se jubil%c3%b3
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Preteriteél/ella/ustedconjugation ofjubilar.
Presentyoconjugation ofjubilar.
to retire
A transitive verb is a verb that requires a direct object (e.g. I bought a book.).
transitive verb
1. (to oblige to stop working)
a. to retire
Cuando Diego se enfermó, lo jubiló su empresa.When Diego became ill, his company retired him.
b. to pension off
Lo jubilaron de la empresa a la edad de 55 años.The company pensioned him off at the age of 55.
c. to force into retirement
Tendrían que jubilar a este juez por su manifiesta incompetencia.This judge should be forced into retirement for his obvious incompetence.
A word or phrase that is commonly used in conversational speech (e.g., skinny, grandma).
(to discard)
a. to get rid of
¿Por qué no jubilas esos tejanos viejos?Why don't you get rid of those old jeans?
b. to throw out
A word or phrase that is commonly used in conversational speech (e.g., skinny, grandma).
No te importa si jubilamos este osito de peluche, ¿verdad?You won't mind if we throw out this teddy bear, will you?
c. to ditch
A word or phrase that is commonly used in conversational speech (e.g., skinny, grandma).
El carro hace ruidos raros. Creo que es hora de jubilarlo.The car's making strange noises. I think it may be time to ditch it.
d. to dump
A word or phrase that is commonly used in conversational speech (e.g., skinny, grandma).
No sé por qué Pilar jubiló a su novio; es tan guapo y tan trabajador.I don't know why Pilar dumped her boyfriend; he's so handsome and hard-working.
An adjective is a word that describes a noun (e.g. the big dog).
3. (religious)
a. jubilee
El romano pontífice proclamó 1983 año jubilar.The Roman Catholic pope proclaimed 1983 a jubilee year.
A pronominal verb always uses a reflexive pronoun. (e.g. Te ves cansado.).
pronominal verb
4. (to stop working)
a. to retire
El Sr. Blanco ya no trabaja aquí; se jubiló el año pasado.Mr. Blanco doesn't work here any more; he retired last year.
5. (to absent oneself)
Regionalism used in Venezuela
a. to play hooky
A word or phrase that is commonly used in conversational speech (e.g., skinny, grandma).
Regionalism used in the United States
(United States)
Parece que la hija de los Talavera se jubilaba cada viernes.It seems that the Talaveras' daughter was playing hooky every Friday.
b. to play truant (United Kingdom)
Pedro se jubiló del colegio para ir a la playa.Pedro played truant from school to go to the seaside.
Copyright © Curiosity Media Inc.
A transitive verb is a verb that requires a direct object (e.g. I bought a book.).
transitive verb
1. (general)
jubilar a alguien (de)to pension somebody off (from), to retire somebody (from)
A pronominal verb always uses a reflexive pronoun. (e.g. Te ves cansado.).
pronominal verb
2. (general)
a. to retire
Copyright © 2006 Harrap Publishers Limited
transitive verb
1 [+trabajador] to pension off; retire
2 (desechar) [+objeto] to discard; [+persona] to put out to grass
pronominal verb
1 [+trabajador] to retire
jubilarse anticipadamente to take early retirement; retire early
Igualmente se potencia que los agricultores [se jubilen anticipadamente] con la finalidad de favorecer el abandono de las tierras de largo tiempo en explotación.
2 (Centroamérica) (hacer novillos) to play truant
3 (Caribe) (instruirse) to gain experience
4 (And) (deteriorarse) to deteriorate; go downhill; (enloquecer) to lose one's head
Collins Complete Spanish Electronic Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
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yo | jubilo | jubilé | jubilaba | jubilaría | jubilaré |
tú | jubilas | jubilaste | jubilabas | jubilarías | jubilarás |
él/ella/Ud.![]() | jubila | jubiló | jubilaba | jubilaría | jubilará |
nosotros | jubilamos | jubilamos | jubilábamos | jubilaríamos | jubilaremos |
vosotros | jubiláis | jubilasteis | jubilabais | jubilaríais | jubilaréis |
ellos/ellas/Uds. | jubilan | jubilaron | jubilaban | jubilarían | jubilarán |
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retire [rɪˈtaɪəʳ]
intransitive verb
1 (give up work) [+worker] retirarse; (at age limit) jubilarse; retirarse; [+professional sportsperson, military officer] retirarse
she is retiring from professional tennis this year se retira del tenis profesional este año
in 1974 he retired from the museum he retires as chairman of the board at the end of this year he ran it for over half a century, until he retired as its manager at the age when most people retire, he is ready to face a new career although their careers are important many said they plan to retire at 50 Gladys retired at the age of sixty-eight women and men will be able to retire five years earlier I have decided to retire from Formula One racing at the end of the season most racing cyclists have retired by the age of thirty the Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force is retiring from active duty in 1965 to retire [on] a pension
she retired on a good pension se jubiló or se retiró con una buena pensión; he retired to the South of France se jubiló or se retiró y se fue a vivir al sur de Francia
Eisenhower left the White House and retired to his farm in Gettysburg
2 (withdraw) retirarse
the jury has retired to consider its verdict el jurado se ha retirado a deliberar para dar su veredicto; to retire from public life retirarse de or abandonar la vida pública
I retired to my study upstairs to retire from the world to retire [into] o. s.
3 (go to bed) acostarse; retirarse (formal)
she retires early most nights she retired early with a good book don't eat just before retiring or retire just after eating
to retire to bed retire for the night ir a dormir; ir a acostarse
some time after midnight, he retired to bed they had already retired for the night when we got back
4 (Dep) [+competitor] abandonar; retirarse; [+horse] retirarse
he retired in the fifth lap with engine trouble abandonó or se retiró en la quinta vuelta debido a problemas con el motor
she was forced to retire from the competition with a knee injury one of the most serious injuries was to Simon Littlejohn, who was /forced to retire from the race with a leg injury/ Antonitsch retired injured in the third set of his match against the Canadian Great Ovation retired lame
5 (Mil) [+troops, army] retirarse
Yamamoto was forced to retire to safety 4,000 British soldiers were retiring towards Ladysmith after an inconclusive battle
transitive verb
1 (from work, service) [+worker] jubilar; (Mil) [+officer] retirar
he was compulsorily retired le dieron la jubilación forzosa; le obligaron a jubilarse
if he does badly they may retire him he made himself immensely unpopular by retiring 90 members of the company within the first few years I believe he was retired early from a university somewhere or other the court found that he should have been retired at a higher rank and awarded him back pay Malone was retired from the British Army
2 (Horse Racing) [+horse] retirar; (Baseball) [+batter] eliminar
/the horse went lame and was retired from racing/ three days later Fager was voted horse of the year and was then retired to stud the Rangers'first two batters were retired easily
3 (Economics) [+bond] redimir
so long as the bond is callable, /it can be prematurely retired/ any time the issuer cares to /the whole issue is being retired/ before its time, and there's nothing you can do but turn in your bond and invest your money elsewhere
4 (Mil) [+troops, army] retirar
he retired his troops to a position of safety
Hello Larisa.
The permanent residence of family members of Spanish citizens is updated automatically. You will need only 2 months before the expiration of your valid resident card to apply to the police station to renew your resident card. The death of a spouse does not in any way affect the right of residence in Spain of his family members on a permanent residence, according to the information provided on the website of the Spanish Police Service Family members are also required to notify the relevant competent authorities of the death of a Spanish citizen.
If you receive a non-contributory pension in Spain, you can be absent from Spain for more than 90 days a year in order to maintain your right to receive a pension.
Hello Ilnur.
Your father can leave Spain for up to 90 days a year if he receives a non-contributory pension in Spain (Spanish pensión no contributiva) due to age.
According to Royal Decree No. 357 of March 15, 1991 on non-contributory pensions (Spanish: Real Decreto 357/1991, de 15 de marzo, por el que se desarrolla, en materia de pensiones no contributivas, la Ley 26/1990, de 20 de diciembre, por la que se establecen en la Seguridad Social prestaciones no contributivas) this type of pension cannot be paid in the territory of another country, since only residents of Spain who have confirmed the continuity and duration of their residence in Spain are entitled to receive this pension. And the residence is considered interrupted if the applicant is outside the territory of Spain for more than 90 days a year, if the reason for the long absence from Spain was not a disease, confirmed by the relevant documents and the impossibility of returning for medical reasons.
Hello, Natalia!
Yes, you can apply for a pension in Spain in accordance with the length of service you have worked in Russia and in Spain. The pension of both countries is paid to the applicant in his country of residence by the competent institution of the country.
In accordance with the official information on the website of the Consulate of the Russian Federation in Spain and the regulations of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the pension rights of citizens are regulated by the Social Security Treaty concluded on April 11, 1994 between Spain and Russia. According to this agreement, the distribution of expenses for the payment of pensions is expected. Thus, each country pays a pension for the period that was worked out in its territory. In this case, the applicant must have reached the retirement age established in each of the countries and meet the legal requirements for applicants who wish to receive an old-age pension in each of the countries.
However, each case is considered on a case-by-case basis and for more information you can contact the Social Security Information Center (Spanish: Centro de Atención e Información de la Seguridad Social) closest to your place of residence in Spain.
Hello, Olga.
You can request a transfer of a Spanish pension to the Russian Federation from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. In this case, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will have to make a request to the country where you received your seniority. Based on the response received, a pension is assigned. If you return to Russia for permanent residence, then after a 6-month period of absence from Spain or a 12-month period of absence from the EU, your residence will be automatically canceled. In the future, if your plans change and the Spanish legislation remains the same, you can apply to the Spanish Consulate to restore the residence.
Hello Valentine.
You cannot apply for an old-age pension early in Spain, as the requirement for obtaining it is to be at least 65 years of age, but you can request a recalculation of seniority by providing proof that you also have seniority in Russia, after how to apply for a Spanish pension according to the information provided by the Institute of Social Services for Senior Citizens in Spain and the Ministry of Labor and Social Security.
Hello Love!
The transfer of pension savings from Spain by Seguridad Social (Spanish Social Security Service) is carried out by transferring them to Russia to the pensioner's personal account, , registered at his place of permanent residence. This account must allow international transfers. If you are the owner of such an account with Sberbank and the documents for transferring pensions in Spain were completed correctly, then you may need to try opening an account with another Russian bank and provide new details to Seguridad Social.
Hello, Natalia!
To receive a Russian pension in Spain, you will need to contact the Spanish Pension Fund (Seguridad Social) and submit an appropriate application. If you did not work in Spain, then you can only receive pension contributions from the Russian Federation, based on the length of service. For the exact list of documents required to apply, we recommend that you contact Seguridad Social.
Hello, Irina!
The presence of real estate in Spain does not give grounds for obtaining a Spanish pension. If you plan to apply for residence in Spain, then we can provide the following information on this issue: for foreign citizens living in Spain on the basis of residence, there are general requirements in order to receive a labor pension in Spain:
1. Reaching the retirement age - 65 years;
2. The presence of labor insurance experience in Spain for at least 15 years, of which 2 years immediately before retirement.
On the basis of a signed bilateral agreement between Spain and Russia, the length of service in these two countries is counted towards the calculation of the labor pension. You receive your pension in your country of residence. For a foreigner living in Spain, a valid residence is required.
Hello Sergey!
For foreign citizens residing in Spain on the basis of residence, the general requirements are defined in order to receive an employment pension in Spain:
1. Reaching retirement age - 65 years;
2. At least 15 years of insurance experience in Spain, of which 2 years immediately before retirement.
Based on the signed bilateral agreement between Spain and Russia, the insurance period in these two countries is counted towards the calculation of the labor pension. You receive your pension in your country of residence. For a foreigner living in Spain, a valid residence is required.
If there is no minimum insurance period in Spain, then it is possible to receive a minimum old-age pension upon reaching retirement age. At the same time, a foreign citizen must live legally in Spain for at least 10 years, of which 2 years continuously until reaching the age of 65. And also have an income (as of 2017) no more than 5164.60 euros per year and + 3615.22 euros (for a family member living with him).
Hello Mark!
At the moment, citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the Spanish retirement age can receive a labor pension determined by law after reaching the Spanish retirement age - 65 years. And also have at least 15 years of experience in Spain, of which 2 years immediately before retirement.
For more information about pension supplements, you can contact Seguridad Social in Spain where you are registered in Spain.
Hello Galina!
Russia and Spain have entered into an agreement on social security, which states that citizens of the Russian Federation can receive a pension, both in Russia and in Spain. If necessary, the pension can be transferred from one country to another. For all questions about the transfer of pensions in Spain, you can contact Seguridad Social in Spain and the Pension Fund in Russia
Hello, Elena!
At the moment, there is an agreement on social security between Russia and Spain. According to this agreement, citizens of the Russian Federation can receive a pension, both in Russia and in Spain. If necessary, the pension can be transferred from one country to another. Pension transfer issues are dealt with by Seguridad Social in Spain and the Pension Fund in Russia
Hello Taya!
Between Russia and Spain there is an agreement on social security, according to which citizens of the Russian Federation can receive a pension, both in Russia and in Spain. If necessary, the pension can be transferred from one country to another.
Pension transfer issues are dealt with by Seguridad Social in Spain and the Pension Fund in Russia. As far as I know, all actions can be done through a trusted person.
If you need help in preparing documents for transferring a pension to Spain, write to us, we will be happy to help.
You have a non-standard question, I can not answer unambiguously, since I have not had to deal with a similar situation. I can assume that you need to translate into Spanish and legalize accordingly the documents confirming your disability. If you receive a disability pension in Russia and want to transfer this pension to Spain, then you need to contact the Pension Fund directly on this matter.
If you still have questions or need help with translation and legalization, write to us, we will be happy to help you.
Hello Irina!
Between Russia and Spain there is an agreement on social security, according to which citizens of the Russian Federation can receive a pension, both in Russia and in Spain. If necessary, the pension can be transferred from one country to another.
Pension transfer issues are dealt with by Seguridad Social in Spain and the Pension Fund in Russia. As far as I know, all actions can be done through a trusted person.
If you need help in this matter, you can contact our experts in Madrid: [email protected]
Hello Galina!
A person can receive his pension in his country of residence. If your husband is entitled to a pension in Spain, then he can receive it in Russia if he lives in Russia. To do this, you need to clarify all the nuances of transferring his pension from Spain to Russia in the pension fund of the Russian Federation and in Seguridad Social in Spain. If you can not figure it out on your own, you can seek help from our specialists in Spain.
If you have any additional questions, write, we will be happy to answer them.
An approximate gender distribution can be seen in the table:
Men | Age | Women |
4 | 0-14 | 3 |
16 | 15-64 | 15 |
3 | 65+ | 4 |
All who live in Spanish territory are divided into three groups:
From the statistics we can conclude that more guys are born, but the retirement age in Spain for women is more realistic, there are a million more of them.
Gradually, the problem of maintaining the disabled population and its aging gradually comes to the fore, as in other developed countries. The government sees this and is trying to deal with the problem.
Everything is done to ensure that each person feels secure and does not worry about what his life abroad will be like in old age. The main requirements are as follows:
If both of these conditions have been met, then you can count on a decent monthly amount. In addition, pensioners have access to a discount on the purchase of medicines from 60 to 90% of their total cost and they can receive free medical care.
Public transport depends on the region - you can use it without paying or at reduced rates.
The state provides residents with interest clubs, the opportunity to attend excursions and go to the sea. Special discotheques are initiated especially for the elderly.
How much will be credited to the card depends on several parameters:
Men become pensioners at the age of 67, women stop working earlier - at 65. But under the new program, by 2027, the age will rise to 67 years, regardless of gender. In some cases, you can retire at 61, but this order does not exist for everyone. Only those residents who quit their jobs and stood on the stock exchange for more than six months can act in this way. But it is worth remembering that the amount to be received from them will be on average 10% lower than that of those who went on vacation in a timely manner. But we will talk about this later.
The following monthly deductions are established:
Some categories of citizens retire under preferential terms. This usually applies to people whose work was associated with dangerous, difficult or difficult working conditions: railway workers and agricultural workers. Additionally, the list includes specialists of amazing professions - bullfighters, artists and artists.
For them, this indicator is lower by law. Those who work on any ships or water platforms receive a coefficient that reduces the year of release by 0.1-0.4 from the standard.
The average payment is almost 1,000 euros per month, but this is not enough for all needs and desires. Therefore, often the Spaniards strive to collect another amount by the time the old age begins. To do this, they participate in a program called Plan de Pension. Those who are in it, every month for several years, transfer a small part of their salary to the selected bank.
It is allowed to invest your own savings in various investment products. This is more profitable, but also risky. You need to consider how reliable the chosen method is, and what commissions you will have to pay for using it.
If you set aside such small amounts every month, you can receive a significant increase in benefits after the appropriate age. If the account holder dies, all of his money is inherited by the children or spouse. In the presence of a severe work injury, you can get funds earlier.
The state is trying to develop programs: it gives benefits, co-finances social contributions, but no more than a fifth of all residents participate in this undertaking.
Life expectancy here is one of the highest in Europe:
Currently there is a program to increase the parameter from 65 to 67 years. But pensioners are energetic and hard-working, there are many of them, so an increase in the figure to 70 years is already being discussed. Moreover, an important question: is it necessary to do this, while only the nuances and parameters on which the update will be implemented are being studied.
All developed countries face the problem of a large number of elderly people, therefore everywhere an increase to 67-70 years is accepted everywhere, as in Japan. This does not include the survivor's pension in Spain, it is calculated according to other criteria.
There are several ways to get public benefits early. There are only 4 of them:
All sailors and those who worked in hazardous industries must go for early payments.
For those who have officially worked for 15 years, 50% of the amount of income during these years is provided, but upon reaching the appropriate age.
It cannot be said that this country has the largest deductions in the world, but they are larger than in many other states. Usually they charge from 60 to 100% of the salary, take into account the volume of contributions that the employee has made throughout his life, and the length of service. The higher the value, the higher his earnings.
How does this differ depending on where you live? Let's look at the table.
Residence | Benefit amount in euros |
Extremadura | 761 |
Galicia | 771 |
Aragon | 958 |
Navarra | 1048 |
Madrid | 1080 |
Asturias | 1078 |
Basque Country | 1133 |
Andalusia | 821 |
Murcia | 804 |
Valencia | 842 |
Cantabria | 959 |
Rioja | 887 |
Canary Islands | 843 |
Catalonia | 948 |
Castile-La Mancha | 843 |
For calculations, the earnings that a pensioner had in the last 15 years are often used. 2 years are simply considered, the remaining 13 are indexed taking into account current inflation.
What is the minimum and average old-age pension in Spain for people who have worked only 15 years - about 50% of their salary in these years. If the experience is 25 years, then the payment will be at the level of about 900 euros. For those who have been working for more than 35 years, their future allowance is increased by 2% every year. It is worth considering that in this state there is a difference in the amount depending on gender. Men traditionally have higher contributions than women in many regions, such as Madrid and Extremadura.
As we have already said, in order to receive support from the fund, you need to have a good work record and regularly pay insurance premiums. How much will be transferred depends on the time worked and is assigned to a person from 15 to 66 years old.
According to Spanish law, everyone is entitled to receive special unemployment benefits if they have been employed for at least a year during the last 6 years and are currently listed on the stock exchange.
Usually this payment is 70% of the one that was at the last place of work. If there are children or other dependents, then the amount is revised upwards - up to 80%. And now we will discuss how to earn and receive a pension in Spain for a Russian. This state has bilateral agreements with Russia and Ukraine on mutual assistance to emigrants who have never worked on foreign territory, but are in a problem situation. This includes the loss of a breadwinner and an injury resulting in a disability. If this happens, you can contact the social service and ask for help. In all other cases, you will have to follow the longer path. It cannot be assumed that it is acceptable to move to a new location and immediately apply for benefits. It is important that if there is no special agreement between the countries, then it will be impossible to get any money. Therefore, you should first check the data, and then collect the documents.
All documents must be translated into Spanish and notarized. Then they are transferred to the pension fund along with a pre-filled application.
To be eligible for monthly contributions, you must arrive at your permanent residence 5 years before the start of official retirement. It should be legalized and start working before the paperwork is completed all these years. In total, you should have at least 5 years worked in your new homeland.
At what age they receive a social pension in Spain for migrants - it all depends on several factors. For what purpose the new resident moved, how much he worked and how officially he is going to live.
If a person lives in the care of his relatives, then this must be properly documented. At the legislative level, the experience gained at home and in Spanish cities is summed up, resulting in a total value. But you will have to start collecting documents only 5 years after its onset.
It is possible not to work. To do this, you will have to come and live here legally for 10 years. Then the right to receive the minimum allowance will be formed.
From what age the Russian pension in Spain - it all depends on how long the citizen lives in the new territory. To get it at 65, you need to be officially employed from 60 to 65 years old and make contributions or move to permanent residence at 55 years old or earlier.
Implementation of the new law comes down to extending the required length of service and the age category of future pensioners. Naturally, this is not painless. This decision was made for a long time, through lengthy negotiations. The state had to deal with popular unrest and minimize the risk of uprisings and strikes. Politicians made loud speeches with beautiful words.
But gradually a complex agreement was reached between the government and the businessmen. It all ended with the fact that the reform still came into force, but not in 2011, but in 2013. Large trade unions opposed it the most, but this did not change the decision of the country's leadership. Now all the difficulties are smoothed out, they are trying not to touch, so as not to return to an unpleasant moment. But it will soon be necessary to discuss the increase in age again in order to solve the developing problem.
When we figured out what the average pension in Spain for Russians and residents is, it is worth remembering that there may be difficulties in calculating.
The main reason for the difficulties is that fewer people are born in the country than leave and die. That is, the number of able-bodied citizens is gradually decreasing. If life expectancy remains at the same level, then there will be no one to support pensioners. In addition, the unemployment rate is quite high, the main unemployed are young people. In search of earnings, they leave, work illegally, do not make deductions.
Another category is adult children and grandchildren supported by their elderly parents. They do not seek to earn money, since the older generation provides them with everything. They do not need to look for a specialty. This is a side effect of the functioning of the pension system. In Spain, there are a large number of people who, after 67 years, have not left their jobs and continue to work. Now the state allows them to do this, before they had no such opportunity, they had to go on a well-deserved rest or work unofficially. When he stays at work, a person receives only half of the well-deserved pension, but this suited the majority. True, it will no longer be possible to get a job in the public service, but in any private organizations you can continue to increase the length of service.
Residents who are ready to retire must be at least 67 years old, or 65 if they have already worked 38.5 years. Welfare managers have to regularly raise money to cover the persistent shortfall in the fund for the elderly population.
We examined many difficulties in the work of the pension system of a European country, indicated the size of the minimum old-age pension in Spain for Russians in the exact amount, taking into account all the nuances.