How to wake up tired looking eyes

13 Ways To Wake Up Your Tired Eyes

You just had an amazing night’s sleep but your eyes still look tired. Why is that? Isn’t a good night’s sleep the ultimate cure for tired eyes?

It turns out that there are a number of factors and causes that lead to tired looking eyes: too much or too little sleep, allergies, spending too much time in front of digital screens, and over-exposure to bright light.

Thankfully, we’ve got you covered with 13 tried and true remedies for under-eye bags. After reading this guide, you’ll know exactly how to get rid of those tired eyes once and for all.


Don’t let tired eyes ruin your day! The perfect solution is easier than you think. These 13 ways to wake up your tired eyes will have you looking and feeling refreshed and reinvigorated in no time.


One of the best ways to wake up tired eyes is to wear wrinkle-fighting SiO Beauty Eye & Smile Lift or Super EyeLift patches. It's really simple! All you need to do is apply the patches each night before bed after cleansing and drying your skin.

SiO Beauty patches work while you sleep to hydrate and revive your skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.


Waking up your eyes doesn’t have to be an elaborate process. All it takes is 30 seconds and some warm and cold water.

First thing in the morning, splash your closed eyes ten times with warm water. Then switch to cold.

The warm water will open up your pores and pull nourishing blood to the surface. This can help remove toxins in your skin that have accumulated overnight and bring about a youthful glow to your eyes.

The cold water then tightens your skin and closes pores, which prevents dirt and makeup from causing irritation.


Splashing your eyes with warm and cold water is the quickest way to reduce saggy, inflamed skin. But if you’ve got just a bit more time, submerging your entire face in cold water is even better.

That’s because the skin around your eyes isn’t separate from the rest of your face. When all the skin on your face is tight, the skin around your eyes will be too.

Submerging your whole face in cold water does that. Here’s how to de-puff those tired eyes:

  1. Fill a large mixing bowl with cold water
  2. Hold your breath
  3. Submerge your face in the bowl of water
  4. Keep your face submerged for 30 seconds (or until you can’t hold your breath anymore)
  5. Remove your face from the water
  6. Catch your breath
  7. Take a deep breath and submerge your face again

Repeat these steps three times to enjoy eyes that look refreshed and awake.


Massage is a quick, easy, and effective way to wake up and rejuvenate tired eyes. Gentle massage brings extra blood to your muscles and skin. The extra blood cleans out impurities that collect there overnight.

Gentle massage also helps relax the muscles around your eyes. When your muscles are less tense, your skin will smooth out and appear less swollen.

Oh, and don’t forget that a massage just feels good! That might be reason enough to take a few moments out of your busy schedule to massage the skin around your eyes. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Place your pointer finger and middle finger in the corners of your eyes (near your nose)
  2. Gently and briefly press your fingertips into your skin and then release. It should feel like you’re tapping your fingers
  3. Continue to press and release as you follow the bones underneath your eyes out toward your temples
  4. When you reach your temples, continue the massage on the skin above your eyelids back toward your nose
  5. That’s round one
  6. Repeat steps two and three
  7. This time when you reach your temples, massage the skin above your eyebrows as you move your fingers back toward your nose
  8. That’s round two
  9. Repeat both rounds three more times for a total of eight circles (four above your eyelids and four above your eyebrows)

All four rounds should only take about two minutes. You can perform this massage anytime, anywhere for a relaxing way to wake up tired eyes.


When you begin to feel your eyes getting heavy, take a break and “palm” your eyes.

What does this mean? First, rub your palms together for a few seconds to warm up your skin. Next, place your palms over your eyes. Your fingers should overlap on your forehead.

Finally, take deep breaths, inhaling through your nose for a count of four and exhaling through your mouth for a count of eight.

Hold this position for five rounds of deep breathing. The combination of darkness and warmth from your palms will give your eyes a short — often much needed — break.

The deep breathing also improves circulation and oxygen intake, which is great for your skin and eyesight overall.


Time to add another step to your fitness regimen! The skin around your eyes can benefit from exercise just like the rest of your body.

A few simple moves can strengthen your eye muscles and tighten the skin in just a few minutes. Best of all, you don’t need any equipment.

Imagine a large analog clock floating in front of you. Stare at the center for a count of two. Then move your eyes to the twelve o’clock position. Hold this position for a count of two, then move your eyes back to the center.

Next, move your eyes to the three o’clock position. Hold this position for a count of two, then move your eyes back to the center. Continue around to the six o’clock and nine o’clock positions, holding each for a count of two.

Phew! Try doing that whole circuit three times. If you stick to the routine for three days a week, you’ll have noticeably younger eyes in no time.


As silly as it sounds, another great way to wake up your eyes is to open and close them. This quick exercise will tone the skin and smaller muscles in your face.

The process is simple. Simply squeeze your eyes closed as hard as you can for a count of three. Then open them as wide as possible for another count of three.

That’s round one. Do five rounds, three times per week.


Many of the healthy foods you eat every day can have an invigorating effect on your eyes. All it takes is a few simple ingredients — like apple, watermelon, avocado, and cucumber — and 15 minutes to reduce inflammation, get rid of dark circles, and wake up tired eyes.

Here’s one simple recipe you can do at night, in the morning, or any time during the day to hydrate, soften, and moisturize.

  1. Cut an avocado in half and remove the pit and peel.
  2. Mash the avocado with a fork until you make a paste.
  3. Apply the avocado to the skin around your eyes.
  4. Let the mask sit for 15 minutes.
  5. Wash your face with lukewarm water and pat your skin dry with a soft towel.

If your tired eyes persist, apply this eye mask three times per week.


Yes, allergens like dust, pollen, and pet dander can make your nose run and your throat feel scratchy. They can also make your eyes feel red, itchy, dry, and tired.

Thankfully, there are some simple ways to get rid of allergens and reinvigorate your eyes. Try out the following tips:

  1. Vacuum or broom floors at least once per week
  2. Switch out your old pillow for a hypoallergenic version
  3. Cover your mattress with a hypoallergenic pad
  4. Wash your bedding once per week
  5. Run an air purifier in your bedroom
  6. Keep pets outside or in just one or two rooms
  7. Take an allergy pill to reduce the symptoms

Don’t worry, there’s no need to implement all seven steps at the same time. Start with the allergy pill. Then every week after that, incorporate another step into your daily and weekly routine.


Sleep is an essential part of your daily beauty routine. Without a good night’s sleep, your eyes may look tired no matter what you do. Why is sleep so important?

Because during the night, your body cleanses your skin of dead blood cells and other toxins that can build up during the day. That takes time.

So if you get less than the necessary sleep a few nights in a row, you can wake up with redness, dehydration, skin imbalances, wrinkles, and breakouts.

But with so much going on in your life, how can you be sure you’ll get seven to eight hours of sleep every night? Here are a few simple suggestions:

  1. Turn the lights out at the same time every night
  2. Turn off electronics one hour before bed
  3. Keep the temperature in your bedroom low
  4. Wear earplugs
  5. Get rid of as much light in your room as possible
  6. Invest in a quality mattress
  7. Relax your body and mind by taking deep breaths before you fall asleep

Taking the above steps to get a good night’s sleep can help you get rid of your tired eyes for good!


Moisture keeps the skin around your eyes fresh and smooth. How do you get this important moisture every day? By drinking water.

But you can’t drink while you sleep. As a result, your skin loses essential moisture during that time. You can prevent moisture loss by running a humidifier in your bedroom while you sleep.

A humidifier vaporizes water (usually with heat) and then pushes it into the air with a fan. This makes the air less dry, which prevents the moisture in your skin from evaporating away.


Mom was right — you need plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet. First of all, fruit contains vitamin C, which protects your skin and eyes from free radicals, which can damage your soft tissue.

Thanks to their high antioxidant content, fruit can also prevent age-related eye diseases, like macular degeneration and cataracts. But fruit isn’t the only food with superpowers!

Leafy greens (like kale and spinach) contain vitamin A, lutein, and vitamin B12. That’s the good stuff that protects your skin against harmful UV rays, works as antioxidants, and assists with blood cell production.

This combination of benefits will keep your eyes, and the skin around them, supplied with the nutrients they need to stay healthy. To get the most from your diet, eat at least two servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables per day.

An easy way to reach this goal is with a morning smoothie. Just toss a banana, a few handfuls of spinach or kale, half a carrot, and some strawberries and blueberries into a blender.

Next, pour in a cup of almond milk and orange juice. For an added boost, add some flaxseed meal, chia seeds, and shredded coconut. Blend for one minute or until the mixture is smooth.

Presto! You’ve just made the perfect breakfast to knock those tired eyes out of bed!


Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for both eye and skin health. They help to reduce skin inflammation and prevent skin conditions like acne and psoriasis.

In fact, omega-3 is an important structural component of the eye itself. If you don’t get enough of it in your diet, vision problems can arise.

To increase your intake of omega-3, include foods like walnuts, broccoli, avocados, salmon, and tuna in at least one meal per day. Need some ideas? Try a tuna sandwich for lunch, a salmon steak for dinner, or a small handful of walnuts as a snack.


Getting rid of tired eyes only takes a few minutes a day. And that is time well spent because when you look your best, you feel your best!


Know how to Wake Up Tired Eyes

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Having several hours of sleep doesn’t always guarantee that you’ll look energized or more awake. While it certainly helps, you should know that a number of other factors can lead to tired-looking eyes despite hours of slumber. These include prolonged exposure to bright light/glare, being stressed, allergies, and extended screen time.

The good news is there are lots of tips and tricks that can help make your eyes look more awake. These include;

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1. Splash eyes warm and cold water

When you need some help in waking up in the morning, splash your closed eyes with warm water. Do this for about 10 times then switch to cold water. This helps promote healthy circulation by bringing back the blood flow back to your face. Repeat the steps for about 4 times to help you look more alert and refreshed.

2. Submerge your face in the water

This is a more intense variation of the aforementioned technique. Submerge your face in the water for about 30 seconds (or until you can’t hold your breath anymore) at least three times. Doing so can help your eyes look more refreshed by reducing the appearance of saggy skin. It can also de-puff your tired eyes and tighten your facial skin. 

3. Use a humidifier at night

Your skin naturally loses moisture while you sleep, which is important in keeping the skin around your eyes smooth. Applying moisturizer or eye cream before dozing off can help and so does using a humidifier at night. It can make the air less dry, which can help keep your skin soft and vibrant. 

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4. Lubricate your eyes

If you wake up with dry and irritated eyes, lubricating eye drops can rehydrate them. They add extra moisture to reduce dryness, which can then make your eyes look a little less tired. Eye drops or artificial tears can also provide relief if you have dry eyes caused by too much time staring at digital devices.

5. Aim for at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep

Beauty sleep is not a myth. Your skin regenerates while you sleep, giving your body a break from environmental stressors, including pollution and sun damage. This only makes it important to get quality sleep for at least 7 hours at night. Keeping your room dark, cool, and quiet can help you fall and stay asleep. Here are other 7 ways to get beauty sleep.  

6. Maintain an anti-aging eye routine

The delicate and thin skin around your eyes makes it more prone to damage and premature. Give it a little more TLC by using an anti-aging eye cream/serum with peptides, retinol, or hyaluronic acid. One good recommendation is Dr. Sylvia’s Elastifirm Eye Restore with Peptides and Arnica

Here the key benefits of this product: 

  • Reduces inflammation and under eye puffiness
  • Helps improve fine lines and brighten dark skin
  • Retains moisture in the skin
  • Contains peptides that help strengthen skin layers that regulate collagen formation

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Avoid rubbing or scrubbing your eyes

Many of us rub our eyes first thing in the morning. The habit seems therapeutic, with the benefit of providing gentle pressure that can help you wake up. The sad part is doing this frequently can damage the delicate skin around your eyes. Too much rubbing can cause the tiny blood vessels to break, resulting in discoloration and bloodshot eyes. This can also make your dark circles darker.

Other risks of constant eye rubbing include: 

  • Eye infection
  • Damage to cornea
  • Dryness and irritation
  • Weakens skin, making it more prone to damage and wrinkles
  • Aggravates pre-existing eye conditions (like myopia or glaucoma)

Make your eyes look more awake with the tips mentioned above. You can also browse through our website for more skin care tips and product recommendations. For nonsurgical eye rejuvenation treatments like Botox, fillers, or PLASMAGE® , contact Cutis Medical Laser Clinics in Singapore today and schedule a consultation with our aesthetic doctor.  

  • If you would like to be an informed patient, please contact us at +65-6801-4000 or
    [email protected].
  • Cutis Medical Laser Clinics, 9 Scotts Road Pacific Plaza, Scotts Medical Center #08-07, Singapore – 228210
  • [email protected]

learning to get up early in the morning without problems

  • It's good that there is such a regime at all. All of the above affects primarily our sleep - an important element of health. We will talk about how to wake up if you didn’t sleep much, without much effort and, most importantly, early - in this article.

    Morning. The subway train takes passengers to work. Their faces express discontent, they themselves are rumpled and sleepy. How do you make sure you don't become one of them?

    How to learn to get up early in the morning without magic and get enough sleep?

    There is a whole range of actions to start the morning right. You can choose the ones that suit you, you can combine, you can do one thing if it works. We will list progressively: from the moment when you just opened your eyes, to full awakening. For example:

    1. Turn off the alarm clock , if it continues to ring, it has already completed its main function.
    2. Turn on the head lamp — a bright light will work to gradually awaken the body.
    3. Stretch or yawn if needed. In fact, we yawn when we want to cheer up, and not vice versa. Therefore, yawning in the morning is a very useful thing.
    4. Smile and try to put yourself in a positive mood. The day ahead is just beginning, and there will be a lot of good things in it, only if you set the mood yourself.
    5. Glass of water . A very important and useful action. In order to wake up faster and normalize the level of fluid after sleep, the body needs at least one glass of water in the morning.
    6. Charge . No need to invent complex exercises or set up a barbell and a set of weights at home. It is enough just to stretch the muscles and do a little stretching - so the body will wake up sooner and come to tone.

    For greater effect, you can perform a set of morning yoga exercises - they can be found freely on the Internet, but it is better to consult experienced teachers.

    1. Wash your face with cold water or take a contrast shower - this is another good way to cheer up, and after a workout it will be very useful.
    2. The right start to the morning is a good breakfast . It will give you energy for the whole day. This is the most important of all meals. Oatmeal with fruit, yogurt, eggs, and chicken are ideal breakfast foods. Choose and create your diet. It is better to do this immediately a week in advance.
    3. Eliminate fatty and spicy foods in the morning, do not add syrups and remember that saturation comes after 10 minutes from the beginning of the meal - wait until the food is digested.
    1. At any of the stages described above, wake-up music will help you - an energetic and favorite composition or a playlist right away.
    2. The advantage will be the opportunity to walk in the morning . Walking after sleep will strengthen all the measures taken earlier, and you will fully wake up.

    How to enter the mode? What to do if you go to bed late and don't get enough sleep?

    Let's start with the fact that the optimal time for healthy sleep
    is at least 7 hours. If you sleep less than three, then no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to wake up easily. Between three and seven hours of sleep, there is a chance of a comfortable awakening, but the body will be exhausted and tired quickly. Seven hours is the minimum, and you should not experiment with health. What to do if there was no daily routine and now you need to get up early? There are a number of measures, simple and clear. Prepare yourself for morning awakening in advance:

    1. Two hours before bedtime, you must exclude any food intake. This is especially true for fatty and spicy foods, alcohol and coffee - if you don’t want to toss and turn for half the night and not get enough sleep again, forget about them after six in the evening.
    2. Try to rehearse the morning awakening. Sounds funny, but it works. Set your alarm for a few minutes ahead. Lie down on the bed and imagine that you are sleeping. When the alarm rings, immediately turn it off and get up. Do this several times - the body will develop a habit and over time it will wake up easier and faster.
    3. Playing with an alarm clock - put the mechanism away from you, for example, in the far corner of the room - on the table. So to turn it off, you have to get out of bed.
    4. Ask a friend or relative to call in the morning to wake you up.
    5. Put a glass of water by your head at night so you don't have to go to the kitchen when you wake up.
    6. Make a to-do list for the day. There will be a feeling of forthcoming work, and you will not be able to sleep for a long time.
    1. Think of an early reward for getting up: buy exercise clothes or a bathrobe, prepare a delicious breakfast in advance and leave it overnight, watch a delayed episode of your favorite TV series or read a chapter of a good book.
    2. Do not go to bed with confused thoughts, doubts, resentment or anger. The body will not be able to sleep due to stress and anxiety. Try to settle all the exciting questions for the evening.
    3. At least an hour before bed, put your gadgets aside, shut down social media, and turn off the TV. It is better to read something neutral or light to tune in emotionally to good dreams.
    4. Meditate or do evening yoga exercises. Your muscles will relax and it will be easier to fall asleep.
    5. A cool shower will also have a good effect on the state of the body. It is cool, because after it you wrap yourself in a warm blanket and fall asleep.
    6. Don't like the cold? A hot bath with essential oils will relax you and make you sleep peacefully and easily.
    7. Do not overload yourself - proper rest will restore strength and performance.
    8. A light massage will help you get into the realm of Morpheus faster. In case of insomnia, do special massage exercises - they can be easily found on the Internet.

    If you feel sleepy despite your best efforts
    , you may want to see a doctor.

    Stick to your sleep schedule - wake up and go to bed at the same time. In this way, you will consolidate the habit and after months you will be able to wake up without an alarm clock. But if drowsiness appears earlier than usual, do not suffer - go to bed.

    How to fall asleep quickly and without a bedtime story

    Another important point: your awakening depends on how quickly you can fall asleep. As you know, we sleep in cycles of 90 minutes. During this hour and a half, a person manages to visit both the REM and non-REM sleep phases. We will not go into details of what each of the phases carries, but turn to the calculations. To wake up vigorous and full of energy, you need to do it at the end of the cycle, that is, if you go to bed at 23.00, then it will be better to wake up at 06.30 or 08.00. In this way, you will save the length of the cycle, and it will be easier to open your eyes than if you set the alarm for 07.00. To wake up on time, count this moment - set the alarm for the right time. To fall asleep faster, remember the position in which you wake up. This is the most comfortable position for your body, and in it you will fall asleep earlier than in others.

    Daily routine before going to bed, without straining the brain and muscles, will set the body up for the night. Here, brushing your teeth, lightly cleaning the room, playing with pets, or anything else is best. The main thing is to do it constantly, so that over time the body begins to get used to them as preparation for sleep. Quite often, musty or dirty air in the room prevents you from falling asleep quickly. This is due to the fact that the body allocates additional forces for proper air exchange. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to constantly monitor the air quality in a room or apartment. Check if the ventilation system is working
    , ventilate the rooms just before going to bed, try not to smoke or ask your neighbors to do it in other places. If you still find it difficult or uncomfortable to breathe as a result, get an air purifier. And even better - a breather. It is a compact supply ventilation with the ability to heat and purify the air and control parameters from a smartphone. Find your own way to keep
    fresh in your apartment.

    Stretch. Before going to bed, do some stretching exercises. In this way, they will become more relaxed, and it will be easier for you to get into a comfortable position and fall asleep. Sports will have a great effect on your well-being: swimming, running, strength exercises - all this contributes to the proper functioning of the body and good sleep. Try to look at night photos of sleeping people: in the subway, in class, at work - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that the person sleeps. Then your brain will feel more tired, it will quickly start demanding a reboot, and you will fall asleep. The average temperature in a room for good sleep is 15-20°C. See to it that it is maintained. If you have purchased a Breezer, set these parameters for the night. Turn off everything that can give extra light. Nothing should distract you from a good sleep. If this is not possible, get an eye patch and wear it at night. If you follow these tips, follow the daily routine and play sports, you will understand how easy it is to wake up in the morning, be alert all day, be in a good mood and have time for everything planned. Good dreams and cheerful morning!

    5 life hacks to wake up a beauty, not a monster


    Where puffiness, dark circles, green complexion and that's all come from. Although this time you still didn’t miss a dream.

    Irina Pogorevich,

    cosmetologist-esthetician, co-owner of the company and representative of the brands L & L Skin and Petit Ra in Russia

    “Edema is a liquid that has not left the body and for some reason is in it,” explains Irina Pogorevich, cosmetologist-esthetician, co-owner of the company and representative of the L&L Skin and Petit Ra brands in Russia.

    To get rid of morning swelling of the face, first you need to identify its cause. “Our body is smart, and water is distributed evenly in it: 2/3 of the volume is inside the cells and 1/3 is in the intercellular space. Physiologically, swelling occurs when the liquid part of the blood passes from the vessels into the intercellular space.

    Including its appearance can be influenced by cosmetic preparations that were selected without taking into account the physiological and anatomical features of the skin.

    If you apply products with a fairly dense texture at night, then lymphostasis (stagnation of fluid in the body) will be provided for you - the muscles practically do not work before going to bed.

    In general, it is important to follow the rules. For example, take a shower and apply thick night products two hours before bedtime. And the sooner you wash off your makeup, the better. In the morning, add a contrast shower to your schedule: make the water cooler for 10 seconds and then return to a comfortable temperature again. And so in a circle. Here it is important to find a balance between cold and hot, so as not to overcool.

    Face masks labeled "night mask", "sleeping mask" or "sleeping pack" are very popular now. The piece is good. Its main difference from night creams is that the latter are designed to nourish and moisturize the skin during sleep. While the task of masks is to “seal” moisture and beneficial components, and then help them penetrate deeper into skin cells. Night masks are absorbed not immediately, but gradually, during the whole sleep. In the process of absorption, they absorb useful components from serums and creams. That is why the night mask should be the last step in the evening care. However, the concentration of active substances in such products is quite high. Therefore, it is better not to use them more than two or three times a week.

    Now for the cherry on the patches. The main problem of all those who are disappointed is inflated expectations. Unfortunately, the result of a systematic violation of the regimen or genetic hollowness of the periocular orbits is not always corrected even by invasive cosmetic procedures. So don't expect the impossible. But patches will certainly help to remove slight puffiness, signs of fatigue, fine wrinkles and dullness of the skin. Just don't apply them in the evening and especially don't leave them overnight. All the main ingredients and beneficial properties are absorbed in 20 minutes.

    Food and water Anna Ivashkevich,

    nutritionist, clinical nutritional psychologist, member of the Union of the National Clinical Nutrition Association

    Swelling and insomnia, despite the fact that last night there were no margaritas. We tell you how not to repeat.

    “You can have a light snack before bedtime, but only two hours before bedtime,” reminds Anna Ivashkevich, nutritionist, clinical nutritional psychologist, member of the Union of the National Association of Clinical Nutrition.

    And most importantly, you need foods that contain tryptophan and melatonin.

    List of foods that can be included in the evening meal:

    1. tomatoes;
    2. radish;
    3. barley;
    4. brown rice;
    5. ginger;
    6. bananas;
    7. red wine;
    8. caviar;
    9. turkey;
    10. eggs;
    11. fish;
    12. soaked nuts;
    13. sesame seeds.

    Proper dinner options:

    And of course, try not to eat anything spicy, sweet or salty at night. This provokes swelling.

    Foods to avoid before bed:

    1. chocolate;
    2. baked goods;
    3. fruits with a high glycemic index;
    4. juice and soda;
    5. fast food;
    6. fried and fatty foods;
    7. a large amount of alcohol.

    Try to avoid coffee. Tea is undesirable, it also contains caffeine, which has a negative effect on the central nervous and cardiovascular systems. At the same time, tea improves mental performance and activity without negative consequences for the body. Therefore, if you feel sleepy in the morning, it will invigorate you better than any espresso.

    The right decision is to give preference to herbal preparations. But it is best to drink them an hour before bedtime. I will share three drinks that will help to avoid insomnia.


    Mint infusion helps to relax the nervous system, makes breathing easier, which is especially important in case of illness, and improves heart function. And by the way, regular consumption of the drink has a positive effect on the quality of skin and hair. It should be treated with caution by those who have low blood pressure, pregnant women and children under five years of age.


    Melissa leaves contain minerals, vitamins A, B, C groups, organic acids, essential oils and tannins - literally a storehouse of useful substances. Tea with lemon balm helps to even out the emotional background, is useful for toxicosis in pregnant women and helps to establish the regularity of the menstrual cycle. It not only relieves insomnia, but also allows you to avoid bags under the eyes and swelling.


    "Magic pill" for any nervous excitement and activity. Valerian improves the quality of sleep, makes it easier to fall asleep, and helps reduce pain in the stomach, intestines, heart area, and gallbladder. Hypertensive patients are more careful with it - if abused, you can get the opposite effect.

    You can drink water in the evening, but not in liters. A great option if you are very thirsty is half a glass of water at room temperature just before bedtime. You don't need to pour two liters into yourself."


    And why not. If the darkness under the eyes does not go away from night masks and hummus for dinner.

    In the morning you can do a lymphatic drainage massage. For better glide, it is better to apply serum or gel. Start from the normal mode - go from bottom to top along the massage lines on each side of the neck, then go to the chin area - drive the device from the center to the periphery. The next stage is the cheekbones, from the edge of the nose to the ear. Then go to the eyes - you can stay on the same mode, or you can immediately change to a cold one, process the circular muscle of the eye and take on the forehead area. Complete the procedure on the back of the neck - only now move from top to bottom, thereby accelerating the lymph flow.

    As a bonus, you can make a separate cold massage in the eye area. Removal of puffiness and improvement of complexion are provided. But it is important to understand that the effect is cumulative.”

    Sergey Dorofeev,

    Health & Else Jivamukti yoga teacher


    They help if you don't question every "om". Not in special studios with a teacher, but with the help of applications. Good ones are Meditopia, Prosto and Mo: Meditation and Sleep.

    “Of course, meditation has nothing to do with appearance in the morning,” explains Sergey Dorofeev, Jivamukti yoga teacher at Health & Else beauty and health boutique. — But by doing practices every day before going to bed, you can reduce internal stress and, accordingly, start falling asleep easier. And sound sleep helps to recover better. However, if you eat or get drunk before meeting with the bed, then at least meditate all night - you will wake up swollen and tired.

    Learn more