Auto Repair
1041 Hebron Rd, Heath OH 43056
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January 2023
Ive bought tires from TD for my last vehicle, and know that their service for the life of those tires is excellent.However, I don't know where the tires on my recent vehicle came from.
And when I got a screw in my tire, they plugged/fixed it for me for FREE!!When this car is ready for new tires... Ill be getting them from... read full comment
December 2022
Couldn’t ask for a better experience with getting the tires I need and how fast they were able to get them put on. Skye is an amazing saleswoman and will get you hooked up with the tires you need.
December 2022
Awesome and honest staff. One of the tires I brought in had a tear in the bead and they called me right away. I got the bad tire swapped out and they mounted the set same day. They definitely earned more business. Would highly recommend.
More Comments(122)
Chip Wood started Tire Discounters over 40 years ago. He revolutionized the industry at that time, including mounting and balancing at no additional charge. Many imitators (thank goodness!) do that these days, but Tire Discounters was the first. Then, in 1996, Chip started including a free alignment with standard installation on any 4-tire purchase. We're still waiting for the rest of the industry to catch on to that innovation. Chip's sons and daughter now work with him to carry on the traditions and values taught to them by their father, and Tire Discounters is still family owned and operated. In addition to tires, we offer all the maintenance services your vehicle needs, from oil changes, brakes, shocks and struts and much more.
1.49 miles
Shrader Tire & Oil - 433 Hopewell Dr, Heath Tire Dealers
3. 89 miles
Ohio Tire Sales - 140 Everett Ave, Newark Car Repair, Tire
3.91 miles
Tire Choice Auto Service Centers - 1051 N 21st St, Newark Tire Dealers, Auto Repair
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November 14, 2016, 15:38
Life is a bizarre interweaving of human destinies and facts. Sometimes she presents us with such coincidences that it seems impossible to explain them by mere chance. There are mysterious patterns in history that once again demonstrate how unpredictable this world is. TengriMIX invites you to get to know them.
Reincarnation-like case
© wikipedia, © welt
Enzo Ferrari, founder of Ferrari, died in 1988. About a month later, footballer Mesut Ozil was born. And looking at their portraits, it seems that they are twin brothers.
Prediction of the sinking of the Titanic
© wikipedia, © wikipedia, © bibleetnombres
about the death of the ship called "Titan". But the coincidences did not end with one name: both ships were considered unsinkable, had similar technical characteristics, both had a shortage of boats during the crash, and both collided with an iceberg in the North Atlantic.
After the sinking of the Titanic, the book was republished under the title Futility, or the Wreck of the Titan.
Neighbors two centuries apart
© wikipedia, © jimihendrix
The great composer Georg Friedrich Handel lived next door to the famous guitarist Jimi Hendrix, though 200 years apart. Handel lived in London at 25 Brook Street, and Jimi Hendrix lived in the next house at 23 Brook Street. Both of them were brilliant musicians who greatly influenced the development of music.
Hoover Dam tragedy
© usbr
One of the first people to die at the construction of the dam was George Tierney, who died on December 20, 1922, while doing ground work. The last person who died during construction was Patrick Tierney, who was the son of George Tierney, he also died on December 20.
Cars that found each other
© life
В 1895 years in the state of Ohio, two cars collided. The oddity of this case is that in those years the auto industry was just gaining momentum and there were only two cars in the entire state of Ohio. Unfortunately, at that time, car accidents were not yet documented, so there was no official record of this case.
Coincidences in the biographies of Lincoln and Kennedy
© whitehouse
Many strange correspondences exist between the two presidents of America - Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. Here are just a few of them:
• Both presidents were shot in the back of the head on the Friday before the holiday (Lincoln on the eve of Easter, Kennedy on the eve of Thanksgiving). At the same time, each was accompanied by his wife and another married couple.
• Both presidents had four children.
• Everyone had a friend named Billy Graham.
• Kennedy had a secretary named Mrs. Lincoln. Lincoln had a secretary named John.
• Both were succeeded by Vice Presidents named Johnson, both Southerners and Democrats.
First and last soldiers
© theguardian
The graves of the first and last of the British soldiers who died in World War I are 6 meters apart and facing each other. This arrangement was a complete coincidence.
Edgar Poe's Time Machine Rumors
© poestories
Edgar Poe's "The Tale of the Adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym" tells how the four survivors of the shipwreck of Richard Poemeni were forced to eat a shipwrecked young sailor. Po said that it was based on real events, but in reality it was not so.
46 years after this book was written, a shipwreck really happened and the surviving crew members decided to eat their cabin boy, whose name was ... Richard Parker. This fact gave rise to rumors that the writer had a time machine.
Unhappy Brothers
© imgur
In July 1975, 17-year-old Bermuda resident Erskine Lawrence Ebbin was driving down the road on a moped and was hit by a taxi. Almost a year before, also in July, Erskine's brother, who was also 17 years old, died. He was riding the same moped and was also hit by a taxi. The same taxi driver was driving, and he was carrying the same passenger.
A rare book and Anthony Hopkins
© imdb
One day actor Anthony Hopkins urgently needed a book to study his role in the film "The Girl from Petrovka" based on George Phifer's novel. He could not find this book in any of the bookstores, but then he accidentally stumbled upon a forgotten copy of the novel on a subway bench.
When Hopkins later met Phifer, he said that he himself did not have a single copy left - he lent the last one to a friend, and he lost the book somewhere at the station in the subway.
A special name for the Roman Empire
© wikipedia, © colosseo
Rome, from which the history of the Roman state began, was founded by the brothers Romulus and Remus. Subsequently, Romulus became the first king of Rome. The last ruler of the Western Roman Empire was Romulus Augustulus, however, at birth he was given the name Flavius Romulus Augustus. It turned out that the name "Romulus" began and ended the history of the greatest of the ancient empires.
Prediction of Donald Trump's victory in The Simpsons
© youtube
The creators of the animated series "The Simpsons" in one of the episodes in 2000 casually mentioned that Donald Trump became the President of the United States. Did they know that this could ever be true?
At the same time, the video circulating on the Internet in which Trump appeared as a presidential candidate is a video related to Trump's election campaign, filmed a year before the election.
Bridgestone tires company history
Founded in 1931 in Fukuoka, Japan as Bridgestone Tire Co., Ltd., Bridgestone is the world's largest tire manufacturer with over 180 manufacturing facilities operating in 24 countries. They are one of five foreign tire brands made in the US and have owned Firestone since 1988, founded in 1900 in Akron, Ohio.
Bridgestone manufactures a complete range of tires for all types of commercial and non-commercial vehicles. In the latter concern, they have six brands to meet consumer needs: Potenza for performance, Driveguard for peace of mind, Turanza for quiet driving, Ecopia for fuel efficiency, Dueler for off-road, and Blizzak for winter traction. Bridgestone winter tires. Competitively priced and widely available, Bridgestone tires have a mixed reception in user reviews and product tests and do not always beat the competition.
Bridgestone tires come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, and if you need new tires for your vehicle, chances are Bridgestone has something to fit. Bridgestone was founded in Japan in the 1930s and has become the world's largest tire manufacturer with factories in the US. He also owns Firestone.
It offers tires for both commercial and non-commercial vehicles, but our Bridgestone review will focus on its consumer brands. There are six options to choose from: Potenza for performance, Driveguard for added safety, Turanza for quiet driving, Ecopia for fuel efficiency, Dueler for off-road use, and Blizzak for winter traction. Each brand comes with multiple models, making deciding which one is best for your needs even more difficult.
Bridgestone tire overview
Bridgestone tires are the world's largest tire brand. And while it doesn't excel at everything, it has a choice for every motorist.
Bridgestone tires are widely available and offer a wide enough selection to satisfy the vast majority of motorists. However, it doesn't quite match the level of some of its competitors when it comes to customer satisfaction and reviews.
Widely available to the vast majority of motorists
Many sub-brands to choose from
Not the best in many ranges
Excellent performance in all wet conditions Driveguard tires deliver decent performance in all wet conditions road, and they also hold up well. They are relatively inexpensive to break in, but still more expensive than regular tyres, and the extra safety they offer is partly offset by the slight increase in noise.
Bridgestone Turanza was originally designed and developed as a European luxury car tire. These tires are well above average - not only in terms of their handling, but also in terms of their performance in all weather conditions (with the exception of snow - they were designed as summer tires or grand tourer tires, so this is hardly surprising). as well as technology B - Silent Bridgestone, maintaining silence.
The US Department of Energy explains that motorists can save 3% on gas when using Bridgestone Ecopia tires by using an advanced sidewall compound that returns more energy (rather than heat) to the tire. They are also made from 5% recycled rubber. The Ecopia tires are quiet, efficient in both wet and dry conditions, but lack quick steering a little, and a softer, more comfortable ride might not be for those looking for sporty feedback.
Bridgestone Tire User Reviews
In the 2019 JD Power Original Equipment Tire Customer Satisfaction Study, Bridgestone was featured in all four categories – Performance Sport, Luxury, Passenger Car and Truck/Utility – and ranked alongside its competitors in terms of following criteria:
tire riding,
durability and
appearance on a scale of 1 to 5, with all winners getting 5/5.
Performance Sport: 2/5, just behind third place Pirelli, below Michelin 5/5 (not so good for tire ride and looks) and Goodyear winners.
Luxury: 2/5, just behind Pirelli and third-placed Goodyear, lower on Continental 3/5, which trailed Michelin winners.
Passenger car: 3/5, just behind Yokohama, Goodyear and third place Continental, below Pirelli 4/5 and winners Michelin.
Truck/Utility: 4/5 second behind Michelin winners.
Consumer Reports ranked Bridgestone #5 on tire brand report cards, behind Michelin 71%, Continental tires 70%, General 69%, Pirelli 66%, and Goodyear, Nexen and Bridgestone 65% each.
Overall - Should you buy Bridgestone tires?
Bridgestone makes great tires... they just aren't the best out there. The real winner is Michelin tires. Aside from the all-season SUV category (where the Dueler H/L Ecopia came in second) and the winter/snow tire category, with Bridgestone coming in third, Michelin came in first in a whopping five of the ten categories tested and came in second in three more.