Site menu Statistics Online total: 1 Guests: 1 Users: 0 Login form | First, senior leader of the pioneer team of the school, primary school teacher, veteran of pedagogical work BEKKER ALEKSANDRA MAKSIMOVNA Born in 1923, was born into a large peasant family. From the age of 12, she began to earn extra money at weeding in the vegetable growing team of the Rodina collective farm. At 1936g. for the first time pioneer units are created at school, in the 8th grade she studies and works as a senior pioneer leader. In 1938 joins the Komsomol. Participates in the LIKBEZA movement (eliminating illiteracy: teaches the illiterate to read and write), participates in amateur art circles at school. During the years of fascist occupation, she was engaged in propaganda work in underground groups, supporting the morale of the population, conveying truthful information about the situation on the fronts: about the victories near Leningrad, Moscow, Stalingrad, on the Kursk salient. During the days of the struggle for the liberation of her native village, she helped to provide fighters and commanders with food. After her release, she immediately began to assemble tables and chairs so that the school would work normally, then she switched to teaching, graduating in absentia from the Rostov Pedagogical College. After Yeltsin's counter-revolutionary coup and the establishment of the bourgeois system in Russia (1993) became an active fighter, together with Pruglova Lyudmila Alexandrovna and Prutyan Lidia Ivanovna (Bozhenko) stubbornly campaigned to overthrow this system and return Soviet power. About 25 years after her retirement, she continued her active social work, being a member of the Council of War and Labor Veterans. She advocated the fastest gasification of the village, although at the expense of the citizens themselves, she sought the transfer of the collective farm water supply to the farmer Zhuravlev I.N., because. it was more beneficial for our village. In all election campaigns, she campaigned for candidates from the Communist Party and others who actively expressed and defended the interests of the working people, actively participated in the 2005 popular referendum. Her teaching experience is more than 50 years, she has been awarded many certificates, she has a medal of a veteran of the labor front. Mathematics teacher ADAMENKO LYUBOV IVANOVNA Lyubov Ivanovna Adamenko was born on December 21, 1927 in the village of Maryevka, Neklinovsky district, Rostov region, into a poor family. Father, Mikulin Ivan Evgentievich, was a worker, mother, Mikulina Varvara Yegorovna, a housewife. The family had 12 children, five died in infancy. Lyuba was the youngest child in the family, she grew up with her brother and sister, the four elders already lived separately with their families. At 19In 33, the family had to endure a terrible famine, little Lyuba was exhausted to the limit. My father managed to find a job in the Melentievskaya MTS, and soon the family moved to the village. Melentyevo. In 1935, Lyuba began to study at school, before the war she managed to finish 6 classes. The Great Patriotic War began. The Germans decided to destroy the bridge across the Mius River and constantly bombed it. The bombs exploded just a few meters from the house, the windows were all broken. At this time, evacuation took place in many regions of Ukraine and Russia. Terrible pictures appeared before the eyes of local residents during the bombing: explosions, the roar of cattle, the roar, the creak of carts, the scream and cry of the living over the dead. Often 15-20 evacuees remained for the night in the Mikulins' house. Varvara Yegorovna tried to feed everyone, while she herself often went without supper. Soon the Germans occupied the village. During the period of occupation, a lot had to be experienced: hunger, fear, bullying by the Nazis, the deportation of young people to Germany, the executions of innocent residents. Lyuba herself was almost shot by a fascist for refusing to wash his underwear. The Germans forced all teenagers and young people to do the dirtiest, hardest work: whitewash the stables, clean them, dig trenches. All this affected Lyuba's health: she became weak and soon fell ill with typhus; 2 months the girl was between life and death. After the illness, she was so exhausted and weakened that she learned to walk again, for a long time her mother looked after her as if she were a small child. At 1943, the liberation of the Don land from the Nazis began. In with. Sambek already had Soviet troops, and on the other side of the Mius the Germans were still in charge. Once, 15-year-old Lyuba came under artillery fire, miraculously survived. For two weeks during the shelling, people sat in the basements with a smoker, froze, starved. But they managed to overcome everything and survived! August 30, 1943 Melentyevo was liberated. With what joy the inhabitants of the village met the Soviet soldiers! With bread and salt, they brought everything they could to the Red Army! And they, tired, dusty, gratefully accepted gifts, hugged, kissed everyone, as if they were relatives. At 19In 1944, a funeral came to the Mikulins' house: Lyuba's elder brother Vasily died in the Vinnitsa region. Another brother, Andrei, came from the front all wounded. After the village was liberated, the children again got the opportunity to study, Lyuba continued her education. She graduated with honors from a seven-year school, entered the Rostov Financial and Economic College. But in her second year, she left the technical school, as she was sent to a group of tax inspectors (the time was very difficult, people could not pay taxes, many even committed suicide because of this - Lyuba could not have caused people such suffering). For a year she worked as a trailer on a tractor, helping to harvest the first post-war crop. And at 1946 entered the Azov Pedagogical College. This and the following years were very difficult for people, especially students. Lyuba lived in a hostel, in winter it was cold in the room, the walls were covered with ice. We had to sleep dressed, we covered ourselves with thin blankets, and on top there was also a coat. Only 0.5 kg of bread was given out on cards. But often even these half a kilo could not be obtained, there was not enough bread, so there were always long queues, crushes. Lyuba got into one such crush, they took her out of the store lifeless, barely brought her to her senses. But even these 0.5 kg students could not eat. 250 g. were carried to the market and sold in order to buy tyulki with the proceeds: they will eat salty, drink some water - all the same, not an empty stomach. But, despite the difficulties, the students of that time had a goal: to get an education, a specialty, so that they could live, earn a living. The thirst for knowledge, the joy that bombs are not flying on their heads, that peacetime has come forced students to work seriously, to study for "4" and "5". And the time was spent interestingly, cheerfully, always participated in circles, amateur performances. At 1950 Lyubov Ivanovna graduated from a pedagogical college and was sent by the Rostov Regional Educational Department as a teacher of mathematics to the V.-Voznesenskaya school. First year, first impressions. Children of the post-war years, overgrown, but kind, obedient. They tried to absorb everything that the teacher gave them, as if spellbound, they listened to him. The classes were numerous. Lyubov Ivanovna came to the 7th grade - young, thin, thin, like a reed, and in front of her there was a forest - 47 people! With difficulty I coped with fear, said hello, and they answered amicably and affably. And fear dissipated, it was replaced by warmth from childish kindness and openness. And the teacher continued her first lesson in a confident voice. She always found a common language with students, parents, worked with pleasure. In addition to lessons, she led circles. Lyubov Ivanovna always attended at least 20-25 people at the math class - so she was able to captivate the children with her subject. Probably, there was nothing impossible for her in school work. The young teacher was even able to create a choir at school, in which about 30 people sang in 2-3 voices! And this despite the fact that she had to show all the parts only with her voice - at that time there were no musical instruments at school. While working at school, Lyubov Ivanovna simultaneously studied in absentia at the Rostov State University, graduated from it with a degree in geography. At 1951, she married a former front-line soldier, projectionist of the local club Adamenko Ivan Aleksandrovich. Together they raised three children and are currently raising their five grandchildren. In 1977, Lyubov Ivanovna was forced to retire for health reasons, but soon her daughter Svetlana continued her work, who never had any doubts about who she would become: of course, a teacher, like a mother! Lyubov Ivanovna deservedly respected and students, and their parents, and colleagues. Her excellent work was noted by both the District and Regional Organizations - she was awarded certificates and thanks. But the best reward for her was and is the kind smiles of former students and their parents at the meeting. Lyubov Ivanovna believes that she did not live her life in vain: she worked for the benefit of people, gave the children knowledge, brought up the best human qualities in them. Many of her students became teachers: Sereda (Dzyubenko) S.A., Rybakova (Vasilyeva) L.I., Skubrieva V.A., Gordienko (Vorobyova) A.N., Vasiltsova (Vasilyeva) E.V., Reznikova L. .V., Filonenko V.I., Filonenko (Kravchenko) V.F., Glazko (Adamenko S.I.), Nastenko L.V., Zhukov A.D. Her student Gordienko P.S. now a professor, other graduates have become doctors, engineers, agronomists, pharmacists, executives, she is proud of many, because they have succeeded as individuals, have become worthy people. She feels their respect and gratitude even now. Primary school teacher, veteran of pedagogical work PRUGLOVA LYUDMILA ALEKSANDROVNA Pruglova (Romashova) Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, was born on June 26, 1933 in the village of Enrichment, Gorno-Shorsky District, West Siberian Territory, a native of Altai. My maternal grandfather Kliment Efremovich Chistyakov was a Bolshevik, exiled by the tsarist government from Donetsk to Siberia, another grandfather Stepan Petrovich Romashov was a wealthy Cossack from the Urals. My parents met in Altai, got married, and we went already, children born in Altai. Dad Alexander Stepanovich at 1943 came from the Eastern Front sick. He was taken away from the first days of the war, but because of a stomach ulcer he ended up on the Eastern Front. In 1948 he died at the age of 36. There were three children in our family. Despite the difficulties, Anna Klimentyevna Romashova's mother gave everyone an education. I graduated from a pedagogical college, my sister graduated from the medical institute, my brother became an aviator mechanic. Having finished 8 classes, I entered the Akmola Pedagogical College. I did not think to be a teacher, but I had to study somewhere in order to acquire a specialty. There were few educational institutions in the regional center, the choice was limited, and I had to study to be a primary school teacher. Only in active practice did I show love for this work. As a child, I was sociable, quickly converged with children, read a lot. Participated in circles: dance, choral, physical education, because. studied in the district center. All this was useful to me in the pedagogical school, where I continued to participate in all these circles. After graduating from the Pedagogical College, for family reasons, I ended up in the city of Bataysk, the Rostov region, and because. It turned out to be difficult to get a job as a teacher in Bataysk, in Rostov, I applied to the Komsomol Regional Committee and was sent to the Taganrog District Committee as a counselor. At 1954 I was sent as a senior pioneer leader in the village. V-Voznesenka, to high school. I immediately plunged into this work, because. well prepared, and fell in love with her. Where did I start? The village already had a secondary school. In 1953-54. was the first graduation of tenth graders. The school was located in four buildings. Each building has 3-4 classes. There were no working conditions, of course, there was no pioneer room. But I tried. Created a work schedule with the teams. With Komsomol members, detachment leaders, they made a plan for the work of the squad to them. Lisa Chaikina. They held meetings of the squad, the council of the detachments at which they planned events. Gatherings of detachments, gatherings of squads were held. Together with detachment leaders - members of the Komsomol, they learned dances and songs. In spring and summer, they conducted excursions into nature, around the village, in order to explore their region, in the village. Bokovo, where at that time the Rostov pioneer camp was located, located in a grove, on the shores of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov. She often took pioneers to the grave of a pilot who died during the battle over the village. Sideways and buried in the planting, looked after the grave. But the brightest impressions were made by holding pioneer bonfires on the seashore, timed to coincide with the holidays (19May, May 1, May 9), where songs were sung, poems were recited on the subject. After all, there were no conditions, there were no halls where it was possible to hold some kind of events, so we had to invent where to hold meetings of all the detachments of the squad. The detachment leaders, the Komsomol members, provided me with great help. They prepared brushwood for the fire, rehearsed songs, poems, and skits in groups. I especially remember such counselors: Grishchenko Raya, who later became a doctor and now works in Siberia, Dubovsky Anatoly, who became an engineer, Chekanenko Viktor, who works in the Neklinovsky district, Kucherenko Lydia (a teacher and director of a school in the village of Pokrovsky), etc. Of course, not my memory preserved all of them, but I am grateful to everyone for their help in my work, because I was not much older than them. From 19At the age of 59, I became a primary school teacher. And for the rest of my life I fell in love with school and children. She taught physical education lessons herself, played football with children, learned songs and dances in and out of class. And it seems to me: something was passed on from me to my students, because many of my children became teachers. These are Valya Reznikova, Galya Reznikova, Galya Voronezhskaya and Nina Fesenko, Seryozha Gordienko and Serezha Lyatsky, Rita Demyanenko and Valya Razumenko. In the fall of 2004, I met a graduate of the school of those years when I worked as a pioneer leader, Gordienko Pavel Sergeevich, professor of the Academy of Sciences of the Primorsky Territory. He recognized me, greeted me first, asked about the teachers of that distant time. Say hello to the teachers who remember him. It is very pleasant that after 50 years a person has recognized a pioneer leader. Art teacher, veteran teacher GORDIENKO ANATOLY NIKITICH Born on February 3, 1936 in the village of Veselo-Voznesenka, Neklinovsky District, Rostov Region. After graduating from school in 1955, he began working as the head of the club with. Veselo-Voznesenka, in this work he constantly communicated with young people. Amateur art had great power at that time. All the youth of the village gathered in the village club. Circles worked: choral, dance, drama. Up to 80 people participated in amateur performances. At 19In 1961, a new "Palace of Culture" was opened. Even more became willing to participate in amateur performances. I often had the idea to involve schoolchildren in the work of the Palace of Culture. I liked the children, I loved them, and they answered me with gratitude. When I was offered a job at the school, I accepted it with great joy. After all, children are school, this is my whole life. I combined the work of a laboratory assistant with the work of a drawing teacher (I taught drawing at school for 27 years), a teacher of mining education. I worked at the school for thirty-two years and have never regretted it. I was never disappointed in my students, I understood them, lived by their interests, tried to understand them and direct them to good deeds. Many good, talented people came out of the school: Vasyutchenko V.I., Medov V.V., Mironova T.I., Zinkovskaya T.I., Tereshchenko L.V. and many others. Why am I proud of them? Because they live on earth for a reason. Almost all the teachers of the Voznesenskaya secondary school were my students: Vasilyeva Larisa Valentinovna, Reznikova Valentina Ivanovna Mironova Tatyana Ivanovna Krupenya Natalya Ivanovna Padunova Rimma Viktorovna, Zakharchenko Elena Vasilievna, Bulvina Elena Pavlovna, Chulynina Galina Pavlovna, Vorobyeva Marina Viktorovna. The attraction, the beauty of teaching, is to teach children and at the same time learn from them how to best present educational material, how to teach so that you are listened to and understood. When children understand what is required of them, it becomes joyful in the soul. There were difficulties. After all, the difficulty is that each student is an individual, each needs a separate approach to make him understand what is required of him. Sometimes I had to build the course of the lesson on the game. It worked. So you are in your place, not in vain do you live on earth. Honesty, truthfulness, commitment are the best features of a person. During the years of my life, 32 graduations of students left the school, but not everyone had a good life. The first stumbling block was the material side, the second - the lack of understanding of adults, the third - the life that did not work out. Not everyone has the strength to understand themselves and overcome, to force themselves to live differently. And life is a strict road, you can’t turn aside from it. While working in the village club for active participation in the organization of amateur art activities of the collective farm "Rodina" at 19In 1960, gratitude was announced by the Taganrog regional department of culture, and the club was awarded the pennant "The best club in the region. " Gratitude was announced 5 times by order for the V-Voznesenskaya secondary school: 1975. - for active participation in the repair of the school in 1977. - for active participation in the equipment of the New Year tree in 1983. - for active participation in amateur performances in 1988. - for holding the game "Journey to the city of masters" in 1990. – for active participation in helping the school with urgent chores. At 19In 1983 he was awarded the sign "Winner of Socialist Competition". In 1990, for many years of conscientious work on behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, by the decision of the Rostov Regional Executive Committee, the Council of People's Deputies was awarded the medal "Veteran of Labor". He retired in 1996. Physics teacher, school director from 1988-2002 ALESHIN PAVEL DMITRIEVICH HOMELAND AWARDS: "Excellence in public education" "Teacher-methodologist" Born on October 3, 1941 in the village. Veselo-Voznesenka, Neklinovsky district, Rostov region. Father - Aleshin Dmitry Ivanovich - tractor driver, participant in the Second World War (tanker), chairman of the collective farm, deputy. collective farm chairman. Mother - Aleshina Alexandra Pavlovna - a collective farmer, a worker in a vegetable brigade. In 1948 he entered the 1st grade of the Veselo-Voznesensk elementary school and in 1958 successfully completed the 10th grade of the Veselo-Voznesenskaya secondary school. After leaving school, he worked as an operator of a rural radio center, and then completed DOSAAF courses (March 1959) and worked as a driver on the Rodina collective farm. In 1959 entered the Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute at the Engineering and Pedagogical Faculty and in 1964 graduated from the Rostov State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in General Technical Disciplines in Secondary School, and in 1968 he graduated from the same RGPI for the second time with a degree in Physics and Astronomy in Secondary School. After graduating from the institute and currently working at the V-Voznesenskaya secondary school: deputy director of the school for industrial training (1964-1967), deputy. Director for Academic Affairs (1972-1976), teacher of labor and physics. In the 1980s he graduated from the Rostov IIU for the training of leadership personnel and in 1988 the school staff was elected director of the school, where he worked until 2002. Upon retirement, he moves to the position of "Master of Industrial Training". Working as a deputy director for industrial training since 1964, he has been actively involved in the creation of a school production student brigade, at the beginning of a tent, and then a stationary one, built at the expense of the Rodina collective farm (chairman Belik B.K.) and the Taganrogsky breeding farm (director Kulifeev A.V.), who worked from 1983 years old. Working as a teacher, he accumulates a lot of positive experience based on his professional skills, the use of various forms and means to enhance the mental activity of students, the formation of their creative attitude to educational work, and the improvement of educational skills and abilities. Much attention is paid to extracurricular activities of students. Physico-technical circles work under his leadership, the best physics classroom in the region is being created. Supervises the district MO of physics teachers. He has numerous awards, certificates from the RUO, Regional RONO, MP of the RSFSR, and as a result of excellent work in 19In 1988 he was awarded the title of "Teacher - Methodist". In 1993 he was awarded the title of "Excellence in Public Education". During his work as a director of the school, under his leadership, a variant of the concession of a modern school was developed and successfully implemented. Pavel Dmitrievich managed to create an atmosphere of creativity in the school, a constant search for effective forms of the educational process. In his work with teachers and students, he relies on deep knowledge of social and personal psychology, the school has created conditions for the creative work of teachers. The director attaches great importance to painstaking individual work with each teacher, the formation of a team of like-minded people. Innovative ideas of the best teachers of the country are actively introduced into the practice of the school: V.A. Sukhomlinsky, V.F. Shatalova, Sh. Amonoshvili, Zankov, Kushnir and others. Teachers of the school visited the lessons of V.F. Shatalov (Donetsk, Ukrainian SSR), introducing his methodology into the practice of his work. Teacher of the Russian language and literature of the school Komisarchuk T.I. conducted seminars with teachers of the district according to the method of Shatalov. Primary school teachers worked hard on Kushnir's methodology to improve reading technique and its awareness, introducing it into the practice of their work. The work experience of primary school teachers was summarized in the printed works of the teacher Voronezhskaya G.G. and protected by it. The reading skills of the schoolchildren have improved significantly. Based on this work, Voronezhskaya G.G. defended the highest professional category. The school actively cooperates with scientists of the Taganrog Pedagogical Institute. Joint production meetings are held on the methodology of teaching individual disciplines, the psychology of the student's personality. Pays great attention to equipping classrooms, the school works on a cabinet system. School teachers have at their disposal modern equipment and technical teaching aids: tables, posters, dummies, models, projection equipment (diascopes, epidiascopes, codoscopes, filmoscopes), cinema equipment, a large set of films in it, didactic and methodological materials, educational, technical and technological documentation, video recorder and other equipment that ensures successful preparation and conduct of the educational process at a sufficiently high methodological level. The school encouraged in every possible way creation and creativity, the direct participation of each member of the team in expanding and improving the educational and material base. Early 90s, the certification of teaching staff begins, among the first teachers of the district certified for the 1st category of the teacher of our school: Aleshina V. M. - teacher of mathematics, Rybakova L.I. - teacher of Russian language and literature, Vorobieva L.V. - Geography teacher, Sereda E.I. - military instructor of the school, Serpukhovitina T.I. - teacher of mathematics, Filonenko V.F. - teacher of mathematics, Zemlyanaya N.I. - primary school teacher. In 1996, the teacher of Russian language and literature Rybakova L.I. Awarded the title of Honored Teacher of Schools of the Russian Federation. The school is radioed. A loud intercom is being established with classrooms and auxiliary facilities, a school workshop. The school is being renovated: plastering work in classrooms and corridors, complete repair (replacement) of the roof of the building, replacement of window blocks in all classrooms of the school building, gasification of the school, replacement of the heating system, construction of a new gas boiler house, construction of a school canteen. The foundation is laid for the extension. And all this with a complete lack of funding, only at the expense of sponsors, parents of students and the active participation in this work of all members of the teaching staff. The principal of the school pays great attention to the computerization of the school. At 19In 1990, a computer equipment room was created, including 12 student jobs and one teacher (BK0011). In 2000, the equipment of the cabinet was improved. In place of the old Electronics BK0011, Celeron 433 is installed. As a result of successful educational work in these years, more than 50% of school graduates successfully pass entrance exams to various universities in the country. During the period from 1988 to 2002, 23 students graduated from the school with a "silver" medal and one with a "gold". The quality of the medals has been confirmed: all the medalists entered universities. A high level of quality in education and upbringing of students was achieved by ensuring the organic unity of educational and extracurricular activities, which was achieved by the teaching staff with the active participation of the students themselves. Teachers sought to ensure that the educational process at school, with a differentiated approach to the personality of the student, was focused on his comprehensive development, the formation of his active life position based on deep respect for the personality of the child, reasonable exactingness, genuine democratization of relations in all parts of the children's team, real community in the affairs of teachers, students, parents and the public. Under the leadership of Pavel Dmitrievich, the team developed uniform requirements for the lesson, providing for their educational orientation. The methodological associations of teachers and the methodological council of the school systematically summarized the experience of teachers in the use of active forms and methods of teaching and introduced them into the practice of the school. The director considers the close relationship between the work of the school and the rural recreation center to be a positive moment in the activity of the school. The circle work of students is a single platform at the school and the recreation center. A great merit in this is the teacher of rhythm (such a subject was introduced) Karnacheva L.A. and music teacher Bezrodnaya R.S. The pupils of the school were the chiefs in the kindergarten of the village. They made toys for children, prepared and held matinees and concerts for them. The teaching staff of the school was distinguished by a conscious desire for novelty. Disciplines, meetings of the Ministry of Defense, discussions of pedagogical literature, analysis of pedagogical situations, readings were regularly held at the school. Such forms of work contributed to the professional growth of each teacher, encouraged him to active creative pedagogical activity. In this work, the director of the school was actively assisted by his deputies for educational work Gordienko N.E., Filonenko V.F. and for educational work - Maslovskaya L.I. On the basis of the school, district seminars were held for teachers, school principals, and their deputies. The teachers of the school headed the district MOs and schools of excellence. ALESHINA VALENTINA MIKHAILOVNA AWARDS OF THE MOTHERLAND: Order of the Badge of Honor "Excellent worker of public education" "Teacher - methodologist" Aleshina Valentina Mikhailovna graduated from the Rostov Pedagogical Institute in 1964 and since that time has been teaching mathematics at Veselo-Voznesenskaya secondary school. From the first years of her work, she drew attention to herself with the depth of professional training, dedication, and wide pedagogical erudition. Valentina Mikhailovna's lessons are distinguished by clarity and accuracy, clear planning, rational use of time, and at the same time they are lively, interesting and emotional. The ability to pose a problem to students, create a situation, arouse their interest and desire, achieve results contribute to the development of logical thinking, independent work. Good knowledge of age-related child psychology, the desire to teach each student help her to implement an individual approach in teaching mathematics. As a teacher, she proceeds from the principle of learning from the difficult. A difficult task, a complex example discussed in the lesson, a variety of independent work, a carefully selected system of training exercises make it easier to complete homework. At each lesson, visual aids, didactic and handouts, technical teaching aids are used; in the practice of work, Valentina Mikhailovna uses examples taken directly from the life around her. To draw up the tasks, indicators of the development of the farms of the Rodina collective farm and the Taganrogsky state farm, district, region, materials of the CPSU congresses are used, diagrams and diagrams are drawn that contribute to the development of the cognitive interest of schoolchildren. Under her leadership, together with the students, the mathematics classroom is equipped and constantly updated. The teacher tries to maintain students' interest in the subject through various extracurricular activities, a mathematics circle, holding KVN, mathematical evenings, games, and quizzes. To teach, you need to know a lot. Keeping this in mind, Valentina Mikhailovna constantly improves her professional level and general outlook. He often speaks to colleagues, shares his work experience. Aleshina V.M. not only a good teacher of mathematics, but also an excellent educator. Being a class teacher all the years, she instills high moral qualities in her pupils, teaches them to be honest, principled, hardworking, to love their land, to be proud of the Motherland and to increase its wealth. Often Valentina Mikhailovna speaks to parents, lectures on pedagogical topics, gives useful advice on raising children. For his work and great social work Aleshina V. M. at 19In 1978 she was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor. Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, teacher of the Russian language and literature RYBAKOVA LIDIIA IVANOVNA I dreamed of becoming a teacher from an early age, when I didn't go to school yet. I was born on September 7, 1946. Before the war, the parents had two children who died of whooping cough (at that time a terrible infectious disease). The parents separated. I lived with my mother. Like everyone else after the war, they lived hungry and cold. Young teachers began to come to the village to work in our V-Voznesenskaya school. They rented apartments. This is how our young teacher-tenant lived. The state gave them coal, firewood for heating in the winter, and this was so useful for my mother and me, because there was nothing to buy it for. We had teachers who read a lot in the evenings, wrote, preparing for the lessons. I always stood next to their table: it was so interesting for me to watch them work. They started teaching me, talking about the school and the students. I fell in love with the school before I went there. Favorite game - "game to school". I am always a teacher, my girlfriends are exemplary students. I went to school at 1953 year. I was small, fragile, so my mother used to carry me to school in a blanket in winter (they were very cold). I studied with interest, well, although my mother did not control me, as she was at work from morning to evening. She studied for 11 years and in 1964 she graduated from the V-Voznesenskaya secondary school with good grades in the certificate. Where to go to study? This issue was resolved for me. To the pedagogical institute! In the same year, having successfully passed the entrance exams, she became a student at TSPI. She studied at the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature well and at 19In 1968 I received a diploma giving me the right to teach children the Russian language and literature.