How many miles per gallon for 6 person atv

UTV/ATV Fuel Consumption Explained » Compett

You’re using your ATV for fun, or your UTV to actually provide utility around a job site, your farm, or your homestead – how much is that costing you in fuel? How much of a gas guzzler is that thing you’re riding on every day?

UTV fuel consumption is something you need to pay close attention to. It can easily get out of hand, and monitoring it on a constant basis could lead to you discovering that something is amiss. We’re going to cover everything you need to know, and more.


  • 1 How Many Miles Per Gallon Does an ATV Get?
  • 2 How to Drive Your ATV/UTV With Minimal Consumption?
    • 2.1 Weight
    • 2.2 Brakes
    • 2.3 Tire Pressure
    • 2.4 Aerodynamics
    • 2.5 Aggressive Riding
    • 2.6 As Intended
    • 2.7 Clean Lines
    • 2.8 Maintenance
    • 2.9 The Road
  • 3 What is the Average Fuel Mileage of a UTV?
  • 4 How Much Does Speed Affect Fuel Economy?
  • 5 Should I Use Low Range in my ATV to Save Fuel?
  • 6 How Can I Monitor my Fuel Efficiency?
  • 7 Fuel Consumption Redefined

How Many Miles Per Gallon Does an ATV Get?

On average, you’re looking at about 15 to 20 MPG for a new ATV, or one that has a couple of years worth of wear and tear on it. It’s all going to depend on how well you maintain it, and the specs of the engine.

You’ll find contradicting answers that say around 10 to 12 MPG, but that’s simply not true. Unless you’re hauling a thousand pounds on the trailer attached to your ATV, while wearing heavy gear and going through the worst conditions possible, you can get a decent MPG.

How to Drive Your ATV/UTV With Minimal Consumption?

This is really what we’re here for: a way to save money by keeping your fuel consumption to an all-time low.

Basically, you want to optimize your ride to keep as much green in your pocket as possible, which is why you should take every precaution. Let’s get into the ways that your fuel consumption suffers, and fixes for them.


This is a broad one, but basically, the entire weight of what you’re carrying. This accounts for your own body weight, so before you hop on your ATV, it’s important to hop on the scale to account for clothing, bags, and any winter gear that’s going to weigh you down.

While there’s no perfect formula to convert user weight to how much additional fuel it costs you, we know that more pressure on the ATV motor will require it to work harder to drive the same distance.

Weight is also going to come down to any ATV or UTV trailer you’re lugging along. While I’m not personally going to weigh every log I move from the edge of the farm, having a ballpark estimate is a good idea.

If you’re bringing something from A to B, you have to account for that weight the entire way. Know the empty weight of your trailer.


This is something you don’t think about. It’s not even about how “good” your brakes are or how tactile they feel when you press them, but more about how you use your brakes.

When you press down on your brakes, you’re bringing your motor to a halt faster than if you just let go of the gas, and let it wind down on its own. It’s stress on the motor in micro forms. Instead of riding fast and stopping short, kill the gas earlier and let yourself roll into place.

Even if you have to give it a bit of an extra kick, it’s better than stressing out the motor, because that will lead to worse fuel consumption in the future. That, and you’re not applying gas and instead letting the momentum do the work for you. That’s also a big help.

Tire Pressure

Lower tire pressure means worse fuel consumption. Just like how we talked about letting momentum, when you don’t have the proper pressure in your tires, you’re forcing your motor to do more work to achieve the same results.

When you roll into a stop and let that momentum carry you the rest of the way, it’s important to know you’ll go a lot farther without having to reapply the gas if your tires have the right level of pressure in them.

Depending on where you’re using your ATV or UTV, you should check the tire pressure once a week at the very least. Colder temperatures can cause up to 5% deflation in a single week depending on where you are.


The wind is not your friend when you’re trying to maintain a healthy fuel consumption. Aerodynamics can’t account for how fast the wind is blowing in your direction, but depending on how aerodynamic your ATV or UTV is, it can glide easier without the wind holding it back.

Aerodynamics are forgertable because you can’t really see a difference, but they make a large impact on your fuel economy.

Aggressive Riding

When you’re on an ATV, there’s this sense that comes up from within you that tells you to just put the pedal to the metal and rip through the land in front of you.

That’s fun, but it’s not going to do you any favors when it comes to fuel consumption. Ride less aggressively and put less strain on your ATV, and you can go farther with the same amount of fuel.

As Intended

I know a lot of people who modify their ATVs. When I say modify, I mean they trick it out to no end. They remove things, change out parts, the works. This can be fun, but when an ATV or UTV is designed, it’s built with a specific fuel economy from original parts.

Half the time you’re stuck using aftermarkets unless you have a brand new year model ATV (and then why are you modding it?), so you end up sacrificing performance and fuel economy.

Clean Lines

Performance-enhancing additives to your engine is what I’m talking about. While these are mostly just used for your car motor, they can be used in your ATV as well to maintain your fuel efficiency.

This is something you can do once per year with great effect, or even go longer in between them if you only use your ATV at infrequent intervals.


Your engine is everything. If you aren’t taking care of it, then you’re forcing it to do more work to pull you the same distance that it otherwise would have, effectively messing with your fuel economy. Perform engine maintenance as often as possible, without overdoing it.

The Road

You’re likely not driving these at a calm speed on a perfect, newly-laid asphalt road. You’re on the dirt. If you have a clear path ahead that doesn’t have many bumps and turns, then you’re going to save more fuel.

When we hit a rough patch and have to require more from our ATVs or UTVs, we’re burning extra fuel in exchange for momentum. Whether this is just a bump road or a hilly terrain, it will pull more fuel, take you longer to get from A to B, and technically cost you more in the long haul.

What is the Average Fuel Mileage of a UTV?

Because UTVs are bulkier and designed for hauling things around, they come with a bit more power under the hood.

Manufacturers average about 20 MPG ratings on most new UTVs in 2020, and as far as we know with current technological advancements, that’s going to stay that way for about five years or so.

Just like we mentioned before with our guideline for minimal fuel consumption on your ATV, you can apply the same tricks to your UTV to try and stretch as much of your gas as possible.

Even if you come in with lower speeds in your UTV, you could still be burning a lot of gas and  cap out at 20 MPG.

How Much Does Speed Affect Fuel Economy?

Quite a bit, actually. Your motor is going to perform when you tell it to no matter what, so many people get lost in this mindset of “The motor is already engaged” and assume it has less of an impact on your fuel economy.

The more you expect out of your vehicle, the more it has to do. There’s no magic plateau when you’re using the same amount of fuel no matter what speed you’re going. With an ATV or UTV, you’re most likely just going in a straight path with no traffic or major roadblocks.

That’s good, because you’re going to get the most fuel economy that way. Otherwise, you could burn through more fuel if you were going stop-and-go at a lower speed, since the engine is still on and pulling power no matter what.

Going faster pushes the engine, pulling more fuel. If your Yamaha caps out at 50 MPH, and you’re riding aggressively the entire time, you’re going to burn through your fuel faster.

Try to keep it at an even pace if it’s a UTV, but if it’s an ATV, I can’t really tell you not to take advantage of the full speed and have some fun.

Should I Use Low Range in my ATV to Save Fuel?

It depends on how fast you want to go. Low range can be extremely effective at conserving fuel, because with low range, you’re putting less power to the wheels.

Thanks to machine efficiency (not just the engine) in newer ATVs, low range is viable. When it was first introduced… not so much.

Low range modes used to seriously cut down on your speed, while only offering an additional 1 to 2.5 MPG in exchange for time. Nowadays, you can see an average of 27 MPG on low range, whereas you might only hit about 19-21 MPG on your high range mode.

This is going to vary from model to model, though. A newer ATV or one with low wear-and-tear on it will most likely benefit from low range mode a lot more than not.

How Can I Monitor my Fuel Efficiency?

It’s not like you have a fuel efficiency meter in your ATV or UTV, but including the variables I’ve mentioned above, there is one main way that you can monitor your fuel efficiency. You can do this with a GPS or your phone’s location settings.

  • Start a Route: If you know where you’re  going, set up a route on Google Maps. Make sure that you redirect the blue line to actually contour to the path you’re taking. If you’re not sure what that path is, they will calculate the best one for you. If it’s mostly off-road, manipulate the path yourself.
  • Top Off: Your gauge can be off, so top off the gas before you get started. This will let you know beyond the shadow of a doubt what your fuel economy is.
  • Monitor the Path: Pay attention to the expected arrival time, and then how fast you’re going to get there. The goal here is to put normal stress on your engine so we can accurately measure how much gas it’s going to take for you to get from A to B.
  • Record It: If you went 25 miles and you’re down by about a fourth on your 6 gallon tank, you  get about 18 MPG give or take. It’s important to have this info on hand so that you can know what you’re getting into the next time you gas up.

Do this from time to time after ensuring the tires are pumped up, you’re not carrying extra weight, and you’ve had your maintenance at least twice a year. Your fuel economy is going to change slightly over time, so doing this allows you to know when it’s altered.

Fuel Consumption Redefined

You don’t want to consume more fuel than is necessary. It comes down to money. You’re likely using your UTV for a reason that follows your career or your livelihood, and that’s great, but if you can save some dollars along the way, then why not do it?

Fuel consumption is getting better, with some ATVs and UTVs getting up to 70 MPG in the current time that we’re seeing gas prices on the decline. Hopefully, we’ll see even better advancements as time goes on.

ATV Fuel Economy: How Much Gas Does an ATV Consume?

The price of gas at the pump has risen steadily throughout 2021. You want to maximize your ATV gas budget and get the best possible fuel economy.

What kind of gas mileage can you expect from your ATV? How can you improve your ATV fuel economy?

You can expect to get around 15-20 mpg from a new or almost-new ATV. Some people will say you’re only going to get 10-12 mpg. However, unless you’re hauling heavy loads while wearing heavy gear and driving through tough conditions, you should get decent gas mileage.

Learn more about the factors that determine ATV fuel economy and how you can get the best possible gas mileage.

Table of Contents

ATV Fuel Economy Standards

Unlike cars and trucks, ATVs don’t have to meet the strict fuel economy standards and regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other federal agencies. Emissions regulations apply to ATVs, but not fuel economy standards.

The lack of regulation means that ATV manufacturers can design engines for specific purposes. You can find models that excel in areas like work capability, higher payload, or top speed. This is one of the reasons why your gas mileage will vary depending on the type of ATV you ride.

How to Get Better Fuel Economy for Your ATV

Minimal fuel economy saves you money. No matter what type of ATV you have, the way you drive and maintain your ride can improve your gas mileage.

You’ll recognize many of these tips from the advice you’ve gotten about improving the gas mileage in your car. The principles are very similar.

Lighten the Load

Carrying a heavier load makes your ATV motor work harder. It requires more fuel. Reducing the load as much as possible will help you get better fuel economy.

The total weight includes your body weight and gear as well as a trailer and its contents if you’re hauling.

Improve the Aerodynamics

Aerodynamics is the way objects move through the air. You get better fuel economy if you have less air resistance.

The way your ATV was designed is a major factor in how aerodynamic it is. The fairings on your ATV are there partly to improve the aerodynamics. You can add or change ATV plastic if you’re not satisfied with the original design.

Avoid Aggressive Riding

Aggressive riding puts more strain on your ATV, which makes it burn more fuel. Sport performance ATVs in particular can put out impressive horsepower. This is great for racers who can pit for gas whenever they need to.

For regular riders, backing off the throttle most of the time will help your ATV gas budget go further.

Stay on Smoother Trails

A relatively smooth trail means your engine doesn’t have to work as hard. You use less gas.

Smooth terrain is less exciting, though. You can find a balance between having fun and getting better fuel economy.

Check Your Brakes and Clutch

If your brake calipers are dragging or the bearings are worn, your ATV is working harder than normal just to keep moving. A worn clutch can have the same effect if your ATV has a manual transmission. Checking your brakes and clutch regularly will help you address any issues.

Check Your Tire Pressure

Uneven tire pressure can significantly reduce your fuel economy. Low tire pressure on the drive wheels has an especially large effect. The motor has to work harder.

Check the manufacturer’s recommended pressure and follow the guidelines. Depending on where you live, you should check the tire pressure at least once a week. Cold weather causes the tire pressure to drop, and hot weather makes it increase.

Try a Fuel Additive

Fuel-injected ATVs as well as models with a carburetor can benefit from fuel additives that clean the injectors/carburetor. Most automotive additives are intended for use in tanks that are much larger than the tank on an ATV, though. A capful every six fill-ups or so is usually plenty.

ATV Gas Tank Size

Related to questions about ATV fuel economy are questions about how many miles you’ll get for one tank of gas. The gas tank size of ATVs varies by model. Most ATVs have a tank that holds around 3-5 gallons.

You can find the size of your tank in your owner’s manual. Most manufacturers provide the manual and specs online.

To estimate how many miles you’ll get per tank of gas, multiply your average miles per gallon by the gallon size of your tank.

Best Fuel for ATVs

You want to get the most from your ATV gas budget. Using cheaper gas isn’t necessarily the best way to save money, though. The manual for your ATV will tell you what kind of gasoline is best for it.

Most ATVs can use 87 octane gas. Some models are premium only, though. Ethanol gas is usually okay for newer ATVs as long as the ethanol content is no more than 10%.

2-stroke ATVs almost always need premium fuel. They operate at a higher compression rate, and gas with a higher octane rating will withstand more compression.

Avoid Performance Problems

Using inadequate fuel in any ATV will lower your performance. You can experience uneven power delivery, erratic engine reactions, and engine knocks.

The wrong grade of gasoline will lower your fuel economy.

Lower octane fuel burns easier. Using lower octane gas to save money can actually make you spend more. You go through the gas faster.

Get the Most from Your Gas Budget

Most ATVs get decent gas mileage, so worrying about your ATV fuel economy is a non-issue. The right riding techniques, proper maintenance, and the right fuel mean that you’ll be riding longer and spending less on gas.

Check out our ATV comparison page for more practical information like this. We’ll help you get the most from your ATV.

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    New Year will be worse than the previous one - Cars

    • Cars
    • Automotive industry

    January is not only a month of results, but also a month of making plans. The results on most European sites were summed up at the end of December, but now local experts are trying to figure out what this year holds for them.

    Vladimir Zhidkov

    The editors of the European edition of "Automotive News" have compiled a kind of rating of the most interesting events of 2013, which, in their opinion, is really worth watching. Of course, none of them expects the European car market to recover and become a source of good news. According to most analysts, at best, the Old World will stagnate, at worst, a further decline in sales (by about 5%), so the most interesting story over the next 12 months will be how exactly the auto manufacturers will react to a further fall. However, it is unlikely that this sluggish process will be able to keep the audience for a long time ...

    Of the "narrow" scenarios, according to the editors of the above publication, the most interesting will be the rotation of personnel. Simply put, who will be left without a job and who will eventually move where. There are a lot of potential retirees in Europe, and the first to lose his post is likely to be PSA CEO Philippe Warin, whose contract expires in June. In addition, by the end of 2013, Daimler may also be beheaded, since the current head of the company, Dieter Zetsche, has not brought Mercedes to the leaders of the premium segment. In general, the prolongation of labor agreements is not guaranteed either, to put it mildly.

    In addition, in 2013 we will have a fight for CO2. The fact is that in the summer the European Union approved a project according to which by 2020 the level of car carbon dioxide emissions should average 95 grams per kilometer. By and large, we are talking about the fact that by this time the average weighted European car will consume no more than 3. 6 liters per 100 kilometers, which is well below the American standard of 50 miles per gallon (about 65 miles per gallon). The fact is that at the moment this is due to a decrease in the mass of the car and, as a result, a decrease in the level of safety. The Germans, who do not agree with this formulation of the issue, are trying to lobby for a revision of the existing calculation mechanisms in order to oblige manufacturers to find new ways to reduce emissions, but France and Italy, in turn, are unwilling to do this. In general, the struggle on this front promises to be hotter than ever.

    The same goes for the debate over the safety of new refrigerants used in car air conditioners. On the one hand, they meet the current EU requirements for environmental safety, on the other hand, during internal crash tests, Daimler specialists were faced with the fact that its leakage during an accident could lead to ignition. Moreover, when burning, the mixture of oil and refrigerant emits an extremely toxic gas.

    It is obvious that the problem with dealers will also become quite acute this year. Firstly, many manufacturers have inflated their networks to mind-boggling proportions, and they simply do not need such a number of representatives in the face of falling demand. In other words, Europe is waiting for optimization. Secondly, from June 1st, the trade in cars will be governed by general EU rules based on traditional notions of free competition. In addition, the new rules slightly expand the rights of the manufacturer, while infringing on the powers of the seller. In particular, the changes prohibit the sale of cars under their own sign, and also secure the right of the brand owner to prohibit the practice of multi-branding. However, Russians have not been surprised by this for a long time ...

    However, this is only half the problem: by saving on dealers, manufacturers will obviously not be able to effectively cope with the consequences of overproduction. Last year, about 4 million unsold cars hung in European warehouses. Analysts at Morgan Stanley estimate that this glut could lead to a 13 percent decline in vehicle assembly as early as the first quarter of 2013. A “double-digit” decline would, however, trigger a 4% drop in global car production in the first half of the year (the first since the second quarter of 2011, when volumes declined due to natural disasters in Southeast Asia), which, in turn, will pull all related industries.

    In addition, it should be taken into account here that the plant can break even only at 75–80% utilization. Last year, the average utilization rate of European assembly plants amounted to 77% (FIAT and Toyota plants, in particular, operated at 51 and 58%, respectively), in 2013, according to various estimates, the average utilization in the industry will not rise above 75% . Thus, with a further decline in consumer activity, manufacturers will simply not be able to keep the assembly of cars at the same level, either by reducing staff or completely closing enterprises (for example, the PSA plant in the suburbs of Paris or Ford in Belgium and the UK).

    By the way, the crisis affected not only European brands, but also the ambitions of Asian manufacturers. "Toyota" refers to the market of the Old World as a secondary one, and the same Koreans seized the local sites with a stranglehold. However, they are forced to adjust their plans. While sales of KIA and Hyundai grew in November, both brands ended December with a 7% fall. Not to say that this came as a surprise to the Koreans, since the fact that companies are pushing back the deadlines for achieving their goals was announced back in September, however, Hyundai now expects to reach the coveted 5% of the market only by 2016. Around the same time, KIA plans to grow to its 3% ...

    However, what is more interesting is how things will develop in the segment of electric vehicles. The fact is that 2013, in fact, will be the first full-fledged season capable of demonstrating the real viability of this automotive concept, since sales of the relatively cheap Renault Zoe will begin on the markets. The French understand that they are no longer original in this matter, however, by launching this product, they will try to create a kind of EV niche on the market with constant demand and a certain capacity. So far, we are talking about tens of thousands of cars, but in the future, Renault plans to overcome the 150,000 mark. But if these expectations are not met, it will lead to the collapse of the company.

    By the way, the prerequisites for the total "hybridization" of supercars seem to Europeans quite funny. In particular, "Automotive News Europe" recalls that this year will be the debut for the 900-horsepower hybrid successor to the Ferrari Enzo, as well as the gasoline-electric Porsche 918 Spyder, whose unit will develop almost 800 hp. In both cases, we are talking about small-scale machines, but the trends towards the further development of such projects are more than obvious.

    Finally, the authors remembered the new VW Golf. Not quite seriously, but nevertheless .

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