm tired. I'm a flycat."
However, if you look at the recording, "I'm tired, I'm leaving" will not be found there. Yeltsin said: "Today, on the last day of the outgoing century, I am resigning."
Marie Antoinette didn't say that. The phrase "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche" appeared in Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Confessions in 1769. He attributed it to a certain French princess. Marie Antoinette was still living in Austria then, and she was only 14.
Stalin is often credited with the words “There are no irreplaceable people” or “We have no irreplaceable people”. But neither in his memoirs, nor in the recordings of speeches, such a phrase is found. The only even remotely similar statement can be found in the record of the report of the 1st Congress of the CPSU 1934
Joseph Stalin
that they are irreplaceable and that they can violate the decisions of the governing bodies with impunity. They should not hesitate to be removed from leadership positions, regardless of their merits in the past.
Lenin didn't say anything like that. And in the article “Will the Bolsheviks Retain State Power?” he stated the opposite idea: both the laborer and the cook must first be trained so that they can manage something.
Vladimir Lenin
“Will the Bolsheviks keep state power”
We are not utopians. We know that any unskilled worker and any cook is not capable of immediately entering into government ... We demand that the training of state administration be carried out by conscious workers and soldiers and that it be started immediately, that is, all working people, all the poor.
Such a saying is attributed either to Saltykov-Shchedrin or to Karamzin, but in this form it is not found in any of them. Apparently, the phrase was invented by Alexander Rosenbaum, who, in an interview with the Sobesednik newspaper on October 16, 2000, said the following.
Alexander Rozenbaum
Interview with the Sobesednik newspaper
Either Karamzin or Saltykov-Shchedrin said: “What will happen in 200 years? They will drink and steal!
Or the saying appeared due to an entry in the diary of Prince Peter Vyazemsky, who knew Karamzin personally.
Pyotr Vyazemsky
Karamzin said that if you answered the question “What is being done in Russia?” with one word, you would have to say: “They steal”.
Machiavelli really expressed a similar thought:
Niccolo Machiavelli"
Treatise "The Prince"
The actions of all people, and especially princes who are imprudent to challenge, are judged by the result. Therefore, give the prince the opportunity to win and keep power in the state, and the means will always be considered worthy, and everyone will approve of them, because the common people are always tempted by what things seem to be and what comes out of it.
But he did not specifically say such a phrase. Something similar was said by the German theologian Herman Buzenbaum: "To whom the goal is allowed, the means are also allowed." Obviously, the phrase “the end justifies the means” is a product of folk art.
Voltaire never said such a thing. A phrase reminiscent of this aphorism belongs to the writer Evelyn Hall and appeared in her book - a biography of the poet The Friends of Voltaire:
Evelyn Hall
The Friends of Voltaire book
I do not approve of what you say, but I will to death defend your right to say it.
Hall herself stated: “I did not want to give the impression that these are the genuine words of Voltaire, and would be surprised if they were found in any of his works. This is just a paraphrase of Voltaire's words from Essays on Tolerance - "Think and let others think too."
There is a story on the Internet that goes something like this. Once, psychoanalytic students surrounded Freud and began to ask him questions about smoking, trying to connect the teacher's habit with a subconscious craving for oral sex with men. But Freud replied: "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar," cutting off the students' jokes.
That's just hardly the story took place in reality. None of Freud's contemporaries said anything of the sort. Moreover, the vast majority of students adopted his smoking style in order to please their mentor, because he did not like non-smokers. So it is unlikely that they would accuse Freud of obscenities because of cigars, despite the fact that they themselves did not refuse them.
Perhaps the aphorism came from the comedian Groucho Marx. Only he compared cigars not with a penis, but with a mother's breast.
This phrase was attributed at different times not only to Marshal Zhukov, but also to Suvorov, Kutuzov and Peter I. But there is no evidence that at least one of them blurted out something like that.
Something similar can only be found in a letter from Empress Alexandra to Nicholas II, written on August 17, 1916 years old:
Empress Alexandra
Correspondence with Nicholas II, 1914–1917
The generals know that we still have many soldiers in Russia, and therefore they do not spare lives, but these were superbly trained troops, and everything was in vain.
Dostoevsky did not say this, although the phrase fully reflects the views of his hero Ivan Karamazov. The aphorism was attributed to him by Jean-Paul Sartre in his lecture.
Jean-Paul Sartre
“Existentialism is humanism”
Dostoyevsky once wrote that “if there is no God, then everything is permitted”. This is the starting point of existentialism.
In Dostoevsky's novel "Demons" there is only a phrase uttered by the "gray-haired bourbon captain": "If there is no God, then what kind of captain am I after that?" And the answer of the atheist Kirillov: "If there is no god, then I am a god."
In a 2001 poll, 82% of Americans thought it was a quotation from the Bible. However, a simple search in its text will tell you that such a phrase is not there.
This idea is found in ancient sources - "Hippolytus" by Euripides, "Metamorphoses" by Ovid and Aesop. And in a more familiar form, the aphorism can be found in Algernon Sidney in the book Discourses on Government: "God helps those who take care of themselves."
Neither Caesar nor other Roman rulers and senators could find such an aphorism. It is absent from classical Roman texts. It is possible that Machiavelli, mentioned above, said something like this - he owns the following phrase:
Niccolò Machiavelli
“Discourses on the first decade of Titus Livius”
Divide what you manage.