How long are motorcycle tires good for

How long do motorcycle tires last

Motorcycle tire age

Before they leave the manufacturing floor, tires are dated. This sets their lifespan in motion. You can determine how old your tires are by checking the Tire Identification Number (TIN) on the tire sidewall. The last four digits tell the week and year of manufacture. For example, 0221 represents the second week of 2021.

A common recommendation by industry insiders is to stop riding on motorcycle tires more than five years old. The new tires you buy, however, could already be a few years old. If you purchase tires from a reputable supplier that stores them correctly, it’s potentially safe to ride on them longer.

Motorcycle tire life beyond five years

Some manufacturers will tell you that you can ride on tires until they’re 10 years old. So, five or 10? Even if your motorcycle tires look good to you after five years from the date they were manufactured, have them inspected each year by a tire professional. Motorcycle tires never last longer than 10 years. If your bike’s tires are older than this, you need to replace them.

Tire tread

Manufacturers cut grooves called rain sipes into street tires to disperse water on the road and provide traction. If you look at the edge of the tread on the motorcycle tire sidewall, you’ll find tread wear indicator (TWI) markings. At the TWI, you’ll find a raised bar across the tire in the rain sipes. When the tread has worn down to be level with that bar, your tires are worn out. Order new ones now.

Check for motorcycle tire defects

Make inspecting your tires part of your routine, pre-ride motorcycle safety inspection. Motorcycle tires are vulnerable to wear and abuse from the road surface. Pull over and check your tires if you hit a pothole or run over debris.

Here are some tire defects you need to look for:

  • Cracks, fractures, and cuts: Cracks on the sidewalls or in the rain sipes or tread develop when a tire is aging out. Fractures could indicate the tire is failing. Cuts come from impacts on the road. If you see any of these, replace that tire.
  • Punctures: Running over a nail or other sharp object can puncture the tire tread. A thin puncture in the tread might be pluggable. View this repair as a temporary solution so you can get to a shop and replace the tire. You cannot repair a sidewall puncture.
  • Inflation and pressure: Motorcycle tires need to be properly inflated when cold. Consider the load the bike is carrying when inflating. Riding with a passenger or heavy luggage requires a higher cold pressure. Never exceed the maximum pressure indicated on the sidewall.
  • How the bike handles: If you notice a change in how your motorcycle handles, it may indicate your tires are wearing out. Abrupt sensations when cornering or braking or vibration on smooth straight pavement are signs of advanced tread wear. Inspect the tires or have a tire professional inspect them.

Don’t leave yourself unprotected if the unexpected happens on your next ride. Review your current coverage and get a free motorcycle insurance quote today.

Check the tire mileage

It’s important to record your motorcycle’s mileage when you have new tires mounted. This gives you a starting point to track tire lifespan. Many riders expect to get the same mileage from each set of new tires, but tire life factors change over time. Experienced riders also consider factors like logging more two-up touring or track-like days in gauging their expectations and replacement plans.

Think about motorcycle storage

How you store your motorcycle will also affect how long your motorcycle tires last. Exposure to the sun ages tires, as do temperature extremes and fluctuations. Generally, storing your bike in a garage will lengthen your tires’ lifespan. When you bring a motorcycle out from storage, it’s time to check your tires’ age and perform a careful inspection.

Choose to get new tires

Your motorcycle tires connect you to the road—which is why it’s dangerous to try and get the last possible mile out of your tires. When the tread nears the wear marks or looks like it’s wearing unevenly, or your tires are showing signs of aging, it’s time for a new set.

You have many choices of motorcycle tires. Stay with your motorcycle manufacturer’s recommended size and don’t mix brands or types on the front and rear. Your best bet is to change both at the same time. A rear tire may wear out first, but a new set will give you better handling and may make your motorcycle feel new again.

Tires are the second-most frequently incurred expense in motorcycle maintenance after oil changes. While quality tires aren’t cheap, they’re worth it considering what rides on them. To discover more ways you can help protect your bike—and yourself—get a free, quick quote from Dairyland® today.

Till next time, ride safe!


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How Long Do Motorcycle Tires Last on Your Bike?

As you might suspect, there’s no single answer as to how long do motorcycle tires last. The amount of mileage you can expect to get out of a single tire depends on several factors - from the construction of the tire to the type of riding you do, to the weight and power of the motorcycle you ride.

In this article we will dive into what sort of mileage you can expect to get from the most popular types of tires on the market, as well as how long you can expect motorcycles tire to last in storage.

General Motorcycle Tire Overview

Every motorcycle tire comes with a recommended pressure from the manufacturer which is designed to give the optimal balance of performance and longevity.

Any departure from the recommended standard pressure can adversely affect the life of your tire. But that doesn’t mean that you should never play around with your tire pressures to find the best setting to suit your riding.

The tire pressure you’ll find listed on the sidewall is the maximum pressure recommended by the manufacturer and is intended to be used in conjunction with the maximum load rating for the motorcycle – which you’ll find in your owner’s manual and often printed on a tag somewhere around the swingarm as well.

However, many sport and off-road/dual-sport tires will benefit enormously by dropping a few pounds of pressure before being taken into situations that require higher grip, like tight canyon roads, race tracks, or dirt trails.

They’ll wear down faster due to the lower pressures (which generate higher temperatures), but they’ll also give you the performance you need for the type of riding you’re doing, which – in cases like these two – it is probably your main reason for purchasing them in the first place.

On the other end of the spectrum, tires on heavier bikes that do long stretches on the interstate will benefit from running closer to the maximum pressure listed on the tire, especially if you’re carrying extra weight like a passenger and touring luggage.

Cruiser and Touring Motorcycle Tires

Wondering how long cruiser motorcycle tires last or touring tires? Tires built for use on big cruisers and touring bikes are intended to withstand both the heavy weight of these machines and the long miles they’re built to ride.

That means that they have sturdier sidewalls and deeper tread, which both play a role in extending the reliable life of the tire.

When well maintained and used with the recommended tire pressure, many cruiser and touring tires have been known to last well beyond the 10k mile mark, with some touring owners claiming to have gotten over 12k miles out of the rear and even more out of the front tires of modern sport touring rubber like the Michelin Pilot Road 5.



Of course, if you’re prone to riding at a more aggressive pace, say on a sport-oriented touring machine like KTM’s 1290 Super Adventure, that number could easily be cut in half depending on how often you like to tempt fate by grabbing a handful of throttle on its 1,301cc engine.

Dual-Sport and Off-Road Tires

Dual-sport tires can be a mixed bag in terms of longevity, depending on the compound of their rubber and how aggressive the knobs on the tire are.

The Continental TKC80, for instance, is widely considered to be one of the best performing dual-sport tires on the market, but it also has a reputation for being completely roasted before the 5k mile mark.



Other less-aggressive tread options like the Metzler Tourance have been known to get over 10k miles on the rear tire on a mixture of paved and unpaid roads.

Choosing a dual-sport tire, like many other performance-oriented tires, is always going to be a trade-off between longevity, performance, and price. Pick two, as they say.

Sport and Performance Tires

Without a doubt, sport and hyper-sport tires have the shortest lifespan of any tire on the market.

They’re manufactured with the softest compounds on the market to provide the maximum grip possible in high-speed turns and hard braking, so mileage is often an afterthought at best.

But when only the best will do for performance (and safety), you don’t really have a whole lot of options.

Many sport tire manufacturers have adopted “dual-compound” technology on tires like the Dunlop Q3+, using a longer-wearing rubber in the center of the tire for highway duty and a super-soft compound on the sides for extra grip when the motorcycle is leaned over.



Still, you shouldn’t expect to get more than around three thousand miles out of any hardcore performance tire. Although the front tire will often outlast the rear, most riders choose to replace both at the same time for safety’s sake.

How Long Do Motorcycle Tires Last in Storage?

Good news for folks with a set or two of tires living in their garage, motorcycle tires benefit from an exceptionally long shelf life.

As long as they’re kept out of the sun, extreme heat, and weather, motorcycle tires should last a decent amount of time without sacrificing performance or safety.

That being said, they don’t last forever.

Manufacturers stamp a standardized “date code” onto the sidewall of every tire they sell to let the buyer know just how long a tire sat in storage before it was installed.

This is a four-digit number found on your sidewall, with the first two digits signifying the week a tire was manufactured, and the second two digits identifying the year.

So, for example, if the four-digit code on your tire is “0720,” your tire was born sometime in early February of 2020.

As a general rule of thumb, no tire should be used longer than 10 years from the date it was made and should spend no more than five of those years on your bike before being replaced.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, there are a lot of factors that play into how long motorcycle tires last.

The common thread that all motorcycle tires share, regardless of what you ride and how you ride it, is that they don’t last nearly as long as their four-wheeled counterparts.

Regularly replacing tires is an inevitable part of motorcycle ownership. Take advantage of this fact by trying out different brands and tread patterns each time you swap out a set and you’ll find your sweet spot between value and performance in no time. 

Check out our other motorcycle blog posts for more expert tips!

🚲 "Termin pridatnosti" of motor rubber - Finetyres

A lot of vlasniks in motor transport need food, how long to serve their motor rubber, what kind of resource? Definitely, it is impossible to say anything about it, the shards of the terms of the applicability of this virus lie in the face of impersonal factors. Let's talk report about those that contribute to wear motor tires 18 , as well as other expansions.

Appropriateness term, which may be a motor rubber, an online store is specified for the characteristics of the picker. Call the period of operation kolivaetsya in 3 to 5 years. Ale skіlki tire to serve, lie in the type її type, level of wear, the nature of the water. Hard tires can vikorate significantly more, but they have a weaker adhesion to the surface of the road surface. A more gentle appearance can make good contact with the surface of the road, but serve Vlasnikov richly less. So that two pokazniks fell apart, deyaki virobniki blew out the combinations of the type of motorcycle tires. In this case, the upper ball with protectors is soft, the inner ball is hard. In this rank, more trials are reached.

If the master of motor transport operates his own income, then such tires should be worn for a long time.

Factories that add to wear gumi

There are five main officials, like bringing to wear, the term of attachment of motor tires is very fast.

  1. Water style. As if the water is sharply galmuy or zrivaєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє зістся - tseyde to shkoda gumi. Drift, extreme water, sharp turns hard enough to make the wheels unbearable. The protectors are erased, the term is brought to work replacement.
  2. Accident and other road traffic accidents. If an accident becomes a reason for a tire change, there will be no more serious problems. After an accident, microscopic cracks appear on the tires, in which sand, bitumen, oil and gasoline are spilled on the road surface. All the speeches are ruining the gum, which will bring down the toll. These same processes are blamed when the wheel hits the winder, or it hits the winkle.
  3. Surface roughness of the road surface. The ideal cover for tires would be asphalt. But if the road is paved with stone or covered with small stones, gravel, then special motor rubber for the enduro is needed here. It is specially prepared for sports purposes.
  4. Incorrect selection of motoshin. Tires for wheels will require proper operation, with which it is necessary to constantly improve the optimal internal pressure. It is important to run new wheels in correctly, and also to warm them up daily. If we can ignore it, then the term of appurtenance will be less.
  5. Incorrect charge collection. If the vlasnik "preserves" the motorcycle, the wheels are next removed. The humus is taken from dry soil, without sharp temperature fluctuations. With whom it is necessary to follow him, so that they do not waste direct sleepy changes on her.

During the manufacturing process, tires are covered with special coatings, so that the gums are covered with an elastic, smooth glossy surface. In order to save the power of power over a long time, it is necessary to carry it out with a transport facility calmly, without a sharp increase in security. Dotrimannya all the rules of exploitation and the exclusion of shkіdlivih factors, which reduce the term of appurtenance, allow speeding up financial expenses on the arrival of a new gumi.

How many motorcycle tires to buy, what work, what stench served for a long time?

In order to continue the term of applicability of tires, it is necessary to take into account all factors, storage conditions, and comply with all operating rules.

After you buy and install motorcycle tires in the distance, you need to run them in shoes. For whom, at least 150 kilometers, it is necessary to pass without any particular vanity. Under an hour of running-in, when cornering, it is necessary to change a little bit of the motorcycle’s nahiva, so that you can fix some of the tires.

Tires get colder for the night, then it is necessary to reheat them. For which it is recommended to drive on the optimal speed, not to sag sharp turns, galvanization.

Shchob motor rubber 190 55 r17 otherwise served a long time, it is necessary to keep a step behind the camp. With it, it is regularly necessary to wash away saws, oil, gasoline, galmivnu homeland. For whom vicorists are kindly, special speeches, like to recommend virobniks.

The wheels need to be looked at for the presence of the most important objects that are stuck in the tires. Obov'yazkovo following the stitches behind the vice.

It is important that during operation the tire was evenly distributed along the road surface, in which case the wear will be equal. If you wipe only from one side, then it will be easy to drive, especially when turning or galvanizing.

Under all the rules of operation motor rubber 100 90 r18 , otherwise it will serve as the master of the legal years, having changed the term of appurtenance, indications of the typist.

How do you look like a good old gum?

"Old" cross-country motor rubber may look even after three months of operation, so that you can save it under direct sleepy shifts or in a gray basement. So the tire loses its elasticity, softness, cracks appear, and saws are stuffed. If you ride on such a gum regularly, then it expands and you can see the cord.

Before the “old” motor tire, lie with worn out treads, the depth of which is not more than 0.8 mm.

The motor rubber served for a long time, it is also necessary to buy it from a re-delivered seller, which will definitely complete all the rules for picking up the goods. Yakіsnі motor tires in Kharkiv are stored in special warehouses with low water content, without sharp temperature drops. The same products are sold by the Fine Tires online store.

Mi pracyuєmo on the market is already more than one rіk, maєmo great kіlkіst vіdgukіv about the quality of the goods, which zberіgaєtsya with the right minds. If you want to buy motorcycle tires in Ukraine at a reasonable price, take a look at our catalog. For additional information, contact our managers, and they will tell you in detail about mine, how the goods are sold, and help you choose the right choice.

Shelf life of motor rubber, aging and service life of motorcycle tires

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Excellent service! And when buying a motorcycle in this salon, you will be pleasantly surprised by its condition!

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The prices don't match...I made an order.I arrived and the prices are wrong..

Moto-Bazaar: Denis, thank you. Prices in the online store can indeed sometimes differ. This information is posted on the website.

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Very nice shop. The consultant competently helped to choose motorcycle equipment and gave a lot of practical advice

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Anton Chernov

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Pavel Chumachenko

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Moto-Bazaar: Pavel, thank you. Everything is exactly like that.

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