So, you have a flat tire or one that’s leaking air. It’s not the end of the world. Luckily there are safe and cost-effective ways to properly repair most tire punctures. The purpose of this article is to show you the difference between a safe, permanent repair and a temporary string, plug or patch repair.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHSTA) and the Tire Industry Association (TIA), the only method to properly repair a tire puncture is to fill the injury with a repair stem and back the stem with a repair patch. This is commonly known as a combination repair or a patch/plug repair.
Patch/plug repairs are most often performed using a one-piece repair unit that combines the repair stem and cap (or patch) into one unit. However, special circumstances may require the use of a two-piece combination repair (ex. If the angle of the puncture exceeds 35 degrees). The repair is then permanently bonded to the inside of tire and through the injury channel using a cold, chemical vulcanizing process.
The repair essentially becomes part of the tire, creating an air-tight seal that keeps air in and moisture and contaminants out (more on this procedure below).
Emergency roadside plug repairs are NOT intended to be a permanent tire repair. Plugs and string repairs are designed to get you back up and rolling long enough to get home or to the nearest service center to perform a proper tire repair.
The common misconception with plug and string repairs is that because they hold air, they are safe to use. While it is true that many plug repairs do a great job of keeping air in the tire, that’s only part of the equation. Because they’re not completely sealing the injury, plug repairs may allow air and moisture to penetrate the body of the tire. Over time, this could lead to a dangerous (or even deadly) blowout.
A Patch-Only Tire Repair Leaves Your Tire Susceptible to DamageA tire repair that uses only a patch is also NOT considered proper or safe. A properly installed patch will do a great job of allowing the tire to hold air. However, similarly to the plug-only repair, the patch does not fill the injury channel. Therefore, air and moisture could seep into the tire from the tread surface and eventually damage the tire.
Only a proper patch/plug repair completely seals the puncture from inside the tire and through the entire injury channel. There are a few extra steps necessary to perform a proper tire repair in accordance with industry guidelines. We’ve developed a simple acronym to help organize and remember the steps: R.E.P.A.I.R.
There are a number of factors that may determine whether or not your tire is safe to repair. These factors fall into three main categories:
The occasional flat or leaky tire is an unavoidable part of life. But, taking shortcuts to repair it can be dangerous to you and your passengers. Take the time and do the research to do the job right and/or find a reputable tire repair shop trained in proper tire repair procedure.
It happens that during the repair work a person does not have the opportunity to move. Let's say your neighbors flooded you, the parquet began to wave and rose, the wallpaper moved away from the walls: you did not plan any work at all and suddenly you are forced to do it. Or you are renovating an apartment in the center, your children go to school near the house - it will be very expensive to rent a living space in the neighborhood and move during the work. And, in the end, repairs can be minor, and for the sake of minor work there is simply no need to leave the apartment. We tell you how to survive all this repair dust and dirt without compromising your health and budget.
Ruslan Kirnichansky
Living in renovations
Living and repairing is not so easy. However, repair is a loose concept. Perhaps you are planning to use your living space more efficiently and are considering redevelopment with the demolition of walls. Or just change the curtains to those with electric drive.
Formally, there are three types of repairs.
Each of them has their own tips for "survival" in the renovated apartment.
Ruslan Kirnichansky
1. Decorating
This is a simple repair work - rather, rearranging furniture and updating finishing materials, such as repainting the walls. Moving during such work is not required, since the operations will not be noisy and not dusty, and rather fast in terms of time.
Sign a contract
Even if it's a private master who will just re-paste the wallpaper for you (you don't need to hire more than one person), draw up a contract.
Be sure to write down the work schedule, determine the days and time at which the master will come to work. This is especially true if the worker does not have access to the apartment while you are away. If you plan to take a vacation and control the process of work, still fix the deadlines for completion and responsibility for their failure. If the team will work, the contract with the stages of work is even more relevant.
Work "by room". An obvious move - one room is being repaired, you can temporarily live in another room. Squeezing between the remaining furniture, maneuvering between things, it is possible to live in such conditions. Yes, and the master is more convenient to work in an empty room.
Irina Krasheninnikova
Remove valuables
Fragile and expensive items, as well as documents, must be securely hidden or transferred to relatives. Of course, I believe in the honesty of people, but I would not provoke a person. Moreover, we can talk about unfortunate negligence or negligence. From the fall of the master from the stepladder, the antique table in the neighborhood is not immune (even if you wrap it with a film in a hundred layers).
Protect more than just furniture
Speaking of tape. Doors and windows, as well as inseparable equipment, cover with protective films. The safety of the floors can be ensured by covering them with either film or cardboard. Ideally, fragile items such as mirrors or cabinets with glass doors should be wrapped in both.
Johnny Gray Studios.
Allow ventilation
Do not buy corrosive products (paints, varnishes). Use interior paints that are more expensive than conventional enamels, but are odorless and completely safe for human and animal health.
Clean every day
Every day after the master leaves, wet clean. Moreover, not only in the residential part of the house, where repair dust penetrates. But, especially, in the room where the master worked. Every day he must start work in a clean room.
Advice: Covering the door opening of the room being renovated with
film will help prevent dust from moving into other rooms. This especially makes sense in the case of dusty work (for example, the master will have to remove old paint from the walls using a grinder circle).
2. Renovation of utility networks
These works are more difficult, since the renewal of networks requires noisy and dusty work. Even a local bathroom renovation can create a lot of trouble for those who live at that moment in the apartment. The tips to follow are the same as in the first case, but with some additions.
Find a suitable algorithm for you
Discuss with the masters the possibility of a phased work scenario. It is clear that if a replacement of the electrical network in the entire apartment is required, the masters will carry out operations in all rooms. But you don't. Discuss how to organize the renovation so that work starts in one room and, when completed, starts in another room. Most likely, the motivation may be an increase in the wages of electricians.
When renovating a bathroom, also consider the algorithm for performing work in parts: replacing plumbing equipment should not be done completely at once, as this will not allow you to continue living in the renovated room. Plumbers who perform the turnkey bathroom service in a week are well aware of this, and the craftsmen from the DEZ do not take it into account at all.
Therefore, the algorithm is as follows: first, the equipment is changed, after that, the water supply and intake pipes, and plumbing fixtures are connected. A professional plumber will be able to replace the equipment in one day, and the next day to replace the pipes and connect them.
Pets should be evicted
While the house is being renovated, move your pets to your friends! Particles of construction dust ruin not only the motors of household vacuum cleaners, but can be fatal to cats and small breeds of dogs. At the same time, they do not pose a great danger to the health of an adult.
No children in the facility
Children must not be in the area being renovated.
This item could be at number one, but I deliberately took this advice further, because every parent who loves his child knows instinctively how harmful loud noises and building dust are to the child.
Repair the apartment while the child is at school or in kindergarten - as soon as he returned home, stop noisy work and do wet cleaning.
Ruslan Kirnichansky
3. Construction
Construction involves full-fledged repair work with redevelopment and changes in engineering networks. In fact, this is a “concrete box apartment”, a new building or an apartment that needs complete dismantling, from floors to water supply pipes and window replacement.
This is technically complex work, and I am categorically against human habitation in the conditions of construction work of the third degree due to excessive pollution and the impossibility of carrying out repair and construction work promptly.
If we admit the situation that an apartment was purchased in a newly built building, and the happy owner of the housing, which was connected to city communications, decided to settle there immediately, then he independently worsens his living conditions.
If there is an urgent need for a quick move to a new building, then the following tips can alleviate the hard life of new settlers.
Move into an apartment with amenities
At a minimum, water communications and plumbing fixtures have already been installed in it. The apartment has electrical outlets, walls have been erected, and a screed is ready.
“Before” photo
Marina Kuznetsova
I would like to say separately about the screed. Give it enough time to dry or build plywood floors (the latter is preferable for new builds as the house hasn't shrunk yet). Remember that a quality floor pie is 30% of the repair.
Important: There is no floor in the new building in the everyday sense. The plane on which a person walks in a new house is an interfloor floor slab. Many take this floor slab for a finished floor and lay finishing materials on it: parquet, laminate, porcelain stoneware or ceramics. This is unacceptable according to sanitary standards, because if ceramic tiles are laid on the floor slab and a cat runs over it, a “caravan of trams” will be heard in the apartment below the floor. And you will listen to all the conversations from the apartment below.
2. Organize comfortable temporary living
For minimal amenities, temporary devices such as a mobile electric stove and temporary furniture will be needed, which will not be a pity to replace with better products after the repair is completed.
Toilet seat Vaka VERRAN
By the way, I advise you to install a temporary toilet (do not immediately install the one into which it is a pity to drain the remains of building mixtures).
Living in a refurbished property is not easy and requires some skill, but if there is no other option, following the tips above can help make living more comfortable and shorten the renovation time.
Have you ever lived in a refurbished building and how did you cope with it?
Tikkurila Russia
Terms of apartment renovation: from 3 months to infinity
There are specialists who insist that fast and good repairs are mutually exclusive concepts. “We deal with projects from 100 sq.m. This is at least a year of renovation. And only if the customer closes all the estimates quickly,” says architect Shamsudin Kerimov.
However, half of the participants in our debate called three months the minimum period for repairing an apartment - provided that all work is agreed with the housing inspection and the management company, there is money, the design project is approved, and the materials are either purchased or available. Cosmetic repairs, without redevelopment, replacement of communications and interventions in the subfloor, can be done even in a month.
Fact: According to statistics, a major overhaul of an apartment of 55-60 meters takes less than six months. It is for this period (up to 5 months) that 70% of Houzz readers voted in our survey.
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Formative forecast: how to calculate the time of the proposed repair
A Studio
on which the apartment repair period is
1. The area and "simplicity" of the object
is one thing apartments, the other - two-level apartments with eight rooms. If in the first case, repairs can often be carried out in 2-3 months, then in the second case, even a year may not be enough. Moreover, the simpler the project, the faster the repair. “For example, we made a design project for a two-room apartment of 63 sq.m in the Scandinavian style in three weeks, with the selection of all materials from those that were available. The repair itself took two months, and all the sewerage and electrics were redone, ”recalls designer Marina Snigireva.
“The area of an object during repair is not a “one plane” value,” explains Alexander Vershinin, head of the ABV repair studio. The area of \u200b\u200bthe walls is largely determined by the height of the ceiling, and the final amount of work depends on it.
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2. Customer's ambitions m can be sold in 3-4 working weeks. The actual terms of work are not of the greatest complexity - 8-10 weeks. A large amount of decorative elements, the complexity of designs, the introduction of various degrees of “smart home” can increase them even more,” says Ilya Komolov, head of the LOFT&HOME design studio.
The customer's ambition is a factor that is not always easy to translate into time and money. “For example, if the owner of the house wanted to install control, automation and control systems, as well as security and fire departments, then multiply the number of wires of ordinary wiring by two, or even three. As a result, the terms of work at the facility are also increasing,” explains Alexander Vershinin.
3. The whims of the customer
However, ambitions are not so bad, the real trouble, according to experts, is “seven Fridays a week” on the part of the customer, his lack of concentration and disorganization.
“After space and custom-made materials, it is the customers themselves who lengthen the repair the most! - says designer Oksana Mossur, - At the design stage, we coordinate everything, choose materials. But when the renovation starts, the owners begin to “rush about”, suddenly remembering that they like the English style more than Provence. In the end, they return to the approved version, because everything is already thought out and logical there. But “throwing” takes a lot of time and sometimes money.”
“9 comes from the customer0% delays in repairs, Ilya Komolov admits. - This is the lack of a decision on materials and furniture, long approvals and so on. With good self-discipline over the summer, you can repair not only an apartment of 100 square meters, but also a country house of 300 “squares” - a real example from our practice.”
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Inlavka (Interior Shop)
at the First Design Bureau. – Therefore, everything needs to be discussed before the start and in as much detail as possible: estimates, terms, purchase / delivery, removal / cleaning, consumables, invoices, transport; force majeure, human factor, etc. ”
“If the customer delays with solutions and the materials are not selected in advance, the workers start to stand idle and can take on some other work in parallel with your facility,” warns architect Ilya Makotinsky. This means that repairs will not be completed quickly.
DomPro Engineering LLC
4. Approval of the project / redevelopment
“If there are cardinal reconstructions of the floor, walls, ceilings, it may not be possible to make repairs in time over the summer,” says designer Natalya Gurska. “Especially when these transformations require a coordinated redevelopment project. And even more so when they relate to load-bearing structures - here you can stretch the repair to infinity.
“Regardless of the degree of severity of redevelopment, according to the law, it cannot be started until full approval and receipt of a new registration certificate for the premises. Coordination of redevelopment cannot be called a fleeting procedure. On average, it takes six months. If you are the owner of an apartment in an architectural monument, add another 2-3 months, and add 30-40% to the cost, ”reminds Alexander Vershinin, head of the ABV repair studio.
Apartment redevelopment: Do's and Don'ts
A good team
“Usually, repairs with moving partitions last from six months to one and a half years. “Odnushka” can be made in three months,” says interior designer Korina Balanovskaya. - In 16 years of work, only two large objects in my practice were made in six months. What contributed to such speed? Firstly, the customer, who daily controlled everything and hurried the builders. Secondly, the money was immediately available for the entire repair, with a margin. Thirdly, a competent foreman (head of a construction company), who caught up with a bunch of workers at the same time. At the construction site, it felt like building pyramids.”
In addition to the detailed design project, a work plan is drawn up. It indicates how long the renovation of the apartment takes. The plan is usually made by the foreman, and here his qualifications play a crucial role.
“Another important point is the number of people in the team: of course, non-drinking, professional, result-oriented. At all stages there should be specialized performers. And the work must be clearly scheduled by day and hour,” says designer Natalya Alekseeva-Lebedeva.
Sometimes, in order to speed up repairs, customers rush from one extreme to another - they begin to bring more workers to the facility. But just as two plasterers shouldn't be doing electrical and plumbing work, so two tilers shouldn't be jostling in the same bathroom. “Some workers interfere with the work of others, and as a result, the process is slowed down,” warns designer Bogdana Samoylenko.
Victoria Popova
How to speed up repairs through control. Plan and estimate
A clear action plan will save you from downtime, recalls architect Maria Kitaeva: “First of all, this means having a design project. And secondly, trust in the person who will buy everything you need. Then many issues can be resolved remotely.”
But you need to understand that the design project itself takes several weeks - it should be ordered in advance.
“A fully completed (not partially!) design project is a necessary but not sufficient condition,” says designer Maria Boyarova. - Consider the sequence of operations, their duration, the number of counterparties, areas of responsibility, possible risks - that is, start managing the project even before construction. This can be done by an independent manager, or maybe the owner himself, using programs like Project Manager, Megaplan. If you pay attention to this at the entrance - apartment renovation can be done in 3 months, not 9-12, as it sometimes happens.
“At the preparatory stage, it is important to think over the entire technology, draw up a detailed schedule of work and supply of materials. And it is even more important not to deviate from the developed schedule during the repair process,” advises Vladimir Bakhtoyarov , designer at Lucky Architects.
To think over means to think about everything. Often repairs are delayed by work that was not originally planned. For example, after puttying, we decided to add soundproofing to the walls.
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Elizaveta Strelnikova/Design Studio Art de Vie
Supervision of the project , “Don't pay off repairs, but control all expenses and purchase of materials,” advises designer Ruslan Kirnichansky. - At this stage, repairs often stop, so you need to carefully monitor how the contractor develops the budget. Attend the construction site, but do not impose. Frequent visits only slow down construction work. Get into the problems. Builders may be incomprehensible to the common man, but they are often right. Exaggerating, if the builder says that “first you need to ditch, and then paint,” he is right.”
And by the way, if you want to speed up the development of a design project, save photos with the interior solutions you like in advance. “This will help to correctly determine “your” style of apartment design,” recommends Ruslan, the host of the Architect’s Diary blog.
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Elena Savchenko | My white garden
How to speed up repairs with materials
1. Change from wet to dry
Depending on the complexity of the project, partitions can take several weeks to remove and build, but this is usually a “quick” step. Long work is associated with screed, electrical, plastering walls. The screed can dry up to a month, the plaster - up to two weeks. Materials such as gypsum also increase the repair time, as they must dry before painting.
You can speed up the repair by replacing some of the "wet" materials and work with dry ones. Plasterboard instead of plaster for leveling walls, stretch ceilings instead of plastered ones, floor with screws or dry screed instead of the traditional one. Even with a semi-dry floor screed, tiles can be laid in two or three days.
Partitions can be made from tongue-and-groove blocks - they do not require plaster, just putty. Polyurethane can be used instead of gypsum. And instead of drywall - hardwood: finished panels with wallpaper.
Dont Stop Art - art studio
2. We simplify as much as possible
“If you want to speed up, simplify. For example, simple single-level ceilings and wallpaper, even for painting, simplify, but do not worsen the project. And, of course, control! This will definitely help,” says Ilya Komolov, head of the LOFT&HOME design studio.
How many days it takes to make repairs in a bathroom or a room depends largely on the pliability of the customer. For the sake of saving time, it is worth abandoning complex curly niches, laying mosaics, massive boards (laying parquet is much easier). It is advisable to forget about decorative plasters and paints - they are more difficult and longer to apply. Even the use of machine plaster will save time.
“To speed things up, it is better to choose an interlocking floor covering, namely laminate or parquet board for floating laying. The lock cork needs to be varnished in 3-5 layers, the parquet board on glue requires a plywood substrate, fastening the board to plywood. For PVC tiles, you need a perfectly flat floor, so you can not do without a screed. For walls, the fastest design option is wallpaper. Preferably monophonic, without horizontal separation, ”- advises Marina Plaksina, interior designer at ZEBRA studio.
How to make simple temporary repairs. And is it necessary? — So, laying classic parquet “quickly” is impossible by definition. We replace it with a parquet board that is easier to install. On the walls, it is better to give preference to wallpaper, even “painted” walls require more time to prepare.
“Most of the time is spent on finishing, especially if you need the perfect quality of wall painting,” says designer Kirill Pavlov. - If you reduce the number of such walls to a minimum, then you can significantly speed up the delivery. You can also buy time if you completely abandon the tile or turn a blind eye to the quality of its installation. Although, if you are “unlucky”, and the tiler in the team loves his work, it will not work to speed up at his expense. People who don't need to be redone work slower."
“If you're in a hurry, consider an industrial style design with concrete walls, ceiling and outdoor wiring. The preparation of such surfaces requires less time,” advises designer Zhanna Studenttsova.
Loft or not loft: How the original differs from styling make noise.
“When the tenants in the apartment building were just given the keys, there was no one to complain about the noise. In particular, we completely renovated such an apartment of 60 sq.m. in less than three months. But if you were given the keys in February, and you start repairs in the summer, when people settle in, add another month - despite the fact that you can make noise from 9 to 19 with a break from 13 to 15, ”says Kirill Pavlov.
Sometimes the established breaks in the middle of the day last for several hours. “There's nothing you can do about it, you need to find out the schedule of work from the management company in advance and take them into account when planning,” advises designer Nadezhda Trebukhina (Karmin). - Also, the process is delayed by suppliers of materials: either the batch is not the same, then the car with the tiles got stuck at customs, then the delivery of the stucco went to another city. Here you need to either choose trusted suppliers, or organize delivery on your own.
Repairs on weekends and holidays: how to make noise according to the law or in a month. Most often, you have to wait for finishing materials that you like and don’t want to change,” says Olesya Volkhina, designer at Vdesign studio.
Designer Korina Balanovskaya advises you to buy tiles and plumbing in advance, and order everything else in accordance with the work schedule that the builders should provide you with.
Architectural studio "Mebius"
Particular attention should be paid to furniture and accessories. It happens that everything is ready, but you have to wait another two weeks for a countertop or lamps. Often delays are associated with local craftsmen who cannot cope with individual orders.
“Custom materials really slow down the process, especially kitchens and exclusive things made of wood. Italian manufacturers also fail, especially if you get to August, at the peak of the season, ”warns designer-decorator Marina Snigireva.
On average, a typical kitchen will be delivered to you in a couple of days. An individual order will be carried out from a month. Kitchens of top foreign brands can be expected for more than a year. And in general, all goods from abroad can go from two months or longer. At risk are kitchens, tiles, stone, plumbing, rare parquet and wallpaper. Even simple Spanish or Italian tiles can last up to three months. So it's worth checking in advance.
“This applies to both countertops and window sills – sometimes it takes more time to find a slab that matches the color than it takes to produce a product from it. In advance, you also need to buy material for individual floors: elements of an artistic floor made of marble, wood or porcelain stoneware - rosettes, borders, etc., ”says Oksana Mossur.
Architect Evgenia Knyazheva also reminds that many European factories have their own peculiarities in work schedules: vacations and vacations.
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MEBEL-3D group of companies
Built-in furniture
Built-in furniture will make you wait. Measurements are made here only after finishing finishing work. From above, lay 30-45 working days for execution, ”says architect Daria Elnikova. Accordingly, to bring such furniture from Europe and America is not an option for a quick repair.
“If the apartment has built-in furniture (cupboards, shelving, kitchen), it will take another 1.5 months to produce and install it,” warns architect Roman Korotkov. - In order for such furniture to fit perfectly into the prepared space, with minimum gaps of 2-4 mm, it must be ordered actually at the end of the work, after finishing. If customers are in a hurry, sometimes they order built-in furniture at the stage of rough work. Since the final dimensions are not yet clear, built-in furniture will be made with a margin, that is, with 3 cm indents from the walls and ceiling, which will subsequently be covered with additional planks.
“We start designing the kitchen and built-in furniture with the customer and the manufacturer as soon as the builders put up the walls. The project during the rough work is being finalized, adjustments are made. When the builders complete the plastering work, the screed is ready, and the geometry of the room will not change, we call the furniture measurer. By the end of the fine finish, the kitchen is already ready, it can be mounted, ”architect Vera Bedretdinova shares her experience.
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Tai Ping Carpets
In addition to custom-made furniture, complex mirror panels and other goods associated with the involvement of subcontractors can delay repairs, says Alexandra Epikhina, designer at Million Rooms.
To speed up repairs, you need to not only buy materials and furniture in advance, but also sew textiles, - advises designer Inna Levashova.
“As soon as you get in touch with deliveries or painting according to the sample — that's it, pipe, you can hear a bunch of different stories on the topic: “we are stuck”, and this applies even to trusted suppliers, says Vera Klyueva, designer of KV-Design.
Before photo
Materials in advance
You can protect yourself by ordering all materials at the beginning of construction work. By the way, be sure to save the article numbers of the parties - in case of additional orders or force majeure. But taking all this wealth to an apartment would be a mistake.
“It took us 7 months to repair one of the apartments with an area of 110 sq.m. It could have been faster, but the customer bought and brought plumbing, finishing materials and other equipment to the site in advance. A team of workers spent a lot of time on a neat daily rearrangement. This situation arose during the growth of the exchange rate. The customer saved money, but not time,” says architect Vera Bedretdinova.
“If you have ordered material that will be needed in a month or two, ask your suppliers to keep it in stock. They often agree,” advises designer Olga Atnagulova from Design Classic Studio .
Svetlana Korevskaya
When deadlines are tight, it is necessary to choose materials with the shortest delivery times, and, if possible, use ready-made interior items. “As an option: if you need to make repairs very quickly, you can go around all the suppliers, see what is available - and build your own design project from the assortment available in warehouses,” advises Natalia Alekseeva-Lebedeva.
“I recommend prioritizing. The most serious repair items are layout, engineering (water, electrical, air conditioning, etc.), floors and kitchen. These are the main things that need to be done immediately well, conveniently and according to all the rules. The rest — wall decoration, furniture, textiles, décor, accessories — can be redone or replaced after some time,” says architect Tatiana K.
We made furniture, custom-made parquet and Metlakh tiles in a specially designed color in 8 months.”
ENG Architekten BDA
Force majeure: from marriage to the queue for the elevator
“If the builders convinced me that in 90 days the customers would be celebrating a housewarming party in an apartment of 75 sq.m and more, I would not believe it — says designer Maria Lazich. - Very often, the process slows down the final repair - in particular, high-quality tiling. Especially if it is porcelain stoneware thicker than 9 mm, and you need to saw down all external corners at 45 degrees. The poor organization of the delivery of materials and plumbing slows down the delivery. There will always be marriage, forgetfulness of the manager, confusion in completeness. Not to mention the fact that no one is in a hurry to change the product due to a complaint.
Those who have done renovations know this indescribable feeling when they brought doors of the wrong size, tiles of the wrong pattern, etc. It happens that mistakes are found in the design project. Finally, all standard calculations and plans are completely unsuitable for premises in the old fund, where everything is not done according to modern standards.
“Repairs can be unexpectedly delayed when “surprises” are discovered in the form of brickwork hidden under layers of plaster, or communications where they should not be. These moments are usually associated with old houses,” says designer Veronika Koneva.
Ruslan Kirnichansky
“But even in a new house it may suddenly turn out that the drain pipes are not at the right height or the windows and radiators are problematic,” says Natalya Martynova, head of the White Room studio.
Each stage of interaction with management companies or government agencies can delay the repair process. Planned shutdowns of water and electricity will be needed, and all work with gas equipment is done by gas workers, who are not particularly rushed. So the answer to the question of how long it takes to renovate a bathroom can easily differ by thirty days.
Repairs in a new house: Do's and don'ts
A big problem in the repair of used apartments is digestion of heating and water supply pipes. “To block the heating riser in order to crash into it, you will be allowed only after the closing of the heating season - not earlier than May. That is, if you started the renovation in January, and everything is going very quickly, you still can’t manage it before May,” says designer Maria Rubleva.
“In new buildings, there may also be a queue for a freight elevator to lift material. In large houses, this seriously takes time, ”says Oksana Mossur.
“Force majeure can also occur in the form of a weeping corner, which will have to be closed from the outside with the help of high-altitude seam sealers,” reminds designer Elena Karasaeva.
“The finishing stage can drag on for another month or two due to the search for “exactly” the carpet, waiting for the assembly of the last bed and sewing all the curtains,” says designer Tatyana Afanasyeva. Contractors installing air conditioners, windows, doors, furniture can fail. A pause in repairs is often associated with a change in the team that did the job poorly. Therefore, it is good if you have a spare in mind.
Divorce with a contractor: 4 reasons to change your builders the term depends on a lot of factors: is there a project, will there be author’s support, do you have a new building or a “secondary building”, is it planned to dismantle the walls and floor, is there an elevator, are windows and communications changing, will there be a warm floor, who buys materials, etc. .d.
juicy-hall studio
If there is no time at all and you are ready for compromises, designer Anna Lutskevich advises the following algorithm:
Yuri Grishko
If you are planning a blitzkrieg renovation in advance, then:
Well, you need to understand that on average, repairs still take not three months, but six months. To speed it up, you need a constant presence at the site of technical supervision.
Design Fixation [Faith Provencher]
Should I hurry?
A favorite saying of our architects: you need speed when catching fleas. If contractors promise a quick repair, this is a reason to be wary: are they going to comply with all the technologies? For example, some teams consider it acceptable to use heat guns to speed up the drying of screed and plaster. Others consider it a violation of the technological process.
“According to my observations, the rush is often associated precisely with the conditions of the builders. The customer goes for them, because, relying on the recommendations, he considers a particular team to be the best, ”says Olga Abramova, architect of the Interior-fresh design studio.
No materials and technologies take much time if you have designed the future interior and planned purchases in advance, assures Oleg Pigulevsky, head of the interior department of the architectural studio "CHADO".