How to say very tired in spanish

I%20am%20very%20tired in Spanish | English to Spanish Translation


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estoy muy cansado






I am very tired(













A phrase is a group of words commonly used together (e.g once upon a time).


1. (general)

a. estoy muy cansado

Can we go hiking tomorrow? - No, I am very tired.¿Podemos hacer senderismo mañana? - No, estoy muy cansado.

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very good

muy bueno

thank you very much

muchas gracias

I love you very much

te quiero mucho

I am tired

estoy cansado

very beautiful

muy hermoso

very well

muy bien

I am very tired

estoy muy cansado

you are very beautiful

eres muy hermoso

son muy hermosos

very nice

muy simpático

very much


very pretty

muy bonito

muy lindo

it was very fun

fue muy divertido

very hot

muy caluroso

very little

muy poco

I am very excited

estoy muy emocionado

Are you tired?

¿Estás cansado?

very funny

muy gracioso

very bad

muy malo

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I'm%20very%20tired in Spanish | English to Spanish Translation


Showing results for I'm very tired. Search instead for i'm%20very%20tired.

estoy muy cansado





I'm very tired(











A phrase is a group of words commonly used together (e. g once upon a time).


1. (general)

a. estoy muy cansado

It's been a long day and I'm very tired. I'm going to bed.Fue un día largo y estoy muy cansado. Me voy a la cama.

Copyright © Curiosity Media Inc.




very good

muy bueno

thank you very much

muchas gracias

I love you very much

te quiero mucho

I am tired

estoy cansado

very beautiful

muy hermoso

very well

muy bien

I am very tired

estoy muy cansado

you are very beautiful

eres muy hermoso

son muy hermosos

very nice

muy simpático

very much


very pretty

muy bonito

muy lindo

it was very fun

fue muy divertido

very hot

muy caluroso

very little

muy poco

I am very excited

estoy muy emocionado

Are you tired?

¿Estás cansado?

very funny

muy gracioso

very bad

muy malo

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Translate i'm%20very%20tired using machine translators

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Verbs to have, to be and to be. Irregular verbs in Spanish

Today we present an article on a very important topic of Spanish grammar.

Let's talk about verbs to have, to be and to be; on its irregular forms, its uses, similarities and differences.

After reading this article, you will become an expert in these verbs.

Your Spanish will take a huge leap in quality. 👏😎

Useful verbs for speaking Spanish

You might be wondering:

“What are the verbs to be, to be and to have? Why do they attach such importance to them?

Well, we Spaniards are like that, we will dedicate an article to every existing verb.

This is a joke. 😝

The truth is that verbs to be, to be and to have they are very useful and they are used a lot.

It is essential that you learn how to use them correctly if you want to have a good level of Spanish.

Verb to be, to be and to have. Irregular verbs

These verbs are irregular in many tenses.

don't you know him form ?

Let's start with the basics: the verbs ser and estar .

We put them into the present, although you probably already know them. 😉

What about other times?

In the following infographic we present all verb forms of the verb to be en indicative and subjunctive :

and verb be ? ¿Estar is a regular or irregular verb?

Well, it depends on the weather. Sometimes it's regular and sometimes it's irregular.

Don't you know all the ways?

¡No pasha nada!

Here is an infographic of verb to be in all tenses so you can study it whenever you want. 😉

What about the verb to have ?

This verb is very peculiar because has two different conjugations .

This is something unique in the Spanish language.

How interesting! Don't you think?

Do not despair, I will now tell you two uses of this verb. 😊

The use of the verb to have

The verb haber can be used as:

  • Auxiliary verb form tenses of compound verbs .
  • verb indicating existence.

Next, we will consider them in detail.

Auxiliary verb for the formation of complex tenses

The verb haber as an auxiliary is necessary for the formation of many tenses. As we have seen in article Preterito Perfecto , was used in the present tense of the verb haber + participle to form this tense.

Don't you remember?

It's ok, I'll update it for you:

This is the present form of of the verb haber .

In addition to the present verb conjugation, have as an assistant also in other indicative and subjunctive moods. Here they are:


  • Perfect time. Express existence .

    In this case, we use only one way, because is impersonal .

    In the present it will be the verb is.

    example: There are grapes in the refrigerator.

    We don't say: Yo there are grapes in the refrigerator.

    This "I" would be incorrect because does not have a subject in these sentences.

    That is, there is no person performing the action.

    The grapes are just in the fridge, no one is doing anything.

    Do you understand?

    other Ejemplos to better see:

    • Hay child in the park .
    • In Valencia there are many palm trees .
    • Hay four dishes on the table .

    All these examples are in the present. Now let's see verb forms have as the existence in Other times and methods :

    EN Estimated We have the following:

    Gift - HAY

    Completed time - was

    The past was uncertain -

    The insecure past time – THERE WAS

    Past Perfect Pluperfect – was

    Simple Future - THERE WILL BE

    Future Perfect – will be

    Simple Conditional Sentence – Would be

    Competent conditional proposal - it would be

    EN Subjective inclination are:

    Gift - HAYA

    Performed time - was

    The imperfect past time - 9000,

    PLUPERFECT time - Would/would be

    Those marked in in bold and capitalized are the most used.

    want something Ejemplos ?

    Come on! Today I am generous. 😉


    There were two accidents on my street this week. Fortunately, no one was hurt.


    There was a big storm last night.


    There were many teachers in my school.


    I'm worried that there is so much clutter in my house.

    Common mistakes Vulgarism: were

    Now let's talk about a very common mistake what people do to conjugate the verb to have to talk about existence .

    There is to use the plural verb and this is very common with the verb haber in the past tense, especially in the past imperfect : had .

    Let's look at some examples to make it clear:


    • There were a lot of people on the subway yesterday.
    • There were a lot of people on the subway yesterday.

    Which of the two is incorrect?

    Come on, I'll give you a moment to think.

    Do you know now?

    wrong answer is second because the verb to have is plural.

    Remember that in the use of existence the verb to have is impersonal ; has no subject and therefore does not have a plural of .

    • there were many people on the subway yesterday .
    • yesterday there were many people in the subway .

    este vulgarism Very common in the form 'there was' .


    • yesterday there were various events in the square.
    • yesterday anniversaries various events on the square.
    • Morning there will be some university exams.
    • Morning there will be a few university exams.

    common errors vulgarism: HAY + Certain article

    Another very typical error with Verb have for existence This is it to put it next to certain articles: , there is, there is, there is, there is, there is, there , there is .

    The following Ejemplos would be wrong:

    • Hay la ball in the closet.
    • 9Out-of-town shopping centers ❌
    • Hay el bottled water.

    Instead, you can use indefinite articles , Numbers , not defined o just noun to make the prayer good.

    We will show you with Ejemplos words with the verb haber that you can use:

    The indefinite article : times, times, times, times.

    • Hay una ball in the cupboard. ✅😁

    Indefinite : a lot, a lot, a little, enough, too much, a few...

    • 0220 ✅🐈

    Numbers : One, two, three, four, five…

    • There will be four out-of-town shopping centers. ✅👏

    noun only:

    • Hay water in a bottle. ✅👍

    The use of the verb to be

    0015 Usage and verbal forms of the verb haber. Now touch the verb to be .

    If you have already read the article about the verbs ser and estar, this will be familiar to you and will serve as an overview.

    It's always good to revisit a theory, isn't it?

    Si you didn't read article then great, because we explain some of the uses of the verb to be Most important.


    We can express the location of people, places, things, animals... just about anything.

    The most popular 'be + in' design.


    • Jaime on the beach.

    But we can also use other positions with adverbs of place: inside, outside, next to, in front, behind, above, under…


    • The computer is inside the backpack.
    • The chair was behind the table.
    • The painting will be above the sofa.


    We can talk about what we feel using the verb ' Beautiful':


    How are you?

    b today I am happy and excited for my promotion at work.

    There are many adjectives that express states of mind: sad, happy, tired, bored, calm, nervous...

    Did you know that we have an article dedicated to their emotions and mood ?

    If you want to know more, click on the link. ????

    Everything connected with emotions seems very interesting to me.

    Does the same thing happen to you?

    Actions performed: Estar + Gerund

    Which are they doing our students in the photo?

    We can say that they toast .

    Also this they laugh y take a drink.

    what they rest in our cafeteria before the next class.

    We can use to be + gerund to talk about actions in progress (actions are not finished, continue) or to describe the actions of the image how we did it.

    Don't you know how to form gerund ?

    It's very easy.

    You simply change the ending of verbs ending in -AP for -ANDO , and verbs ending in -ER or -IR for -IENDO .

    Examples of estar + gerund:

    • I say
    • You eat
    • He/she/you WILL GO OUT
    • We watch
    • You play
    • They write
    • 0130

    It is good to remember that both participle como el gerunds his impersonal ways verbs.

    NO surrenderian with different people they are always the same.

    be + participle

    We also have the use of be + participle. 😀

    In this case we are talking about the results of action .

    Usually, when we do an action, there is a result.


    • I close the door. - Door closed.
    • The child fell asleep. - Baby sleeping .
    • Jose turned off the light. - Light is off .

    Don't know how participles are formed?

    On normal just switch -AR to -ADO y -ER/IR to - PASSED .

    Evaluation: this is good / this is bad

    Using El evaluation is great to express our opinion .

    This will make your Spanish look much more interesting. 😉

    The word is used very often 'correct' o 'wrong'.

    With infinitive for common phrases and impersonal:


    • It's okay to exercise.
    • Being late for an appointment is wrong.

    O, subjunctive when there is sujeto .


    • It's okay for you to meet new people if you feel lonely.
    • It is wrong for Marcos to yell at his mother.

    temporary occupation

    A very simple use of the verb estar is temporary occupation con 'to be + from' .

    We use this to talk about temporary jobs, not definitive ones. We know that we will not work there for a long time.


    • This summer I am from a waiter to pay for my university studies.
    • Now I am a taxi driver , but this is not my life's work.

    The use of the verb to be

    The ones we are about to see are very simple, but they are often used.

    So relax and take note. 😉

    Nationality and origin

    We use 'Be from' to mark the nationality or origin of the person.


    • I am from Spain. I am from Valencia.

    Thing or animal can also have an origin:


    • these slippers Son de next to my shop19.
    • your cat This was from street.

    Description of appearance and character

    Talk about physique and character of people We use the verb to be.


    • Sonya is tall and kind.
    • As a child, Louis was short and very funny.

    Shall we have a competition? character adjectives ?

    There are so many!

    Let me start:

    Pleasant, unfriendly, intelligent, romantic, patient, calm …wait…it's so easy!

    I encourage you to write me comments 3 character adjectives higher level.

    Surprise me 😉

    Of course we can also describe to animals or objects .

    Although the latter only has his physique.

    To this day, objects have no personality.

    or we thought so ... $


    We have already seen this from Late " We can talk about temporary professions.

    Instead we use Verb to be if we want to talk o stable, long-term job or even final


    • Pedro is a computer scientist
    • Marta and Juan are police officers.
    • You will be a data analyst.

    time expression

    If we want to ask the time , we use the verb to be in the third person singular (es).

    To answer it, we will use the third person plural (son) because is plural. A deletion of one , which was answered by in the singular (es).


    What time?

    B. It's half past five. (16.30)

    What time?

    B. It is now one in the morning. (01.00)


    The descriptive element of objects is material: wood, plastic, iron, glass…

    We can talk about it with 'To be from'.


    • My old house was brick.
    • This handle is plastic.
    • His shirt is made of wool.


    Do you remember with the verb to be Can we talk about the location of people, places, animals or things?

    Well, with the verb to be, you can also place , But only events .

    What is an event?

    We can say that this is an "important" event that many people attend.

    Next, we put some Ejemplos to make you understand better:

    • wedding was in the church of his city.
    • Concert will On the Town Hall Square.
    • Exam es in room 6.
    • board meeting ha sido in a hotel near the company.

    Do we practice verb actions?

    What a great item! I'm very happy.

    I really think this will help you a lot.

    the verbs have, be and be they are sooooo important.

    Currently… ¿How about we do some drill with verbs have, be and be ?

    Show me that you own them! 😁

    Remember that at the end of each exercise you have solutions.

    Let's go there!

    practice for level A

    Complete the sentences to be, be or have . They can be in the present or past perfect:

    • This morning __________ there was an accident between two cars on the highway.
    • Today I ____________ was very tired because I didn't sleep well.
    • Where is she from ______________? He has an unrecognizable accent.
    • This summer I'm ___________ a truck driver, but I've already retired and now I'm going to university.
    • Can you check if __________ is there in room 5? I've been looking for my students all morning and can't find them.
    • Paco has been a firefighter all his life. It didn't work for anything else.
    • You didn't close the door properly this morning and I didn't notice. That's why the door of _____________ is open until you return.


    1. Was
    2. Estoy
    3. ES
    4. I was
    5. 0
    7. was

    Level B practices

    Complete sentences to be, be or have . They can be anywhere past indicative o an present subjunctive:

    • I used to be __________ very shy, but because I'm a teacher, I'm not so shy anymore.
    • Have you seen the keys? Yesterday ___________ on the table.
    • Yesterday ______________ was a holiday at the port with music and lots of dancing.
    • What time ____________ When Julio Will I arrive home?
    • I like that you __________ are so calm, you give me peace.
    • __________ it's very good that you have a hobby, you have to switch off and do what you love.
    • I never __________ on a ship until I went on a Mediterranean cruise. :

      • I liked that yesterday you __________ on time and arrived ahead of me for dinner.
      • Where is Aitor? I don't think he ____________ at home all day, right?
      • If ______________ had more money, he would make more trips this year.
      • Have you ever climbed ____________? A lot of adrenaline is produced.
      • Although they are not __________ ready, they should be.
      • Like Isabelle __________ was so arrogant with me yesterday, today I won't talk to her.
      • If you were __________ in London, what would be the first thing you would do?

      1. FUERA
      2. WAS
      3. HABEIS
      4. Esten
      5. was
      6. you were

      How was it?

      Would you like to know more about verbs to have, to be and to be ?

      En Hispania, escuela de español ; you could Spanish course face to face in which you will learn and practice these verbs with qualified teachers.

      Can't move to Spain?

      Don't worry, we also offer Spanish Courses Online so you can study at home.

      See you soon!

      Article written by Carlos Martinez for Hispania, escuela de español

      ¿Cómo estás? or ¿Qué tal?

      by Josu Sánchez TU ESPAÑOL

      How do you say how are you in Spanish? Good question! In Spanish, there are two main forms for asking how you are. Both of these forms are very similar to each other. The only difference is that one of the phrases has a more formal tone than the other.

      In this article, we will look at the difference between these expressions, as well as learn about other options for how to say “how are you” in Spanish.

      How are you: ¿Como estas? ¿Quétal?


      1. ¿Cómo estás? (Como estas) translation:

      “Como estas” means “how are you”. This is the most neutral form for this question.

      This phrase consists of the word “Como” (how) and the verb “estar” (to be) in the form of the pronoun “tú”. If we want to ask a question in a more formal tone, we simply replace the verb “estar” with the pronoun form “usted” (you)

      “¿Cómo estás?” You (tú)

      “¿Cómo está?” You (usted)

      2. ¿Qué tal? (Ketal) translation:

      This phrase also means "How are you. " Synonymous with "¿Cómo estás" except that the phrase has an informal, colloquial connotation.

      In practice, both of these forms are used very often in colloquial speech. But, for example, at an official meeting it would be more appropriate to say ¿Cómo estás?, while in a circle of friends, both forms of the question can be used.

      Pronounced K e t a l

      Another way to ask "how are you" in Spanish.

      There are several other ways to ask how are you in Spanish, let's look at them:

      • ¿Cómo te va? (How are you?)
      • ¿Cómo van las cosas? (How are things going / literally: things)
      • ¿Cómo andas? (how are you? Literally: how do you walk?)
      • ¿Qué hay? (Literally: Is there anything?)
      • ¿Qué pasa? (Literally: what's going on?)
      • ¿Qué te cuentas? (Literally: What can you say?)

      Do you want to learn more and speak Spanish? Try my free video Spanish course from scratch here!

      How to respond when someone asks you "how are you?" in Spanish

      As in other languages, in Spanish there are several options for answering the question “how are you?” depending on your mood and well-being:

      • Estoy bien (I am fine)
      • Estoy muy bien
      • Estoy mal
      • Estoy muy mal
      • Estoy regular
      • Estoy más o menos
      • Estoy así así
      • Estoy genial
      • Estoy aburrido
      • Estoy contento
      • Estoy triste (I'm sad)

      Don't forget.

      Learn more