How long should your tires last

Guide to How Long A Tire Lasts

The question, "How long does a tire last?" tends to be followed by several others like, “What causes a tire to wear? When should tires be replaced? What can be done to make tires last longer?” Fortunately, we can help provide clarity around these questions.


There is no exact answer to how long a particular tire will last, but there are things a driver can do to get the most out of their tire investment and avoid driving on unsafe tires. On average, people drive between 12,000 to 15,000 miles a year, which means the average good quality all-season tire will last somewhere between three and five years, depending on maintenance, driving style and conditions, etc.

 The National Highway Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA) states a driver is three times more likely to be involved in a crash caused by poor tire condition. Safer is smarter when it comes to the health of tires, so if there is ever a question on tread wear or age, have the tires checked.


Multiple factors play a role in how long a tire may remain in service. Miles driven, road conditions, driving style, maintenance and age all affect how long a tire lasts.

Worn vs. Aged

Tires naturally wear the more they are driven and worn out tires provide reduced traction compared to those with adequate tread, especially in adverse weather conditions.  Most drivers understand worn out tires (remaining tread depth at or below 2/32”) should be removed from service.

Many drivers are not aware that minimally used tires, like the ones on recreational vehicles, collectible cars, or even spare tires, tend to experience aging instead of wearing, due to a lack of driving. An aged tire has a substantial amount of tread; however, the structural integrity of the tire is weaker because the tire needs to be driven for the chemicals in the rubber to remain effective.

Curbs, Potholes, and Other Hazards

Hitting curbs or driving on roads in poor condition (potholes, broken pavement, poorly graded railroad crossings, unpaved roads, etc. ) can cause misalignment, and suspension damage that affects tire wear. If your daily drive includes these challenges, be sure to schedule annual suspension, alignment and tire checks.

Weather Conditions

Driving in poor weather conditions like ice, snow, and rain can cause tires to wear quicker because they must work harder to maintain traction. Purchasing tires that are specially engineered to perform in specific weather conditions can provide drivers with an extra measure of traction and control (meaning greater safety) while delivering good treadwear.

Bridgestone offers different types of tires designed to keep you and your car safe during any weather or road condition. For example, Bridgestone's Blizzak tire series is built to perform in harsh winter weather conditions providing durable traction on snowy and icy roads, and the Dueler tire series is one of several that offer a secure grip on wet road conditions for areas that experience heavy rain.

Poor Driving Habits

Poor driving habits like hard cornering, quick acceleration, and sudden braking can increase the stress on tires tremendously, causing them to wear rapidly. Drivers can extend the life of their tires significantly by avoiding aggressive driving.

Neglected Maintenance

It is important to regularly have tires checked for damage, to maintain air pressure levels, and to keep tires aligned and rotated. Without proper maintenance, tire life can be reduced by as much as half - even more, in some cases.


If the below signs are evident with your tires, it may be time to have them replaced. 

Low Tread Depth

Tread loss is a significant sign a tire needs to be replaced. Low tread is a sign driver can physically see happening on their tire. Depending on the part of the tire that is wearing, there may be other problems with the vehicle.

    Pronounced inner or outer shoulder wear: tires are misaligned

    Edge of the shoulder wear: tires are under-inflated, need to be rotated or both.

    Center wear: tires may be overinflated or have been subjected to extremely hard acceleration.

    Cupped wear: the vehicle is experiencing suspension problems

    All tires have tread wear indicators built-in, but if the tread looks low take time to do the penny test on the tires.

    Rough Drive

    If you’re experiencing a vibration (particularly if it just started), or high (and increasing) levels of tire noise it may be a sign your tires are out of balance, not wearing properly or have a structural issue.  In some cases, this may affect safety, so have your tires checked by a qualified professional asap.

    DOT Number

    The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) number on the tire’s sidewall is another way to help keep track of when they need to be replaced. It’s easy to identify - look for the letters “DOT” followed by eleven or twelve letters and numbers.  On tires made after the year 2000 the final four digits signify the week and year of manufacture. So, a tire with “3618” would have been made in the 36th week or 2018. A tire that has a 3-digit week-and-year code means the tire was made before the year 2000 and should be replaced due to age.

    Bridgestone recommends that its Bridgestone or Firestone brand tires be removed from service after ten years regardless of their remaining tread depth.  They also recommend periodic inspections by a qualified technician for damage such as punctures, impact damage, signs of improper inflation or overloading, or other conditions resulting from the use or misuse of the tire.


    Tires are both one of the largest maintenance expenses a vehicle owner is likely to face, and one of the most critical in terms of driving safety and performance.  For both reasons it’s important to care for them properly. Bottom line: good maintenance and driving habits help keep drivers safe, and it saves them money by extending tire life.

    Easy Does It

    Tire life can be reduced by as much as half when they’re subjected to a lot of hard braking and aggressive acceleration from a standstill.  Avoiding tailgating to reduce the need for frequent hard braking will increase tire life. Easing into the throttle when pulling away from a stop reduces strain on the tires and improves wear. Slowing before sharp corners also reduces stress on tires, as does avoiding potholes and broken pavement when possible. If you’re interested in spending less on tires, following these steps can help.

    Regular Maintenance

    Another way to extend tire life is to keep up with the proper maintenance of a vehicle and its tires. A couple of things you can do yourself are to check the air pressure and tread depth.  You should have a qualified technician periodically check their balance and alignment and be sure to have tires rotated at regular intervals. maintenance is essential for your tires to perform their best and last their longest.

    How Long Should Tires Last?

    Tires November 3, 2019

    If your tires are out of commission, so is your car. Think about it: your tires are your car’s only contact with the road. They need to be in tip-top shape to ensure your safety and the safety of other drivers on the road.

    So, how long should tires last? The straightforward answer is “it depends.” A normal set of tires should last for 60,000 to 75,000 miles, or about four to five years. But there are a few key factors that will affect your tires’ lifespan. Keep scrolling to learn more.

    How Long Should Tires Last? 6 Factors to Consider:

    1. The Manufacturer

    The average tire on the market is designed to last about 60,000 miles, says Dan Zielinski, spokesman for the U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association, but every tire is different.

    “Some tire manufacturers offer a warranty as high as 80,000 miles or more, reflecting confidence in that particular product’s longevity based on its engineering, technology and design. Other tires may be built to provide 30,000 miles of service.”

    The type of tires you purchase also plays a role in how long they last. For example, in a study conducted by Consumer Reports, ultra-high performance tires lasted nearly half the amount of miles than family-car tires. Additionally, all-season, summer and winter tires will have different treadwear ratings and, therefore, different lifespans.

    2. The Vehicle

    Believe it or not, the vehicle on which your tires are mounted plays a role in how long they last.

    SUVs and trucks put more weight on tires than a sedan, so if your vehicle isn’t outfitted with the appropriate tires, the tires might wear out faster than expected.

    Other times, there isn’t a clear explanation as to why one car model’s tires last longer than another’s. According to, certain models of the Honda CRV have experienced premature tire wear and damage, increasing the risk of blowouts or accidents on the road.

    3. Driving Style

    Everyone knows someone who drives like they’re in a real-life version of Mario Kart. These individuals are at a higher risk for prematurely worn-out tires. If you regularly subject your vehicle to hard acceleration, heavy loads, and aggressive driving over speed bumps and potholes, your tires will take a hit.

    In addition to driving style, the amount you drive each year also contributes to your tire life. On average, the American driver clocks between 13,000 and 14,000 miles a year, according to the Federal Highway Administration. Some drivers, however, drive much more or less than that.

    Did you know that 81% of commuters in Fairfax County drive a car to work? That’s the highest percentage in the D.C. area! So it’s especially important for those of us in Northern Virginia to take care of our tires.

    Read: Car Maintenance is Crucial for Northern Virginia Commuters. Here’s Why.

    4. Where You Live

    In addition to how you drive and how much you drive, where you drive is another factor to consider when evaluating how long tires last.

    Tire wear differs based on the terrain you drive and the region in which you live. Lower temperatures mean lower pressure in your tires, which can result in underinflation, flats and, ultimately, unsafe driving conditions. On the other end of the spectrum, extremely high temperatures cause the pavement to warm up, creating more friction between your tires and the road. The increase in heat emission coming from your tires can be dangerous if they aren’t inflated properly or are cracked or damaged.

    Exposure to sunlight and warmer temperatures also shortens tire life, so tires in warmer, Southern climates tend to require replacement faster.

    Regardless of where you live, it’s best to avoid damaged roads, potholes and gravel roads as much as possible. Think about it this way: if it’s best for your safety, it’s most likely best for your tires, too.

    5. Maintenance Routine

    If you really want your tires to last, practice proper tire maintenance. Here’s how:

    • Check your tire pressure on a monthly basis. Look for the recommended amount of air pressure in your owner’s manual or your door placard.
    • Rotate your tires regularly. Check your vehicle’s owner’s manual to know how often your vehicle needs its tires rotated. (The Tire Industry Association recommends getting a tire rotation every 5,000 to 7,000 miles.)
    • Check your wheels’ balance and alignment annually. If your wheels are unbalanced or out of alignment, it can cause irregular tread wear and shorten tire life.
    • Inspect your treadwear. Worn-out or damaged treads are extremely dangerous, as they affect stopping distance and contribute to car accidents. Our technicians check your tire tread anytime you bring your car in for service. You can also check it yourself by performing a “quarter test.” Insert a quarter headfirst into the tire tread. If you can see all of George Washington’s head, your tire tread is at or below 4/32″ and needs to be replaced soon. At 2/32”, your vehicle will fail state inspection.
    • Inspect your tires for damage and signs of aging (cracks, low tread depth, air bubbles, uneven wear, etc.).

    Read: Tire Maintenance 101: Taking Care of Your Tire

    6. Tire Age

    No matter the tread depth, if a tire is more than six years old, you should start thinking about replacement. That’s because the rubber compounds in a tire deteriorate over time, resulting in dry rot. Dry rot makes your tires more susceptible to blowouts and tread separation.

    Vehicle and tire manufacturers usually recommend replacing your tires if they are 6-10 years old, regardless of tread depth. But for most drivers in Northern Virginia, their tire tread will wear out before the tires get that old.

    Don’t forget about your spare! Depending on how old your car is, you could be driving around with a spare tire long past its prime. If the tire is more than 10 years old, replace it.

    Ready for New Tires?

    Bring your vehicle into Virginia Tire & Auto and we can assess the condition of your tires. If it turns out that you need a full replacement, we’ll help you choose the right tires for your vehicle and get you back on the road. You can also find tires using our online tool and schedule an appointment at your convenience.

    Expiration date of car tires, manufacturers' opinions

    Consumer disputes over the age of tires have not subsided for several seasons. Buyers are excited that the warranty period for tires is limited to 5-6 years according to GOST, and after the expiration of this period, the rubber becomes unusable.

    Is this really the case, read this article.

    Shelf life of tires

    Manufacturers of most brands on their products set Shelf life is 5 years and service life is also 5 years .
    The shelf life of a tire is the period during which it retains its performance when properly stored.

    The end of this period does not mean that the tires have become unusable . A shelf life of 5 years is given by manufacturers because, by law, they cannot set a shelf life higher than the service life. Tires over 5 years of storage cannot be called damaged or defective, their technical characteristics may be slightly reduced. American researchers argue that the period of storage of "shoes" must be at least 10 years. Experts from Germany are sure that it cannot exceed 6 years.

    Tire expiration date

    The expiration date of tires is the warranty period during which the manufacturer is responsible for the quality and condition of the tire if it was used for its intended purpose without violating the operating rules.

    According to Russian legislation (GOST 5513, GOST 4754-97) , the service life of tires is 5 years from the date of manufacture.

    How can I find out the date of manufacture of tires?

    You can find out the age of tires by a special DOT code. Tires manufactured after 2000 in the DOT code contain two pairs of numbers, where the first pair indicates the week number of the year, and the second pair indicates the year. Earlier tires before 2000 have 3 numbers in their composition, where the first two digits are the week number, and the last one is the year (see the transcript in the photo).

    Determination of the average shelf life of a tire according to GOST and operating conditions.

    - The symbol ZR denotes tires for high-speed cars. They are recommended to be used at speeds over 240 km/h. up to 6 years

    - Tires with the H symbol are used at a maximum speed of 210 km/h. within 5 years.

    - The sign S symbolizes the maximum permissible speed of 180 km/h. and operational period of 4-5 years.

    Shelf life according to manufacturers

    Most tire manufacturers do not agree that tire life is limited to 5 years. Each company has its own opinion on this matter. We analyzed several of them and the information they posted on their official websites.


    The French tire manufacturer Michelin has become famous for its active fight against the perception of the rapid aging of tires as a perishable product. Her information campaign "Tires Are Not Bananas" created a lot of noise in the automotive environment. According to the representative office, several test trials were carried out in Saudi Arabia, South Korea and Germany. As a result of testing, no difference was found between new tires and tires stored for 3 years. They were tested for various characteristics such as rolling resistance, high speed durability, etc. Tires with a year life were approximately equal in performance to 10-year unused tyres.

    Michelin focuses the attention of car owners on the fact that tires are not a perishable product, their shelf life is not as important as the service life is important, starting from the date the tires are installed on the rims. It is from this moment that the tire is subjected to all tests: pressure, temperature changes, wear, contact with uneven and sharp coatings, etc.


    On the Russian official website of Continental, we found the following information on the expiration dates of tires.

    “When a tire is stored in the correct position and under the recommended conditions, it will not lose its original balanced performance for 5 years from the date of manufacture of the tire.

    A properly maintained, unused tire less than 5 years old can be sold as a new tire and used normally.

    Continental recommends replacing all tires (including spares) with a sidewall date greater than 10 years.


    The following information is posted on the Nokian official website:

    “Tire life is not defined by law, but tires can only be considered “new” if they have been manufactured within the last five years. The recommended service life of tires is six years and the recommended maximum period is 10 years.

    The opinion of our specialists, based on many years of experience, coincides with the opinion of manufacturers: the shelf life is 5 years + the service life is up to 10 years. Moreover, more "adult" tires, in our opinion, are of better quality.

    To keep tires as long as possible, they are stored in compliance with all rules and recommendations. The main condition is a cool, ventilated, darkened room away from oils, paints, ozone, and heat sources.

    Tire storage conditions

    Rubber products tend to lose their performance over the years. To prevent and slow down this process, manufacturers add polymers to the rubber compound. They prevent oxidative processes that occur due to the interaction of protectors with oxygen and ozone.

    The following are the main conditions for the proper storage of tires in accordance with GOST 24779-81:

    • Maintaining a constant regime without sudden jumps, slight temperature fluctuations from -30°С to +35°С are allowed;

    • Provide a low humidity level of 50-80% in a dry, ventilated cool room;

    • Avoid direct sunlight, use darkened hangars, shield heat sources;

    • Keep away from sources of heat;

    • Tires should not come into contact with corrosive, copper materials.

    • Avoid kinking, loading or positioning on an uneven surface.

    • Avoid contact with oils, organic solvents, acids, alkalis, fuels and lubricants on the tire surface. It is forbidden to lay tires on a wet and dirty surface.

    • In the warm season, when storing tires outside, they should be covered with light-tight material and raised above ground level to ensure ventilation and prevent the occurrence of the greenhouse effect.

    • Storage on reflective, light and heat absorbing surfaces is prohibited.

    • Keep away from chemicals, oils, paints, open flames, electric motors that produce ozone.

    • Used tires must be washed and dried.

    • Tires without rims should be stored upright.

    The service life depends on many factors: the load on the car, the quality of the roads, the driving style, the distance traveled, tire damage, etc. To increase their service life, follow these rules:

    How to increase tire life:

    1. Check tire pressure every 2-3 weeks. With reduced pressure, tire wear increases by the equivalent of a % reduction. For example, a 15% reduction in pressure can result in a 15% reduction in service life. Inflated tires are less scary.

    2. The wear of the front tires is always significantly higher than the rear ones, so it is recommended to swap them after some time, carefully watching the direction of the tread pattern and the direction of rotation.

    3. Proper alignment of tires in relation to rims. If the direction is not the same, then performance is significantly reduced.

    4. To prevent damage to the sidewalls of tires, avoid close proximity to curbs and high ledges.

    5. Wash off dirt from the surface of the rubber and from deep grooves with special cleaning agents.

    6. Adhere to an even driving style without harsh brakes and quick starts.

    7. Do not overload the car beyond the norm. 20% excess weight leads to a 30% loss of tire life.

    8. Keep the wheels balanced and check the alignment angles annually.


    The main condition for a long tire life is:
    - high quality products,
    - careful operation,
    - proper storage of tires in the off-season,
    - timely diagnosis.

    The age of tires in standard storage is a minor non-determining factor that should not be taken into account when buying them.

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    Service life of car tires (manufacturers recommendation)

    Maintenance and repair


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    Buying new tires for your car, every driver wants them to last longer, because replacing them is not too cheap. What is the actual service life of car tires?

    Let's look at what tire manufacturers have to say about this, and what signs drivers use to determine that they need to buy new "shoes" for a car.

    What determines the service life of car tires?
    How long do summer tires last?
    How long can you drive on winter tires?
    When should I buy new tires?

    What determines the service life of car tires?

    According to our law, tires must serve you for 5 years. However, in practice, many drivers "change shoes" their cars much more often, and we are not talking about a seasonal change of kit, but about replacement due to wear or irreparable damage. The service life of car tires is influenced by many factors, the most important of which are:

    1. Intensity of use. If your neighbor uses the car once a week to go to the market or to the supermarket, and you drive around the city and surroundings all day long, then your tires will wear out much faster than your neighbors. Poor road conditions also reduce tire life.
    2. Rubber quality. Other things being equal, quality tires will last longer.
    3. Storage duration. Over time, rubber loses its properties and breaks down, even if the tires were in the warehouse and were not used for a day. Experts do not advise buying tires made more than three years ago.
    4. Storage conditions. The tire retains its shape when stored on top of the rim and suspended from the rim. Storing horizontally, on edge or suspended without a disc will deform the rubber.
    5. Operating conditions. Winter tire rubber softens in the hot summer, which leads to excessive tire wear in a short time.
    6. Driving style. Aggressive driving with hard braking and turning leads to very rapid tire wear.
    7. Internal pressure. Reducing pressure by 0.5 atm leads to accelerated wear by 20%. If the pressure drops even more, driving becomes simply dangerous.
    8. Lack of wheel balance. Incorrect toe angle is one of the reasons for accelerated tire wear.

    How long do summer tires last?

    Tires designed for driving in the warm season are made of fairly hard rubber, which retains its properties at high air temperatures. According to European standards, they can be used up to 10 years, but this period involves driving only on a flat road surface and a calm driving style, without sudden braking and turning.

    In practice, the wear of summer tires depends not only on the above factors, but also on the quality of the rubber itself: tires from a reputable European manufacturer will last much longer than products from a little-known Chinese factory. It is recommended to change summer tires if the tread height has dropped to 1.6 mm.

    How long can you drive on winter tires?

    For winter tires, the service life declared by the manufacturers is 5-7 years, but in the harsh Russian climate it is usually reduced to 4-5 years. It is worth mentioning the mileage of winter tires.

    It is estimated that for products of European manufacturers it is about 50-60 thousand kilometers, while tires of Russian and Chinese manufacturers "run" about half as much. An indication of the need for replacement is a decrease in tread height to 4 mm or less.

    When should I buy new tires?

    Since manufacturers' warranties cannot be relied upon, critical tire wear is usually determined empirically, i.e. for real signs of wear. Manufacturers, as a rule, provide special wear indicators, which are the jumpers between the ribs of the tread. As soon as the edge of the jumper begins to coincide with the top of the tread, it means it's time to change the tires. The figures squeezed out in rubber at different depths act similarly.

    At the service station, a special tool is used to determine the degree of tire wear - a depth gauge, which measures the height of the tread. If it falls below a critical level, the master recommends installing a new set of tires as soon as possible. The measurement is taken on the most worn part of the tire.

    In addition to abrasion, other types of damage are the reason for replacing tires - cuts, various deformations, the presence of "bumps" formed after an impact.

    Learn more