How to get rid of tires for free

Waste Tire Program

What are the 2014 changes to the Waste Tire Grant Program?

After July 1, 2014, the Department of Revenue will make direct payments to the counties based on quarterly tire pre-disposal fee collections. The amount a county will receive is $1.00 per new tire sold by tire generators based on quarterly reporting to the Department of Revenue. Learn more about the Waste Tire Program Transition.

What does the law say about waste tires?

The Tennessee General Assembly passed the Solid Waste Management Act of 1991, which created the Waste Tire Program. Whole tires are banned from disposal in all landfills. The Act requires each county to provide one temporary waste tire collection site for its citizens and tire dealers. The Act also requires the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) to provide assistance grants to counties, and develop a program to find beneficial reuses for their waste tires. Counties are now prohibited from disposing of tire shreds in a landfill if beneficial end uses are available. TDEC may clean up illegal tire dumps and seek cost recovery from the responsible party.

How is the program funded?

The program is funded by a $1.35 pre-disposal fee paid by consumers on new tires sold at retail. It includes all tires for vehicles that travel on state roads along with those from farm tractors and equipment. You can learn more about the tire fee and find the necessary return forms by visiting the Department of Revenue.

What does the Waste Tire Program provide to the community?

TDEC provided grants to construct county waste tire collection sites until 1995. The tires collected there are hauled away by the county's contractor for reuse and recycling. TDEC provides grants to counties to assist in collecting and finding beneficial end uses for their waste tires. TDEC also forms partnerships with local governments to clean up illegal tire dumps.

Where can a homeowner or tire retailer take their old tires?

Every county must provide a collection site for its citizens. Call your county court house or solid waste office to find out its location, hours of operation, and fees.

Whether or not your tires are recycled depends on the program your county has in place.

Can tires be disposed in landfills?

Whole tires are banned from disposal in landfills. Beginning July 1, 2002, counties will be prohibited by state law from disposing of shredded waste tires in landfills if the net costs exceed the cost of an available beneficial end use. TDEC is working to find ways for counties to economically recycle or reuse their waste tires so landfilling is unnecessary.

Who is TDEC's waste tire shredding contractor?

The statewide shredding service provided to counties was discontinued on July 1, 2002. TDEC does not currently contract with any company for hauling, collecting, shredding, disposing, or recycling of waste tires.

What regulations exist for storing and processing waste tires?

TDEC's Division of Solid Waste Management regulates the storage, processing, and disposal of waste tires per TN Rule Chapter 0400-11-01.

Does TDEC regulate or register waste tire haulers?

No, TDEC does not require specific registration for waste tire haulers nor maintain a list of them.

What are beneficial end uses for waste tires?

TDEC recognizes the following as grant eligible beneficial end uses:

  • Using tire-derived fuel (tdf) in cement kilns or industrial boilers for the capture of energy.
  • Production of tdf provided the Department approves of the specific end-use.
  • Crumbling or pyrolysis of tire material provided the Department approves of the specific end-use.
  • Civil engineering applications, such as Class I landfill construction, road construction, and subsurface sewage disposal system aggregate.

Are there any other allowable end-uses for waste tires?

TDEC's Division of Solid Waste Management may allow other end uses of waste tires that are not grant eligible on a case-by-case basis.

What are the tipping fees charged for tire disposal in Tennessee?

Counties may charge any tipping fee for tires that does not exceed the regular tipping fee for other solid waste. Counties receiving Waste Tire Grants agree to provide free tipping on tires collected from their citizens unless the grant is not adequate to cover their costs. Counties may then justify an additional fee but must keep it to a minimum. TDEC does not keep a list of tipping fees charged by counties or landfill operators.

What is being done about illegal tire dumps in Tennessee?

Illegal tire dumps have been identified and prioritized for remediation. When cleaning up a dump, the law requires TDEC to seek cost recovery from the responsible parties. Illegal tire dumping should be reported to the Division of Solid Waste Management's field staff or call 1-888-891-8332.

Does Tennessee use recycled tires in asphalt?

In 1998 the Tennessee Department of Transportation placed two projects using crumb rubber modified hot-mix asphalt using materials made from scrap tires. Each 100 pounds of hot mix contained 2 pounds of recycled rubber. The test projects, both sections of Highway 70, are located in Shelby and Dickson Counties and are about 7 miles each. TDOT is continuing to evaluate the performance of these projects.

Waste Tire Management Workshop

This Page Last Updated: January 24, 2023 at 6:34 PM

Waste tires - Washington State Department of Ecology

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Accumulations of waste tires harbor disease-transmitting vermin and they present hazards from pollution and fire risk. We work with public entities to clean up unauthorized dumpsites and prevent further waste accumulation with community tire collection events. We then contract the transportation as well as the recycling or disposal of these tires.

I want to...

  • Download a list of licensed tire carriers

Waste tires pose environmental and health hazards

Waste tires are those no longer suitable for their intended purpose due to wear or damage. Accumulations of waste tires harbor mosquitos, snakes, and other vermin, which pose health risks, such as the mosquito-transmitted West Nile Virus.

Waste tire accumulations also present a dangerous fire hazard and the potential to emit polluting tire smoke.

Waste tires have a negative market value and proper recycling or disposal can be expensive. They tend to accumulate, and sometimes they’re dumped illegally. Many tire accumulations exist for a significant length of time. We work with public entities to clean up unauthorized dumpsites and prevent further waste accumulation by funding community tire collection events.

How to dispose of unwanted tires

  • Leave your old tires at the tire store when you buy new ones.
  • Ask your local transfer station if they accept tires.
  • Call 1-800-RECYCLE or visit to find a disposal location in your area.

Waste tire program

In 2005, the legislature created the waste tire removal account to help clean up illegally discarded tires. This account is funded by a $1 fee charged for each new vehicle tire sold in Washington. We receive an annual budget of $500,000 from this account. With this budget, we provide resources to communities and landowners who discover unauthorized waste tire accumulations. We also oversee businesses that handle waste tires. 

The waste tire program:

  • Provides funding to contract for waste tire removal services.
  • Assists local governments in waste tire pile prevention and education.
  • Manages the fees collected from the sales of new tires.
  • Licenses businesses that haul, store, or dispose of waste tires.

Waste tire removal

This table summarizes efforts we fund for waste tire removal from 2007 to 2020.

Year Tons of Tires Dollars
2007 32,671 $4,300,079
2008 8,112 $1,882,295
2009 11,217 $2,648,464
2010 3,157 $762,018
2011 352 $112,415
2012 1,900 $476,661
2013 1,868 $328,204
2014 2,278 $487,151
2015 1,645 $274,236
2016 2,055 $378,339
2017 1,330 $303,296
2018 1,133 $222,508
2019 2,031 $508,173
2020 2,383 $680,585
Total 72,132 $13,364,424


This chart summarizes the waste streams for tires in Washington State from 2005 to 2017.

See Excel spreadsheet chart data
*Disposed (Incidental) in mixed MSW is estimated from waste characterization studies

Tire related fees, permits and licenses

Tire retailer fee

Most tire dealers in Washington are required to collect a $1 fee for each new tire sold. This fee does not apply to:

  • Tire sales to the federal government that are exempt from sales tax.
  • Tire sales to tribal members delivered to the enrolled member's reservation.
  • Sales of retreaded vehicle tires.
  • Tires provided free of charge under the terms of a recall or warranty service.

If a customer returns a tire and is refunded the entire selling price, the $1 fee is refundable, as well (WAC 458.20.272).

Waste tire carrier license

Most businesses that haul waste tires are required to obtain a license. We maintain a list of these licensed tire carrier businesses.

Waste tire carrier requirements:

  • Entities that haul five or more tires must obtain a waste tire carrier license from the Washington Business License Service.
  • An annual license fee of $200 per location and $50 for each transport vehicle. The business must also post a $10,000 bond.
  • Licensed waste tire carriers must deliver waste tires to licensed storage, disposal, or processing facilities.

A waste tire carrier license is not required for:

  • Entities transporting five tires or fewer.
  • Transporting used tires to a retail outlet for repair or exchange.
  • Solid waste collection companies regulated under Chapter 81.77 RCW.
  • Federal, state, or local governments, or contractors hired by these entities, when involved in cleaning up illegal tire piles.
  • Tire retailers associated with retreading facilities that use company-owned vehicles to transport waste tires for the purposes of retreading or recycling.

Waste tire storage

Businesses that store waste tires are required to get local permits and may also need a state license.

Waste tire storage requirements

  • Storage of more than 800 waste automobile tires (or the combined weight equivalent of eight tons), when each individual tire weighs less than 500 pounds requires a solid waste handling permit from the local health department.  
  • Storage of more than 20 tons of waste heavy equipment tires, when each individual tire weighs 500 pounds or more requires a solid waste handling permit from the local health department.  
  • A waste tire storage license issued by the Washington Business License Service is also required if the solid waste handling permit does not meet all the substantive requirements of WAC 173-350-350.  
  • A state issued waste tire storage license is typically not required when the solid waste handling permit meets all the substantive requirements of WAC 173-350-350.
  • An annual waste tire storage license fee is $250 per location for the business.
  • Storage site owners must have financial assurance sufficient to cover the cost of a third party to remove the maximum amount of tires permitted to be stored on site and the delivery of those tires to a facility permitted to accept the tires. This financial assurance is usually a bond but can be some other form of financial assurance as specified in WAC 173-350-600.
  • Owners of waste tire storage sites must file annual reports with their local health department and with us, listing the amount of tires accepted. It must also include the amount of tires removed, and their end use and the amount stored. This report is due April 1 annually. Annual report forms can be found at Annual Reports for Recycling Facilities.

Permitting and/or licensing for waste tire storage is not required for:

  • Waste tires stored inside mobile containers, so long as the containers are used primarily for transport and are moved at least annually on- and off-site of the associated facility.
  • Storing 800 waste automobile tires (or the combined weight equivalent of eight tons) or less, when each individual tire weighs less than 500 pounds.
  • Storing 20 tons of waste heavy equipment tires or less, when each individual tire weighs 500 pounds or more.

Penalties for unauthorized transporting, storing, or disposing of waste tires

  • Disposing of waste vehicle tires on public or private property can result in a $200 to $2,000 civil penalty for each offense (RCW 70A.205.400).
  • Transporting or storing waste tires without a valid waste tire carrier license or waste tire storage license is a gross misdemeanor (RCW 70A.205.450). The penalty for a gross misdemeanor could include up to one year in jail, a fine of up to $5,000, or both (RCW 9A.20.021).
  • A person transporting waste tires without a license is liable for the costs of cleanup of any and all transported waste tires (RCW 70A.205.450).

Laws and rules

  • RCW 70A.205.015 — Solid Waste Management, Reduction and Recycling statute. Definitions Section.  Waste tires are defined here.
  • RCW 70A.205.400 – RCW 70A.205.460 — Solid Waste Management, Reduction and Recycling statute. Waste Tire Sections. These sections describe the funding for the waste removal account, waste tire storage and carrier requirements and pertinent penalties.
  • WAC 173-350-350 — Solid Waste Handling Standards rule. Waste tire storage section. This section details waste tire storage requirements.
  • WAC 173-350-355 — Solid Waste Handling Standards rule. Waste tire transportation section. This section details waste tire carrier requirements. 
  • RCW 70A.15.5010 — Washington Clean Air Act: Outdoor burning fires prohibited section. This section of the law describes the prohibition of burning rubber products, which includes tires.
  • WAC 173-425 — Outdoor burning rule. This rule details the prohibition of burning rubber products, which includes tires.

Where to donate old tires? Sell ​​tires for recycling for money!

On the one hand, it is not difficult to return old tires. They can simply be thrown into a landfill if the problems of environmental pollution, as well as the growth of serious diseases, do not bother. But problems can also be viewed from other perspectives. Tire tires, even used ones, are raw materials. Quite a few useful items can be made from it, especially if there is a private house or summer cottage. Finally, instead of throwing it away, you can take your old tires to a collection point for money.

Contents of the article

Where to sell old tires for money?

Some shops, car services, tire shops accept old tires for money or for a discount

Used tires are accepted by recycling industries for grinding. From the obtained raw materials, products are made, intended for for construction and economy. In addition, new tires are made from them.

The disposal of used tires can be carried out for money, free or with an admission fee. Interested in the first option, with two other problems do not occur. It is not worth counting on large sums, price range - from 50 to 150 rubles. per tire, depending on its diameter (from 15 up to 22.5, respectively).

Prices vary by type of tires, as well as their quantity. For example, for 1 ton of non-studded rubber they pay 4 tr. If it is studded, the cost rises to 6 tr. Cameras are bought for 30 rubles. Accordingly, for a set of worn studded tires, along with cameras, you can get 720 rubles. The amount is small, especially if you need services for transporting tires to the place of reception.

Most profitable to change tires to get:

  1. Discount for the purchase of new tires;
  2. Reduced the cost of maintenance, tire fitting;
  3. Service car out of order.

Preliminary it is necessary to specify in autoshops and technical services the availability of such promotions. Given that they have offers in accepting used tires come in constantly, they can suspend promotions for indefinite period. Then there is another option, where to hand over the old tires for money.

non-standard approach

Tires can be used in landscaping, but environmentalists do not recommend doing so.

As noted earlier, tires are a good building material. His can be used for the following purposes:

  1. For creating fences instead of curbs;
  2. B as home-made and original benches near the house;
  3. How swings and material for creating rubber sculptures.

Finally, vegetables are grown with their help in agriculture. It is enough to bury the tire in the ground, place seedlings in it. Thus, moisture is retained longer, yields increase. In addition, drinkers for domestic animals are made from tires.

All used as follows:

  1. Looking for craftsmen who can sell used tires for money or for free;
  2. Being created a company specializing in yard decoration services, inexpensive devices to increase productivity, etc.

The second option will require ingenuity, organizational skills, and the ability to negotiate. But if during the search it was not possible to find enterprises where you can hand over tires for recycling for money, but on the contrary, they still require payment for services, then there is a reason to think about your own business.

Collection points for old tires

For users of the website, we have compiled (and constantly updated) a list of organizations in large (and not only) Russian cities where you can return old tires for money or free of charge:

St. Petersburg

0002 Such an enterprise will require small investments - from 50 to 80 tr. Most of the money will be spent on renting premises, registering an organization, paying one or two employees, as well as advertising. A prerequisite is that the owner independently (at least for the first time) creates devices for agriculture and decor for yards. A license to collect and store recyclables is required.

Then a commercial offer is created, pages are drawn up in the most popular social networks. Targeting advertising in them is not expensive, it allows you to quickly reach the target audience. Additionally, announcements are posted in rural areas, at dacha cooperatives, commercial offers are sent to management companies.

The production process consists of the following steps:

  1. Reception rubber - initially you can charge for free or take money for recycling;
  2. Reception orders for the creation of decoration of yards, personal plots;
  3. Fulfillment orders.

If the demand for rubber increases, you can offer to the population to hand over rubber for processing for money. In parallel is an agreement with a processing plant, where you can deliver in bulk unclaimed rubber. Such a business can bring from 50-70 to 300-500 tr. monthly. Depends on organizational owner's abilities.

Tire disposal for legal entities persons

While individuals do not have to report on the correct disposal of rubber, this is not the case with organizations.

By law, legal entities are required to report on the delivery of used tires for recycling. The lack of documentary evidence leads to a fine for violating the rules for handling recyclables.

Therefore, business entities are required to apply to official processing manufacturer or its representative. At transfer of tires is issued:

  1. Agreement about recycling;
  2. Act transfer-reception of rubber;
  3. Act about its processing.

In addition, the enterprise is working out an act in accordance with which tires are recognized as used. The commission decides on writing them off from the balance sheet of the enterprise and sending them for recycling.

Unlike businesses, individuals are not required to follow this procedure. But it is recommended to approach the disposal of tires in a responsible manner. Rubber decomposes for a long time, but being in the environment in the event of combustion is a source of dioxins that enter the air and then into the human body. Because of this, he can become seriously and even terminally ill.

Recycling tires and tyres. Recycling tires into crumbs and fuel.

Recycling of used tires is necessary to save environment and prevent serious diseases in humans. Despite the fact that worn rubber cannot be used for its intended purpose, it is a good resource for other products. You can even get paid for delivery of tires for recycling or organize a business on this.

Contents of the article

Why do we need to recycle tires?

Tires are classified as hazardous waste, and when they are burned, highly toxic substances are released.

Tire recycling is not very common in Russia. Competition in this area is absent, therefore, to hand over single copies of the automobile tires are problematic. On the other hand, it is not necessary to look for the item reception, there are alternative methods of disposal.

But the need for tire recycling is great. For the country in of which there are more than 40 million cars alone, careless attitude to this issue can cause an ecological catastrophe. The reason is as follows:

  1. Decomposition automotive rubber has been occurring naturally for hundreds of years;
  2. Worn products are a source of small particles entering the environment, which pose a threat to human life and health;
  3. Diseases, that are provoked due to non-utilized rubber, the following: allergies, bronchial asthma, cancer and others.

The negative impact on people and the environment is aggravated by burning tires. They emit highly toxic substances, and nothing grows on the soil where the rubber ignited for the next decade.

For example, when burning 1 ton of rubber, more than 700 kg of toxins and soot are released into the environment. Finally, spontaneous and uncontrolled tire dumps in the city serve as a haven for rodents. Hence the increase in infectious diseases among the population.

All these negative factors do not appear immediately, they often affect suddenly. Therefore, the effective recycling of old tires gives way to a negligent attitude on the part of both the population and the authorities. The bottom line is that uncontrolled dumps of used tires continue to grow from year to year.

Changes to legislative level

In order to influence the situation, in 2015 the Legislator amends the regulatory legal act that regulates waste management (No. 89-FZ).

What's new is that tire importers are required to accept used products for recycling. Norms have been established for the number of tires that representatives of foreign manufacturers are required to accept annually from the population. They make up about 20% of the total number of tires produced per year.

Recycling car tires into crumb rubber

The most common is the recycling of car tires into crumb rubber.

For this, the tires are collected, the cord is separated from them, thoroughly washed, crushed, sorted into fractions. Crushing takes place in two stages, resulting in crumbs. For this, equipment such as crushers, shredders or guillotines is used.

Another method is cryogenic processing. It includes the above procedure after which:

  1. Received the crumb is loaded into the cryogenic chamber;
  2. Under exposure to liquid nitrogen at temperatures below -100 o C rubber the components are brought to a solid state;
  3. B As a result of pneumatic or air impact, grinding occurs.

Then the obtained components are sorted, the metal and textile parts are separated from the rubber. If necessary, repeat crushing.

Tire recycling in Europe | The work of a large European factory!

Recycling tires into fuel

Tires are converted into fuel through chemical processes.

This method is called pyrolysis. The principle of operation is the decomposition of tires into constituent components as a result of temperature exposure in a vacuum environment. This method requires expensive equipment, but it is the most environmentally friendly and profitable. Thanks to him you can get:

  1. Synthetic oil, from which not only fuel, but also other oil products are produced;
  2. Technical carbon used as a coloring agent for concrete products, tiles and other only;
  3. Gas for installations for the recycling of tires and other used raw materials.

Finally, the chemical processing method makes it possible to obtain steel cord. It can be reused in the manufacture of tires or scrapped.

Tire recycling plants

There are not many tire recycling plants in Russia.

Acceptance of automobile tires for processing for money is carried out by a limited number of enterprises. In addition, it is not necessary to count on large sums. The cost at which the considered used products are accepted rarely exceeds 150-200 rubles.

List of tire recycling plants in Russia with phone numbers:

  1. Orisprom LLC, 8 (495) 120-21-92;
  2. PK "Champion", 8 (977) 966-81-56;
  3. Eco-Fund, 8 (495) 943-10-25;
  4. EcoRezina LLC, 8 (499) 648-10-25;
  5. Dmitrov RTI plant, 8 929 65 65 770;
  6. GreenPlit, 8 (499) 653-64-70.

For users of the website, we have compiled (and are constantly updating) a list of organizations in large (and not only) Russian cities where you can return old tires for money or for free:


can be disposed of independently without any significant costs. Treated tires can serve as a curb, flowerbed, sports bag or makiwara for martial arts. Creative work can turn them into furniture for the garden plot or decorate the yard of an apartment building.

Learn more