Tires-Easy Lawn and Garden tires, Tire Buying Guide, Tire Sizes
Replacing a damaged or worn-out lawn tractor tire is easy to do, and a whole lot easier than taking the tractor in to be serviced at the dealership or local repair shop. The first step is to find the right replacement tire. When you are shopping for new lawn tractor tires, there are four primary considerations: tire size, ply-rating, the type of terrain and traction requirements, and of course, the price.
Like any other tire, lawn tractor tires have a series of numbers molded on to the side that spell out specific details about the tire. There are two different sizing systems: two-number system, and three-number system.
Lawn tractor tires using the two-number system display numbers as 4. 80-8, for example. This means the tire’s width is approximately 4.8 inches and the rim is 8 inches in diameter. Those are the only two numbers you need to find the right size replacement tire.
The three-number lawn tractor tires numbering system works a bit differently. 15×6.00-6 is a common size. The first number before the “x” indicates the tire’s diameter when inflated and not under load. The middle number between the “x” and the “-,” indicates the tire’s width. The final number indicates the width of the rim. Note that the last number is width, not diameter of the rim. This is always the case with three-number sizing for lawn tractor tires and other garden equipment tires.
Lawn Tractors are very rarely over-loaded, but a tire with a higher carrying capacity is also more resistant to punctures because the casing of the tire is thicker and stronger. If your lawn tractor runs over rough terrain with lots of thorns, or you use the tractor for work other than just mowing, consider replacing with a “B/4-ply” rated tire instead of a “A/2-ply” rating. The number of plies is always stamped on the side of the tire. There are only two options, A/2-ply or B/4-ply in the common sizes for lawn tractors.
There are three main classifications of tread pattern types for lawn tractors: mixed-use turf tires, knobby all-terrain tires, or ribbed tires.
You can find a large difference in the price of lawn tractor tires. This is due to factors like the brand name, the associated features and benefits, and even the country of manufacture. A few minutes of online research to see typical prices for your specific size of tire will be helpful to manage your expectations and to set your budget.
This will likely determine if you are going to buy a premium name brand, or if you are better suited to a cheap tractor tire made in china. Small lawn tractor tires can be found for as little as $20, and can run as high as $60 or $70.
No matter what size, ply rating or type of lawn tractor tire you need, you can find multiple options at low prices on has one of the largest selections of lawn tractor tires on the web, a super knowledgeable customer service team, and an extensive distribution network for fast and accurate shipping every time.
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Jan. 6 2021 Buying Guide By PrairieLand Parterns
Your lawn mower needs the right tires in order to effectively move around your property.
But there are so many options on the market, how do you pick the right one?
Here at PrairieLand Partners, we strive to make your life easier. We created the following lawn mower tire guide, helping you understand the different models and features. If you have any questions or want to shop lawn mowers for sale, reach out to our expert staff. We are happy to help with anything you need! We proudly serve those throughout Kansas.
Different lawn mowers will need different tire sizes. Figuring out the tire dimensions on your specific lawn mower is a great first step. There are two common sizing systems and your model is likely one or the other.
With the two number sizing system:
With the three number sizing system:
Lawn mower tires tend to come in one of two ply-ratings.
The standard option is A/2-ply. It meets most customers' needs and works on smooth, level surfaces.
The other option is B/4-ply. This is well-suited for terrain that contains obstacles (such as thorns) or for handling heavy duty projects outside of mowing.
Another key way that lawn mower tires differ is with their tread pattern.
The turf tread option:
The knobby, all-terrain option:
The straight ribbed option:
The smooth tread option:
Finally, think about how much you want to spend on lawn mower tires. The various options will come at various prices. The exact cost will be influenced by factors such as the brand, features, benefits, and lifespan. Setting a budget helps you get the highest quality lawn mower tire that you can afford. You won't fall in love with a model beyond your budget or unnecessarily pass on quality. Set your budget, then begin looking at options.
We hope you found this lawn mower tire guide helpful. For more advice or to shop lawn mowers for sale, chat with the friendly staff at PrairieLand Partner. We are happy to answer questions, provide advice, and assist in any way that we can. Explore our inventory online or stop by our dealership. We are proud to serve those in Kansas.
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The design of amateur, semi-professional and professional chainsaws is identical. The operability of the tool is ensured by a saw set, which directly cuts and saws wood. That is why the bar and chain are subject to increased wear. They need to be changed periodically. Today we will talk about the guide rail. Consider the key characteristics of interchangeable equipment, the features of the choice of these elements.
A tire is an oval, elongated product made of high-strength steel alloy. One side of the part is attached to the chainsaw, and the other ends with a driven sprocket. Thanks to this tire device, the chain runs smoothly, and the load on the power unit of the tool is reduced.
Along the entire perimeter of the part there are grooves and grooves into which the chain shanks enter. During operation, the chain rubs against the tire, which leads to heating of the saw set and its abrasion. To reduce friction and slow down wear, a quality lubricant must be used to lubricate the work area. Oil protects metal elements from overheating and premature failure.
The range of saw sets is very wide. The market is overflowing with consumables of varying quality and cost. To choose a really high-quality tire for your chainsaw, do not be too lazy to study the key characteristics of the products, analyze all kinds of criteria when buying: material of manufacture, length, thickness, brand, etc.
Chainsaw guides according to design features and scope are classified into 3 categories.
The choice of tire depends primarily on the consumer characteristics and scope of the chainsaw. Ordinary flat guides are used for completing household tools, but the other 2 types are for professional-grade models.
The width of the guide groove determines the speed and aggressiveness of the tool. This indicator affects the choice of chain. The size of the headset shank must match the depth of the bar grooves.
If the thickness of the chain shank and the width of the groove do not match, this may cause overheating of the metal components and their premature failure. A more dangerous consequence is an open circuit, which can lead to serious injury to the operator.
Similar troubles also arise in cases where the chain pitch and the crown of the drive mechanism do not match. This provokes increased abrasion of the drive sprocket, and replacing this element is a costly task, since it must be carried out using specialized equipment in a service center.
The pitch of the sprocket and chain set also affects the operation of the chainsaw. Models with a pitch of 0.325 inches are rightfully considered the most popular. This indicator is typical for saws whose power does not exceed 3 hp. More productive models are equipped with a saw set with a 3/8-inch pitch. There are other options, but they are not so common.
The driven sprocket often wears out faster than other components. This is due to the fact that this part of the tire is not centrally lubricated. To protect the sprocket from premature wear, it should be regularly lubricated by hand (every 8-10 hours of operation).
Length refers to the main characteristics of the saw guide. It affects the functionality of the tool, must match the power of the engine. The longer the tire, the larger the trees can be cut with it. It is impossible to put a longer bar on the saw than the manufacturer allows, as this leads to an increase in the load on the engine, and, accordingly, to a reduction in tool life.
The maximum possible length of the guide rail is indicated by the manufacturer in the technical documentation. If for some reason you cannot find the tool passport, you can measure the length of the tire with your own hands. How to measure chainsaw bar length? All you need is a construction tape. It is necessary to measure the distance from the end to the beginning of the tire cutout with it. This will be the length indicator. An easier way is to look at the side of the tire. But it is not always possible to read the information on the working surface, since the data is erased during the operation of the chainsaw, then you need to measure it.
Buy tires of the appropriate size for your saw. Ignoring this requirement leads to the following consequences:
To ensure that your instrument performs flawlessly and extends its life, use the correct headset. Length is measured in inches. Consider the features of the range of tires for chainsaws.
Powerful units for professional use are equipped with tires, the length of which reaches 75 cm. The functionality of such models, of course, is impeccable, but you won’t work for a long time. The fact is that the length of the tire directly proportionally affects the weight of the tool and the convenience of its operation.
An important characteristic of tires is interchangeability. There are a large number of elements on the market with the same number of links, identical dimensional parameters. How do you know which tire is best for a chainsaw or electric saw? The selection of components should be carried out taking into account various criteria, including the brand. The saw set is produced by many manufacturers of gasoline saws. There are, of course, firms that specialize only in the production of chains and tires, but there are few of them.
Installing a chainsaw tire from the same manufacturer as the tool itself is a guarantee that the unit will work properly and for a long time. Consider the most popular brands of chainsaw guides.
The choice of a headset for a gasoline saw should be taken very carefully. Change parts in a timely manner. If signs of wear appear and the tire no longer copes with its functions, you will have to replace it with a new one.
Please note!
If you need a different tire size, you can lengthen or shorten the old one, but it's still better to buy a new consumable item of the right length.
The tire is one of the most important working parts of a chainsaw. It, like all other elements, periodically fails, wears out. Operating a tool with a defective tire cannot be considered safe. Change guides promptly. How much does a tire cost? Depends on the quality and size of the product. You can, of course, buy a cheap one, but it does not have a large working resource.
When buying a tire for a chainsaw, consider these recommendations:
Not only the performance and ease of use of the tool, but also the health of the operator depends on the quality of the parts. The most dangerous consequence of using low-quality tires is their fracture during operation. At high speed, a broken part can cause serious injury to the operator. That's why it's so important to buy branded consumables of the right quality.
To select a tire for a chainsaw, you need to know the type of tail, bar length, groove width and nose sprocket pitch.
The length of the cutting part of the tire differs from its total length. The length of the tire is considered to be the length of the cut (working part) - this is the distance from the front of the saw to the rounded tip of the nose of the tire. This size is rounded to the nearest inch or centimeter. An inch is denoted as "equal to 2.54 cm.
For example, the length of the cutting part of the tire for the Stihl MS180 chainsaw is 40 cm.
40 cm ÷ 2.54 = 15.7 inches. Rounding results in 16" (inches).
For chainsaw Stihl MS180 fits 16 inch (40 centimeter) Oregon tire article 160SDEA074
Print PDF catalog of shanks in 1:1 scale, you will need 7 A4 sheets for printing.
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Download Oregon tire shank catalog.
Be sure to turn off scaling before printing.
To determine your tire shank part number, please attach your shank to the printout.
Article: А041 Groove width: 8.2 mm Shank designed for electric and chainsaws: | |
Code: A061 Groove width: 6.4 mm Shank designed for electric and chainsaws: | |
Code: A064 Groove width: 6. Shank designed for electric and chainsaws: | |
Code: A074 Groove width: 8.2 mm Shank designed for electric and chainsaws: | |
Code: A218 Groove width: 6.4 mm Shank designed for electric and chainsaws: | |
Code: A318 Groove width: 6.4 mm The shank is designed for electric and chainsaws: | |
Code: K041 Groove width: 8.2 mm Shank designed for electric and chainsaws: | |
Code: K095 Groove width: 8. Shank designed for electric and chainsaws: | |
Code: K153 Groove width: 8.1 mm Shank designed for electric and chainsaws: Dolmar | |
Code: D009 Groove width: 9.0 mm The shank is designed for electric and chainsaws: | |
Code: D024 Groove width: 10.0 mm Shank designed for electric and chainsaws: | |
Code: D025 Groove width: 12.1 mm Shank designed for electric and chainsaws: | |
Code: D033 Groove width: 14. |