vehículo todo terreno
An abbreviation is the shortened form of a word or group of words (e.g. "UFO" = "unidentified flying object"; "p." = "page").
1. (all-terrain vehicle)
a. el vehículo todo terreno
(m) means that a noun is masculine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).
The mountain trails are only navigable by ATV or on foot.Los caminos de la sierra son accessibles solo con vehículo todo terreno o a pie.
b. el vehículo todoterreno
(m) means that a noun is masculine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).
I don't know why you need an ATV. You only drive in the city.No sé por qué necesitas un vehículo todoterreno. Solo manejas en la ciudad.
c. el todoterreno
(m) means that a noun is masculine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).
Buick's latest ATV is proving very popular.El último todoterreno de Buick está resultando muy popular.
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all-terrain vehicle
Collins Complete Spanish Electronic Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
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Nevertheless, certain ATVs could be classified [...] in the CN headings 8701 to 8705 and therefore their wheels fall within the
[. product scope of this investigation. |
Sin embargo, algunos vehculos todo terreno [...] podran clasificarse en las partidas NC 8701 a 8705 y, por lo tanto, sus ruedas [...] entran en la definicin del producto objeto de esta investigacin. |
We've been caring for the forest and meadows-take a [...] look at the women on ATVs. |
Hemos cuidado del bosque y de las praderas - chenle un [...] vistazo a mujeres en ATVs. |
ESA has contracted with industry to
[. |
ESA tiene contratos con la industria para producir [...] cuatro ATV ms, que volarn entre [...] este ao y el 2015. |
The same party claimed that wheels for [...] all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) should also be [...] excluded from the product scope, because [...] those wheels would be fundamentally different from wheels manufactured for other motor vehicles. |
La misma parte aleg que las ruedas de
[. deben excluirse del mbito del producto, ya que [...] estas ruedas seran fundamentalmente diferentes de las ruedas fabricadas para otros vehculos automviles. |
European Space Agency Automated Transfer Vehicles (ATVs) -- These unmanned vehicles, scheduled for first launch [...] in July, will make [...] regular deliveries of experimental equipment, spare parts, fuel, food, air and water for the space station's permanent crew. |
Vehculos de transferencia automatizada de la Agencia Espacial Europea - Estos vehculos sin conductor humano [. programados para lanzarse [...] en julio harn entregas habituales de equipos experimentales, piezas de repuesto, combustible, alimentos, aire y agua para la tripulacin permanente de la estacin espacial. |
ZAP supplies electric trucks and vans to military and government fleets and is an innovator of electric [...] motorcycles, scooters and ATVs. |
ZAP suministra camiones y furgonetas elctricos a flotas militares y gubernamentales y es un innovador de motocicletas [...] elctricas, scooters y todoterrenos. |
Cruising on the rough roads of the Dominican countryside, the ATVs set course through tropical woods and rushing rivers. |
Recorrer los caminos silvestres de la Repblica Dominicana en uno des stos permite atravesar bosques tropicales y rpidos. |
ATVS easy to operate since 14 years and onwards. |
ATVS fciles de manejar a partir de los 14 aos. |
But it is not just competition motorbikes, cars, [...] snowmobiles and ATVs that use suspension [...] components from hlins Racing. |
Pero no son slo las motos de competicin, coches [...] de carreras y ATV los que utilizan [...] los componentes de suspensin de hlins Racing. |
Towing capacity is rated at 3,500 pounds, making it an ideal vehicle for active buyers [...] seeking to tow their ATVs, dirt bikes or personal [...] watercrafts. |
La capacidad de remolque es de 3,500 libras, lo cual lo convierte en un [...] vehculo ideal para compradores activos que
quieren remolcar sus ATV, motocicletas todo [. terreno o vehculos acuticos personales. |
Razo said currently there is no [...] limit on the number of ATVs allowed in the area, [...] but if more dunes are opened up in the [...] future, the Bureau might enact a limit, and that there would be continuous monitoring of their effects on the environment. |
Razo seal que actualmente no se limita [...] la cantidad de vehculos todoterreno que [...] circulan en la zona, pero si se habilitaran [...] ms dunas para efectos recreativos el Bur podra fijar un lmite y controlar su impacto ambiental. |
Outboard engines, personal watercraft, ATVs, snowmobiles, and other recreational engines are often subjected to very harsh and wet conditions. |
Los motores externos, las motos acuticas, los vehculos todo terreno, las motos de nieve y otros motores para vehculos recreativos se someten a menudo a condiciones muy duras y hmedas. |
Used oil from ATVs, jet skis, boats, lawn mowers, [...] and other motorized items threatens the environment just as much as oil from automobiles. |
Aceite usado proveniente de cuadrones, jet skis, botes, [. cortadores de csped y otros instrumentos motorizados amenaza el [...] ambiente tanto como aceite de automviles. |
It is planned to [...] produce the other ATVs in a programme [...] of one per year. |
Se prev [...] que los otros ATVs se fabriquen [...] al ritmo de uno por ao. |
Terns still have to face threats from ground predators, like coyotes and dogs - they are also impacted by people entering their colonies on ATVs. cedointercultural. |
Los charranes siguen enfrentando problemas con los depredadores terrestres tales como coyotes y perros, adems de los humanos que utilizan vehculos todo terreno sobre sus colonias. |
Enjoy of an unlimited adventure with [...] [...] professionals a guide, who knows the region, they will make you feel extreme sensations in extreme situations. Too looking for new ways with ATVS riders from location. |
Sea parte de una aventura sin limites guiadas por profesionales que conocen la regin le harn sentir sensaciones de reto sin medir limites, de pasos imposibles. medellinadventuretrails. |
On the morning of March 9, Jules [...] Verne, the first of the [...] ESA's automated transfer vehicles (ATVs), a new series of autonomous (unmanned) [...] spaceships designed [...] to resupply the space station and adjust its attitude (reboost) to compensate for orbit decay, launched from the Guiana Space Centre at Europe's spaceport into low Earth orbit on a modified Ariane 5 rocket. |
En la maana del 9 de marzo, Julio Verne, el primer [...] vehculo automatizado de transferencia (ATV) de la ESA, una nueva serie [...] de naves espaciales autnomas
[. (no tripuladas) diseada para reabastecer la estacin espacial y ajustar su altitud (impulsarla) para compensar su descenso orbital, ser lanzado desde el puerto espacial europeo ubicado en el Centro Espacial de la Guayana Francesa hacia la rbita terrestre baja, en un cohete adaptado Ariane 5. |
For the 2010 Dakar, the team has planned to register 7 cars and a truck on the start line, as well as 5 ATVs. |
Para la edicin 2010, el equipo tiene previsto alinear en la salida, siete coches y un camin, al igual que cinco quads. |
Environmental groups say ATVs are often equipped with special tires that cut deep into the sand, directly killing animals and destroying their habitat. |
Los ambientalistas dicen que los vehculos todoterreno usan llantas especiales que se introducen profundamente en la arena, matando directamente a animales y destruyendo su hbitat. |
The conflict between comfort and handling is even more apparent in the case of off-road or ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles), where the operational requirements are in conflict with the high performance suspension design, as they require an acceptable comfort level over rough terrains; but, at the same time, good ride handling is also decisive due to the inherent competitive character of these vehicles. |
El problema de conflicto entre confort y seguridad es ms acentuado en el caso de los vehculos off-road, ya que sus requisitos de operacin entran en conflicto con los diseos de suspensiones de alto rendimiento, que requieren un nivel de confort aceptable cuando circulan por terrenos irregulares, pero, al mismo tiempo, requieren un elevado nivel de seguridad y maniobrabilidad debido al inherente carcter competitivo de estos vehculos. |
For Fredericktown, Ohio-based Dana Corp., an axle [...] manufacturer for ATVs and the leisure [...] utility vehicle market, integrating the new [...] Spiralock tap into production was no more complicated than using a standard tap. |
Para Fredericktown, Dana Corp. con sede en [...] Ohio, fabricante de ejes para el mercado de [...] vehculos todo terreno y vehculos utilitarios [...] recreativos, integrar la nueva rosca [...] Spiralock a la produccin no fue ms complicado que utilizar una rosca estndar. |
For single entry transit visas and ATVs the additional "period of grace" granted shall be seven days and for single entry "C" visas fifteen days. |
Para los visados de trnsito vlidos para una entrada y los VTA, el "perodo de gracia" que se conceda ser de siete das, y para los visados de categora C vlidos para una entrada, de quince das. |
Surveys comparing dunes where off-road vehicles are used with untouched areas indicate that the ATVs cause drastic reduction in beetle species and pose serious threats to the survival of many other rare species that depend on the plants for food. |
Estudios que comparan reas utilizadas por todoterreno con las dunas no usadas indican que los vehculos reducen drsticamente la poblacin de escarabajos y amenazan seriamente a muchas otras especies endmicas que dependen de las plantas para alimentarse. |
A perfect alternative would be the multiadventure course [...] with amazing activities like kayaking on [...] the River Ebro, ATVs, archery ranch, [...] high ropes course, a sailing trip, cycling [...] in the Enbrodelta and the racy banana boat ride. |
Entonces el pack de multiaventura, con actividades divertidas como el kayak
[. con arco, los puentes tibetanos, la escalada, [...] la vela, una excursin en bicicleta por el parque natural y la "banana" arrastrada por una lancha, es la alternativa perfecta para ti. |
Until 2000, ATVs were using 85 [...] percent of the 65,000 hectares of the dunes, but now the activity is confined to some 20,000 [...] hectares as a result of a lawsuit filed by the Center and other environmental groups. |
Hasta el ao 2000, el negocio [...] de los vehculos todoterreno utilizaba 85 por ciento de las 65 mil hectreas de las dunas,
[. pero ahora su actividad est relegada a unas 20 mil, como resultado de una demanda presentada por el Centro y otras organizaciones ambientales. |
We enjoyed several activities such as [...] rappelling, climbing, Tyrolean crossing and [...] amusing adventures on ATVs only 3 kilometers [...] away from downtown Villa La Angostura, [...] when we visited La Piedra Recreational Center. |
A 3 kilmetros del centro de Villa La Angostura disfrutamos de distintas actividades, como rappel, [...] escalada, tirolesa y entretenidas travesas de
[. el completo centro recreativo La Piedra. |
Finally, motor sport fans will find true happiness in the Chigaga dunes whose 40km of sand are ready for the onslaught of ATVs, 4x4s and buggies while remembering, nevertheless, to respect nature and the environment. |
Finalmente, los amantes de los deportes mecnicos podrn divertirse a lo grande en las dunas de Chigaga, donde dispondrn de 40 km para recorrer en quad, todoterreno o buggy, sin olvidarse del consabido respeto por la naturaleza y el medio ambiente. |
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Sample sentences:d1%8b | |
As he was crossing the ATV, Paul met Mr. | Mientras cruzaba el patio, Paul se encontró con el Sr. Sniggs. |
You have three bike lanes and a quad bike. | Tienes tres carriles bici y un quad para defender tu caso. |
Let's try an ATV at the community college. | Probemos el quad en el colegio comunitario. |
This is my ATV. | Este es mi cuatriciclo. |
And your last idea is to put it on an ATV with a sign that says "Help the Brain". | Y tu ultima idea es ponerlo en el cuadrante con una placa que diga dale una mano a tu cerebro. |
Jeep, ATV and luxury sedan. | Un jeep, un vehículo de cuatro ruedas y un sedán de lujo. |
McLaughlin signed with the San Francisco 49ers on November 7, 2019 after kicker Robbie Gould damaged his ATV. | McLaughlin firmó con los 49ers de San Francisco el 7 de noviembre de 2019después de que el pateador Robbie Gould se lesionara el cuádriceps.![]() |
The gas ATV is a group of high pressure cylinders mounted on a transport and storage frame. | Un quad de gas es un grupo de cilindros de alta presión montados en un bastidor de transporte y almacenamiento. |
Despite safety concerns, Jan managed to sell a total of 31 high-speed ATVs in the US and Canada. | A pesar de las dudas sobre la seguridad, Yan logró vender un total de 31 quads de alta velocidad en Estados Unidos y Canada. |
First person to land on an ATV in a combination or sequence. | Primero en aterrizar un tipo de quad en combinación o secuencia. |
Alfa 4C is better than an ATV. | El Alfa 4C es mejor que el quad. |
Do you have an ATV body quote? | ¿Tiene una cotización sobre el caso del quad? |
Jeff Randall, originally named Stephen Randall, was considered after comedian Dave Allen, who starred in Tonight with Dave Allen for Lew Grade's ATV.![]() | Jeff Randall, originalmente llamado Steven Randall, fue considerado para el comediante Dave Allen que había hecho Tonight with Dave Allen para el ATV de Lew Grade. |
Evelyn is awakened in the middle of the night by an ATV approaching the station. | Evelyn se despierta en medio de la noche por un vehículo todo terreno que se acerca a la estación. |
The Moon Cruiser, developed by Airbus, is an ATV and ESM based vehicle that will be used to support the Gateway. | Diseñado por Airbus, el Moon Cruiser es un vehículo logístico basado en ATV y ESM que se utilizará para respaldar el Gateway. |
An annual event is the ATV Lighting, a ceremony every winter that lights up the campus with holiday lights. | Un eveno anual es la Iluminación del Quad, una ceremonia cada invierno durante la cual el campus se ilumina con luces navideñas. |
During the Second World War bomb shelters were dug in the grass of an ATV.![]() | En la Segunda Guerra Mundial, los refugios antiaéreos se excavaron en la hierba del Quad. |
In celebration of Vail's 25th anniversary in 1988, Doppelmayr built two more high-speed ATVs. | Como parte del 25 aniversario de Vail en 1988, Doppelmayr construyó dos quads de alta velocidad más. |
The Big Chief will be upgraded to a fixed quad and the loading area will be moved down the mountain slightly to improve access. | Big Chief se actualizaría a un quad fijo y el área de carga se movería ligeramente hacia abajo de la montaña para mejorar el acceso. |
Yamaha also sponsors several professional ATV riders in several areas of racing such as cross country racing and motocross. | Yamaha también patrocina a varios pilotos de ATV profesionales en varias áreas de las carreras, como las carreras de campo traviesa y motocross. |
In addition to motorsport, there are competitions on 24 roller skates, 24 hours on roller skates or quad bikes.![]() | Además de las carreras de motor, es la sede de los 24 rodillos, una carrera de 24 horas en patines en linea o quads. |
In 2016, Russian climbers Artem Kuimov and Sergey Baranov entered the Guinness Book of Records by reaching the summit of Elbrus on ATVs. | En 2016, los escaladores rusos Artyom Kuimov y Sergey Baranov entraron en el Libro Guinness de los récords mundiales al alcanzar la cima del Elbrus en vehículos todo terreno. |
During the summer, Ski Land runs Polaris RZR and ACE ATV tours. | Durante el verano, Ski Land opera un recorrido en vehículos todo terreno con Polaris RZR y ACE. |
Find out what's inside and meet me on the ATV. | Descubre lo que hay dentro y encuentrame en el quad. |
Children would rather ride a quad bike than a bus. | Los niños preferirían viajar en un vehículo de cuatro ruedas que tomar el autobús.![]() |
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In this article we will tell you how to say hello in Spanish, how to spell this word, and also consider many other forms of greeting in Spanish. Forward!
Hola: Hi Hello
In Russian, there are two ways to say hello to a person, formal (hello) and informal (hello). In Spanish, there is a form of greeting that Spaniards always use, in all situations, this word is "HOLA"
This word is used for any occasion, from official and serious business meetings to a party with friends. If Spaniards want to say hello more formally to strangers, for example, we can say buenos días (good afternoon), buenas tardes (good evening), o buenas noches (good night).
Want to learn more than just the word "hello" and actually start speaking Spanish ? We will help you!
Try our online Spanish video course for free here.
The transcription of this word into Russian will look like this: /ola/ . In Spanish, the letter H is not pronounced, although it is written.
Writing "Ola" without the letter H is a fairly common mistake. But it must be remembered that Ola in Spanish means “wave”. Although the two words are pronounced the same, their meaning is of course different and can only be grasped in context or in writing.
In addition to "Hola", there are many expressions for greeting in Spanish.
Here we will answer the most frequently asked questions that users search on Google y Yandex on the topic "greeting in Spanish"
Mexican Spanish also says Hola when meeting, which is the Spanish form of greeting used by all Spanish-speaking countries, including Mexico. (Remember: Hello in Spanish is Hola everywhere)
In Spanish “hello how are you” would be:
– Hola, ¿cómo estas? (formal)
– Hola, ¿qué tal? (not formal)
¡Hola amigos!
This Spanish phrase can be said in several ways, below are the phrases, they are all synonyms and may or may not be used depending on the Spanish speaking country.
And a little about the history of the word Hola: the first mention of this word dates back to 1552.