How to tire my cat out

10 Cat Exercises Your Pet Will Enjoy

Enticing your dog to get active with a walk around the block or a game of fetch is a no-brainer and a fairly common pet health practice. But when it comes to cats, many people don’t realize the value of exercise.

Many veterinarians recommend cat workouts to keep cats healthy well into their old age. And though a cat won’t exercise as readily as a dog will, there are a few strategies that will help you keep your cat active and mobile.

Try these 10 cat exercise tips:

  1. Pair up exercise partners. Since a cat won’t respond to your requests to play as easily as a dog might, Jean Hofve, DVM, author and manager of in Denver, has a simple solution to ensure that felines get their needed cat exercise: Start with two cats. “A pair of cats who get along well will get plenty of exercise through their own wrestling and chasing games. I’ve known older cats who still wrestle like kittens,” says Dr. Hofve, adding that it’s easier to get two cats at the same time than to introduce a second cat later on.
  2. Try a cat tower. The multi-tiered “cat towers” sold online and in pet stores are another good way to ensure that your cat will have plenty of places to play and areas to climb for a good workout. Susan Nelson, DVM, an associate professor of clinical sciences at Kansas State University's College of Veterinary Medicine in Manhattan, Kansas, suggests placing small treats in different parts of the tower to encourage climbing and playing.
  3. Keep plenty of toys around. Because cats tend to keep to themselves much more than dogs, the best strategy for cat workouts is to give them plenty of options in the form of toys. And these don’t have to be expensive toys from the pet store either. Dr. Nelson says you can use everyday household objects as toys to encourage cats to exercise. Think pingpong balls or balled-up pipe cleaners.
  4. Create a hockey rink. To make things even more interactive and fun, Nelson recommends putting a ball in a large cardboard box or the bathtub to create an instant “hockey rink” for your cat. As the ball goes flying off the walls (and the cat goes flying after it), you’ll get some laughs and your cat will get some much-needed exercise.
  5. Have fun with lasers. Speaking of laughs, few things will entertain you more — or have your cat moving faster — than a laser pointer on the end of a pen or leveling tool. “Laser toys are often good entertainment, but follow it up with a real toy the cat can catch to avoid fixation and frustration over never being able to catch the light beam,” says Hofve. “Be sure to never shine the beam directly into the cat’s eyes.”
  6. Give your cat a wand. This is a great cat exercise and a good follow-up to the laser, Hofve says. Get one of the flexible wand-style toys with a feather, mouse, or other diversion on the far end. “Interactive play with a wand or fishing-pole-type toy is fabulous exercise, usually quite funny, and extremely satisfying for the big hunter in your little cat,” Hofve says. “You can make it more challenging by running the toy up and over the sofa or up and down stairs to increase the exercise intensity.
  7. Use catnip wisely. Catnip is a useful tool for getting your cat to exercise, but Hofve says it’s best to use it only in the proper situations. “Remember that not all cats respond to catnip, and of those that do, a few will become aggressive from catnip,” she says. “Also, never give catnip before a stressful event, such as a trip to the vet. Your vet will thank you!”
  8. Get your cat on a treadmill or wheel, with supervision. Believe it or not, you can actually teach your cat to run on a treadmill for exercise, Hofve says. “It’s best to start when they are young, have lots of energy to burn, and are easy to entice with a toy,” she says. “Also, you should always supervise the cat while it’s on the treadmill.” Cats can run up to 30 miles per hour, but start slow and work up because you do not know what your cat’s speed is, Hofve says.
  9. Go outside. With proper training and the right equipment, you can entice your cat to walk with a leash and a harness outside, just like dogs do. “Leash-walking is great if you can get your cat to tolerate the harness and lead,” says Hofve, who favors a type of harness that is more like a soft garment for the upper part of the cat’s back, with straps built in. “Make sure the harness fits properly and can’t be wriggled out of. Young cats are easier to train, but in all cases it takes patience and perseverance.” First let them get used to the harness, then attach the leash and let them drag it, and then pick up the leash and put a little bit of pressure on it. It could take a week or two to get them really comfortable, although Hofve says they may take to it immediately.
  10. Create an agility course. If your cat is extremely energetic and agile, try some cat agility exercises, Hofve suggests. You might be more familiar with these challenges for dogs or horses, but cats can also enjoy this mix of speed and challenge. These programs include a number of obstacles, such as bars to jump over or tunnels to pass through, which push your cat both physically and mentally, Hofve says. She recommends researching cat agility courses online.

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How To Tire Out A Cat?

Cats are playful and active especially during dusk and dawn being crepuscular by nature. Although they sleep for up to 16 hours they can be hyperactive for the rest of the time. While this is adorable it can be annoying especially if they are at their most active during the night.  

How to tire out a cat?

Here are some tips on do to tire out your cat:

1. Provide her with the right toys.

Allow your cat to have physical exercise and mental stimulation by providing her with interactive and stationary toys. These will allow her to burn energy and tire her out. Interactive toys like wand toys are great for cats but keep a routine as to when and how long she can play with them so your cat won’t get bored. Stationary toys like balls and mice are also okay but cat experts recommend toy cycling so your cat won’t get bored with them. 

To do the toy cycling, take note of the top four or five toys your cat responds to or enjoys the most and put them away for future use. Alternate the toys you give to your cat for variety so she won’t get bored with them.  

Here are some toy suggestions for your cat:

  • track toys
  • rubber chew toys
  • agility toys 
  • automatic laser toys
  • lure wand
  • snuffle mat 
  • treat-dispensing toys 
  • rotating butterfly toys 
  • concealed motion toys

Do not give your cat very small toys that have tiny objects or ornaments as she may ingest it and small parts can get stuck in her throat. Toys that have strings or threads should not be left with the cat unattended as she may get entangled in them. Opt for toys that exercise your cat’s hunting instinct and consider the age of your cat.  

2. Play with her. 

Spend at least 15 to 20 minutes twice each day just playing with your cat. It will keep her mentally stimulated and will strengthen the bond between the two of you.

Here are some suggestions that you can try for your playtime sessions aside from using interactive toys:

  • play hide and seek 
  • teach her a trick
  •  give her an empty box
  •  blow bubbles and let your cat chase them
  •  set up a treasure hunt by hiding treats in certain spots in your home
  • engage her in a game of tag
  • download cat apps on your phone and let your cat watch it 

These are the benefits of playing with your cat:

  • it contributes to strengthening her bones and muscles
  • it stimulates her cognitive abilities 
  • it balances your cat’s metabolism, weight and cardiorespiratory rhythm
  • it prevents behavioral problems due to stress, boredom and tension 
  • it makes your cat well-socialized 


Train your cat.

You can also keep your cat busy and tire her out by training her. It also encourages good behavior and cats usually repeat actions if it produces a consequence or reward. 

Clicker training helps condition your cat to associate the clicking sound with a positive reward. This is done by clicking a small plastic device with a metal strip each time your cat does something you want. Give her a treat with each click so your cat will associate a click with a treat. 

Leash training is done so you can take your cat for a walk and a safe way for indoor cats to explore the outside world. Give your cat a few days to get used to the harness and leash and you may also apply clicker training with this. Patience and understanding of your cat’s personality are essential if you are intent on training your cat. 

4. Get her a cat companion. 

You can keep your cat occupied during her waking hours by getting another cat. Having a cat companion at home although you are away at work keeps your cat busy and preoccupied.  

Here are the advantages if your cat has a cat companion:

  • it keeps her happy and  entertained
  • it can prevent any destructive behavior 
  • your cat becomes better adjusted 

However, before taking in another cat try to consider your cat’s gender and age and ask for opinions from your vet when it comes to choosing the right cat companion.  You can also check our article on introducing two cats for additional information on this. 

Other things to do to tire out a cat

Here are other things to do to tire out a cat:

  • install a cat tower so your cat will be encouraged to climb and play 
  • create a hockey rink by placing a ball in a large cardboard box for your cat to chase around 
  • provide a treadmill or wheel and supervise your cat while she uses it
  • bring your cat out for a walk so she can enjoy the fresh air and sceneries 
  • create agility courses by placing bars to jump over and tunnels to pass through so your cat will have ample exercise 

You can schedule interactive play sessions with your cat during the night time so she can tire out more easily. Feed her a main meal before your bedtime since cats tend to become sleepy after a hefty meal. If she still annoys you during night time, a timed feeder may be helpful but reduce the meal sizes so your cat won’t become overweight. 

How to tire out a kitten?

You can tire out a kitten by feeding her a full meal especially before bedtime. Spend time playing with her for at least 15 to 20 minutes during the day so she can have her exercise and to release pent-up energy. Switch up her toys so she will not get bored playing with the same ones and try to offer a variety of playthings.  Try to pair your playtime sessions with a good meal to tire her out. 

Stimulate your kitten’s mental abilities by keeping her entertained and challenged. Cat behavior consultant Marilyn Krieger recommends giving your kitten puzzle toys to hone her mental focus and skills. You can also add another kitten so your furry one will have a companion to keep her moving and entertained the whole day. They will be chasing and playing with each other which will zap their energy.  

 How do you tire out an indoor cat?

You can tire out an indoor cat by scheduling interactive play sessions during the evening. Use toys that imitate the movement of birds and mice like teaser and wand toys. If your cat loves to play fetch provide her with toys like softballs and furry mice toys. The jumping, chasing and swatting will wear your cat and tire her out. 

How long does it take to tire a cat out?

It usually takes around 10 to 15 minutes of playtime during night time and just before bedtime for a cat to tire out. It will also help establish a bedtime routine for your cat. 


Cats are energetic with a penchant for playtime. You can tire out your cat by providing her with interactive and entertaining toys to keep her busy during the daytime. You should also schedule playtime sessions with her for at least 20 minutes twice each day. Adding another cat to your household can also tire her out since she will have a companion to play with all day.  

Image: / Lightspruch

How to put a cat to sleep How to calm a cat at night?


You can no longer wake up at night from a cat and wonder how to put a cat to sleep ?

Since cats sleep an average of 16 hours a day, they do not have a regular sleep cycle and retain their hunting instinct, especially at night, they are often awake in the middle of the night and dawn.

However, cats can be extremely active when they are awake at night. meow all night and make noise, jumping, scratching on doors… which can be very annoying for those who want to get a good night's sleep.

Fortunately, their behavior can be changed, especially in the evening and at night. So, what are the tips for a good night's sleep, how to put a cat to sleep, how to calm a cat at night?

  • Tired cat during the day,
  • Prepare a sleep for the night,
  • Keep the cat away from your room,
  • Establish a sleep ritual,
  • Calm him down at night with products.

Discover in more detail these 5 actions to take forever put your cat to bed and calm your cat every night !

Why doesn't my cat sleep?

In the wild, cats are predators that hunt both day and night. Ever since they were tamed by humans, cats have become pets fed by their owners. However, if they no longer need to hunt for food, domestic cats retain their hunting instinct, which they satisfy, in particular, at night. This is what explains why the cat does not sleep at night .


However, if your cat meows while crying all night, he may be in pain and therefore a medical problem. In this case, ask the veterinarian to examine the cat to make sure there are no health problems.

How to put a cat to sleep

Before trying to put a cat to sleep, you should check a few questions:

  • Is my cat hungry?
  • Does my cat need hugs and hugs?
  • Does my cat need to play or walk?

Indeed, if your cat does not have a balanced daily life adapted to his needs, there is no point in trying to get him to sleep at night. First of all, you must make sure that your cat is full , that you give him all the love he wants, and that you have done everything to fight your cat's boredom .

If you've done all you can to take care of your cat during the day and she wakes you up at night, here are 5 tips you need to do to get your cat to sleep at night and thus save yours!

How to get your cat to sleep: Tiring her out during the day

To get your cat to sleep better at night, you need to keep her awake all day, encouraging her to be more active and tire her out during the day.

Here are some tips for working people to keep your cat active when you're away:

  • hide toys in your house,
  • leave him a cat kong full of treats,
  • leave the TV on on an animal show channel,
  • Give him interactive toys to help him play on his own.

Here's an interactive toy that's a huge hit because cats love it! This fish toy, when your cat touches it, it starts moving like a real fish, keeping cats busy for hours!!!

View this toy

How to put your cat to bed: put her to bed at night

To make sure your cat is sleepy when she comes in at night, you need to record a 15-20 minute play session for her.

Indeed, if your cat has a lot of energy, playing with him in the evening, encouraging him to move, run and jump is a good way to tire him so that he falls asleep more easily.

How to put your cat to bed: getting ready for the night

In order for your cat to sleep through the night, you need to prepare her bedroom:

  • Put away all your toys: so your cat will understand that it is time to sleep, and without a toy she will not have there will be a temptation to have fun at night.
  • Make sure the room is warm enough: indeed, if your cat is cold, it will be more difficult for her to sleep than if she is very hot.
  • In addition, it is advisable to put a woolen fabric in the basket so that it is very cozy and warm.
  • Close the shutters and turn off the lights. As for us, darkness promotes sleep.
  • Make sure the room is quiet: turn off anything that can make noise (TV, radio, fan, etc.).
  • Fill his bowls with dry food and water: you will not let the cat wake you from hunger or thirst . ..

How to put the cat to sleep: move it away from the bed

Put the cat in a different room than the bedroom, and when it's time for bed, close the door to your room so the cat can't get in.

If your cat starts meowing or scratching at the door, first of all, don't give up, leave her, because eventually she will get upset and fall asleep again.

If, despite everything, he continues to scratch and meow every night at your door, try placing objects in front of the door that will discourage him from returning (aluminum-covered carpet, double-sided tape, etc.).

How to put a cat to bed: have an evening ritual

Since cats love routine and habits, in order to teach them to go to bed every day, you will need to set nightly routine before bed at a fixed and regular time. This routine should be established from an early age for your cat.

For example:

  • game session (see above) at 8:00 pm,
  • hearty meal at 8:30 pm,
  • brushing teeth at 8:45 pm,
  • installation in his room 20 :50,
  • lying hug session,
  • lights off + pheromone connection (see below) at 21:00.

Day by day the routine gets better, and by the evening the cat will understand that it's time to go to bed.

How to calm a cat at night?

If, after adjusting your sleep pattern and recommendations for tiring your cat during the day, she's still just as restless at night, there are products that soothe, soothe, soothe her at night.

Here are two effective products that I recommend (one or the other, not both!).

Calm your cat at night with pheromones

Synthetic pheromones are available in the form of sprays or diffusers to calm your cat if they are still very active at bedtime. These hormones will help relieve stress and reduce your cat's activity levels, making it easier for her to fall asleep.

Pheromone Diffuser

Calm your cat at night with valerian and lavender

If you don't use synthetic pheromones or they don't work on your cat, there is a soothing collar that reduces stress and behavioral problems in cats.

Thanks to the natural extract of valerian and lavender, this collar works 1 hour after application. Its soothing action lasts all night as the active ingredients are constantly released.

Therefore, you should put this collar on your cat 1 hour before bedtime and take it off in the morning when she wakes up.

Check out this necklace on Amazon

How to train a cat to sleep at night and in the morning?

Article contents

  • Causes of cat activity at night and in the morning
  • Variants of night and morning activity of cats
  • Ways to combat cat activity at night
  • Several recommendations for combating night and morning rises

A feature of the body of an adult cat is the ability to sleep during the day up to 20 hours. This is more than twice the amount of sleep for a person. Therefore, keeping your pet awake shouldn't be a problem. However, many owners face significant discomfort. At night or early in the morning, the cat shows increased activity, it does not give people the opportunity to sleep. Often this period of his wakefulness falls precisely on the hours when the phase of deep sleep begins for a person. There is a need to find a way to teach a pet to sleep at night and in the morning.

Causes of cat activity at night and in the morning

The owners sleep peacefully at night, early in the morning, and the cat decided to play. He jumps on the curtains, climbing up to the ledge, overturning flower pots, fiercely sharpens his claws on the door of a polished cabinet, enthusiastically tears open a plastic bag, drives the found ball around the apartment. Periodically, he jumps on the bed, begins hunting for the hands and feet of the owners. To withstand such tests, when you really want to sleep, is quite difficult. The situation becomes unbearable if there is a small child in the house, which will take a long time to put down after such a wake-up call.

Before looking for ways to deal with the problem, you need to understand the reasons for this behavior of the cat. There are two of them:

  • natural instincts;
  • daily routine.

By nature, cats are nocturnal predators. In the wild, they hunt in the dark, when their main enemies are fast asleep. It is not surprising that many cats are more active at night than during the day - this is their physiological feature.

Most pets are completely alone during the day. The owners leave in the morning for work, school, the apartment is empty. The cat gets bored, she goes to rest. Until the evening, she manages to sleep well, so at night she does not have such a desire. Animals need exercise to stay healthy. Therefore, in a short period of wakefulness, increased activity is observed. Do not forget that the cat needs communication. If he is at home alone all day, the desire to compensate for the lack of attention at night is understandable. It's not your pet's fault that you want to sleep at this time.

Night and morning activity options for cats

Not only the need for physical activity encourages cats to arrange for their owners to get up at night and in the morning. There are other reasons why a pet behaves this way. Often, in this way, animals declare:

  • the inability to control the territory;
  • desire to communicate;
  • any problems.

For a cat, a house and an apartment are her personal territory, which must always be under control. She must have free access to the entire space. The cat periodically goes around the house to make sure that there are no other people's smells and no danger. If the door is closed in one of the rooms, this causes concern for the pet, he is not sure about the safety of the territory. No need to be surprised that in the middle of the night there are screams demanding to remove the obstacle for inspection.

Cats are smart animals, they understand that a person is a strange, inexplicable creature with whom you need to play a game according to certain rules. At night or early in the morning, the cat wakes up the owner, leads him to the door or refrigerator. The owner, in turn, tries to release or feed the pet, to fulfill his desire, but he refuses. It seems that the animal behaves stupidly, does not know what it wants. In fact, the cat is simply bored, she wants to communicate, but understands that attention can only be attracted in such ways, and she achieves her goal.

Anxiety in your pet may be related to medical conditions. If he suddenly wakes you up with a meow, perhaps the cat is in pain, he is trying to talk about his problem. If any signs of illness appear, the animal should be taken to the veterinarian. You should know that cats do not sleep well in a new place; after moving, it will take some time to develop the territory. Also, the owners have restless nights when the pet begins the period of sexual hunting.

Ways to deal with cat activity at night

The main reasons for increased activity at night and in the morning are the lack of movement and communication during the day. Therefore, it is necessary to try to eliminate these factors so that the cat, like the owners, at this time can rest calmly and does not create problems.

Most owners do not have the opportunity to give their pet a lot of attention during the day, the main hours are spent at work. So, in the evening you need to compensate for the lack of communication. It is necessary to allocate time for:

  • petting,
  • games,
  • care procedures.

It is not necessary to sit next to the cat for hours, hold it on your lap and pet it. You can just be near your pet, do your usual things, but at the same time talk to him, sometimes stroke him. The cat will be happy to watch your actions, feel like a participant in the events.

These animals like to play even at a respectable age, for teenagers this is the most favorite pastime. It is necessary not only to buy toys for the kitten, but also to participate in such entertainment. There are many different devices that make the cat become interested, start a fun game: a bow on a string, a moving toy. Tablet owners use their devices for cat entertainment. Many pets quickly master simple games in which you need to “catch” a spider, a mouse, etc.

In order for a cat that spends all day alone to be active, and not give all the time to sleep, you need to create conditions for entertainment. Many pets like to play with hanging toys, you can build a structure in the form of a tree for a cat, on which to equip several sunbeds at different levels. Animals are interested in toys with small objects placed inside, with a hole into which you can stick your paw, products with dry food, to get which you need to throw them up, roll them.

Cat toys should be changed periodically. It is not necessary to constantly buy new options, it is enough to hide them for a while so that the pet has time to forget about them. When choosing entertainment, you need to make sure they are safe.

A few tips to combat night and morning rises

In a house where there are children, cats are less likely to disturb the owners at night.

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