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Cast Boolits > Guns & Shooting > Special Projects > Anybody Know How To Turn A Tire Inside-Out?
View Full Version : Anybody Know How To Turn A Tire Inside-Out?
01-01-2010, 06:39 AM
Back when I was a kid 50 years ago I used to see gigantic flower pots on street corners made out of old car tires that were turned inside out.
I tried it using 3/8" trucker's chains, my 30-ton log splitter, and my Cat D4D bulldozer to try pulling the bead through the rim hole, but couldn't get them to roll inside out.
Anybody know how on earth it is done?
Cap'n Morgan
01-01-2010, 06:55 AM
A Google search brought this up:
http://mercer. extension.psu.edu/Agriculture/TirePlanter.htm
01-01-2010, 08:21 AM
You take a tire mounted onto a rim. Cut the sidewall about half way from the bead to the tread. Grab the portion of the cut you just made and pull it toward the uncut side of the tire/rim assy.
Usually the rim portion is buried into the ground leaving the tire portion exposed.
01-01-2010, 02:43 PM
Americans dont do that anymore. Just send your old Tires to these guys and they will take care of it for you.
"Abdul the Shoemaker"shows an apprentice lad named Shami the art of crafting quality footwear from discarded American Infidel Automobile Tyres.
These fasionable qundara flooys will be sold under the Jazmah Brand Lable at finer Souoks everywhere.
Marvin S
01-01-2010, 03:06 PM
WickedGood that is FUNNY! I would think gutting the bead out and the rim thing would sure do it.
01-01-2010, 03:30 PM
I remember folks doing this on the rim when 50 years ago myself - was probably much easier before steel belted radial tires !
01-01-2010, 04:13 PM
01-01-2010, 07:29 PM
Americans dont do that anymore.
Just wait. Plenty of Americans will be doing all kinds of things "that they don't do anymore" just to survive................
01-01-2010, 09:57 PM
Some one was using tires for making salt and mineral feeders ( for livestock) and bolting plywood bottom in it. They were really durable an economical.
Charlie Sometimes
01-02-2010, 12:40 AM
They still got plenty of them tire planters in these parts- WV is full of them!
01-03-2010, 10:25 PM
Thanks, guys!
The inside-out tire flower pots I saw back 50 years ago didn't have one bead cut off like the Pennsylvania State University Extension article shows, the ones I saw a long time back were totally intact tires turned inside-out and stood about two feet tall. They looked exactly like ancient Greek wine amphoras and were much better looking than the one showed in the extension article, which looks kinda like a crappy old tire turned inside-out. I did see plenty of that kind with one bead cut off down in Tijuana, Mexico, back in the mid 1960s.
During the Vietnam War I had a buddy who was serving in-country in the U.S. Naval Construction Battalion as an electrician. One time on a night patrol around the compound perimeter where their hooches were, his patrol was shot up by VC. They returned fire, my buddy Carl had a selective fire M2 .30 carbine and he unloaded a full 30-round clip at one unlucky VC who showed himself. They cleaned up the mess to retrieve VC ordnance and Carl found one guy was carrying a K-Bar copy made from a Jeep spring and extra sandals made from Jeep tires with inner tube straps, which he brought home and showed to me. The sandals were very cleverly made and I made a pair for myself.
There is a method to my madness, I am trying to find a good way to utilize old tires to make outdoor storage for small size things like paint cans, weed killer, sacks of lawn fertilizer, and other supplies that just waste valuable space in my small workshop but can't be put directly outside without some protection from the sun and rain/snow. Old tires turned inside-out have lots of room inside and are easy to put a lid on made out of cement board or concrete stepping stones.
01-04-2010, 08:51 AM
I think the modern tire's are built a lot better now and with all the belt's and stuff inside them that's there to go only one way, you might be S.O.L.
01-04-2010, 09:21 AM
Some, if not all tires are made inside out, Through the tire companies have machines for turning them.
01-04-2010, 09:55 AM
Some, if not all tires are made inside out, Through the tire companies have machines for turning them.
Worked in the tire industry close to 15 yrs in R&D/ Prodcution Engineering and Testing , never saw one made inside out and turned.
peter nap
01-04-2010, 10:08 AM
Loan it to my son and tell him NOT to turn it inside out!
01-04-2010, 12:18 PM
Worked in the tire industry close to 15 yrs in R&D/ Prodcution Engineering and Testing , never saw one made inside out and turned.
I toured a few plants when I used to sell tires. I clearly remember inside out tires. Are they inspected that way?
01-10-2010, 01:02 PM
Am I missing something??? how is an inside out tire any larger?? the bead will not get any bigger if both are intact. I am not from MO but I want to see one rick
This is about 12in deep and rim is under ground
Uncle R.
01-10-2010, 01:46 PM
When I was a young man I watched two guys turn a tire inside out. They used a big vise on a post and big pipe wrenches with cheater bars and pure wrasslin' muscle power. It was near 35 years ago and I wasn't really interested so I can't tell you much - just that they was a lot of grunting and cussing and pure gritty determination but they finally managed to do it. Why? They did it just because they were wondering how people made those planters - and if THEY could do it too.
Uncle R.
01-10-2010, 02:10 PM
i was thinking of the same thing but I did see a childs swing made out of a old tire cut all up to lool like a horse main body was the side walls. Oh when my brother was overseas he had a pair of boots made the guy measure his foot and hand sewed the leather use a tire for the soles. But as far as the turning one inside out I feel you age going to have to cut the bead on one side its steal and you need a saw saw and cable cutter well thats what I have used.
01-10-2010, 05:43 PM
Loan it to my son and tell him NOT to turn it inside out!
Kind of reminds me of my oldest son, I always told him he could mess up a crowbar in a sandbox, LOL.
01-10-2010, 05:59 PM
I suspect 40 years ago it was a damn bit easier to turn a tire inside out. Todays radial tires are much stronger.
Size matters a lot on something like this. It might be possible to turn an 1100-22 inside out, but I think trying the same trick on a 5.70x8 would be damn near impossible.
The OP's reason for wanting to do this puzzles me. I can buy clean poly open head drums locally for about 20 bucks. I simply store my stuff in regular old building space, but if I wanted dry outdoor storage I could move with a hand truck the poly barrel would be my first choice.
Old tires are just an all-around pain to me, and if you collect too many of them where I am at the county will be on your ass about it as well.
01-13-2010, 07:55 AM
Here's a quick pen and ink drawing I just made from memory that shows the approximate shape of the planters I saw as a kid. I think they looked prettty nice.
My 1972 Caterpillar D4D bulldozer has got right around 15,000 pounds drawbar pull according to the performance graph Cat supplied in the owners manual, and that's plenty to turn a tire inside out IF, and a BIG IF, I can get all that OOOMPH going in the right places, which I haven't been able to do yet with several logging chains, chain binders, two 16-foot long 4" x 8" 'I' beams, two 4-foot long 4" x 4" 'I' beams, and my 30-ton Guillotine log splitter all working in various combinations of pulling and twisting. The photo is my Caterpillar D4D dozer with me standing next to it, I'm 6' 2" tall, so you can see it isn't exactly a Struck backyard mini-dozer. I tore up a few tires with it trying to get them inside out, too!
As far as appearance goes, the turned inside out tires I saw when I was a kid would not attract negative attention at all, like I mentioned in a previous post way up above, they looked just like ancient Greek wine amphoras and like the ancient containers they were painted an earthenware reddish brown and you couldn't tell that they were made from tires unless you looked inside one with the potting soil far enough down to expose the tread and something like "GOODYEAR 7.75-15 MAX INFLATION PRESSURE 32 PSI" on the sidewalls. They stood up about two feet tall on their own because of the stress of the rubber wanting to turn them back right-side-out.
01-13-2010, 08:31 AM
Yup, the poly drums, like the 35 and 60-gallon kinds that Roundup weed killer comes in, I used to get for free when I lived in Southern Cali-forlorn-ia in the Citrus Belt of Ventura County, but alas, here in New Mexico there aren't too many places around here that use weed killer in those amounts since weeds don't grow well in the gypsum that the White Sands of the Tularosa Basin are composed of. At $20 bucks a pop for containers, spending that would very quickly ruin paying for propane at $450 per month that this cold spell just yesterday afternoon took out of my lonely bank account (lonely for more $ to keep it company) and diesel fuel I need to survive; and worn out tires are, of course, FREE! I also think that a bunch of old, intact, right-side-out tires looks like one step removed from steaming heaps of horse apples and Obama's mindset, so if what I am after looked terrible I'd find another low cost alternative for exterior storage.
01-13-2010, 11:21 AM
I sent you a pm with contact info for a guy in my area that does this. he may be willing to help you but i have not talked to him personally about this.
01-13-2010, 02:25 PM
There is no doubt you have enough force to do the job - you probably have enough to tear a tire in half.
Find a soft kid's toy with a tire on it. Start turning it inside out with your fingers. You will see immediately what you need. Or if you have one, a 20" or larger bicycle tire.
Do you have some big beam clamps / HD "C" clamps? Plenty of chain?
You need to pull the opposite side bead surface through the near side bead. On an angle. Without letting it get away from you & taking your head off...
Good luck & be safe.
01-14-2010, 02:26 PM
Hey, thanks, bohica2xo, a scooter tire of the same proportions as a car tire is probably what I have on hand.
That would be the pits after all these years of shooting to get my head taken off by a tire!
02-10-2010, 02:29 AM
They make it sound easy. I can't understand it.
Youll need to remove any leftover air from the tire. Next, youll need to turn the tire inside out. You can do this by planting your foot on the bottom and pulling at the top from the far side. Next, place your other foot on the tire and hold down the flattened edge at the bottom with this foot. Now, push the tire over and pull from the opposite side. If your tire is soft enough, it should turn inside out fairly easily. Believe it or not, thats all it takes!
These are better looking than the usual ones. They seem to be seamed.
Bullshop Junior
02-10-2010, 03:17 AM
Do you want it on or off of the rim?
Note - If you can use 1-3 Ply tires. 10 ply are hard to do.
01-12-2015, 01:47 PM
I would like to interest you in our work about tyreplanters. You can see our work on green-tyre. com, also on facebook and pinterest. Now as you can see we do a lot of tyreflipping and it is hard work. To make our job easier we invented a machine to do it.
The TYREFLIPPER Patent Pending.
This machine is very easy to operate and it can flip a tyre in 3 minutes. Any size tyre is possible, up to the back tyre of a tractor. You can get it in manual, air or hydraulic operation.
If you interested, just let me know.
01-12-2015, 07:40 PM
Your website doesn't work for me.
Any pics and details on the machine?
Loan it to my son and tell him NOT to turn it inside out!
This one is a good idea if he is still a teenager.
Good google foo green-tyre.
01-13-2015, 10:42 AM
http://i127.photobucket. com/albums/p152/langed0115/100_0926c.jpg
1 Stand your tractor tire up on end by lifting it up. It might help to lean the tire against a tree for better support. The idea is to keep the tire in a stand up position so that you can guide the head of the backhoe onto the top of it.
2 Study the use of your backhoe controls and practice the controls a bit. You will notice that you have the ability to move the backhoe up, down, left and right. Once you get used to using the backhoe, you will have an easier time to turn the tractor tire.
3 Control the backhoe so that you have positioned the head on top of the tractor tire. Push the tractor tire down with the controls and you will see the tire start to twist inside out. The backhoe head will apply tremendous pressure to the tire as you push down on it. The sidewalls of the tire will flex and buckle.
4 Continue to work your way around the tire with pressure from the head of the backhoe until the tire is inside out completely.
Tips & Warnings
You may need to work with the backhoe and the tire for a while depending on how flexible the tractor tire is. You can locate a small backhoe tractor at your local equipment rental yard. In some states you need to be licensed to use a large backhoe. You can find a small size backhoe tractor that you do not need a license to use. Check with your equipment rental yard on this. If you are unable to locate a backhoe for rent, then you can hire a backhoe operator to do this job for you. Just be prepared to pay a fee for an operator.
I'm liking this idea for raised bed gardening
http://plimages. blob.core.windows.net/article-images/Layton_tire-garden.jpg
01-13-2015, 08:23 PM
Thanks for the video on inverting tires, that is the kind of stuff I'm looking for. That may even serve as a target of some sort besides growing potatoes!
rl 1,237
01-13-2015, 10:24 PM
Loan it to my son and tell him NOT to turn it inside out!
LOL Sadly the same here.
01-13-2015, 10:47 PM
Watched the video - interesting. I love it when a guy wears work gloves to protect his hands but wears sandals with no protection for his feet . . . wonder if he casts bullets that way to? :-)
01-14-2015, 10:16 AM
The gloves are for the wire in radial tires. That is cheating though, flipping with the bead intact would be much harder.
01-16-2015, 04:56 AM
Back in the day, my stepdad would pound the bead on one side of a bias ply tire with a sledge to soften it up. Then they would mount it on a bead lock rim, only locking the side that wasn't soften. Chain up the softened bead, put the tractor in Low One, and let the tractor crawl forward until the tire was completely turned inside out. Can't remember how much he sold them for at the time, but I remember him doing about 10 or 15 in a day.
01-18-2015, 07:14 PM
Seems like a lot of work. I showed my wife,,, She doesn't want any.
02-15-2015, 01:31 AM
im glad some one else put some pictures on here with tractor tires as raised beds. i live rural and have more than i can count all filled with good dirt and compost. as i fill them i make a slurry out of the mixture with lots of water. it settles back in to every part of the tire. i plant every thing from carrots to fruit trees in them. good for raspberries and straw berries also. cucumbers and melons love tires. i have seen them turned inside out at a neighbors cattle feeding area but never thought tham better to plant in than a regular big tractor tire. i like the regular shaped tires because they hold moisture back in the hollow cavity better than if they were straight sided. my carrot crop was out of this world last year in a big old tractor tire.
Plate plinker
02-15-2015, 06:23 AM
Seems like a lot of work. I showed my wife,,, She doesn't want any.
Good woman. Keep her around.
02-21-2015, 05:14 PM
Western Tire Recycling in Utah is one company that makes water tanks/feed bunkers with old tires.
OTRs tire though, 6-13 feet in diameter.
02-21-2015, 06:16 PM
Wouldn't the tires leech chemicals/compounds in the soil?
02-21-2015, 06:43 PM
Tires 50yrs ago weren't steel belted. They weren't even polyglas back then. WHOLE LOTTA difference now.
I personally would not grow food plants of any kind, or any culinary herbs in a tire planter. We don't use rr ties, salt treated, concrete block, nothing but untreated pine or other untreated wood.
02-22-2015, 08:11 AM
131653 ho chi minh sandals-not me btw.
Plate plinker
02-22-2015, 12:09 PM
They are common in Mexico. Call them guaraches. (War-achcess).
02-26-2015, 03:20 AM
They are common in Mexico. Call them guaraches. (War-achcess).
I grew up in Southern California not too far from Malibu Beach back in the 1950s and 1960s, and all the surfers down at Malibu and the other popular surfing beaches wore guarache sandals. They called them "Tijuana retreads" because they were manufactured in little family-owned shops just across the border in Tijuana, Mexico.
Plate plinker
02-26-2015, 05:51 AM
I like those sandals, even wore out a pair. Well the top anyhow, as the rubber last a lifetime.
02-27-2015, 02:17 PM
In the Philippines I see inside out tires all the time but they have some way of putting a bottom in them so they can be used for water storage and as laundry wash tubs, etc
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Old car tires are of no value, so they just get rid of them - most often thrown into a landfill. But why litter the environment when rubber can be put to better use?
Read also: How to cut a laminate so that there are no chipsBy increasing the thickness of the sole, the shoes, of course, will gain a little weight, but there are pluses: the sole will be very durable and will last much longer.
The first step is to cut off a layer of rubber from a car tire (cut off to the cord).
As a result, we get a wide strip of rubber, which is quite enough to “change shoes” for several pairs of shoes.
Next, using a metal brush, the master makes notches on the inside of the rubber strip and on the sole of the shoe itself (for better adhesion to each other).
Read also: Workshop idea: how to make a plug with a built-in switch
At the next stage, the master applies glue to the prepared rubber surface and to the sole.
Glue the sneakers to the rubber strip, press it with something heavy.
Read also: How to make knife handle fasteners from ordinary nails
After the glue has dried, all that remains is to cut off the excess parts of the rubber with a knife.
Details on how to make a shoe sole from an old car tire can be seen in the author's video. This article is based on a video from the YouTube channel Ban bekas & kerajinan .
Make the bottom of a strong shoe with used car tires Read also: How to make a bird feeder: 10 interesting solutionsAt the summer cottage, it will look quite appropriate. Just enough to give it a more presentable appearance.
Lay the car tire flat on a table or any other horizontal surface. Then we draw petals using the template.
Next, we arm ourselves with a construction or clerical knife and cut out a ring with petals.
Cut out a circle from a piece of sheet rubber, and make drainage holes in the central part with a punch.
The next step is to nail the rubber circle to the petal ring.
Be sure to bend the tips of the nails on the reverse side to avoid injury. The result was the foundation of a garden bed.
Next we need a motorcycle tire. She needs to cut out a part of the rubber on the side. After that, turn the tire inside out.
In the upper part of the motorcycle tire, we cut out petals of arbitrary shape for decoration with a knife (but it is desirable that they be the same size). Then we install it on top of the base.
We connect both parts of a homemade garden bed with nails.
At the end, it remains only to paint the finished product with paint. Better than aerosol. Paint color is up to you.
In this review, the author will share with us a fairly simple (but most importantly, working) way to cut a rubber tire from a car into strips. What they (bands) may be needed for, we will tell later.
The first step is to cut off the sides. Actually, it is these parts of the tire that we will dissolve into strips.
You may also be interested in reading: what can be done with the old step drill .
Rubber can be cut with an ordinary knife (the main thing is that it is sharp), but in this case the craftsman used a construction knife with interchangeable blades.
It is enough to moisten the knife blade itself in water, and it cuts rubber like clockwork.
In general, if you're cutting tires, try using a craft knife with some water. You will not regret.
We also advise you to read: how to make a tool for removing the bearing from the crankshaft.
Next, you need to make a device with which you can dissolve the rubber into strips.
To make a device for cutting tires (let's call it a tire cutter), you will need the most common materials that can be easily found in any garage:
You will also need the main structural element - a cutting knife. In its role is a replaceable blade for a construction / clerical knife.
Bend the metal plate into a U.
At the end of the prepared board, make a cut and insert the plate into it. We fix it with two nails, as shown in the photo below.
We insert the blade into the plate, and next (at the required distance - depends on the desired strip width) we drive in a nail.
Our homemade device is ready. Now you can try it at work.
In general, anyone who has worked with a bottle cutter at least once will figure it out without problems - the principle is the same.
We “bait” the edge of the rubber onto the blade, after which we pull it towards ourselves. Thus, we quickly and easily dissolve the entire tire.
By hammering the nail closer to the blade, you can spread the cut strips along, reducing their thickness.
The cut rubber strips can be used to make the bottom of a flower bed or for other purposes, for example, to make a soft seat for a chair.
This article is based on the author's video from the YouTube channel Ban bekas & kerajinan.
Manual tool for splitting tire A simple homemade wall-mounted punching bag made from an old car or truck tire, perfect for practicing hard hitting at home.
Wall pear can be hung in the room, garage or workshop.
The base is attached to the wall cushion using dowels. As a platform for tires, you can use plywood, OSB, a wooden shield.
The wall-mounted “cushion” for hitting can be fixed in only one position (on the same level) or made universal in order to adjust its height for practicing punches not only with hands, but also with legs.
First of all, we cut off a piece of plywood or a wooden board that fits the size.
Then we make a marking on the tire, based on the length of the platform, after which, using an angle grinder, we cut off a suitable piece of rubber for the wall “cushion”.
The next step is to mark and drill holes in the base for wall mounting.
Using self-tapping screws with large washers, fasten the tire itself to the platform. To do this, you need to make cuts along the edges.
Then all that remains is to drill four holes in the wall to screw the wooden base.
You can watch the detailed process of making a home-made wall-mounted “cushion” for whipping in the video on our website.
Make a Wall Tool for Kickboxing — Diy FitenssIn this review, the author will share an idea on how to make a water container from a tire from a Kirovets tractor.
A self-made container is useful for watering plants and trees in a summer cottage. From the main tool you will need:
We advise you to also read: how to make an original concrete path for a garden or cottage.
Using a drill, drill a hole for the file, then cut out the cord with an electric jigsaw.
We find a suitable place on the site, and you can start installing a homemade water tank.
We level the area where the container will be located, cover it with plastic wrap. Then we put the cut tire from the tractor on top, and set it to the level.
At the bottom of the tire, you will need to drill a through hole with a diameter of 21 mm.
Next, we install a water pipe with two lock nuts, a ball valve and a fitting (for connecting a hose).
The hole in the bottom of the tank will need to be concreted. For better adhesion of the solution to the tire, the author screws in the screws and ties them with steel wire.
We prepare the concrete solution and pour the bottom of the tank.
After the concrete had dried, I painted the bottom with homemade waterproofing, which can be made from Styrofoam and xylene (or gasoline). How to prepare waterproofing, read here .
The process of making a water tank from a tractor tire can be seen in the video below. This idea was shared with us by the author of " Anatoly Stupin" (video source - YouTube).
Container for water from the Kirov cylinder.Rubber water tank is a great option for giving. It is very strong and at the same time lightweight.
The container is also resistant to sunlight, making it suitable for outdoor use. And it doesn't rust like a metal barrel. You can make a rubber container from an old car tire.
The idea of making a homemade product belongs to the author of the YouTube channel Ban bekas & kerajinan.
You might be interested in reading: how to make your own hydroponic growing system.
First of all, we select a car tire of a suitable size. Using a knife, cut out a ring on one of its sides.
Turn the tire over on the other side, and nail a piece of thick rubber onto the nails. This will be the bottom of the container.
The tire itself and the previously cut ring will need to be turned inside out.
A rubber ring will serve as a base. We install a tire on it, after which we nail it.
Next, you need to make the handles. The author cut off two pieces of rubber, and nailed them to the sides of the container.
At the last stage, all that remains is to paint the outer surface of the tire with black paint - the water in it will heat up faster.
It is clear that drinking water cannot be stored in such a container. But collecting rainwater or, for example, heating tap water to water plants is the right thing.
Details on how to make a water tank from a car tire can be seen in the author's video below.
Make a water bath from used tiresThere is never too much water in a summer cottage. Especially if the central water supply is not carried out. To store water, we suggest using a homemade container from an old car tire.
Rubber as a material is in many ways better than metal or plastic.
Firstly, it absorbs the heat of the sun better, as a result of which the water warms up quickly (and plants need warm water). At the same time, rubber retains heat better. Secondly, rubber is more durable than the same metal. Thirdly, it is a cheap and affordable material.
The author of YouTube channel Ban bekas & kerajinan shared his personal experience of making a homemade water tank from an old car tire. Take note.
First of all, using a clerical knife, you need to cut off a part of the car tire - cut out a ring, which will later be used as the base of the container.
From a piece of rubber, cut out a circle of suitable diameter and use small nails to nail it to the car tire.
We bend the protruding ends of the studs. This is the bottom of the container.
The next step is to turn the tire inside out. We attach the previously cut ring to the bottom of the container.
In the end, all that remains is to make handles so that you can carry the container from place to place.
To do this, use a drill or screwdriver to drill through holes in the tire and insert a rope into them. From the inside of the tire we make knots, after which we cut off the excess. We lightly melt the ends of the rope with a lighter.
Then it remains only to wash the car tire well with water and detergent and paint the outside.
For details on how to make a container for storing water from an old tire, we recommend watching the author's video below.
How to make a leak-proof water tank with used tiresDisposal of waste is very urgent all over the world. The Vietnamese, for example, went the right way - they began to reuse old tires from trucks, but in the form of baskets and buckets for household needs.
The tread layer is removed from the old worn car tire and all parts containing steel wire are cut off.
Next, the inside of this tire is exposed.
Unlike the outer one, it does not contain as many rubber strength additives as the cord and tread portions. That is why the inside is so elastic.
After thoroughly washing the rubber from dirt, you need to set the shape of the future basket. Having bent the workpiece to the state of a cylinder, we fasten it with temporary brackets.
Cut out from a wide piece of elastic part a circle with a diameter equal to the diameter of the inner part of our cylinder. We also fix it on the brackets.
Next, we proceed to the final assembly of the basket.
We drill holes at the seams of our temporary joints and sew everything with threads.
For ease of transfer, we attach handles opposite each other along the upper edges of the cylinder. Fasten with staples and drill holes. With the help of rivets and washers we rivet our fasteners for handles.
In the same way, but with a smaller strip, we can make a lid for our basket.
In this review, we will tell you how to make a cool country table using different materials at hand. The neighbors are sure to be jealous!
When finished, the outdoor coffee table looks very cool. You can't even tell that it's made of rubbish.
For the manufacture of the table we need:
It will also be necessary to prepare a metal mesh Chain-link (a small piece) and a plastic film.
If your dacha is not only work in the garden, but also a comfortable outdoor recreation, then you will probably need a comfortable chaise longue made of wooden pallets.
First of all, lay the metal mesh on a flat surface (eg concrete floor). Then it will be necessary to lay a plastic film on the mesh, and rubber tires are already laid on it.
We mix cement mortar from cement, sand and water. We fill them with the inside of the tires, reinforce with a plaster mesh.
Insert a piece of plastic pipe into the flower pot. We install it in the center of a large tire. Fill with cement mortar.
We cut off all the excess, and grind.
Next, using cement mortar, glue the table leg to the base, also placing it in the center.
The last step is to sand everything, dust off with a brush and then spray paint (the author uses black and gold colors).
Andrey Vasiliev
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Tires need to be replaced every 3-5 years and accumulate over the years. They are expensive, it’s a pity to throw away the old ones, I want them to still serve, even if not for their intended purpose. And it’s good when you have your own piece of land, you can build flower beds on it, giving tires a second life.
on the ground, planted flowers and you're done.
The simplest tire bed
And if you have a lot of tires and free space, then you can simply spread them out as you like and plant anything, even tomatoes.
Several tires together are already an oasis that can be landscaped to your taste. After all, they can be, for example, motorcycle.
Motorcycle tires make tires with a low curb
But a flower bed made from a tractor tire looks much more fundamental.
A deep flower bed made from a tractor tire can be placed on asphalt and turf, there is enough room for roots
How spectacular the painted tire treads look above! After all, this is a ready-made pattern, and it can be painted much brighter and more original.
The well-known checkered pattern and pansies of the same shades look amazing together.
Flowerbed with bright stripes contrasts with the surrounding landscape
It doesn't take any artist's talent to paint tires, even children can do this task.
Such a flower bed must appear where there are children
Think about how many variations of flower beds you can create by stacking tires of different sizes and colors on top of each other in slides, pyramids, etc.
This is a whole paradise of tires: made up of a slide, they are in the background
By the way , strawberries like to grow on multi-level beds.
Strawberries in three tiers, a pot on top - simple, practical, beautiful
It can be difficult to choose plants for a flower bed so that flowering does not stop all season. But painted tires of different heights, placed in a green corner, will always look bright and optimistic.
If there is not enough color in the garden, put bright beds of tires of different heights.
Miniature marigolds peep out from the shady space between the tiers
Multi-level flowerbeds are not only beautiful, but also convenient. The top tier can be groomed without bending your back.
You don't have to bend down to look after flowers
These flower beds can only be made by real craftsmen with golden hands. It is not enough just to color and arrange in an interesting order. Dangerous tools and skills will be required. In other words, men will have to be connected.
A flower bed on a leg looks stylish, is easy to make, but requires man's skill
To make such a flower bed, you need a knife or a jigsaw to cut out the curly edge, as well as man's strength to turn the tire inside out.
Scheme for making a flower bed on a leg
A flower bed is good, but even better with painting.
Flowerbed-nostalgia, reminiscent of a grandmother's vase
But it is not necessary to be able to draw so beautifully, combinations of shades work wonders.
Thanks to the shades, a 3D effect is created, each petal looks three-dimensional.
Sometimes it is difficult to figure out what is more beautiful: a flower bed or flowers in it.
What is more beautiful: a flower bed or flowers in it?
Enjoyed the contemplation of beauty? And now it's time to remember our children, they want to see funny figures and preferably from the animal world.
A funny little turtle, and it's not difficult to make it
And such a flower bed will appeal to both children and adults, it has both style and fabulousness.
The shape of the flower bed is amusing, and the decoration is stylish
The green frog hides in the grass, merges with it, but it is impossible not to notice his eyes, just as it is impossible to pass by such beauty.
Instead of eyes - bowls, paws from a hose and a rubber mat, nothing complicated, but so beautiful
The simplest model of a high flower bed is a few tires stacked on top of each other.
You can't make a vertical bed of tires otherwise
It doesn't look very attractive, but that's only until you pick up a brush. This is how this fantastic hero was created. And what hairstyle he will have - long curls of cucumbers or perky curls of petunias - it's up to you.
This minion must have lost his hair or hat somewhere
Cartoon minions are very popular overseas. Such sculptures on the street and in courtyards are often found.
American cartoon characters can also be used in the garden
Household utensils, especially teapots, have always inspired Russians to creative exploits.
And this teapot will tell everyone about your homeliness and hospitality
A flower bed-fountain is a space for imagination. It is necessary to think carefully: what plants to plant on different tiers to get a continuous green cascade.
The flowerbed will become even more beautiful if you choose the right plants
Three stacks of tires, and on top there is a canopy and a village well in front of us.
Such a well can be placed in the yard, on top of the asphalt
Using tires, you can create not only small round flower beds, but also large ones of any shape. In this case, the tires will serve as a curb.
Chamomile petals are made from tire halves
A flower garden will look much more expressive if the plants are arranged in three tiers.
A large flower bed consists of three tiers
The simplest border: put half of the tires vertically and whitewash.
Such a border clearly outlines the borders, the plants will not trample
The tire turning technique is also useful for creating borders.
A large flower bed made of several turned-out tires
An oval-shaped flower bed also deserves attention.
Thanks to the preserved tread, the frame looks openworked
In the flowerbed, it is even imperceptible how the parts are fastened together.
Fasteners will be invisible if you put the same pattern on it as on the tire
All work requires effort, and in the case of tires, it will also be unusual, because we are used to using tires in a different way. And then they will have to be cut, twisted, fastened, painted. You can't do without experienced advice:
Rinse the tire before starting work
Make markings in a contrasting color
Be careful cutting tires generates sparks, smoke, bad smell
In the manufacture of complex figures, parts are fastened with bolts. Both ordinary oil paints and nitro enamels fit perfectly on such flower beds.
Choose outdoor paints