The tire program identification (TPID) number is a unique identification number assigned by CalRecycle to each participant in the waste tire manifest program and identifies generators, haulers, and end-use facilities. The TPID number is used to track each participant’s activity in waste tire manifest transactions and to identify specific locations where waste tires are generated or delivered/disposed. The TPID numbers are issued by CalRecycle at no cost. Haulers receive their number when registering with CalRecycle. See hauler information.
Each business or public entity involved in the generation, hauling, and delivery or disposal of waste tires. All participants in the Waste Tire Manifest Program must have a TPID. The following types of participants are included in the Waste Tire Manifest System:
CalRecycle has issued TPID Numbers to known participants. Use the TPID Search to find an existing TPID for a business. If you are a business or government agency that generates, stores, or delivers/disposes waste tires and have not received a Tire Program ID, you need to obtain a TPID by doing one of the following:
The TPID is required on the comprehensive trip log form for each business transaction with a hauler. Your TPID number must be entered on the comprehensive trip log receipt. This number is the primary way CalRecycle knows your business and identifies the specific location where the waste tires are generated or delivered/disposed.
CalRecycle will be scanning all comprehensive trip log forms for business and government agency address information for waste tire pick ups and deliveries. Addresses not matching the TPID numbers will be flagged for follow up by CalRecycleB staff to obtain this additional site information.
The TPID number is also the means by which participants can access their online business accounts within the waste tire management system database. CalRecycle has established secure online business accounts for each participating business or government agency. By accessing their business accounts, participants will be able to view the comprehensive trip log forms that have been submitted to CalRecycle.
Each business or government agency assigned a TPID will have a secure, online business account established for them that will allow accessibility via the CalRecycle Web site. The business account will enable them to view information on all submitted comprehensive trip log forms as well as scanned images of the forms.
The on-line business account will only show data for a specific business or government agency. In addition, generators will also be able to view general trip information indicating that the waste tire hauler has delivered or disposed the waste tires from your pick up to an authorized or permitted waste tire site.
The TPID number is the key information needed for this on-line business account. To access your business account, you must enter your TPID number and a password (selected by you). Only those individuals with whom you share your TPID/password will have access to your business account.
For more information on obtaining your TPID number or if you have any other questions regarding the waste tire manifest system, see the contact information for the Waste Tire Manifest Program.
Manifest Program Home
For more information contact: Tire Management Program Hotline, [email protected]
In 1990, the California Legislature enacted comprehensive requirements for the storage and disposal of waste tires. The California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) is responsible for tire pile stabilization and remediation in cases which public health and safety and the environment may be at risk. Consequently, regulations were adopted to establish and enforce waste tire storage and handling standards.
Public Resources Code section 42961.5 required that CalRecycle (formerly the CIWMB) develop a “California Uniform Waste and Used Tire Manifest.” The intent is to “close the loop” on accountability by requiring that copies of each manifest be submitted to CalRecycle for monitoring tire loads and movement within California. In addition, regulations have been developed to provide guidance and procedures in meeting manifest system requirements.
This program went into effect in 2003 and was revised significantly in 2005.
CalRecycle uses the information generated by the waste tire manifest system to ensure that all waste tires generated and transported within California have been accounted for and delivered to permitted end use facilities. Discrepancies will be actively enforced. Chapter 838, Statutes of 2000 (Escutia, SB 876) increased the maximum civil penalties for violations of the waste tire hauling and manifesting requirements from $10,000 to $25,000 per violation per day as described in Public Resources Code (PRC) section 42962, and increased administrative penalties from $1,000 to $5,000 per violation per day.
Since 1994, CalRecycle’s tire enforcement staff has overseen an inspection program. Enforcement staff also investigates sites that pose a threat to the public health, safety, or the environment that are referred by local agencies.
The central objective of facility, site, and hauler inspections is to achieve compliance through oversight and education to the greatest extent possible, and to provide accurate information for entry into a statewide database. Inspections may be performed by CalRecycle staff or by tire enforcement agency inspectors.
Enforcement staff follows up inspections of unpermitted sites with reports that inform the property owner/operator of the site that any person who stores, stockpiles, accumulates, or discards more than 500 waste tires is required to obtain a waste tire facility permit or other authorization from CalRecycle.
Owners and operators in violation of waste tire enforcement statutes or regulations will be issued a Waste Tire Survey and Inspection Report (CIWMB Forms 181, 182, 183) that lists the violations and specifies the date when inspectors will re-inspect to determine whether the violations have been corrected. If the violations were not corrected by the specified re-inspection date, CalRecycle can take a number of enforcement actions.
CalRecycle can issue cleanup and abatement orders (CAO) for waste tire storage violations, and/or issue complaints seeking administrative or civil penalties. (See enforcement orders.) In addition, CalRecycle can refer cases for criminal prosecution. CalRecycle does not waive its right to take enforcement action for those violations occurring prior to the compliance deadline date.
Operating a waste tire storage facility without a waste tire facility permit is a misdemeanor under the Public Resources Code, sections 42825 and 42835, punishable with a fine up to $10,000 per day of the violation and/or up to one year imprisonment in county jail.
Any person transporting 10 or more used or waste tires must be a registered waste tire hauler with CalRecycle and track tire transactions on a manifest form. Enforcement efforts vary depending on the type of violation. For some violations (non-controversial, involving less than 2,000 waste tires, and subject to penalties less than $5,000), an abridged administrative hearing process or “streamlined penalty program” is used. Essentially, a lower penalty is offered to the violator in lieu of prosecution through the more lengthy administrative complaint process.
For those violations that do not qualify for the streamlined penalty program, CalRecycle seeks maximum penalties through the administrative hearing process and/or civil and criminal actions. (See enforcement orders listing.) Civil penalties for violations of the waste tire hauling and manifesting requirements are $25,000 per violation per day, and the maximum administrative penalties are up to $5,000 per violation per day (PRC Section 42962).
A penalty letter details the waste tire hauling or manifest violation and provides two options for the violator: 1) pay a reduced penalty amount based on pre-approved criteria and do not contest the findings, or 2) contest the findings at a hearing at which CalRecycle will ask the Administrative Law Judge to assess the maximum penalties stated in the original findings. If the violator accepts the reduced penalty offer, CalRecycle issues a stipulated decision and order. (See enforcement orders.) When the violator signs and returns the notice with payment, the decision is final.
Since the program started in 2008, more than 95 percent of the streamlined penalty offers have been accepted by the tire haulers. The streamlined penalty process has saved CalRecycle vital resources by reducing travel costs, court fees, attorney fees, etc. As a result, staff has also been able to prosecute a significantly greater number of cases.
On Jan. 1, 2013, Chapter 534, Statutes of 2012 (Gordon, AB 1647) became effective and established a new process for informal hearings for tire enforcement and permit denials, revocations and suspensions.
The Tire Enforcement Flow Chart depicts the typical waste tire enforcement process that CalRecycle staff or the tire enforcement agency (TEA) grantee follows after conducting an inspection of a tire hauler, generator, or end-use facility. A text description of the flow chart is available. This enforcement process lists the typical scenario that is followed; however, in different circumstances, these processes can vary.
CalRecycle is responsible for investigating complaints regarding tire haulers or storage/facilities. If you think you have a valid complaint, E-mail us at [email protected]. Include the following information and attach any evidence that you may have.
Please include your contact information in the E-mail, should CalRecycle staff have any further questions regarding the nature of the complaint. CalRecycle will ensure that you remain anonymous.
Local Government
CalRecycle provides funding to city and county agencies with regulatory authority within the city/county government for waste tire enforcement activities. These TEAs are responsible for performing initial inspection and follow-up inspections for all waste tire facilities and sites located in their jurisdictions.
Air Resources Board
Video surveillance is placed at locations where CalRecycle suspects violations of waste tire laws. To conduct the surveillance, ARB uses high tech video equipment to monitor the activities at suspected locations and reports all findings to CalRecycle for follow-up
For more information contact: Tire Enforcement, [email protected]
On the one hand, it is not difficult to return old tires. They can simply be thrown into a landfill if the problems of environmental pollution, as well as the growth of serious diseases, do not bother. But problems can also be viewed from other perspectives. Tire tires, even used ones, are raw materials. Quite a few useful items can be made from it, especially if there is a private house or summer cottage. Finally, instead of throwing it away, you can take your old tires to a collection point for money.
Contents of the article
Used tires are accepted by recycling industries for grinding. From the obtained raw materials, products are made, intended for for construction and economy. In addition, new tires are made from them.
The disposal of used tires can be carried out for money, free or with an admission fee. Interested in the first option, with two other problems do not occur. It is not worth counting on large sums, price range - from 50 to 150 rubles. per tire, depending on its diameter (from 15 up to 22.5, respectively).
Prices vary by type of tires, as well as their quantity. For example, for 1 ton of non-studded rubber they pay 4 tr. If it is studded, the cost rises to 6 tr. Cameras are bought for 30 rubles. Accordingly, for a set of worn studded tires, along with cameras, you can get 720 rubles. The amount is small, especially if you need services for transporting tires to the place of reception.
Most profitable to change tires to get:
Preliminary it is necessary to specify in autoshops and technical services the availability of such promotions. Given that they have offers in accepting used tires come in constantly, they can suspend promotions for indefinite period. Then there is another option, where to hand over the old tires for money.
As noted earlier, tires are a good building material. His can be used for the following purposes:
Finally, vegetables are grown with their help in agriculture. It is enough to bury the tire in the ground, place seedlings in it. Thus, moisture is retained longer, yields increase. In addition, drinkers for domestic animals are made from tires.
All used as follows:
The second option will require ingenuity, organizational skills, and the ability to negotiate. But if during the search it was not possible to find enterprises where you can hand over tires for recycling for money, but on the contrary, they still require payment for services, then there is a reason to think about your own business.
For users of the website, we have compiled (and constantly updated) a list of organizations in large (and not only) Russian cities where you can return old tires for money or free of charge:
St. Petersburg
0057 Krasnodar
Naberezhnye Chelny
Nizhny Novgorod
Perm-Donu7 Rostov-na 05 Rostov-na 05
Such an enterprise will require small investments - from 50 to 80 tr. Most of the money will be spent on renting premises, registering an organization, paying one or two employees, as well as advertising. A prerequisite is that the owner independently (at least for the first time) creates devices for agriculture and decor for yards. A license to collect and store recyclables is required.
Then a commercial offer is created, pages are drawn up in the most popular social networks. Targeting advertising in them is not expensive, it allows you to quickly reach the target audience. Additionally, announcements are posted in rural areas, at dacha cooperatives, commercial offers are sent to management companies.
The production process consists of the following steps:
If the demand for rubber increases, you can offer to the population to hand over rubber for processing for money. In parallel is an agreement with a processing plant, where you can deliver in bulk unclaimed rubber. Such a business can bring from 50-70 to 300-500 tr. monthly. Depends on organizational owner's abilities.
By law, legal entities are required to report on the delivery of used tires for recycling. The lack of documentary evidence leads to a fine for violating the rules for handling recyclables.
Therefore, business entities are required to apply to official processing manufacturer or its representative. At transfer of tires is issued:
In addition, the enterprise is working out an act in accordance with which tires are recognized as used. The commission decides on writing them off from the balance sheet of the enterprise and sending them for recycling.
Unlike businesses, individuals are not required to follow this procedure. But it is recommended to approach the disposal of tires in a responsible manner. Rubber decomposes for a long time, but being in the environment in the event of combustion is a source of dioxins that enter the air and then into the human body. Because of this, he can become seriously and even terminally ill.
Our company was founded in 2001. In the city of Dzerzhinsky in the Moscow region, there are two Oris Prom plants for the processing of tire products. More than 60,000 tons of tires are disposed of there annually. Enterprises have no analogues in Russia in this configuration. The equipment allows processing all types of designated products without exception.
to buy used tires
on the terms of delivery by the Supplier's transport
Category | Size | ROM Dzerzhinsky | ROM Khovrino | ROM Biryulyovo | ROM Voskresensk |
Mixed Summer, winter, all-weather, studded, with discs, torn, R12-R22 radius, as well as truck tires R 22. | R12 - R22.5 | 1 000 / ton | 1000 /ton | 500 /ton | 500 /ton |
Trucks Truck wheels R22.5 | R22.5 | 2 000 /ton | 1500 /ton | 500 /ton | 500 /ton a |
Upon acceptance of these rubber products, a thorough inspection of raw materials is carried out. Categorically not allowed the content of garbage.
* There should not be tires - dyed, from motorcycles, agricultural machinery, special vehicles, burnt, burnt, filled with foreign inclusions (polyurethanes, silicones).
We accept without payment absolutely any waste named rubber auto parts - cars, trucks, large-sized, studded, with disks, torn, blown up, solid parts from special equipment.
In the list below you will find the addresses, opening hours and phone numbers of our collection points for the designated rubber products. Acceptance of failed car tires is carried out in any volume at our 4 sites seven days a week: from 07.00 to 23.00 without prior appointment or call.
Without financial expenses, you can bring to us any type of used tires: passenger, truck, solid, aviation, agricultural, torn, painted, dirty, with rims, etc. Choose any point in Moscow or the region, bring unnecessary specified auto parts and make your contribution to the protection of the environment!
There is no way to bring tires to our tire collectors? Contact us and order its transportation for our money. You do not have to pay anything for the services provided. We own our own fleet of special equipment for the acceptance of such special items, as well as a license for the transportation of waste of I-IV hazard classes.
If necessary, we can provide a hopper with a volume of 32 cubic meters. m. for the accumulation of waste rubber auto parts. We install special volumetric containers for the consolidation of rubber items on the territory of organizations, we export or replace them at the request of the client.
The system of organized collection of tires from the population in the Moscow Region.
On the territory of the Moscow region. installed 100 containers for used named spare parts. So that car owners do not throw old tires into the forest or to any other places, but can turn them in for recycling without money.
After all, when changing wheels seasonally, people throw them into a landfill or take them to the forest. At best, they are brought to garbage disposal organizations, but they do not accept such spare parts. Our recycling facilities are open 24/7. You can specify the address of the tank closest to you by calling: +7 (926) 208-28-19
LLC "Oris Prom" has a license for the collection, transportation, processing, disposal, disposal and disposal of waste of I-IV hazard classes No. 050 103 dated 06/08/2020, issued by the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Moscow Region.
Consulting clients by phone: +7 (495) 120-21-92 and +7 (926) 011-05-79 on weekdays from 9 am to 6 pm, e-mail [email protected]
Reception points addresses:
Production base Dzerzhinsky (Kapotnya-Dzerzhinsky interchange, 17th km of Moscow Ring Road)
Moscow region, Dzerzhinsky, st. Academician Zhukova, 2
Opening hours: from 07.00 to 23.00 Phone: +7(926) 011-05-79, +7(495) 120-21-92
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Production base "Khovrino"
Moscow, industrial zone No. 46 "Korovino", ave. 5207 (78th km of the Moscow Ring Road inner side)
Working hours: from 07.00 to 23.00 Phone: +7 (495) 792-22-72, +7 (903) 792-22-72
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Production base "South"
Moscow, Vostryakovsky pr-d, 10, building 131 (31st km of the Moscow Ring Road inner side)
Working hours: from 07.00 to 23.00 Phone: +7 (926) 001-93-50
View on the map
Production base Voskresensk
Moscow region, Voskresensk, st. Moscow, 43
Working hours: from 08.00 to 20.00 Phone: +7 (920) 835-01-11
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Photo | Name | Compound |
Tires for cars, trucks, tubes (with/without rims) | Tires smaller than 1200mm.![]() |