How to relieve tired puffy eyes

How to Get Rid of Bags Under Your Eyes

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Are you wondering why you have puffy eyes or how you can make under-eye bags disappear? Good news: Although they can be bothersome, bags under your eyes don’t usually impact vision or health. But if you want to reduce the puffiness around your eyes, there are temporary and long-lasting solutions.

What causes bags under the eyes?

There are several reasons people get puffy eyes, including:

  • High-salt diet: Eating a lot of salty foods causes you to retain water and leads to swelling.
  • Allergies: Congestion and inflammation from allergies can sometimes exacerbate under-eye puffiness.
  • Medical conditions: Some health conditions such as thyroid problems can cause the eyes to become swollen.
  • Genetics: Having under-eye bags can be a physical characteristic that runs in your family.  
  • Natural aging process: Loss of firmness in the skin and muscles happens as you age.

Why under-eye bags form when you get older

“The most common cause of under-eye bags or puffiness is natural aging,” says Shaun Desai, M.D., a facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon at Johns Hopkins Center for Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. “Older skin becomes too lax and tends to fall or wrinkle. The muscles and tissues around the eye can also weaken and contribute to the baggy look. This weakening allows the fat surrounding the eye to bulge out, creating that bubble-like appearance.” 

Ways to Get Rid of Eye Bags

There are different approaches to reducing under-eye puffiness, depending on the cause. At-home treatments can temporarily shrink lower lids that are sometimes swollen from fluid pooling in the undereye area.
But, says Desai, home remedies and over-the-counter products can only do so much, “To effectively get rid of under-eye bags that are prominent and permanent, medical treatment is oftentimes necessary. ” 

At-home treatments for puffy eyes

If you occasionally wake up with puffy lids, these quick fixes may help. They work to reduce swelling until it naturally subsides over the course of the day.

  • Cold compresses: Cooling the area lessens inflammation and swelling by reducing blood flow. You can place anything cold, such as an ice pack, frozen bag of vegetables, chilled cucumber slices or refrigerated spoons, over closed eyes for a few minutes.
  • Hemorrhoid creams: Some people pat over-the-counter creams designed for hemorrhoid treatment under their eyes. Product ingredients such as phenylephrine narrow blood vessels to reduce swelling. But use these products with caution: They may cause irritation in this sensitive area. Also, it’s important to keep this medication from getting in your eyes. 
  • Caffeine: Caffeine is a vasoconstrictor, meaning it constricts blood vessels. Many cosmetics companies sell eye creams with caffeine to reduce under-eye puffiness. You can also try resting chilled tea bags (caffeinated black tea) on closed eyes.

Medical options for under-eye bags

If you’re fed up with under-eye bags, these medical treatments can improve and even eliminate them: 

Nonsurgical options
These noninvasive treatments smooth the under-eye area:

  • Filler: This treatment places a filler material (usually hyaluronic acid, which is a jelly-like substance) where the under-eye area and cheek meet to create a smooth transition. The injection is performed in a doctor’s office under local anesthetic. Results last six to 12 months. 
  • Laser resurfacing: This treatment uses a laser to remove surface layers of wrinkly skin in the under-eye area and stimulate new collagen growth, resulting in firmer skin. Results can last years, depending on your skin type and sun exposure. 
  • Chemical peel: A chemical peel also treats wrinkly under-eye skin by removing superficial top layers. An in-office application of a chemical solution dissolves old skin cells to reveal tighter, brighter skin. Depending on your skin type and sun exposure, results can last a few years.

Surgical option
A lower eyelid lift (blepharoplasty) is an outpatient procedure where the surgeon readjusts the fat in the lower eye area and tightens the muscle and skin to create a smooth appearance. In most cases, a lower eyelid lift gets rid of under-eye bags for life — it’s rare for people to need future touch-ups.

However, says Desai, sometimes patients require multiple therapies to treat under-eye bags, such as combining laser resurfacing with filler or an eyelid lift.

How to Choose a Doctor

The eye area is a very delicate part of the face. Serious complications can arise if procedures are done improperly. It’s crucial to find a highly experienced, board-certified surgeon who specializes in treatment of the eyelid area. 

How to Get Rid of Tired Eyes

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It doesn’t take much. A later than usual night out, a high pollen count, or an episode of “This Is Us” can produce that raccoon eye look or bags under your peepers.

You can certainly embrace the bags And as you follow our guide, you’ll discover some people are just naturally predisposed to this look. Word on the street: A little shadow and swell is the new sexy.

But if you do have a reason to brighten up your skin and reduce puffiness, we have some remedies for you.

You don’t need to spend a fortune on a skin care regimen to erase rings or pouches. You can find remedies in your pantry, refrigerator, and right at your fingertips.

Reach for your tea bag stash

For dark circles, the caffeine in black or green tea may help narrow blood vessels and reduce blue coloring. These caffeinated teas can also banish bloat by drawing out fluid.

But if you’re going for a more soothing effect for irritated skin, opt for rooibos (red tea) or chamomile.


  1. Steep two tea bags in a mug of boiled water for 2 to 4 minutes.
  2. Remove the tea bags, and press out the excess water from the bags.
  3. Let the tea bags cool slowly at room temperature, or chill in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.
  4. Rest the bags over your closed eyes for 15 minutes.
  5. Leave them on no longer than 30 minutes at a time.

Dip into the coffee canister

Your cold brew might give you a refreshing jolt, but a caffeine fix for the skin can also help calm blotchiness or swelling.

Start by freezing some brewed coffee in an ice cube tray. Once the coffee ice is ready, spend a few minutes gently rubbing an ice cube:

  • under your eyes
  • along your brows
  • across the bridge of your nose
  • from the outer corners of your eyes to your temples

You can also try 100% Pure Coffee Bean Caffeine Eye Cream. This product earns 4.5 stars from reviewers who say it can help treat crow’s feet and keep eyes moisturized.

Raid your crisper for a cucumber

Cucumbers are high in vitamin C and folic acid, an ingredient combo that helps stimulate cell growth and counter environmental stress. The end result? Less irritation and puffiness, as well as reduced discoloration under your eyes.


  1. Slice two half-inch slices from a cucumber.
  2. Place the slices over your closed eyes for about 15 minutes.
  3. As an alternative, try cold spoons. They can help constrict blood vessels and reduce areas of under-eye darkness.

You can also try Yes to Cucumbers Soothing Eye Gel. Reviews suggest this gel may be a bit harsh for folks with sensitive skin, but they also note it works more effectively than pricier creams.

Give your eyes a tap massage

By tapping your index and middle fingers in a gentle circle around your sockets and across your brows and cheekbones, you can enhance lymph drainage. This may help even out skin tone and reduce inflammation.


  1. Do this massage with an eye cream for at least 30 seconds.
  2. Embrace the pressure, but don’t rub or push too hard.

Consider eye cream

Do you need to spend a lot of cash on a fancy balm? For dark circles, the short answer is no.

You could, however, try more budget-friendly moisturizing salves with tea, coffee, or cucumber extract — some products might also help minimize the appearance of fine lines and creases.

One option to consider? SheaMoisture Matcha Green Tea & Probiotics Soothing Eye Cream.

Ingredients for your eyes

Be sure to read labels carefully before picking up pricey jars. We asked Dr. Rebecca Marcus, a board certified dermatologist in North Dallas, TX, about her favorite ingredients for eyes.

She recommends keeping an “eye” out for the following:

  • Caffeine. The benefits of caffeine are worth repeating. Caffeine, as Marcus explains, works in eye creams to combat dark circles and puffiness by temporarily reducing blood flow to the area.
  • Retinol and peptides. You might already have some familiarity with these skin care ingredients. Marcus says they help stimulate collagen and thicken the skin, making underlying blood vessels less noticeable and restoring skin firmness.
  • Niacinamide. A little of this skin-brightening ingredient can go a long way toward waking up tired eyes. This ingredient, a form of vitamin B-3, offers plenty of other benefits, too.
  • Hyaluronic acid. Marcus notes that this moisturizing ingredient can hydrate the skin and offer pro-aging support by smoothing the look of fine lines and crepey skin.
  • Vitamin K. Marcus says this antioxidant has anti-inflammatory properties and may help improve circulation.

As for products, Marcus recommends:

  • ISDIN Isdinceutics K-Ox Eyes Cream, which contains vitamin K for addressing puffiness and dark circles
  • Alastin Skincare Restorative Eye Treatment, which contains green tea, oak leaf, and niacinamide to help reduce dark circles, smooth the look of fine lines and wrinkles, lessen puffiness, and support new collagen production

Explore more eye creams at varying price points here.

Apply under-eye patches for a boost

Under-eye patches are a newer trend for pampering the skin around your eyes. Yes, they’re cute and Instagram-friendly, but many people also find them effective, too.

Just know they offer more of a quick fix — a helping hand after a spirited night out, if you will.

Not sure how to pick your patch? Opt for eye-friendly ingredients, like retinol and hyaluronic acid. You can also check out our list of the best options to send your bags packing.

Grab the color-correcting concealer

Marcus explains that concealers only help camouflage dark circles. In other words, they won’t help reduce puffiness.

That’s why she recommends using an eye cream with a concealer: Apply an eye cream to help treat the cause and the symptoms, then use concealer to address any lingering darkness.

“Concealer will apply more smoothly onto hydrated skin,” she notes. “So, applying a hydrating eye cream helps prime the skin for concealer application.

When you’re in a pinch, concealer alone can still make a difference. So, when that important meeting or event sneaks up on you, reach for a little color-correcting concealer.


  • orange if you have a darker skin tone
  • pink if you have a lighter skin tone
  • yellow if your circles tend to look extra purple

The biggest answer to this, especially for those of you who have tried every trick in the book, is genetics.

If you’ve always had sunken eyes or dark circles, also called periorbital hyperpigmentation, the condition could be a part of your genetics. Likewise, permanent under-eye pouches may be a facial feature you’ve inherited.

Here’s why these attributes get accentuated.

Under-eye bags

Puffy lower lids or bags happen when the tissue there fills with water. As you age, the fatty tissue held within the socket and upper lid can fall, causing even more fluid retention in that area.

Puffiness is often most prominent when taking the morning’s first look in the mirror. That’s because fluid had a chance to pool during sleep. Bags tend to diminish after you’ve been vertical for a bit.

Dark circles

Although dark circles can show up for many reasons, most people tend to have a slightly deeper coloring around the eyes, simply because the thinner skin there stretches over a conglomeration of purple vessels and muscle.

Other potential explanations for dark or puffy eyes

  • allergies
  • crying
  • eye strain
  • fluid retention
  • hormonal changes
  • lack of sleep
  • sleeping position
  • medications
  • smoking
  • skin irritation
  • sun exposure
  • pigmentation variation

By isolating the cause, you can take measures to reduce the prominence of purpling and pooching.

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Ramp up your snooze time

Cut that late-night Netflix binge short, or do whatever possible to get a few more Zzz’s. If you still notice the a.m. eye bloat or blue coloring, prop your head slightly while you sleep.

As Marcus explains, sleeping with your head slightly elevated can help prevent fluid from pooling in the periorbital area.

Remove any makeup before hitting the hay to avoid smudging it into your eyes and irritating the surrounding skin.

Apply a cold washcloth

Marcus suggests applying a cold washcloth to your eyes to help lessen the “I just woke up” look.

She says this helps by causing vasoconstriction (constriction of blood vessels), which helps relieve puffiness and skin discoloration. Plus, it can have an overall soothing effect, and you don’t have to dig through your fridge for fresh cucumbers.

Pro tip: An ice pack works well, too, if you don’t want a water mess on your face. Just be sure to wrap it in a soft cloth to protect your eyes.

Try eye exercises

Eye strain can contribute to tired eyes, according to Marcus, by lowering the production of naturally lubricating tears and contributing to dry eyes.

“Taking periodic breaks from screen time and doing eye exercises may help reduce eye strain and therefore help eyes to function normally by producing lubricating tears, reducing dryness, redness, and bloodshot eyes,” she says.

Eye exercise can be pretty simple. In fact, one exercise involves just switching up your focus as you sit. Learn a few of these simple moves here.

Face yoga (yes, it’s a thing) can also help reduce eye strain.

Adjust lights and device screens

Taking breaks from screen time to avoid eye strain can also be helpful, according to Marcus.

She adds that keeping your phone or tablet on night mode decreases exposure to blue light, which can help improve the quality of your sleep.

Wear blue light glasses

If night mode doesn’t do much to keep your tablet or device from shining bright like a diamond, blue light glasses may ease the strain.

Not sure which to try? Check out our guide of the 11 best options.

Take screen breaks

Excessive time staring at screens may cause eye strain, according to Marcus. This happens, in part, due to engorgement of the blood vessels surrounding your eyes, which can lead to, as you might have guessed, dark circles.

Make time for little breaks to give your eyes a much-needed vacay:

  • Try the 20/20/20 rule. Turn your eyes away from your screen every 20 minutes. Spend 20 seconds focusing on something at least 20 feet away.
  • Get up and move. After every hour of screen time, stand up, stretch, and walk around for at least 5 minutes.

Get nosy about allergies or illness

Allergy symptoms, along with illnesses like the flu and common cold, can pack a punch. Itchy lids, sneezing, sinus congestion, or postnasal drip can all lead to a tint around the eyes.

Marcus says those who live with allergies may notice the area under their eyes often appears swollen and discolored.

She explains that this happens when allergens prompt your cells to trigger a histamine release. This, in turn, causes a release of fluid, giving that swelling and tearing effect you know and love so much.

An allergist or otolaryngologist (ENT) can offer more insight into possible triggers and recommend treatments to keep sniffles and scratchy eyes under control, including:

  • nasal sprays
  • antihistamines
  • preventive regimens
  • neti pot rinses

Plus, when you’re plain old sick, eyes can also look puffy, due to sinus congestion and decreased drainage of the fluid around the eyes.

Keep in mind that makeup and skin care products could also trigger allergy flare-ups or eyelid dermatitis. It’s always best to check the ingredients and do a patch test before using a new product.

Improve air quality

Marcus says improving air quality may lower the number of allergens or irritants that eyes come into contact with, helping eyes look less tired.

“If tired eyes are due to an irritant or allergen that was previously in the air, using a high quality air filter may be helpful,” Marcus says.

This may prove particularly helpful if you’re sensitive to these factors and happen to live in an area with a high level of pollution or airborne allergens.

Make lifestyle adjustments when possible

If you notice an uptick in that Hamburglar or puff-pastry look, maybe you’ve just faced a stressful week or a jam-packed weekend that impeded your sleep or nutrition.

Other reasons you might wake up with less than perky peepers? Loading up on salty snacks, downing too much coffee, or clinking a late-night cocktail.

Making a few changes might help rid you of the rings and bags:

  • Try cutting back on caffeine, alcohol, and salt.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day to improve eye appearance by flushing your skin.
  • When you’re outside, wear shades and use sunscreen to help prevent hyperpigmentation.
  • If you smoke, take steps to boot the habit.

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A quick recap of helpful tips and tricks for tired eyes:

  • Elevate your head slightly while snoozing.
  • Remove makeup before bed.
  • Skip irritating ingredients in makeup and skin care products.
  • Avoid eye strain.

If you have permanent dark sockets or puffy bags under your eyes that you can’t relieve with lifestyle changes or fast fixes, medical solutions might offer an alternate option.

Procedures for dark circles include:

  • Botox
  • fillers
  • chemical peels
  • blepharoplasty

If circles or bags bother you to the point that you can’t stop thinking about them or they contribute to feelings of depression or anxiety, it could be worth asking a dermatologist about other treatment options.

Just know these procedures can get fairly expensive, and they also come with some potential side effects.

One important thing to keep in mind about eye bags and rings? More than likely, you notice them more than anyone else.

Many people tend to look at themselves closely in the mirror in the morning — when they wash their face, shave, or apply products, for example. And morning just happens to be the time when circles and puff show up most clearly.

But classmates, coworkers, and the person in line next to you at the coffee shop probably won’t even notice.

They might, however, perceive a certain mysteriousness or depth they can’t quite put their finger on. Some people find that shadowed, “just woke up” look pretty alluring — so alluring, in fact, that they might go to great lengths to make dark circles stand out or mimic them with makeup.

Plus, a dark circle or an under-eye bag can amp up your authenticity, just like an eye crinkle or wrinkle. They’re natural, after all.

Adding some glimmer can help you display them with pride:

  • Opt for a face gloss on your upper lids.
  • Try sweeping highlighter from your cheekbones to the outer corners of your sockets in a “C” shape.
  • Use a shimmering face oil in the same way.
  • Glam things up with a line of your go-to eye shadow on your lower lid.

Ultimately, don’t be afraid to skip the concealer and rock your under-eyes.

Jennifer Chesak is a Nashville-based freelance book editor and writing instructor. She’s also an adventure travel, fitness, and health writer for several national publications. She earned her Master of Science in journalism from Northwestern’s Medill and is working on her first fiction novel, set in her native state of North Dakota.

How to remove swelling from the eyes after tears. Effective help


➦What are the main causes of puffy eyes and panda effect?

➦ Why do my eyes swell when I wake up?

➦Quick relief from puffiness under the eyes

➦Professional and drugstore products

➦Unable to remove puffiness? Hide her!

➦Does puffy eyes mean I have some kind of disease?

➦How to treat puffy eyes

➦The main thing is not to be discouraged, the puffiness will definitely pass!

Our sympathetic nervous system reacts quite quickly to excessive stress. In an effort to protect us from the pathogen and perform an emotional reset in response to any strong adrenaline rush, it irritates the tear ducts inside the eye. An irritated canal provokes a copious release of tears, as well as redness of the face and swelling. Gradually, the heart rate returns to normal, the level of adrenaline decreases, but the puffiness from the eyes does not go away so easily. It turns out that swelling is caused by excessive tension of the channel, and you yourself provoke it by trying to wipe your eyes from tears with your hands or any other means at hand.

What are the main causes of puffy eyes and panda effect?

Tears are not the main cause of puffy eyes, but they provoke an excessive accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the skin. Since the skin around the eyes is very thin, when they swell, they form swellings that become visually noticeable. But why does fluid accumulate at all, forming a swelling of the eye?

Swollen eyes usually result from a variety of factors, including:

✦ Fluid retention

✦ Allergic reaction in the form of hay fever

✦ Problems with nasal sinuses and runny nose

✦ dehydration

✦ Fatigue and lack of sleep

✦ stress

✦ A large number of tears


✦ Inherited facial features

Unfortunately, many people suffer from puffiness around the eyes due to hereditary factors that are inherent in their face type. Swelling under the eyes can be the result of age-related changes in adipose tissue. It is usually located around the bony part of the orbit and protects the eyeball from damage. With age, it begins to move forward and fill the spaces under the eye. These changes can only be stopped surgically or by a cosmetologist using special injections.

This process is almost inevitable, but at a certain age you can influence it with the help of cosmetics and procedures. It occurs due to tissue aging and thinning of the membranes that hold fatty deposits that accumulate on the upper and lower eyelids. As the membrane becomes thinner, the fat expands and moves forward. This causes puffy eyes, dark circles and bags under the eyes.

Why do my eyes swell when I wake up?

For some, this fact may be surprising, but during sleep we do not blink. Our eyes are tightly closed and under the eyelids there is a chaotic movement of the eyeball. Unfortunately, some people may develop puffy eyes after prolonged sleep. The process of blinking is very similar to walking or playing sports. When you are not moving, your limbs may swell, which causes significant discomfort. As soon as you begin to make movements, the fluid in the body accelerates and is distributed evenly throughout it, so the swelling goes away. A similar action occurs with the centuries.

Being in a closed position during sleep and not moving the eyelids can potentially swell in some people who are prone to this problem. So you may wake up in the morning with unusually swollen eyelids. When you wake up and start blinking, some of the puffiness will gradually go away. Dark circles under the eyes can form due to stress or lack of sleep.

Quick relief for swelling under the eyes

There are too many reasons that cause us to cry, and to keep them in ourselves is not only harmful, but it also does not always work out. What to do if, after uncontrollable sobbing, you urgently need an important event? Or did you wake up in the morning with puffiness under your eyes, and two hours later you have to go to work and have an important meeting? There is an exit.

  • One of the quickest and easiest remedies is washing with cold water. The contrast temperature will help reduce swelling quickly. For a more targeted effect, ice or something cold can be applied under the eyes.
  • Take a couple of drops of rosemary oil, dilute it with olive oil, then gently apply the mixture on the eyelids and under the eyes. Hold for a couple of seconds, rinse off the remnants with a damp cotton pad. Rosemary is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent, and olive oil will further moisturize the skin.
  • Milk "baths" are an excellent compress for puffiness. Swabs soaked in cold milk should be kept under the eyelids for 5-10 minutes.
  • In summer, ordinary cucumber slices can be the first remedy for swollen eyelids. For a more pronounced effect, it can be ground into a kind of gruel.

Lightly tap or massage the area to stimulate blood flow

You can increase blood flow to the affected area by gently tapping or massaging around the eyes:

  1. Work the pressure points on the brows for a few seconds before moving your fingers from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. This helps drain the inflamed area.
  2. Then tap the sinuses with two fingers on each hand, starting on both sides of the nose and moving outward. You may even feel fluid movement in the area.
  3. You can also lightly massage the lymph nodes in your neck to improve fluid flow. Move down, away from your face, in a smooth motion and don't press too hard.
  4. Continue with general massage for about 3 minutes and repeat for several days if necessary.

Top eye puffiness products

More in Eye Care

Professional & Pharmacy Products

Some brands of professional cosmetics produce special eye creams, one of the effects of which is to relieve fatigue and eliminate puffiness. You can pick up such products in the Fitomarket "Face Care" section of the online store. Regular intake of vitamin E will help restore skin elasticity, smooth wrinkles and get rid of swelling in the eye area. In addition, you can try massage and various types of eye exercises. They will improve blood circulation and can speed up the process of eliminating edema.

Eye drops are another way to reduce puffiness in the eyelids. They can be used to relieve any symptoms, from dryness to replenish natural tearing. There are also vasoconstrictors that can help with the redness that invariably comes with crying or allergies. To avoid further irritation, try choosing preservative-free solutions containing fewer synthetic additives. Most formulas are not recommended for contact lens wearers, so read labels carefully and consider removing lenses before use.

If you happen to have witch hazel lying around in your first aid kit. Then you should know that this astringent is great for inflammation and redness. This is a good choice of natural ingredient to combat puffy eyes. For a quick result, apply witch hazel to a cotton pad and apply it to the eye area for 5-10 minutes.

Among professional skin care products, patches under the eyes are considered a panacea in this matter. Thanks to natural extracts of green tea, aloe juice or other additives, they improve blood microcirculation, relieve inflammation and puffiness. Be sure to make sure that the package with patches indicates the presence of a draining effect, which is responsible for removing swelling from the eyes.

Again, cooling the eye area soothes the skin, stimulates the lymphatic system and constricts the blood vessels. Try chilling your favorite face cream or eye patch before applying. Then the effect will be stronger, and you will feel a pleasant coolness during the procedure.

Can't get rid of puffiness? Hide her!

The skin under the eyes may swell or darken after crying. Possible consequences of a tantrum are also redness around the nose or other spots on the face. A good concealer will help mask these obvious signs and give you a fresh look through color correction.

Look for a green concealer that will successfully neutralize redness. Green is the opposite of red on the color wheel, causing the two colors to cancel each other out. You can apply the concealer to the affected areas and blend well with your fingers or a cosmetic blender.

Another distraction that can help hide puffiness is dark blue eyeliner. It has long been used to emphasize the whiteness of proteins. Narrowline is a technique that is similar to waterline tracking. It is sometimes referred to as "invisible eyeliner" because it mimics the natural dark area on the lash line.

You can also use pink eye shadow or blush. Pink color elsewhere on the face can reduce redness around the eyes and nose. To do this, try applying blush on your cheeks and bright lipstick on your lips. Apply blush to the cheek area after applying concealer and foundation.

Does puffy eyes mean I have some kind of disease?

If your eyelids have never been swollen before, and now you notice swelling that has arisen for no apparent reason, this may be a sign of a serious health problem. For example, patients with hypo- and hyperthyroidism may suffer from a general swelling of tissues and muscles. In addition, bulging eyes can signal a serious thyroid condition known as Graves' disease.

One of the symptoms of an allergy may be watery eyes, itching and swelling. Typically, such reactions occur on certain foods or chemicals. Allergies have a wide range of symptoms, including a runny nose, cough, and shortness of breath. During an allergic reaction, certain cells in the body release a chemical called histamine. Which can provoke an outflow of fluids from the blood vessels, which will lead to swelling of the surrounding tissues, including the appearance of bags under the eyes.

Puffy eyelids and dark circles under the eyes can occur if you have an eye infection such as conjunctivitis. In some cases, inflammation due to dry eye syndrome also causes swelling. Kidney failure and other systemic diseases can cause swelling throughout the body, including around the eyes.

How to treat puffy eyes

If your eyelids are painful or sensitive to the touch, the cause is most likely an infection, cyst, or stye. It is important to determine the cause of a swollen eyelid, as treatment options depend on what is causing it.

✅ Cyst

If your upper or lower eyelid is swollen, it could be a cyst or a chalazion. The chalazion usually swells in the middle part of the eyelid. These cysts may disappear within a few weeks and some will turn into a hard lump.

Treatment: for relief, press a damp, heated cloth, heating pad, or boiled egg against the eye. Heat helps with oil secretion and blockage of blood vessels and skin. You can do this four to five times a day. If the cyst persists, see your doctor.

✅ Barley

Styes are formed due to an infection at the base of the eyelid near the eyelashes. It can be internal or external, but often appears as a well-defined red bump. Once the pus comes out of the stye, your eye will usually get better.

Treatment: A warm compress can be used to facilitate and speed up healing. It usually goes away after a few weeks. Avoid wearing makeup during a stye as this can cause reinfection.


Pink eye is caused by a bacterial, viral or allergic infection that causes inflammation on the surface of the eye. It can start in one eye and spread to both. Often, pus or sticky deposits appear on the eyelashes and in the corners of the eyes.

Treatment: you can clean sticky and crusty eyelids with warm water and cotton. The eye may heal on its own without treatment. Avoid touching your eyes during this time and keep your pillowcases clean. Avoid eye makeup and contact lenses.

The main thing is not to lose heart, the puffiness will definitely pass!

These methods will help relieve the symptoms that occur after a prolonged tantrum, accompanied by sobbing. They can also help to recognize other causes of puffy eyes and distinguish between heavy tears and a serious condition. In addition to controlling the outward signs of a tantrum, it is important to understand that self-care and love are important during times of sadness or stress. Set aside time for yourself every day, even if it's just a few minutes.

Better yet, express your thoughts or simply relax with a close friend or family member. Another good option is a professional therapist. They can help you sort out your feelings and prescribe medication if necessary. Just remember that you don't have to go through what you will face alone.

How to relieve eye fatigue and reduce eye strain?

Eye health is directly related to whether you can control the load on your eyesight and provide your eyes with sufficient rest. Experts from the Lucky Look federal network of opticians tell you how to relieve eye fatigue and reduce eye strain if you work at a computer.

Sign up for a free vision test


  1. Visual fatigue symptoms
  2. Why eyes get tired
  3. How to quickly remove fatigue from the eyes
  4. How to reduce eye strain
  5. Prevention of visual fatigue
  6. Pins

How to understand that the eyes need rest

Any visual discomfort indicates that it is time to take a break from work and give the eyes a chance to rest. Experts identify the main symptoms that indicate an overstrain of the visual system:

  • Veil, mist before the eyes;
  • Image is double and blurry;
  • Eyes inflamed, reddened;
  • Increased tearing and sensitivity to bright light;
  • Possible painful sensations in the eyes - pain, burning, itching;
  • Having trouble focusing at close range;
  • Eyelid twitching possible.

Be careful, these symptoms can also signal the presence of serious visual impairment! To rule out negative scenarios, you need visit an ophthalmologist.

Increased visual fatigue can indicate serious disorders, so do not put off a visit to the ophthalmologist

Causes of increased visual fatigue

Why does vision deteriorate? The main causes of this phenomenon are distinguished:

High eye strain. This is often faced by schoolchildren and students who are forced to read and write a lot, as well as office workers whose activities involve continuous sitting at a computer or reading documents.

Also, if you are fond of computer games, like to watch TV shows on your mobile gadgets - smartphones or tablets - or spend all your free time with a book, your eyes are also exposed to a high load.

In order to minimize problems with this lifestyle, it is necessary to take breaks as often as possible and give the eyes regular rest.

Computer vision syndrome. This is a whole complex of symptoms, which is caused by overexertion of the visual system due to prolonged use of the computer. The reason for the development of the symptom is not so much the need to look at the monitor for a long time, but the functional change in your posture, eyes, neck. For example, the constant sliding of the gaze from the keyboard to the monitor and back leads to accommodative asthenopia, which is manifested by discomfort, eye fatigue, pain, pain in the superciliary region, blurred vision of the object of fixation.

Subsequently, this can cause problems such as myopia (nearsightedness), accommodation spasm (inability to focus on small objects and details) and dry eye syndrome.

Properly organized workplace and touch typing skills will help to minimize the harm from constant work at the computer.

Dry eye syndrome. Often appears on the basis of computer vision syndrome, develops due to insufficient moistening of vision: with concentrated work at a computer, a person blinks less often, as a result of which the tear film dries up. Plus - the air near the computer heats up and also becomes dry.

Organize your workplace and use special glasses for working at the computer

In the summer season, when air conditioners are in operation, the pathological effect of dry air on the eyes only intensifies. And if you use contact lenses, the syndrome develops even faster.

To reduce the negative impact of external factors and provide more comfortable conditions for the eyes, place a humidifier near your workplace. Also buy moisturizing drops (choose them with the help of an ophthalmologist) and use them several times a day. Try to blink as often as possible.

How to get rid of tired eyes quickly

During a break, do light eye exercises:

  1. Look into the distance for 20 seconds, focus on an object that is located about 20 steps away from you;
  2. Close your eyes and make four rotations with your eyeballs - first clockwise, then against it;
  3. Without opening the eyelids, move the eyes up and down;
  4. End the exercise by blinking rapidly for 30 seconds. The gaze is directed forward.

To maintain the effect, apply moisturizing drops selected by an ophthalmologist to your eyes. Do not self-medicate, be sure to seek help from a specialist - moisturizing drops come in different viscosities, they can have a healing effect, or they can simply moisten the surface of the eye. Only an ophthalmologist will determine what exactly your vision needs and select the necessary remedy.

Sign up for a free vision test

By the way, gymnastics also requires prior consultation with a doctor. Make sure you have no contraindications. Also, the ophthalmologist can advise other types of gymnastics.

How to reduce eye strain and prevent fatigue

There are several rules that must be observed in everyday life. Thanks to this, you can significantly reduce the load on your eyesight, and your eyes will get tired much less.

If you work at a computer, the first thing you need to do is to properly organize your workplace.

  1. It is important that the workplace is well and evenly lit. Do not allow the sun's rays to shine directly into your eyes or on the monitor screen, it is better if you sit sideways to the window. Also, there should be blinds on the window so that on sunny days you can control the intensity of lighting - if the light is too bright, your eyes get tired faster.
  2. Better if you work with a high-quality LCD or plasma monitor, preferably with a large diagonal. Experts recommend choosing monitors with a flicker frequency of 60 to 100 Hz. Be sure to adjust the brightness and contrast of the image for yourself. Remember that an excessively bright screen tires your eyes.
  3. Adjust the monitor to your posture: the center of the monitor should be 10-20 cm below your eyes. The distance to the screen from the eyes should be at least 60 cm.
  4. If possible, reduce computer use to 4 hours a day;
  5. Take breaks every 20 minutes during operation. At this time, you can not switch to mobile gadgets, as there will be no sense in pauses in this case. It is better to perform light eye exercises, which we talked about above. But before performing gymnastics, it is necessary to consult with a specialist and make sure that you have no contraindications to this;
  6. Provide air humidification - buy a special device and install it near your workplace;
  7. Regularly use moisturizing drops selected under the supervision of an ophthalmologist;
  8. Try to blink more often;
  9. Use special goggles for working at a computer, they block the blue spectrum of radiation emitted by the monitor and reduce eye strain.

Prevention of visual fatigue

The health of your eyes depends on your daily habits. Hygiene of vision allows you to maintain good health and reduces eye fatigue, even under conditions of increased stress.

  1. Sleep 7-8 hours - a good and full sleep, which should last at least 7 hours, is very important for eye health. It is important that the room in which you sleep is darkened;
  2. Stop using gadgets 2 hours before bedtime. Firstly, this way you will fall asleep easier and your sleep will be stronger. Secondly, at this time, the eyes will be able to rest from the irritating light. It is better to read an ordinary paper book or an electronic one, but working on the principle of E-Ink (which means "electronic ink"). No mobile phones, computers or tablets. It is also better to refrain from TV;
  3. Observe reading hygiene: do not read while lying down or in a moving vehicle, while reading, hold the book at a distance of 30 cm from the eyes. The light source should be behind and slightly above;
  4. Include in your diet foods that are good for vision - blueberries, carrots, melons, fish, etc. One "healthy" menu will not solve the problem, but in combination with other good habits, proper nutrition will have a positive effect on vision and well-being generally;
  5. Make it a habit to visit an ophthalmologist once a year, even if nothing bothers you. Only timely detection of possible violations will prevent their development. Remember that on your own you cannot always correctly assess your condition;
  6. Sign up for a free vision test

  7. If you need vision correction, it is better to use glasses instead of contact lenses at the computer. Firstly, it will reduce the dryness of the cornea. Secondly, there are special coatings for spectacle lenses that can reduce eye strain and protect them from the blue spectrum of radiation;
  8. Wash your face thoroughly before going to bed. Women need to completely remove makeup. Men should also pay enough attention to washing, because during the day dust and dirt particles settle on the eyelashes, which can get into the eyes;
  9. It is better not to use an eye mask while sleeping. If you cannot fall asleep without it, choose a product that does not put pressure on your eyes and does not squeeze your temples, otherwise the blood circulation of the organs of vision may be impaired. Remember that the mask should be washed regularly.


Simple exercises that should be performed regularly throughout the day will help to quickly relieve fatigue from the eyes. But this is not enough! To make your eyes less strained and tired, it is important to provide the right conditions:

  1. Organize your workplace according to all the rules;
  2. Place a humidifier near the work area;
  3. Use moisturizing drops throughout the day;
  4. Break every 20-40 minutes during work to do gymnastics;
  5. Turn down the brightness of the monitor and screens of mobile gadgets;
  6. Do not read in a moving vehicle;
  7. Choose from paper books or e-books powered by E-Ink technology;
  8. If possible, reduce your computer time to 4 hours a day;
  9. Do not use mobile gadgets and a computer 2 hours before bedtime;
  10. See an ophthalmologist at least once a year.

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