I need a way to put 150 inches of ATVs (2 ATVs each 75" long) into a garage that is 132" long (CY4000 with 3-season doors). Can't put them side by side if I want my motorcycle in the garage, too. Can't put one sideways and the other lengthwise either. These are the smallest adult quads I can find unless I go with "sport" quads.
So for you ATVers out there, is it a problem to park the front of an ATV on the back of another?
Are you talking about putting the front wheels on the back rack? If so as long as your not rubbing anywhere I don't see a problem.
Don't know what your carrying capacity is, but 2 ATVs and a motorcycle sounds like a fair amount of weight.
Hastey said:
Are you talking about putting the front wheels on the back rack? If so as long as your not rubbing anywhere I don't see a problem.
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Yes, that is what I'm talking about. Thanks.
danemayer said:
Don't know what your carrying capacity is, but 2 ATVs and a motorcycle sounds like a fair amount of weight.
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I have over 3K of excess capacity. The ATVs and my bike are about 2. 2K.
How about an aluminum pipe (tubing), arched top, four post, gusseted and braced frame secured to d-rings on the floor. Drive the first atv to the rear arch and use the front winch connected to an upper fixed point to lift the front of the atv to a 45 degree angle. Bring the second atv to the front arch and use the front winch to lift it to a 45 degree angle. I did some rough geometric calculations and you might be under the 132 inch limit.
However, it will take a lot of strapping to make this assembly rigid in three directions. The aluminum tube frame could be made strong and rigid with gussets and braces, yet be light enough to carry in and out. Unless you can weld aluminum this would be fairly expensive to have fabricated.
This idea may be crazy, but others can brainstorm ideas also.
Doesn't sound crazy, but it is more complicated than it is worth to me. At the dealership they showed me how they stand ATVs on their rear to do maintenance. Considering how the coach rides, that is another option. But I think the front tires of the 2d ATV resting on the rear of the 1st ATV is the better option.
remoandiris said:
So for you ATVers out there, is it a problem to park the front of an ATV on the back of another?
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Not seen any issues, only had to do that once with a different rig. Nice if you can turn the fuel off if the machine has a carb.
Can't put them sideways, perpendicular with bike in between? We regularly haul 2 full size dirt bikes, 2 mid size and one full size ATV. Have done two more bikes in the same space, but gets pretty crowded.
2TrakR said:
Not seen any issues, only had to do that once with a different rig.
Nice if you can turn the fuel off if the machine has a carb.
Can't put them sideways, perpendicular with bike in between? We regularly haul 2 full size dirt bikes, 2 mid size and one full size ATV. Have done two more bikes in the same space, but gets pretty crowded.
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I doubt the width is available. Bike is a GoldWing. With bike centered in the garage I can get 2 mountain bikes on each side, but that is all. Length of the GoldWing would prevent quads from fitting perpendicular/sideways.
Sounds like you are trying to get 10 pounds of stuff in a 5 pound can.
Here's a little food for thought.
A couple of years ago on our way to Texas, we stopped at a rest area.
Just as we were pulling in I saw a Ford towing a toy hauler. He had a rack built that was on top of the cab of his truck. On that rack he had two quads.
Unfortunately he was on his way out and I didn't get a picture so I can't tell you what size truck he had or how he got those quads up there. But it was pretty cool.
Get yer welder out.
Ah, Goldwing does put a different spin on necessary space.
Sometimes we carry a kayak in there as well, tying it up above the machines. Get's to be a PITA getting around in there to secure everything regardless of the loading sequence. Wondering if you will have similar issue with the total height, as in getting the 2nd ATV to stand up (up secondary ramps, I presume) and secure on the other machine.
Will be interested in your final solution, never know if I'll have to haul 2 ATVs (+ bikes) someday.
2TrakR said:
Wondering if you will have similar issue with the total height, as in getting the 2nd ATV to stand up (up secondary ramps, I presume) and secure on the other machine.
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Height shouldn't be an issue. I have at least 6' of height to play with. How to get the front end up is a good point. I figured I could pop a wheelie!!
You could try a couple short loading ramps and just drive it up.
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Not all of us are lucky enough to have a sweet three car garage plus an extra shed for the lawn mower.
Most people have a one or two car garage and more tools and toys than space. If this sounds familiar then an ATV storage lift may be just the solution.
We can’t help you with the Christmas decorations, you’ll have to sort that out on your own.
These lifts also work for storing lawn mowers, snowmobiles, SxS and golf carts. Some of them can even do double duty as a mechanic lift.
Brock Lift
*Price: $1,799 / $2,199
Built in the USA. All steel frame, extra strong cables rated at 5 times the lift capacity, heavy duty safety chains and commercial grade motors.
Works with ceiling from 9 – 12 feet high. The lift comes with a 10 foot cord, just plug it in and it’s ready to use. No wiring required. Standard 110 V.
The platform lowers to the floor, allowing you to easily drive onto the platform. At the push of a button, the platform rises up out of the way providing additional storage underneath.
Brock Lift has two ATV lift models. The larger 2000 lb lift model has a 6’ x 9’ platform that is capable of holding two atvs, snowmobiles or bikes.
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Brock Lift
Super Lifts
*Price: $2,225 / Depends on options
Unlike most ATV storage lifts, this lift is designed to be moved. It’s on heavy duty casters allowing it to be moved loaded or unloaded. Casters are rated at 1,000 lbs each.
Also, unlike most other lifts, because it is designed to be moved, it has both an upper and a lower platform.
These ATV storage lifts come with either an electric winch or hand winch option. Heavy duty construction, easy loading ramp, stop break on winch, manual stop pin and Spring-Loaded Lever with Dawg Locks.
The 2,000 lb lift has an upgrade platform/wall feature that really pops and puts your toys on display.
Super Lifts
*Price: $1,860
Single post storage lift that bolts to the floor with four corner anchors. Uses standard 110 V power. Built in safety stops.
A motorcycle platform is available as an upgrade.
This company does offer financing if you qualify.
Freestyle ATV Storage Lift
*Price: Call for quote
Interesting design. This free standing lift doesn’t require any anchoring. It is designed to be mobile and can be moved when fully loaded.
Remote controlled, 12V electric winch.
Freestyle ATV Storage Lift
Garage Evolution
*Price: Call for quote
Wall mounted unit that takes up no floor space. Weight is distributed 80% to the floor and 20% to the wall.
Lift goes up 10′ in the air, providing 7′ of clearance underneath. Special order sizes are available for larger platforms and higher lifts.
Once it is lifted at least 2′, lift can be stopped every 6 inches with a positive lock engagement.
Industrial grade 110 v hoist with 4,200 lb lifting cable and safety brakes. There are two safety stop systems for added safety and security.
Platform frame is constructed of steel and finished with two sheets of 3/4″ plywood (not included). Platform is removeable and has heavy duty casters allowing it to be moved even when fully loaded.
Garage Evolution
Build Your Own ATV Storage Lift
This option requires a little bit of know how. If this isn’t you, building shelving without the lift option is simple and easy. It’s not as sexy as a lift, but it gets the job done (hopefully under budget).
Build Your Own ATV Storage Shelf
If you don’t mind putting in the sweat equity, you can build yourself a pretty nice storage platform with some pallet racking.
You don’t need any special tools or skills – most pallet racking just snaps into place.
This isn’t necessarily a cheap option though, but it is a cheaper option. Expect to pay $400+.
If you’re not in a hurry, shop around and you might be able to pick up some used pallet racking. Your best bet for finding used racks are the local paper, store closing auctions, craigslist and ReStore.
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many things. We considered a little about where to put everything you need. earlier in the article about ATV panniers . Trunks are quite roomy (up to 220 liters), as well as airtight, able to protect against moisture and dirt during extreme driving. But what to do when things are very large (a large tent, for example) and not fit in our case? The trailer cannot be used, because on the rough terrain at high speeds, it will fall apart due to a weak undercarriage. The solution to the issue of lack of space in this case would be to install additional iron trunk on the front or rear of the ATV.
- metal sides that are mounted to regular places using special fasteners.
According to location can be divided into:
- front racks ;
- rear racks .
The most important thing when transporting things on a metal basket consists in fixing them with special slings or nets, in order to avoid losses.
- First of all, you need to know if the factory trunk option or not. Incompatibility happens in the case of the front baskets. This is due to the fact that the kengurin is already on the ATV and it interferes with the installation of an additional trunk, which is attached instead of the standard one sites. Therefore, here you need to know exactly all the dimensions that affect the installation. For those who know how and love to "collective farm", this will not be such a problem. Yes, and ourselves We are of the opinion that everything is possible, it is only a matter of time.
- Also pay attention to metal painting. It is desirable that All elements were powder coated. This will help the product last. a longer period, while maintaining the original, fresh look.
- For those who carry the whole shed with them, it is advisable to choose trunk with high sides.
- elements. This should be given special attention.
To summarize:
In conclusion, it can be noted that if there is a need transport a large number of things, then the trunk for an ATV is what You need. Besides the main function transportation, metal basket can serve as a strapping (framework) for plastic case. This will save the trunk from damage when the ATV rolls over. When choosing a front or rear rack for an ATV, pay attention to our recommendations. In case the factory version does not fit, you can make a trunk for an ATV with your own hands. Most importantly, remember that no nothing is impossible.
Ever since the ATVs were first created, they have rapidly gained popularity in a wide variety of segments of the population. To date, ATVs have become a very popular technique.
ATVs are used for off-road driving and for this reason they are bought by fishermen and hunters to get to impassable, but "fishy" places where no man has gone before. Quad bikes are just as popular with fans of outdoor activities and adventures. In addition, an ATV can provide invaluable assistance in farming.
In our country, these machines are called ATVs , all-terrain vehicles, snow and swamp vehicles.
There are several categories of ATVs - these are children's, sports, utility and tourist ATVs.
Our vehicles - ATVs CF Moto CF 500-A .
The CF 500-A is a utility (or utility) ATV for recreation and touring.
CF Moto is the undoubted leader in sales of Chinese all-terrain vehicles. The most popular model is CF 500-A. For a fairly low price, you get a great all-terrain vehicle with a half-liter engine. The quad bike is equipped with all the necessary devices for off-road travel.
The excellent characteristics of the ATV made this model very popular among ATV lovers in all regions of Russia. The CF500-A has passed the tests of well-known Russian publications and received excellent reviews. ATV CF500-A has proven itself well in sports competitions, successfully competing with the equipment of well-known brands.
CF500-A can safely overcome slopes up to 25 degrees, water obstacles of impressive depth, various obstacles. Powerful motor, volume 493 cube cm and the possibility of switching to a lower gear allow you to develop the greatest torque. One of the main advantages of the CFMOTO 500A ATV is the presence of a connected front-wheel drive with the possibility of differential lock and independent suspension of all wheels.
We are often asked, which ATV is better to choose , how reliable are the ATVs and is the ATV difficult to manage?
Of course, the choice of an ATV is a personal matter for everyone, on this occasion we recommend reading the article Which ATV to choose.
We can only confidently state, based on our own experience, that the CF Moto ATVs are quite reliable machines and very easy to drive. We do not recommend taking other Chinese ATVs ... although the "Master-Master".
Also, many are interested in the question, is an ATV dangerous?
Exactly as dangerous as technology in general. However, we advise everyone not to overestimate their strengths and capabilities and strictly follow the instructor's recommendations. Especially if you are driving an ATV for the first time, but if you follow simple safety rules and do not allow yourself various crazy liberties, driving an ATV will seem easy and safe to you, and traveling on an ATV will bring a lot of positive emotions.
At Company Active Ural , on our ATV tours, you can check out the CF Moto ATV in action, feel the full power of technology, feel the drive and at the same time enjoy the beauty of the Ural nature. Exciting emotions, amazing impressions, magnificent landscapes await everyone on our routes.
Buy ATV CF500-A in Yekaterinburg and get acquainted with other models of ATVs in the Company Azimut66.