How to stop being always tired

Self-help tips to fight tiredness

Many cases of tiredness are due to stress, not enough sleep, poor diet and other lifestyle factors. Try these self-help tips to restore your energy levels.

If you feel you're suffering from fatigue, which is an overwhelming tiredness that isn't relieved by rest and sleep, you may have an underlying medical condition. Consult a GP for advice.

Eat often to beat tiredness

A good way to keep up your energy through the day is to eat regular meals and healthy snacks every 3 to 4 hours, rather than a large meal less often.

Read more about healthy eating.

Get moving

You might feel that exercise is the last thing on your mind. But, in fact, regular exercise will make you feel less tired in the long run, so you'll have more energy.

Even a single 15-minute walk can give you an energy boost, and the benefits increase with more frequent physical activity.

Start with a small amount of exercise. Build it up gradually over weeks and months until you reach the recommended goal of 2 hours 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, such as cycling or fast walking, every week.

Read more about starting exercise.

Find out the physical activity guidelines for adults.

Lose weight to gain energy 

If your body is carrying excess weight, it can be exhausting. It also puts extra strain on your heart, which can make you tired. Lose weight and you'll feel much more energetic.

Apart from eating healthily, the best way to lose weight and keep it off is to be more active and do more exercise.

Read more about how to lose weight.

Sleep well

Many people don't get the sleep they need to stay alert through the day.

The website of the Royal College of Psychiatrists has information on sleeping well.

Tips for sleeping well include:

  • going to bed and getting up in the morning at the same time every day
  • avoiding naps in the day
  • taking time to relax before you go to bed

Reduce stress to boost energy 

Stress uses up a lot of energy. Try to introduce relaxing activities into your day. This could be:

  • working out at the gym
  • yoga or tai chi
  • listening to music or reading
  • spending time with friends

Whatever relaxes you will improve your energy.

Read more about how to relieve stress.

Talking therapy beats fatigue 

There's some evidence that talking therapies such as counselling or cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) might help to fight fatigue, or tiredness caused by stress, anxiety or low mood.

See a GP for a referral for talking treatment on the NHS, or for advice on seeing a private therapist.

Cut out caffeine

The Royal College of Psychiatrists recommends that anyone feeling tired should cut out caffeine. It says the best way to do this is to gradually stop having all caffeine drinks over a 3-week period.

Caffeine is found in:

  • coffee
  • tea
  • cola
  • energy drinks
  • some painkillers and herbal remedies

Try to stay off caffeine completely for a month to see if you feel less tired without it.  

You may find that not consuming caffeine gives you headaches. If this happens, cut down more slowly on the amount of caffeine that you drink.

Drink less alcohol

Although a couple of glasses of wine in the evening can help you fall asleep, you sleep less deeply after drinking alcohol. The next day you'll be tired, even if you sleep a full 8 hours.

Cut down on alcohol before bedtime. You'll get a better night's rest and have more energy.

The NHS recommends that men and women should not regularly drink more than 14 units a week, which is equivalent to 6 pints of average-strength beer or 10 small glasses of low-strength wine.

Try to have several alcohol-free days each week.

Read more about how to cut down on alcohol.

Drink more water for better energy 

Sometimes you feel tired simply because you're mildly dehydrated. A glass of water will do the trick, especially after exercise.

Read about healthy drinks.

How to Stop Feeling Tired

It’s common for people to become tired or even fatigued in our fast-paced modern world. Many times, you may find yourself running from one activity to the next, not pausing to take the time you might need to ground, balance, and soothe your soul.

It’s not always easy to pinpoint the exact reason you’re feeling low in energy. If you’re feeling tired persistently or for reasons that aren’t apparent, make an appointment to see your doctor. It could be the sign of an underlying condition, especially if it’s interfering with your daily life.

Signs that tiredness could be something more serious include unexplained pain, fever, and headaches.

Continue reading to learn about some of the causes of tiredness and simple changes you can make to put a bit more pep in your step.

One reason to follow a healthy, balanced diet is that you’ll boost energy levels.

Ensure you’re getting enough nutrients by eating whole, fresh foods from a variety of food groups. Pair unrefined carbs with protein for sustained energy levels. Include plenty of fiber and anti-inflammatory foods.

Following a balanced diet also promotes healthy digestion, which helps to clear and cleanse your body. In fact, research has linked irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) to chronic fatigue. Certain foods might even help to prevent and manage IBS, which could be zapping your energy.

The benefits of regular exercise are widely recognized. Exercise releases endorphins that naturally boosting your energy levels. It can also lead to more high-quality sleep.

A 2008 study found that regular exercise can reduce symptoms of fatigue. In the study, 36 sedentary young adults did either low-intensity or moderate-intensity exercise over a period of six weeks. Both groups saw improvements in energy levels.

Do at least two hours of moderate-intensity exercise each week. To make it easier to stick to an exercise plan, find a workout buddy or hire a personal trainer.

Stay properly hydrated to keep your body running at optimum levels.

Dehydration can lead to low energy levels. It can also have a negative impact on your sleep by drying out your mouth and nasal passages, and can lead to snoring, hoarseness, and leg cramps. Plus, it can make you less alert and mentally clear the next day.

According to a 2014 study, increasing water intake in people who don’t usually drink enough water was found to have beneficial effects on energy. People who decreased their water intake had fewer feelings of calmness, satisfaction, and positive emotions. Feelings of fatigue and inertia were also reported in this group.

Lowering your caffeine intake can give you more energy in the long run. Though caffeine may give you an initial boost of energy, after it wears off you may be left feeling depleted.

Slowly reducing your caffeine intake will help to reduce feelings of withdrawal as you balance out your natural energy levels.

Avoid caffeine after dinnerso you can naturally wind down for a restful night of sleep.

Proper rest is essential if you want to maintain energy levels throughout the day. Relax before going to bed, possibly doing some gentle stretches. Improve your sleep area by keeping it clean and maintaining an appropriate temperature.

Other tips for better sleep include:

  • Practice guided relaxation, meditation, or yoga to help you drift off to sleep.
  • Buy a comfortable mattress, pillow, and blanket.
  • Wear loose, natural fabrics.
  • Journal before bed to clear your mind.
  • Go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day.
  • Use earplugs and an eye mask.

Alcohol throws your body off balance and leads to poor sleep, especially if you’re dehydrated. Even though alcohol may seem to help you fall asleep, you won’t sleep as deeply. When you do have alcohol, drink in moderation, and try to have as many alcohol-free days as possible.

The chemicals released by your body to combat allergic reactions can cause you to feel tired. They can bring on inflammationof your sinuses, airways, or digestive system. Accompanying head and nose congestion can cause you to sleep poorly.

These factors can contribute to brain fog, making it difficult to concentrate and complete your daily activities.

Avoid known allergens as much as possible. Keep a diary and try an elimination diet to help identify triggers.

See your doctor to determine the cause of your allergies if you’re unsure. They may recommend allergy medications or shots.

Stress can zap you of the mental and physical energy needed to carry out your day with ease. Stress hormonescan have a negative effect on your sleep patterns, bodily systems, and overall health.

Reduce stress in whatever way your heart so desires. Go to the spa for a pampering treatment or having a massage. Mindfulness practices such as tai chi, meditation, and yoga are great options. Or curl up on the couch with your favorite book or television show.

Check in with yourself to establish what mental patterns may be causing low energy levels. Anxiety symptoms include feeling worried, irritable, and nervous. Symptoms of depression include feeling sad, restless, and hopeless. Both conditions can lead to unhealthy sleep patterns and cause tiredness.

Consider seeing a therapist for talk therapy, known as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). This method helps you to get to the root cause of emotional issues so that they can be addressed and overcome.

Get up, get moving, and get your energy flowing. This is especially important if you spend a lot of time sitting.

Include short bursts of activity throughout the day, especially when you’re feeling pressed for time. Get into the habit of exercising regularly. Making simple changes such as parking your car a little bit farther away, taking the stairs, or walking to do errands are easy ways to sneak in a bit of exercise.

Anemia is an iron deficiencythat can lead to tiredness. This is due to low hemoglobin levels, which make it more difficult for oxygen to be carried to your tissues and muscles. It also weakens your immune system, making you more likely to develop illness and infection.

Anemia is more common in women than in men. Sometimes it occurs due to pregnancy or heavy menstruation. It can be treated through diet or medication.

Here are some iron-rich foods to include in your diet:

  • leafy green vegetables
  • fortified cereals and bread
  • meat
  • beans, peas, and lentils
  • liver
  • nuts
  • whole grains

In terms of energy levels, eating smaller portions more frequently throughout the day may be more beneficial than eating a few large meals. That’s because it keeps your blood sugar levels stable.

Eating every three to four hours will make it less likely that your energy crashes, and in turn you’ll be less likely to reach for unhealthy food.

Avoid overeating at meals, and stop eating before you are entirely full.

Smoking can deplete your energy by reducing your oxygen levels, and making breathing difficult.

Quitting smoking is an attainable goal, and there are resources to help. Over-the-counter and prescription medicationsare available that may help you quit. These medications are more effective when combined with counseling.

Consider trying one of the many smoking cessation apps available. Discover tips from people who successfully quit smoking. Keep a journal so you can have some type of inner reflection during this time.

Take the time to completely unwind, relax, and let go.

Deep breathing techniques, gentle stretching, and meditation are excellent ways to unwind. Yoga nidra is the perfect way to replenish your energy.

Finding peace in nature is another way to nourish your soul, or you can simply enjoy the beauty of doing nothing.

If you feel your tiredness is unusual in some way or is coupled with other symptoms, it may be time to see your doctor. Feeling low in energy could be the result of an underlying health condition, and it’s best to check out this possibility.

Conditions that can cause fatigue include:

  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • chronic fatigue syndrome
  • fibromyalgia
  • thyroidconditions
  • obesity
  • sleep apnea
  • heart disease
  • food allergies
  • diabetes
  • liver or kidney conditions

Make lifestyle changes to your routine to increase your vitality. Start with what is most appealing to you, and go from there. You’ll likely start to improve your energy levels so you can feel your best on a daily basis.

Above all, honor your body and how you’re feeling. Take a break and allow yourself time to rest when you need to. Avoid pushing yourself beyond your limits, and commit to a healthy plan of action.

How to stop being always tired?

JK Rowling, Elon Musk, Stephen Covey. These people are known to most, if not all. They amaze with their performance and the motivation that radiates. On everyone's lips, the question arises, how can they work forever? Where does their fatigue go? To understand how to write two chapters of a science fiction novel every morning, and then fly to colonize Mars, let's figure out how to get rid of the "zombie" mode - the eternally tired person syndrome - where to find vitality and what should be done to break the vicious circle of fatigue. nine0003

Healthy sleep

Chances are you've read the advice on how many hours a day each age group should sleep. But even if you take these numbers into account when setting an alarm, you still wake up in the morning feeling tired, as if you were carrying stacks of waste paper at night. If so, then you should pay attention to sleep cycles.

The fact is that at night we go through several sleep cycles with different levels of brain activity. And so, if you wake up during one of these "stages", i.e. your sleep cycle has not reached completion, you feel like a zombie. That's the risk of any alarm clock - it can wake you up at the wrong moment. nine0003

For most of human history, we didn't have alarm clocks or even electricity. Our sleep was much more dependent on the cycles of day, night and personal cycles of the body. Therefore, those who did not live to see the invention of the alarm clock almost always woke up at the end of sleep cycles, unless they were awakened by the crowing of a rooster or the invasion of the Mongol-Tatar yoke.

Piers J. Howard, in his book Owner's Manual for the Brain, said that "a person who has only slept 4 sleep cycles, that is, 6 hours, will rest more than someone who has slept 8-10 hours without completing a single cycles, because I woke up before they were completed. nine0003

Each cycle lasts up to 90 minutes. And so that every time you don’t have to calculate what time to go to bed and what time to get up, use one of the applications for your smartphone. Type "sleep cycles" into the app search and select the one you like.

And now a small detail that will change your sleepy life for the better - the unloading ritual. To go to bed relaxed, you need to disconnect from everything that you usually do before bed. For example: you turn off your computer at 22:00 so you don’t start scrolling your Facebook news feed, and even better, your phone, so you don’t read the news, watch tik tok, or chat with someone in the messenger, otherwise you definitely won’t succeed on time go to sleep. And here it is important to prioritize. Sleep is very important, especially sleep between 10 pm and 6 am, so it is always better to go into the arms of Morpheus. nine0003


Even if you apply the previous tips, it may happen that fatigue will not recede, then what? This is where sunlight comes in.

Now many people have a sedentary lifestyle, we rarely move, and all these computer screens and books (I'm not advocating not to read - ed.) keep us away from the sun, which dramatically affects our fatigue. The fact is that sunlight regulates the level of melatonin - a hormone that "lulls" our body. Sunlight is also a source of vitamin D, which not only supports healthy bones, the immune system and lungs, but also stimulates the body not to get tired. nine0003

More than one study has also shown that there is a correlation between vitamin D and fatigue - the more vitamin in the body, the more energetic the participants in the experiments felt.

The good news is that a 20-minute walk on sunny summer days is enough to increase the amount of this vitamin in the body.

What about in winter? Sometimes during the cold season you can feel the lack of sunlight, which is why so many people suffer from seasonal affective disorder. Do not forget to walk at least 15 minutes a day, even in cold weather. Get a dog, in the end, so that there is an excuse to go outside once again. If for some reason you can't walk outside in the winter, take a vitamin D replacement tablet during the winter. nine0003

Physical exercises

You have probably noticed more than once that when you are lazy, tired, apathetic, the last thing you want to do is to be active. But if you start to move after all, then out of nowhere, energy appears, your mood and well-being improve. And for this, it is not necessary (although very desirable) to go to the gym and you certainly do not need to perform grueling workouts every day. You can dance to your heart's content, do a simple set of exercises (tilts, squats, stretches, jumps), or a 20-30 minute walk can also be effective. nine0003

Scientists from the University of Georgia found that students who exercised for 20 minutes during the day three times a week had an extraordinary increase in energy. Moreover, the results of these students were many times better than those of the group of individuals who studied more intensively.

Therefore, the conclusion is: if you are always tired, then do a little and you will have a big increase in energy, but if you like to run five kilometers a day, then you are welcome. The main thing is to regularly engage in at least some kind of sport. nine0003


Everyone knows how bad it is to drink too much coffee every day, but I will explain why you should minimize the amount of coffee in your diet and how to do it.

You can compare coffee with drugs: with the frequent use of any substance, our body gets used to it and begins to develop immunity. In the case of coffee, there are many adenosine receptors in the brain and throughout the body, which "tells" your body to go to sleep, that is, thanks to it you feel tired. And most types of caffeine, in fact, replace adenosine, blocking receptors, which makes you temporarily feel energetic. And with regular caffeine use, the body gets used to it and creates more adenosine receptors, which means more caffeine is needed over time to stay productive. nine0003

And the logical question arises, how can you break the habit of coffee and what can replace it?

It's easier than it looks. First, replace coffee and energy drinks with tea. It has much less caffeine. And for those who think that tea is cloudy rainwater, do an "experiment". There are so many variations of tea flavors in the world that you will definitely pick up the one that suits your taste. If you are an ardent coffee lover, then you can start with such types as Earl gray or English breakfast. And if you want even more proximity to coffee, then add milk. nine0003

You can also track your habits with Habitica. This program will help you arrange a kind of destruction of unnecessary habits, for example, drinking coffee. You put in the program that you don’t drink coffee for a month, and so you will have the motivation not to drink it, because you have a clear goal that you write down every day.

Another very important daily habit is to drink plenty of water. Get in the habit of carrying a bottle of water with you, it won't replace all the caffeinated drinks you drink, and the water doesn't taste too strong, but water will help you get rid of dehydration. After all, even a slight lack of water can tire you out, because every part of the body, including the brain, needs water to function properly. So drink as much water as possible. nine0003

Let's summarize what to do in order not to feel tired:

  1. Get enough sleep and consider your sleep cycles. Wake up naturally and use your alarm clock as a safety net.

  2. Get out in the sun and take extra vitamin D in winter.

  3. Exercise regularly. Even if it's a walk or a run to the store.

  4. nine0002 Consume caffeine in moderation.

  5. Drink enough water.

I know, after reading this article, many people thought "that this article didn't open any America for me". But ask yourself, which of the above habits do you practice on a daily basis? After all, the key to getting rid of fatigue lies with them.

It seems obvious, but we need occasional reminders to reassess our priorities. As Eliot Holes said, "the most important thing in the game is your participation." Therefore, put health in priority and get a new flurry of energy in return. nine0003

Translation for

How to overcome fatigue and regain energy? 9 tips for those who no longer have the strength

Woke up, but as if you had not slept? If you wake up tired and even broken in the morning, you need to fix it urgently. We have collected 9 working tips that will help you become alert again and wake up full of energy.

Move more

Sports are the last thing you want to do when you feel tired. But research shows that the more physical activity you have, the more energy you have. nine0003

Even short workouts will make you more alert and self-confident. And they will improve the work of the heart, lungs and muscles - and improve well-being.

  • Useful selection: First aid kit for athletes

Devices from the pharmacy will help track the state of the body before and after training:

Do yoga

Any exercise is useful in the fight against fatigue, but yoga is especially useful.

There are also several studies on this subject - for example, scientists in the UK conducted an experiment: they gathered a group of volunteers, forced them to do yoga once a week (only once!). Six weeks later, they were interviewed: everyone noted that their thoughts became clearer, and their energy and self-confidence increased. nine0003

Drink more water

Dehydration robs you of energy and reduces physical performance - if you don't have enough water in your body, you will get tired even with the simplest housework. Dehydration also reduces alertness and concentration.

You can tell if you are drinking enough water by the color of your urine: if it is dark, you need to drink more.

Important: you need to drink exactly water, not juices, compotes or dairy products - the body perceives everything except water as food, and this does not save you from dehydration. nine0003

You can also buy water in pharmacies:

Go to bed earlier

The logic is simple: you get better sleep, you get less tired. Try to go to bed before midnight and put your gadgets away at least an hour before bedtime - so their bright light does not interfere with the production of melatonin, and you can fall asleep quickly.

  • Useful selection: What gadgets will help you sleep better? Top most useful devices from AliExpress


Eat more often, but less

Fluctuations in blood sugar affect how awake you are throughout the day - the more fluctuations, the more tired you are. To stabilize your sugar levels, you need to increase the number of meals and reduce the amount of servings.

How it works. Sugar is found in almost every product. If we eat a hearty lunch, a lot of sugar enters the body at a time, its concentration rises sharply, and the body absorbs it for a long time. Dividing a heavy meal into at least two small meals will reduce your blood sugar spike and keep you awake for longer. nine0003

  • Read also: What do we know about diabetes and why is it important?

Supplement your diet with vitamins for energy:

Eat more fish

Fish contains healthy omega-3 fatty acids. They improve metabolism and increase alertness - and this helps to stay alert and alert throughout the day.

  • About vitamins and supplements: 15 vitamins with a high but justified price tag. Should I take it?

If there is not enough fish in your diet, supplement your diet with supplements:

Get rid of excess weight

Of course, you need to reduce not the weight itself, but the percentage of fat in the body - just more often one is inseparable from the other. Scientists from Johns Hopkins University have proven that even a small reduction in body fat improves mood and makes a person more alert.

To start losing weight, experts advise reducing portion sizes, eating a balanced diet, and exercising (or at least walking more often). If you work remotely and are afraid that you won’t be able to lose weight due to sedentary work at home, read this material - in it we told you how to start losing weight even remotely. nine0003

  • How to give up sugar in eight steps

Help in losing weight can be found in pharmacies:

Keep track of your body clock.

Are you an owl or a lark? The answer to this question will help you not to suffer from fatigue during the day. If you are a morning person and feel energized in the morning, plan all the important things for the first half of the day. If an owl - at the end of the day.

This biological clock, or circadian rhythm, is determined by genetics and brain structure, so changing it can be very difficult.

Learn more