Suggestions: little tired
These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
I'm a little tired, Dad.
我有点累了, 爸.
That's all over now... and I'm a little tired.
那已经结束了 我有点累了
I'm a little tired, but fine, thanks.
我就是有点累 但是还好 谢谢关心
I'm a little tired, is all.
Honestly, I'm a little tired. I had a long drive.
老实说,我有点累了 开了长时间的车
Well, I'd like to, but I'm a little tired.
我倒是想啊 但是我有点累了
My bad. I guess I'm a little tired.
我的错 我有点累了
I'm a little tired, Howie. You ready to go?
我有点累了 华仔 可以走了吗
Lee said: "I'm a little tired. Holding this and taking photos for hours... The whole place seems to be very happy when I win. And they stood up and there were cheers. So that was very touching, you know?"
李安说:"我有点累了, 拿着小金人拍了几个小时的照片. 在我获得最佳导演的时候, 整个杜比剧院的人看起来都很开心, 他们站起来为我鼓掌, 我觉得非常感动. "
I'm a little tired.
Tell everyone I'm a little tired.
Sorry. I'm a little tired.
The truth is, I'm a little tired.
说实话 我有点累了
I'm a little tired, I said.
If you'll forgive me, Sir. I'm a little tired.
对不起 先生 我有点累了
I'm a little tired today.
But I'm a little tired.
我没有后悔 只是有点累了
All right, I'm a little tired of this, but let's go through it again.
好了 我有点厌倦了 我们重新温习一下
Leonard, if you don't mind, I think I'm a little tired.
莱纳德 希望你别介意 我有些累了
You know, I'm a little tired.
明天好吗 你今天还好吧
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Suggestions: am tired i am tired of
These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
I am tired and it is getting really late, so...
我累了... 而且时候也不早了,所以...
I am tired, may I go now?
"Don't argue, don't go here, don't go on internet!" I am tired!
你老说别闹 别去 别上网 我受够了
Now, I am tired, Alice I'm tired of watching my boys go hungry. .. I'm tired of the way they look at me I'm tired of the way that you don't
我受够了他们的眼光 也受够了你对我置之不理
So, you think I am tired and I imagined it all in my head?
所以,你觉得我累了,我想象 这一切在我的头上?
Mister I didn't come in here for trouble, but I am tired.
先生,我不是来找麻烦的 但我累了。
Well, it is I am tired.
嗯,这是晚了... 我累了。
I am tired, I must turnin now
I am tired, and I have earned myself a little holiday.
I am tired, and I have earned myself a little holiday.
我累了 我要给自己放个小长假
I am tired. All day in the same position.
我累了 一天都是一个姿势
Please, I think I am tired.
Don't ask me now... I am tired
别现在就问我 我累了
I am tired, and I thought I would do a little reading before I fell asleep.
It has become renowned as one of the greatest American speeches: . .. Hear me, my chiefs, I am tired.
作为最伟大的美国演说之一,它已变得十分有名: ……听我说,我的酋长们,我累了。
I don't know, but I can't do this anymore, because I am tired and scared.
"I am tired," I said.
I don't want to party anymore. I am tired.
我不想去派对了 我累了
Well, frankly, I am tired. Mr. Evans, you just made a sale.
老实说,我累了 埃文斯 先生,你成功了
We think, "I am tired; I am bored; I want to stop playing karmic bingo; I want to get out!"
我们想着 : "我累了;我厌倦了;我不想玩这种业力的宾果游戏了;我想从中脱身 !"
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Example translated sentence: In the case of The Prosecutor v. Radovan Karadzic, the defendant, a former President of the Republika Srpska, is charged with 11 counts of genocide, crimes against humanity and violations of the laws and customs of war committed in Sarajevo, Srebrenica and 20 municipalities throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. ↔ 在 检察官 诉拉多万 · 卡拉季奇案 中, 被告人 被告人 塞族 共和国 前 总统 总统 总统 被控 在 萨拉热窝 、 斯雷布雷尼察 和 和 黑塞哥维 那 各 的 的 20 个 市镇 11 项 11 项 11 项 11灭绝种族罪、危害人类罪以及违法战争法或战争惯例行为。
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I'm tired
我很累 ·
i'm tired 我很累
我很累 i'm tired
Exam! I'm tired of the exam 考試, 我討厭考試
考試 · 考試, 我討厭考試 · 考試,我討厭考試 Exam! I'm tired of the exam · 討厭
Exam! I'm tired of the exam 考試, 我討厭考試
考試, 我討厭考試
Exam! I'm tired of exam
考試, 我討厭考試 Exam! I'm tired of exam
I wrote all day and before I added that my hand was tired我寫了一整天,寫得手都累了
一整天 · 寫 · 我寫了一整天,寫得手都累了 I have been writing all day and I wrote before that my hand was tired · 整天 · 累
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declination Base
In the case of The Prosecutor v. Radovan Karadzic, the defendant, a former President of the Republika Srpska, is charged with 11 counts of genocide, crimes against humanity and violations of the laws and customs of war committed in Sarajevo, Srebrenica and 20 municipalities throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina.
在 检察官 诉拉多万 · 卡拉季奇案 中, 被告人 被告人 塞族 塞族 共和国 前 总统 总统 被控 被控 萨拉热窝 、 斯雷布雷尼察 和 和 黑塞哥维 那 各 地 的 的 个 市镇 11
How appropriate it was, because graduates were appointed to serve in 20 countries of the world!
马太福 音 28: 19,20) 这 正 是 本 届 学员 将 要 的 事 事 事 事 因为 他们 分别 到 到 到 到 个 国家 传道。
JW2019I knew how highly God appreciates man and his body, but even that didn't stop me. Jennifer, 20 years
虽然 我 清楚 知道 上帝 十分 珍视人 的 身体 身体 身体 身体 但 也 也 阻止 我 继续 这样 做。。。。 珍妮弗 珍妮弗, 20 岁
JW2019Implementation of an extended wireless network in order to ensure a more complete coverage of all main UNMIL premises (meeting rooms) and locations containing 20 or more UNMIL staff users, including accommodation.
扩展 无线 系统 系统 以 覆盖 联利 特派团 所有 主要 设施 以及 以及 有 有 20 个 或 20 个 以上 联利 特派团 用户 的 地区 地区 住宅区。
As for the new financing methods, then the European Union Supports the Declaration of Heads of State and Government, Heads of International Organizations and Leaders of Civil Society adopted 20 September 2004 at a meeting held under the auspices of the United Nations.
关于创新供资 2004年9月 20日 在 联合国 举行 的 上 通过 的 各 国家 和 政府 首脑 、 国际 组织 和 民间 社会 领导人 的。。。
In addition, it is expected that when developing such a frame program and sustainable development goals, the results of will be taken into account 20 -year review of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, including an analysis of critical areas of concern.
此外, 预计 包括 重大 领域 在内 的 《宣言 和 行动 纲要 执行 情况 情况 20 周年 周年 周年 将 为 这样 一 框架 和 可持续 发展 提供。
This contraction was especially sharp in Argentina and Uruguay , where the volume of budget revenues in real terms decreased by about 20 percent.
Subsequently, God prescribed this order in the agreement of the Law, which was concluded with the people of Israel through Moses (Ex 20 ; — 5: 112; — 5: 112; ).
后来, 上帝 通过 摩西 以色列人 订立 律法 之 约 约 约 将 守 安息日 正式 成 文律法 里 里 里 里 出 出 8-11; 申 5: 12-15)
JW2019 after 20 000 terrorist attacks, we have the right to defend our people.
在 经历 了 了 20 000 多起 袭击 袭击 之后 之后 我们 应该 保护 我们。。。
20, Words of Jesus from Matthew 28:19, 20 show that it should be baptized by those who became his student.
20 耶稣 在 马太福 音 28: 19,20 所 说 的 话 表明 浸者 应当 是 已经 成为 门徒 门徒 人。。。。
JW2019Conducting a training session for 20, National Center for Emergency Rescue Operations for Operating Skills /Emergency dispatchers
向 国家 救援 行动 中心 中心 20 名 工作 人员 提供 通信 操作员 操作员 调度员 调度员 培训 培训 培训
Speech and discussion with students based on the “Watchtower” of July 15, 2003, p. 20 .
演讲 及 与 讨论 《》》》 2003 年 7月 15 日 刊。。
JW2019The judges note that in accordance with paragraphs 19 and 20 resolution 67/241 of the General Assembly, an intermediate independent assessment of the formal departure system will be held justice.
法官们 注意 到 根据 大会 第 第 67/241 号 决议 第 19 和 20 段, 将 对 正式 内部 系统 进行 临时 评估。。
also reported new flows of refugees of the Democratic Republic of Congo in Burundi ( 20 700), Rwanda (11,300), Zambia (4,300) and Uganda (1,600).
另 据 报告 报告, 有 难民 从 刚果 民主 共和国 逃至 布隆迪 布隆迪 布隆迪 (20 700 人) 、 卢旺达 卢旺达 卢旺达 卢旺达 人 人 赞比亚 赞比亚 赞比亚 赞比亚 (4 300 人) 、 乌干达 乌干达 (1 600 人)。
The chairman performed at a meeting of the Council High-Level Security Council on 16 April 2008, which was held in conjunction with the African Union Peace and Security Council and Security Council discussions on security sector reform and post-conflict peacebuilding, held on 12 and 20 May 2008, respectively .
在 2008 年 4 月 16日 与 非洲 联盟 与 安全 理事会 共同 举行 的 安全 理事会 级别 级别 会议 上 以及 在 分别 于 2008 年 12日 和 20日 举行 安全 安全 关于 安全 改革 改革 部门 部门 部门 部门 部门 部门 部门 部门 部门 部门 部门 部门 部门 部门 部门 部门 部门 部门 部门 部门主席均作了发言。
This appointment may be made by sending a letter to the President (resolution 55/285, annex, para. 20 ).
可 通过 写信 给 的 方式 指定 联系人 联系人 (第 55/285 号 号 决议, 附件, 第 20 段)。
In addition, in the two -year period of 2010-2011 it is planned to hold 20, additional meetings of the Committee annually .
In accordance with paragraphs 20 and 25(c) A/L.2 of resolution/6the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development and the third and final session of the Preparatory Committee, due to be held in 2012 in Brazil, will be included in the draft biennial calendar of conferences and meetings for 2012-2013, once the dates and modalities are determined.
根据 决议 草案 a/c.2/64/l.59 执行 部分 第 20 和 25 (c) 段, 将 于 2012 年 在 巴西 的 联合国 可持续 发展 会议 和 委员会 第三 次 即 最后 次 会议 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次 次,在开会日期和方式决定后,将立即列入2012-2013两年期会议日历草稿。
The Fourth Committee considered this item at its 19, 20 , 21st and 24th meetings on 7, 8, 12 and 26 November 2007.
在 2007 年 11月 7、8、12 和 26日 举行 第 19、20、21 和 24 次 会议 会议 上 第四 委员会 了 该。。
Thus, recommendations of the advisory committee regarding the full -time needs 20 new posts (one P-5, one P-4, three P-3s, three Field Service and 12 Local level posts) and six reclassifications (one D-1 posts and five P-4 posts).
因此, 咨询 委员会 关于 后勤 维持 一 个 综合 特派团 的 战略 部署 所 所 人员 配置 的 建议 如下 如下 个 个 新员额 新员额 新员额 一 个 个 、 个 个 p -4、3 个 p-3、3 外勤 外勤 外勤 外勤 个 个 个 外勤 外勤 外勤 外勤 外勤 个 个事务和12个当地职等)及6个员额改叙升级(1个升至D-1.5个升至P-4)。
requests the Secretary General that, in cooperation with the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, it included in its report on fisheries to be submitted to the General Assembly at its sixty-sixth session a section on activities undertaken by States and regional fisheries management organizations and arrangements pursuant to paragraphs 80 and 83 -87 of its resolution 61/105 and paragraphs 117 and 119-127 of this resolution, and invites States and regional fisheries management organizations and arrangements to consider making such information public;
请 秘书 与 联合国 及 农业 组织 合作, 在 其 提交 大会 第六十六 届 会议 的 渔业 中 列入 一 个 章节 说明 说明 国 和 渔业 组织 和 安排 针对 第 第 第 61/105 号 决议 第 80 段 第 80 段 第 80 段和83至87段及本决议第117段和119至127段所采取的行动;
However, a study completed in 2003 indicates that among more than 20 million ASGM and active small-scale miners, 30 percent were women (Hinton et al. , 2003).
但是, 一 项 2003 年 的 的 研究 报告 报告 在 超过 超过 2000 万手工 和 小 规模 采金 小型 活跃 采矿者 采矿者 中 的 比例 预计 为 30%(hinton 等 人, 2003 年)。
to the number of Reasons for not using contraceptive methods include desire to have children ( 20 percent), fear of side effects (15 percent), menopause or hysterectomy (14 percent), and religious prohibitions.
不 采取 避孕 措施 原因 有 想要 孩子 孩子 孩子 孩子 、 、 担心 副作用 副作用 副作用 副作用 、 绝经 和 子宫 切除 切除 切除 以及 宗教。。
Unofficial consultations on the resolution project a/C.3/3/3/ 69/L. 20 entitled “Strengthening efforts to eradicate obstetric fistula” (under agenda item 27 (a)) (convened by the delegation of Senegal)
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What do you need?
你要多少 ?
How much do you want?
还要别的吗 ?
Do you want something else? (吗)
你会说汉语吗 ?
Do you speak Chinese? (吗 )
我不会 。
I can't.
My mother tells me to go to China to learn Chinese.
你能和我们一起去吗 ?
Can you come with us? (吗 )
我可以在这儿休息吗 ?
Can I rest here? (吗)
请问苹果多少钱一斤 ?
How much do apples cost per jin?
两块五 。
Two and a half yuan.
一共多少钱 ?
How much?
你尝尝 。
Try it!
I want to buy a sweater.
这件毛衣可以试试吗 ?
Can I try on this sweater? (吗)
This sweater is just right, neither too long nor too short.
I want to go to China to learn Chinese.
晚上不要吃东西 !
Don't eat in the evenings!
我妹妹不想工作 。
My little sister doesn't want to work.
Today I want to watch TV at home.
你想不想去公园 ?
Do you want to go to the park? (不)
I can speak Chinese.
He won't come to me today. .
Can you come with me? (不)
今天弟弟没有课 , 可以看电影。
Brother has no class today, can watch a movie. (HE IS ALLOWED)
老师让我回家 。
Master told me to go home.
A friend invited me to eat at that restaurant.
Don't go!
上课的时候别说俄语 !
Do not speak Russian in class!
你要什么 ?
What do you want?
I want to buy apples.
要多少 ?
How much do you want?
Four pieces.
还要别的吗 ?
Anything else?
Thank you, no need.
你会说汉语吗 ?
Can you speak Chinese? (吗)
会 说 , 还 要 学 习 英 语 , 你 呢 ?
I can, but I also want to learn English, and you? (IN QUESTION: "Can you speak Chinese?")
I can't. Mom tells me to go to China to learn Chinese. (IN ANSWER TO THE QUESTION: "I can speak Chinese, can you?")
你去不去 ?
Will you go? (不)
Yes, I want to go to Beijing next September. (IN ANSWER TO THE QUESTION: "Will you go?")
我可以在这儿休息吗 ? 我很累 。
Can I rest here? I'm tired.
9002 Please go to that building. There you can relax, buy something to eat, drink a cup of tea. (IN ANSWER TO THE QUESTION: "Can I rest here?")7 yuan (official)
7 yuan (colloquial)
十五元六 (角)
15.6 yuan (official) )
十五块六 (毛)
15.6 yuan (colloquial)
五角三 (分)
0.53 yuan (official)
五毛三 (分)
0.53 yuan (colloquial)
您要尝一尝 !
You need to try! (RESPECTIVE)
咱们认识认识 !
Let's get to know each other! (DOUBLE VERB)
吃吃饭吧 !
你看的书怎么样 ?
How is that book you are reading?
How are you?
Let's go together, how do you like it?
两块五 。
Two and a half yuan.