How to tell what year my arctic cat atv is

What Year Is My Arctic Cat ATV? [Inc. VIN chart]

Like any other vehicle, Arctic Cat ATVs are susceptible to recalls and other forms of maintenance. The year and model of your vehicle makes a huge difference. While an authorized Arctic Cat dealer can check your model year, you can also do it for yourself to save a bit of time and effort.

The model year is included in the VIN (vehicle identification number). This includes several pieces of information about your Arctic Cat ATV. You can find an Arctic Cat’s VIN sticker under the back left wheel well, but sometimes the VIN’s location can vary by year and model. The 10th digit in the VIN will show what year it was made, but you will have to decode it. If you still have trouble finding the VIN, you can always contact your local Arctic Cat dealership and have them find your VIN and model year for you.

If you still have more questions about how to find the VIN, don't fret. In this guide, we’ll cover some potential problems you might run into while looking for your VIN, how to decode it, and more. Just keep reading! 

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Decoding Your VIN Number

VIN numbers were standardized around 1980 across all brands of vehicles to create an easier way of finding vehicle information. The VIN is a seventeen digit number (or ten digits if it’s an old, shortened version). The number covers which plant the product was made in, the manufacturer, the model, the year, and a unique tag for your ATV to distinguish it from any other.

VINs do not include the letters I, O, Q, U, or Z. This is in order to decrease confusion with similar-looking letters and numbers. The video below shows you how to find the VIN on your Arctic Cat. However, be warned that he incorrectly decodes the VIN when he finds it.

How Do You Decode The Model Year?

Now that you’ve found the VIN for your Arctic Cat, it’s time to learn how to make sense of that 10th digit to see what year it was made. The VIN system cycles between using alphabet letters and numbers.

For your Arctic Cat, if you find a number in the 10th spot, then it was built in the 2000s, with the digit being the year. For example, if the digit is a 7, then it was built in 2007, and so on. Arctic Cat ATVs made in the past decade will have a letter in the 10th spot beginning with ‘A’ for 2010, ‘B’ for 2011, etc.

If your ATV was made in 2000 or earlier, then you will also find a letter in the 10th spot, which works backward through the alphabet. Models made in 2000 will have a ‘Y’, ‘X’ for 1999, etc.

Here is an easy list to break it down for Arctic Cat model years:

Where Is The Model Number On An Arctic Cat ATV?

The model number is shown by the 4th to 8th letter or digits in the VIN, which will usually be ‘ACAT’ followed by a number or another letter. ACAT obviously stands for Arctic Cat, but the manufacturer has their own undisclosed system for selecting the following number or letter to show the specific model of your ATV.

There are plenty of online VIN decoders that might be able to find the specific model if you can’t find it elsewhere, or you can always call up an Arctic Cat dealership to find out.

What Year Did Arctic Cat Start Making ATVs?

The company was established in 1983 as a snowmobile manufacturer. However, Arctic Cat didn't start making ATVs until 1996. So, when you're looking for the VIN, you won’t have to worry about finding any model years further than that.

If you're interested, you can learn more about these ATVs in our article How Much Does An Arctic Cat Cost?

Other Information And Questions About The VIN

The first digit or letter determines what country the vehicle was made in, with America representing the numbers one or four. All Arctic Cat ATV VINs start with 4VF, which shows it’s made in America. The 2nd and 3rd spots represent the manufacturer and vehicle type. The 9th digit is for security checks, the 11th shows which plant the vehicle was made in, and the 12th-17th spots make up the serial number for your specific ATV.

Can There Be More Than One VIN?

The VIN code for your ATV is unique, so there should be no alternate VINs for it. It is, however, possible to find more than one VIN while trying to look for your ATV’s model year. Engines also receive their own VIN, so make sure you don’t confuse the engine’s number with the ATV.

It’s usually easy to tell which is which. The engine VIN will be on the engine itself while the ATV VIN is likely to appear somewhere on the chassis.  

What If The VIN Sticker Peeled Off Or You Can’t Read It?

If you’ve owned your ATV for a while or are receiving it second hand, it’s pretty common to find that the VIN sticker is worn or faded away so you can’t see the number. The good news is that the manufacturers imprint the VIN somewhere physically on the ATV. Once again, you’ll probably find it on the left side of the chassis.

How Long Does An Arctic Cat Warranty Last?

All standard Arctic Cat warranties last for a full year from purchase, but they don’t cover everything. The warranty mostly applies to any faulty parts from the manufacturer. Unfortunately, it won’t cover several parts that are prone to normal wear and tear like tires, drive belts, brakes, and spark plugs.

Arctic Cat does have a leg-up on the competition by covering shock absorbers under normal riding conditions. Of course, modifying the ATV, crashing it, or failing to provide proper upkeep voids the warranty.

Regular maintenance of your Arctic Cat ATV lets you set out at a moment’s notice when the weather is perfect for some off-road action. Finding the model year through the VIN helps you know what problems to look for in your particular model and how to provide the best upkeep to keep it running great.

In Closing

Knowing how to find the VIN on your Arctic Cat is the key to finding out what year it was made. Not only that, but you'll also discover other manufacturing information about it.

You can find more tips and tricks to maintain your ATV like learning How To Keep ATV Tires From Going Flat.

What Year Is My Arctic Cat ATV? (VIN Lookup Chart) - Car, Truck And Vehicle How To Guides

Are you thinking about buying a second-hand Arctic Cat ATV? If so, you will want to know how old and what model it is.

Knowing the age of your ATV is important so you stay up to date with any important maintenance work and will know if your vehicle is included in any product recalls.

If you don’t have any paperwork, don’t despair, it is possible to find the VIN plate on your Arctic Cat ATV and work out how old it is, plus much more important information. 

The VIN on most Arctic Cat models is found under the left, rear side wheel well. To work out the year, locate the 10th digit on the VIN. Vehicles made between 1981 and 2000 will use letters B to Y, those made between 2001 and 2009 will use the numbers 1 to 9, and those made after 2010 will use letters again.

What Is a VIN Plate?

A VIN plate and a vehicle registration plate are not the same things.

While both plates can be used to identify a vehicle, a car’s license plate can be changed during the vehicle’s lifetime, whereas a VIN plate will always remain the same.

Drivers may choose to switch their license plate, purchase a personalized plate for example, or in more questionable circumstances, hide a stolen vehicle from the authorities.

However, there is no changing the VIN plate, this is marked into the car’s bodywork and cannot ever be changed.

VIN stands for Vehicle Identification Number and these serial numbers were first introduced in 1980 by the International Organization for Standardization, ISO, the worldwide federation of a national standards body.

However, standardization began as early as 1954 in the US, when the government sought to find a more fraud-proof way of identifying vehicles.

Up until this point, manufacturers would use their own record-keeping methods to record each vehicle and its important information. However, counterfeit copies of these documents could easily be produced and this meant criminals were able to create fake ownership documents for stolen cars.  

VIN plates are now found on all vehicles, be it a truck, a motorbike, or ATVs. The VIN plate is permanent, stamped into the chassis or bodywork and there is a specific coding system used to make identifying any vehicle a simple process.

We will share exactly how to decode a VIN plate later in this article, as well as its exact location on your Arctic Cat.

Where Is the VIN on an Arctic Cat ATV?

If you need to know how old your Arctic Cat is, you can find this information and more important details by decoding the VIN. However, before you can do that, you need to find the VIN plate. 

The position of the VIN can vary between different ATV models, however, in an Arctic Cat, the number should be found imprinted into the metal, underneath the left wheel well.

Some ATVs will have the digits displayed on a metal plate, on the metal frame under the left rear side, and on others, it is marked directly into the chassis. 

In this YouTube video, you can see exactly where the VIN is located on a 2004 Arctic Cat.

What Year Is My Arctic Cat ATV – How to Decode a VIN

If you know how to decode a VIN plate, working out the age of your Arctic Cat ATV will be no trouble at all.

Each number and letter in the vehicle identification number means something different and, once you know how to decode it, the VIN can be used to find out where your ATV was manufactured, what engine it has, who manufactured it, and, of course, what model year it is. 

Now you know where the VIN is on your Arctic Cat, you are probably looking at this mismatch of numbers and wondering what on earth they all mean. Don’t panic, there is actually a very simple-to-follow system to help you decipher the information in your VIN plate. 

We will go through each digit, one at a time, and explain what information each represents.  

Digit 1

The first digit on the VIN represents where the ATV was made. If your vehicle was made in the USA, the VIN will start with the numbers 1, 4, or 5.

This table shows which country each number represents: 

Number Country
2 Canada 
3 Mexico
6 Oceania
7 Oceania
8 South America
9 South America 
A – H Africa 
J Asia
K Asia
L Asia
M Asia
N Asia
P Asia
R Asia
S – Z Europe 


Digit 2

This is the vehicle’s manufacturer and is represented by one or two letters. For example, Mazda vehicles are identified by a YZ, FA for Ford, and J4 for Jeep. 

Letter Manufacturer
B – D Chrysler/Dodge
FA – FD Ford
FM Ford
FT Ford
G General Motors
J4 Jeep
L Lincoln USA
ME Mercury USA
P3 Plymouth USA
YV Mazda USA (AutoAlliance)
ZV Ford (AutoAlliance)


Digit 3/4

The next group of digits provides information about the vehicle’s brand, engine size, and engine type. This group of identification digits should start and end with a letter. 

Digit 9

The ninth digit in the VIN represents that the vehicle’s security check has been completed, authorizing that the previous digits align with the correct information.  

Digit 10

If you have come to this article to find out how old your Arctic Cat ATV is, this is the digit you need. The 10th number on the VIN represents the model year of your vehicle.

To help you work out the age of your ATV as quickly as possible, here is a table displaying exactly which year each number or letter represents: 

B 1981 P 1993 5 2005 H 2017
C 1982 R 1994 6 2006 J 2018
D 1983 S 1995 7 2007 K 2019
E 1984 T 1996 8 2008 L 2020
F 1985 V 1997 9 2009 M 2021
G 1986 W 1998 A 2010 N 2022
H 1987 X 1999 B 2011    
J 1988 Y 2000 C 2012    
K 1989 1 2001 D 2013    
L 1990 2 2002 E 2014    
M 1991 3 2003 F 2015    
N 1992 4 2004 G 2016    


Digit 11

The next letter represents the plant where your vehicle was made.  

Digit 12 – 17

The last six digits are your ATV’s unique serial number. 

By following this decoding system, you will be able to work out all the important information about your Arctic Cat model. However, if you are only interested in the year your ATV was made, jump straight to the tenth digit and you will have your answer. 

How to Clean ATV VIN Plate 

While the VIN number is imprinted into your vehicle’s metal body forever, over time it can become more and more difficult to read. As the VIN is often located underneath the vehicle, it can become covered in dirt from the road and corrosion over the years. 

However, just because your VIN is dirty, that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to never read it again. It is possible to clean up the area where the VIN is imprinted, making it possible for you to read it clearly again. 

Here is a quick step-by-step guide to cleaning a VIN plate:

  • Step 1 – Half fill a bucket with warm soapy water. Using a brush with plastic bristles scrub the VIN plate to try and lift of as much dirt as possible. Repeat this process until no more dirt and grime is coming away. 
  • Step 2 – Dry the VIN plate with a towel and see if you are able to read the numbers any easier. If not, use a steel wire brush to scrub away stubborn corrosion. 
  • Step 3 – For heavy-set rust, you can try using a power drill with a steel brush. The aim is to only remove the rust, don’t keep scrubbing/drilling after the corrosion has gone because you may end up damaging the VIN plate and making it permanently unreadable. 
  • Step 4 – Now you can see the VIN number, write it down and keep the information somewhere safe. By writing the VIN down, you won’t have to worry about cleaning the plate regularly and it is likely easier to read the number off of the paper, than off of your vehicle’s body. 


How many digits are on an Arctic Cat VIN number?

There are 17 digits on an Arctic Cat VIN plate. This serial number is a combination of letters and figures and is located under the back left wheel well. The VIN can be found on a sticker but if this has been worn away, you can also find the important mark on the metal bodywork.

Where is the VIN on an Arctic Cat four-wheeler?

The location of the VIN on an Arctic Cat four-wheeler varies, its location will depend on the age of your model. However, in most cases, you can find the VIN underneath the left rear wheel well. 

What does each digit mean in a VIN?

A VIN is made up of 17 different digits, each representing a different piece of important information. The first number stands for the country the vehicle was made, the two letters are the vehicle’s manufacturer, and the following five digits and the brand, engine size, and type.

After this is a single digit to represent the security code, and then the next letter or digit represents the vehicle’s year; models made before 2000 have letters and models made after use numbers.

The following letter is the plant where the vehicle was made and the final 6 digits are the vehicle’s serial number. 

What year is my Arctic Cat snowmobile?

To find out what year your Arctic Cat snowmobile is, you will need to locate the VIN plate. Locate the 10th digit, this will represent the ATV’s year.

If your vehicle is made between 1981 – 2000 there will be a letter from B – Y and if it was built between 2000 and 2009 there will be numbers 1 – 9. Vehicles made after 2009 will use letters again. 

How do I know what model my ATV is?

You can find out what model your ATV is by reading the 10th digit on the VIN plate. Also, if you have an owner’s manual, the model information should be there too. 


Knowing the age of your ATV is just as important as knowing how old your regular car is. Whether it is for replacing parts, maintenance work, or being aware of product recalls, it is important that you are aware of your Arctic Cat’s model year.

If you don’t have any paperwork, the easiest way to find out the year of your Arctic Cat ATV is to decode the VIN. 

The VIN plate can be found under the left rear side wheel well on the majority of Arctic Cat ATVs. Once you have located the VIN, the 10th digit will inform you what year your Arctic Cat is. 

If you are still not sure how to decode the VIN number of your ATV, there are several websites where you can input the number and have it decoded. Alternatively, if you are having trouble locating the VIN, take your Arctic Cat to a dealership and the professionals will be able to find and decode it for you. 

For more information, check out these other articles:

What Does ATV Stand For?

10 Best Free VIN Checker in 2022

How Do I Find Out What Options My Car Was Ordered With?

Arctic Cat 700 Mud Pro - 4x4 Club Magazine So you can’t immediately figure out whether it’s a new model or a product of deep factory tuning ... similar. This was once again confirmed by test runs on ATVs in 2013.

Moreover, even those models that were produced in previous years have matured significantly in this.

A similar transformation took place this year with the Arctic Cat 700 Mud Pro ATV, which received LTD performance. Despite the fact that there are practically no technically significant changes, it is extremely difficult to even recognize it externally. This is due to the snorkel placed above the “hood”. It is installed regularly, even at the factory, and it resembles either a periscope tube, or the barrel of some incomprehensible, but therefore even more terrible weapon. However, the characteristic feline cut of the eye-headlights remained.

The dashboard is very laconic, but with all that, everything you need is on it. The large analog speedometer scale is complemented by a digital display showing the fuel level, the transmission mode involved, as well as those parameters that the driver has selected in advance.

The Arctic Cat 700 Mud Pro is purpose-built for tame off-road use. This is clear from the last two words in its title. Therefore, a highly raised snorkel is not a whim of an erotically inclined designer. There are also large 28-inch alloy wheels for better cross-country ability. Regular tires corresponding — Maxxis Zilla. The levers and CV joints from below and from the sides have special protection. True, it is more decorative, and when hitting a stone, there will probably be little sense from it. But the plastic of the wings looks very reliable.
The ATV is equipped with two luggage platforms. The front one takes on 45 kg, and on the back one can generally load almost a centner! There is a winch and the possibility of installing a tow bar. The role of the front bumper is performed by a kengurin, which even covers the headlights; reinforced rear bumper.


Despite its solid size and powerful engine, it is better to use the Arctic Cat 700 Mud Pro alone for reconnaissance. No, if necessary, a passenger can also be seated on it, but there will be nowhere to put his legs: there is not even a place where they can be put down. A subtle hint that the cool guys don't need the second number.

Having driven the cat over rugged terrain, I understood the reason: the Arctic Cat 700 Mud Pro simply provokes you to climb into such jungle, from which it is not always possible to emerge victorious even without a passenger. With a standard base and track, the ground clearance of the Arctic Cat 700 Mud Pro can be called huge - 35 cm, which means that its center of gravity is quite high. It is possible to overcome the tendency to capsize, which is inevitable in this situation, only by timely and correct movement of the pilot over the entire surface of the quadra. The passenger may simply not keep up with the pilot.

Injection motor with a low growl instantly confirms its 700 "cubes". It immediately becomes clear that the jokes with him are bad. It is necessary to stroke such a “kitty” very carefully. Probably, in order to exclude the possibility of thoughtless flirting, the engine speed limit is provided in the reverse mode: that is, you can only drive slowly, no matter how hard you press the gas trigger. But this restriction can be removed: just press the yellow Reverse Override button on the left handle with your thumb. And then the engine and in reverse mode will work with full power.

However, the Arctic Cat 700 Mud Pro calls forward, and only forward. For starters, the drive is only on two wheels, so you will feel the suspension better. Yes, it is really very comfortable - independent both front and rear. Its large strokes allow it to pass decent-sized obstacles without loss of control. And if both driving wheels are firmly on the ground, then you can not connect the “front end” yet, save it.

However, the moisture-saturated land near Moscow is treacherous and still requires the 4x4 mode. The front axle is connected in an elementary way: you just need to move the black key on the right handle to the left. You can do it on the go as well. The main thing is not to turn and that there is no slippage. With all-wheel drive, Arctic Cat ran more confidently. These unnecessary drifts of stern have ceased. It is pleasant to note that the steering wheel is practically not heavier - all thanks to the electric power steering. On the contrary, there was a feeling that confidence had flowed into the hands. With such an arsenal, you can go into the swamps. Really, why not ride along the park paths with such a huge snorkel and on evil rubber?

Seat-drenched Arctic Cat 700 Mud Pro hacked hard through the swamp slush. Only, unlike him, I was somehow uncomfortable, sitting in the water…

The forest clearing abounded with flooded pits. I almost fell into one of them. I had to turn on the low row, lock the front differential and get out slowly, slowly. By the way, the 4WD Lock mode turns on in an interesting way: the same black key must be pushed up with the thumb of the right hand (notches applied to it also hint at this). And soon after me, one of my colleagues fell into this hole. This is where the standard winch came in handy.

In general, I definitely liked Mud Pro by LTD. By and large, what happened to him can be called factory tuning. Let it be. This is no worse than looking for the necessary bells and whistles in stores and on the Internet - of course, this approach deprives you of an exciting process, but it gives a guaranteed result.

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New Model Year Arctic Cat Utility ATVs - 4x4 Club Magazine

ATV Club

May 27, 2011

Spring has just begun - meet the 2011 Arctic Cat utility ATV line... you will not find among Japanese competitors - from two-seat models that are not produced at all in the Land of the Rising Sun.

So, the Arctic Cat TRV GT long wheelbase utility vehicles, as well as their top-end Cruiser version, are available with any of the three most popular fuel injected engines of 550, 700 and 1000 cm3. The list of basic equipment includes electric power steering, and for the Cruiser there is also a windshield with rear-view mirrors, a Warn winch, heated handles, both driver and passenger. What are the benefits of a long wheelbase quad bike? In swamps and windbreaks, nothing, but on hilly terrain, its advantages are obvious. It is very stable, which means it is safer than the “shorties”.

All H-series engines received upgraded fuel injection. Power has increased, while the exhaust has become cleaner, and fuel consumption is less

Jumping is not exactly what Minnesota engineers expected. But they clearly did not save on strength

Among the single-seat versions, I especially want to note the model with a 550 cc engine. Even yesterday, I would not have believed that in my personal hit parade, the medium-sized cub will take first place, overtaking powerful top versions. True, here it is necessary to clarify that we are talking about a standard quadric without any far-reaching tuning plans. Those who sooner or later turn into sacrifices to the insatiable Russian off-road. For this purpose, Arctic Cat has a line of MudPro 650/700/1000 no-compromise dirt diggers with factory-installed snorkels, a winch, reinforced footpegs, large wheels and a number of typical off-road solutions. This year it has replenished with a real monster with a liter engine and standard 28 Maxxis Zilla tires. “Why such a big motor? - journalists from glamorous publications asked at the presentation. “Is this to compensate for the insufficiency of one of the virtues?” Uh, they just don't know what liquid sticky clay is beaten with sand. In such conditions, the engine simply does not have enough power to turn the large toothed wheels. Something like if you try to mix thick honey with jam in a cocktail blender. (By the way, this experiment was actually conducted by my first-grader son and ended with the purchase of a new device.) All MudPros received heavy-duty wheel drives - according to the manufacturer, the most durable on the ATV market. According to this indicator, they win 17% over the nearest competitor. Also changed the settings of the variator. It should be clarified that the debut of the “mud pro” took place in 2009year, and during this time he has become a true leader in trophy competitions in North America, and beyond.

The company spent more than three years fine-tuning the EPS electric power steering.

In 2011, Arctic Cat introduced eleven new models to the market

The 550th single-seat was the best in combination of controllability, power, economy " cat"

An unusual version of the TBX 700 with a folding loading platform and a 1360 kg winch as standard. This body is equipped with many elements for securing the load. There are also branded latches for quick fixation. And the loading capacity of the dumping platform is 136 kg. Let's think together: what can be transported there, what needs to be unloaded with a self-dumping system? Banal jokes about natural fertilizers are not accepted. Well, the body will be a good platform for transporting everything you need in the life support of autonomous travel. We also managed to test the “liter” with tracks. Where ordinary quadrics no longer ride on deep and loose snow, this all-terrain vehicle did not even think of getting stuck.

All test quads had electric power steering – not a new thing. For the first time in production models, he appeared at Yamaha almost five years ago. But Minnesota engineers didn't just copy this device as a computer-controlled electric motor. They worked hard on its settings and design. The result is a very clear transmission of information about what is happening with the wheels. As motorists say - "feedback". True, it seems as if there is no amplifier at all, and a light steering wheel is a matter of course. The asset also has the function of a damper that protects the hands from impacts coming from the wheels. Eh, it will be hard for someone who, having rolled on such “cats”, decides to change them for something more budgetary.

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