How to do homework when tired

How Do Homework When You Tired? Simple Tips To Overcome And Impress

Posted on: 12th Jun 2019


Are you wary of doing too much homework? Are you tired to do homework after coming from school or college? If yes then you must look for an alternative way to do homework even when you are tired and unwell.

Most of the students studying in Singapore look for online homework help to get their complex and time-consuming homework done at cheap deals. This online homework help services are exclusively available at SingaporeAssignmentHelp.Com at reasonable prices and is offered by the best Singapore based academic experts.

Guidelines to Do Homework When You’re Tired

While you do your homework and get tired or face some kind of difficulty which makes you unable to do homework what you will do? You must know that whatever your situation may be, no one even your teacher is going to care for you and see the reason of you not doing your homework.

You must submit your homework and never fail to do your homework at any cost since it will hamper your grades. So, if you are feeling tired and feels like giving up doing the homework task, you must follow the certain tips to successfully handle the homework.

Following are the valuable tips of doing homework though you feel tired, which are:
  1. Do not give up doing the homework whatever the situation may be. Be determined and make up your mind.
  2. Never deny doing homework. If your body and mind do not permit you to do homework, look for an alternative solution to do homework done on time.
  3. If you are still tired and letting go of the idea of doing homework then just take a deep breath. You can also beat your tiredness and weariness by hitting them off by doing some refreshing activities such as casual chat with your near and dear ones. A short walk, few exercises, or a good cool drink to make your mind and body refreshing is not a bad idea either.
  4. Moreover, if all these tips are also not useful for you then you must for a reliable homework helper who can write your homework.

Thus, at SingaporeAssignmentHelp.Com, you will get many subject experts where you can choose the best homework writer to write your homework according to the credit ratings they have got from our customers.

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How to Deal With Tiredness When Doing Homework?

Students usually get excited about starting their new academic year in schools, colleges, and universities. But once they deal with homework and assignments they get the real blow on their face. There are various reasons which the students get tired and are not able to do homework.

This can be any other personal task or unhealthy lifestyle or sometimes the students lose interest upon the subject on which they are given the homework task. If you want to give your tiredness a tough fight then you can follow these tips:

  • Time management.
  • Organizing study room in order.
  • Taking short breaks while doing homework.
  • Eating healthy food.
  • Doing mental and physical exercises.

Thus, if you follow the above tips and pieces of advice doing homework will not be a difficult task for you. You can be a good and healthy state to win over the tiredness and will also be able to concentrate upon your homework tasks. But apart from that if still, you are unable to do homework then you must go for expert help to get homework assistance online.

You will get the academic services to do your homework online at SingaporeAssignmentHelp.Com. Our experts will also help in the most complex subject such as Maths and provide the best Maths homework help.

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Tips for Fighting Homework Fatigue in 4 Minutes

  • Tips for Fighting Homework Fatigue in 4 Minutes
  • Posted August 01, 2014 by Christina Schiel in College Life
  • Tags: College Life

It happens to every student: Your eyes start to hurt because you've been staring at the computer screen for too long without blinking. Your forehead is practically resting on the screen since your body has been inching closer to it. Your back hurts because of the leaning, your eyes just want to close, and best of all, you have homework to finish.

Yes, taking a power nap sounds appealing. Yes, watching a 30-minute TV show would give your brain a break. However, if you're like most of us, a power nap turns into not getting out of bed and that 30-minute TV show transforms into two hours of channel surfing. Fight the desire to tackle the assignment later when you're "better rested," because you and I both know that you can conquer this homework assignment now; you just don't want to.

Here's the solution: Trick yourself into getting the energy to complete it. In four minutes, you can persuade your mind that now is the perfect time to devour that low-hanging fruit.

Minutes 1 and 2: Stand up. Walk away from your computer. Shake out your arms and legs. Roll your shoulders backwards then forwards. Kick out your feet. Roll your wrists. Walk up and down stairs if you have them. I even encourage you to do a few jumping jacks. Whatever you do, just keep moving.

Why it works: The body and mind have a dependent relationship on each other. If you're couch-potatoing it, your brain is going to get sleepy. However, if your body is moving, your brain knows that it has to be ready for anything.

Minute 3: Get a pen and paper—don't go back to your homework yet!—and write down all the reasons why you're getting your degree. Don't worry about full sentences, this won't be graded. You can put short phrases such as "children," "get a job," "promotion," "exceed expectations," whatever you like. Write as many reasons as you can, and when you run out of reasons, simply write, "I can succeed. I will succeed" until you hit minute 4.

Why it works: Now that your brain is more alert thanks to the physical activity, it can focus on the bigger picture and not the lonely TV remote. What you're writing on paper is persuading your brain to think beyond just tonight and how this assignment is a step toward long-term success. Your brain will believe what you tell it to believe, so put the right motivators out there.

Minute 4: Bribery and Trickery. For the last minute I want you to do two things. First, think about what you can do tomorrow, if you finish your homework tonight. Don't write them down; just let them fill your thoughts. Think, "If I finish this assignment tonight... I won't have to worry about it tomorrow; I can watch that baseball game without multitasking; I can have homework-free time with my kids. " Envision it and imagine what tomorrow will be without this homework lurking. Second, smile a big show-off-your-teeth grin. Yes, it'll feel weird just smiling randomly, but do it.

Why it works: Because bribery and trickery work. Our brains are programmed for tit-for-tat. There has to be a reward for everything. Tell yourself what the reward is now, so you have something to work toward. As for smiling, a smile can trick your body into thinking that you should be happy right now. A frown can persuade your brain otherwise. Remember, you control what your brain thinks. Make it positive.

Now, you re-energized student, be inspired and go tackle that assignment!

For more tips on how to succeed at school, read our College Life blog.

9 rules to help you do homework quickly and efficiently

How much time you should spend on homework

There are rules that determine how much time students of different ages should spend on homework per day. In our country, the rules are as follows:

  • 4-5 grades - 2 hours;
  • 6-8 grades - 2.5 hours;
  • 9-11 no more than 3.5 hours.

But in practice, these norms are not observed - Russians have to help children with homework every day. According to a study by the Scientific Center for Children's Health, the daily volume of the total educational load of students is 5–9classes is 10-13 hours. That's 50 to 78 hours a week. For comparison, the working week of an adult is 40 hours. Therefore, the issue of canceling homework has been discussed for several years now.

According to a study by Office Deport, 25% of American families believe that students are given more homework than they can handle. Almost 50% of moms and dads would like to cancel homework in at least one subject. 40% of respondents admitted that at least once a week they quarrel with their children because of the lessons. nine0017

Homework rules

At the Foxford Home Online School, each lesson is accompanied by assignments, sometimes even a deadline is set for their completion. But these are not classic homework for evaluation. Foxford tasks are an opportunity to work out the acquired knowledge in practice. Their implementation is voluntary: the better you decide something, the more “experience points” you get. In order not to spoil the motivation, no marks are given. The ability to safely make a mistake when completing a task develops independence in children, they are less likely to call on mom and dad for help. nine0005


Foxford Home School experts have compiled homework rules. We hope our recommendations will help your child do homework quickly, efficiently and stress-free.


1. Doing homework should become a habit

Doing homework should be as natural as brushing your teeth or making your bed. It is necessary to form this pattern from the first class. It is desirable that the child is engaged at the same time and this was preceded by some kind of ritual. For example, turning on a table lamp or laying out notebooks on the table. The brain will get used to this routine and will tune in to study once the ritual has begun. nine0005


When homework becomes a habit rather than a choice, the child is less likely to put it off.

2. There should be nothing superfluous in the workplace

The environment affects a person's productivity. It is important to ensure that the child's room has a normal temperature, lighting and silence.


A student's desk should always be removed. There should be enough space for a laptop, textbooks, notebooks and other study supplies. Do not litter the workplace with soft toys, photo frames and other things that can distract the child from doing homework. nine0005


3. The child should not only have a class schedule, but also a homework schedule

Planning relieves feelings of anxiety. It is important for the student to visually see what lessons he needs to do. Sit down and work out a homework schedule with him. Set the frequency of solving regular tasks, prioritize tasks that have a deadline. Control over the situation gives the child confidence that he is able to cope with all this. nine0005

Let the student write the plan himself, preferably on paper rather than on a gadget. According to many psychologists, writing down goals and objectives by hand increases the likelihood that a person will follow them.

4. Large tasks should be broken down into parts

Essay, presentation, scientific experiment - all this requires serious, thoughtful and step-by-step work. Help your child break down a large task into parts and include each of them in the lesson schedule. Sharing the workload will eliminate the feeling that big tasks are long, difficult and tedious. nine0005

5. Starting to do homework better with the most difficult subject

The desire to put off things we don't like is at the core of human nature. But the resources of time, attention and energy are limited. Therefore, homework should be started with the subject that is the worst given or least liked by the child.

The more energy a student spends on simple tasks, the more difficult it will be for him to move on to complex ones. And having completed a difficult task right away, the child will receive a charge of positive emotions and easily complete the rest of the homework. nine0005

6. A short break should be taken every 30-50 minutes

Intense mental activity should be alternated with physical activity or simple short idleness. Set a rule: every 30-50 minutes of homework resolution, take ten-minute breaks. Working in segments is called the Pomodoro method, we talked about it in an article with time management techniques.

The child will be happy to be distracted, just agree in advance that the "break" in the preparation of homework will take place without social networks and serials. Explain to the student that the new flow of information will not let the brain relax. It is better to walk the dog or eat something nutritious. For example, nuts activate brain activity. nine0005

7. Parents should push for the right answer, not do homework for children

Every mother and every father strives to help their child. But let's be honest, if a student comes with questions about lessons, and an adult simply solves problems for him, he does not help him. He seeks to end this as soon as possible, to save his time and nerves.

Don't dismiss your child when he asks for help with homework, but don't do it yourself either. Guide him to the solution, read the textbook together, watch the video, show how similar problems are solved. If you can't get to work right away, arrange a time that's convenient for you. nine0005

It is important to set clear boundaries: homework is the responsibility of a child, not an adult. That is why the Foxford Home School mentors never do homework for the students, even if the parents themselves ask for it. The next step is a gradual, from class to class, weakening of control over the correctness and timeliness of completing homework. A teenager must learn to manage his time and be responsible for his actions.



8. If you can't do homework, you need to connect additional resources

Tasks that sometimes cause difficulties and bring bad results are not a reason to swear. This is a signal to think. Perhaps the student's ability to read and write is impaired, and therefore each essay is a cognitive hell for him. Or maybe he just lacks knowledge, and needs an additional resource to fill the gaps. In the "Externship and Foxford Home School" subjects for a certain class are included in a single subscription. For example, if your child needs to catch up with the fifth grade program, take the appropriate subscription and study at a convenient time. The courses in the subscription consist of webinars, tasks with auto-checking, theory - you don’t have to google additional materials for study. nine0005

Here are some questions to help identify problems with homework preparation:

  • What did you do in class about this topic? How were such problems solved?
  • Do you like this type of task? If not, what job do you like?
  • Sometimes when I have to face something new, I'm afraid that I won't be able to do it. Is this how you feel now?
  • How should this task be completed? What can you do to make sure you understand it correctly? nine0008
  • Is there any way I can help you with this task?
  • Do as much as you understand the topic. Then let's make up the questions that arose during your homework so that you can ask your teacher tomorrow. What questions do you have?


9. Parents should always support their child

Determining the density of a substance, constructing a graph of a function, remembering the years of Ivan the Terrible's reign - all this is really difficult. Especially for a teenager going through a hormonal explosion. nine0005

Think back to your school days. Did you get everything at once? Surely someone will say yes. Great, but your child is an independent person, it may be different for him.

Do not reproach yourself if you do not have time or do not want to do homework with your child. Those are his responsibilities, not yours. And most importantly - do not blame children who do not do homework on time or well. Better try to figure out what is the reason, support and help organize the process, following the tips above.


Let's summarize. To get an A homework assignment without getting too tired, follow these simple rules: make homework a habit, keep your desk organized, make and follow a schedule with your child, and break down large assignments into chunks and start with the most difficult ones. complex. Remember to take breaks every 30-50 minutes, support your child instead of scolding them for mistakes, and look for additional resources when needed.

Children are so tired of homework that they only want to eat and sleep. Why such training is ineffective

In Russia, teenagers spend 48 hours a week studying. This is more than the working week for adults - 40 hours. In this mode, children do not have time and energy for walks, hobbies, communication with friends and family. They only want to eat and sleep. At the same time, children overloaded with lessons do not always study successfully. Why did it happen and how much to do homework?

Denis Sobur, father of four daughters

A long time ago, unions fought for an eight-hour day. The rule they invented was: “Eight hours is work. Eight hours is rest. Eight hours sleep. nine0005

And gradually developed countries have fixed it in their legislation. And not only because they were afraid of the world revolution (although it too). It's just that efficiency decreases with prolonged use. A person works longer and longer, but there is less and less sense from this. In the end, it's more profitable to work less.

Yes, you can work on weekends and holidays, take work home. But this will make little sense. Remember the story about the father of nuclear physics, Ernest Rutherford. When Rutherford saw his graduate student late at night in the lab, he reprimanded him. "When do you think?" Rutherford was outraged. If a person is constantly working, then he simply does not have time to comprehend what is happening. nine0005

Unfortunately, the achievements of the trade unions do not apply to the Russian school. Even a formal ban on homework in the first grade does not stop parents and teachers.

Many believe that the more a child learns, the more they will know by the end of school. However, it is not.

Learn more, but don't know better

Do more homework help you study better?

Scientists have been studying this issue for many years. One such study was conducted under the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA). Within its framework, the knowledge of 15-year-old schoolchildren is tested all over the world. In 2012, schoolchildren were asked how much time per week they devote to doing homework. And in this competition, Russian schoolchildren won other countries. nine0005

Our children spend an average of 9. 7 hours a week on housework, followed by the Italians (8.7 hours). In other countries, schoolchildren do significantly less at home. For example, young Englishmen devote 4.9 hours a week to homework, Germans - 4.7, Finnish - 2.8.

However, the Shanghai teenagers outperformed even ours. They do their homework an average of 14 hours a week. But in all of China, the study was not conducted, so Shanghai was out of the ranking.

It can be assumed that Russian schoolchildren are twice as good at applying the knowledge acquired at school as European ones. But no. nine0005

Our level of education was very average. Even in the ability to apply mathematics in life, we were not in the top ten, somewhere between Spain and Slovakia. At the same time, Finnish schoolchildren are consistently ranked in the top ten of the PISA rankings, although they are given little or no homework.

The average number of hours that students spend on homework is practically not related to the effectiveness of learning, the authors of the study concluded. The general organization of the school system and the quality of teaching have a much stronger influence. Its low level cannot be compensated by an increase in the amount of homework. nine0005

The next PISA test in 2015 analyzed the total duration of study. In total, schoolchildren have 80 hours a week at their disposal: five weekdays, in each - minus eight hours for sleep. How much do students spend on education?

Schoolchildren from the United Arab Emirates, Tunisia, Thailand and large cities of China were the leaders here (all of China again did not participate). They spend 70% of their available time studying, or about 55 hours a week. Russian children are not far behind them and devote almost 50 hours a week to studying. nine0005

At the other end of the list we see children from Finland, Germany and Switzerland. They work out less than 40 hours a week. Study takes a little less than half of their available time, they manage to build a balance between study and life. Children from these countries consistently show high results. At the same time, students from Singapore or China need to do more to achieve the same results.

The countries in the study were divided into several groups. There are those who study a lot and achieve high results. These are mostly students from Asian countries. nine0005

There are countries where the results are just as good, but teenagers study significantly less. The leaders in the efficient use of school time are Finland and Germany and other European countries.

The saddest thing is that there is a group in which students study a lot, and the results are below average. The absolute leader here is the UAE, where even more Chinese study, and the results are worse than in Chile. Russia is also in this group, surrounded by Spain, Greece and the United States.

nine0004 Our teenagers spend 48 hours a week studying. By the way, this is more than the duration of the working week for adults.

Her Labor Code limits her to 40 hours.

Many children around the world spend too much time studying after school. But this does not improve their results. But it makes it impossible to lead a balanced lifestyle. They do not have time for walks, hobbies, socializing with friends.

The first week of classes is free!

Start studying, and at the end of the trial period, pay for the chosen format!

The 10-minute rule for homework

The debate about homework among scientists has been going on for decades. The results obtained in a particular study depend on how the experiment was designed. That is why different authors can come to conflicting conclusions.

Nevertheless, among this variety, one can single out results that are common to all. This was done by American teacher Cathy Vatterott. Rethinking Homework: Best Practices That Support Diverse Needs. ASCD, 2018:

1. Homework is useful. Students who received homework showed better results than those who did not receive homework at all. You don't have to give up your homework completely.

2. In elementary school, homework does not affect academic performance. Even in the middle link, they have little effect on academic performance (the correlation coefficient was 0.07 with a maximum of 1.00). Only in the upper grades, homework gives a significant effect (correlation coefficient 0.25).

3. If you take into account other factors (motivation of students, the quality of the teacher's explanations, the elaboration of the course), then homework practically ceases to influence the result. For example, motivated students study better and do better homework. Their maximum performance is due to motivation, not homework. In groups with equal motivation, homework has almost no effect on the result. nine0005

4. Each class has an optimal size for homework assignments. In high school, one hour of homework a day slightly improves a student's performance. The second hour might make them even a little better. But more than two hours a day doing homework is useless. It won't improve performance. Even in high school, it makes no sense to study at home for more than two hours a day. The brain needs to have time not only to learn, but also to relax. Further work becomes unproductive and the results do not grow, and sometimes even decrease. nine0005

Cathy Watterott combines all these conclusions into the "rule of 10 minutes". They are followed by the National Education Association in the USA and other pedagogical associations of the world.

The 10-minute rule is very simple: the duration of homework per day should not exceed 10 minutes multiplied by the class number.

10 minutes is enough for a first grader, one hour for a sixth grader. This is the amount of work that the student can do on his own and at the same time remember something. Large loads do not lead to better results. This is shown both by the data of scientific works and the results of the international PISA study. nine0005

Alas, educational systems around the world are inert and slow to respond to research data. Russia is no exception. Health regulations limit homework for second graders to an hour and a half a day instead of the effective 20 minutes. Sixth graders, instead of an effective hour, are allowed to study for 2.5 hours. And even these inflated norms are not respected in our schools.

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Homework battle

I have four daughters. And I don't know what to do with my homework at school.

The first class is easy to pass: homework and grades are prohibited by law. Even if teachers ask them, their implementation remains voluntary. But when the second grade starts, we meet with endless assignments. nine0005

With my eldest daughter, we were not ready for such a teaching load. In the old fashioned way, they thought that children go to school to learn. It turned out that they were just checking how they were taught at home.

We didn't know that by the beginning of the second grade you should already know English. I would come home from work and at nine o'clock would take over from my exhausted spouse in the homework battle. After all, it is so “simple” to learn eight letters in a week, their pronunciation and words beginning with this letter.

In the second grade, twice a week for an hour, we learned how to write words for a vocabulary dictation. With such an investment of time, it would be possible to teach the child to speak English fluently by the end of school. But we were wasting time and effort on a skill that was already obsolete with the advent of automatic spell checking. In addition, they spent it senselessly, because schoolchildren forget the learned words soon after the dictation. nine0005

But if I still work with my child twice a week for an hour, then why go to English lessons? So that instead of interest in the language, a fear of getting a deuce was developed?

With our second daughter, we started preparing for the second grade in advance and learning English words. But even this knowledge was not enough to withstand the school load.

Now the third daughter is in the second grade. And again, she knows most of the school curriculum. But this is not enough for the student to cope with the school load. The whole day of the family is built around studying and keeping track of homework. And this, I repeat, with girls who are well prepared and know the program. nine0005

We spent one and a half to two hours a day doing homework. And it is the parents, not the child. But simple arithmetic shows that about the same number of children go to school. At best, 15-20 minutes from the lesson they are engaged. Total about an hour in Russian, mathematics and English. We do two or three times more at home.

I have not figured out how to solve this problem within the framework of a regular school. After all, I can’t come to school and demand that the amount of homework be brought into line with scientific data. On the other hand, if all learning takes place at home, then why would a child spend half a day at school? It takes energy, time, but does not greatly affect the level of education received. nine0005

Why we placed our children in family education

In the middle of second grade, we transferred our daughters to family education. They already went to school, this experience is in their life. They have their own class, the first teacher, classmates. You can communicate with other children in circles and sections. To check tests, write words, arithmetic, a live teacher is not needed. Robots do this too.

Today, even homework checks can be entrusted to specialized distance learning schools. School teachers will check homework, give grades - everything is the same as in a regular school. Just do not need to go anywhere and urgently finish the lessons for tomorrow. All tasks for the quarter are already scheduled and can be completed at a convenient time for parents and the child. nine0005

When we transferred our children to family education, everyone asked where we find so much time to work with children. But we spend even less time on lessons than in a regular school. No need to push knowledge into the heads of tired children every evening. You can study at your own pace. And infographics easily explain most of the rules. For the rest there are video lectures. Getting knowledge today is not a problem.

The main problem of family education is not at all that there is a lot of study. The school curriculum for a whole class can be mastered in two to three months. The problem is the opposite: children have a lot of free time, which they used to just sit out. When a child does not dig "from the fence to lunch" every day, then he has the strength and they need to be directed to development: both intellectual, and physical, and social.

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